i-1,1 .-;n V- 4 biniita ffefalo. j 1 HIU'I'MKK IIY TIIK ' ,,N,n:i piikmn nkwh hkhvick B-ataia-a-aa-a IT HIM ' immoiiiwVi muut the mnnmrav gfte phi It Vrnr -Xo. """ KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WKDMP.SDAY. MAnCH ft, ISIS DEAD LETTER LAW THAT OE BUILDING nut know why nl.1 il,,. ii'ipiinil," lint nut nrrus'o-l nor iimii iiiWiiKtii (..,m...... MM. i-iiv"" -,i-jvi- mil nnywotiu nrritoi, utnl n Oori't loaf mi the ttrevts and tell NlrntiKftd Hint tliu town I dead, jt Hh tint. Tin. trniilil,, in nnt tlint of ill-nil town, hut tm( of dead energies of loo ninny of II. peop, Rhow Hint ')ou nto nllvo by inovlriK lively, wide nwukn Iiy jiimnlne Into II ..n ih.. .1... ili)- IniiifiivliiK )oiir opportunity, and Retting I here becauao you are In (he N-uil of tlm prnceaalon o, iiiijwimiu nrrucii. nti.i ,.. ' - 'p-.latn.lnf Hlini,,ill,ilHoik,.t. '"HS ,M,0,,H ""IT ' " " ' I nt-li mid If tlm wiinir,, inil r,. VH. AMIIIUMH-rrTI MV Hlll! l-'HOXT IIKIXU ITT ,r" w,'r" -ItHl..I mid mi, ilc, (,,. ' " .,,,. -.Ui!Mi.tMi! uinn, ,4,.!,.:,.',,", """A"1" wn roaponalLlo .""'. ' " through Attorn- ' " I "" l"un-.l, nml admitted II, m """' ' Hulenlc, Jullua On i.ntnr II lil if tt II! u. .... i. . . . . . tf.ilt miaL.1 t a . ... i -r-t. ! aia n ! linVIIIKIIIll.l ! I... "'Ml llhllllllll I IIIMHIIIII .1 II lltlln..lll a B. - lil II wn not aerloua, ll iletlnrnl "n"" stonemason, The object lit ' m airiNiir wrecked trolley ran"' ncuon war In recover inoriiy. i-ii.i uirow i... nt I In. pnaaeugnra tin '""" :!"5 '"'"'K allego,! oi dim onla fill III. ,....,...,....-. .. la tirilllll. ..... ....... Mt . ... ... 1 - '"M""ii"nu riiinneii miniii nnd i'- " imi- inn nut, which win butMine iitdlnaiiro whim intnlillnlien r atoreil onn-r. lit. drilled Huhlilriit ,n"" In Urn court of Juatlrn ... ... il.,. Ii. nml n-iiiilrio h..miiIiI """l r children. On. I'ear.. Charles (lravea ha. I... IBr M" ' tf... Ml-,. . . . .11.. .1. 1 ... . . . . """. win element of prejudlc IKMIM WIOMWIIiniTJMMIIIIIV FIGHTER NELSON MAY BE SECURED N ri'iiilre.i permit fur altrratlona tna a dend letter. A ne Irniit It lielnr. put In (lie WllbruvMellmx. block alum room lotmjflr occupied liy llm Toggery, for kith nu permit ni oninineii noiu I council. "'" liuiii i in irnine, ion ,.t, in i hi. ni limit niJIaaari V) H Mneftlem o Hint tlm TiiKK"!)' Kitic linn, ncn tumiivi-d from tliln irom Jlil'iiullr nifi' Miiln ultecl u loom In lilili ii iii.h fiunl wan iou iirodfit Hltliuiil n periiilt Iriiin llm (tuotll. la Ibli roe n motion of (,'1111111 II Bialluurl A Alford Hint Cll Atlor tr llonri. M MhiiiiIiik lie lnttriirle.1 U ttf up the nerentnr)' impelD lo trice Ibe iurlk nll.-Keit In tin Kit II ty t( tlnlttlnc the lM Infill i I'lillci. Jidlr Thtmi I' NUIinUi, ireinlleil it I bo council iiii'.iIiik nlintit n furl. lkl in, Hut ulnru that time n dull ISl ilckrnlnK .llrlire linn trlmie.l In It titlrr Tie cliy altorney n not iretent lllh. merlInK of Hie rounrll Moiida) ilM, ami no iii-'tiin were pro-t-ntu'id on the utijert, MM arrki uku n new front ni Ml In a Horn room In Hie hlork nl Sink tnd Multi alreela. oaneil liy ttU Jirolrt, for which no permit tuiiVrdof the rounrll. Ilul a the imiII li (Anrllnnrd Infrnrllona of lk tulMdiK orillnnnre on Ha own inroailbilliy in rerlnlii lunlnnrea no dobl Ihnid ho am not memliera of tk crmncll helium It la .i-rfct)' anfe hrtli-ro to dliri-isard the proUnlnim of the clty'a mpiHiied Inwa reRordlnrt II lemtructlnii of nllemllona of tailoc-aa bWlm or private iIhi ttlntc. I Ibe ram of n hulldltiK on Main, taMa8lih and H-venlh; the llnnnr nliMlibmrnl of 7, I'owell on Main Mir Koiirili nnd Klfih. mid othej I'litr. thn rounrll untitled .f nulla lhlib aire in ronlraenlliiii of Hi.