' WrV ;v , r taaia gtJPPLIKD UY TIIM a VHNINO HIRffl jflt,. PllKHH NEWS SERVICE Ji PRINT TUB NEWS, NOT aTJfKMRY i gtath Year ! ,,,w' KliAMATII FALLS, OKaVJOJv, MONDAY, MAHCII 4, IBIS She Bcrato PLENTY OF TIMBER AFTER SHRIEVALTY MENTAL 'hlUKi'i till thu uliliilguiuciit of tlu. till !'f """"" '" Hio ''IK'' eliol l dlno ' ' '"", l,f,"'')' Hieru w ikiitniiiTi1" n" iiHtorl) iin.l uiirtliurly UNANIIyiII 1 1"1"' w" i"('uk ( in ti.u iiKht K. lliflllia In bo avuli. lull It will mini). If - Mlivm Imi miy limn In Hiu bunch win) .., -..... i.-itiiM KArii ni.'om""""1 to tliu ihiIimiu i.tmnuiit l.u U mNKX.lMllhKHlOM " "Mpretly HM) , ,mvu rl(CKll , ftO I'AHHW. KAMI Or WlliMl.hnWi tin, tntcs ..( th.j.u w, ro w, OH mm .it)- ii.iiniiiiatriiiKiii, wiikli l nut mil) fur (liu snlixiu, l.ut viiIin llreiiae .III UltKM of tliu law () ui,ur mud, ho will linvn, pinhnhly, n meed l.f ewouruguiiieni from tlm m-onlo Im f .hi I iin.l think i)tlirwlm Whllo the county niul illy nn, nor I HII. IMt.tKK AT IIKJII SCHOOL Or Uffn lunku gav n aplondld IKilk III III.) (Impel r Hi,, high idiool IIiIk Morning. Htm dwell at longth i n tin- merits of knotting liow to .11 a- rn right from wrong. It U Dm In. , t" nlloii of tlm ilorlor lo give a series 'luring III 1)0 ii tpeilnl meeting helil for tliu boys nun oiiu for din girls 5m v ri.KHK .Lima al. aOIIIO bOW, Willi ItlO auateiot iho Klsmalh Cbrunlclu luto Ut tt lw)oud, that bourne fiulu ibkk si U orunig iu wiu u .iMnintt no traveler oor ru-fl urts. ttitio J (o bo ouudod tlm oaa-tlm liiiKMoiil nolo u ""' uftrcU UltUftlll William II. Ilarutr woul.1 baa titJIilatu for anuria, inor i lo doubt that rilierlff llarnvs would Bikt a ittmiK laudldate, and Hill it tit Cf Ut If I'" ' I" CUIIIII Ollt TtUi but luck-paltlng atalelutmt, bit a cuuctiliil t.iiiiillloii not loiiiu oul.l llu said dajs t" wai nw wiiui.i out toatout. It .I'M' not appear that hn U coning out l'i to till tlliin lio Ima tared In. Tt the condition of Iho race for iitrlf Ii nut ltliii.it Interest, for tho ttblk ha n ll variety of raiull- itlM to thooao from Thero aro Juat u ico half itoii'ti, three from each cl tat too leading iartlri(. Tl.on, too b aorlalltta aro to Im rrckoiwl lib, for It U rM-iii ttmt In it iliort tlaa tht 'rt; wlilrh la forwar.llnu tba ttachluKa of Karl Man will coma Uts Ik onin with man for that flat, aa aril otlirr niunly iUcr. At It ilaiiJt now tlio rrpiilillraii MKMttri am n-Clilrf of I'l.llfrt () ttr L Cartel I'ollrrman Cliarlfa 0. Lav u4 II. ri OrlKiby, Tlio lonn- tmaabo htm ihlr.l thrlr aky iIit.' Utb riot am II, HI. (loono Utah. ia,W.T. (lTrrtl anil Chlf of I'ollro .ImmI U Walltr. It It lntrK hCiMt (hat hntf thr ranll4tM in yrikfttt or mrmrn. Rarh of laatU nen namnl Imllorra he naa i M4 ckaarn of wlnnliiR tlm jilaro. Utk of lh .It hn a iwrfrct right, tbkbnoMr lll ilrny. to think Jut tiat way. To that ritrnt Ihrro It a mtlBltr of .plrlt ami thnuxht WOUtkernnilMatra that la iiaalnK U4 pttlfrlnic ta (In, puMlr. If Chen tf Ary, iti'itiorrat, hail atayril In ti rwt n. thoiiKht tlio anmn way MUl other ili nn. If Hhrrlff llarnra toil! toma out nti.l tarklo thn Katiiv, tko IhlaklDK ai tlio other. It would U alnr ti.ly of mrn with "annti M but a ilncln ihoiiRht" mid itrti that trnt at on." That will Bake the rondttlon onn more U U admlrc.l Omti It a hut it M; ought to Im .ntlKlcd with ! tklakltm ll (hi. latiin way, It la HTftctly dillKhtfiil atntn of affair, M folki mi lit not to etiicct too Mk. imi wherr tlio "town row" which NOIICK OV IHHH)f,LTIO All i-raona urn horidiy notified that Ihn iinrttii'rnhlp of W If. Dnlhprr and W I. MrMlllon ha h-in dlnolted hy mutual ronacnt, W. I. MeMlllon r.'tnlnliiK Hip liuilnitM All outataud. Iiik acounla nrj payahle to th undiT-tinned 3..JI V. McMIU.KN ma ly atroiiKly r-imbllrmi. H... .pllia WANTKU-M-hl driving team. .. ii hoth juirtl... juttke