' ' .! mmim Hi raid. mt HlllTliIKO IIV TIIK KVENINO NRWB ,,,,: '',;HH NKWH HKHVIcm PRINT THB NEWS, NOT HMTOftT S, 1,701 Hlttb V'"' KLAMATH PALI.H, OIIIWON, I'lllllAV, IM.tlli'H X, mil! EDERAL BUILDING ASSURED BY BOURN :0MMimE FAVORS hand opinion liiuml on n lniilu iv liiatlmi n( llin apotliiuui, hut If n any U dcalmd, ih iriinr i.iiirsu employ n iriviiiti iuoiiijit .it in win apvi'inuui 10 iiiiii or iim Kutmn li.mil iimity olllnia, white u tegular chiirgn In iiiiuln fur mull work Wlimi spoi'liiions lira milt In (ho survey for oiiiuitiintliiu applicants uliiiulit i pur Ik'illnr In ulntn bother they wUli lliom returned, an iitlierwlm. iln.y will tut destroyed, (l.iteriiiiittiil nanny iiffl. rtimHKMWI,"Kl'"' huk to w m:r.v omvuii, mio iiN " w IK '" LIMMWI BfT7 iii.o.n '-. .'. r.Jtral liullillliK U MUteJl, f I'M-nlffl M Cnraou, Nov , Mont. I"1 I.. L....... I Still. Willi . Ilnar. lil.ln. II..I,... ui.-.lh lalll nil"," .".. - -. ..-....-, " ......... frniii IMnnt i DendwiH.it. H II. tt.li . .... ii irii hiuiii iiiiiii in r ., . .ir Jnnit ban muiriiu " '"" i . . t niiiur ul tliu Clmlilbur of r..-.. l,lrh was irnij at thu Krl f..ood.rlulifl'l"'l'l'.)ll'i!lil l.hi'iiiiiiio rllTTimo brVrmtWrliiid thulr UiJi n ru.l m nisugr hy .. .. .,.. ...4nifit lii HorruliifV villi is " " "- ' . I II. ..!. '.I II III lit-, woo iiiiiii'-)'")-' .- " .renins fnti,i,l" '", " ",,,uw'! u number ol iiMiiiiiiuro LfMlclulIJIiiit fctiJ grmimls I urn llf ullofllril III imr.iiir iviui ItilcfCbiWl"'"1" Mil inlllnK fur M,it for public building in our If, alls amendment liurt-ualllg l- Urtiilon f IS u" suing tomi ill.Ht, Jiu" in iioiiruw Jr. imp."." --m Irwini.K.r ( ')'i ii iitniiueimurg ItlUtflnniMin Hint tin had litald jc oJEtUI us In tli rrxult of (lio biior lo set a federal IhiIIiIIiik fr i dt. but to believed that there Ifetto roBil'li"nbi)' Inlerr.l maul fri it Wiihluittiiti In tli matter. Ui faroltWI dam tu Ilia national 4t-inrt of II n ihhIbI torlro tin "" aliioutit of liiulliPtu ikrrtty ttio iiotiuincii, iijsr I'reJ T Hi mlorwin ll lm i iumJIdiIj' UiI In lipnr If rNoUlm lo xumlnr nt about II." futi lb m)ur "Wo mi cmitl I It from tki tnrt V Rro unltiK i-(t tu ft" left tHihlnd on Ik lUtti. WVII i:it llin liaml out I fltl the limn rrt Tlii'ii we'll kt Irr from unn .::! In (hit ollitr ' At th nfi-llnc it wlilrli th tilfn- l ill rr4 loJny oiTn tlia follow itodtrtck W Mrilnrrlc, I' II, ki. Ciptiln ( C Applrnulo, Kit. kl L Chlloitr licorKu II, Hire. ill.8ltplniii, U'lllnr II lnnr, J. IRou.CiI.-IiT Ollrtr Jnlm OlUor, I Udhiie, V A Dolinll Cronliy Mr. IUIIf) of t.ravunwolrli, A, hotoM of (tit) vnliii. of mirti ki ttj BlffllllKt lif IllMllliiU IIWIl. ul4ttntln Ihofiiy of Winntrlipo. ,tUj hid bnu iiroiturtlvit of M P1, nd Hint iimn wtm woulil Mrk lo onr innlhvr on Ihn itrort '1 Wo In iHMMtuiK m ttiv noon Ctft l.aku Clly, tllah, unit Olmrlolli), N (' llnriliii Cm lor, Tlito, Cnnc, flmt Iiiub. Ilolmrt IIIkkh; wriiiul Immi, i: Null, MiilRrlii'i.ilinchfr.u..J. .Hltillmi. It.iv I'lm Hull inn) Kiiiiin lld-riMOM liml worn limiiil yi-.tcriliiy by oinit Cliirlc f tturU-M II Do .np with hi fol. low. A V I.imM, John II l.owsf), H I' Ltiwury, 0 II