- "nuiloni, Mn. Tnft nrriiinfiMt.l...i 1... !-. .. i,M " .iima All " vMi.-ii ui ire;iiqici 1 raori, her nlere, ant neat In llepre."1'"'' rllrelr eliminated from tlmdla' ' iilallve HerKer, nnd ronvrraed wllli,"ll"'inl ")' prunlnn thn dlamliaal nf I 1.. miioImII.! t ... .. (tliu litaln.. Il ..i 1. ... ' -' ' .'inny inaiiionniile wo. ""'""i ' mnara II poaaiule ror Hen were preaont. jUie plaintiff to enter the action attain ia "l'lfn lime. If fee ahould he an l.llllnu lluanell mi If. i,i .lini. I Inrllnr.l. cult lo rluiiiRii niie'a appearance and - cniupleiloii How n l.o 11 1 hu.imndi I A limit In New Jeraey found llfiO,. ,,ll? n0 I" M cheat In the fireplace 0f an 1 hinnac That would malm . Iiody fft. rhealy MAY RESF PACKERS' RASF for Gone mylNAME OVERSEER OF STREET WORK 1'ne'ml Alli.rui'i' KtiHilcit in i-i.M. i linl' III Hide ami Juilar l'reiilt'r tVlll l.lkrl) On-rtilli Motion of N-. fciiM- In IhriiM Kill IW 11 1 i' ra .-M-r k i CIIICAIIO. MMlch t. Tideral At. torite) Wllkiraoti for the Kuteniiiu.nl will leal In till, pnekera' ruan lllla af. U-rnoiiu or tomorrow. JudKu Carpenter la eiiivcted to otci rule tin. motion of Hie ilvfriin. lo ilU mlaa tile raae. MAVOII TMAM fiH'Xfll, r: Wll.l, OKI-KII SMIK W MHAltlH Mn-CKMMOIt IIV SKXT MKt-.TIXO VHIIIT Three appllcatlutia filed with the council Monday night for poaltlon of au-rlnlendent of city atrceta o.l up to Mayor Kred T. Baudcraon proml. Iiir that hu would namo a man for the council to act on bv neat nmrilnr nlitht, Since tho enforced rralcnatlnn of (.'harlea Woodard from the poaltlon M. WEN CARRY REO PEPPER.r MU POLICE CLAIM T"TI and I'lte IHrLeta'Ail lwl t I'ttt rem n fur InOHaMat! ""aaad.UMii,ie ian HeJal. Arret 1, Tliniiii... I'i'W Pwaa tkr,c 'WliBxci:. ui, . ., --. "ui it'll mi 0 in, n.o m l.,b... ... '"'""''r InilmhUiloii -uid Ua.aiii.. lb. Hko all,.K ,,M ,, ,.,,,,, Mn ill rnl 1 ..- I.,.., ire.., . - 1 iri.iiii nun n OSWil 1... . .. .1, ,J -"iiiiRioii 1111111 when 'Mlcoari. titlllti,, t,nrK.'.. itiik.;" ."" """"""I vlnliiiiM. Onu "'"rrialalrd nrre.t ,i,.l ... 1 alnco tho a.lrlko Ii-cmii. ! ml.. ' ""lr"" ti'ttlhed heft-io '"''ilia rniiiiniii.,.. ,. .. "Onor l.i . "" iniii1. w.k.?'th "'"'""'''I lha wnweu 'inn w FIRE CHIEF OUT OF BELL HEARING I'lrtll of IUimI DUrMMrU Al u inerllnK of the Klnluath Knlla Mllllur) hand Inal nlRht J. I. llodRe fc 1 In, ml, lo lliittilli-.il.. lln. .... 1 ,.t uniform for tho hand To mine tin, num. week alnco the offlco hat been money for thrau n conceit will nrolflfiirmnliv nni t.in.n,..i. i'i.-.i.. r.. nhly he Rltrn at 'lloiiatou'a opera Adnma hna hern doing tho work, ap. houaenhout i weeka henre, Tor the iirovlnc tt. hill. I,it. i- !,..... pnaent there will he no more Sunday the rounrll, and Inrldcniully. dr. twin I....IM.... ......... . . '"' ' ""'". Hhe nay. Il haa been runmrkt..! Ih.i 'l peculiar feature of the atreet Luoer. Ilntendenry la that the head of the 'force Kela 110 mnro money than tho ,naalatanla. The iiibject of pay for inn aupannteniicnt naa liern up a number of times, tho general feellnx nmniiR the councllmen aeemlnic to be Hint I he pay ahould be railed In about 13, Inatead of the 12. SO down to which thn preaent charter holda It. Tho appllratlona filed Inat nlxht wore thnae of C, V. Adanu. Thomai Hlnnlev ami K. K. Stahlmnn. Th