The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 29, 1912, Image 1

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, rMM "" '""w"
Price, Wtn OmM
guaYear '" ""
Nrimm ipo.v TO MIT
a-jiATK OS MlilOI.K
ck till (('tlHIOII III?
of Nobel Faultier for
i.oiil. flefchardt, enok
kxiD 4 I'tiurxin runtime.
...ill........... iL,. I...,
iMUHw .i...iiimii fii iv
,,1, u coiiiplrlr.1 nnd wornlui
i eMttoU Utirlr r farmer
... II. ......IIBM
KroKK. farmer, l-angell vnl-
J. at. HolntM, ff mnr. Pott Valley.
LO. Tsrry, farmer, Klamath IU
(Iwwt ilurgiliiM larmer near
J, I Book, farmer iirar Merrill.
t I. Hill. Ilrnt.rr rrulwr, near
ftrrr 0, lLai, druxxlat, Klam-
lit) nu.
Jiast If lit n nmi room upnrauir,
stall riu
jmtWMtlatrh f.rmur, rmsr Mr
tslsaoa l"er (rumr. near Slur'
f, L Top, farmer, iirr Merrill.
I If, Walker, ratlin man, "lienr
lulu Inn ilialKiiucil r.t llniiniiti, i;.. '
'iiril J Murrii), Nelson Itoiinsuvell,
i:. Neiib.uikH mill J I, Davidson i
(Will i nlv mm peremptory left In be
i rclacil lii tin. im,,, mi, lfti ,y ,1(,i
MiMncriill'in, lookt.l nt noun n
'though II Jy ,.,( . ,l,..l
" l"frn tin. iifterti.Hiii session K., fnr
linlluii, mill Im Inn! talked Inst nlulit under wny
wi. , j,k ,,,, K H.ri KUm.Hi .... i It. i ,u r,K ,, , ,!,,, ,.,,,,
Hum kno.H'i, n witness In i, ,,,,,,, i ,,. .........
na well m Hill. Chiiile. dm,,., . l,t l..iiM,.r i-ommltlfil tho rrliim of '
other wllni..., Ho hnd nl.o had smnu klllliiK Oebhnr.H Inst August I
ronverantloti will, a mm. mimed Km. mini upon tin-defense depends tho .... !
uln. or I' II.. ..... .. i .... .... i I..I.U.I ... ... ..
"J , ' """ " I""', .""'"IlllieiU III III.. (I)lltl'llllllll, f H.lrl.
"' "'" memaoi I in. is.uu with I H.fflllliMl Im lim.l... Hint Faultier I
" '"" m.. ........ went lontlo insane lie) nml a
ftllur l.n nml lii.i'ii inni.i',1 n. .ailafnc
iorv in II... iinfmi... m...i ...... i ....... ..... ....... . ....
" ..-. .it.ii ntin uciiii: ...K ill' inr n. r.. iniitiii i.h...
iti:i,ii:r or kxtiiv.
mux rxiuiit iti:ci,M,Ti()
I'llOIM'IS i tin: i'.iti:ii
win licliin
itllllvi l.y . ill.rtlrt itllorii..)' ,.k.
ml If !. tnlknl hIDi S'l.nn.n
', l.toilii.r of tin. .Iffi.ii.inni.
. M.lll...l II, I... .11.1 . I. . . I ...
..-,.,..-.. m.x. .... .mi hoi iii'iiur.. 11- innrniK 111 in. limttiT
Tt 111 out ili 13 onlerrd
rltk llrnir I. llMi.n to txi
an lor Jurr .tut) In Ihn Not
likVr nrJ't trlnl Hhrlff William
LhTM. jMtrJ.r uminiinnl K. K.
