SIhp. tifnina ftefaU.. wrruw uinT-, flIMM MaTWff IWiVKM KLAMATH PALLS, OII8MON, WKHNKHHAY, FKIIHUAHY gft, laid aPsfMLV VlTO MOTIW) NIHVIPMI print Tin inwa not MVNMr klith Yi ' M,,, CAR OF TROUT FRY WILL BE TRIED FOR PHEASANTS WANTED ruH ' ro.M.MKHriAii ,tiM at hi.ttinh mm or I..INI: AM MH" FOIl HWMITS. MKS IIKHHAHOUTH ( ptmia ill tin KUiiihIIi Falls Com. tuidl Club are nutuled an planned tliy lll ii'i' rarloail of Irmit fry front ths aisle '' "' r"", nUiloo and alio establish pheasant Krf and get slock f phraaaiils. At (O the lAllT Idea Hi" Idea I (' ..1 aisnatiucs (rum farmers In the MllhlKirliiMHl ol Miller mountain, or pirn other fnmritlilo section, promla. (milrfllon til the game If Itm Stork It ut In rWrelary C. I'. Htnw. irt Mil mil' "" "''P'llr Game ami fbh Warden I. Alva l.ewU whlrh eareuragr li! in to believe that the lUt nfflrUli -III co-operate with Die did In ttixklnic this vicinity with Ctk and game. Folios-lint U an iilrart from n let tirMiit lli" H11I' r Htale damn War in William I. Flnley Tie prtaetit atate Inlaid ii( tlf Ii aid gioin commissioners 1II1I iml R11 lltooftlreuntll May :i. 1011 It was lira Iik) late In 1I11 a great ilral In the ir iif fUh ami Katun propahr.tlon trine the past )ear, hut r arn now wnnlied anil In working onli'r, tilt fco ahsll If ahln lit atipply your ccsatry both llh rluli ami game hlnU larlnc I hi- rniiilnK season It l our latrnlinn tn give )oti aa larar an allot, awnl at Hniljtr "II) the lime )ou receive, llila Irt. tr our district game warden, Mr. I.. Alta lU, will harp consulted with jej an I rtplalncd the plans i harp tor ui'illng ih Klamath country both with trout ami Rami birds, "When the stale hoanl of fish ami linioromniltilonrra Investigated )our part t( the count r lait summer I ho) were all favorably Impressed with r. ills that as thuwri thrill on Spring Creek It a the plan to hulM a trout hatchery at Ihta place, providing a fit ran arrurnl I hrllorc all o( rour rltlii tn who an Inlrrotlrd In 1th atnl Kinir iriitrrllon ahotild nu ll la (Turing aurh n alto for a trout kaltatrr In that raa trout "11111 tosM be ttVi'ti tn )our iart of lhi touatry ami niiRrrlltiK Irout could h (Irtrlbutnl tn rritork your atrrama " W lr, IUiIiik llrftirrml, llrturn Ulif l.miUn x,,, whoau lllnrta from appcmllrltla rnuard hir staler. Him Amn l.,.. and Mra. V. It. Old, to 10 to her at Oahlnnd, ronirrriil M rtturtu-.! hiimr, arcotnpnnlrd Ii) lr litcr and Mr Oldi. Oregon Gets First Choice Of Sites At The Panama-Pacific Exposition Oirion pualtlvcly will ho given wl opportunlt) for selection of u I for tho statu hulldlng at tho 1'nn- I'acinc eiposltlon, 1915. Tho knowledge that Oregon gets rtt chmci. at the slto. and ma) have most attrucilvo location on tho wpoaltlon Kniiiuds gave enthusiasm "s preparations for tho "Oregon ",n' "ciirslon tu Han Kranclaco "ith Have I'ortltind the nflarnoitt "Xsrch IR, In nuking ti'r- i.iinoiinceiiient the "Wltlon ihalriii.ii, Julius I.. Melor "Portland, ald, ik..D,,i!,yl"K w'"' "ovornor Won "Oregon Manila first, hitvu lht tho privilege of holng flrat In "iwing.a !,, pllr,lern,or0 wo ibl. .'" Ht'lt'''t ,,,u ,,Ml '' A11' " A a first token of the Oregon r?ffl' In statu participation, I entortnlne,! tho hope of taking n to th l0 Koloctlon function fw. ' ,l,,l,Kllort that will go Ito a.?'