council ordered the nppllcatlont filed. The ma)or aald he thought It wai about tlmo for tho council to name a Reed mnn for the Job. Thnt'a hardly the crtuncU'a plane." etUrrd Prealdent Marlon . Mania. The fact nf tho matter la tkM'.lt la for thn mnynr lo namo the man aia4 for thn council In net on the name auhmllled by him," "All rlRlit, I'll name 11 mint by next uieetlnK nlRht," anld hla honor. It la KffKMlly hollered that the mnynr will name Chariot Adanta. the aireet auponntenaent do facto. MKItl.K HOI-8TON .VaYMNIATINn WITH IIATTUNti DANK AND III' ImHTAHK IX TIIIH tjlTV If neROtlatlon On for a' malrh ha. tween tho vctoran Ithter "rial" Mai. ton and Hud Andra90 maUrUllu u xpected, the fight lollowora of thla city will havo a chaica of linauin two of thn boat chimoli puibera In mu game, The bout Ii Khtdulod for aome time In Mar, aid although dot- 11110 arraoicmaata ara not vat . limed a a pretty certain that th limit will be aUiad. , ,,.,. f,ff- Ai preaent Nelaoa la .doing aoma flRhllng around Kaaiaa ICtr and tha Middle Weat and If tha right kind of Inducement can b offer! ha will conaont to com to thla city to moot Anacraon. it ig noodle to apaak of the merit of tho lUhtlna- Dane In tha poop), that aro IntoroaUd la tha boi- HiK In thl city. Ho I one-tine cbatn. plon of the world, katlni haM that poaltlon until defeated by Adolph Wolgaat. Hud Andcraon will urobablv La ra. membored by thoa who aaw hla wla. tory over I ha clover Franklo Edward aQtuo time laat year. To aay that ha la one of tho claaaleat little mlt wlald. or ever aeon around bore la enough. no anowca wonderful ipeed aat hit ting power when h wa being pep pered by Edward. Ho etatarf with It, and contoquaatly wa hla Ight. .Meno uouaton, who want to atago the bout, la trVlaa to aeettra ionic good preliminary men, who. ho aa, will ants thing from th Mart of the gong till either oiataa tho lull,. by. Thla card la eartal ts draw 1 largo ho. ' 1 idi -atrfWtwC MIMIONAnr MUUIKRKD fiV CHINE8B MimXKKnfll He, r. IMy, tV-Ugtotta Worker to Warring Katlo, ea III Wfel Throwgli Marderoaa Attack, Itat Xol iieiaii Are Obtainable. altad Pro Bar? lea PEKIN. March 6. Chlnaaa m,,ti. neera at com Oho murdered flor. P. Day, mlailoaary. No detalla ara obtalnahl. After th abow. Maaon'a orchealra nd n real good tlm. Dane tnniaht at flpark thoator. Halt to Obtain ColM of Raalm Through Attorney W. J. Rhavervn etlon haa bees entered In circuit urt by O.'O. Matthowa acalnit Mr. B. Praaela. Tha obleet at tha mlt. which la In law, It th recovery . PRICE OP BREAD LP, NO FIEL, SUFFERING of Tho Public la cordially Invited to attend the 4anc at the Sparka to. nigni. too mnnagement will ae that you enjoy yooraolf. It'a a queer anomaly that a man-. out and la at th aam tin la poll, tie. When ho'o out for offlco he' In the race. DEFENSE HEARS END OF ITS SIDE IX KAtLOKR MURDKR tbiai WATk WILL PROBABLY OC CUPY ANOTHER RAY jWMl FDR. POSR OP RKBtTTAL to appear In th argument. Th home team conittts of Mlaa Florence Short, Foreat Pell and Edwin Cox. Mora than usual Interest atuehea to th coming of the fJranta Paaa team for th reaaon that on two for. mer occasion when tho speaker from that city talked acalnit the Klamath Fall advocate tho local talent waa vanaullhed. Th raeant rlrtnr nra. th Aahlanders has glren considerable assurane to th hot aneakara. alin bay been practising faithfully oa the art ana expect to show the visitor on Friday night what real debate ts. The subject Will b. In aubatanee. "Resolved, that