v-W 8foe prmno fjefalik ajl)rTIJICI) HY THM VBNI1TO mrWMPATMM PRINT TM NBWI, WOT. kaiOML VKITK MUt" "Km WWVICB Hlilh Yar X- ,!M KLAMATH FALLA, OMQON, TVMDAY, MAKCH B, IVIII CITY WATER PLANT ENCOUNTERS SNAG SETBACK FOR MAYOR tVlWM' tihxm IHIW.V motiox TO MAVi: MTV KMHNKKH t!.M. WAI.r HI .VMXKFIIOM AMPKN I 4 Council lal lillllil voted down 4uallluii "I MB) or Fred T. Bander. Councilman Alton Mailable, In have City Knilnnr Doll J. Zuiuwall go ttir l pnipoawl way n( llm pipe ;itt from Ai'ii lke Hprlnga, over Sikh It I piopoaed lo brlii a wntir applr I" " I ' f'oalblo propo. tllloa. The lutitiibera of the council , instill if M " Wilkin. Ituaael 11 Alforu, ( ii trisier, Marion ill', llm H Owens and Alios tnttciinn, ilnn'l )ou think II tuuM I'" Rod Ihlnc for llm city sajlucri lo ico out and inakn an a-llMtr- "'I' hi II Il over the prupus. H route of the pip line, an llial ri a lutlx me minx irmaj inr me T - (lc In ulu on In a reasonable lime?" Ait Hi ma) or tKanitiio waile Hip neceasary mu tton, which, when put, got not iioiikIi iipiitia lo li worth invnilonliiK, CmMcM Marlon Hanks vociferating i "NO"' In unusually vlRornua faah. "IM J cm ihluk, gentlemen, ou redoing Justice to our fellow man Is taking this altitude) on a juration Hit Is to tll.nl to the rll'7" queried al lonor "Tt people cannot rtubllah n niaHpal rr system under iho srmat charter, and aa Ionic aa I hay In Rd the power lo tola bonda for tart a prixltlon whal'a Iho nan of rJa ali'a.t aiiitlnR the money, alto jii limit know If you aro roIhr lo b ahle lo totn ImndaT" naked Con-llman Alfonl, by way of reply la Iho niarnr "I Wlfte the people of the city of I Kumilh tiu hatu enough Inlereal la ladr nn anlf preaerrallon lo pro. t14 Ihe meana lo lake earn of thai puir of the iiirt(iti," anawtreil Iho na)or "They hate enoiiKh recant forlkrlroan hrnllh and Hint of Ihelr fimlllra to viiti, in noine charter that III lake rare of and retlctii the all lullon thai c are up aRalnat." lant e remedy the difficulty at lattrnent iprlnxi which furnlah Ihe " ltr iupilr hy p.iltlnR In aewer. Ihat L..u.m,ku MI'IIHKII TIHAIi '. Ill (tell BaV lh rinlnlnlnllnn"l ftiMrnt llanka antrl lo know. "I itnn't think It la poaalble," ro HW the mn).,r - believe that wa. f li thoroughly irrmiatod with riaga he)iin, nil hope of rcdomp. ton. I am orry lo sect you vote 'own the proposition." "I am not for municipal owner l" declared Iho president. "ll'a the only way I ran aeo clear ooh all ihi, trouble." averred his ior. " ,!, ,0ovo Iho company anjone e. w ,! anything that l nrlp. ,im tiaink I ho rninpany 'tnlng any morn wor, nt u,0 (rlngt." "Yes they nr,.,- ronlendrd Conn. hin Alfonl They are working rry day," ''We do not wmii to , up agalnat "miltlona another summer Ilka wo re last auminnr." urged the mayor. "re In for thai much anyway." Paying At Old A" la icrcno between Iho Klamath r Ught nml Water company and fit)' a to iho prlco for city light- While iho council aoino wooka idopted a rcaolutlon, on recom "ltlon f chairman a. W. White ' nnanre lommltteq, to pay but jcut ,,gr C8nd0 lowe(p ,nitead 0, hliw ,'w''cr ,on,,, ,0WCr '0'" " ". llio months of December and rab L avll,K ,u,ou l,l r a( thla . The wurranta for those months tut down by iho council, and the lli!r,COmpM,' """"d nmovu 'fom the custody of City Recor- i Council Compromises On Alfonl replied "ttV arc loo far ali.tiK'!"' , who U "" "y,0lc ln Auc now lo avoid Ihla utumnr It would bo Impoaalhlo to do nnythliiR that would kIvh ua a new atipply Ihla sum. mer." "I'm RoltiR lo leavo town on ac. coiitil of Ihla water aa aoou aa I ran arrange to net nway," Councilman Hlanahle atated, The ahaenco of