f . U.1 ?; 'm w t HlIPI'MKD MT THE Ik ftu'itina fiefalo mrwmm wmwvnm vhiht turn rows, not wmimvr 1 , -- mtW l'MW WKWW HWVH ,,..- "' KLAMATH FA MA, OREGON, rillKtV, rKIIIM'AltY tf, 1012 NATRON CUT WORK NEEDS TWO YEARS THIS END MAY REST niNTiurioif. i'iti:i'.WM i mew: i-yuniKM- ami pohhi. ui.v (oMitu'i mav in: m:- nitiiiii i mil iuiii Wllh Kilfkx" l'lf'"'. lontrso .... .I,., liu'il Hint portion f tho IVI. """ ... . , Anu I'm " Nntron - Klniiuilli rIll CUl-olt " "'" l"T '! Of 'I'" 1 ... II... tl'llll.......... Klinath tiiatsn "" ""' "" ilitr. tcklim i '"'r I''IoiihIiik, stlch M Iwn slniliiiieil ll''"" ,1,,r lit lbs wlnlrr u rnoVs -ty much At tlot thrro urn) l no ork Joint ci ibU end ' ''" l'Olf during lh cornier, niww" Tim removal of U wBtisfi"" jiilimifiU mny not, ot lk other Imiiil slsiilfy very much, (or lit itawii) ' li" rmitrnct iiiIkIiI U lit liter I' l apparent, honour, Itlt no niiitn hn )rt I" "ll l( for iwklu I"1' '"' Williamson rlwr torthrtl atnl ) fart tlint llm till er eoJ ii' " 'k on '" unbuilt Jli till lnn-ili surh tittxir Hint II BtJ tiki trnci two HiirkltiK toil In irro- ' lull II mnluii It irom i ftulMe tin i.r. Hint the rnllrnnil )nt lll no uili III" lower pnrt el Ike np ' i H Ho Idlo for n niI f to but w Alt until llio tjtr ml nn ( r. in. trui iimI in mrl tt V. K T'wii nf the rtiKliifi-rliiR dtputaent of fm riniitlirrti Pacific, uMlbli Inofiri K Hint nottilliK oltl. riil tJ bii -trued ty tlir depart BrttOS ltd fill nllllOIIKll tlm ap ttriBn n( ( ti :n pc vmiilil IrnJ rolor to U Utlrf lmi mi work would lie oi dmlnc IbU )inr from I ho river tottihl llii brllptnl tlint there c'ibl I nr, nhotll), ami Hint If! 'tompniiy In lliu tourso of )mr In llm oitalur oiiirittlliK vx't)itrn It will nffonl n Dim iivIiik of Hunt fur truv- nt llllll fMlKllI Wllllll Imvii tti liil rnrrKJ Hiruiir.li from Diki-iid nr pnltilt to Wn'il or iiolittn livlow, it wull n on frrlulit nml inmiiiiiK"l( to Klniiuilli I'nlli iirnlmlil) front tin nuiitli a wi-ll nit from llm north An It In iiVcrjlliliiK nml trr;lioil) from Hut north lnu In nhy out of thn ntnlii of Orriton ln Wenl to K'l IiiIo Klnm nth PnlU, I'roiu thn khiIIi llio rlimin-n nn Hint fruliilil ninl liftniiKr tnli'K will hnrit oiiiii mtJuiltiiKiit ttht'ti thn ) I tn In n lliroiiith nun for tlm rmmm Hint tint irt'"iit hrnnth linn U minumhi' li'til In I'lii'illniiiil niti'ii, ninl iilmi KlfOil nn ii i nun illiiuiii' In thn eii'iilni: hill iih llm I'rlti 1 1.," lni In kIviu it hi pi r. oiiurtuully I' illnpln)' Iht tiili'iila Wllilflrn ' wlili Ii .(Imlulnl , HiinJiiy liluhl. In Hi., ,K oimiily mil turn lilih hniiiKlil l.lllliin Itumiiill to llm roiiM innnlly, unit tlili In (In, firm Hunt Hi. pin) lum linn iiroilutiMl t I ioiuiir prh in MnniiKfr Ncwiiimi i iiin-il (In. Wcntuni rlKhln to tlm dill i "Wlliinrf' Iiiiiiiiiim In hn n riiip hormi! Ii'IoukIiik to n vrry iilirnciUi- whlow I Mm llnriliiKlmi. lm U iryliiu m kft'p tlm knowliMlr.'i of Imr "niiorlliiii ' ' , inillvltliN from rlnl milium, unit In (.limit court today llm cimu of llm roiiiilh.iHoiin whlrh nrlac innllhii mnto iinalii.t llornco ShIJIcr, nnillly hn IiiiumIih'cI. mpi-rlnlly whim ilnirK"il with ntaniiitlnK A K. Onltt oiiii aultor It nnilnut to huy thn horiui with it ilunlly wcnpon, a rOntlntiod nml ilnoaii t