fie Umtna itefalti. HirrriJKi) n tub 3 l!(TKI l'l:HM NKWIMWITW J vammm piumttiu mnrt, nor Sjilh Vrnr ..u, Ml MM CHARTER AWAITS LAW TOME SEARCH KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUEHMAY, I'UIIIUAItV SW, 1012 fILERS SILKING II (IIV .twm.M.t or opi.mox minsiiro being to really t iit:rtiitil ml orior Tim tomilutloti wu de feated, Dr. Wllllnlu A l.uiuurd snld Unit llu iiimmltliii Milled drew up u,,, dinner m ltut'r ..! with tlm Hruml IlUT flU StMH HUM' MMNni. t:.ssm- i"iw.. .!':":: v.m,,wr "i"1 ."r-w! "'iil fiom niu lor thrco worn acres nl"iig Ihu river, which I hnvo refused i'i pity. I linvu no tlllu In ilium, Tho llrt ur I tmhi n,0 fioto usked on i tho llui'u utr- In onlur to gut thu ' wiilcr tunic t en, f0r othurwlso 1 1 would Imvu beo.i wlllioul water. Hut, Ii'io linn I limit ri-dmiil in pay f(,r 11.0 llimi acre iiuil hvmuso uni do- tiii'iueut, affording l llm govern Weill's iliilm, ilty nro already charg ing inw tip with tliln ytnr'a pa iiii-itt. which nro not iliiu until May. I do nut llko people u think Cm nut good or my Mils, .. flint the Imptenslon uiiim; riioro. inrriiliOTi.v. largely from considered Hint II there wvr only Milieu error In It was it (iiiiiiiiirnt to tlu mm. milieu wlilt h ilrow It mi Ilu nml Mr Hmltli thought llm law wn tlmt lliu iniiiifll could return llie putlllnli lii flu. niers, lint lliu illy nt Kiriiw) opined to Hit. contrary. In Ilu. meaiitluiii llm filers Hill iry i nml tint Uw on ttils paint, ami II tliey nro right llm pollllon U In Iki re tunieil iii tin in fr amendment. II it touneiits of tl.o Inlllntlvii Million tor cimti'i"""' ruieruiiieiil ,ii rontlncit mo i7 ivuhi-h a council ran hand the petition to il llin Itil " l,u ,l"" n,ul " '"" BlJItl'lr ICIIIedlltl II Hi III WWlit IHI -.. uihinri lltirnri. M. Mfitlllllltf t. It', count" "'" l'liiu"l 'n'" r"l'1" "' ' now cimrtir pro- Miicki iui i"" ""' "''' oli,HM, ,m i! t0""c" ""' ""'""'"I itiif tb title tmt Hint tint petition "" ' " " "r iMniumin " ..fill tint rmutr llift. ....i ,.t m . .. -.. uliinHiril an nin . Ilu nlH". '" """ t mr hip " " . 1 BlUIIMl (I V nl!..!. i. i il.i l( l!io tiiw l"l I'Utli iiiti- " "- ''" PMiuoiiem. Ut. tt ii-w ... Minn flllTittf.ii. I...U .... ... rj lu Mlu Ori"K' ' lU-'l " .-.,,, , propopen ...tjuic Hi"! -'i-i'lJ Hi nl-. ,. "" '" r"n"rr '" Hi" dm wfctiiMM. nirn.iul.1,,"c.11 rlm,"'r ' "lM "'" ''"' v" mum itrMutt it. l.. i. .. . MiilMitit Ititi ion. " "" "' " '"" I'einionrm mm iirlt.l...l a. !...- . ..... i " ' nifir mn llnlltlilllnl ,.i. huiiiiu ironi ll,.) It fin uiieiirliiK In lie iietnlil In HnMn to , , . Jiutlre. fii innjr notuli to uet from me wlmt owo, hut prolly hnnl H'lUit from nut hnt l not tlim." FINE OLD RALLY TAFT CLUB PLAN H.VlTltllAV MIJIIT AT Till: COl'IlT iiih hi: wimi hi: iii:i,i mkkt- I.MI, WITH XKW AM I'OI'Uiait I'AMI'AKI.V KOXC1H. In AHKH (II AlllllAX I'OII a.v ixha.m: .MAX Int tho i tini.ii Kit Of I f.lJ"ll. ... .inl.... .,..... . . llll llf Ilia, .1 ... V.tilit ulj Or -a. itoulillll of II . ' .'.'. hl,n "" il.ilBllirr UMI'trJ II - I i-'k" iiinjuillj!'" ",UIM '" MHInner.. u II li UMt. liuf1'""."' T'"' "'""II rlmrtir U ilrnmi tlkilt!n i l.iliaw It Till ll unlui"nnie mill Mnyor ftt i T, SinJfiMUi fir ill nliti likvn Htk Blllrn li ' k U'fiiin tliu rlly tin ll (Ictii ' i ill illr mum.' i:i i.bsiltli.l ti ll V 0. Rniltli c.i i,l ! hail lucii (.mm oilnliiii in the iimnrll liml Ui itthoilty in i .-.iik" nml Hint Mltttlktll mi i,l K up In tho rn i.'j la b iiitimuiril to the .uluri, Ttiilly iltnitiK .il tlmt ho hnil IWU ll oli, .riii nitiiln frulurei In Hi Uilfumcut toe of Mhlrli, In lit. tfilkn, vouM nl lolutel) Inrnlhlale L lit iM the munril only iinlalun I(ooIIe niraitiii. ntlrr It roJorU is. Vr, falHi mM I... lK-nr. It wni lUitlllol nulnrll) of tho people I f ll rlty lu hatp ihu inoniir riiIi I tlttei. 