The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 24, 1912, Image 1

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'- .1 1
irrriJKii nt tiik
Kvunxn hwiiwfi
SHll. Vn.i-.N-. IIIINI
KliAMA'lll VMAJH, miMUM, HAIMII.AY, I'l.'llltlAIIV i!l, KM!!
Price, H? Ceaas
Deputy Plah mill (linn,. Warden liny
AtiiinlltiK to ilii- niuri (In' mciuiil
n out Ininlliu' rnlilillM dm, ,y Inal
(uniiner when Ma ,0g who oMllnnrllv
Iim'h rim uir.V(). IUI nfr ,
llIl M'lltlltlt nil 1.(11 ItlviT, In ll I
l.anr.ell Valley, milil in alum nnivlnu,
frlcnda (if labor in California, i, "' Pellrnii lli lilnl wa iippur-1
.-.. ii lie illlV 'r,,,'H ni'wminiii.rii in iiii'ino n !'"ll)r ,"J,lr'"1 l.fir lint ..i,: rcnrlicl i UHOItXIA ASHfH IAI lo.S UIMs
OF MKiiu-iio "";
'run figure for yoursolf what tho stock
would total."
At lliu prlio (incited by .Mr. Mc-
(lownii 7,000,000 fntt would lie
! worth $98,000, whll 14,000,000 foot
wiiiiM Ihi worth $190,000.
Chicken dinner Sunday at tho
Comatork from 12 to 7 p. in., 40c.
iiriiuin owm:hn
v.tvr i.ii-n.1 m ''' "'
Tt !) I' I.I-H WIN IMSI'i;
vigorous prol.nt against tin- luliumnti t.1 ""'I ''"'' " ,rlnl "" tul,,r ' '','
nttlon nf Hi tlMii .rM..itinK tlii,'1"'; ,'11 "vt,r w'"'"t Hiti (null.-
l.avr Mrlker. from !,'.' " '" ",0 m''k '""' ",,w "
ihltdreii nwny fioiii Hint nir ami ! V" '" ,,rnKMl II Mill lo lifii ninntiT.
"rut. .mi to ink,, Immediate hit'Uu a,,!'"' UmU " '"",,,J " " "" '-iUIi
lluit Buffering striken
Mill) III! loll)VC(."
nii.l fnmlllcn
jlliMI'MIIH lll'HV
.mav in: ihnv Hi:itMo.v nv
., . " I "" I'll' 'lUeslloll (If KlMlintli I'iiIIh
'I i.morrow may . t, iM, ,)f . if,,,..,,, .,-'.... .,.'..
,.. f .-il.. . .. .""- '"." ."III'IIIK " ("iiininini.
4Jt'ri4 of liintiKa n miifmifu i.-n il... a.i.i......
, it , ' ... ..-.,,.. (iuliiv, u, mum inn
1-n.ttJ I'lru - '
WWIIKM I. Mum, Feb. 31.
.. ...... ...! ll.,.t,l klnlll. .. ....
ilftr wiicc.m.. hum nt ilrnr.i Ml ii,,ll.t iti.r.mi .. ..;...';. .... "
... r.,.,...i.l,. r ' ..,.., i. i.. ,. .... .. .. . " """ """''! 1'ir in imioriiih
B!1MU Inlrif.'. '1 ""'I mi MUMl.t,T. 11.. lift. t.rrn nhI.m , ,v llHflU . ,, ,
, itllU t'" I" "" niijr... ...-. "... iini i.ii,m n (, PWW hl1, ,, f((r fhmt) W,M , -,kllJrfP
fi.'i" " '" ' '" wwI'Mi'i-lliiK" ' rf..i i,i..r..t n,l j form (. tlrtt lm.lliull.ui to K,.t ,!..,U
M , . I :' !'.?."'., . !',
tl,U .iin. U. i;i"i .! l..! Mr. nt. Mntl-r. n. m. ,i,KP.l. mw Tli arc nrrnnRliir
lll'll.l HCIti: II' (tV I.O.VATKS
sin:, hit wii.i, inn hiiii'.
I'INdlO.V 1'ia.NT
ilini iiiaiIk n lino lii..rtloii iiikiii (In.
Vim Mill .-njni )iliI,'lr If ). m.