Plenty of room, ond hand uprliiR wagon and har- to Klvntlio candidate. enrourm.mienl ,,..; n.o a terond hand ahotgun; ri'Rnt.llpaa of party Urn Tlm prl nation an. to ho held April I'JIli, which will hq n Friday It will ho a had I'rlda) for aomehody, Imt Jut who la hard to tell I'otilhly not for all hut two of I In. rnndldnti a n therii mlxht ho a rhauxit In tin, political horlion hefoii. (hat time I'omIIiIv aomehody iiiIkIu wlthdrnw, mid w.l. lily not Hut with tin. prlmnrlea a llltl.i oer all weeka dlitmit, It aei.ma likely that no other randldnte will rom,. Into the rare, or that ho will not make n rery ttroiiK Imprenlnn If he dooa enter Hlnrn Ihn lad political rctlew In Ihean roliimn the altuatlon for rutin. ty rlerk Ima rhaiiRed At that time County rierk Chnrlra II e Lap. re. puhllran, waa tin. only randldatn for the nectarine pardon, that ahould read plum - hut now l.lndtay (' Hlan. more, I'nrt Klamath democrat, hna mint he cheap for caah Herald ofllce Addreaa ISO, 4t VAUDEVILLE AND MOVING PICTURES THIICK MdllTM IK VAIIICTV AT HIII-NTON' WV.IW IIOtHI-; WITH tiii: kikht iiKKKiiiMi huh i:vi;mnj Three nlRhta of audvvlle with plclurra am promlied at Houaton'a oprra Imiiae, heglnnlni; tonlitht, Watta and l.uraa art. the hrlaht. entered the arena lie. la well known particular ataia of the occaalon, and a formrr farmer and later a atorcithey will nreaenl comedr. lnlnr ami .. .. . ----.-.,. -. . Keeper i or aoiiin time lie waa apok en of aa a poailhlllty for aherlff, hut decided against taking part aa an aa. plrnnl. I'oaalhly hn figured that with audi a largn n under of folka after tin. place that It would he better to go In where there It Icaa competition. But thvri aro many who tintteVo that tlm altuatlon with regard lo county rlerk would h Juat aa dim cult fur a man aa tlm ahrlevally all. uatlon, na Miaaeaalon la an adtantagt In polltlra and County Clerk Ik l.ap U well known and well liked, regard. Icaa of any patty propoalllon If the men ahould ho betwern the two men, with no other can.ll.latea for I ho clerkahlp, and ahould prove a cloao ntw. It will l a aurprla. to many people, daiirlng acta, fenturlng the acarccrow danco na a aclalty Madge Luraa, nnnuiiuced aa tho world' grcatval rontorltonlat, will appear In volution which aro eipected to cxclto wonder. In addition to the people who will offer entertainment, tho alloat.ofars via the moving plcturo machine aro expected to create cnnalderabln In tereat FINE MEN COOKS WILL GET UP FEED I'.WIl OK UICI.I, KNOW.V CITI7.KNM AM) I'YTIIIANMAIti: MC'IIKI). ti,Ki to amitiiK AoaniMJA. TlOX i)V KUIMUbi Karl Whltlock and'Oeorgo C. North aro cicHlcnt chefc' Thla Informa Hon la doing dlacloeaai to the world In order that tho accomllthmenta of the gentlemen may not be concealed be neath a v.imiI whlek algnlfle a Un- dard unit of meMararaeot, to wit, a Imahel. Thoae who have never eaten patu de fol grat cooked hy the akllled hand of cither of th two gontlemen, or havu never tatted the dellgbta of chill con carno concocted hy una of them hare much In More. The facta that they are chefa bf. ruiim known when the Knlghta of l')thla Lodge No. 9, of which thoy aro member, made the announce, mcni of Ita meeting Wednesday even ing next. Of court, tho letting out of tho fact that th two nen named aro export In culinary matter die cloaca what ha heretofore been n mighty lodgo aecret. Tho reanlt of tnflr tender mlnl tratlona over the pot and pan will bn known at next Wednesday nlght'a mfctlng, when the Mil of fare will be throughout the audience, which (how. cd Hint tho nroDoacd nieaaure had re. eelved careful atudy. Ono noticeable! feature of the meeting, over that of moat political gathering, waa the great Intcrett ahown and tho active part taken by the women. Member of tho party at the meet. Ing expressed themtclvc a itry much pleated with many of tho pro- virion of the proposed charter, and whllo It did not contain tome thing that they would have liked to tee there, yet on the whole no serlou objections could be made. No action wa taken by tho local, however, a It I the Intention to first give careful contldcratlon to the charter offered by tho mayor. Thla meature will be dlscuated at the mooting next Runday evening. NEW LINE TO NEAR -.' K'"-rt ?