'II Iti cUiirr U ilrcUrnl lllrcul. I lilt !!! ppn to your amrmt tl."ult.l llio rily nttornor. 'It 0M be in dm 411111 roiulltlnii ua ttirlrr. trim td,, reply. Etirjl.tre In H1I1 Iniirumnnt It luji cbtrtrr' anl imrer refer. 10 ,i-f4mnt.' It la Dm ,uty f tho wll to Me thai iue Instrument la Wl Ulore It k a to the pvfitilr." all VliaelDK l iMak the .-cmll of any ehnr. ! on the opl.n of (lt. iirotitt.ann, replle.l Hmltli. Ilblrt I ho rouiirll haa n rlclit to iat4 It," Tll llW tlmt II,. rillinrll rnn IjVrt or onlaln, not nnieml," anlil aisjltr. lallh udl hit llniiiul.t ....... IUlk. "" .'"'.juiiiiK "uaraiurnM ,.Rfi, WM7 Kre.1 II Mill. - '. 4 that If iho prnmt rlmr "' "l Iftal It rnnl.l I... i.i ' 'I not. It rou, ,,, .... y council hn, mi rlitht py illy, ' ri'"1 "" ""' '""Minis ,h ' " '" "'"nl In tho tZ,?"r WliniUrlr. for tho watt,,, hn ho f J," ' m f"r l'l - ho took In rr. rn!rnf" ,,,r ",,,,, which Z, .I, l:,ur'1 ,,micr "", ,u fms .'kiA 1,al"K '"",0 ,,y h" r,tth '"..lor tho re ...! ,f,IDt I" tircnrilniir.. ulil. n.n iJrcb,or, llo hum mt If tho Mr avi.i. '"""H i"r nm pnvinif. ero nn Inalrmnent rninniilliie from the people, tint . lia, fr , ,f the Keneral film) of Hi thy Tim ruunrll rlmrter itoea not pur- 1 he opinion of i'M,M "' ,n "' BMiemtment to the urea-' lain l.efotu tliey ." rlmrter. ll la for the purpoi.. of inrorporntliiK Dm City of Klamath I'ntla nml "proliiiK n rhnrt'r tlmrix f-r " It attempta to leineit) the mix up In th city limit tiroiiKht about by Hut nllee. fnllnr- nt the lime' them tiai n aerlnt elertlon to ui-1 mn inn iHi.iiiiiarief. 111 nnre llieml tHinitniioiia i)rr the.. Ixiumtarle there In nt thin time n ault on ncnlnat the city l.y the IinK Uko l.timher Compnny, It t.elne naertel Hint there la n Kp In Hie line, The lini; Uke l.timher Company la Intereatnt in Bhliplnlon iroperty. which the elec tion la. hy Iho rlly mnlntnlneit tn Imre tirnuulit within thn city limit.. Ill aotiiu rjunrtem It la rontenile.l Ihnt the city rnnnnl ho Incorporate.! anve nmler iteiierrtl lawn, nml Hint the lioun.lnrlea ran nut ho ntnemle.l or ratified eacept at a apeclat election Hal all Ihu wck at Itunk Unl lUr't mllllnary ator ENMAN EXPLAINS THAT WATER SUIT llrollier of .'ilii Uiwreiii Xi-u-lnl., lt.-i.nll) I).-. n,l liiwiir, I'll''. I'l'tltlon Willi Hie County Court. N II Xcilhanka. biother of LnwrtiK! Xeiihnnka. niinih- r..m. lllllteil lo llie Iiiaiiuo na)lum nt Haleni, Inn llle.l ullh the county court n ie. Hon jukliiK thnt n nuinllan bo up polnleil for Iho hrolher. Tho pttl Holier Jltea nhoiit two nml n half mli from Klninnlh TnlU ami It la eipecleil Hint ho will ho nppolnteil Kuantlan. Oim reaaou n KUtuillnii la nntM for the iinfortunate man la an Hint proof tuny l.e flnlaheit up on a homeatinil on whirl, ho Imti nieil near Worilen 1 ODDFELLOWSCLUB PLAN WORKED ON Miiu:it MKiruxu toxkiiit to taki: it iiktaii.h axii a 1,1, mi:miihiik ok oiiiikk. am iikiii:kaiih, a hi: invitkh. Theru will ho nu old-lnihloncd rally li'ilil nl tho court Ikhhio Hnturdav "Klit umler tho umpteen of tho Klam- Bth Counly Tuft Itepuhllcan Club A incciltiK of tho uxfcuthu twmmlttco wna Imlil tlila mornliiK nt which It wna ilrchluil lo chnnr.o tho date of tho inwtliiK from tonlKht, becauao of link of tluiu for camplttlnK tho pro crniu, Thero will ho apenkliiK. mualc by a mnlo ijunrtot. and tioaalbly aom other iiiuhIiuI numhora to entertain urn! Inilruct tho cltlrona. Lnille nro (apeclnlly Invited to bo I present nml parllclpato In tlila early educational work of tho campaign. 