.' ml Hi. ilntii Kimrk iliialer '-i
Cliiirlci Midownn, mnnaxur of the
Hliliil(iKloii Ijox factory of tlio Cn. I
Kornlii I'ruli CnniiiTi' AnHoHnllon
nld tliU iift.-riibon Hint If the pcuplo
l Klniuiitli I'.iIIh would doniilu frci
Hln of n lio ii I llvu Rt'rm wllliln tln
n llmltH tlio niioclatlon will Ini'.M
li'im n iiiucli IntKtT ftrtor) ttinn lli(
ok. wlilrli i linn had nt H'iliiplivton
Hi. mt Unco jcnri.
Bun i'mmlMo and oilin !ornlltlii
wild .Mi .MitiuHuii, mo (onilikrliiB
tlu urn 1 1 or. ii ml If Klr.fitntli KnIU dooi
nut lake inlvantiiKO of tlio iurliin
II) rlKlil awn) tliu iwj l.illon will
Icrnto cleuwhcrc.
.illl.. r arrrilp.l ,. ...Mil.. lino IllllirCftnlOII llliilll 11 n.. ... u.. ......
!" -"- . . , ,,,. . . " '" "iiirii men iioii.ltnuin ctl
n " 'f lh ltmllii In- "' lnl!i I alia nml hi. ui,rN H. ,,M W,, w,(ll ., worc
,!. i''"7 ll",," ,ll,ll ni'liwlntnl l.y thr r.riiii.rb l.lciitlflH
Tt itrlkvr i!crim. tin. nwin.niChrUIInn (.ulillo nml tin, .M'tliodlit
inlltr cliild"" " rnilii nml uf. rlmrrli, for whom hla nTlnl p..rTl(n
r, la ur.ter yrr(. Ih jrrlitn li j ''"' Ii lirorurrd Not only m
luVloa tliu '"'Kp 'I'" nirrli hwn lidicfltlcd. Imt n
Tt Urn K .hi. ililldrt'ti nwyl,,K' nmnlirr nf piimiiin hnn prof
two the im m llm lntl.iiL nil','f,,t ronvirilnn nml iinllnl mH, (.
lit f4rrnl r c'.nit. w.-ro urrxlul, trhnrcli.
yitllUm.n (Hti.lm their rlrlra. j On Huiidny monilnit he lll prrnrh
finldl rluli ' Hiry frl) md ,l, rrmui upon 10 mi,)rri of
rt mint hiaJx "ChrlMlnti Trliimph " In (In. R(ir
ibj woiiirn win. throw tlioiu. '"""ii Krmt IVninrwtnl mrvlr.. will
mIi i In fiom . i ln nirii, worn nli '' "I'' "l 3 "Mock, nt whlrh irv
Virn. I ,rM ' pcnurii lnlrpil In tln
mcrtlni:. in ell n mlicri. nrc ex-
Sillltia urn. .Mcnll) appointed l",,p" " ", I'rwcnl At iiIkM hi
wlikil. nlirD Hie mlll-imnrin r(m.,Irm"" '"i "Tli Unpnr.l
tUUM (but llio fnrmrr iimrilml '"H " pr'nrhrd
. ... - tlMU .1 . .. ..
.j nai. f ii .iiiiniinT n i n ii i ft riHiiiini, um
I mm rnuiiKii i ..-,.. I". l n.u lr.,,l i. n
Tk pru ntfompmilcd rry u H'c rlmrrli to Mr mid l"-s siamis 7 litlt i.NVI(.iv ,''" .... .
...... '.l. Mr. v.n i.,i.r ... -1.1.1. .1 . T'"' M"clatlon lini communicated
IIHIIIHIUIU. iwu.lj. I -- "...v.. ' ,.. lllll, O .K,l.hl
Tt lko (gr.nrr.1 thU nnd mIiI,IIc ' lnrllt-.t
thcMMitn nml inimln, Mr. mid Ml. Vmi .Mnrtr plnu In ... . . ....
h- .MU.... ..... .1,-1. ....!... l..!IVUllm rllv for Harm...,,,... .1,. n... I AIU'r 1,,,l"' ul a'l '''t 'ld
ffkMlr.1 U th..rllln nnim?- ' wk,.Mthogl, nu rnort-1,l",an,"l,"i7 J ,u .,,lr,,u:.U,e
rir tutnulci Ufnrf the train Irft I'tHiiC mmU to huvo Uirm ntny mid
IU jollrt iflird il r. thlldrrii, ruihrit "illtM lh wotk n itinrt tlmo Ion
iWo oaliMn and tiAtrcd thr Inllntt Kr.