. "a,,ln,l' Union on a aim. WttlMlon. Ilelng flm on tho scene Moailik0'0 ,0 H,,ow ,ho California toi. !l ?"r "n,f0"n ! will be foraii ., .hlghMt l,0lolo precedents 'iiUto work and co-operation. thos. .!. "ml ""vrnor Woat, by m request ,,. wor) u donei " 'I that his state will he a - - "' '" "IKIIIIIKWIII Kill Klllllllll iiave Allaa Wltinlu Wfiiiiinr, Ih.i dmiith. a1" "'" r,,l"'"'""''li lllltd hy nhoul ter of I ho noted lriiiiiT an.l kuI'Iii of '"' "f M"v 7,mn '"mn "l'i't lilt. Ui.r lake dUlrht. hint leliirned 1" ",0"", '" "hM ' t ",u he from n trip to Hnti 'nnoiiidlahed hy that date oy Kim;, fiiiiunrly eiiiio)ed hy , '" ,,""lll,," '''"' !' I"nl offlcn hna the IIIk II11.I11 l.tiniher louipany lma!f"1r l"'"""1 "'" ""',k ""' ,,,r '"' "' ' rriiirnid from t rl t lla.t II,. hull.1 ! "'" '"'I'mviniiem Tin, n-Kuhi. from Knnana Oil) mid IntliimleH that ' '"" ,".","t ",-""n 'r In rec ta tlm trmmull illnmln t the Klamath!,, "" ""w" hy "" "fflr" w,,lrl1 teitlou la ki.0'1 MloiiKh for him lie ',"'" "' '",V" 'rt'" ,,""r,'r' '"" '" al.o anl.l that It not a. I,m a. sa I KlnMiwtli I'ulU ioK.mre U riimiltiK .- hh"i leiiiKii nir nun 1111 Id that It not a. low aa :2 ,.,. '"low ro when, he wn,, t,j n Reed deal, .om,m.r.H , Itrrea helow that la Hie wralher out here Mr King e. r to take a mmIiuii ltli Hie .aim. firm hy whlih lm wan formerly em- ilo)e JOII.NHOX Wll.l, NI'IMK AT lllKi:VK t'AI'ITAI,1 United I'reaa Hervlro sv.w voiik, r.ii sk Johlooii nnuouiirea that he haa ar leptid an luvltalluii to nnnk at Co luinhiia on Thurmlav lie plana to tM'Inlu C'nlKotiiln'a Judicial renill lie la eipi-cled to lake Inane with Ihe ItiHiM'wIl plan of rrralllriR derl loiia, nut men, and to derlnre that the fait that JiiiIk kmm the recall aff.ilt thein makea them more iliefr. fut HiMiii for Oreiton'a Junket to Han I'runrlaro to eierrliu the that rhiiloi or attet at the l'flliainn-1'nt Irlr etHial lion, and tr) to ro Aak the man, he leliiR JudRe William S U'ordi II GET BUSY, FOLKS, ON MAIL SERVICE w mv want kiihi: nwT hk.1 it wii.i. hi: mx'ix. hahv roit iir.ot'iuoir.NT toj hi: mkt vkhv wmix It )lll he nerratary for the city to Ret limy very oon ntul eiulp Itaolf .ittifaclorlly for the Introduction ut free mall dellwr). If It desires to hntn that modern facility, ncrordltiR to I'oatiiiasier Cl)ile K llrandeitliurR. "It will lie necessar) to put In some sidewalks In the district where the free delhery Is to tie Introduced," said tho postmaster this mornliiK "The department requires these to he laid, liiimhera on the hollar as well as receptacles for the dcpostlliiK of mall, and alRtia with the names of streets. The street signs are up, hut the other detnlls remnln tn In. deem ed, It would he well for those Inter- ititcd to endeavor to have these mat. rmiae for pride In the ultlirul) nrhleveiuenlB. "To my mind, Oregon will not have n better rlmnre for udvancln her own IntervhtH during the preont generation. I cannot he charged with visions when declaring that It opem tho epoch nf the Pacific, All Amer ica will have e)cs riveted upon the Pacific, coast from thla dale until utter the exposition closes. Foreign pro pies will bo drawn to study this land ns they never hnve before, and per haps ns they limy not ngnln within n half century. Tho Panama canal menus revolution In transportation and agricultural conditions. He sources hero nro ndvnnred In value tho Inatnnt that tho cnnnl opens. Close Intelligent study of n laud no preg. limit with opportunities im our own, enn have but ono result. Immense benefit. All tho world will ho want ing to know what Oregon Is during tho coming three years." I'ollrenien (In to fort land Pollcomen William Hall and Wil liam Moasner havo gono to Portland to appear aa wltneases there In an In. dlan caso. In the meantime tho night patrollng Is done by Oeorgo Bnyder and Jesse Hart. tera iiiiviiiliil id very noun If It Ih ex. 