1 ho muslrnl numliora will ho of par ticular Interest mid will Introduce soma new rnmpnlRn onKa suns for Hie flrat tltno. It hod been tho Intention to hold a uievtlui: of tho Club tonight, but tltno pruted too abort for preparation of tho pioKrnm, aouio of thoso to pro- aeni tiiiinher nndlnR It Imposilbla to ho present. A tho prlmnry cam- palmi will now bo confined to about eight wieka, It la tho Intention of tho eiecutlre commltteo of tho Club to endeator to hnvo Hto tneilliiK during that period and tho iiievtlnK during thnt period and the worth while for those present. their Influence llanki did sot testi fy, Hhortly after the hearing at which Ihu men wcro remanded to tho cus tody of Hhcrlir William D. Barnea to answer to tho circuit court on the chnrgia, both furnished bond, the surety being an eastern fidelity bond ing company. McMshon and Hughes left Klarnth Palls after tbey secured hand, but camo back later to plead. Apparently It took a week or two for thorn to make up their mind to plead not guilty, for thoy were quar tered at the Whlto Pelican aomo time before they tntcrcd court with their attorney. C, M. O'Neill, and spoke their attltudo toward tho prosecution. Ijitcr, about tho tlrno their trial waa to bo had, Attorney O'.Velll brought Into court affidavits or Doc tors It. It. Hamilton and Leo W. Chil ton sotting forth the bad condition of McMohon and tho need for him to go to a lower altitude and milder cli mate to recover his health. It being alleged that he was In a condition which excltoinent might very serious ly aggravate. On the strength of the affidavits tho court granted a contin uance In tho cases and the defendants again left tho city. It was asserted that McMahon would be a material witness for Hughes, and that reason was put forth as an argument against compelling Hughes to go to trial In tho absence of McMahon. No moro was heard of the cases un til yesterday, when the cases were wound up by the .fines assessed against McMahon and tho dismissal 01 tour or ino six indictment sev erally brought In by the grand Jury ngnlnat tho pavers. ROOSEVELT READS KEYNOTE SPEECH Ing her fling that her maternal spirit was blunted by copious Inhalations of hooio and tho youngster got lost. As completely soused as any per fect lady could be, Lett wabbled un certainly to the third floor of the Fed eral building In quest of her child. Kvcry nook and cranny of tho build Ing was searched In vain. Try as ahe would Letts could not remember what she had done with tho child. She concluded It was as likely to be In the Federal building a anywhere else. Anyone finding a stray Indian babe III confer a favor on Lett Fair- child, of tho Blletf reserratlon, by returning same to Its owner. LetU's headquarters ato at the office of United States District Attorney John McCourt. TO ISSUE TOMORROW COLOXEIi LOOM OVKB FIXAL DltAFT OF EFFORT TO BB DB UVKftEl) AT COLVMBl'H, OHIO, ON 1118 HHIEF VISIT. FROM? HIGH UVIXO COST 18 MAGISTRATE'S TASK District Alton? at Xew York May Prostrate Speculators la Batter aad Kgg IWcndaaU May Aggregate ISO la Xamber. r0,., ,, '!IIHIll III 0"tt" IB ll l. adopt It, tho asked HTl'KI.'l, IHVCIt ll.XCIIi:it HATH co.vriiovniHV hah aiiihrx Tiiitoi'tiii tiii: (iovi:itNMi:xT CKUMIXG TIN) MAXV ACIlia, J it inra I:. i:umnu, who lltes nenr tho Htilkel bridge, alx miles this slilo of Merrill, any that Hie ault which tho r,iteri.ment hit asked the Klam it Hi Water Us'tin' Association to bring ngnlnat him for iminoy alleged to bo itiie from hi itrroti fur rcclnmnllon 'vnrk tins' glen rise In 1 inU'iudcr Handing. "The amount claimed tn ho duo from 1110 la, wlillo na 11 mat' let of fact HoiiiethlnK 1420 ha been pnld," sntil Mr. Kninnn, "Thero la a cniilroery lietneon Iho goern inrnt nml niyatlf, tho former clnlm Imr that tho ItL'O duet not pay mo In full for lait enr. I Ituvo shares In tho nssoclntlnii for LSI acres, to M'Wcli I Itino tlllo, mid that Ik nil Hto lend I hnvo tllln to, lint tl.o gov ernment hiw surveyed and clnlm pay- urakeman Bandit Holds Up Train And Is Arrested And Accused "N, Cl'UBElliiv N.D11.., r u "l""k,,,, ,m"'lt N'',5or.OM,rainNo.l " 'solver, lirakoman ullrkor was nriosted by I.loiitenmu Kenny of tho llaltlmoro & Ohio o llro nml Jnllod at Koyser, W. Vn. l'ollco osaort thnt money mid Jow- sklrL wiir.t fmiiitl mi llnrknr. I 'f 1 J Tit' iv IHMin .