th policy of th United States Should bo arrarinaltr shaped toward aa abandonment af the protective tariff." The Grant Pfcsa aoeakera will ta the anrmatlr nnd tha home talent the negative. Th Klamath Pall de bater bad tha negative side against Ashland, and won. COAL STRIKE EFFECT Bl'SfNMal IN SCOTIAND PARA. LYZEO, BtT ASQaTini AYB V MINERS RRSOTIK, MnOMTJII WAGE BILL M AMfJRRD UnlUd Praa larrlai NEWCASTLE. Eaclaad. Marak, There la no fuel aad njuah aaaTaetaai la th result. Nearly every ladoatry to etoaad. Freight traRc Is at a aUadatlU. t Ol MIUM.i.X M. il. UII.KINH Hid. m:TH that iit..ii ok ki,mi rllllirrlltS IS IIK-MOTf. HtOM IIKAOVI'AIITI.IIN ' Councilman M. O. Wllklna fold tho founcll Monday nlRht (tint Ptr Oaref C. W. Wakolleld lite on'-Ewauna HelRhia, nml Iium no telophone, which he helletea la 11 intlinc.i to tliu anfety of the people, Tho houao .where the chief lltea, hu hiiIiI, la out of hcarlnit of the lire hell, Ho thought It Ultwlae In linte the thief lite ho far away fiiim lieniliUiirterH, aiiRKeatlliK that tho city mlRht nt lonit furnUh hint with n telephone. The rlty'a contract with tho lelenhouo rnmiinnv la anhl to cull for five telephone, of which the city liita two on tho lire Inline lino ami two on tho city hnll line. Thou-fiitr one mnro phono la dun tho city. Aakcd If ho linil not one of tho city lelephone-i, ,Miior Fred T. Bnmleraon Minted Hint ho linil one In hi hnuao for which ho pulil ll.r.n per month. No net Ion wua Inken, lleRiiliir Wedlieaility night dniico nl ADY VS. KENT SUITSMISSED OltUKIt ASKED IIY ATTORNEY POIt DEFENDANT, WITH JCDU. MF.XT FOR COSTS, APPROVED IIY JVltOK UKNKY It. IIEN8)N "re jnlid, hut he did , Hpnrk lnnlKht Dale Eventful In Life Of Ruef. Whom Judge Thinks Wrongly Penned lu the caao of Abel Ady va. Joseph S. Kent, the local attornav. an ordar of dlrulsal of th suit aad Judgment for the coat waa obtalnod from Judge Henry L. Uenson by J. C. RuUnlc. at. torncy for Kent. who. by tho way. la Identified with Kept In th practice of law in this city. Kent waa th aa. slgnee of certain claim against Ady. and In tha cas which pushed th claims against the latter th Jury gavo a verdict In favor af tha nlalntlaT. Tha action ot Ady vs. Kent followed th institution of thaKav Kat agsiast Aay. ana waa aaaaiaBw vaaardad aa a sort of couaUr h!M.,v -l ROOSEVELT ON PUMIY, PETITION KM FILED la. th cas of Nobel Faulder, ac cused Of th murder of Lonla Oahhart at th Erieksoa Pottorsoa Natroa eut-eff eoastructloa camp last August, Usa.lilwn thla wntn ffred tes timony of Dr. Thomas Parker for th PUrPOSO Of Drovln- tha defeatta-u la. one. a aumner or hypothetical queo tlona were pat to th Dhrslelan hv n M. Oaolll, attorney for Faulder, some of which were ruled out. Questions saked war la soma Inataneea aima.1 'to bring out tha possibility of Oeb hert having died from opiate admin. Iiterod by Dr. Carruth, who attended Oebhert during hi final hour. County Judge William 8. Wordtn waa awora. and It waa niti.a-.i.4 bring out that oroceedlnea tn iioi-inr. Faulder Insane had begun bfor the county court. Such testimony was,' successfully objected to by District Attorney Dell V. Kuvkendall. ' Th defense expected to eloaa lta side of th cas thla afternoon with some queetlons nut to Mlaa uamta Brandon, former nurse of Faulder, wno teottaed yesterday. Th state Will probably use un a day In attempting to rebut testimony or o aeronse. Joseph Paulson, a witness for th state', who Twice re fused to com to testify when reoa.l. ed by