Houston l.miic OH Toii'kIiI
Tlicro will hu no dnncu at tho
llomitoti Iioiipu of Thtipli thin .'en-
Iiik. tho rrnaou osalKUcd hcInK that
tho MtnKO thereof will bo occupied by
a drnmntlc rompany.
Dame, Bpiirka theater.
II Kill WIMi lll.WH
OwIiir to IiIrIi wind Krldny morn
ln, which blow down alcna of nmbl
tloua real titalo nictnta, Bwlalied tho
aklrta of unaunpictliiK femininity, and
na Rcnernlly moro bolateroui than
tho ocrnnlon acenicd to call for, tho
IiIrIi irlmol hnd to dlamliN early.
Tho trouble at the high rchool was
that up on the hill, where tho clrcnm.
ambient air wn moat octlrn. It blew
amoke, whlrh by nil thnt'a proper
jnlinulil have gone up tho chimney,
l.lown Inalead
to fix the date either Just beforo or
juat after tho Pendleton roundup, so
that wo tan i;ct tho beat of.what they
have. Wo wnnt to arraiiKo so the at
traction can como direct hero from
Pendleton or ro thorn directly from
tho Klamath county fnlr."
Tho comptroller of tho currency
ban laaucd a call for tho condition of
national brink at tho cloao of dual
ncaa I'ebruary 20tli.
The amoke cot In tho
Tho ahlppliiRion factory ulll bo no.roomH and made them n poor plnco to
Ihiirit npuratcd by ll.o niwiclntlon be. Ileneo tho curtailment of tho cul-
When the HhlppltiRluu faiiory be- ttvntlon nf IiIrIut lntelllKonr.
Kt.ti operutloiia In the hnmta of the"
nrxKlatlim three yearn nfin II wna to
l.n fnr llir... t'tr ..III. .1 .,,(i .,r
two more, thu l.oiiR UiU Lumber
rompntiy to lui) It nt an appraised
nlui. m I lie vnd of threv jcura If tlio
niaorlntlon did not caro lo conduct II
nti) loiiRcr. Il hay been determined
b) iho aisoclatlou to build a larRtr1
sti iii:th dkiiati:
im,i.(jai wouu fix nouy.
Copies of the propoaed now city
charter which wa drawn up prin
cipally by City Attorney Horace M.
Manning and Mayor Fred T. Sander
ton havo been ordered printed 10
that tho totcrtf may havo a chanto to
scan tho provisions beforo time (or
There will b; another IiIrIi school
debnto hero on Monday, March 4,
.!... .... ....... I . .. ... .
Pnaa hlfih school will como to Klntn.Mpt,nK on " ""I'1" ' April 23 a
alh Kail and endenror to wreat IJo-ii,l,ec'a' 'wtlon havlns; been et for
monthtnlc honors from the local 8tii-lllmt (,&t0- According to law out
dents of forensic proclivities. C0P' ,'la,, Be Pnted for each voter.
, 4 i Tno following has oeea ii'im'tt-,!
,. . .... . . I to tho Herald by a taxpayer i , has
Dindng tonlRht. Sparks Theater. ,,,, .' . T ',.
ht-x somo views to express as a result
i-maU,,' Hln" Jfl M.Uh ll I AM. M..IU rV.!ritaM "r "UfU V'" ,0Ca' fleM' w "'"I'AIIIHIAX I'lllXCS" TO III! I,K-
... ,.... . ' ' ; '';''; '"r two moro )enrson tho ,.CTK IHIItTUAVKlN .itTKIi
-,ii uin ' M MM K A. ,M., AMl'blilpplnKton plant will not be exer-
Willi ActliiR Prealdnnt William H.
