grde Htfaift. HtUTMHI HV TUB imnt:i' piiww wvic VKK1KO Natta print tub mnra, not etalhYrer '" 'w KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAnt'll 7. 1019 STATE'S REBUTTAL IN F4LLDER TRIAI Lrrhth examined lllliRTN r r, iwiwi Tt()X IN IHI'ITAI' SECURED irV T.tTJiJse'Pt?tisaiiit, uyrtffiKiiirrrt ni'.tiut fitylrs ) clinria nowing nonei iiMer'a pliMlenl ciiiiillllun during Ilk Ur In the Samaritan hospital are Inpr!! to Ih' Iniro.lucr-tl by District Attarw IK'H V Ktiylci'iiilall Ababala today, alts mIm Ji Kin m iirniiuuii, who ,irKj Ku.rr In tint hoapltal after fiildtr ihftt l.niila Onlilmrl nml trlrd ullllhlra;lf teatMed, alio MM aim sill tilth rlmltt liut "l'l''''l IJUJJ tniillll 1 tli Iwapltal.l Tli laln lei grt thrift" Iii ii o (or re- litllci ttMriiro Intmdured by III it E Mishit. II viiia Hint whlln Fred gorier, representing Sheriff WIIIUiu l!Ur, i a guard inrr Faultier, UBUf copies ( the rharls. Whan a!H u lh 'nn this iiiiirntng nnl M II hn hail lilsilr coplc ill tlm Idarti ke talil Hint lin hail -Jlr thrr till In ilnlnrr?" aakml liUdUtrlrt ittnrnrr 'U. air." 'On rou gri ilii'in mut inuiliicx tttalalhe rutin rmini an (hut wn ran tllem!" -'Ida. It will lake n limit rli titln- Wft U o t th hiiusn mid gr thnm nil I fo liter tin-in'" ll all decided that hn utiuilM 0, 4MI ! k'miu I)r, llownrd K. irws failed to the iand. 1!k It doctor wii testifying Mr. Haiti; lh. In with tho paia unit uMiitntm tu l tin district attnrnoy. Or Cirrulh firm aikod by tho m niotnv) II hn had not urevl- Mr iMllflct Hut he m llronsod illa, Attnrii)' C XI Onolll, (or Met, objected to tho qucitlon. Ia tb niuttir Argument for both i Ibt tniwrr II any was made. I kiit. "Ai jon Itmlllar with uervou WATTMAMiMX'AK PERFORM AGAIN Watts ami I.tiraa gave auotliar per formance at Houtton'a opera home Hast night hofora an Interested and m amtiaed audience, which Include! tho '"" " riobti Faulder ca, In Ilia tulod"' was tha nett ! of Ualllffa Clarenca O. Morgan nml llanrr Stout Th. are Auitrallana, who not only do varl jug vsuqsvuie turn, hut ara both oxeonont ilancora Tlia atupa aieeutvd by Mr Walla In hla Indlrldual turn were daftly dont, and ha allowed an endurance that la unuauat In dancera. MUa I.ucaa did a twining act that ahowa aha ran contort to a high dc grw, and no matter Into what dim. cult knot aha wonna heraelf, contln. iipa to anilie pleaaantly Lei It bo nopod aim never contorta on a floor where there arn apllnti'ra. Iloth ij. Pla do hurlcaqtio work aa a learn. Moving plcturea filled out the bill laat night, and Ihe antertalnnra will appt-ar again Haturday Mid Hunday nlghta. ,fard by quaallou "II rau be uuantltatlva ur uunlllii. live, Hie formvr being aa to loia of memory and tha latter applying to tha luaa of reaioulng power' "What la apllapayT" "Moat autliurltlea claaa It aa a ner vous dlaraaa and not tuuntal, aa af. fueling Ilia nervoua ituin and not tha brain It Involvea loaa or ran. Imiinoie Thora are four klnda. otll tnal, grand ma I inrclilc and arkaoulan," "What la tha pachlo form?" "I object that the wltnraa It tettlfy, ng without qualification," urged At ortiey Onolll, of tlm dolnnae The ob. nctlon waa overruled, Tho wltnraa anaworod that It waa he form Involvlug loia of contcloua. r from iiioineiitary cauaea. ami hat tlm auffmer would atop, not fall. IliK, himuver lie aald that ()lr vuv.i llm prrloda of atoppngu from thren to four turn lull Tho attnrka might tut friMiueut, hut of vury abort duration, Tim neit iiuiiitlon brought the oh Jlctlon from tho dufetue that n lot of itiiallona were being auawered which wnrn about aymptotna, and not