He turning efaliV ivpruKo i" HUB! PltKS NEWS MWtVIUM evening ramri pbikt no news, war nnMnr , fear N IiSBS KLAMATH FALL, OfUMJON, SATURDAY, MARCH t, I9IB 1 STATE NOW RESTS IN TRIAL OF F4IJLDER DOCTOR QUESTIONED liow gnwv i.ntkndkd to im. pgACM TWIMONY OF WIT. XBHAIIIIKI OUT IIV JUDGE mm i" iiknon ref Loula nMinrt III defend n't sttor)'. "n". 'iciivu tbl lateral ny urswing iroin A, Doiotll, laooror living in i vallar. admiesion mat aur llilcrmlMloti nf Iho court rtflirii'ion IMiinnll heard rriti n 111 Charles tloatry, who is to oat ol Hi" defendant's wit tot to mx anything on the lltMt one lit thrm Kittling whl- tb ulhrr on thn day of the Tha quntliin did not inako rsMeb war tin whlakey passed, thla morning Mr. Onelll I tb court In itlimln Ida ram tt pound that the prosecution. i II retted In pruvo that Iho "Hit Iind dllatod puplla mid uoinu action o( tlm bowels," "Old )iiu within u couple of weeks wrllo a letter to Mlaa M. lirandon In which ou aakud hr In wrllo and tvll yon what waa lolnx In tlm Kaiilder i iuk, an tun weru utiiloua to know. ainrmryi,K yon did not know anything almut tho caan, onn way or Iho (i. rrT" Dlalrlcl Attorney Hell V. Kuvkon. dall objected to tlila aa bavin mi ..,.. ....j. ........ ........ " " titlalrUI0' Muei rauiier mr irriaiiiy r relevancy. air. wueiii lain ii n proMiai.tI o mow that the woman had burned thn letter and that tho itirioan waa to Impeach thn wltn'aa. Proceeding" worn atop lied whllii Norman Kaulder, brother of tin. arruard, went out to aummoii tho woman lull when aim arrived ahu waa not railed to the aland, and Dr Carrot h waa permitted to Ml that ho had written a Idler to MIm Poll; llrennan, aa he cave her name, aaylnit he had not been aummoned hero Ken. ruary IS (which waa a date provloualy aei ror the trial) II.. tald he wrote her that he wanted to know tho time of the trial, aa he expected aliorlly to take a place aa atrip' aurgron lo Pan. ama or China, Ho waa at thn time In tsaa guilty beyond a reaaon. Oakland, Calif tftbt. bad nut connected him ' Then he waa aaked a long queatlnn li'e combination auma to Im one do outly lo bo admlriid. lint to Kiit bark lo tba rogUtratlon, Tint city , lection la to be Monday, May , minoiiim u ia planned to hare a npvcini Miction on tho city charter rtliril Z3.I, which Will bo a Tue..l. Having two city nloctlona within Icaa than throo woika cornea high, to ho mire, but the taxpaer foota all the bllla, and thoy are rich, aa everybody knowa, and ahould ho mulcted to tho limit na lone aa they will aland thn trrntment Por who knowa but what the day may aouio tlm.. como when lh Ki'titlo nnd InorTenalro propotty owner may actually rlao In hla might ami awat uselesa i.iprnae7 Ha exciting lo keep on spending inn purine runda, don't you know. Il'a not an unlike murder In aome of Its aspects. A murder la exciting to thn man who commits It. Why? Recant ho cannot commit homicide every day. ir no endeavored to continue the prar tiro aa a habit people would In tho course of lime actually become peeked and put a curb on hla enthusiasm' for other people's Uvea. Therefore, lo the wlnda with csre and prudencn nnd let nil Join In the glad refrain: I Think of the taiea we will spend To nothing etae an ear we'll tend, Landed gentry mtiat submit. For we'll not concede a hit GOVERNOR WEST WON'T BUH IN WILL TAKK NO ACTION IN TIIK KMMATH CAHK UNLESS THK COURT REQUESTS COMMITTEE APHMNTBU Special to Tba lltrala HAI.KM. March J. When aeen to. day Governor Oawald Weat aUted that ho doca not want to butt Into Klam nth raao unlet tha county court re queati tho allotment of committee. NOTED HORSEMEN TO BE IN