Plili, of tho Klamath Chamber of
Commerce, relntlro to the situation.' Tho Nuwmau-Koltz pla)ers arrived
and no dunbi iho Cfcmber of Com- today from Wood, and wIll.Qten their
morcu win Rcl liuay at onco on tho
Tho hnuau of representatives unan
Imoualy adopted a resolution calling
on the secretary of war to furnish In
formation as to tho retirement of
General Alnsworth.
Plvo subm&Tlncs which on Friday
left Srtn Pedro for San Diego, con-
o)cd by tho U. 8. S. Fortune, ran
Into a- gale sixty miles down tho coast
and tho tremendous sens forced them
to return.
At Santn Cruz UcorRo Frcoman
fatally shot himself whllo sleeping be-
lldo his lC-ycar-old bride, formerly
Chrlallno Hacklcy of Humboldt coun
ty. Ho was deipondent from Illness
and Inability to And work.
"Wt. want to be better located for
engagement tonight nt Houston's In
"The Parisian Princess.
ritlr and iimll . ta tried In reach
Ik. cMI'trtn and the pollen clubbed
it ttll ai ih men, Dm wnmeu'
hittl, one tumilng Pollremnn
)!tr'i trjul ;t! wllh m itniin
L 'At tie rlrpiil .arli rhlld bore u card
fltiUag II had .la lariut' innaMit to
'! trip
'i Tf6lyntr inn, wiimtn ami chit- MN WHO WAs t'l
r irrnird on various charges
trwrtiiiting an efflrvr to nbitrtltt.
IC Iko Menik wire hrrnlKiied In
tl lllf j rout I '
Tie Hire and wddlera mirioiiudeil
"t rouri ioun
)ur In the tuny nf llorm.i Hlildler
rl.nrr;..l with culling A. K. Ualc. a
Ijitiifell V&1I.II ruiirli..r. (.ill,,! r..
. . . , . .... .., .i --.-..- . . ... . . ...
gre At 10 m ill. It rtporlid to """Inem r.nions. an well as for tin. " tont u ) Known in cai-,
Ju.lgo llilir) I.. Ileiiaou thai It iould oen'flt of our force," said Mr. Mc- Iforula through her distinguished'
mil agn. mid Hint tlmo swmed to "nwrm, "If o nre In tho city rndivr'mmlly, Hi llonorablo Samuel Short-,
lV no powilblllt) nf li getting liny'"1"" milaldo II will bo easier to got r!,,;e uf San Pranclsco Is one of thoj
iiarer together, so lis dlatharged It S"ol help and keep II. Wo propoao mort prominent nllorne)s on the'
Onie the wiling alood C lo C, while '" ,lne n I'lfigT factory and moro loast. and her mother, Mn. Clara'
al nnutlier llinv tho aldo for roiu.'c I PW'I1'"-'. mid want to giro them every poltx, wlfo of the asslitant ntturney
Hon had ulgbl uit. later losing one. 'danlugu pinslble .Slilpplngtou has f I.os Angeles mid prospectho can
In n rrlmlnal rnae, In older to inn-,1101 l,ro'l convenient for thoso wlBh.i,u,t0 for tho state sonate.
- -Tonttiit- Mason's orrheHra ..and
ever) thing to go with It. Sparks.
IN AsiA I lT
I'l.K.WK (U'll.'M IICI'DIti: Jls-
in. Ii la n.c mid Hint nil m..iv- '"B lo rtnt liouiei s they could get Mr. Now man la equally Popular.
ii .n ague, while In a chll cmo vr' ",,, c,lo,co of Place t" e. In having been Identified with scleral'
i i th a of iho twelw la mi fit- '' -H tl'f (an lmo some variety In f tho big illy stock companies, and
lll.ll r.SHI()Ni:i ItALLY WITH
II iBdrnl of mraiigo iliu(iuuclng
Wij'i action Uio been rercUrd,
i.nt to reiided a erdlct. Hint line. Ittif work Is nlwn)s natural and alu-
Th.. lur kiiisI.ii,.! nf .1 i!. iiniiu "It will cost tho uasoclatlon from ctre. Tho aunnortlnc east of theso
l-. s T.TwllllL-.r i,...,i, Ki.u.u.rii.i. ! 115.000 upwards to put up thu sort two nlnvera la n cood one. and their'
lll'i: or Pl.WCi: ni.ts. (ill V IIS ,r tu nn,ni j H jillln ll 0. "f 'JC,or "'"I " Intends to build nnd productions nro put on with ocry re-' Tonight nt tho county court house
win be held tho Taft club rally, nt
whleh some good speeches and music
Terr, I' W. Miller. Jnik Kerr. 8. P. 1,,,i' n" ,,lu payroll l nu enrd to effective scenery, beautiful.