Counrllmen John I,. Fielder, Ularnnco Underwood. It, W Whllu and Charlea Mcdowan poaalbly mane aoino iiirrrrenre In thn vollna on Iho propoaltion, Councilman Crlaler atateil nfir ilu. neellnR that while In. waa In favor of pure water aupply to bo owned by he city he did mil hrlleve It wlae al ila II in ii lo undertake any morn en- IneerlliR alepa, "ll'a too early In Iho year lo aend en oul englnerrlnR on Ihla propoal- on." ho aald, "Wo ahoutd wall nttl the weather la more Milled. here la Iota of anow In Iho region where they would have In do a good deal of Ihelr aurveylng nnd there would he a Reed many atorma lo In. lerfero with their work The work can ho done Juat aa conveniently, ulckrr nnd eaaler later, and atlll t9 ln ,,(, f , f()r ,,, rr. (,n rflt Ibwrtt IUII CW Attorney W M, lyWTIaTiii ItiK I In- plaintiff, ffjafffP beforn Juitlrx of Hip PeacA-harlca Uravea lliU mornlni ami liad ill a mimed the chip of Mario II McClurn vn, A, C. Carlanilrr, It having been ictlled, The hill of complaint alleged that (ho de. fendanl owed a Mil of U3.46 for loard. Mr. Drawer has not loal hla yrs, but he haa lost the neit thing lo them, that la, hla gold bowed, bl.foral apeclaclea, and the caae that belongs with them; and he will bo very glad and give a suitable reward If the finder will return them In him or to Ihla office. 5. St There are always a good many peo ple who keep the balance of the com muntty (may wondering how they live ao well, ' DEFENSE YET 0FFERIN6 SIDE TlXfrX TO KX:it'V TIMK OF CltlCt'lT fOtJHT WITH KVI IIKN'CK OF MAN'M WAVM In the trial of Nobel Faulder for the murder of l.oula (lebhort today the wltnesaea for Iho defenso were el nmlned. Ir. Uo W. Chilton teatl ried lo aaalallng In an operation on Faulilir after ho waa brought lo Ihla city from tlio arcno of the tragedy. Mlas Leah Morgan, atenographer fur Altorney (' M. Onclll, waa put on Iho aland lo leatlty that Mr. Oaelll and hertolf wero tlm only onca carry ing n koy to the Otielll offlre. This was to rofuto Iho allegation that John l. Carroll carried a key. Mr. Car roll, who waa nt ono time n guard for Faulder, had testified yesterday ns to fits of vlclouaiiess of Iho man, who wanted to aleep clothed, but waa Light By Rate Of A Nickel der Thomaa F. Nlcholaa. Thoy re mained In the tendor cuatody of that official for a couple of montha, until the council, at the Intereeaalon of Proatdent Marlon llanki, decided to pay at the old rato. Warranta wcro drawn to conform to the later do clalon. 'The light bill preaentod to Ihe council laat night waa for 1,111 candlo power, $107.10. Thla futures up . 6 ctnt rate. The blH'waa or dered nald without any dlacuaalon of the urlce of the light. At a rulo the nroaentatlon of the eight bill hai been the signal for a regular aurlelt of verbiage, pro and eoa, dimdent nkout laklnx hatha. Ho aald Paulder'a talk waa dlaconiiectcd, and that ho told aoino faliuloua yarn. Bolwln A. U. McKcan of Auckland, New Zealand, waa called lo tottlfy Ihla miiriilna ua to Iho alleaed Inaan. It V etlitliiir It, tt ra,..iiu -.. -, --, ,n , tlfv inn;, H,j mm of the mental condition of Kauldnr'a land, and of that of her brother (an uiiilo of Fauldcr'a) Thomna I'laakott. n rarmir in that country. Ho aald I'laakrtl often had had flt, nnd had lo ho kept under guard no aalil In, had been practical raiai-n with Iho Faulder famll mat .Nobei liad been "flrtjfrom aciiool, Ilia Intimate acqalntanco with Ihv family ceaaed aboulali yearn ago, up until which time hlaWd iho rauliler famlllea had lived aauin nelRhhorhood. Norman Faul der, hrolhcr of Iho accuacd, went on the aland Juat na ihla report cloaed Ihla afternoon. The