Sheriff Wllllsm B. Barnee. will a on and tomorrow. , , 1 NAM) LABOR EON NUEN TOO ARDENT FOR SUFFRAeE Albany HHrca OeU Two Moaah i Pnson When Sew May Scrab tfee Floors, Cteaa Window, aad Do Other Horawlfte Staat United Proa Sorvle LONDON, March . Police courts were crowded at th dlsnoslnc of tha caaca or 100 suffragette arrested. Those convicted wer given hard labor. Detectives are seeking other load ers. Atlc Morgaa Wright of Albany. N. Y. heiress, waa seateaeed to two moaths la Holloway artaea to' aertik floors, cleaa wladows, wash aad Iroa clothing and aak sacks. Sh I held Incommunicado. Scotch United Prsaa Servls OLASOOW. Seottaad. Mareh (,. Buslaoss la 8cotlaad I paralyt-i. Coastwise shlpplag haa a?i:d. Out few pssssager train . . mn. nlag. The price of broad I soarlag. UorrratiMNM May Het. Mtoeia United Press Service LONDON, March . Premier Aa. qulth aad th mlaers, executive ewaa- cu conrerred. He guaranteed that If tha, sataara return to work parliament will aaaa th minimum was Mil. aad th aa will gala overythlni thy hava ate. asaaded. Mlnera' leaders are seriously ooa slderlng accoptaaca of th trra ment's aasuraae that th atlalaaasa I wag seal bill will pass, aad ad Ik strik. The bill I OXDOCted to ba latraao. d la th house of eommoala -- Food la dwladllac la th aaar sua. trtcts. aad famlllaa ara httnOaa. m. aKara to kaaa.waraa. Lloyd la wrltlasi - m ai. riot lasuraae. Mr. and Mrs. Bert E. Withrow and daughter have returned from South. era California, where they have been spending a portion of th winter. MOTHERS LISTEN TO GOOD ADVICE lH. IIIIAKK HPKAKH ON PROPER C.MIK OK t'HILD AND HIS KAItl.V THAIXIXO CLEAN I JFK KTHOXOI.Y ADVOCATED Nrcraaary Dcasej Vflai With Sac rrtary of State awjaaaja W. Olcott. Tart aad La IVteMe) IwalUoa WIU Ho. Filed Utar -)H '$ Ui-ltcd Pros Servls SALEM, March 6. Flftoea huu- drcd and twentv-olsht (IcnaA natl. lion filed with th secretary of state. putting Roosevelt on the Oregoa proc identia! primary. The Taft and U Follett ntltloaa will be filed later. r'lMKomco l7...?'AN,0'. March ,..-Aho ih.i.. r .."rno', "' 8' Quwlln k.it. H llr- Ho wa nrrcatml 1. ial? .brol"'n heart. A voar .. BU furiu.y0,r antenna. llo will return to prison today with fmllrtmonta, which provont hla pn rolo, atlll pending. flinmrlor Jiiduo Dunnn said tho In cnrrorntlnti of Hurt waa a Judicial out rage. Tho Ituof rnso Is Idontlca Iwltlt that of Bchmlti, who was roloasod on account of a ruling' of tho supremo court la the caao of Waltor Coffey, l)r. Kmmii Drako delivered a very Interesting lecture yesterday to moth orx at the club rooms ot tho library. Home wholesome advice was given by tho talented educator, and nor ever ready good will In anaweilng all tho questions Ihnt were put to her was mnnlfpst. Her lecttiro treated on tho proper rare of (ho child and his early training. The good qualities that go to make n clean and perfect life were strongly advocated by Mr. Drake. Lecture aro bolng delivered by ...... n-.l... In ,HfVA-nnt tlArtl of the aira. urnnu in u.mv.... ,-. -- -- city every dsy to the school children, as well as to grown up folks. IIKVERRND FATHER SLAIN, KILLER DESTROYINd SRLF ticnrgetowa Maa Murder Rev. J. T. Haean, taom uosaauta BaicMe, Leaving Note Sayiag Object of th nonticMe waa to uatarn r.tesag United Preae aUrrtto AUSTIN. March .