The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 01, 1912, Image 1

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I ,1
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kJrv -
- Ttt SAW
, tall. SB
r Am
. I
sm fir raj
aw him ntmrnutljr Influenced tiy
"Had lhe in on been friendly I
mn tlio ciHk and (tin defendant?"
"They had been f rlundN as mr a I
knnw, Wo wcrn nil good friends lo.
Kt'llnr there."
Interrogated by District Attorn)
loll V, Kuyknndall ttio witness raM
aya about Ilia lima of Ilia kill
Ing ,lJia remembered them, were not
tyiprceariaty dot. Thera wero warm
My, but n)ut had unci.
1,ll(iw dlifV'aulder seem to lm?"
L" was ltcd, and I did not be.
iV tin know vnat ha wan doing."
'Did you not say to hliu that no win
I fenUtilnic. or .bYitlng ",l,n '"'"
hi did nut know wsiclher tin had ")l
orM lili dog or noif"
n objection li)l attorney (or de-
mi wa uatalnu liy Jliugn Henry
Hanson, and auofior question rail
In forth practlcall! tlio same lufor-
Ion was aliswerld liy tho witness
sailng, "I tald, 'Yi don't know that
I hit man polsonedAho dog. Ha mid,
iad an Idea thai he did.' IUmii,
at't all rlaiit.Jiui ou don't kinlw
t h did. I ili'l bOlovo that ou
knw what loifaro doing.' "
"What wife oii trying to do?
a object of )oor talk with
-i vnhi rauiaar, m
' " . .- ,ii
rawgwratr la the "" ,'" " '
'"" . - .... ihfcl Atfauat t.
0 ! w . -
the' railroad eeMtruction
klckaoo Potlerso. about
i north of lha Hty. Tartar-
ksy 0. U. O'Nolll, for rul-
,, jury that h would
Lteihat thjwojta hd
, tat thtra wai no sruvo.
yldranhlllUebkert. Iln
r had before coming
ZtMaHrlVJh country tight year
Law iddleted to tlauar.aa wall
M ant, aad lhat at" times hla brain
sasttle.dvd by laloalrant that ha
.i.k.. .i,.i h ima stains. He
Bilk would ulinw that for gMra'vhal wa.
gaMkotk thrrn ha bn laaanlty tnKnul
g. fiaMtr fathlly, and that I'auldtfiTilil not want an mnro ihontliiK
iMIin of incurring apaiiabaawpir truunia."
"How oftnn bad )ou fvii li I til
I did not Mt him drinking ovvr
Tyman waa tn
llMla )rlvrdaylcltBK of r
aa uti'iir ug Uabhact'a body two or thro tiling. I
allilralRlni: Ibatdwatb aeaua.a l0 tmdrr ih
ajfey kulKt wmo awa aawor-uniuor."
bin haiidlram to tlm uivciitlnu of their
Hilltlfi, Thi-y iroio lo tnnku n
inrlnl itudy of iniinlclial lOKtalat Ion,
ami nmiiiiK ollmr iimtu-ri Intvnd to ni
tl oroiiiilily Into tho tiiorltn of tho rtt.j
lioctlvu chartvra iirotiomd to bo
lilncdl In foro tho voter of the city of
Klniniitli KalU, for lliclr ndopllon or
rxjectloti, In tho near futiiro.
The chnrtcr imbodylni thv fiMturc
of tho rounnlmilon form of municipal
RovKriuiKnt will firm bo taken up;
and oii nro tlnrcforo Invllod, aa at.
ailtocntu of tho cominlmiloii form of
goutrnment, to attend thn mealing of
Local Kwnunn on fluudny evening
March 3, 1912, at 8 o'clock (In tho
building formerly occupied by I lie
Denver rnfu) nnd prcaent rucIi argu
ment ni you may dvilrn In faror of
Ihu romtnlMlon form of Rovvrnntent,
Indicating aurh apeclat fiat urea In thn
prnfMued charter aa may appear to
you to poaoea an advantage nvor tlm
provlalon of Ihu preaont charter."