atato wanta Joseph I'nulaon aa a wltnea. and If ho doca not appear ahortly Judge Henry I,. Ilenaon will probably laauo a bench warrant for him, Rherlff William II. Ilarn.a aald today that ho had aenl a deputy for the man, and eipccted to have him hero ahortly. The sheriff Irled twlco lo get Paulson, who declined both tluna lo come, The last tlniu the aherlff offered I'aulaon 110 nut of his own pocket, hut Paulmn stilt refined to come, IUARY BILLS PAID BY COUNCIL NAMIIIKH OF IITV AHMIMNTKAT. OHM, HTIIKKT WOKKKHN. AM) MONK IIKIITtt FOII MITriJKM llllla aa follows were paaeel on favorably by the couacll last night: K, 0. Moyer. city engineer. IS 4 daya at II Don J. Ziimwalt. city tngln- err, February aalary , . . W. O. Smith Printing Co . . K. W. Wakefield, fire chief, February aalary t.oo t.7 6.76 7S.00 Innea-Clarko Lumber Co... Mayor Fred T. Sanderson. 15.14 03.34 13.34 February aalary City Attorney II. M. Man ning, February salary . Samuel I,. Walker, city mnr ahal and poundmaater, February aalary IK, 00 Charles C, Low, mounted policeman, February anl ry III 00 William Hall, policeman, February aalary 100.01' William Messnrr, policeman February salary 100.00 Thomaa F. Nicholas, city re corder, February aalary. 100.00 Captain J. W. Slcnicna (3 inontha at I2B) 7C.00 City library, monthly al Inwanro 30.00 CF.Adams, work on streets with loam 118.76 I,. W. Weaver, work on the atreola 50.00 Oarar Kcllog, work on Ihe atreets 911.75 Klamath Fall Light and Water company 117.36 Sunitiel I.. Walker, mono) mlvnnrrd for dog laga . COO Total t.3S.t STDBBLEFIELD TALKS TO PUPILS AFTKIl WHICH VOITMI MKK OK 111(111 H:HM)I, TAKK IP PRAC TICK OF HPKCIAI. VOTAIi KX KltaHKfl llov. J. 8. Stubblotlold of the Prea. bylorlan church gave a brief but very Inatructlvo talk In tho high achool chapel thla mornltf liumrdlatoly following the talk tho atudent body convened for tho pur- puso of practicing eome yelie ror tne debato which will tano piaco nei en day In the opera houao. Aided by the high achool band, which la practicing very hard for the coming debate, the )i)ll ought to Do an inapirawim iu Iho debatera of tho achool, who will appreciate tho vocal eupport which they are to receive from tho student body. GRAVES COMMITS HIMSELF IN RACE I'KAC'K Jl'HTICK WIIXINU TO Al). MI.MHTKH NOOTHINM HYKl'l' OP lAV Tl TIIOMR WHO CMW h w -now thai Juatlee of the Peace Charles Graves has announced him. aetf as a candidate for another tern, In the vernacular of the race track at least apparently VTher'ri tho third aspirant 14 eater thJlbt. K. W. Qowan, ihe ei-aherlff, anl W II, Hhaw. both repnbltni, an In tho fc, and have been for niL time. Tho fact that the lacumbeii-.llld not i.inoonco his Inteatloi unti rorar wt'ka nftor the others la not ahlleveel In h.m had any gruat algalgkaaco, Maylie ho waa coaceallng hla from the bol pollol aH the time. May bo ho had dotermlMd, before either Mr. Cowan or Mr. Maw announced their Intention of aeeklng the seat la which Iho result oi the blind god deaa' deliberation are measured. nut what booteta It? It Is. according U those who have watched tho political game, aa ad vantage for the maa to have the Job It Is especially aa advantage If he elected again, for he doe not have Ihe troublo of mo) la. He'a there already, with Ihe goods, literally and figuratively. Alt three mea are well known and popular, although separated by po litical line. Howefer, this dots not prevent them beta oa apeaklag terms. It Is rather ja eoladdeace that Mr. tlowan Is as oiaHf aad Justice Orate was epokeaiaf for that place, but did not car to satier the race. The wisdom of hla dMlee la apparent, for there are