baaed on any evidence offrrr.1 In the caio "That'e Juat what llr I'arkitr did for (ho ilofoin.t, derlaritd llm i-ourl, with roiialdrrahle mphaala "I think II fair for tlm atatn to go along tha oiiio line or tcetlmony." "It llr I'arknr did tmtlfy In any way that waa out or order It waa thulr hualtvoa to object," Imlalod the at. lorny The ctiurt atated that whllu lio believed tlio objection wai hardly vull groundrd tin waa willing to re iiiuvk nil doubt In hla own mind by giving tho matter conalderatlon, ao he adjourned the raae until I 30 p in. LOCAL MEN SEEK DELEGATE SEATS MOIKMX'ANH I'OUItl'AltlKltH HTIM. DltAfiUINO AU)N(i COIXCIDKNT THAT AMI'lltANTrt Hill NATIONAL IIO.NOItH OK I'AHTILH AHU IIOTII HOI.IIIIJIIH AMI KDITOIIH GIRLS ADVISED BY DOCTOR'S TALK Mil. KMMA IHtAKK AI'I'KAIIH IIK lOltK TUMI IN IN)MMTIC m:i. KNTi: l(H).M OK IIKJII HCHIMII, In addition to the p(nntltude of randldntua lor county and city office, Klamath I'alla nnd vicinity aro bettor o'lulppod In candidate! for national honor political than mutt communl Ilea. Thcro aro candidates from thla county for delvRatu to the republican national convention at Chicago, Junu 18, nnd to thu democratic national convention lo bo held In llaltlmoro ahortly afterward. Captain O, C. Apptegatn, who wna a dclcgnto to the national' republican convention In Mlnnonpotlaln 1892, la mo nvaiiaoin meat man ;ror aimiiai aervlro thla year, nnd haa naked Sec retary of Stnto lien W. Olentt to print after hi nnmo on tho balldf. "Prompt development of natural , rcmurcea; liberal aid for Irrigation, nnd good roada." I Chartca W Sherman 8r., of DMry.l very well known throughout the coun ty and adjoining country, linn ronw out for deleeato to Iho d'mocratlc natlonnl ennvcntlnn He la 70 yearn of ago, nnd for twenty yeara lived In Nrhrnaka, where ho waa for a Hun aecretnry to William J. Ilrnn. He haa lived In Klamath county nlnj ycara, It la algnlflcant that both cntidl dntea are retoran warrlora, and npnt Jyeara In newipaper work. PARIS, March 7. Thnt Bpnln In In poaltlon to tnko ovor, aubjugat hold In peaco tho portion of Mo- rorco which an entente with France would glvo her, la the nrdent belief of ofllclala here. , For months negotiation have been dragging nlong and no" progrcaa ban boon made. Franco haa made every poaalhlo concoaalon, hut Spain folia to r on pond. Tho principal dlfferenca betwoon Frnnco and Spain Ilea In tho control of tho propoied Tanglora-KI-Fex rail- wwny, tho French having tho longeat end of the road wlah to bo tho atrong- cat In control, Spain dealrlng each country to control Hi particular aec- Hon, a third directorate, headed al ternately by n Frenchman nnd a Span lard, to aupervlao tho whole. The qupatlon of dutlc la alao mooted. SHORT COURSE IS HIGH SCHOOL PLAN Mra. Pctcratctner Is convalescing very nicely nuhe Snmnrltan HoaplUI. She oxpecta to bo out In a fow days If tho Improvement keeps up. pcraons and loading race ot unuauat resources. Ho haa volco that la aald to touch almost overy note In threo g&tnuta, ronglnr from tha subterra nean basso profundo to tho altltudl- nous soprano coloratura. Mrs. Weeks Is also a skilled musician and actress. whllo Mlas Lulu Sinclair will appear In violin solos. This will prove the laat attraction In what has proved to be an unusual ly meritorious croup of attractions, and which havo augured well for the futuro wolfaro of Klamath Falls In tho way of entertainments, so long aa tho local lyceum movement cares to give them. ALDERMAN'S LETTER PRINCIPAL W. B. PAtOHT, Alfjri IOV8 FOR AORICVIrURB FKA. TtHE, IS ENCOl'RAOED RT TMK NTATI I Mra Itecao