I ntirh IraiHir N4lllrr rurvHU' Vi
Hying ArrtunntlalMimt If (iHIIng
nT im Mlora In Two llnMr, rter.
it Mluuli', Klftylfour Hn-oml..
United t'rvaa Hrvir
I'AU, r'ranco, March I Alntor
Tubatrau In a mounplaiin broke the
awlft fllRbt record. Iln rnvered lift
mile In two hoiira, aevtn mltiiiten au'
lift; 'four aeconda.
rrtd Uwl,cap
wttacu. told of eallag
Mt to Kauldar, of
latir anlng up to the cook
bo-, tho
f aHhg
never could
Inftuiiico olj
Hakeard a that. a4 nw.fMb y on tbl day!"
"Did you obaervo on thla day that
ho waa under tho Influence of liquor?"
"No, air."
"Had you obatrved hi in particular
4 atari. Kaul.lcr carried a gun.
IMaBornloi the nvldancw of liwl
ttHMcladcd. and M. A, I'lko called
Utltand. I'lkn waa engineer of a
awalikovtl, hlle Joaaph Hpltel waa
taatnaua ut tha apparatu. I'art of
aWlMatlmon) wa In aubatanc aa
olWUht aaatitjhaw uaaMlyw, m!
"There waa nothing to ocraalon you
lo notlc.i him any more than ordinar
ily, waa thero nothing to raiian )im
to pay any more attention to him thnii
ou would lo anyone elao?"
"No, air."
At ll:6S a. m. thn eiamtnatlnn of
tieneml IHI, ('itnnuaniler of l'hlll-
idnn III t Moo, Itritinimemla Thai
l-'iMMwrar With Kyeleln on KtU
Hlibi lie Worn by Men Iii Army
Spcclnl to Tho Herald
U Major M&u.ijl'
Ihe I'blllpplne dlvlilon, hax found a
plan for aohlng the fwit troublca of
the American aoldler, any war depart
muni vierta, he will put the whole
anny under n debt of gratitude,
(ivneral Hell, In hla annual report,
A number of high atiiool glrla from
tlm Junior and senior, cIbmo got to
gothr yesterday aftoritooii to form
ulttto plans for a wajjlni: club. It
Hill bo tho object of tilj; club lo hold
numerous walks Into tku surruundluK
country, both for thunJo) muni as
well as Instructive loujnt wiiicti muy
bo derived fioni thom.M
t wns decided thaltlic memhera
nhotild havo n chief oil ox; r sue r, nod
fcs n result of this Mlaa.Ileasle Applo-
Katu.uns tloctvd toj'lhut officii. A
council composing tbr$u of tho ulrli
of thu club was chostir, thn girls bit
Iiir Mliuea MnrJorlo'McC'lure, Inez
Ml Holt and llntol Manning. Thn duly
of thn niuiicll Is lo arranKu plans fur
walks. A schrdulo will bo adopted In
which will ti seclfi"ed thu various
riiir-s or routes to ho taken.
At preaent It Is planned to journey
on Monday mid Wedsjesday nfternnons
niter the dismissal M school,
The mime adoptedi by the club Is
the Kulalona Tribe, ad the followliiR
nro tho membera enlisted: Jennie
Apileg&te, llesalo-.tAr'plcgate, Huth
Amy, Alia llalU'VIIIn CorswcII,
(net Klllutl, Krelyn (Iruves, Annie
Hales, Vera Houstonf Crjstnl Mcltey
nolds, MnrJorliviloClire, Hatel Man
ning, Nlnn, NoafKTalt Orem, Maysel
Sanderson, Haiel ' Kummora, Pern
Wood, Tereso YadM, I.llllan Van
Illper. J
thoy muat do their duty, bo It con-cedid,
Chester Btovcn waa Uxoklcl Morse,
decrepit villain with bishop's voice
and greed of gold. He took pains In
tho work. Miss Zoo Hates waa well
cast ns Aunt Dinah, while dordon 0-
born laborod with tho part of tho de
mented brother of Itoanoko as well
as could bo expected. J. Llndloy
Philips was tho faithful lover of tho
blind girl. ,whllo Krncst Winters
doubled In tho characters of tho fath
er who wns killed and tho lawyer
friend, not familiar enough with tho
lines to keep tho character moving In
the best manner. I.aif night's bill
progressed with much better gait than
"Dlvorrons," howover.