-jr-7rwcajan SOITHERN OREGON tea -. XX31 3a.oJSia ftptwjr lfowr Tree Those wishing spraying, prunnlng, trantplantlng or other tree work aat lafactorlly done will please leave their ordor with O. A. Btearn. Phone Cz3 4-et M. M. KINO. EXPENSIVE PROGRAM IIHAXCH TO COME CLOSK TO THK HTATK MNK M IltT FART OK I'MX TO MAKK KXTKNHION8 WITH t40,0M,9M KLAMATH FALLS TYPOS UNIONIZE CIIAKTKK OITUT RBCnVKI) AXO NKW ORGANIZATION- HTARTS 1TM CAREKR WITH KMn'RN Oood new for booster of th un developed area of Central asd South. orn Oregon Is that of tho Intention of the Southern Pacific to construct a new branch In Northern California which will bring traffic close to the Oregon state line. The San Francisco Examiner prints the Item thus: President Sproulo of the Southern Pacific baa ordered the Immediate conttructlon of tho Fernlcy Northern railroad from Fernley, station on the Central Paclle In Nevada, SS mllca cast of Reno, to a point SO mile north of Suaanvllle, In Northeastern Cali fornia, a distance of 124 mile. Bid are Invited from contractor. The es timated coat of the project Is 15,000- 000. The new line Is to have a branch 12 miles long to the timber holdings. said to amount to 500,000 acre, of T. B. Walker. Minneapolis lumber iuAU , them." Separata corporate entitle wore given the enterprises In th Irst p!oe that rights of way would bo ob tained wlthont at lot of legal circumlo cution. Th California Northeastern from Weed, a station on th Monat Shasta route, to Klamath rati, baa already boon built. Recently It waa absorbed by iho Oregon Eastern. This road Is now building from Klamath rails northwester! to Natron, a station oa the Mount Shasta rout la Oregon. Betide traversing a nrosparoua country, the Weed-Natron Uae will give the Southern Pactte a lover grade line over Mount Shasta than tho one now In us. With It complet ed, there will be two trunk lines from California Into Oregon- Th Fernley Northern, with on of the other companies, u to conaUtnto a route between Klamath Falla aad Fernley oa tho Central PaelBe. Thai will give Portland, Northeastara Cal ifornia and Southern Oregon, la con nection with tho Natron Uao. a through rail route to th Bart by way of the Central Paetf c aad Ogdoa. The remaining new project wilt affect Northeastern California; conn He north from Chlco and glv rati connections to the outside world for In now. a virgin territory. to Wit with a Setd There will be a candidate ranka of etqulre and stntght dny otenlng, and la order tol work In a proper manner ever ber who poaalbly caa will be W. It. V. Take Xi.ll.a The Wotnnn'a llellef Corp will hold lla regulnr meeting Tuea.lny af ternoon, March Cth, at : o'clock, In the I 0 O. V. hall. All member ahould be present to help In the Ini tiation of aevernl candidate. lloo.it for the trip to Ban Krancluo March llth, becnuan It'a n big tlilliat for not only tho whole atate. hut thla hnaln In particular. ta Explains Listing 01 Paper As Under Development Ownership JWttor llciul.l At tho bottom of Milx ami ...ton of tho llorald fUrdty exiling, appear an artl " tho merger of tho Klamath ""wpmenl lanrtrni, mid from tho M It wu written, ran think noth- loan that It wn written and MUlrted in m. , ....... .... ... tail, .