Is still In a gerloua con-l OARROW'S TRANSCRIPT IS CAUSE OF LBGAl TANGLE IHalrlit Atliim'ry Will Vauuli Imllrl. iitmle If Nrrrfaarr, ami Ararml ' Frorr Altitmry of McXamaras on Criminal tnfuraaatloiaa. a dla-i tt. ii.. ,... u...i.; an iuiiiii in ininniiyi waa t aiiad the wltnrn l n not a itxirUllM. but have a kiowUdite of ltri, mattem In a Mffil y fr,im medical urnrllie." H Alturnry Onelll utitnred an. Wrr objection nn the batla Hint uo tuition hut lu-en laid for auch Uwi. lod that the wltneiN had tMllBed to tiillly as an Alport to I forma of Inamiltr '" OOJKIlim iii overriilail l. fH Henry I, iiciison, that tho legal I i.un AMiKi.KH, Marcn t. Tha o. flro of District Attornay Fredericks U undecided a to Ha procedure In tlm Harrow rate In the event that the lignt tanglo growing out of the al leged Incomplete state ot the Iran airlpt of vldance haa a ipeclfle affect nn the Indictments under which tha (diner attornay for tha McN'amaras U held. FraUrlcka still la arm la bla da tirmlnatlon to quash tha Indictments Ilf nereaaary and r'arrett Harrow on tctlmlnal Informatlont. Under no con. Hum wiy Inlnteatlng aa well aa helpful advice waa given yettorday morning to gtrla only In thu domvillc aclviico room of the high nrhool by Ur Kmiiia Drake. The doctor luformed tho glrla that alio wanted thorn to aik aucatlona aa freely aa they wlebfd, and uot to feci illtlon at the Samaritan hoapltal. In any way afraid to eipreaa their opinions on any sunject. Hearing In I ijaUaasawW till HIM ol Wilfred mind the fact that tome might be-ejMrliuu. at Yalnag Agency, utllo timid to aay Juat what wlahed, aba requested them lo their quMtinne on paper, and In this! aay refrain from subjecting any to cmbarrnaamenta. The advice that was given br Ihe doctor waa xnnA n I wholesome, and pertained to the dally' life of Ihe average girl, I GIRLS' CULINARY ABILITY SHOWN S . I.MT i waa nnrniawi TV ...I..Jau kuula.. .....Ilu Baaa-T ! IJwyUV 'UJIIIJJItJUIlM-,,saaa' I mm m sued 10 OBTAIN MONEY YOUXH WOMKN OK lllflll HCIIOOli HOMIMTIC KCIKXCK MJIHH HKItVK TKMITIXH HIHIII-X TO TIIKIIl OL'KNTN Thii glrla of the high school domea- tic aclonco class had a chanco to show their culinary ability yesterday at noon, when they sorted lunch to Dr. Kmtna Drake nud tho faculty and pcrlntcndent II. II. Dunbar and C Dunbar. Tho luncheon waa very utlly tuado up, and the different relishes which furntihcd a part ot tho repast proved to be exceedingly good. A lew table ndded very much to the occasion, providing a place to eat. j Tills is tho first tlmo tho girls have hod a chanco 'it manifest their abil ity In the cooking line. Mridram Haa Is Grippe Charles Meldrum, head electrlclai for the Sliklyou Light and Powi company'a plant on the West Sldi has been confined to his bed for th past several days from a sovere at tack of la grippe. Mr. Meldrum con tracted a bad cold while adjusting the hcadgatcs abovo tha power plant. It was feared for a couple of days that Mr. Meldrum showed symptoms of pneumonia, but the alarm provod proved false. iv. b. Thompson, socialist erMn- iser, has sent. te Mayor Fred T. San derson.