liwtry. Davlil Oubnrii I' H Hun-lit. A Hnlflcur mul ltii)iiiiinil PllliWt Jnbn loiiiitnlii U lii'ii. fioiu IIdUi Iilnlio, lo look liter tlm rniiiitiy. Il bin mil ii )t ilirbli-il MliKlbur Iki lll idIiI lu-ri', but I ,iry fiivorAblr Int. irinii'i Midi roiulltliinii. ODD FELLOWS 10 DAVE FINE TIME ll.IIKKAIIS, ' HAIIIIHIV T(IO, INVl'll.'ll , nkiiit fli:i,i:intA. tio.v iii:i.i k oi-ii.v ci.uit is nii'i.i: iiahi:.mi:.st CONSUL SHOOTS SELF DEM AFTER ASKING VACATION Aulit.uiigiirliiii llrirra'iilatlii In HiilKarla Cm It Niililtlo IiiiiimiII. Hly l'Biii (IrlllliK Anoirr l'nr. nblr I'nuii Niix'rlr. lilillril l'rr Berlr KOI'IA, Mnrcli X -Willi n lomlnl rntolvcr In bin liaml, Cnutit I'utnlk.j llin AiiittO'lliiiiicarlaii nuiKiil nt Wbt.l itln, lliilfarln, tililinii(,il tu llin IrKf.' Unn In tfofln, ii'iiitlnK lnvi of ntc I'licr "How much Hum ilo yon wnilt?" tin ai ntknl "A linirli 4(1 you ran kWo tin-," wan tlm ti'ply Wtirn tlio amwrr romp, "Wx will' li'nvn It to your illarrclloiv" thr rouut alit "Tlinuk you," irrml tlm trlKRrr mul frll ilrail, Mli Ojinl lltnwii, wlin linn Imtu i)iiiilo)nt nn ilrk nt Hid lliililwln ho- ti'l for Hid Kri'Mcr tmrt uf lior iny In IbU rlly, ift fur Hun Krancluro yc. Iinliiy iiiornliiK MUa Drown Iim mnilt) n liimt of frlvmla itiirlni; lirr 10. Journ In Kliiiiinlli Knlln. mul bvr lo t'lirtiini will In, rrnrrtleil liy ln-r ninny ncitinlntnnriii. I. Mullor lina roihi to Korl Kluinatb mul tliu Klnmntli Accucy on binliii' Ho I'lpccU to bu back In tliiin to niroinpaiiy tin- boontirn' rt ciimlmi to Hnn t-'rniicluro, Tomuirow hIkIiI ulll buV blK tlttio for tliu Odd l'ullowa mul llalukalu of till, dty, na at Hint tlmo will bo li'lil tlia furmul opunliiK of tlm' Odd Kcl Iowa Club In tliu liuacini-ut df tliu I. O. (). I'. Tuiniilu. Tliu ruinniliUu bns nn nuuiiiiil Hint crrry Itididkaii and Odd 1 illrir; .n t'm city la liivKa ami re limited In bu ptoncut tomorrow ovon. Iiik. no nintn.r whuthurtuR not Mioy nn nu'iiib-M of tli-. ii'-u club or t l.ctt III ln A rood aoclnl Hum I pliiinod Tin-1 iiin.ii now 1 1 in; nncyn win nu,optii, I'l'-Jwoa ronalilcrcd turn nnu raru inii" wiiiino u-miy mnt for tu mho or tliu Riirils, would bu inlilw; tlio tliliiK far beyond wlmt Hm law liittmlul." "I'll ian on tliu fti otloii tlila after noon ftfti.T rcccaa," raid JiiiIku Hon ami, "mul In tliu mrmitlniu you can liiko tip noino otlirr line." Dr. WIMto wna oxciikiiI until tlio nf- IliTlioon u'anlon, wlirn M. A. I'lko, 'wlio wna cn:lncer of tlio atenm ahovol ni'nl Hio Krlrkaon U I'clterion rnllroud conitrtictloti rnmp, a.ild no had known tliu ilnfuiutant iibout a ycivr and a linlf. "Wluit linvo you obaorvfd a to till tendency toward lliior?" naked tlio dlittlct nttornoy. "Ho uacd to drink orcaalonnlly." "Did ho over becoino drunk?" "I nuvcr miw li ltd wlien I could toll bu wna"iindur tliu Influence of liquor." "How often 1 av.j you known of lilm InkliiK n drink?" "I won with lilm twlto when wo tfKik n Klnaa of beer or two," "Wliat do you know nbout lilt ftendlnuKK na to work?" "Ifu wna iirvtly atendy while t n pretty Reed work- ELKS' UNIFORMS PURPLE IN COLOR!, "Did you ever know lilm to lay off when tlicro wna work