- .,'. win, inn iii- ' to Injure tin. iin.l my nowapapur. Martltlt la an ixlrncl from tho Zl. T,r"". and la an Inter- Iron Mri w ,, j,1lion B,rc., ttt Vi,pfr' U Kw m ,0 "l'ettk ot erni roncern that wcro 7 Into the pnrc,,t company JJ-T" " Klamnth Devolopmont . , Amiini! Illean Ninmnii an. J"lksunio of ihn pioneer Pro "lUWai company. U,I'I,,U, " Hio Inkurvlow )ou "m It thu portion and mako n JotuJ ro"r ,,orp' """K thnt Mr. jjy Mnoiinrcd thnt "not only VnnuLii! .co,"l"lo which havo e?. Wl"' t,u, concorn bMn (urT",M Into Ihn nnw ICIntk J52Jt company, hut that tho o. ""'""ing company rpaiijjjj, ' """I'onont part of tho I SiJ??nint ls n illberato and - promedltatod falsifying of the Intervlow, aa our own ttory how. You give Iho Impretalon Hint Mr. Johnaon nnnnunro to tho publlr that tho Pioneer Prea "continue n a component part of thnt corpora tion," Intending to roiney the Im pretalon that Mr. Johnson declared that till newspaper still l.elongt In Iho Klamath Development compnuy, and that Mr. Johnaon mndo Hint statement In that uy lo let It bo known Hint hi company still own thl paper. No whom In Mr. Johnson' Inter vlow Is tho word "continue" used, and I hao no doubt Hint our use of It wn promedltnted nnd malicious Tho facta about tliu matter nro this. Tho Interview with Mr. Johnson ft written hy myiielf horn In Klamath Fall heforo ho left thl city for Port land, and boforo I know lhat I would purchato elthor tho Chronicle or the Plonoer Pre. In fact, at tho tlmo I wrote thnt Intorvlow my negotiation with Mr. Murray for tho purchato of the Ghronlcto wore In auch ahapo that I had lold Mr. Murray that I would not deal with him any longor bocauto I thought that wo could roach no un dorttandlng. I told both Mr. Paul (Continued on Page i WHY HE WOULD NOT SURRENDER I.ITTI.K KI.AMATII FAI.IJa HCIIOOI, IU)V SHOWS A IIKMAItKAIII.V P.VTItlOTIM SPIRIT t'.VHKII Al VKItSK fOMUTIOXH A tery good atory of tho patriotism being Inatlllcd In oung America I t.liiK told of one of the ounger boy In tho public school. On Waahlng tim' blrthda) aoteral of the boy were pln Ing at war on tho ground of the Central tchool, among thorn being llttlo Peter Mottchcnbachcr, ul.oiit 7 ear of age. I'vter aa ruptured by three of tho bo)a somewliut larger and older than himself, nnd was ordered to surren der. It happened lhat he wa taken In custody near tho flagpole, and aco- Ing Old (llory waving overhead In the breetv hi heart wa filled with patri otism, and ho stubbornly refuted lo turrended. Ho wat roughly handled by tho older bojt, and although tho heating forced him In cry, he wou not surrender. When releaaed ho wont homarcry. lug lo hit mother, and bolnaikod what had happoncd ho toldher that tho boys were plalng watf and that hn Imxl been raptured nndrcrdored to surrender, "hut I was rlgkl under tho (Ing nnd couldn't surrend ncivisiF mmitirm r the ednes- lo tho mem. nt OTNM 1 Film Iteprodactloai of AtteM-KU Flat Caralral Showed Chamidnti to tie Angry, Hair anal IMMprrale. United Pre Service I.OS ANQEI.ES, March 4 The mo tion pictures of the Attell-Kllbane battle aro among the beat ever taken In America, according to tho verdict of the newspaper men who were given iv private exhibition of tho film. Attell's angry, surprised and des perate expression when he readied that he had met an opponent worthy of hit efforts It plainly ahown. Abe Attell' contention that Kllbane held throughout la borne out. nighVat'Ae'W.ir), company once on Fourth atreot. Jutt half a- block south or Main, and on the corner of the alley, the charter outfit waa received from the national headquarters at Indianapolis. The union Is to be called Klamath Falls Typographical Union -No 111, and at a later meeting oBeora will be elected. The charter members are R. Vance Hatehlas. tv C. Oravea, Frank Rlgga, Miss B. Wayman, Zeno C. Zlmball. Elmer Mills. W. F. Rector. William Dowdoln. Nate Otterbeln. Archibald V. Tlndall and J. W. Prlt i. .wwwBwaw" Until April ISth I the cheap time for folki to come here from the