- City Attorney Minnlng and the local dally nowipapers an Invita tion to a meeting to be held 8unday evening. At the meeting will be con sidered the charter offered by the city council to perpetuate the presnt form of government. This charter will be voted on at the apeclal election. April 23,1911. Don't forget the big dance at Hous. ton's Saturday night. DM MKI IS SHED eUAMtfllJWW nion bl'tnif'n fnrma .it n.... ' Pesaiylvanla waa familiar to ,ml,)n' ,l0 ,J' "' "' c . that ho mm uimwnro of tho t0 Ititm or tlm mnttnr. I Ik lt l Penniyhnnln Km thrnn r..rti. l.WMl??Cr, lmbrll"V "ixl Inaaiilty, -iuTing n innn wlthuut a mind, IBwello in mliiii win. it,.. n.tA M"M, While nil Itisniiu man waa nn. looif. haul n mind i,t had I oat II. " "inn ,f M ,,,.. I,., ..... finally dropped. Tha caie ulad for March to be tat. While Pelican orchestra at Hous ton' Saturday night. Dante :I0, WANTKU Will buy clean cotton rags. W O. Smith Printing Co. iels' War On Homesteaders Is In Federal Equity Court lllA,u. ... ... -...,. r, ,, ,,,.. . , . lABln I.... ---. ...i. returned from Port "ero Hie y niim..iro.l in ii... r...i leourt of tauiiv i.. .i... ,, Ifi.1"!'"1 '"'"'""lends In 37-10, "lire nnii...i .. . ' mi mini oaat or UurliiFTtTTWassawsasi nllornev uin- . .. ." mo CaMl Ilf A II t.l.l. ut iiiu j..i.. ,.'..;..'"'"" Mint ii.. I "HHiinr ana va LT ""!. nf tho claimant. l"l. who". r'K,,U wro d'- toy .. ?'!.nw"'"m)wii timber '. Wi. ... "" l,0lne ln Hhlneland. I . Hill Ml... - ... .. - CWolPn.M -"""'" ro i-iau " Portland, Thu Hamo lalnttif lSi?A'"VM"k "wnlsia ara i,i, V ' wao mier- isfalil ."'"' Wl"" veaiai ll. S'f ,k.,IW ' n" CbU waia of thh, -iiv .. T.v -.. u.iuaj luair legal Originally there were about a doi- on homeaHndors whoao lands wore In- olved, but It Is probabto that tha roal attle will prove to be botween tha ofondnnta above named. It Is be loved that tho decision In the case argued by Mr. Mills will act as a pre cedent for the other casoa and that what Is decided In (hat one will apply to the rest. Originally the state had the lauds about 1,000 acres, under Indemnity scrip, when Mr. Daniel sought to have tho land made exempt from this, Tho stnto finally llftod this claim fr tho land, and right after thla homesteaders fllod on It, evontJa taking patents. Dut meantime Dlnlfia continued his efforts to get eontfolfof th land by using forest rMrvep Ha now asks tha federal equity eolrt to doclaro tho homesteaders trust of tho lenal title to tho various Dlectt of land, h claiming that tha legi GOOD TIMES ARE THEIR PROSPECT INDIAN KANUIKHM I.N VICINITY OK YAINAX AUK K.VCOl'ltAGKI) OVKIt OITUM1K KOrilTII OF Jl'I.Y PlJlNS James Vaua, aealor member of iho getioral merchandlae firm of Woldord Venn, at Valnas aub-agency, north east of thla city, has departed for hi home. During his short stay In th city he transacted dullness mattori with tho local merchants. Mr. Vann statss that the many In dian ranchers In the Yalnax vicinity who suffered from the scarcity of hay last winter, took ample precaution Inst fall that tho anmo fate would not bo repeated this year. Krom presont prospects tho Indians npect prosper ous times this season. Already there la conatdorablo talk about having onj big, glorious Fourth of July celebra tion. Last year this celebration proved almost a failure, owing to hard time that befell th trlb. iJAMEM HYAN. TllllOl'UII ATTOIt NKY K. II. MIM. FILES nil.I. AGAINST TIIRM, TIIKIR ATTOIt NKY IIKNYINO AM.KOATIONH I It. II. Walton was In from his ranch Ijciterday. James Kyau haa, through Attorney Fred II. Mills, filed ault ngatnit Mrs. W K. Francis aud Julln C. Sharp for Ihe recovery ot money He allcgvi that ho gavo thorn $40 February 1,1 which they wero to return, and that on December !7. 