know Hint nhu It thn nwn. Hit fine u Jmy It ppcrt, i.ctordlin; nr 11i plot In unll worki-il out. nml I In milim of llio cvldonco. Hint flnlu linn' It n hit of kooiI hrtM'iy immily hml n rluh In thu frncut and that the nml mml'm ttlntiK Hint It Irri'tlttnhln oiiui;i-r iiihii hml it knlfn In each I tiim-r pli-ntlni: hlllt nn In order hum! Hhldli-r on thn manil tblit af- diiiliiK tlm niKiiKi'iiiiiiit, with novnl it riioou iiilmlltfd Hint hn had run CASE OF SHIER STILL IN COURT iii:ri:xiA.vr havs iik did xt llll.SK 'I hat ihi.s'o o.nk ksivk WIIC.V (lAl.i: HAD ('I.UH W'OUI-D in: taiii noiir I ninl jilitfitlnliilt. . ioiii.I.. III.. I Ift..!.! I. I.. .. ii.... tti . ft. - In opnmt... whl, , ,,., ,mt ,H, ,,,.,- "' " ........ .. -t ..,, ,,..., ,WcU.U .io iiiiim miui l.n i..'nvf ui,... ii i ."'"ii rt hint n rluh nml 1 had only ono knlfo. ,!:.:. nr,K:, M r ; . ,;,,;' v,rlr," ", ""' 5o ( h,,m - xum,ui " w",,,,, m,t ,ju n ra,r nKM- ttr.,lKh II,,... thn rot, of runnluK It '"l ,,,,nb,,"n,'r" ' ' "" " ' '" trill I... t..inriiiv ,.i..,. i .1.. T'"' linM tcitlflod that Itt tho ne lifimnt will vir) llkrly lm Ktui ml tlm trntnllnn mid fmlr:h.thlppliii:! piiMIr ' Tint mll'iiRn from rortUnd to Wffd It I3K uillia mid from Wivd to Klntunth I'nllt Hi, mlht. n totnl of 511 mlli't I'riim rortlnml to CitKi'iin In 129 in I lc. KiiKi-no in Nntrnn. R mllna. .Nntrnn to Klnmnlh I'nllt ITK mllna, a totnl of 3 1 S mid Tlint Dm ' IlilltnKn antid In llm run from I'nrt- Inud to Klnmnlh I'nllt would hn 19V mlli' Tho dlilniirn from I'ortlnnd ! In NVnd, 131 lulli'K. whlrh It row! , now. will mmpnrn with 101 inlli-t over thn Klnmnlh. Nntrmi thort.llun. ' t nvltiK nn throiiKli trnfflr of 371 mlli OLD MAN JAILED tlnin of thn Kit poutida, occtirrnnip wiIkIkmI NOT RESPONSIBLETAFT PRECINCT m.Mt. Mui.it sit., t niitMut. VluL I KluIUlN lu nN licit uir iyi.iui iiAiitv. uii.i. in: si:snu corvn iv.'MSTi-,on'irKiw.iW:ii,nioF. lliniAlt ItlltlAIti; lltiAI. HOHTKU pV .NKWXV ' niiiMi:u KiaMATii vkhun it- I.I I It'AI, IIIUIAMaTIO.V lput) Hhi'ilrr John (1 Sclmllork Intl nlKht plrki'd up llmir) MfltT. Br., n 1A..H Lti.iuti rurtiior rntirluir nt.rl M I llll...rri (if t Ii.. irilillltftl lMllaTart With 37 iiillm Int. of rond to rtirtr lpnrPd him In Jull Thn old Kentlo Utpuhllcaii Club'i vitcutlto commit, nod a hnnvy srniln rrdumd two Ihlrda. j,lmM( ), llB, ,w,,n ) .r(.nl,outt Ho hatu prcimrtd thu Hi of Wen prcn Hm thiutiKh trnlm am nipifted to f,ir R ,cor. of )i-nnr. It lianlly ahlu lu IJenta of that orttanliatUin, tho naiucn nn tt-vrrnl hourt' hitwron Hit llotn 1(,k ,,,. nlnf nt H,.n , in (lir;ditnrmlni'J bvlne aa follewa: and lloldrti Hat,, tlllnt. iKm, ,(? rcc,m)) MUi uu 1)laci.' Wood Hlvir. John lltwlg of Kort " "" " nlnlllt ntlliM.n lllllnt fill! mi tin. rnn.t . Klnmnlll! Tulcl Ijlkl'. KttMl Btukel of IKOV I'AHTV MllJ4 OI'.NH llu.r.l llnln- nn.l .It.m lt... ! I... i M..I-HII j.. lll..r I n. Ilamakor nf (ilin.TIVO till) OKKICIA I. (.,, ,,ro,,.'m (),,. mrp of himjllonauia; I'lcvna, 8am) Padct ot I ' 1 ... I... ...I.I. I.I... tl .!. I. . L3 . 111... l.Ll tfl f.. to Jail hi ' r nrim. Tl ,! Un,,Wl ' "" "'" U " '" " "" "W '" J f ' U"KCl1 VHfJjl. C. COW r,. in ,i. .,.",1, ,?' .Ji'nc KKV W,:8T Kb " "T"P KnX " l' "'" " be .honl.1 L, of l,.roll.: Malln. Adama tai ..,?. .1- .! I .,1 .w, ""'" MlM " U'n "",,Cr W"W" ," "" " l"w 'nflrmnry "of Mnlln: Midland. Walter Turner ot hu. 4,r n. H,n w.nti'r would thort. m. Nln(ln ,lln, KrfM..