Iir of III) llruwii Mlcliaal of
iu4 II C Dunn of llonania.
p til tbo pl.rr. of V. K. Nlrlf
lof roil KMtiutli ktnl J. V. Ta).
retXtirlll. rin.wil mi nrrotinl of
ml ilr..rie U' Pullvrlon of
m, ko runM not Im loratnl l.y
flUroM, Tti.i nihrr nln mrn
Mi up tin. iluiPii from which
Al tint Im .alii Im hint ... aioiiml
no .lnr.. nml Niinthor" la. I nUlil
III alM.i.i u o 'Hock.
"1)1.1 ).lil kii to M 9 o'tlorkT"
aaknl KuykuiiUII ")o )ou inrun
Oil. Jury to iiinl.'itiiiii that ).,n r.
Ilrr at thai Hmn?"
"No, lr. I wotil.l not an) iin.tlv
"With tin. iii.ilHr.laiiilliiK that ton
Mri tuittnr oalh hi-rn tin. aniiin m
IhmiKh ).i wrro lttl()l.iK on (ho
wllni... atnii.l nml ou nrn llnt.ln
fur twrjury If )im .to not r ti,P
Irnth. what I linn .. jm. K m ,r,'-
"I RtlP.. It Maa nl.out 2 o'rlork "
A lltlrr rltr.ilatcil ninniiK tlm
li'ltrhra ami rhalra In lln roiul
Inrlti.lInK Ihn .! In I Ik. jury ,..
"Im yon that tli .
filnlaiit I. lirmtiliint to l It.nori'iit'"
"No, lr "
"If lh qiip.llon of Inna.ilty I.
rat.r.l I.)- t hr ilffpnilanl w.nil.l n.
titf the atnto thr lirnpflt of tlm itnut.l
Ihn miiip n )ou mi..i to (In.'
aht In all otlirr rrapifta?"
"No, air."
"Wr challrnxo Ihn Juror "
"Thn rliallrligo It .uttalunl ami
Iho Juror will lc," .nl.t tlu
"Wr wout.t like to harn an ciroji.
Hon nult, rour honor," plrailfd At
lornity O'NHH.
"An riro.nn inn) Im noli'.t "
N. J (Iuiiii mi ociimhI nml I' II
OI.U rail.-.! to thv alnml III. I J -a
war. that a man waa for
a rrlinv wlitn drunk tin anuip aa
tin mail tin wprn aohrr, nlthouRh l.n
ailmlllr.l that roiillniip.l ilninkrunr..
renaonnlilo ilonl.t. or
nt l.'ii.l win, at tlin tlm.. of (I... kill
Iiik Tlm fnrt Hint hn l.ilKht linvn, If
Itiaaiip nt tin. I Inn. of thn nrciirrinni
Im.oii.ii of mlml In tin. nun
li.K iminll... I. iiu.lnr.lo'iil to l.nv.i no
Thn il.'fpn.p
Tlm IIIkIi Hdiool band, which riivo
, It. flr.t imlillc concert (hi. inornln
nt Iho I.IkIi achool, ahowcl to y.imil
niJvnntHK'i. Kvcry memher ilhl iilin
ai'lf iri'illt, much to the cncournKP
inrnt of (ho leader, Ocorg., A. Wlrtz.
Tln Iioya allowed tho honcflt of
hnr.t irnrl(o which thoy have been
hnvliiK, tr thliiRB turn out na ix
IK'Ctc.t, a aerl'a of mualcol concern
will ahortly he nrrnnKP'l at which the
public will l.avo an opportunity of
hf'arliiK tlm hand. IIiiwIm)- rltu. Hint
the followlni; hill protictliiK iinlrymiifi
fioni ri.nt.nt of nilmta mail., prior to
Juno 2B, 1 U 10, pna.iil thf hniiH- on
1'i'l.runry 22.