RODEO i My criminal aeenry. During I NNtlUtlnii of the motion thn Ibattbejiiry withdrawn from la the ruitody of llalllff lO. Moraau The court, after tb m.itlnn, denied II, and laiM tie motion made on 7 by tbr aame attorney to dla. lttaton the ground that the I vm romtnltted on the Indian blrh he. alleged, car- Ifttata out of the Jiirladlrtlnn liuMtroarta, Ik. E 0. Catrath, who waa eajtT i at tka Krlekaaam rL. .. k.a.iL..r-xa.vU.V-'' y at ine limn ui in mar MkH4 yetfrda) afternoon and I tilt awning, the atata yetr. I after rnm eiamtnlng him. M thai nn the way from i lo lbl city with Kaulder. rtt4fo1ant had ahot htmatlf tb killing;, rautder told rot the Irani and tho phyal. ittttafttr be fiiuml hla dog dead I tb rook If Im had poteoned Itiattbecook drnlrd It, adding Itkar wtr lateral .! around iMltbatouitht to be killed. Tlila, .lirid him and ranted hi rnlng Attornuy Onell todrarrlholhu roni wltnrtt mII tlm f inn had d aulTer it rorog. iM. ami aald "llJlo, Doc." H4 ol rntranrn nl between H nd vnlh rltiW three Iff! of the tnedlaWlne. rtwa togriiicr u any . Icailni t s.K.lnrh Tea. i. ilmrrll....! a h,u-l Hrtloloilral and pathological MlllUrV (0 till. Illllar.llaa anrf Urn. 'HI hll II on I hi. I.nw.ila?" lHlheiauH.." ' rlett bail H in. 1 1... ...ji ldrffiidnt!" involving tin. following If he wrote her Baying that ho might be called to Portland aa a wllneaa In the murder raan of William Ju.tah Jim nnd would gel wllneaa feea from Klamath Knlla to Portland, and return Jiul would alay up there, an If he wcro called here for tho rautdcr trial he would get wltneaa fee from Portland here and bark to Portland, aa that waa the only way lo get money nut nf the rata; If ho did not have a ronvrraa Hon with J, D. Carroll about January (continued oa, Pag ) OR. EMMA DRi MORALITY Tl OfV MKRHIMi, BILIi flMITH AM) JOHN KUM BUOaMTKU AS KN. TItlULJgMBMMgaataJUCal OX CONDITJOl A MKHIIM OK MKr.TINOH AltlLiNOKD AT WHICH WOMKN'M I'lHITV KKtlKIUTION HKIMIHMKNTA. TIVKWII.LHPKAK WILKINS FIRST VOTER ON BOOKS HKUIHTHATIO.V IIMilNH KOH CITV KI.MmON, IMMIKH IIKIN'O IN IIANIH OK CITY HKCOIIHKIt MW. ,, n aa1( lfea trofound ahock, Couiicllmuu M, 0. Wilkin waa thn Aral man In rcglatiT on the ell) booka, which opened I'rl.lny morning al city linll, It la nereaaary for nnyotiu who haa nurtlclenl Interval In city nlfalra lo volo thereon oatuinlng that aald per aon la of tlm mnacullno gender, aa It were, and a duly qualified elector Injpchoole Iho city of Klamnlh Kalla lo atgn thef3:00 p. ra women'a cluba at It. R. book, which la In tho keeping of CltylWattenburg'a; "MS p. in., ladle ml- Kor moral uplift a aerlea of meet. Inga have boon arranged at which Mra. Dr. Kmma K. A. Drak. who work aa rtprenttlvo of tha Wo- M'at.Bmm. raalarni . wUt-ki thai apeaker. She arrlvod laat night Mra. Drako waa formerly connected with Judge llvn l.lndary'a Juvenile court In Denver, Colo. Judge l.tndey la a well known advocate of kind treat. mont for child unfortunatea, and la tho author of tb "lleaat In the Jun gle" The following la the achedule of meetlnga: Hunday 11:00 a. m Prcibyterlan church; 7:46 p. m.. union meeting M. K. church. Monday 9:00 a.m., public achoola; 10:20 n. in., high achool; 4:30 p. m,. mi'ctlng with leachcra; 7:45 p. m., Young Peoplo'a aorlctle In charge, M. K. church. Tueaday 9:00 a.m., public achoola; 0::0 a. m high achool; 3:00 p. in.. pother' mrellng at the library; 7:4& in., women'a cluba and aid aocletlea k charge, at tho Chrlatlan church. Wednesday 9:00 a. m., public 1M0 a. m high achool; County CommlaaloaarC. Ouy Mcr! rill haa announced tlwt.li will hav nn even doton itctaMia of hora. fleah