'ilcd In Imiv.. Klamath Kail, parlldJ 'imlo In thla )ei'. appropriation" . lliu appropriation will probably lie1 i,- "i"'ii juiy mi, nut rori K'lermliied Kliiluiith I'hIIm to l,o In mIinihi to pre 'iil lior ilnliii) for friii delivery nor-' ,,, ., .. ,, ' ",n",".lh ' "IU l"''"'m1 rimiiljiR l",,', l") nnnually In the amount "M.u.Iii-m ln.. L PRINTED SOON BOOMER ANNUA llii.riiur!J"'Vr NTfliKNT IIOIIV nt U NCIMMII, UirrMIMIMM THAT I'llll.lCATIO.V Of IIIHIK IK All. vihaiii.i: At a Joint atlidelit hod) Ule'llliR IhU niornliiR at the IiIrIi kcIiimiI audi, lorliim, matter of whrther or not there ihould he n lliHiinvf tnihllahed nt the end of I til h term aa an annual ICMiie up for dlacuaaloii It waa tie rldfil that 11 report ahould ho heard from one of a committee that hnd ,hein aelerled fur the elprm pill. ,pie of flndliiR out npprotlmatrly the I cnt of aurh a paper After the re. ll'iirt waa rend the prealdelit put It to 11 vote of the altident hod)' aa to 'whether It would arrept tlila rejMirl Ihe motion waa derided In the affirm ntlte. and ronaeiiirntly a rommltKv wan rhoien hy the prealdent for th purpoae of nomlnatlnR randldatea for poaltlim on the ataff. At thin eon rliulon the iiiMtlrtR adjourned, aMATH ()l'XTV KtH TO hi: tiiahi:ii iiih iai'i.ik Xiitlunnl F'r-t Odd .VumlK'rrd Nee 1 1. Ml., If Hill of leprrfnlallvi. Haw ley, voraldy lteMrtrl, Is Aetril on Anlrtiuitlv.'l) liy ('ongrrva WAHIIINOTON. I) 0. Feb, SS, The house rommltleo on public lands hbs agreed to report favorably Con resaman llav!e)'a hill autliorlrlns siil'klllutlon of odd'titimtiered sei'tlons of Innd In I'.iulln.. national forest, he longing to private parties, for nthc Inr.ds In Hoiithirn Klamath county MOIMH' I'llOJIMT IIINT IN AI'I'HOI'HIATItl.V llll.t. InilUn Mensui. Ieirti'd In lou, .if Iti-presenlall.'eK, Conlaliis Item i,f SVMI.IMMI ror f'onilnulne (Htnslnie lion of Irrigation Hrhrtne WAHIIINOTON. I). C. Feb. IS 'Ihe Indlnn hill, It ported to tho house. In addition to tho regular apprnprla. lions for Oregon, contains nn Item of f r.u ono for tontlnulng tho construe fun of Ihe Modoc Point Irrigation project, Klam.Mli reservation, That special election for voting nn tho council's charter, being placed two wceka before tho reg'ulaT elec tion, helps the taxpn)cr tn spend Ms money. Don't forget that thoso old city warrants, running behind about four jenrs, nro costing tho property owner about nn the dollar. LENT HAS BEGUN AND PIOUS FAST I'KHIOH OK FOHTV HAYS, TOM MKMOHATIVK OF FART OF TllK HAVIOl'U OIWKUVKIi IN CF.IU TAIN ailUICIIKfl This Is Lent, the forty-day faat having commenced on Ash Wednes day, which was it woek ago today. It continues until Raster Sunday, March 31st. It Is celebrated by the Koman Catholic and Protestant Episcopal denominations ns commemorative of (ho fast of tho Saviour. Iai nn 11 lllf I IIIII'IJ III II I ULUD LUIHjll IIILL --- OISCOSS TOPICS AIMtili 'HI IIK-TTKIIMK.NT OK CITV. OCfAHION FOH AHHKMIIIJ.NU W MK.V I'HOMI.NKST IX HfHI- .VKHH ctnvt.KH The Klainath Kalla Commi'rclal CI 11I1 will have, a luncheon at the I.I v. ermore itrlll next Friday afternoon for the purpoae of dlacuaalng thlnRa which 1110 of Inter cat to the proRrea. al.o of the city. It la eipected that many hualneaa aa well ni prominent men of the clt will ho there In ar te ml a tire. Many Important mattcra which am of Intereat to the hooitcra o( Klamath county will be brought up The main object of thla Rather Iiir, however, la to Ret together all the men who are booatcra of Klamath county an dihere dlacuaa pro and con aurh matters for the wolfaru of thla community aa may aria. Mlaa Huliy Winter, who haa been employed aa stenographer for Attor ney I'. I. Klllott, la Buffering with Inflautatory rhcumatlim. Although confined to her tied ahe la convaleac InK nicely Thla will ho good news lo her friends. ENLARGE DEPOT OBJECT OF WORK OVF.H HCOHK OF CAKPKNTKKH OF HOtTHKHN PACIFIC FOKCK rt'TTINO KXTKMNION ON THK FHKIOIIT MOl'HH On the Southern Pacific freight de pot a lO.foot extension Is being placed hy a force of about twenty live carpenters, under the supervision of I, 0 lllcechcr, foreman. Tho workers camo from Uunsmulr. It Is