That no iiiiilined eiitDinau who
prior lo Juno 25th 1010. honu
lido i-nlry upon l.imla prunoacd lo hl
IrrlKitti'd under Hn; provlidona of tin.'
l.n. naked tunny .mention, which np
pnrenlly point to thn lino of dnfi-uan
It will offi-r I'ro.perllvi. Jurora hnvo l "f J'tnn ITlli, 1!U2, tho nnllunnll ,..,., M...v iiui- uiMiivnu -rit
l.p.11 .minded n. to lhelr nn,!ert,! Jre. Inmntlon Inw. nml who ...inl.ll.l....l ' """'" r' MKr "' ""' T
l tm both of Iho ra.n l.n.
I Irjlai to thidr Jury lhU,r""ln '" of lr" power nml
uiffrrl.rriitou, Korl Klam.."" ""'"," "") uiaiuiKuu:.
; C. r. 8-lL, i V Hhorl, J. I). tinhl ,r"m ronK '"hl I'f'M'i-rly l.t
nu. K. si Plitltt... i' ii mi.i. "" ron nuiPimrnttn Ilia Idea
Atkr.ll Jnn.h iin.rk .-.'Wfa that voluntary ilruukennea. ar'11'" "' 'inl"l l Ui "'t',t t" IdcK
! 1HIIP IFWIiniM- I. . . ..... ..
:hloaon !,... v r i. i....... i,. ilrffn.c acalu.t rrlmn Hn anl.t . ii'i from, Hint me apcvinl wnire
ht had no prejudice acaliul Imnnlly
iiik or Itilpnlloii, will, iiremeilltnllon,
dillbiirnllon, whPlhrr they am pre.
Jiidl.rd nKnln.t druukennp.a u. n .In.
fen.n to rrlmn, Inaanlly from drunk
rtine.. n. aiirh defeti.e. nk'nln.t Iho
u.n of Intiiilrntli.K ll'iuora or n in.iii
who u.ra them, nml If they linv., rend
III Dm pnpera or illrume. the nn
will, other, .o n. to lead them In tha
formnlloii of nn opinion
After dinner II W Hhorl, on ex
nmliintli.n, wnw peremi.tnrlb ehnl-
li'l.Ked hy thn atnlr. Hit. aide of the
r.tM. thu. eihauitliiK It. peremptor
! K i:, Wnlker. n of
Illy, wna iipjI iuetli.n.i lie .t.
l.o would not kIvi. nn ludlnn'N lertl
ineiiy thn annul welaht na Hint of
while ii.nn A.ked hy HUtrlrt Attor
r.e Kii)kendnll If he hnd nu opln
U.n, l.e aal.l hn had one. whlrh he l.nd
never epre.ei, whlrh would not ln
fli.enrn him In the roan. n. hn roull
In) II nilde. Aaknl If he hnd n liro
Iher on trlnl for murder would ho
Im wIIIIiik lo hne n mnn In hi. own
tinnin of mind alt on thn Jury, he m
piled In tlm artlnnatlie. Ilflni; pm'l
hy both thn defenan nnd ilnte, he
made thn twolfth Juror cho.en, nnd
the rourt nnnnunred thn Jury lo be
roniplele Thn other Jurora mini,
n.f.ned wprn niruaed from further
,-Hrndatiro In thn rnae nnd Depulr
County Clerk OeorRe Chn.tnln waa
It.tlrurted lo awenr In the Jury which
he did, nfter whlrh Hie rourt nn
nminred n abort rrre.a
After the rccva. rouit retui.ii'd
Iho Oral up beli.K a motion b)
Attorney O'Neill to dltcluirco tlm Jurj
tlitt wa 111 Hie but on the Kroilll.l
Hint (here were onl) neMiiteen Jury-
re.ii.e.irn in roou lain, upon mo Inn.I.
intrrf.l by Mm, ahnll bo iubjrct to
ronte.t for failure to maintain real- or iiinku iniprovrnu-nla upon.