to bu dono?" "No, ho wna initially on tlm work, a far ua I know." DR. WHITE TAKES STAND IN TRIAL TEXAS TOMMY IS CLOSE TO TOWN IMHAX ItltlllK AMI (IIIIMIM Ijint lilKht Juatlro of tin I'onrtt Cliarlea Oravra irrforinrl thu ninr rloKt crrctnon) unltlna: nnorm lll a .lit Aimln Dirk, natlvpa of Ktmnaih rounty. They nm Indiana and live at llin Klaniatli Aaonry, BOYS' 6LEECLUB AT HIGH SCHOOL oiu:axai.vm:s itm rTBUO, NOT li:ili:iAI, V(ltK 'laknl Main. llroiKl,H Hunrjr "BtTliAl Many Hmillrt. Ar ft llrKul.tr I i.u Wlilrli II want rmWliil,. n, llitmtlr rrm JlHtllon , rail. ,1 b Hid Unlled tt IMloloa aurtvy to tint fort va mil mnkii iitmlvaiii or fliotoiM or itirlnla for thn null "V aprtlnitu mwi .ii,,i,i... ., '"i by lha mir,.) iirroitiiiiinlnil 'Ai ur Hid, trmtiiifiit with "it ii im.oMii, ,.,,,!,., T,0 ''lilt dr. Im.lnn,. In .,,!, Jf. I. .. ..-... ... illl, i.ifl.n , 'rry KcinK,Uo rIvii mt off. M'MIII.HOr'..Ml VOIIT.H KOf.MI AXU VUS IK TO IMItTiaiMTK in c4immk.ci:mi.nt k.xkiicimm IN HI'ltlXd A boya ftler club aa ornan'it'd laat nlaht nt thu hlsh achool, and jtliurli ntliualaam waa arouaed miionc illii inenibera ovfr thu fact Hint thoy wiiiild be on thu pniRrmii of thu cow tlii'iirvuiellt ciercliea. The bo)a rlivurftilly comenlcd to dovuU their tlmu na e aa poaillilo to llu iimln tvliiisio of thU orRNtiUntlon, nnd to ..piunr for rehearaitl when tailed upon lo do ao. A mo iik llu number who lolnM thu iluh theru iimn hunt found u iiiimber of Reed volrea, nnd ullli n lit t tit tritlllllll! It lll not bo Ionic before they will ho able to rIvu i Kontl ncrotutl of tlioinaohea. Tlio follow IhR aro thu meiiibera up to date mid tliu parta they eipoct lo aliiKt I'lrat tenor. Ilnrry (laliirnenux, William llBRRlealeln, Harold Bar ucnt; aerond tenor, John Stankey, MII.IT.tllt HTVI.K. I.INKIl AMI Titi.MMi:ti wirii wiiii i; ru ,c- f)ll'.tV tVIIITK HlllltTrt ,t I'l'ltl'I.K Tlt HVNici.iN ,.ski:ii wiii.Tin:ii hi: iihi.ii:vi:d ni:ri:.iA.vr imii- llCIt IXSA.V, lilllT I'lHOI CJIVI.MI rtauiplea of unlforma to be worn thu members of the local lodRO Klka at the Cortland raiid LotUe July have been recelvcil, Tito tin forma am of military atylu nnd Jiru loyal purplo woolen rooiIh, with wldo braid trlmmlnKa. Thu roata atu made on thu Tuiedo atyle. with lapel lined with while Ilk. to ho worn with white allk or n'Rllure ahlrta and purple tlett. The rafa nru military, with thu Klk emblem In Rotd To romplvto the of fer I. purple uinbrellna will he carried rt ,1... Ii.,,Ih Til.- I'ML-.. MVItHI 111 I '. . " ""- ' "-" nrcoril tlLt tcnil a ueiCRaiion m i:u men in n aperlal train of I'ullmnna, AaVSHiNBlNB1 kw T --- A ff tu tliu caiu uf .Votul Katlldor. ac-1 I cuiieil of thu niurdur uf I. u! (Icb I l m linfl A it itit tit rtli tnal tli at ulfl a rfifln. 1 y ,. j.,.. . ,; M tH.1.11 Mul .ffitaA.I Iu ili.lf7. iViii.Ih. -V M a. If il ttdiv uuyini i id intii ,' iiiw nu- , IJIumh If WMH M.V.l(ii:it JOHN V. HOCHTON i.i:.iii.i with citv AtTiioit ii iks 'u 1'itirsKXT xovriiTt I.N THI.S CITV r-K.tlUII HK.tD (IK KIMHNX lOlt TIIK-tHllllIM IIIIIDKX (tniird I'reaa 8rvte CAMIIItllHlK, Maa.. March .