1911, defendant cold and agreed to deliver to him cer tain property, and that he paid them ISO, but that tho property has never been delivered. Ho nucrta that the ISO was to be returned In the caio the property was not delivered, and that thoy failed to return tho money. He auks 190 with Interest at 0 Jcr cent from February Sl.jlttatney Horace M. Manning, f:metMfant. has flMd a general 4aaWl- SOCIAL TOPIC PURITY ONIGH T WIIITK HMK TBAFFIO WIMj HK MI'IUKCT OF liKCTUnK AT OP- mmu 11' 1111 1 gUM k. A. IlKAKK - Dr. Emma K. A. Drake will Iwtiif at Houston,' opera house this aven- Ing on the white Slav trarac. a sne i... (men engaged In moral uplift work for some time, having formerly bssn attachod to Judge Den Undsoy' wall known Juvenile court In Donvor, bar talk! ara aipeetad to b full of SCHOOL HOTS PLAN GLEE CLUB IF ONK CAS UK ORGANIZED SOON KNOL'GII IT WlUi ARRANGE TO A1TKAH AT TUB COMMENCE KXERCIBE8 SUIT FOR BOARD BEFORE JUSTICE ATTOItNKY HKNNKIl WANTS COM. 1'I.AIXT MADK MOItK DEFINITE AND CERTAIN, IT NOT SAYING KIND OF HOARD JIM Gl'RaEOTES FILES DAMAGE BILL FOR OVER 910,000 AGAINST GEORGE C. CLARK, HAYING BAGS STRl'CK HIM ThU afternoon thoro waa a meetini: of thn boya ot the high school to or ganist a gloo club. Up to the present time this year thoro haa boon no,sucu organization, Many think that It a musical club were startod they would havo ample opportunity ot getting themsolves In shape tor tho com mencement exercises at th close ot this term. Lasi year the glee club helped won derfully In bringing up the standard of the entertainment.). There Is no doubt that plenty of Hinging matorlal can be developed. Hand Practicing for Debate Tha high school hand la practicing hard In order to be prepared tor the playing tomorrow night at tha de bate. Among tho number ot piece anl aom vary nn overture aaa er lu tho case ot H. O. Ilurtcough against Janice Hansbrough, an action In tho court of Justice of the Peace Charles Graves, alleging 137.70 to be duo for board furnished to defendant when Durscough conducted a restuu rant on Main street, the defendant has been given until March 11 to an awer. When tho preliminary hearing was held before tho justice, Attorney W. II. A. Henner. for the defendant, moved thnt tho complaint, drawn by Attorney W. H. Shaw, not specifying what kind of board, whether ot wood or somo other matorlal, bo made more definite and cortatn. This facetious objection was strenuously opposed by Attorney Shaw, and the Justice over ruled It. WEEKS COMPANY AS LYCEUM CARD CHIEF MEMIIEIt IS CHARACTER ACTOR AND SINGER WIFE IS MUSICAL. AND VIOLIN SOLOIST APPEARS ALSO On March 19th the Edwin R. Week company will appear In th Klamath Lyceum course at the opera house of John V. Houston, and will afford a variety of enjoyment tor the evening, which Is expected to attract a crowd ed bouse. Mr. Week head the troupe and I aa Impamnator of both aoted Damages In the sum of $10,000, be tides 300 for loss ot time, are asked by Jim Gurgeoies from George C, Clark, who was the contractor on the Lost River diversion dam. Gurgeotes, who was recently In n hospital In Sac rtmento for Jhoatmont of his alleged Injuries, assert that he waa Injured Sapt ember 22, while working under the name of Jim Davis at the dam. He claim that the defendant piled or caused to bo plied at the work certain racks of cement, and that the piling was done In a careless, reckless and negligent manner, leaving them tot tering and unstable. While working near the pile of sack In a bad light, ho alleges that they fell on him, wounding, bruising, crushing and breaking hla left leg below the knee, making him alck and helpless, so that he had to lie In bed for weeks. No answer to the cult haa aa yet been filed by the defendant. t Is suggested that a short eoarae scientific agriculture be had la tha lamath county high school sect ear, and th many who ar latarwt- ara anxious to see It Ubllsa4. Principal W. E. Faught Is aaxtoaa