bow tart democrat aad three republics after the shrievalty. tint be la the oaly at of hla party kiai to allay sUsgallns.. or at least lo mediate any dispute when tho vox poputl la raised In anger, atrlfe and contention, needing Ihe soothing syrup of the law to comfort and heal the Irritated vocal chords, ll'a ihe gay life. BAND WILL MEET FOR DtSCDSSION OF WIIKTHF.lt TO lll'V VMFORM8 AM) ON gi'ratTION' Of COMIX 1'IXO THK Hl'XDAV AFTKHXOOX COXCKKTH The Klamath Falla Military band meet and rchoaraeat their room thla evening, and II Is requested that all members bo on hand. The rootling la to dlscusa Ihe procuring of uniform for tho membcra. The question as to whether the weekly concerts which havo been given In Ihe past in the skating rink will be continued la another matter that will have to be decided. ROLLER SKATING EVENT OF SPEED IVAN KOUNUH AND JK88K HCX- MAKKR WII.Ii IM) THK GLIDING HTl'NT AIMK1) AT DKMOX HTKATINO PHOWHW, The roller skating enthusiaata of thla city will liayo an opportunity of witnessing what promises to bo one of the fastest exhibition of roller skating ever aeen In this city next Friday evening, when oner of the local artlata will clash with a Denver speed marvel. The two contestants in question aro Ivan Round aad Jesse Hunsaker. Mr. Rounds halls from Denver, and according to re port hat made th heat of them hus tle when It cornea to delivering tho speed. Mr. Hunsaker Is well known lo the local Hai patronlsers aa a skater of no mean ability. For th past few weeks there has been Intense rivalry betwotn these lo men, and jadglng from the way both men have gone Into training fori the coming contest, a close race will I I; i' ien. They will travel a distance of one m.le, or twetHr-feiir tape on the pol-l Irhed $oor. On Meaunt of tbe queej Hon u to who (lull tko tan Inside povitloB oa tfce atart tiny havi agreed to lip a eota to decide the matter. The. man who ha the inalde position la entitled to the pole at the cornera at all times, and the person who baa thai position la better able to fnis- rato the attempts of hla rival to flrat ore. Aa a result of this there will soma lively spurting to occupy the eted position. ITsTMXTH City BaglBeer Don J. Zumwalt waa laat night Instructed by the city Corn ell to give estimate on tho eewt of paving With street from Kialock to th city limit with macadam aad with hard slYfaes, th width to a 4 It that 40 feet woald he dth, hat Ceaaellman Rtaatbf aad aom of tho other on th board aeeavsd to thlak that th wider earfac weald be hotter. Attorney Joseph 8. Kent ha re turned from a buslnei Francisco. trip to Ban FIVE HYDRANTS NEWLY PLACED DOZKN MORR aLl'Gfl IXHTALLRD OX CITY CORXRR FOH PRO THCTIOX IX CASK OF BCKX IXfM lace th Jaauary bill of th Klam- ath Fall Light aad Water company waa turacd lato th couacll there ha been twelv bw ire hydrants put la,. and th bill fot,thervie,to(.OiM wa Included In the February account presented to council last night. Th doxen hydrants had been In service an average of 27 daya each. Iho bill being llt.SO, or an average of a tlttlo over 6 cents a day for each hydrant. The hydrants are located na follews: Eleventh and High, Bark- and Ala meda, Auburn and Alameda-, Sixth and Lincoln, Front and Reclamation,! Stukel and Wantland, Sixth and Ca- nal. Stukel and Darrow, Mills nnd' Martin, Division and White. WAut-j land and Division, Kberleln and Mar tin. Today four cars of Klamath county potatoes were shipped to Sacrauicnto by tbe Klamath Valley Warehouse and Forwarding company, of which C. H. Daggett la manager. Most ot tho spuds were from tho It. C. Shot t ranch. Not long ago the same com pany ahlpped