Tho specialties were offered with
thu usual success, Miss1 Howard and
Miss U'wls giving songs and Gordon
Osborn, tha youthful Thespian and
"vuudulllaln," doing a patriotic song
nnd dnnco turn, waving "Old Olory."
Mr. Newman was out of th cast last
night, getting variety to his llfo by
lifting pasteboard at tho portal.
Tonight, "A Womnn'a Way."
Tomorrow afternoon It will bo
ladles' matlneo, with "Amy," tho cir
cus girl's story, n tho bill, and In
his curtain speech last night Mr. Stov.
ens sold for women to bring their
bnhk-K, as they would bo checked at
the box office, but for hcaven'a sake,
don't loso tha checks. Saturday night
la "Thclma," and Sunday night
"Rnphn " Alphons Daiidet'a remark
nble love nnrntlvo.
"1 Irst saw r'aulder on that Hun-
H sapper. I sat at tho and of
tat tail Jntt across from Lewis,
tttosr sitting uvit to Uwls. I was
sfcxtU ant una out from supper. 2
tail right to my tent. Tha first I
itr was the loud talking at tho
st tsat About twenty or thirty
tattM after tupper I got up aid
sat to tha door of my lent and at
lMl4rr going aws) About llvo li'in
tH(r I aval d'iwn and apoka In
bail.'' (The coutt ruled out t' e
Mirmtloa with the latter, wot was
Its lajsrrd msn, on the grounu that
kvtlUlk not ha J In tho preaenc.) of
As rttssdant, tho nuesllon being
nM owing to an objection inmle
V C. at. O'.VVIII, counsel for Kau I -.)
"i wmt back to my tent. T.'o
MUWag I heard was a shot." (Here
tWttsrt ruled out anything tha wit-
Ml Ulght have nU to "lied," tho
snawa, wkote name I Joseph Spel
W.I Ml want o lie door of my Mill
aiaiw Nobel wal'dng away wl'h Inu
IM. HawasalHiui 'wenty foot nua
ma tat cook tent, walking towTd
UMBt. He had ho rifle In hlaJrand.
Iwya a mr (nrl k wtiadown,
tn back. I went loXho coo!
"M. Osbheit was there A the b
m u blarkamlth, whwaa calUd
. wai working over liffn. I did ot
. la about five f Inutea I
"I coming up and
FraiUBl." iThls
"w eaoe WW is g
pandi)s, 'la
WI' I Hid, 'No, he
W will live. II
alig to see that
wacuBiih came t
"say, gund aside tha.' I
waiMgi do any moraV shoo
. rJ A i
I'lko was concluded by both side nndj recommends Hint tho latest type of
tho court took a recess until 1:30 p.m. (li(o with lx large eolets on either
'Tat." tho blacksmith referred to.,,i0 , t, ,,.ni .rCo lioi. He alio
In tlm testimony, disappeared right irceoinmends that isch man be requlr-
after tho killing, and was not a wit-J,.,j tu ,nvu on hand two pair of tlu0
nesa at Hie Inquest held by Coroner t,i)i'n which should be carefully fitted
Karl Whltlock. under tho personal supervision of the
Heforn tho afternoon proceedings riiinpnny coiiiinnnder, nnd thnt then
reaumed today Attorney O'Neill asked ,IOM ahould he worn at all times,
thn court to rule on tha motion of lhilo(, n and off duty. This plnn would
defense mado )esterdy tu dismiss the',(ilro t,ery man properly fllte-d shoes
iiirrrrv mkhi.k i.kwih in titi-k
t'uuaiul rreparatiemajleiag Made for
Annual MllltU Cruise. Which Will
Trarh Terra Hrma lUnka Ways of
rniTlm on Old Oceaai
care on the ground that Iho killing tic-1 . - neld service, n condition
l.reseiit fsr from being rtnllsed
(Conllnued on I'ags 4)
INVIli: aiit-iiiTiat i' TIIK TWt
usfAtaattncM Til nine i'bBi-v
.. .