(l , .Midland; Pine Grove. T. N. Cunning. "r0"' , . , rrlfrnnl1llioi.,.lliii!llil..l. Th ham of Klamath Kalli; Poo Valloy. lnut war 1 Iri Ulrr for nr.t. .top will hn Port Anionlo.lOnnCCUC T TO DW OTITC ClmrlM II. Kcster of l.edfleld: Klam- bt uM. ThlftKt ant rnlhfr uultt1 ,, . ....,......,.... ,. ,. . .. . ,, ..... Mil; uvr llm n.untry and 1)-'.IIMHT HIHT AXD DUX KIN SITS IRMhRIHlilHI u-...,'i.-,n.,,n.i. Iviu t,.n iin.ir.r. dlrtilnrt of thn rolnpany fllMf IN'KVT IlKlVd tllllllSTI'll . ....... ..... ti .i. ...... ... - " - .ill linilllllll runs, ruat nmuintu I Ukr. Dins up rapltnl HnltedPrrt. Bmlr ',... ,: . nm,bv of Klamath extfnilon and Irl WAHKKOAS. lilt.. Prh. 33 Jnn Hi-nklni: Mrn Citrrfrlli, llm Hyttrrl ..... ...... ., , ,,, , " -.-,-.- . iiiii. ni-llllU IIMilli Ui 4 MMIUII analn camo to the front with tho re mark that thlngi up lu tho Fort Klamath country woro to protporoun that nrorjone wan Juit louay with tho coin, and that ho fell there wan no question about who would have that money, no ho would Juit put tho wholo hualncit Into tho Portland fund of tho lodge. Dill wa on tho flrlnic lino In an In atant, and came back at Klllt llko n true iport with the remark that Illy wan tho only apot under God' aky whtro they bred Ramo aportt; that III) 'a end of that purse wai In tho Portland fund rlnht now; that hn would lenvo In tho mornlna; with a freight team for Illy, and when he camo hack to tho rodeo with that ro- lay ntrlnt; hn would havo tho freight wagon loaded with a ton or moro of I. H. coin, ir Fort Klamath wanted to trot In IJio namo clan with the boya from niy, Juit tell them that they'd havo to "keep 'cr In tho hl;h." (Juy Merrill learned of tho affair hy tflephonn. and tt la rumored that Merrill and Tulo Lake will have omcthlnc; to aprlnic about a relay Urine In a day or two that will make them all alt up and take notice, and ho tho "rodeo" In under way. HILL'S SUGGESTION IS COMMON AGENCY and hlackblrdt, aomo of which man' aao to gtay In tho Klamath Dailn dur. Inn tho entire winter, while othen de part for a warmer climate. Thoso who w Inter hero aro comparatively tear re, hut thoy can exlit around the atablei and roadi during; tho cold apell. In tho old days tho Ploneera' Soci ety bad a day set apart which was called blackbird day, February 20th, end often (treat flocks of the sombro looking 11) era would appear here on that very day. It was always- approx imately that time whon they came along from the south. HACIIAMK.VTO ItlVRIt UMRH CHA.NCK FOK IMPRO'KMKXT United Press Bervlctt WA8IIINOTON, D. C, Fob. 23.. California congressmen state that no appropriation for Improving the Sac ramento Itlver will bo Included In the hotiAn rivers and harbors bill. Chair man Sparkman said ho opposes It at this sestlon. It Is reported that the Sacramento Item waa stricken from tho hill at a secret session of the com mltteo today. DIVOUCK atVEX IN RATMFF CASE In the divorce suit of Mrs. Anna ftatllff vs. John rutllff. the testimony was taken before a commissioner. It. M. Richardson, the defendant making no appearance. A decree of divorce was awarded the