out a largo consignment of tubers to the same city, and tho later order la evidence that tho de mand for Klamath county Murphlet Is not abating In the city with tho sacer dotal appellation. Glen Fountain returned to this city yesterday from Corvallls. where ho haa been taking a short course at Iho Agricultural college there. Ho will reside In thl city for some time. NO SHOW GIVEN, ' TRUNKS ABSENT PlCHFOKMEKB HILLKI) AT HOCK- TON OPKRA HOl'SB COULD NOT (GO. .ON IN AJMRNCK OF THKIIt WARDRORnW tOwlng lo the failure of tho trunka of Watts and Lucas, who were to give vaudeville at the Houston opera house last night, to arrlvo In Klam ath Falla at the same time as the owners, tbe show planned lor tne evening waa not given, and those who appeared at th boxoffice In the hope of seeing a show were disappointed. The performance will be given this and tomorrow evenings, with moving picture. There will be comedy, sing ing and. dancing, the scarecrow terp slchortan sfort being a particular feature. Mlas Lucas, who Is billed CITY PRINTING IS NOT GIVEN IN OPEN aa the world's greatest bender and contortionist, Is expected to tanglo herself In some wonderful ways. There will be moving pictures, too. Prices, 10 and 20 cents. IMDH HAXCITOX MEW RUIMHXOfl Building permlta were granted by the council last night aa follews: F. N. Fraker, frame dwelling on ot 12, block 307, Mills additien: 1.600. John M. Corbel), fo move woodshed n lots C aad 7, block 76, Klamath ddltlon. to back of lots and rebuild, hod to be 13x14 foot. Thomaa Coaaer, addition to dwell- g on lot 4, block 34. First addition. sis to be 13x34, of lumber, and cost $30. C. H. Daggett, per Oscar L. Carter, frame Ice house, 34 feet square, on lot 13, block 11, railroad addition. Henry Weber, two-story frame building about SOxlO, concrete base ment aad. brick , with kltebea ad dition lfxlt, on lot 3, block Id, Con ger avenue. A. M. Thompson, dwelling with brick flue, coat about 13,000, on north end of Brandenburg lot. ItFPLRVIX AOTIOX VKRSni MICKLKR Martin Brother of this city filed aa Important action against M. P. Mick; ter la the circuit court Saturday af ternoon, through their attorneys. No land A Crane. The complaint alleges that on March 4. 1910, J. D. Carroll gave to Martin" Brothers a chattel mortgage on a lot or pcraoaal prop erty to secure th payment of a- note of 13.600. aad that on April 3. 1911, J. D. Carroll sold some ot th prop erty meaUoaed la the mortgage ot Martin Brother to M. P. Mlckler. aad thaMn-MI4rtaTJBawJa.th4.fsa, tlon of the same. The action la one In replevin, and Martin Brothers ask Hint they be given a Judgment for Iho return ot tho property or for the value thereof. WIRES TO GRAVES ON COURT AFFAIR y PORTLAND MAX LAUDS ACTION I ",0 oou" u" Pre ' 'enough before the election to give tho OF COMMERCIAL CLl'H, 8AVIXGKentle reader time to look It over be- TAXl'AVGHH AND TIMIIF.lt OWN KIM APPRKCIATK IT President Charles Graves of tho Commercial Club Is In receipt ot a telegram from Portland, signed by W. U. Seller, which reads as follews: "Tho action of the Klamath Com mercial Club and cltltens of Klamath county In bringing the present admin istration ot county affair to the no tice ot Governor West and tho pub lic Is greatly appreciated by timber owners and taxpayer generally. We don't object to high taxation so much, but we all want to see the money ex pended Judiciously." K. R. Willis returned Monday from San Francisco, where he has been on business. Crater Lake Park May Open Early And Monarchs Of Forest Coine Back Owing to the open winter and the chancea that Crater Lake Park may be entered earlier this year than