I The partnership of Drs. It. It. Haw.
"... b . rtt.tta.itt ! ItAaiti ilia..
i lion anu mhi " -
him a
a at the
d bye,)
hat man
n't, but I
o don't llvo.'
he door and
all, I
k-lnin.illi Lodiso No. 137. I. O. 0. V
in,.! lonlaht In regular session In
Ihelr splendid hall. Thero will be
wnrir in Hi,. Initiatory drgrce, anu
member lire requested to attend, nnd
lading members of the order nro cor-
llally Invited.
aaai aua. . ...
T7 rauiaur did noVaay gny.
- went around bacVOf tho
2 M4 M ays, 'Well, good bV I
--. .- uuaii,- i nsya, 'Wharwo
Tiwag to do In tho buaht You
r"W death. You'd bolter atay
M face tho ronsoquencc.' He
JHy and I novor saw him after
JjwaUoaad by Attorney O'Neill the
JJ"JM he never notlcod any dlf-
ml i r,u""Qr non drinking or
ttaa.ii. ?V'r could '" Uom Mt 0'
TJJUM he had hewn drinking." do-
i"""" rise. "I wnnM nui. !..,
2J ho drank If I had not aaen
"" tad drank with hlm. I never
HoL-tallats of this city aro planning
to tako an active purt lu tho coming
rliv lecl Ions, and lu oritur iii uo u..-
Iflud lo voto Intolllgontiy, win "i
a careful study of tho l proposed
new charter. The commission cnur-
lor will bo tho Aral lo bo consiuoreu.
and advocate of that meaauro hato
been Invltini lo miot with tho local
and dlacuaa. Utor advocates of Iho
mayor' charier will bo Invited to
point out thu advantage of that men
euro over tho present charier. It 1
understood that tho lueetlugs will ha
public, and Hint others, not member
of tho local will bo welcomed. Tho
following letter ha been sent to n
number of friend of Iho commissiu.
Vimrinr iiivltlnu them lo ine
.' ..---..
lie BlrtnW of2fta,",'
BoClMaBaalsaBaM(rTl(U. niuj i'-
Ito that any municipal charter, unuer
tho capitalistic conitltutlon of society,
must fall far ahort of tho oclallt
Ideal, and that no reform measure
can afford any oxtonded or permanent
rallnr In thn working Clad.
However, thoy fully expect that It
will bo a matter of a comparatively
hort tlmo till a aoclalUt administra
tion I elected In thla city, and thoy
naturally dealro to outer upon their
administration with tho fewet poaal-
nco at tho opera houso tonight
fruVby tho WhltO rciican urrnnu.
InsfanXof Saturday nlgnt
Ham. Hew
Not A CI
xvr. That He Wuld He
e to Hny Tluet Ho Would
l Vle-e-l're'sleKltcy n N"
eimbllcnii Tlckrt
Hal Held m rites thrillers, and "Roa
noke" Is one of them. It was tho
offering of tho Nuwinan-Kolt dra
matic combination last night at tho
Houston opera' house, with pretty
Merle Lewis adequately chosen for
tho title character. Tho story Is of a
girl, llonuoke l'e)ton, whoso fatherjs
murdered and brother beaten by a
miserly villain, Kteklel Morse. The
Injuries to the brother tako his reason
and the girl gets brain fever, resulting
In her blindness. Morsn has been
mortgagee of the Pojton house, and
killed tho father to stenl back the
pnld-oc mortgage nnd l'c) ton's will.