--Jt. O. HllllaM shot and killed Rsr. J. T. Saad, a 3. B. 8. father, at Oeoraetowa. the sommlttlng suicide. H Uft a aot saying rreng was hla objast. Regular WMaesday alakt th Sparks taaJajM. Doat' foraet thai' owtaar t tha bungling of city affair tha old. aa. paid warrant are eoattna- tha tt about $1.80 on th dollar. If you were th city, wouldn't you Ilka to hava your money equally as good as somsbody'a else. Instead of onir two. thirds a good? ORATORY WILL BE ATTRACTION GRANTS PASS DEBATERS AND THOSE FROM THE LOCAL HIOH SCHOOL WILL ARGUE TARIFF QUESTION FRIDAY NIGHT CEMENT TESTER IS HI6H PRICED 1 AT LEAST COUNCIL THINKS HO, AND WANTS CITY ENGINEER TO TRY FOR FIGURES THAT WILL IfE LOWER A farmer Whose son waa aa aaall. cant for a- position under th gorora ment. but had beea repeatedly trad dOWB. said: "Well. It'a hanl taaar but John haa mlaaed that rfti aataa examination again. It look Ilk thy Jest won't hav hlmt" What waa U trouble?" "Well, b was abort aa spellln' and geography, aad missed purty fur In mathematics." "What Is be going to do about it?" "I Times Is mighty hart, an I reckon he'll have ter go back ter teaekhag school for a llvln'.". Ou Monday evening City Engineer Don i. Zumwalt submitted to tha city council some prices on sewer rods and cement testers'. Th rods are to facll- Hate the flow In clogged sewage mains while th taster ar devised to dem onstrato the strength ol. cement and -( ut urvaaiuc rewa. rsr ,- ment tester the price of Ftnlua Oissa ft Co., Philadelphia, was aDoroxJ- mately 1140 for the tetter and some adjuncts. "Wouldn't about throe for a ouar- ter do us?" asked Councilman M. O. Wllklns. This agitated the rislbles of the au. dience, andthe result was that a titter circulated about the room, a real, old fashioned, genuine testimonial of amusement. It waa decided to have more Infor mation. If Dosslble. and cet chaaner equipment, so th city engineer was Instructed to correspond with a vlsw to getting lower pries. TROCfo-ASKDirCAUljl AFTER MnOIIATS CMFEI L'altrd SUte MhaUter to Chtaa Caahlos MaaUa to Rash 7M aTtehtot a Pvkka, rAcordtac to Dlsaatsh to th War De-iartsaeat United Press Bervlc WABHINQTON. D. C. Ifarah Minister Calhoun at China cabled Ma nila' to rush 700 additional troop to row, accord! to a war departaeat dispatch. Tha acttoaf tilwd aeoa ference ot forelga aVploiaata. WATTENRURG GIVBS LIBRARY CLUB Th Library Club la ralntrlnavar a gift from R. E. Watteahurs. Tha I gift Is a large Mission dssk, elegantly finished. It Is constructed of Oregon pine and attractively made. Mr. watteaburg ts well knowa aa a One cabinetmaker, aad th dask which he donated to th library la hta own product. Lovers of oratorical controversy will hava a chance on Friday nlaht to llstsa to th dsbats between th Grants Pats and Klamath Falls high school debating teams, which prom isee to attract an even larcer audi. one thaa that which took plac be tween th Ashland aad hom sneakere several wek ago. Tha team selected to renreseat tha ouatala elty is composed ot Earl Best, Hslsa Lot aad Noil Allan one young womaa aad two young msa, whlth la tha aas sort el praoaal wa Maal hhjk , SuffragetteLaw Breakers Will Get No Soft Treatment Hereafter United Proa Ssrvlo LONDON. Mareh Poliea Iasoae. tor MeCarthr' lad tha raid laat aiaht on tha suffrsgotto hadquTtrs. M said teday: "HsrtafUr women broaklaa tha lawa will be treated Ilka veryon also committing crime." ma ami that uffrartte daat- sw araKrw win a felonies, th nostlbl paaalty halag sevea year. Th Bovernment nlaaa tat attaah tha organisation's half mtllioa faad t r Imburs persons whoa prorty la damaged. To Mr. aad Mra. W. A. DatotU taalay waa bars a aaf . u At