East. t 1,1,1. l HPMNTKIl INJlTRKSl IRVK F. U. Patrick, connectod with tho Western Transfer company, had tho misfortune Hl morning lo Injure hi right 0)0. Mr. Patrick was engaged in .lellverlnn a load of wood from the compnny'a storage In tho Colonel Wil kin wnrohouso near tno linage, ana whllo In Hio act of tostlng a stick of tho henlliig aubslniwo on tho wagon u splinter fell back, lodging lit hit right o)0. Dr. Fisher removed tho obstacle, nnd Mr. Patrick I congrat. uintlng hlmtolf that tho painful In jury did not prove more serious. . Temple theater. Matmoo dally, J: In p. m. Evening, Irtt porfoimaaro 7:16, contlnnons, SOCIALISTS BET BUSY WITH ISSUE HAMj FITTED UP AND LFCHAR. ARK BElSvVOF. IIAVK TAK p IIH WHICH FKRKII TO VOTKRfl Tho local soclallit have now ettabJ llthed a- regular placo for holding public meetings on Fourth atreot, half a block north from Main. They have leased thlt hall for a year, and have fitted It up very comfortably with seats and tablea. At present thla hall will scat about ninety people, but It I expected to Increase the seating capacity to double that at present as dlHnnawiiajajaj MARTIN IS SUED FOR ANVIL WORK FAHMKIUi' IMPLEMENT CONCERN, PLAINTIFF, TIES IT VERDICT DEFENDANT GOT AGAINST VADEN Suit haa been entered by the Farm ers' Implement and Supply house, through Its attorney, J. C. Rutealc. against J. A. Martin. The claim ta made that the defendant, who former ly operated a stage route to Fort Klamath, owes the plaintiff about S1C0 for horseshoeing. Some time ago Martin got a verdict against J. L. Yaden In an Issue over settlement tor carrying mall on his rout, under a subcontract. It I understood that tho fund which may bo forthcoming under this verdict have been legally gripped by the party suing Martin. MARRIED IN JIG TDM TO MAN SHE OFFERED DARE Woman Hall Aato Track Driver, Re- natadteg Him That It I Leap Year Prosoaal Day, aad In Tvreaty Mia atea Is Has A inott enthusiastic meeting wa held Sunday evening, and the hall wa filled nearly to the doom, with men and their wives and daughters, who are Interested In th work ot furthering the principles of socialism. After the regular program was ren dered, the special feature of tho even ing, the discussion of the proposed commission charter, waa takea up. Advocates ot the charter were present by Invitation, and pressated argu ment In (avor of th measure. Many question wtro asked by people toned Press Ssrvle LOS ANGELES, March 4. Fre ed to, hustled to th county clerk d a Juttlce ot the peace, married d sent to his work, all within twen- tl minutes, Is the unique speed record aimed by Charles Lltenbard. Charles was driving an auto truck along Spring atreet when he waa hailed by Sarah Ball, Miss Ball ban terlngly reminded him that the day was proposal day for leap year, and dared him to take her to tho license clerk. Without a word Ltsenbard leaped to tho ground, swung the maid to a aeat, clambered back and amasbed a speed record to the court house. After the ceremony he remarked: "Better move your trunks in right away, gtrll. I'll b home for supper at six," aad ha awuag to hla aaat aad chugged away. Intrench Itself Southern Oregon, Northeastern llfornla and Northwestern Nevada ainat the encroachment of both tho extern Pacific and tho Hill aystam. It also means that the Southern Pa ine, which already haa all other parts f California wall covered by a net work ot lines, la at last to fortify Itself la the aam way la tho oaly ra-malala.part.ef-U)U state it haa aot yet Invaded the northeastern conn-Ues. The expensive program of railroad defense and tramc aggression Include seven lines. They call for a total of 746 miles of new railroad, the lowest estimate of their aggregate, the coat being 129,740,000. The seven prop erties are: California Northeastern, 90 miles: Oregon Eastern, 160 mllea; Fernley Northern. 