An aunt of Koanokiv Mrs. Joo Peyton,
nnd her daughter, Invade Roanoke's
homo nnd become barnacle there,
keeping tho blind girl out of her
right and humiliating her In every
poialblo way. Mrs. Peyton'a daugh
ter. Annabcllo. has fixed her chnpeau
In tho hope of winning tho lovo of
Wilfred Forrest, who, howover, love
Roanoke and keeps right on at It
until ho marries her. Her sight I
ultimately recovered. Colonel Tom
Itallty, lawyer, war comrado of Roa
noke's father, nnd Aunt Dinah, negro
mmiimr to Ronnoko. work for the
slchtlcss girl's Interest nnd get the
mystory cleared up finally, ao that
Iho wickedness of Mors Is rewarded
by hi demise, whllo tho scheming wo
mon relatives of Ronnoko are uffl.
clently humiliated without being to
tally extinguished. The faith of the
blind girl In the Almighty I alwaya
her hlold nnd buckler, but Is declared
n often In the lines that Author item
has rather cheapened theaentlment
for dramatic purpose and detracted
from what might otherwwo no a vat
unblo climacteric nsset.
Miss Lewis portrayed tho blind girl
In a sweet nnd nttrnctlve manner, die.
playing a charming head ot natural
hair In tho character of the Southern
Mlaa Bertha Folti had the part ot
the chemln aunt, and wa umcleut
ly acid to make a bitter dote at alt
time, while (he waa ably teconded
by Ml Howard as nor aaugnter, tne
latter being a well gowned and pretty
flauro to viae. One dielike to look nt
United Pre Bervte ,
Realising the value of the naval mill
tin In drilling "land lubbers" In the
ways of the sea, the navy department
this year hae mado more jextenstve
preparations for the annual mllltla
crulso than over beforo. According to
tho srhedulo Just Issued the Atlantic
coast organisations north of Now
York will crulso from June 16 to 30,
with rendezvous at Provlncetown,
Mass., whllo tho combined cxerdaes
uud target practice will be from June
to H.
The organltatlon south of and In
cluding New York will crulso from
July 14 to SS, with rendctvous at
Tangier Island. Cbesapoako Day. July
15 to 2! I 'allotted for target prc-
tlco nnd drill.
Tho Great Lakes organisation will
cruise from August 11 to 25, with
rendezvous at South Manltou Island,
Mich. Their drills and target prac
tlco will bo from August 12 to 19.
Thn Pacific coast organization will
ciulso from June 16 to 30, rendex-l
ouslng nt a- location to be selected I
later. Tho exercise and target prac
tice will bo from June 1? to 24.
Tho department also hope to make
nrrangementa whereby the exceaa of
men over the complement of the
ships assigned will cruise on navy
homo, Gainesville, Fla., and the mere
fact ot serving from the Klfty-nlnth
congress. '
Tho Palmetto state representative
browsed obscurely In tho houso pas
tures for three torm. Out now bo I
a militant leader, feared by somo and
honored by many congressmen. Ho
Is feared for choking off congressmen
who wish to mi tho Congressional
Record with "phony" speeches that
wore novor spoken, under tho "leave
to print" privilege. Clark la the
watchdog of the Record. Ho protests
ngalnat printing a word In the Record
that Is not actually spoken In the
l.ouso, depriving members of their an
cient prlvllego of printing long
speeches for homo consumption. Many
watt until Clark I absent before "put
ting over" a- speech by leave to print,
fearing tbp "I object" of the Florldan.
Five feet aeven Inches ot belliger
ency Is Clark. Ills bulky broad shoul
der arc In the thick of every fray.
Ho has snappy black eyes, sunk deep
under bushy eyebrows, and Is crowned
by a thick, unruly shock ot black
hair, sllchtlr strcakcd'wlth gray. Ho
Is tho typical Southern statesman, too,
In his black Prince Albert ault, low
collar and black string tlo.