to sea the course Installed, and has a letter from Superintendent of Paklle Instruction L. R. Alderman which ha greatly encouraged him la his woik for the pa catioBar Tn letter mil: m very much delight '. rr"!i your plan of having a short - jnc open to all. It seems to aa that each of our county high schools might wall adopt similar course. "This department will try to be of ncrrlce to yon In the way of tending tAatartal.fraavUa to time, and sg- gestlng experiment that could be worked out la auch a course. "There have lately been la this of fice two men who are expert potato grower. They have told ma a numbr of thing about cutting aad plaattag which suggest some experiment I would like to hare yoa try. It tha potato la cut cross way, will tha part opposite the seed end do aa well aa the seed endT Will th growth b stronger If th potato Is eat length wise Should there be two or Urea eye to the hlllT Or, would It be) bat ter simply to split tha potato leagta wise Into halveaT Will barnyard asa- nure make the potato "scabby"? Will th potato yield mora It a Httl land plaster 1 snrlnkled oa taa'tlaa- when ihey are oat of tb ground aboat two or three weeks? "It seems to me that your echeol could teat out these question, aad publish th results. Such tafonaa tloa would be of value to th eatlr stat. "Of course la your short eoara these problem could not be worked out, but they could be presented for discussion and worked oat br year regular class; also they could bo brought up again next year, aad aerro a connecting link for your abort courses from year to year." MJm McCoUam Make Apoearaae Yesterday tho stork visited tha home ot Mr. and Mra. O. J. McCotlsaa at Worden, and handed them aa eight- pound girl. Mr. and Mr. E. Paddock, who for merly resided at Ninth aad Plae streets, hare moved to their aaw baa- galow In the Hot Springs addltioa. The new house to which thoy aava moved la op to data la arory i Best music In town at opera house Saturday night. Dane 1:10. Necktie Party Saturday, Charter Meeting Sunday, Socialist's Plan. Ladle of Local Ewaunsi. socialist party, will hold a necktie social at the local headquarters on Fourth street (old Denver cafe), on Saturday evening, March 9. Ereryone will be welcome, especially worklngmen and their families. The ladles will take baskets ot eat ables, each basket containing alao a gentleman's necktie of calico or other material. They will provide them selves with aprons to match, which they will don when th Mlllag ot tb baskets commence. Tb gwtlMaaa will then array themselves la taetr necktie and seek tbelr partnra for upper, who will wear tha aproaa cor responding to tho maUrlal of tho necktie. Th order of th evening will eoa slst ot a literary aad musical pro gram, refreshments aad dancing. TWO MILLION FOR POOR IS GIVEN HY ROTHSCHILD Money Left by Daxeaseel Win Be Used to BaUa Cottage Near Pari to Be Rentes to Worktas People at Prac UcaUy Matetoaaaco Coat United Pre iarvle PARIS, March 7. It baa just been mad knowa that tho Baron Gustavo da Rothschild, who died here a fw iMki ago, left M.OOMM for tho re lief ot poor tenant. Tha will be expended la the rectlon of cot tage near Pari to be rented to work ing people for no mora thaa upkeep and depreciation amouat to. Bad as ara th Aatarieaa teaeaaeata the average la far abov tkoaa la Paris. Tb latter ara almost laTart ably la tb old parte of th etty, la building buadraa of year ol. with no Teatitetioa or light, thiek aaa walla and aro vaeoaaaetaa with too Mwag system, uaaartiostaoi ara rtalat raataar. 7 till Ti la Ma. taratt aa I ' v. ,r' ' i " ill i iitsamW