I A. I), dill", whose lujurlo nt tho IIUI. A. 8 Posler. J M IIoIiihh nndi"'uuo ,,r "u,ro 'u'r """" ngainst tago settings und linndsomo gowns
'linnita of l7-)ear-old Horace Shldler n'1' llrandowltiirg Kerr, who 'I5.U00 which hn been the rule o wlillo between acts every night there
I, , . ,, local ran enter, bemnie III aoiua time ,ar' Wo ll,no ImJ n contract wllh'u noel nnd entertaining vaudeville.
v, 7. " '"" "' ,""'" " """ "' "" ",v"" after the Jury retired nt 4:30 o-clorki11'1' ''""K '-,K0 u'r company to Tomorrow will bo tho big comedy
.irM.i r, l.nt.r Prole.l court for nMnult with n dnngetoiu ,,.M(,r,n. ao when the dlr- l"",,)' l,",,ctl'. " l'1 ""r 'w' till, "Wlldnro." In which I.llllau litis-
Ultfd I'rc, 8 mm hciipoii, pleaded guilt) jealeutii) to ngrxment led to II o Jur)'a illselinrc!. !'"""' U0,"K 'rct' lo muku wmu cou-lpoll starred.
103 A.N'flKt.CH Peh, 24 The hating hi his possession one pelican, K; YRt cxruard until Monday K S. I,rfif, wo I'lenso for tho raw pine, we Prices 25 and 60 cents.
Wlterala rWrlpp papers sent tho mid paid n fine of IK.f.n lo Jiiatlre of rvr HK'r wna mcused for tho list cn" "lnko a cmitract when and wherol
MmIiik (n (loiernor Pom; the Pfaro fhnrlei lrnw. ,,f i... tsTiu. lo uturn lo hi wtichr" P'oise, eapcclnlly as wo will want Dnnco after tho show. Sparks the-
"la tbe nam. of hnlf n million Tho limn hnd been arrested hyiork near Merrill. more than wo hae beon bujlng. Liter tonight.
- i . "1.111 season me auippiugion lac'
Escape From Well Of Mao 'CREAMERY SUED
Who Had To Climb Up Chalk Sides ON NOTES GIVEN
. C , Munium who Is In the city
"Mi h bom ,, l.-lry. relates n
"0 tlirlllliiR nrrldent which Imp
' to llcry KiAHwIvr. one of tho
prouinttit ion,,,. ,MlclurH ,)f ,,,
7 on Tuesdar '.' this week
,,,7,'' "I" I'dephono lino.
, ' " 71 b(, run Int.. tho well nn
t,j ",'"' ,a,,,,,,' Irouhlo by ll.o
McblBg u(, ,lt, ,)lltUcl W,IC
Iho boilim around I, well, and
'"nptliiR ,,!, , 1)ckot
mi i. ''"""K hit., tin, well, Tho
''llllyfcu '"B """'"I"1' orthown-
ibJ,,'SV,ur itrucie.i for
loi,,Ul,, l""howell,
riMM ,r H,"",l"l,r wiih iihlo
" Mniaoir mih hl r....i .. .i
"''ai. nn.i um. ... ." " ."I
noiea i ,, , "" "HRirH nug,
rkMhi...".."'nlk ftml RWduilly.
mio. : .",w."r"mi,l"'ow
c. ,,: ' '," "' "io ropn nnd gel
ktwlhS y f""r ho,"' uofro1
r,ll' Ida eck struck tho end
of the wire, which cuUi gash nrouud
hi throat nearly n iiunrter of nn Inch
.loop. After getting out of (hi. woll
h mndo III way to thu hoime, where
he IIwm Meno, mid telephoned for
nsslxtmire. Help nrrhe.l mid h.
was taken to his father's homo mid
Doctor llnrrl aummoiie.l. The nit
wna new I'd up mid Mr. rltoehalor Is
now on tho wny to torowii). II Is
stated Hint ho lost a Inrgo amount of
blood, tho water In tho well being
discolored mid iv trail of blood run
nliig from tho well In Iho house.
ixiientK' mi:v hi:i: wai.ton
It. A. tlnlinrl, J. 1J. Ilrldges mid ('.