Just now Clark Is In tbo limelight
for his alleged expose ot alleged land
frauds In tho Florida Everglades.
Clark Is famous for his organiza
tion of tho "Tell ua How to oto'
Club, by sarcastically suggesting that
all democrats seek advice on every
subject from William J. Dryan. A
message from Dryan on the teI tar
iff, advising the democratic represen
tatives, caused Clark to attack the
peerless leader. Now the club has
formally organized, and It members
wear buttona In derision ot Bryan.
Reading ot Oeorge Washington'
farewell addree la the, house on
Washington' birthday I another dis
tinction of Clark. He luggected read
ing of the document, declarlag former
republican house had refused to thaa
honor the Father ot HI Country.
Sneaker Clark ordered the Florldan
to rad It, and for an hour, until he
wa hoarse, Clark read the historic
Uo nnd havo a good time
White Pelican Orchestra dan
opcru house tonight.
1'almetlo Bute llervoeui
to I'nsuokcn Speeches lutanj. Print
ed at Government Expense, a5
Kxpoeer of Istaal Fraud
Klamath Chapter No. 35, Royal
Arch Masons will confer the Mark and
Past Master degree at us regular
mectlni: tomorrow evening. A cor-
dial Invitation Is extended to visiting
Tho White Pelican Orchestra dance
will bo give nat the opera house to-
night. Instead ot tomorrow nlgnt.
Mr. Cllne returned from Ban Fi
Cisco Thursday, where he" ha been on
business. Mr. Cllne has been gather.
tng somo data on athletic apparatus,
which he hopes to be auto to secure,
He also suggests that the organization
could In a short while bo able to give
athletic exhibitions which would not
ly bo a stlmulous for tne younger
h this city has it snare,
as well aa
Spec!: to Tbo licraio
LUMlUJB. March 1. uov. joiih
rrlved and addressed tho con
Inn nt 11 n. in. on mo rmm.
He Is not n republican vice-pre.
ilmirv rniulltiait) imvuiw"
(f ... 1. ..... ABIt.
snld ho didn't expect 10 uccui
dldate. but- would be n domogaguo
It ho snld ho wouiuni ami' -..1.1.
"You may say thl: I'm not
11.1.1,. ni this lime. I am moro
Interested In other things, particular.
y to doieni urn " - -
.... ... nnw im.kliiK nt tho financial
Bldo of thlnga nnd overlooking the hu.
-Li,. Tim neouiu iu -
lllllll n...v, ... . .... ,.!, Thn
" Xr Ui. or ."Howard and .e herUch a
'""' . .. .. .1..11
politician, shall have their way.
I rol. hut the tae managers wall
(tuned Press Service
WASHINGTON', D. C, March 1.
To buck over the trace of time-honored
congressional precedents after
alx year' patient submission, and
Jump Into tho limelight as a new na
tional character, la the unique devel
opment of Representative Frank
Clark (Dent., Florida).
And he la still untamed, protesting
against alleged abuses of the house
privileges by hla colleagues, and kick
in no a ruinous generally.
nurk haa the distinction of having
ono ot the shortest personal sketches
In tho congressional directory and
ha wrote It himself. He used Just
...,.,.. .,J. a tall tha nubllo Ot
his claim to dUtlnotton, living hUlBrawnhwnnd WaUwMai,
Installed In nve
the proper amount of ontnusiaam oe
aroused among tho athletea In th city
and the right kind ot push be put be
hind such an undertaking, Klamath
Falls will no doubt have an athletic
Dr. 11. E. Carruth returned to thla
city Thursday, having been summoned
to appear a a witness la the rauiosr
trial. Dr. Carruth was the attending
physician when the murder occurred,
and consequently this connection w'th
thece call forth his testimony.
Fishing and hunting license issued
from the county clerk's oBce yester
day were aa tollewa: H. 8. Wilson, J.