I.I. land prior to Iho tlm.) when wnte
I. available for the Irrigation of
land, embrnred In hla entry, hu
unrli eiitrmen nlinll, within nAuty
unya niter urn imunnre or the ifibllc
iiotlio rniulred by aectlou four W the
rerlnmnllnn net, HiIiik Ihn dr.tejVlieii
ill V I'Olt i:,oou FAIli to
lllahop I'addock, of the illoceay ol "
CLatern OrcKon, la expected thla ere- ,.,-,.... . -
nlnic. lie will remain until Monday McMBERSHIP LESS
and will hold a .eric' of acrvlcca for
!)r Henry C. Oolllnn. of tho Kph-
topal Church of the lledevmer, IVI-
iluy nnd Saturday nt 3:30 p, in. In '
Odd Kellowa hall an.'. 8uml(.y morn
Ur til II o'clock.
Walter Maitec, who for the pnt
flvo or bIx month, hna been wintering .
around thn Klamath Aseocy nnd Up-,
per Lake reelon, returned to thla
city yeatcrdoy. Ho expecti to-hold u,
la.Mi.S AltOf.M) MIDLAND Aim
S-cretarv Albert K. RUimr. nt tha
poaltlon with tho Northern box fac-i-,,h .i. ir.. a i-.i.
i,,PV . u .. H.lemnth nter U.era AnocUtton,
J Is getting up tho aaieiiment roll
lory nt Hhlpplnxton,
Itobuii A, l-mmltt, aoniu time aluco
elm. u by thu council to du aomu
rnlculntliiK na to tho possibility of
the city obtalnlut,' a water aupply,
nnd who wag nccompanlcd by Coun
(llmi.i. John Klcldcr In locatlnK thu
water will be nvnllnblo for Irrlaltlnn, lA.pcn l.uko Spring' aourco of aup-
file In the local land office n Ivnter ply filed on by tbo city, made an of application for the! fer to the council last night to build
land, embrnred In hla entry, InVcnm n pipe Hue of water for tho city for
L... II. AAA ...l.l.l. ..!.! .1.. a .
Some time ago tho Flrat Truit nnd
Savings Hank entered nn. action
ngalntt Joseph Knop In order to ob
Lain money, nnd attached seventeen
lovlnea, through tho Instrumentality
of thu organization, which dm to.b
compiled every spring. For the main
(cuiiTire of the association who
membership Is mado up of farmers
whose lands are. Irrigated under the
Klamath projnet of tho United StlttM
Sheriff William II. Homes. Konni"dnnllH. service, the association
ttled tl.O account nml Ihn rntfl nr rhnrirn 1 o n,n. ,... m-a In -.....
ncc moro free to roam, cavort andlf0r the coming year. Each farmer
'who Is a stockholder In the issoda-
ri.k If still alive.
funnily with the public nollrn
approved farm unit pint for tho
snip in wi.irn nis entry lies, nn.I ana
nlso nto nn nmdavlt Hint ho has re.
e.lnbll.hrd hi. rrsldcnrn on the Innd
with the Intention of maintaining the
nmn fur a period sufficient to enable
him to innkn flnnl proef:
Provided, Hint no surli entry mnn
shnll be entitle.) to have counted ns
pnrt of the required period of resi
dence any period of time during
whlrh hn was not nctunlly upon thn
aid Innd prior In the .Into of th?
notice nfnrornld nnd no application
for thn entry of said Iand stMll he
received until nfter the expiration of
tho ninety n nfter the Issuance of
notice within whlrh the enlryman la
hereby required to re-rslnbllah his
rraldciiro nnd apply for water right.
il l.1..,nnn, which, evidently, docs not!
Include ntiy construction within the
TTugures on lour u.IIct
po and ' of H-lnch pipe.
J 122,000; hauling nnd distributing.
5,00ft; digging and back-filling
trench two foot under aurfacc.
fs.000; totnl. II3C.000. He said he
stood willing to take tho contract nt
that price.
tln lh proer.lon.