I). Ilfiborl. representing thu Hnn
PrnniUeii l.mnrli of the Woatliighminn
IJIeetrln nu.l MnnufiirlurliiR Ciiinpnny.
wuid In tho rlty jealordny, eonfiiillig
with Mnunger. Oeorgn Walton of tho
Klnniulh Pnlln Light mid Water coin-pnny.
C, II. Coon, formorly of Ashland
will nhorlly emhnrk hero In tho oloc
trlcal ftxtiiro husliu-M. opoiilng hi tho
Sfaiio building.
II. (.'. HOIt.V ItltlMiS ACIIOX
pjtr. axi ATiou.MiVh' pki:s
Suit hns been entered by 1). (I.
Horn through Nolnnd & Crane,
tigiiliiHt the Ilnnuiiiii Creamery, n
'roiporntlon, on two nnles, eiith sign
ed by I). P. Dilseoll, preslilent; II.
I Hi.lgnli', necretnry, nnd Pred Me
Kendiee, mnunger. Hoth notes weio
oilglniill) piinble to Iho Hank of
lloiimizn, of which John 8. Horn was
Bcrrctmy mid Jncob Iteuek, vice-uonldont.
Tho first note for $1,000 was dated
Juno 29, 11107, to I mi sl mouths nt
S per cent. On this plaintiff nks
$1,000 mid Inteieal nt S per rent
fiom 1) eonihor 29 1908, with $300
atloi nt h fees mid coats,
The Hccond nolo for $I,S50 was
.luted December 3, 190S. pmnblo In
nnu day nt 8 per cent. On this tho
plnlntlff iisIih $1,317 n nil Interest nt
8 per enit fiom January 19. 1009,
with ftOO attorneys' fees mid costs
of action,
lory handled S. 000,000 feet of shook,
jwhlili Is not a fourth uf tho amount
Miaul Ii) the association In n )cnr, and
i wo nre after a bigger mid better inc
iter) on n permanent location of our
own, Tho eompaii) will not enter
Into an agreement to turn out an
omen in n jeur. uui iiiu uuiiiiu win
iieeew.irlly depend sniiiowhnt on mar
ket conditions. We havo built four
faetorles, mid ncier et bought n site.
If Klamath Falls will glvo us the alto
wo will lmo our factory irndy to op.
ernte Juno 1st, omplo)lng from slxt)
men upward.
"One thing we hne not had here Ii
a ticrnp department, and If we Install
a factory In Kl.imnth Falls we will
put In that department and work
from six to eight w onion under n
grader, who will paa out tho Btne.l
material to Iho other operatives to
hmidle. As It U there Is about 50
per cent of the surplus matorlal which
Is useless could he saved In that de
partment If wo hnd It here. In that
wink the material picked out Is lued
for small boxes foi dried fruit, nil.
Ins, etc.