V. Hollonsek, Rufu Williams, W. B.
At a recent meetlag th Kkuulh
Falls Commercial Club adofted a res
olution asking Governor OawaM Went
to Investigate alleged extravagance off
tbe county court, and tbo eonm!
tlon sent la purauanee ot this rain
tlon, which waa forwarded under date
ot February 20th, ha reach) hla excellency-
That day wa a wk age
last Tuesday. Th letter written to
tho governor reads aa follew:
"To HI Excellency, OawaM Wtt
Governor of Oregea:
Creating Noting your recent e
tlon lo aiding th citlsen of Mnltn-
mah county In their efort to can
nd defeat graft In th go t
of that county' falrs aad having, a
we believe, a mora ggravated atat)
of affair In this county, we, the Co.
merclal Club ot Klamath Fall, hav
ing failed In our attempt to r
action on th part of oar prooeeaUag
attorney toward reatralalag want wo
believe to be unlawful aad waaUcnl
extravagance on th part of th eo
ty court, aad being advlooa that tho
recall law of thla tat I a dead tat
ter, w beg to present to yon for con
sideration a brief atatement of fasts.
In the hop that w tsar 00 aad to
secure your aid nnd advle fca tho dis
covery and application of aoo aa
quat remedy.
"Our coaaty was th owner ot a
poor fans of aero, leas thaa on
mil from th etty limit, focwhloh
the connty paid fl.lff, aa4 naoa
which It expended ta una,. .
nent Improvementa which, wtth th
already on th alas war amnio to
eupply th seed of the connty soar
for year to com. Shortly after as
suming ofae onr pre sat connty
judge, with th conat of tho oe.
mlsslosers, bonght from th Jaagaa
father, a tract of wad Msattag of
76. acre, folly Iv mile from th
city, for which waa sal) 14.410, bo-
alde giving th judge' fataer th oM
lioor fTm as hoot, or dlfereac at a
valuation of 11,500, nnd turned over
to blm the crop growing Marcos, for
which had boss paid by th coaaty
1200 to have it put ia. la aasttloa
th county assumed aa Indebtedae
of $210 due th Klamath Water Vasts
Association for ditch construetloa.aad
water rent. Thl make tho total
cost of tho unimproved wad 17. 4 Id.
or approximately 1100 per acre. Oth
er land aa good or better, a lea dis
tance from th city could havo beta
purchased at about 140 per asm
"No pubtle boUco was atran that
th couaty desired to disss of th
old poor farm, aor was there aay sab
tic notice gives of tho wteasod pur
chase ot a new one. Hndthooldsars
been advertised It would readily aav
brought double th prie altowoi tor
It by tn juage miner, ibub m
ply proven by th fact that wltata
lxmontha th Utter dhajossa ot a
eNoor thaa halt ot tbo farm at
a vsHnarion 01 s,eeu.
he newly acqalred poor
farm thasiounty court naa rew
what It bnfeesed to Urn aa ialna
ory. It costf vr 120,000 to construct
It and equlplit in n palatial manner.
it Is steam Mated, aad haa ail nws
em applwaft. requiring th arla
of a retjnejT of salaried. nmat aad
axtaeltta to further naniesniy
th county. Th largest nam-
er ot persons aver careo ror y sa
county ha been tea, wall th aver
age number I nv.
"The county eonrt recently tsoa a
iunketlns trip to Portwad. Cpoa Its
return there waa Issued a warrant Is
the sum ot 1109.11 to each of tho
three member of th court, eharglag
th earn to couaty buslssss.
"Automobll aad carriage airs for
themselvea aad th coaaty tsar ta tha
sum of vral huadred aeUan: arng
bill for county poor or poor fnrs
mounting to over !, ta th wot
rear, beside maar othor sna.iiasiry.
and unwarranted wnoadRarss axako
np a largo aortioa of ao onatrt as-
"Th county court naa usao in
old county warrant amoaabtag to
. ..!f5a
-T . r ' -w" 1