expected to complete Ihe enlarge ment within three weeks. The en tnrgement of the freight terminal hulldlng Is necessary to meet the In creasing freight traffic, owing to the rapid growth of Klamath Falls and the development of the surrounding territory WHY SUCH HASTE ABOUT CHARTER MOHF. UNNKCrSUAHV KXPKNHB FOIl TAXI'AYMW INCt'RRKII IN IIAVINM HPHCIAIi KLKCTION Mill YOTINfJ FOIl IT Here's a cltlien who, like many other cltliens of the metropolis of the Klamath Ilasln, wishes to be advised as to tho reasons. It any, for hurrying up tho public expression on the coun cil's proposed charter, making an added burden to the already tax-ridden property ewners: "Kdltor Herald: "Somo time last January one of us rank and file fellows asked through the columns of )our paper, over the signature of "Cltlxen." "Why the ad ministrators of the city s affairs did not point out through the press some or all of tho glaring deficiencies In tho present charter that so hampered tho council In conducting the affairs of the city." "Tho query appears not to have met with favor, else Ita unimportance waa so apparent that an answer wa not deemed necessary. Possibly Its Impertlnenco merited the silent re buke It received. Mke the reat of the rank and fllo patience It a predomi nant characteristic In my make-up, and I havo not dlspalred of receiv ing an answer, satisfying and com plete. "Nothing daunted, ana wnue awaiting a reply to the former query, I am now asking of tho powera that be, why should the unauthorised war- raut debt of the city be further in creased at this time by the voluntary Incurring of the eipenie attending the preparation, printing and dlttrl- hutlon of a new charter, and the penae of a apeclal election two weeVi prior to tho goneral election T Why ahould thla beT What and wherein Ilea tho necoaelty of submitting thla now charter at a apeclal election? ta thla proponed new document of such potency that Its adoption will prove a panacea for all the city's financial Ilia two weeks prior to the general elec tion? "Now, there may be tome other thing I ought to aak about, but these questions, Mr. Editor, aro running riot through the minds of a lot of ns .initiated folk, Tho answer to them nisy be so plain that he who runs may read, but marvel not at our aim pllclty and the fact that we are of that goodly number who must he shown. CITIZEN." COUNTY MUST BE ON SPECIAL MAIL KKUIHTKRRII IJCTTKKM AND PACKAGKH KKQL'IRK THAT THR HK.MIEH INK HPKCIAIi CARE IN WRITINfJ AIIURHW It Is not generally known to the bol pollol that It la necessary, In ad' dressing registered mall, to put the county In which the addressee lives, nn the envelope. Dut 'tis so nominat ed 'n the bond. If you send away an Important lett?r which goes through the formality of being described In the official tomes and put In a special pouch you'murt wilte name of the county on the envelope. There la only one exceptlo 1 to the rule In this state, Portland being the place. In California, Baa Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento and Los Angeles are ex cepted, tn Illinois the city of clr eusaassbteat atmosphere, Chicago, la exempt. The precaution la taken by the syjfeinaaaal In order to keep Msch mall from going astray. Of conree, now nad than a registered letter with out the county gets through O. K., but when one Is lost and the county appears not on the register, then there Is trouble. MYAUKT8 FILL JAILS, PORTl'Gl'BBK RJMTLTW roavefHed Coap by Kx-Ktag Manuel and Hie Coast, Mike fc Rragaaja, Is Almost Dally Expected Success Hare If Prisoners Are Freed United Presa femes PARIS, Feb. 28. Portugal's pris ons are filled to overflowing, accord ing to declaratlona of Portuguese loy. Mists Just arriving here from Lisbon They say that It the republicans take