- I'rofeaaor (ieorRo Iteliuer of llarvnnl.i who la credited with anlvliiK th IniiR- Cor wo moru nlRhta Watta a.id uraa will appear at Hou.ton'a opera ouae. beclnnlni; tomorrow night, and w iSlnmiECr Johu V. Houaton. of Houa- F. M. WhltU Waa a WltllCi of',. ,.,,r,. Imniui mi.l cm. ml Ininre. fercd by thu atutc, nnd wnuiked byarlo of theatrtcala In tho Klamath Dlilrlct Attorney Dell VCpyUcndali uln and outaklrla, la cndcavorlnB to whether ho. na a phy.gLhad yp.."- "' I'mllon of Mayor Fred T. - - . "V'riTv. , , Bnnderoon mul thu dty uti.orllle to porttmlty to examine W.HhermuIder'tta.o Tcxa, 'Tomm. tomorrw. night wna a.iu or Inaau' n, ., ,pccnlty. Attorney C. M. (Juolll. for the do- Thla fmuoua dnncc, which haa been feiiao, objected for the rcnaon that, tho talk of aovcral contlncuta, pnr to hla declaration, thero tlcutarly the one on which thla notice had ho tn no foundation laid to quail- l written, hna cauted many n rontro fy Dr Whllu na nn expert, nnd that veray na to Ita murlta and demerlH, ninny n iiiiiii hud bevu eviil to tho In- symmetry and awkwardness, beauty arr.u uiylin on account of Incompetent and honiellnef. evldenru beliiK offtrod aRalnst him. It hui been naaoclatcd with the Tur- "I understood the wltnusti to ny , key Trot, tho Ilunny Hur and a lot nt thnt ho Riivo no iotilderntlon to the others which linvo had moro or lean question of the mnn'a aanlty when lie.llnciUBloii. When MnnaRer Houaton wna there," unld JiuIro Henry I.. Hen- learned that Watta and I.ucns know aon. thla dance, he decided to Rot them to aiandlnR rl.l.lle na to wnom ino Kreni, ... r .IBrjor( Jui,K0. ji.i ron((nl , Rlvo it for tho ons nlftit. Kit)Plian apninx repreaenia. u "'anot ,,,, ,,xarlly , Uint WB).t.. ,,,, ,fo Mhct that It will prove an ex month undertake to wreit further ao. . w . ... M , f0 .IieJ no 0ln. co.0nnlly Mr,,K card to drew tho irela from tho ancient moiminent. nn ..... , Iln Mnr,.inn." ,,)! sl.lch la nt preaent completely ov., ,',M .,u .,,, Ml, ,10 ,,, olj Wntta nnd Lucaa nro exceptionally cted with the drlftlnR aandi of '' drMV an. concJugloft w object to an jroo.I vnmlovllle performera. the dnnc Sahara. ,,llu..r., .lerlnre.l tli- attomcr for thVlnir nf tho former and tho contortions While nt work Inat year Ir. l.riPt.' Itt'laner dlncmered a hole or pit In the top of tho Rreat lm..R0,a head which 1 n llkcnraa of Cephren. nn RRVptlnn l tiler. HellelnR thnt thla nprnliiR lenda to n cavity perhnpa conlnlnlni; trcnaurea of untold vnlue. tho profea anr made up hla mind to proiecuto tho nenrch Into thla mystery nt tlo enrll eat opportunity. Ho la now nt. Alex andria, whence tin will K ' I1"' aphlnx In a few dny,-elahnn.tel iqulpprtt for nil work of excpvallon, CHUG WA60NS il.'fendnnt. "Ilo did not say Hint he hnd Riven the mailer no coiulderatlon," tho dis trict attorney responded The dlatrlct attorney then naked If of Miss I.uca's. who In prlvato llf Is Mrs, Watts, being especially well re ceded on tliotr nppenraneo here ear lier In tho week. lort Amundsen Reached Pole Is Credited By Parliament Of Norway f" fun Han lr 0NDN March H An Mx.irea. "'- Tiimanla. dimu.iri. ..... '" landed ut I nln. llu brief. uw- to mak.. statement, nnd M tltlorli... ... . . . o,iM, , "'"'i pronrn to ho "I'til Ht vile. ....... Baadaen la unU n, i,,,.... t,..,,, m. . '" I'akliiR m ., week. tlm,. ., .. i Ik.. ") in ti.iun.ia nwu.l Hi,, Horn to San ii.. .