IntHntely nnd tint the
Woon pry th0 nist man nt.fu'r" "nkennnas Uv anl. he knew
s inn nmrn nx. wa. nrrptitn.1.1'" n"i ..i . nei r.i
1 nen In the box aattafap. M " 'ur"r ", r'n'1 ,r '"'r ""' "
lOCII, O'Neill, counsel for t.inJ'"'M ,,r,lrl " 'lilcnro mil
at, in,! p. DUtrtrt Atlornntl1" f,rnrilanr.t wlt'i tt..i InMiii.tlnn.
IV.KBjkmdall and Assistant Ills. lt ,ho uM ,,",,,,' i,f- Ol I. n linltte.l
! Attorney Charles J Ferguson l:"w:,u Mi)KninWl nn.I Kirgua.iu
defen.u passed the Juror, who ..Inn
questioned by District Attorney
Kuykendatl, said he had no scruples
against capital punishment and was
not acquainted with the defeinlnn'.
or his brother. Hn anld he knew
Noruinu Fatilder by alght. Ho wus
InrllniHl to think Hint thn doubt on
Ihn question of Insanity should bn
resolved In favor of Ihn xtatn nnd
that nn regarded oilier doubt, thy
ought to hn determined In favor of
Ihn accused. Thn atnto passed him.
"Do I understand Hint thn defense
ha Ihn privilege of exercising iimi
peremptory?" asked Attorney O'Neill,
"It lias, according to my tnll," re
plied tho Judge.
"Wo will excuse Mr. Olds," aald the
It then being noon tho rourt ad
journed until 1:30 p. m with n cau
tion In Ihn Jurorri Hint they should
not talk about the en so nnd Hint dur
ing the course of the proceeding In
tho trial If Ihero wan pressing nor
ncsalty for them In linve communica
tion with outsiders tho matter might
hn arranged to he In Ihn presence
nf Halllff Clarnnre O. Morgnn.
Hy exorcising dtp peremptory nn
Mr. Olds Iho .dofenso exhausted II
right to rhnllongo Jurors, ho being
the twolfth mnn objected to by Hie
.reused man's counsel. Tho defensn
has the right to twice n ninny per
emptorlea n Iho stale, which I al
lowed "only lx. The atnto has hut
one more peremptory In stock, hav
ing uiod five. Peromptorlly excused
by (ho dofenso hnvo boon (he follow fellow follew
ing: A. 8. Foster, J. B. Mills, Floyd
Hrandenburg, J. W. IJryant, H. M.
llubb, 0. W. Miller. Mannol Vlerra.
Frank Klabiuba, J. Lemon, E. 8.
Phllllpa, N. 0. Qubd. F.R.OId. The
flroat. Mlrl.atl was que-'" "muniil lltnr al ills Imiiai
iwirirt Attorn..) Kii)kendall
llW hn Ions ilnii. l... h,i !.-
to? doty.
lrttvi u.t jn ,, ,Me n,,,,,
Ti 1 the reannae,
tss court ,,., Mr u.i.,
". Ju.Iko llenson,
t. J.nir honor" i,...,.
Tt4tutn l plain,- ,tlft ,(,
W your honor, pPaao "
TattutB aaa ilmi n i...
I"- on a Jury wH,n ,w
K Mrvs." hi. i ... .
j, " ""nr ..nieu.
Z?.W "'Prrme rourt hna stated
-"".' Insisted O'Neill.
IV1." M"n l'" ,mf k ,lnwn'"
'i i that, ),,,,, honor?"
. ' ll Hie mnn h.M.
L.IW Ihrn .Ilea .,. .i .
Ste, "'
""'it Ih Oregon rnso Ihn rourt
Ms .. .'"J'"'"1 Mr- Michael,
" Wet ihrn ... '
lot a .. ' "''rinion wns
Tkat.,, """' "xreptod.
I Hit Q,.,. ,...,. ...... ,.