In the rodeo at Uw'falr ground next May, and that It toatja a though Hll' Hrullh.Jnh. ItlaJ't.1 Otbi-ra Merrill wll bavo to travel aatrWk f a nag aplnal column (If a noritrka a aptnal column, which, la bait via taken on truit aa a fact) and aaMM tho who opine that way appMrito be John Kill. Th gntlmaa)rroai Fort Klamath write to the Herald a fol lew: 'i "Editor Evening llrald "I notice la a reeeat leeae of th Herald where yoa lajfat that Meear. Quy Merrill aadVraak Adami wit liwawrimJihKgaa,li relay race at the coming rodeo. Of coaraa It I an open event, bat I wonld Mg get that they com la oa the cam condition a 'Brother Bill' aid ay. Mlf, and I herewith extend to them a hearty Invitation. I can aaaure them good race for their moaer. Tour for the Rodeo, JOHN BLUB." ronilderable time to trying to arouae the onthuilaam of the atudent. He expect to turn out a bunch of ath lete thl year that will be second to none to any of tho high achool In Oregon. Much credit will have to be given him for the baaketball team, which carried off the honor In the competitive eontcat thl year. The following I the Hat of those dealrlng to try out for place on the baaoball team and likewise tho who wish to try out for positions on the track team: Baseball Mesaner ss, Plel c, Wgg, Garrett, rf.; McCoy, Bkelton, 2b; Halnfa lb, Carter If, Sergeant cf, Noel rf, Hagalestela p. Hill If. Orem cf, Garrett p, U Prarle as, Ord Arnold p, R. Hum lb. Track Rlggs, 100 yards and quar ter mile; Ogle, distance; Plel, 440: Mccormick, 100; Feese, 100 yard. quarter and half mile, no'. vault. broad Jump and high Jump; Barges nt. distance; Smith, quarter and half; McCoy, running hurdle; Orm, run ling hurdle, pole vault; Garrett, pole vault; Cog 100. ISO, running high Jump, low hurdles and broad Tamp; Arnold, 100, pole vault, low and high hurdle; Carter, hammer throw and ahot put; Fouteh, hammer throw and hot put. HOPELESS MOTHER 3 POISONS CHILDREN BISHOP TO HOLD LENTEN SERVICE ATHLETIC MEET STIRS INTEREST HIGH HCHOOL BOVH GKTTINa WHY TO PERFKCT THEIK PIUIWK88 IN VAUIOIH IHHNfM OK TRACK AND FIELD ;order Thomas K. Mcbnlaav Not (htant'ninllnVrlMflrlho dla- of being Iho flral In put hla name down on the city booka, but hla wna Iho flral application In with tho city rcrordvr for a dog llrvnav for hla btnrk dog. Adding lo Ihla fact that Iho colonel but recently paaard hla 74th birthday nnd I still going strong Newman-Foltz Offering Was y Presented Last Evening Med vu .. . H.nKnll a sx.tt ....... lUul.r",;,'";,!;,"., hat ai v ".imn way," - wibt at h0 ,, h(JUM iwi L.. . """". I'roved n pity produced. Tho Htncd better nn n ti.. of comedy which Is the llba..kl..". "'. --...,. , rftro n i . '"ODJia ar. I....... .. . 1 "riiur man ihn ' Wf,d with n... .. auZ. '', ou,'l to cotue via- w Tat , a. ' Z" "" ,n mXI?0' 'f'-h board- tti , . ',"1' ""'chcora. l.uVk..r.,C.,er' wh,l Walter '"iriCtor. waa nl hi. i... iii!;l". Madollno WaN Howard ., Kvnllno, Iwtoa.. ,'"rH0r Kvans a. "--""iingo as Nlch. MM "P on his lines. He has shown hlmaolf never larking In thla reaped In any performance. Krn oat Wlntors, as llorbort I.yndall, the aHlled mualclan, was aufflclcnt, whllo J. I.lndley Phlpp did better than iiiual as John Brand, lover of Made, lino Watdron. This afternoon the bill I "Amy," talo of a clrcu girl, with "Thelnm" tonight, when exceptional lighting of focla and sronory aro promised. To morrow night tho company will rnn cludo with "Bapho." NOTICE The following store will cloao at 0 p. m excopt Saturday, until further notice. Heetor'a Dep't Store, Golden Rule Dop't Store. K. K, K. Storo, Atkinson's Portland Store, Walg-Ovr