plaintiff by Judge Henry L. Benson. Tho Ratllffa are well known Merrill people, having been Identified with tho hotel business thcro for several years. They ha-vo several grown children. rWM MU lu tnal rtftot)tt mltlti Uttlon " m up wr portion of llm tin Kn lartu.tia n tcurn or tiittro of tun-! ..i. ..... . . . t i. inn it d) rnr llm mint dirnciilt Wloaof the work rrmnlnliiK to ho . hllo inn n rlnlm that thu 't pari, Irmliiiit imrth from tho IHHUmmn rlrrr nhoiit 46 mile, can I la it the rntn of half a mile a ) Thli nn l, mean Hint thn Int f ttftteh coiiht hn pm ,own In threo At h runimunly knonu, thu ohjltt mi bulLJItiK of tlm cut-off It prlu. I Wl; lu ure the heat y Krnilnt which "i aionu llm It WiVljoua f IrnlTic unKi-rrhell, a ptiKlllat n)urnd In n hout com- horn. It ilrmt All Intent i:ntlon tt nn. anil IIIII Wnltnra, hit opponent, hat n arrt'tted, ID PLAYS ARE PROMISED HERE IU) ('lllri-ti.Killlnr llnlnrm IIU Klamath Palls. Third Ward. II. A. JmiiiiI Hit. o PhIIiIiaI VHht .Kmmltt of Klamnth Falls; Mill. Hen Trip l lit ll' .Made Tomorrow 8. Owens of Klamath Falls; Dairy. V. ,P SoiIru of Dairy; Shlpplngton, II. J. il.orhwood of Klamath Falls. Tho club will hold & rally tomor row night nt tho court house. U 'ItiJ I'rom- Srrvlc NF.W VOItK. Fob 33. Itootevrlt Koet lit Mnttnchutntls tomorrow. Hn ili'diiri-d thn trip It not political!) tl-uinrant. .NKUM.l.V'H)lT7. niMPANV (II'ISNK iti:i'i:itTtini: i:xoaoi:ii:st to- IIMOIHtOW XHJIIT AT IIDPHTOX HPCIIA IIOt'HK ttinriliiif ifiinorrow thn noiiulnr ... r ' ii.. i "' f" cnt whlln on tlm cut-off Nowmnti-rolt compnii) opens nn en "wills w ,o ri'iliiii'd in ono prr KnKvim'iil "l lloutlou'n ihfnler In thn "' At llm RMIin tlmn t, cut-off 'prttty roumdy ilriima, "Tint Pnrltlnn "ll rnlute tlm iliainnru liotwnn ' Prlnrras," n piny of minlnni llfo with I Mil Kiirliio nhout 37 mllnt,chnrnrti'rlittlon and nhtorhliiK ht-aTt "",or fcbortrnlnK llm illilnncn lit. Intitrenl. Mils Foils, who It it ilniiRh. ' ill points nnrth of Kiiroud and 'tor of Mm. Clnnt Kolti, wlfo of a. I.os I'iKi'iit linn, Ovttrl he to Krnilnt run nhout .ii . - ". .."Hoiio mill WU aniith f Wi ,.. tho Jinmo ""nee. J'MlnK In ,:rn, W ,B"ie emnonij to tho mnnn nn rallrond AiiKtiln ntlnrnny. bo I n nindldnto for tho stittn svniito, It nn nrtrots of much tnlont, und she possesses ahuu limit pliarm nml innguctlsin. Bbo Is M Favors Reclamation In Oregon "Oil Will Encourage Proper Projects Ph 33, OrcKon'a wTUnii tour .1.. . us, . Kl" KU,I,,K rwUiiwilon C',"01"' ,r"m "", Km,,ai v- tin., V " l,c,,," oiimioii scondal ihiW-t h '" H"'lulhy with inJ!" 'Iu" " "'"fo 'or One kllUiffn, .,,",r"cul,,r ,,' h0" IlkiarJ, 1 10 A,l,'tlo Honhoard. . "inn in ,i i... .....,., wMb I. . ' Ti)iueni ran Mltlo. v "lor""Rb rcnlUntloii Uf ,f hlu. rad to th. Oregon ir- rlKittlon CoiiKrt'Sii ut Portlnuii this wtttk shown that rollef npptnr to ho In rIkIH. Ho wired as follow; "I fully appreclatu thu Hltuutlou of Orvgon wllh roKiinl to distribution of t reclamation fund, ana urn tuspotiu m onconrago activities! of tho rcclnnio Hon to tho extent that proper proj- ccta, arc shown and nvollahlo funds nt mill. I nm Informed that Inter lor department hn under Immcdluto fonsliloratlon with prospects ot mvor uhlo action unUorlnklnR of woit ex tension of Umatilla