- uiero in oiiina tn Wluth "' n"r,1,or" imauo to r dlan.li. .... ... wkto -'-"" 'foui itouart aayj " Amanda,,, WM Mkj p,nt hlmik If Broil hnd reached llio pole ho refused to answer. LONDON, March 8. lleuler'H news dKoiicy nt llobart, Tnammila, rr.ys: "Amundaon donled poaltivety ttn ItiK tlm Irondnn Kxpresa corrosii.nd ont or nnyono olao that Bcott renrhod tho Boulh Polo. Kngllahmcn -tHl be llovn that ho did." Tho royal Kraphlcal aoclety cabled Now .enland. nwd waa Informed that nothlnu Uo.t boon hoard. OIIUISTIANIA. March 8 The par llamont today wna dovotcd chiefly to Blorlfylng Amundaon. It waa doclded tn cnblo congrntulatlona to him. It la understood Amundsen la telegraphing th king, dsulllng hli achUvament. OWN COME TO T . M. I1K1IV. J. . TIIOMI'SOX ANI .t. t I.KWIK OWNKIIH OK .ttTO MOIHI.KS HKCKNTLY ACgUIIIKI) IXCI.CDINM TWO "IIHANDS" Three elefianl now clniK wagons uro the Into acqulaltlona made In tho auto- mobile lino In thla city, i no curs two Maxoll. one owned by l M. Ileldy la a roadster; another Is atour Iiik car owned by J. A. Thompson, mid tho third Is n Case cur, bought by A. C. Lewis of the rnrinern .,..,..'... company. All Ibreo cars are iip-to-u.iie ". cry respect, linvlpg solf starter, elec trie llglils and all Hie let Improve monts. These cats nro Iho product of thu best nutomolillo concorns In tho i....i...,m nnd their owners nro con gratulating thomsclvea that they have a car to b proua or. the doctor wns nble to cstlmnto the! J. W. Smith, who hns k ranch out number of cases Hint lie had observed i In thoM-nlloy was In the city yester- nl different limes In w hlch tho tletncnt )(lay. of Insmilty iuIkIiI have boon present, i- or suspcted to be. A. a. Oss Is in tho city from Illddle, "I don't belle.) I mil' th doctor wheie ho has been foruiInR' for tho riiswerel pint few months. Ho Is nt-present "Wrt tbcv ns man at twiuity?" IstoppliiK nt the American hotel was tho next liiterriiRnll m "I presume so." 'Was Kuli!er nl the tlmo you saw . .... I ........I ,. I. ...... w.t" llllll. Ul Jl.lll 1I1H111UII. o.lliv ... ,.iri This question wns objected to by Attorney Onelll. "This question Is when Unn export, nn expert." nld tho district attorney.. i physician who hns hnd prnctlco and observation siilllclent to put lilm . . ...I.,. ... ....I. a...... !.,) Ill lOlll'll Willi eilBVD III VllVl3J, ,.- sanity broken nrms nnd broken legs run testify on theso subjects, mid tho weight to bo given his testimony may POWDER AND BALL CROSS TOIMEXICO AUTHORITIES ALLOW nnrons and caps, and on tho whole Linked llko little fnlrlca nil togged out for n picnic. Kroin tho following menu that was served by the girls and their Inatruc tress, Miss Tuttle, the vlaltors wcro served: Menu Soup, cream of pea. Kntree, salmon 'loaf. Vegetable)!,, curried vegetables, mashed potatoes and bis cuits. Cabbage salad. Dessert, cot tngo pudding. Coffee. Mints. II, A, Klrkpatrlck and wife were In tho city yesterday to havo Mr. Klrk patrlck' eyes treated. BRIDAL