--- n., robbing 'r10 robhor fired six shots through tho enr roof mid robbod sixteen pas-songr, At a meeting In I, O. O. K. hall InM night a committee, consisting of Nel son liounsitvelt, (Iwrgo Humphrey and Fred llreinmer, was appointed which will draft paper to Incorporate for tho purpose of having a clubrooin. A telegram has been sent to tho grand officer asking for permission to uso tho name of tho "Thrco Links' Club" or (ho "Odd Fellows' Club." If tho grand lodge Is agreeable a name will ho chosen from tho two, Only member of the Odd Fellows mid affiliated order can become mem. I bet of Hto club Another meeting I to bo held this owning for the purpose of working nut the plans, Ktory member of tho lodge, ns well as of tho llebekah. Is requested lu bo present, BRIBER GUILTY AND PAYS FINE McMAIlOX CHAXflKM PI.KA A8 TO TWO IMlKmiKXTH. WHILE THE Tlllllll. AXII THREE AOAIX8T HUilllX, ARE QfAHHEP. BENDER CASE PUT OVER AND MAY BE DISMISSED Ciuk'rn, Who I Uinrgeil Willi Con. plrlng to IMouato With View to Atomising Hull of Iteconli at los Angele. Muy (let I'iiihhhiI, tlnlted I'reaa Horvlce I.OH AN(li:i,i:3. Feb. 20. -The i'nni of Catlun Homier, charged with conspiring to blow up tho Hall of Cecord. hn been continued to next Monday. It Is bolleu'd It will bo ills mlifi'il. Tl.o federal grand Jury to probe further In tho MrXmnnrit case nuwufd and niljouri.ed to tlila after- SUMMON CHARLES TAFT IN CASE orARMY OFFICER Piesleiil' llrollier, Who Had I'olKI nil Kr leo from Miijttr Hit), Will lie to WiikhluKloii ami Que. (Innctl by Cuiiimlltii'. imiUc'I I' Soivlce WA8IIIN0TON, Fob. 20. Tho house coinmltteo on war deparlment expendlttiiOH ha deeldod to call Charles P. Tflft '" H' Rnr ctt,' Piealdent Tnft said Hay did Charles n political service, slnco whon ho has "presumed Ion much on tho value of tho services." Chnrlos Tnft Is tho president's brother nml owns a Cln clnnatl dally paper. Charge of bribery tuado against .Samuel A, McMahou and James Hughe were wound up In tho cir cuit court yesterday when McMahon changed to guilty his pleas of not guilty In two of tho thrco Indictments rendered against him, and was fined $1,000 In each of the two cases. Tho third Indictment ngnlnst him and tho three against Hughes wero dismissed 011 motion of District Attorney Dell V. Kti)kendall. McMahon camo here from San An tonio, Tex., It Is said, In the care, of nn nttendnnt, mid has not recovered his health, tho bad stnte of which was alleged when ho got u stuy of pro ceeding In tho court somo tlrno ago. Tho proceeding jesterday waa after court adjourned, McMahon loft again this morning for Texas, where he Is trying to get In shape for business with tl.o assistance of tho mild cli mate there. McMahon Is a salesman for tho fludolph S. Illotno Paving Company of Chicago, being Oregon manager for that concern, and camo to tho city from Portland early last fall to at tempt to sell the city romo granitoid pavement. Hughes camo to assist him, Hughes Is n former resident of this city, having run n blacksmith hop. Not long nfter tho'tnen came hero charges of attempted brlbory were mnde ngalnst tho two by Mayor Fred T. Sanderson, President Marlon Hunks, of tl.o Council, and Council