more prisoners new prisons will have to bo built to house theea. Unrest continues unabated, and n concerted coup by the deposed King Manuel and hlq cousin, Miguel de Braganta, Is almost dally expected, with success a certainty in case tne prisoners can e liberated and armed. The time to get people to come to Klamath Falls and environs Is when It Is cheap to travel. From March 1 to April 15 Is the time when they can come at tower rates than usual, it III then coat IS6.45 from Chicago, 918.4b from Kansas city, and pro portionate ratea from other points. That's for n single way. For the round trip, with stop-over privileges. there will be later on sale very cheap ticket. Bear In mind that every de sirable cltlten brought to this dis trict tends to help the values of prop erty and swell the volume of trade. JURORS WANTED IN FAULDER CASE MBT DRAW OF DOZEN NAMKS FAILS TO MATKRIALUR HIT NINE MEN, IO THREE MOHE NAMES ARE ORDERED Another delay to" the Nobel Fnul- der murder trial occurred this morn ing, resulting In court adjourning un til tomorrow morning. The twelve men whoa names war drawn Tues day oould not all bt found In time for them to be In court at the otsNM hour, only aeven of them showing ap. GARY DINERS FIX PRICES OF STEEL Two more will arrive this evonlng. Of the three others, one waa ill, an other's wife's Illness prevented him coming and tho third was not to be found. The court ordered three more names to be drawn to All up the doten. SCIENCE CLAM WILL STUDY FOOD The domestic slcence department of the high school Is the recipient of a Lumber of wheat, as welt as choco late and cocoa samples for educa tional purposes. Tho object of get ting these samples Is that they not only show the process of milling and method of preparing the wheat and chocolate In Its early stages, but hrlng clearly before the minds of the students the different stages under which they are taken through before being put on the market. The wheat exhibit Is from the In teraatlonal Harvester company nf Chicago, while the cocoa and choco late are the Walter Baker product, It Is expected that a great many of the samples will be bad In the near future for the furthering of educa tlonal purposes. The rapid progress which this department Is making showa the amount of Interest that la being manifested along this line. Qlen Beala and wife were up from Worden yesterday. COMEDY PROVES LAUGH INDUCER NEWMAN FOLTZ COMBINATION OF PLAYERS APPEARS AT HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE IN "FACING THE MUSIC." Another attentive audience attend ed the performance of the Newman- Foils company at Houston's opera house last night, and waa tickled In the ribs, metaphorically writing, by the risible-provoking situations of fered 'In the evening's bill. The play was "Facing the Music," Henry E. Dixie's old vehicle, and proved fully as funny as forecast. The cast was well balanced and efficient, and the specialties between the acts by Nlsbe Howard, Merle Lewis and Gordon Osborn were heartily received by the auditors. Tonight "Dlvorcons" Is to be presented. Later on "Thelma." Woman's Way," "Sapho" and "Roa noke" are promised. Local Lumber Bids Too High Cause Of Reclamation Buying At Portland Owing to tho fact that Klamath Falls has a considerable lumber In dustry and that the reclamation serv ice of the United States government recently made a large purchase of lumber from & house In tho Rose City some local people have been Inclined to question tho propriety of the deal. Tho purchase, aggregating nearly a half million feet of lumber, filling nearly a score of freight cars, was needed for construction work In the second unit on which work Is to be done the approaching season. The following letter from Project Engineer W. W. Patch explains