COUPLE ESCAPE BY BACK DOOR OF CHURCH .Mod of Indignant Women, Dent on Lymlilng. Had Snatched Widower Oroom's Wreath l-Yom Grave of nix T1int'.Month.lrad Wife. United Press Scrvlco IIUDAPHST, March 7. A detach ment of fifty policemen waa required to quell a mob of Indignant women at Kcskemit bent on lynching Alexander Toronsil nnd his bride, who barely es caped through tho back door ot tho church. Tho bridegroom was a wid ower whoso wlfo had committed sul cldo tbrco months before. After tho funeral ho was followed by a mob shouting "hypocrite," "mur derer," and tho angry towntwomen snatched the widower's memorial wreath from tho grave, replacing It with a placard reading: "No flowers for tho dead from one who refused bread to tho living." Kd Dloomlngcamp returned here from bis ranch yeaterday. AMIIAHHAUOH WIUKM AND fTVM IIUMHtKT) AMKMCAXS MEET TO PIIKPAIIK. i'MNH TO nETE51 TIIKMHKl.'K8 United Prtaa arrMst EL PASO, Texai, March 7. Mac lean federals aro concentniln at Tor reon. It It expected that the moat decisive battle yet wilt be titer Already 3,000 federals arc there, and 2,000 more on the way. The American authorities are per mitting arms and ammunltioa to cross tho border. Klfty-l- tbouaaad rounds of ammuidtlou hire already crossed to the rebuts. BJ flattie Acnttaa United Preae ttrrlm MEXICO CITY, March 8. It to im ported that 300 were killed ! a fcat tlo of 3,000 Zapatistas and 1.S00 fed. crals near Aeatlaa. It baa continued since Sunday. Tha rebels are approaching Vera Crni llty, and an attack it expected. Ambassador Wilson and BOO Aaar- leans met and appointed a eonmlttta of nlno to prepare defease plaaa. The anti-American aentlment la growlag. FIREMAN BALL WELL UNDER WAY (OMMITTKK OP AlllLWOEMEXTfi AT WOltK KOIt EVENT. WHICH IS KCIIKDULKD TO TAKE PLACE KAHLIKIl THAN V8UAL niOT BEHIND BARS BY SCFFRAOETTaW United Press Berne LONDON, March 8. Allco Wright, q American leading the suffragettee now In Hollaway prison, haa beeas aea- fenced to hard labor for .defying the authorities. The prisoner rafaaed tn take the customary bath oa dec prison garb. The wardrtetea f oread the prisoners to obey. A riot aaaaed.. Two wardraeai their clothing torn ot. They forced to use fetter to fore tkt prle oncra to don the prison ctotnM. At a signal the ausTragetU tor the sewing machines apart. The workroom waa at once la aa uproar. The prison authorities ordered tk ringleaders Into solitary conflnent In cells under gronnd, which an damp and chilly. The officials refused the Carted Press formal application to a Mtea Wright. Arrangements for the annual ball of tho Klamath Palls volunteer fire men aro going on merrily, and the ovent bids fair to be oco ot the most popular of tho kind given In thla city (tilt, social season. In the past It has been tho custom to give tbo event on St. Patrick's night, but this year the day which celebrates the advent ot tho well known godly figure will fall bn a Sunday, which Interferes with tho customary setting of the time. Houston's opera houso la to be the scone of tho event, and the committee which Is working on tho proposition consists ot Chief Ed W. Wakefield Caleb