"Wo would woik tho factory from
II lo 11 M month In the year, Tho
amount of money put Into a factory
by tho association Is not, wo would
rnncldcr, tho Important thing ta tho
community, but rather the slxo of
slock wo would carry. A factory sucii
as wo would proposv would need 7,
O00.000 to 14,000,000 feet of lumber
on hand all tho tlmo. and reckoning
It in worth $14 per 1,000 feet, you
of Ills Inspectien:
"An Act lo Incorporate the City of
Klamath Falls, In Klamath County,
State of Oregon, and to Prolde
ttid enact n Ppeclal Charter There
for." "Tho above Is tho title of the cat
that Is proposed In the so-called Man
ning and Sanderson charter. What
doe It mean? Simply that It la pro
poaed to Incorporate a city the city
of Klamath Falls, and glvo It new
birth 1 bcllevo every lawyer In the
stalo would tell you that when a- city
l onco legally Incorporated, no new
Incorporation thereof can bo bad ex-
copt by dissolving tbo old Incorpora
tion. This could be dono, and dose
only by following the general pro
ccdnjg.KovraUc jho .dliaolntloa a4
incorporation of cities, nnd the peo
ple cannot legally do this In any oth
er manner, and the attempt of
Mcrars. Manning and Sanderson to
impose on tho people such an act as
thl- Is wholly Illegal and without au
thority of the peopte to do In this
"It follows as a natural and legal
deduction, If I am right In this, that
t el.wholo proposed charter must fall,
for tho statement In the concluding
ctaute of tbe act says: "And to pro
vide nnd enact a special charter
therefore." For what? Tbs newlr
Incorporated city. So. If no newly In
corporated city can bo In tt'. manner
made, then all tho laws that are en
acted to carry It out must of course
"Next wo find In Article 1, Sec. ,
a statement that the municipal cor-
are promised. Tlicro will be rendl
tlons by a quartet nnd tho whole af- porntlon now existing shall remain
fair promises to be tho lUellest bit of mid contlmio n body politic, a direct
inmpalgn doings jet this season. So contradiction of the net. as well as
far the pro-Taft republicans are the bombastic statement that means
only political pushers of a presldon- nothing, for the simple reason that
Hal cnndldate who have got keyed upi"" that this section pretends to eon
enough to mnke a noise, and they nre , ter has bj) conferred on the people
going strong. tConttaued on rare 4)
1). St. titorgo lllahop, president of
tho Klamath County Fair Assocla'
lion, sa8 that ns soon ns K. It.
Kennies, who Is one of. tho principal
promotcra of tho county agricultural
association returns from Hawaii, n't
He preparations will be begun lor the
Fourth of July celebration mid the
I granger events.
I "Wo propose to have bucking con
tests, broncho 'busting' mid othor
events, ns well ns fliowork. on tho
day of the nnnlversary of our na
tional Indepondonc?," said Ulshop to
day. "Last year we had u lery suc
cessful Fourth of July ovont, and this
)ear wo expect to mako It another.
"Ab to tho county fnlr dates, they
have not been fixed but will be as
nou nn wp can determine what will
ho the most practical In order to havo
tho best attractions and attendance.
Wo will hayo a flno series of Wild
West ovents at tho fair, and expect
Fish For Klamath Waters Will Be
Plenty II .Missionary Work Continues
Much interest has been aroused In
the matter of getting tho, lakes and
streams of this section stocked with
different varieties of fish, The Com
mercial Club has been very active
clong this line, nudvCJjarjC. P.
Stewart reports rcortisjilnipo
number of encouraging rpbrarem
men In n position to atd.ln thq BMYSrlon
ment. Locally thero has been cbii,-Hy
sldernblo discussion and argument
pro and con about Introducing rat
lUh, bass, perch and other species uf
tlsh Into Klamath waters. Speaking
plong this lino the Commercial Club
fpcretnry said:
"It was not our lutentlon to stock
tho trout streams of this section with
these fish. We nro aiming to get tho
still waters now unoccupied by trout
stocked with a food fish. There are
a number of lakes throughout the
Klamath country that are devoid of
fish llfo, so to speak. They would
make Ideal places for catfish and
bass. Tho best trout fishing of the
Klamath country Is In the northern
end of the county. It Is so far re
moved from this city and the farm-
lug district-that the avcrsge business
man and former finds It Inconvenient
to tako tbe time to go there on a lafc.
Ing trip. What wo aro aiming to ac
complish Is to get food and game fan
Into tho lakes and waters close to
the population center.
"Tbe Interest that has been arous
ed Is sure to result In good. Every
ono In authority who has been asked
aid the movement to get an ample
sjiy of fish try for all the Klamath
wslK(s hns promised to assist In every
wariojiilbio. All that seems to be
needed lisjs us to keep up the good
vork-toaT"an liberal supply of all
kinds of fish desired.
"Wo havojjjksady promises from
the stato Mhetand United States
commissioner oftjkfherlee of a very
liberal supply of Hftat' .fry. These
will bo planted In SJSJ$ir Creek, Wil
liamson River, Crystal Cresk and
Recreation or Short Creek.
"These shipments will arrive here
this spring, and will be taken to tho
different streams Immediately upon
their receipt. We feel that we should
have other fish besides trout, sad avs
working toward this tad."
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