. iah. . """ "' '"
rli. ' ,,B ''l ho wa
Lrr"" rain m, ..-..
rala. ill. . '. "'"' co,"o rrom
otetsa .1 " ."' "" 'I. !
ettorson ronrnMinn
ailing f i.01lll aobh.rti
nulllf. Ho was flnallr
Llr,Miiall.r..l a. ..-..
.MiBioTh 7.:?
" Wou. called for exaal-
were Irregulnrly drawn nnd that the
defendant hnd been deprived of the
rights Kunrniiteed him by the Inws
nml constitution of the state of Ore
gon Judge lleuaou denied Hie mo
tion nml the defensn took nn excep
tion to the ruling
Tbo presentation of Hie inso to
the Jury wna then begun by thn open
ing statement of District Attorney
Kujkemtall us to what the stnto ex
ptrled lo prove. The Indictment
I'liurges first degree murder, under
which a wrdlil of llrst or second de
gree murder ur manslaughter, or nc
1 ii It tit I. may bo returned by the Jury,
nml thu attorney began to explain
Hie dlffeient degree of thu crime.
The defendant' uttoiney objeted tu
this unless ho were permitted tu In
dulge In discussion of them when lioT
addressed tlm Jtirj. Tliu court, nil
some purli'ving with the uttorm1
ruled out thu discussion and stuJd
l.iil ii of tho fuels would Im
sulllrlent, nnd for the district attir
ney to give the Jury tho natureluf
the iletnlls ho ixpoclod lo piovo
Thu dlstilrt attorney told the Juri
thai thu atnto would show that tho
defendant hnd worked at tho con
struction camp some 0 or .5 iuIIoh
In xubst shrdluetnoshrdlurslirdlush
north uf this city on August C, 191 1.
the Sunday l.otil (lebhnrdt wus
klllnl, and stuted In substance
follews: One of Iho dogs In tho cnm.i
hud been poisoned and Faultier, who
hnd u dog. said that If hi dog were
poisoned lio would shoot tho who
dM It. On tho Bunlny In question ho
and other mado n trip to Fort Kl in
.ill) Home mile nwny, nnd when thoy
rcinriieil to tho rump FnuldorN iltg,
vil.'t'li hnd Uwn left behind, v.-3
fotnul to ho sick. Fnuldcr nnd the
f.lhvru thought Iho leg hnd beo.i o!r
oni d nnd endeavor to bring Ulm to
n mending stnto fulled, so Fnuldcr
shol tho rnnlne. I wnlked around
with tho gun on I In shoulder aid
mid ho wn going lo kill Iho mnn
who hnd killed (ho dig. Hn want up
tn tho cook' (ent Mid shot (lobhnidr.
Coming bock down tho hill, he told
tt men ho had shot Cleblmrdt, and
Thn Misses Octavln Ultlngcr and
llattlo White will entertain tomorrow
night at tho home of tho later. The
affair will bo In tho nature of a leap
yoir party, nnd everything that pog
to characterize tho occasion will be
nlven every nttentlon. Already prep
aration are being mado to mnk this
event one of tho most noteworthy of
the iieuson In society circles. Light
r fri aliments will Immediately follow
th progrnm. and Judging fnVm the
Interest Hint Is being manifested by
the younger folk, everything tends
tov.nrd n Inrge gathering of the young
Hon carries n sham for each acre he
j hat under tho Irrigation plan and (bis
means that each acre costs blm
Ifllfl.n Inr thn nwnnaA. n, k .....I.
Hon for tho year which begins May
1. 1912, and ends May 1, 1913.
rl... ........ . . .. .
i iuii Kuoi-rumcui uocs noc collect
In advance and the assessment made
on Its behalf Is for tbo Irrigation sea
Willi "on of 1911, of $3 per acre for the
government's building charges and
TS cents per aero for ooeratlan. m. to.
TIOX DKP.MITMKXT UIWK FOIt tot of 3.75 per aero for Uncle Bam.