Shoe Store. alo'nary aocletlea In charge, Preaby trrlan church. Thuraday 9:00 a. m public achoola; 10:30 a. m., high achool; 3:00 p. hi., mothers' meeting Mills addition; 7:4(1 p. m., (topular lecture, opera houae. Friday 9:00 a. m., public achoola; 10:20 n. m., high school; 3:00 p. m., W. O. T. U. mothera' meeting, library; 7:4fi p. m city and county ofllclala. council rooms. BOOSTER CROWD HAS G000 TIME DKMCGATION Wlliai OOES TO OI.KNK IS ORKKTKD BV IjARGE CROWD ANII MAKES KXCEI LENT IMPRBMION Tho Rooster club delegation which mado a Journey to Olene Thursday for tho purpoao of acquainting the mom onergotlc ones with farm Ideas tins returned, after having spent an oxcollent time A flno program was rendorott In which the young boost or did thomaolves crodlt In the way of oratory. Judging from tno amount of onthuslasm aTOiisod tho boosters left a good Imprcaalon. Tnore wa carcolv standing room, as the spa- clous hall was taxed to Its fullest ca pacity with people from all parts ot tha valley. The boosters express themselves aa having att wcalteot time. A groat deal of cntbualasm I being manlfeated at the high achool over the coming athletic meet at Eugene In May. It la expected that a large num. ber of athlctce will be aaaembled there lo couipcto for honors In track aa wtl aa Bold. Tho local high achool la en deavoring to select a trick team which will represent the school hre at th meet, and aa a resuft tha boys aro trying out for the various places on the team. Of course at this time of the year they are somewhat handi capped by the fact that there la no place to train out, but It Is hoped that before long a place will be provided, ao that training may bo commenced Immediately. Nothing of this soft has ever been Indulged In to any great extent In the school, consequently the boys aro very eathuslastle over tho fact that they will have an opportun Ity of getting a chance to ahow what they can do In the way of athletic. Judging from the showing which haa been made oa the terrace up oa tha hill by tha atudents aome good ma terial Is lo th rough. Tho baseball bug Is bulling about, and to say that It hag left Ha bypaotle power among a majority Is sot far amiss. It Is expected that by tha tret of next week a captain and manager will be elected ao that active training will start very soon. A Hat of aamea of those who expect to try oat far place oa the team baa boa aaeured so that an estimate may be made to get an Idea of tha amount of laUreat In thl lln of athUtlc. About half th regular team which did thta selras ao proud last yar by wlaalag so many games, have left tho school, so that new men will have to be put in their place. Mr. Hawley, who has charge of tha athUtles of th high school, la Uring IIIHH CHURCH OFFICER OF EP1M. COPAL DENOMINATION COMES HERE IB aUK4rT OF Ran'. H. O. COLLINS Bishop Robert L. Paddock, whose home Is la Hood River, has arrived here and la conducting special services for th Ckarth of the Redeemer ia 1. o. o. F. hall. That waa a samiag roair..aJtnm.aM-tBtar from S:10 to 4:0 e'etaek. The bUh- of will also preside at the meeting Sunday, at 11 a. m. Thl being Lent. and th period of observance of spe cial abstinence, there will be ao re ception for the bishop, who will be glsd to meet his friends at the eerv Icm. There will be good muilc to morrow morning under the direction of I. Jay Knapp. Blahop Paddock, who la head of th church of that part of the state east of the Cascades, Is no stranger to Klamath Falls, having mad a number of visit her and favorably Impressed the people. He will probably return north on Mon day. During hi tar here