124 mites; Walker Timber branch, 12 miles; Modoc Northern, 80 miles; Goose Lake ft Southern. 160 miles; Chlco ft Northern, 120 miles. Tho Fernley Northern and the Walker Timber branch as one com pany, and the three last companies In those mentioned are to be absorbed Into the United Pacific Railway com pany of Utah, th legal successor of the old and first Central Pacific. This Is why the former company's charter waa amended In Salt Lake City last Tuesday, so as to empower It "to purchase, own, hold or extend HOOHKVELT IS TRAILBK, CONTENTION Of BRYAN Pteikos Nebraska Last Say Trailed After La roaVte,aa for Direct rtla at Jadtw'RccaB.ajtaL ' Ii 'rt PrC SerVtOS) PORTLAND. March 4. DoeJerlag tbat Coloaol Roosevelt had aevor been IdenUfied with protresslvo Idea until long after they bad been brought to the attention of tho public aad fought for by Senator La roilefta, William Jeanlng Bryan speaklag be fore an audience of 10,000 porsoaa here severely scored Rooasvolt, aad among other things declared for th direct election of United States sen ators, 'the direct primary. Income tax, tariff revltlon and the recall of Judges. In his arraignment ot Roosevelt, Dry an said that the former president had "always lined up with tho later- ctta" In the campaigns, and that Roosevelt' decision to make the race for the presidential nomination agalnat Tart waa an Indictment against the republican administration Are you Interested la KLAMATH COUNTY I It so, sea th Hunter Realty Co. They havo i food bargain. Insanity Of Faultier Sought To Be Established By Defendant In the trial ot Nobel Faulder tor the murder ot Loult Qebhert. the principal evidence offered today by the defense wa for the purpose ot demonstrating beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant Is an In sane man. Mr. Ruth Hughe, who waa a nurse at the SamaTltan hospital when Faulder wu confined there af ter tho murder and attempted eulclde, went on tho itand, after which Joseph Hughe, her huihand, testified. He said that he had been with the en gineering department of the Southern Pacific, and met Faulder at Modoc Point, asserting that Faulder when drinking acted worse than any man ho bad ever seen. He said Faulder, a foreman ot a gang of men laying track, had discharged men be should not have and ha bellaved this wa why Faulder lost his Job as foreman. Whoa drinking, ho had a wild stare and did craty thing. Charlea Gentry waa called to testi fy regarding riding oa the wagon with Faulder and Frits Chrlstentea from Fort Klamath, where Faulder had been drinking, to the Ericsson ft Pottersna eoastructlon camp. Thla wu Sunday, August 6th, th day Faulder aot Qebhert. Ho told of tho doten or so boxes which, he said, con tained bottles ot Intoxicants, which were on the wagon, aad that all drank somo of the stuff. He said that dur ing the trial here Chrtstensoa had asked him not to say on th wltnoat land anything about tho getting of the liquor from the wagon, and that ho had told Chrlstenson that what ha was going to say would be said on the stand. Chrtotenson, he said, asked him It he had talked about the case to others, and ho replied la the nega tive. Ho admitted to District Attor ney Dell V. Kuykendall that he had talked to others about the case. Ho Insisted that he had the right to ll to anyone who uked him about matters that ho did aot wish to tsll about, and aald he would tell thorn something until he got rid ot them. This afternoon Miss Mamie Braa- don. a nurse, testified that aha bad been observing Faulder dally 'sine he left the hospital for tho purpos el testifying that ha wa Insane, for aha declared that ha wu so, without a doubt. She aald that Dr. Qorg H. Merrymaa had told hsr th man waa Inaan. Wha thla roport closed A. J. Lyle, auptrlaUadaat ot th Saanarltaa hospital wag oa th stand.