project," I. (I. (. V. TOMOIIT Klnmath IidRv No. 137, I. O. O, F. meets In rcRiilnr si-salon tonight, and thu third decree will bo put on. Thn members ( t this lodge aro Ink- lim a deep Int-Jictt lu tho formttion of the Odd Fellows Club, tlm prelim lunry stepn l.elug well nihnnred, nml an this Is n subject whlrh hobs up whereter Odd Follows foregather, It l.t ntiiioit rertnln to b tho rnusn of liott-meetlnK soiialoti tonight. Kt or) thing points to n rapid con siimmntloii nf the plans of the lodge In this direction, ninl mtirh Intercut Is shown hy tho members. That It will he a most emphatic surcem cannot be ilouhUd when thn Interest shown Ij tnken Into consideration, SATURDAY RALLY AT COURT HOUSE FHOlt..MMi: OF MUHIf, I.IVK HI'DIH'HKH AND OTHKIt INTKIL KHTINJ MATTKIW TO UK OK rilKD TO TAt-T t!MIII Plans luno been ninde for big ItepublUim tally nt tho comt house mi rintiirdnv oenlng. A progrnnuiiw liria been nrranged. consisting or aa- dresses on live topic or tne ay, trios nml other musical number. At this nu'i'lliig. which Is called by tho Klniiuilli County Tit ft Hepubllcnn Club, appointment of lci)-presldents of tho club will bo muuo tor vt pioclnct In the county. t RODEO INCITES SPORTS TO WAGER JOHN KI.I.IH AND llll-L HMITII IIIHK A IIUNDKKD PIA8TKHH KACII OX yilXTKTH OF UACK1W FIIOM Til Kill DIOOIXOH (U) Sapient Scroocher Thing traveled In hooter al)lo at tho meeting of tho Klas loJga lail night. Tho coming rodeo which It to be glen under tho direction ot Klnm nlh Fall Lodge wa under discussion when John Kills of Fort Klamath, In nn enthusiastic speech remarked that tho Port Klnmath country would cnd nTolay string of tho horea for the itliiy nice Hint would wipe tho other skntes off tho track. lllll Sinltli, who hulls from Bly, wo sitting across the hull, and Instantly called Kill' attention to the fact that there aro eomo horses up In the Bly country that can go some when you "get 'em In the high." Rills remarked that he never talked through his headgear, and If Bly or nny other section of the country thought they could glvo dutt to Fort Klnmath to Btep up to the plo counter and lay down tho currency. "Hero a hundred bones," said Kill, "to back thi Fort .Klamath string." "You're on," sa) Bill, "write your check," and In les than the tlrae.it tnkca to tell tho story, the two check each for n hundred bone, wore ilgnod, sealed and delivered, and' In tho hand ot the secretary. The fun did not stop here, for Bllla VASQUITS 60i1HS TO JAUREZ AND CITY MAY HOT RESIST Ciudail Chihuahua Is Isolated by IUU and Wire American Aro IVnurtl In and t'nablc to Ktran - More Vaqulttas Marching There .a. a t'rvsa arvtfw KV PASO, Tex., Feb. S3. -A thous- and vaqulstas have reached Sablnal, en routo to Jaurex, and a thousand more aro reported to be marching to Chihuahua. Propably Jaurex will not resist them. Cludad, Chihuahua, I Isolated by rail and wire, and Amer icans are unable to escape. Orosro Desert Madero United Press 8rvlee WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. S3. General Btecvor haa communicated to the war department unofficial report that Orotco has deserted Madoro, and I now en route to Jaurex. heading 1,400 Insurgent. Iirbels Will Attack Chihuahua .'nltt'd Presa Bervlro EAGLE PASS. Fob. 