T. Oliver, Keith Ambrose, O. H. llrennuman, Ralph Dale, John Ar graves, Ed Gowan, Chariot Humph rey. Henry rjoellor. The White Pell can orchestra Is to deliver tho neces sary concourse ot sweet and harmon ious sounds to lur the guests to terp slchorcan trend. ROOSEVELT CALIFORNIA CAMPAIGN OPENS MONDAY United Preae Service LOS ANGELES II March 7. Oov- ernor Johnson opens tn caiuoraia campaign tor Roosevelt Saturday T- nlng. The Plan It to make tk big gest political meeting ever held ta the state. JAW WORKERS JAILED FOR VIOLATING ORDINANCE United Press Serrtc 8AN DIEOO. Calif.. March 7. Tk grand jury returned thirty-two Indict ments against member ot the I. W. W. for violation ot the street speak ing ordinance. They are tn Jail aad will havo trials next week. W. S. Welch of Dairy came to I Klamath Falls yesterday. VISITORS FEED AT HIGH SCHOOL Elks Choose New Officers To Serve During Year Which Begins April 1 LIGHT LUNCHEON PREPARED bo based on the nmount or stuily. prnctlco nnd observation ho hns hnd. If wo wcro to havo testimony nbout u rneo of dlplhertn wo would hardly oxport to havo nn expert on thnt sub ject, but if tho problem is followed out iiIoiir tho same line It would bo necessary to have nn expert on bullot wounds, nn expert on epilepsy, nnd nn expert on psychic epilepsy, If that wcro the form wo particularly wished to have considered. Wo would linvo to huvo nn oxpert expert, then nn ox pi rt export export, which Miuld tiury tho proposition to u ridiculous ox trcnie. Wo would linvo n particular Kind tcstlflod iib'int. then have to ctll somebody to tostlfy to what' kind of that kind It was In quostlonV- ThU AND SEHVED FOR GUESTS IIV GIRLS, APRONED AND CAPPED, I.OOKING LIKE FAIRIES fits Tho high school had the pleasur n number'of gentlemen visitors morning. They rnino to vie; manual training department, rid the tnpld progress that has beo made along this line of mechanic They were Invited by tho girls J the do mostlc science department i partake of a luncheon especially pJivldod for tbo guests. Tho visitors were very td with advancement thai made tn both theso Unci pressed themsqlvcs oncoura The light luuchoon provod very appetising. The glrla donaed itch pleas- been regular meeting of Klamath s Lodge No. 1347. D. P. O. E last cnlng, tho annual election of officers for the year beginning April lit wa held. Following are the men who will preside over the lodge during the next year: Exalted Ruler, Hunter Bavldge; Es teemed Leading Knight, Cbaa. I. Rob erta; Esteemed Loyal Knight, F, R. Olds; Esteemed Lecturing Knight, H. P. dalarneaux; secretary, L. H. Bath: treasurer, Leslie Rogers; tyler, Paul Breltenstlen 8. T. i td a rpra- iWtlve to the Grand Lodge,' aad O. Herguson si alternate. J. dOV. FRANCIS SAYS EXPO WILL RE GREATEST Executive of Missouri and Pre deat of St. Louis Fab, la la dean Boesttac for Baa II 1015 Fab I PASADENA, March 8. Th Baa Francisco exposition will be th great Ist In modern history, aad will b at Inestimable value to Baa Itaaatoe and all California, according to fer- Qorernor David R. Fraacu of at tk St. Laala Fair, who U) la Paaaaaaar. . '--V ST"' 9t W"l J,. . v " iWV it, '.:-