the blahop I the guest at the home of Rev. Dr. Henry C. Collin, rector of th church of the Redeemer. ho can best develop and conserve bis powers In such a manner as to be ben- oflclal In a way to tho future genera- ttoo. 86 many of the people of the present generation are contented to catlsfy themaelre with their present mode of llfo to such an extent that tbey do not look forward to benefit, ting mankind who shall fall In their footstep. Th blahop spoke at length oa the octal aid of life, and gave some good advice to the high school student who And himself confronted with the grave problema of Ufa after leaving school. He said that to lead a pure, clean and moral life one must abstain from tb things that will tend to cor rupt hi life morally and physically. He gave an example of how a person may be Induced on the downward path by being a good fellow. Aa one thing led to the next It would not be long before be would And himself aa out cast. The apeaker strongly advocated all forms of athtttlcs, and the manner of knowing bow to play. Play Is not the only thing, but bow to do the rl kind of playing. So many me. into athletics to beat the otJjBT fel low Instead of trying to wjaT There Is great satisfaction In befng Able to take defeat, and If onultlvdt the right kind of spirit y will gi Into a contest not only toifln. but to bear defeat, should he rafet It. tomorrow eveniaw tnere will be a service at Masonic tall to whkh th public Is cordially InVJted A New M4s TJ Prank W. TJpp ia belag uiauii on in aaveai yeettrday of a new baby girl. SHE THEN SUICIDES ILL, UNABLE TO SUPPORT TJOM, SHE SAYS IN PATHETIC LET. TICK SUE CANNOT STARVE MleiJ 1'ieaa Hervice SALEM. March 1. A totter to Chief of Police Hamilton revealed tha poisoning of four children and U aulcld of Mrs. L. F. JUIoa, di vorced, aged 40. Th children, two boya and two girls, ware found dad of cyanide poison, la bed. The letter says: "The plain fact la I cannot earn enough to keep my family and am too 111 to work. 1 cannot see thaaa atatm Tbr Is a little money In my puna, Tak It aad bury us all together. ' ( nUtSadl WWaWAS-.aP iii,mnu.. Upr Lake TraaV Starts .Captain H. E. Calkins of th Ktoav stb Fall aad Crater Lake Motor Boat company, aaouacaa that begtaaJag Monday regular dally mall and pa aenger service will commence oa the Upper Klamath Lake. During th month of Icepn the lake, tha mall la carried by stage, but at other tlasea th mall la carried by boat Tho com pany, of whleh Mr. Calkins la i operates tha boats. Curlew aad I SPARKS THEATER DANCE TONIGHT Equlllbrlty testa will be mado by a largo number of people thla evening. Yea, Indeed, for thl I tb night when, at th Sparks thsater, all dis ciples of Terpechore may Indulge In the dreamy mase of the waits and tho alluring mytterle of th two-step to th etralaa of orchestra members, or, more strictly speaking, the strains coa-xed, teased aad otberwla coerced from diver and sundry musical In struments. It's the regular Saturday night dance, to be candid with the reader. DOCTOR sm OH ALLEGED BILL MERRILL PHYSICIAN, THROUGH ATTORNEY THOMAS DRAKE, FILES BILL ASKING FOR FEES WITH INTEREST THEREON ha a meeting tha de gree ataC for practice at tha haa aa Monday avwlag, March 4th, at T:M harp. By orator at Oa Caatata. ranch today oa URJS-J.,. Robert Williams cam to thks arty today from his ranch by Lost River. Through Attorney Thomas Drake ault haa been entered In the offlco of County Clerk Cbarlea R. De Lap by Dr. Alexander Patterson against Chris Dledrlcskon. Both parties live at Merrill. The doctor claims $128.25 for medical service alleged to have been rendered between February 6. 