HAN FHANLTSCO .which, odded to the dime for each
i acre for malntcnace, make a total
... .... ,, ". ... of 13.85 for each acre under the proj-
Mr nnd Mrs. Jl K. Temple Mr. ect represented In tho asl.Uoa.
and Mrs. Junior Daggett and G. I. Tllero are , 4 ftcre, MprmBt.
Adam, left o this afternoon's train, , on th aMOC,,tton ,,
or Snn eranclsco. Tho gentlemen jfor maintenance of the organization
have been connected with tho con.;out onIy 30il06 acrM f0T wn,eh ,b
.ruction department of tho Southern Bovcrnment Is as yet making
Pacific railroad In tl,., city for sev- clmrR0. Tho dl(rercynCe ln",'cn
eral years, nnd have been transferred represents land which the govern
to uorkin iho San Francisco office. n.ent Intends to furnish with water.
Mr. Temple stated thl morning aj whose holders detlro to be In
Hint he did not know how long they .,h association In advance of the time
would bo kept In Snn Francisco, but tho water Is turned on. an .. ...
a short time they ihn i.enem. ,. . . v
... . ra.x.f.ka hsjtsb luum lis iBucnrn
oiTicnt or xi:w compaxv says
WOHK mist hi: stahtfd ox
:w pkxt within sixtv
Hubert A. Johnson nnd Wllllnm t.l
Clnrke arrived jester.lay from San'
Frnurlsro lo take up work on the1
new box factory. Mr. Clnrko said It
would be necessary to start the fac
tory within sixty da) If possible.
Mr. oJhnson Is to be president ami
treasurer of the KKIninath Manufac
turing Company, the Htlu of tho now
concern, nnd will move his family
hero from Oakland so n tn tako nc
tlvu chnrgc. Mr. Clarke Is to bo vice
prrnldent nnd secretary.
The box factory located nt Ship-
plngton nnd which Iim been closed
for Iho past few months will begin
operation tomorrow. As n result of
this there are n grrnl number of
mrn being taken there tn bo on hand
when the work begins.
Snn Diego police nrrested sixteen
additional . street speaker, which
brings tho total of arrests up to ISO
kluro tho" rruando started. Tho Jail
a overflowing.
Fish licenses were Issued from I l.o
county clerk's olnco yesterday to the
follewing: M. C. Low, Jnmej M
Morrison. II. P. Dow nnd K. A. Woll-ey.
.but he waa going up ngnln to mnk
sure ho had killed him, und would
then go nwny Into the hill. When
ho went bark to Iho rook's tont M.
A, Plko wns there and dlsiuadcd him
from any moro violence toward tho
wounded man, nlso tejllng him not
to go to tho hill, hut star In camp.
Fnulder thon wont tn hi own tent
nnd shot himself (wlco. The rook died
during the night and Faulder was
weekt in recovering from hi elf-
Innlcted wounds.
tiox iif.inu madk hy softii
i:hn pacific
presumed that In
would bo detailed on tomo of the
new construction work. When work
.Is renewed qn the Klamath Falls
(Natron line they may return here.
but probably would be located on the
lino further north.
Somu lime since a petition, headed
by Me or & Allison, nnd signed by
i curly two score of farmers, was sout
to II. F. Lountbury, general freight
egent of tho Southern Pacific Unci In
Oicgon, nsklng for a share In the
lompany's barley distribution. Mr.
oiintbury, whoso offlco Is In Port-
ml, ha replied to tho club relet
ting ho U not In a position to furnish
tie barley for thl season as desired,
atlng that the company has in tho
dghborhood of 1,000 applications
oni farmer In westeru Oregon for
id, nnd will bo obliged to limit the
tilstrlbutlon of the same to demon
.V.ctlon trad determined on som!
time since. II? iys Ir part:
"Our plan involves co-opcrn'.lnn
with n llmlte.i number of farmers n
localities nlong the lino in planting
demoustrntlon t'seia, under whlib
arrangement wo are furnishing tho
seed for aero tracta. same to bo lo
cated In various districts along the
linn between Portland and Ashland.