man llitssoll A. Atford of tho First ward. Tho nflldnvlts wore mado ngnlnst them on n date early In Octo ber before Justlco of the Peace Chas, firnvo nnd they wero arrested and placed In Jail, where they remained until Sheriff William 11. Darnea ar ranged to glvo them special body liunrd, consisting of J. I). Carroll and IiIh son, Perl, who took quarters with their charges nt tho ll.ildwln hotel. At tl.o tlrno It was asserted that tho ruft of tl.o speclnl guards would bo paid by tho men. Justlco Graves conducted the hear ing of the pair In tho county court house Mid as the result, of the evi dence given by Maor Sanderson nnd Councilman Alford the two defend ants wore hold, McMahon under 110,- 000 ball and Hughe under 17,500. The two accusing wltnessea testified SHIP PDTATOES TO OTHER CITIES SPCIW, TWO CARLOADS OP 'EM, SENT TO 8ACRAMEXTO AM) ASHLAND BY KLAMATH VAL LEY CONCERN. Today the Klamath Valley Ware house Forwarding Company, of which Claude H. Daggett is manager, shipped a carload of Klamath pota toes to Ashland. There were 600 sacks of spuds In the ear and the folk In and around Ashland can for a tlrno rejoice In unusually line French fried, boiled, baked, hashed brown, Lyonnalse, au gratln and othtr varie ties of cooked "Murphies." On laat Saturday the company sent a car of tubers to Sacramento. Tho vege tables wero from the ranch ofalt. II. Short. United Press Semes NEW YORK. Feb. 20. Magistrate Murphy baa announced that he will Inquire Into the high cost of neces sities and the district attorney will probably criminally prosecute specu lators In butter, eggs, vegetables and meats. Today's proceedings were de voted to butter and eggs. There will be a hundred and fifty possible de fendants. f.'nlted Press Serrtee NEW YORK, Feb. JO. Roosevelt was at the Outlook offlce early, hav ing but few visitors. He read the final draft of his Columbus (Ohio) speech. John Temple Graves aad Editor W. W. Nelson, of the Kaaaas City Star, called. Roosevelt leaves tonight and arrives at Columbus at 10 a. m. tomorrow. He starts back east at p. sa. Mtssofjrl Desna, for Clait-. nltrrt Hrras 8rreo JOPLI.N. Mo., Feb. JO. Missouri delegates to the Baltimore coavea tlon will be Instructed to vote for Champ Clark by the Democratic con vention late today. An attempt to namo Wilson as second choice Is ex pected. CANNOT CONVICT RCEF IX ANY RESERVE LIST CASE TAFT WAITS INJURIES TO RAIIMMEMPLOYEES Fak! For at Flat Rate Srhcdvle as Recommended by Ccssssaiaeloa. Would Hee Each Mast Iaaarrd Re gardless of Negtlgeace. United Press Servtee WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. In a spe cial message to congress, President Tatt urged compensation for acciden tal Injuries to railroad employees In accordance with a Axed, positive scale an recommended by the employers' liability and worklngmen's compen sation commission. The mesaago de clares that the theory la that each em ployee be Insured against Injury sus tained In work without reference to contributory negligence, without a common law limitation on the em ployer's liability. WHO FINDS PAPOOSE WILL MAKE MOTHER REJOICE Indian Mater Gets Her Anatomy Sat urated Willi Firewater and Leaves Child Somewhere, Rut Is Unable to IMermluo Just Where. PORTLAND, Feb. 80. Lost one papoose. Letts Falrchlld, an Indian from the Blleti reservation, Is seeking the baby she brought to Portland. Letts mis laid the papoose somewhere la this town of 250,000 Inhabitants, she can't remember where. While In Portland AU ladlctsaeats Against Foraser At toraey la Coarts of oBth Jndgea Daaae aad Lawler Likely to Be Dlssalased for Lack of Erie. 1 baited Press Serriee SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 30. Fol lowing a