33. It I re ported that 1,800 rebels, Emtio Cam pa commanding, aro concentrating and planning to beselge Chihuahua, Ilebela have selxed the smelting trust plant at Arasco, Durango. BLACKBIRDS ARE ALMOST DUE BACK I'ltOM rtOVTHKRN WINTKH KX WltHION THEY V8KD TO COMK JUST AUOUT FKIUtUABY 00, WHICH WAS TIIKIR DAY Yesterday robins were singing on the hill, and today it was snowy, with the north wind blowing. But it Is pretty late In the game for old King Winter to assert himself, and not long from now It will he sunshine every day without stint. It Is about time for the home com' Ing ot the blackbirds, who went south In the fell. Them an blackbirds All TRAFFIC ill BEAR HI FWIC TTMMliE Apparently Profemtor Jotmtoa's Paus mo Canal Toll Idea, Bat Make Ilatos for Foreign Cargoes la For eign Trade lw to Get Canal Tolls WASHINGTON. Fob. S3. J. N. Teal, tho Portland economist, Is here calling on many senators relative to Panama canal tolls. He thinks the Intcrmountaln rate cases may be ar gued Monday. cltgardlng the report ot Professor Johnson on canal tolls, Mr. Teal say: "Professor Johnson ha flnsll) mads hi recommendation on Pan ama toll. Ho treats tt aa a- purely commercial proposition. HI view are ot decided Interest to the coast. "On coast to coast traffic It seems to bo hi view that the highest rates can prevail, while on European traffic now using the Suex canal com petition rates will have to be made, t Is not Improbable that this will be the principal adopted, unless those Itncrested are more active. In other words, the charge on 'all trafflc will bear on our own tonnage, but we must be sure to csake It low enough on the tonnage of forelgu nations In the foreign trade so we will get their traffic through the Panama canal. 'The collection of tolls seems of vastly more Importance than the de veloping of our own commerce. Just how It will all wind up Is hard to say, but It Is altogether possible that tho American merchant marine will get but little comfort out of 11 and that the American commerce will pay tho high rates." TO GET IMMIGRANTS HTATEH WAXTINO TO OOtVOK SOW SPEND KXOl'GH TO Gaff 8EVKDAL TIMBH..WHAT DESIRE DOLBEER QUITS BUSINESS HERE SKI.L8 INTEREST IN FCRMTVRK ENTERPRISE TO PARTNER AND WllJi GO TO SOLTHERN CAU FORNIA TO RESIDE W. II. Dolbeer hss sold his Inter est In tho Dolbeer tt McMillan fur niture store to his partner, W. P. McMillan, and will leave Sunday for 8an Diego, California, where he will Join his wife, who haa been spend ing tho winter In Southern Califor nia. Mrs. Dolbeer was compelled to go to a lower altitude on account ot her health, and It was for this reason that Mr. Dolbeer decided to sell his Interests here. ST. PAUL, Minn., Feb. SI. In a itatement Issued from the osseee of the Northwost Development Leagas, James J. Hill, chairman of the board of the Great Northern railroad, advo cates the strengthening of the organ ization, co-operation of the Northwest states and establishment of n control colonisation or Immigration borson to aid In the development and setUteg of the American Northwest. Thf statement from Mr. Hilt is a rnwurfrt Indorsement of the moremoat arted In Helena, Moat., last Mar, t.