Our appropriation is small nnd tho
matter hns progressed to n point
where wo cannot very well prorate
tho seed which is now bn route from
Wisconsin, nnd Is expected to reach
Portland about March 1. The two
varieties lo bo used are Oderbrucker
nnd Wisconsin No. 9, othcrwlso
known at Pedigree barley. Through
(he Wisconsin experimental associa
tion I am able (o give you a list of
grower In Wisconsin who have the
above varleiies of barley for sale."
The Commercial Club hat (he list
and farmers wanting tho Information
can get the names by writing to Sec
retary C. P. Stewart.
who belong to the Water Users. These
people aro principally In the Poe
valley and east branch country.
It Is expected that the membership,
which ran C7s last year, will bo about
100 less than that tbts year, for
when the reclamation service decided
In l.ondon at 5 p. m. today It wan ,0 wltn,Jraw front serving the swamp
rmclnlly announced that S40.00.)
miner and assistants wero out. It
lands In tho vicinity of Midland, It
took $9 members from the astocla-
Is expected 1.000.000 will bo out byit,on' nnJ tne withdrawal of (he rec-
,lamntlon work from the high land
east of Merrill took a few more. The
withdrawal or these members took
nbout 37.SS8 acres off the association
Special to The Herald
bitterly denounced the
39. KeKnt
rumor that
Villi VY ititFi'intFV mxvvn John,on hn1 "t8r(ed LnFollette. be
liTlll.l.X IHlKsllllr..N tOM-r.H )Callge of n, prom,0 t0 bo Roose.
DrXillKK ON ONK CANDIDATE veil's running mnto ns absurd. He
AND APPOINT F.NTF.HTAIN.1'! ,?Jhn80"1 rnlalnf W
irollctto until ho unfortunately be
MK.NT COMM.TTKK ,,o unavailable, '
At tho meeting of tho Knlgr
ryuiias last night tno ranker page
was conferred on one cnnWate. A
committee was appointedto arrnngo
for an entrrtnlnment tobe bad tho
next meeting night, wlsvh will be
next Wednesday, nnd nt tlt tlmo ho
two ranks, esqulro nnd kiwjt, will
bo conferred on tho candldafeMUio
was up last night for the page
gree. Tho committee on cuter1
ment consists, of Karl Whltlock, Al
ii recti t Oeblcr and (icorge 0. North.
Heal estate I moving pretty lively
this spring; and sonio very significant
and encouraging transactions have
taken plpaco. It goes to demonstrate
that Klam&th Fall It n coming center
for n big territory. All eye are on
tho city.
The basketball team of tbo high
scrool which hat abandoned work for
the rest of thl term, held a meeting
jestcrday for the purpose of choosing
nn emblem to be worn on Jerseys.
From a number of different designs
which were submitted for approval
Hip dcjlgn of n large K with' two
rmnll b's one on each side of (he K..
aacccptod by the team.
The dance at Houston's opara
loute usually held Saturday night
will be held tomorrow night, after
tho Newman-Folti performance, In
Blend, In order to let (he glider slip
nbout past midnight and get their
mouey'a worth.
Special to The Herald
uel Fisher. proprietor of (he .Elks'
taninle factory, shot and killed hit
wife and daughters, Ruth and. Irene,
nged 16. He then set Are (o the
homo at ISO First avenue and killed
Fisher is believed to hare been In
oiino because of overwork. He shot
hla daughter first and the wife, whan
alio started an Investigation.
The tragedy was discovered whan
bnmea wero noticed Issuing from (he
window. The police broke In and
tho bodies of (he daughters war
found, scorched by (he flames. Tka
homo life of (ha Fitters waa Mwl.
V '