1908. and April 21, 1908, asking In terest at per centum from the lat ter dat. Wlckatrom and Llndatrom wra down from the Upper Lak today to attend to om local baataaaa. P. H. Orar aad Cbaa. Adams are la from Lost River. Merle Kilgor was hi Klamath Falta today to get inppll for kta ranch. Harold Kllgore came la today from Lost River. Enjoy yourself by attending dance at the 8parks tonight. the PADDOCKTALKSTO HIGH SCHOLAR BISHOP OF EPISCOPAL DIC URGES YOUNG MEN TO Dl OP FOR MANKIND'S LAUDING ATHLETICS Bishop Paddock gave an ezcellel talk Friday morning la the auditor lum of tha high school, principally on education. Ho spoke of tha evolutionary de velopment that was being put Into us, aad aald in substance that In th dvlopmnt of man tha llfa.and hab Ita war far dlSrat than of tha ani mal, from the fact that man had a aoal. Ha also dllbratd mora vivid ly from th view point that tha human rata ahould bo lifted to a higher plane aapaclally la th social physical aad moral aanae. It ought to ha tha am bition of tha high achool studrat of today, ha aald, to atady sow ao that llodeahaater Wtagtes Mercury Arthur Bodenhamer has coma from Dorrl to take service with the West ern Union Telegraph company. Ha will deliver messages of cheer, like wise those of the opposite, nature. They are all alike to the mangr boy. Dane tonight, Spark thatr. MUCH HAY BURNS AT WALKER PLACE Luke Walker, whose ranch la Just thla aldeof Bty, received a telephoa message stating that Srw had de strayed about 200 out of 210 tona or hay ha had, stacked on hla place, aad waa still burning. On account at the shortage of hay la that vtdalty tha loss will prove more than usually seri ous. But two days ago tha owner waa offered 17 per ton for th product Mr. Walker brought with him to thla city to market elghta head of bf eattla. Companies Into Parent Concern W. Paul Johnson, general manager aad secretary of the Klamath Devel opment company, was Interviewed In the Portland Telegram Tuesday, and at which time It was announced that not only had all the companies which have been identified with the concern haa been amalgamated Into the new Klamath Development company, but that the Pioneer Press Publishing, company continues aa a .i.. .TBajitto-. . .. ' "The Klamath Development com pany, with which Mr. Johnson Is Idea tiled, la oaa of th greatest Indus trial concern In th West, it ia a con solidation of aaven Wg corporations In which S. O, Johasoa, W. P. Johnson, O. X. Wradllng amd Mreral other are Interested, together with th later! of Herbert Fleuhackar of th Anglo- American aad Anglo-London aad Paris national bank of Ban Francis co aad tha lntrU of Mortimer Ftotohackap, praaldtat of tha Great Western Power company, of which ia late Edwin Hawley waa former Jdent. "Together with his brother, 8. O. uson, W. P. Johnson controlled the Klamath Development company, e Hot Spring company, tha Buraa lata company, the Plonatr Pros ublUblng company, tha White Pll- a Mineral Springs company, th Klamath Investment company, the S. O. Johnson company aad tha White Pelican Hotel company. "The companies hav all ba merged Into tho. new Klamath Devel opment company. Tha B, B. Johanna company la reaponslbto for th stoval opmtat of large tracta of tlmhor toad In Southern Oregon and Northern Cal ifornia, and together with th Want Lumber company owaad a larg part of th timber of that aecttoa of th Pacific coast. It Is estimated that tho combined lntrats la the aaw eoraor atloa rprat more thaa MO.MO, 060 la toad, Umber aad sacurRles." ssa, - - $ V1 !rti' r J . u . T. . """W. - ryiAf-irr, .,rxf7-F'l Jr.,