-.n the Northwest Development Leagno was organised. "The states of this Issgno stood enough separately on Immigration projects to bring In several times as many people each year as. they fain; but a considerable portion of It Is devoted to enticing settlers from ono of them to another," said Mr. HUI. Tho states In the league aro Mlaas sota. North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Orssjon snd the territory of Alaska. Mr. HUI goes on to say: "A ssost desirable result of this confederation would be the establishment of n com mon Immigration agency, with re sources sumclent tor a comprehends canvass ot possible settlers, hot abso lutely Impartial as to thtir location anywhere within this sons between the Mississippi and the Pacllc. Sub stitute one central colonisation bu reau for seven, and every dollar ex pended will dp the work that Ive do now. r'H 'This association of seren states and our great undeveloped territory come into existence in an Intorsot- Ing wny. The Northwest Develop ment league la not tho creation ot the promoter's art. It Is not n product of either ambition nor Jealousy. It Is a grouping of business entitles hav ing work In common which can bo ac complished better united than divid ed. The conduct ot business la tho long run Is not n mere scramble for the best place at the trough. As sci ence discloses the broad general prin ciples by which the world ot nature i works, so the study of human associa tion for the Increase of wealth and tho growth ot commerce reveals similar broad genersl principles underlying and governing the lives of men nnd commonwealths In that Intimate In tercourse which Is the distinguishing msrk of modem times. "The phase of growth which moro particularly engages tho best minds of today is combination within power, Juit, reasonable limits. Wo found oat long ago that Individuals, communi ties, corporations and every Instru mentality having to do with tho com mon llfo ot men can accomplish moro results, both as to quality and quan tity, when working together tree from hostile suspicion. Our own nnd many other countries havo been experiment ing tor n generation with this law. Almost every business la the United States todsy uses the method of asso ciated enterprise in handling inter ests haTlng a common focus. Oar , higher court has only recently laid (Continued on Page 4) Fish Promised Eor Local Waters -In Letter Received From Hawley Secretary C. P. Stewart ot the Klamath Falls Commercial Club, has received a letter from Congressman Willis Cbatman Hawley, dated at Washington, D. C, February 17. In which tho representative says: "Receipt Is acknowledged ot your favor ot tho 10th Instant. I will be Tory glad to assist you In securing a supply of ash to stock the streams of Klamath county. As you state you have.wrltten to tho bureau ot tshsr les rslstlve to the matter, they will probably send you tho proper blanks to use In such cases. After you ha tilled in the sanie please send thorn to me In tho enclosed franked and ad dressed envelope, nnd I will take tho matter up with tho commissioner of fisheries, and think I can secure a good supply for you. With best wlshoa I am, truly yours. "W. C. HAWL1T." Senator Resd will ask tho sonato to Investigate the election of Senator Dupont of Now oJrsor. 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