declaration In Judge Dunne's court by Assistant District Attorney McNutt that no evidence Is available to convict Ruef on the reserve cal endar cases, sll Indictments In both Dunne's and Lawler's courts are likely to be dismissed. Dunne's ac ceptance Is expected to wipe out the whole of the graft eases and Anally close the scandal. PUNCH PELTZ AS OFFICIAL MARK SKINS OF BOBCAT AND COYOTE BROUGHT TO TOWN BY W. A. STILES, WHO TRAPPED BOTH ANIMALS IN COUNTRY. County Clerk Charles R. DeLap paid out more bounty money today when W. A. Stiles came In with a coyote and a bobcat, which are both raro catches. Mr. Stiles caught the animals In a trap whle out cutting wood at his brother's place on Swan Lake side, about twelve miles from tho city. He had his traps set about a week before the cautious brutes In vestigated them thoroughly, and when they did they were thoroughly dis gusted. The trapper brought the two pelts tn this morning and Mr. DeLap, Just tor all the world like a conduc tor on a train, used a punch, except ing that he punched the ears of the skins, and that's something well regu lated conductor never do. The bob cat cost tho county IS and the coyote 91.50. COURT IGNORED, APPARENTLY, BY Signers of Letter ta Which Reply to Trader of Coart Hoase SHe Was AskedNo Copy Received Vp to the Preeeat Ttase. Strange to say, the county court had early today received no copy of the letter addressed to It by aaeat bers of the Klamath Falls Commer cial Club yesterday In which the coun ty court was asked to mako a reply to the proposltloa to Us ofer of a downtowa site for a coart bouse. A copy of the letter was given for pub lication to the Herald yesterday aid a natural assumption was that the original had been placed la the heads of the court. KEMP QUITS SINCLAIR WOMAN Wmi SITIIIIIHI'B -SEW YORK. Feb. 19. Harry eKmp. "tramp poet." has, accordlag to mutual friends, deserted Mrs. Mata Sinclair, divorced wife of Uptoa 81a clalr. author of "The Jungles." The "aftlnltlea" have been living In a bungalow at West Point Pleas ant. K. J since Mrs. Sinclair's affec tion for Upton waned, and she de clared her love for Kemp. The di vorce followed. Kemp was a guest at Sinclair's home when his Intimacy with the author's wife was discovered. Gowaa Ftlea PetMoa. E. W. Gowan, ex-shertt. aad Re publican candidate for -nomination for Justice of the peace of the Link- vllle district, has Sled his oetlUoa with the county clerk. PROTECT WOMEN VOTERS IS LEGISLATION'S ADC Republican Cosujpwssasaa front Call forala HcUerea Wosnea Barred frosa Ballot by ExpatrlaUoa Act Should Have Privilege Restored. WASHINGTON, Feb. SO. Legisla tion to protect the women voters of the west was proposed In the bouse by Representatlvs Kent (Republican. California). Under the expatrlatioa act of 1907 a woman marrying a for eigner ceases to become a cltltea of the United States. Kent proposes that they be allowed to retain their votes. Cut Sowers, 44 Mala'at. Phone III. - as a witness, Lett fell Into gar eon- thnt McMahon offered tho mayor 1500 pany and took In the sights. It waa and Hanks and Alford eaoh 9110 for somewhere, sometime, somehow uur Vasquistas Name Pascal Oroszco TO, Command Rebels But He May Refuse Vaited Press Service EL PASO, Feb. 1 0. Vasquistas at Cases Grande have Issued a mani festo Baking Pascal Oroico comman der In chief of the rebels. Oroico Is at Chihuahua aad Is expected to re main loyal to Madero. A desea arrests have been mads at Jusrei oa a charge of laclttag mu tiny. It Is reported that a hundred rebels under Salaxar are operating bear Juares aad aa attack la feared. Casas Grande Vasquistas an re ported to number 9,000 aad are re parlag to march oa Mexleo City. , A, ' r &&''.',