the reason for the purchase being nisde at Portland, In a way which Is aimed to disarm tho critics: Evening Herald, Klamath Falls, Ore. "Gentlemen gome Interest has been aroused In view of tho tact that tho reclamation service awarded a largo contract for lumber to n Port land Ira. Tho facts In the cast are follews: "This Umber was purchased under comeptltlve bids for fourteen dsys, and the bids were sent to thirty-two different trms of lumber dealers. In clndlng tho six local arms. Bids wore resolved from fourteen of thoso trms, only two of tho local Iras being suf cteatly Interested to submit any bid PROFITS FABULOUS STANLEY COMMITTEE'S EXPERT FINDS THAT CORPORATION OP. KHATKS IN RESTRAINT OF TRADE United Press Borneo WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 29. That the social functions known ns "Gary dinners" control absolutely the prices In the steel Industry and that the United States steel corpora tion Is operated In restraint of trade through this price control and Its domination of raw material, was the , conclusion reported to the Biaolov House Steel Investigating con::alttet today by Farquhar J. Mae!'..?, tr.s committee's expert accouatai:' MacRae'a report was tho rusult uf a detailed examination of tho books of the steel trust, made while tho rec ords were under subpoena by tho com mittee. In several particulars the report contradicts testimony given by officials of the trust before the com mittee. Tho Gary dinners, tho report says, operated to maintain prices and exclude competition. "The arrangement Is designed and Intended so to operate," It continues, "and It does so operate, to steel rails, slthough It Is claimed that the so- called Independent companies can cut prices without fear of penalty except the dishonor of declaring In favor of a named price and then selling at soma other price." At the Gary dinners, represents fives of tho stool corporation nad In Isnsndsnt tosvesrns asset sad agree 'to reduce their soodootton eooJOrta. ahly to tmelr-eatla&ato of tho demand existing." ' It can be no justification of the co-operation of the participants In the Gary dinners that no penalty attache, to a violation of the declarations mu tually exchanged," the report com mented, "because, perforce, the anti trust act would prevent the enforce ment of any penalty for reducing prices or exceeding ono share, of the business." The report drew the conclusion that the Gary dinner agreements were In reality Just as binding on steel manufacturers as the pool agreements of the old days, which were legislat ed sgslnst In the Sherman act. A fabulous profit was made out of the formation of the steel trust by J. P. Morgan ft Co., which framed the combination, the report says, the steel trust books show. A total of t,300.000 was paid the Morgan (Continued on Pag 4) whatever. Tho proposals received for the total amount of lumber, aggre gating 460,000 feet, b. m were as follews: Bid No. 1 $4,448.00 Bid No. 3 4,411.00 Bid No. S 4.500.00 Bid No. 4 4,514.00 Bid No. 5 . . . 4,541.00 Bid No. 4 4,410.00 Bid No. T 4.451.00 Bid No. 8 4,441.00 Bid No. 4.711.00 Bid No. 10 4.880.00 Bid No. 11 4,074.00 Bid No. IS 4,007.00 Bid No. 13 5,600.00 Bid No. 14 ... 4,778.00 "The last two bids listed are from local Arms, and owing to the fact that freight ratea on government ship ments of lumber are extremely low from the vicinity of Portland, belag tn the neighborhood of 11.15 per thousand feet, It will bo seen that of the fourteen bids received there wan only ono which waa not lower than the bids of tho two local ffrnw, after miking due allowance for freight. "Under thoso conditions should It bo considered strange that tho-son-tract waa not awarded ta local deal ers? Respectfully, ., ; "W. W. PATCH, Project agtaoor." ! -- I r?il