usual, W. Frank Arant, superintend ent of the big reserve, expects lo bo able to get In there by the 1st of June, a month earlier than last year. He has not yet made up hi staff tor the ptTk work, as that Is determine.! upon after he tubmlts to the 'depart ment ot the Interior hi plan and es timate ot needed help and work. Mr. Arant became superintendent ot the park August 29, 1903, and has held oflca ever since the beauty spot was opened. His appropriation has beeu ONE BID MADE KNOWN TO COVXCTb OX ITU CHARTBaV--Cmf RBCORDKR TO ADVBaV TIMK FOR BID OX COsttOMfOX FORM DOCITMSXT It's going to coat about 36 coat a copy for th charter book which the council will have prlated for th vet era to peruse before the special char ter election. The book, of Sne print, 110 page, What other bid may have been submitted on the work were not made kaown at th couacll meeting last atgbt, so the voter "en out guess whether the city r!!l set tut work done as cheaply as it 'imnt to be. About 1,000 co4.- l! ic needed, which would make ' ot1 rofct, al I3.S0 a page, over J5u. Bui City Recorder Thomas F. Nich olas handled tho question without gloves, when it was brought up aad ho was authorised by couacll to get bids for the printing ot the commis sion form of charter. He aald the rocords would show nothing about bids being submitted for th priatlag of tho council charter, while they would show that bid were reeelred for printing the commission charter. "I wa not Instructed to get bids on the other charter." declared the ponce juaa to tbe couacll.. "No Mas were submitted to the couacll at all. The council Hd aet award th con tract. I think on ought to have the same fair show before the people as the other. That the proper dope. On one there'll be a record of the ad vertising for bid, aad oa th other therell be no such record." "It the council wa not la oa th other, why butt la oa thlsT" Coaaajl- City Recorder Nicholas declared ho exiiected to get It on the ballot. In any event, as that waa hla duty, and he would see to It. I thought the council gave the mayor authority to get bids, but not to let the contract," said tbe city re corder, with regard to the council's charter. Tho mayor Insisted that the coun cil had Klven him tho authority to Ret tho bids and let tho contract, too. I President Hanks was of the same opinion as the city recorder. The books must be printed long tore voting on It at the special, un necessary a-nd uselessly exnenslvo election set for April 33. One merit to the commission form of charter Is that It embraces but 63 pages, not close print, and will take about halt tho time, or less, to read that tbe council charter will. The ex pense to the taxpayer will also be about half, or a little over half of that for printing the council charter. The proponents of tbe commission charter will lot It go on the ballot without a title, and If tbe charter la adopted, remedy the title defect af terward. Xcxt Wednesday the high school girls of the domestic science class will give a luncheon to the faculty In the domestic science room. The girl are anxious to show what they have ac complished In the culinary lino. (3,000 nearly! of years It waa I waa 17,315 to cover needs, As a rule a staff of about eight men Is needed to help ma the KKort during the season, but the men nre appointed from year to year, al ways after the appropriation la made known by the department of tho In terior. Chances are that the dear, which are one ot the most charming attrac tions In the park, will bgta to eater the park about the 1st ot July, al though It waa a month later than this (Coltlaued en Fatlj f -i?l . ?m '! LV i-'.