t X v Me laid. ttnvtnc alll'I'MKII Hf Wl VaVf MO JtaTWI ...IMIKHHNKWWIWVICM print tiui imwa. rot mnunr KLAMATH FALlit, OIIKGON, HVITIIIlAV, IFIIUI'MtV 17, 1013 lie PI Tv"' um IRRIGATION PUNS DP AT CONVENTION IEGISLAD0N STUDY aKon,iti",l,TAhl(M',',x'u' aihwhihi WII.I. i'iurw.T lyMUl to Ts H"W rOllTUM'. I'rli 17. -Jml whU (it proe tio Kt.-Jtt.l Hiil of Inter rttilkfui''J"1""' lrrtKH'ii rim. ,wj to I '.-Mat IMKlun.l on .Mini. !ii TufJr '"l 'ttii.luy or mt ink, li UrJ i !'' '"'" l'"m (Buptujwt IU "Hiio In for a great itil of JlKUMioh Thorn favoring IW smi-wml i'l ,"'lf tn'"0' ant of the proof t member of tho twxlitlon wtiir' ni'Mwl to Ink lit viler fmni Km l"Pl'"r Umatilla Mnr '! tho RouTiiroriil "fnrlalt to lie asitoM set Alt lliu light tlj ho. HI fu'iiui. i tin oratory mul ifnmralt lliat win rrodtlro at lrt iwirrjr III on tttit (III happen when Hi" full J'trtulon of ihr many Curry nrl inJU It unt- W also ho-nf prtl IMrrnl lioieiiinr WmI will tilt (or lb U'r l! Ixmnl, BtaN tuti'tr Un " dirus Hi" water iiffljn.iBili' of llm prliatit com llllrt tilt klK t" aiollng tlm lunno tvtj lit projn'a i" bo hero I" ,'ils Ikflr IIH. I l llm ptotnliet. Itliltprn)tri. ' C I unllnl oclluii dft nrlr n:::i ' 'inn of tlm Uina ISU frojwt sml ; k a formal do utJ, hr rruiii;'i.!!i fur Oiogiin'a ilirt of III rnnliHwHnn lo tlm toe- UbiiIoo fund TTh rtqurtt Ill aim Ihi uiadp Out iWrimomcnl imt'urt the cnitlmera urtfott it early at polbte oh i)ik Wuurtd tunning &ti ailcquai"- tup. Irtftitrr for lit land on llm lima IHU lilt without Inuirr to Hi" exist- - turliiti. The Vailnrr plan In Inko itewitrr from ! John Day Hlw u4.li uMltlan d iin' t'lnatllln land ti'tr in ttlltlor.m in ono acre of GTUta cntintr. "' havo II friend tltf. Tit ininr dlttmnre of oilnlori 1)4 Bclhodi bviw, 'i ilm ttalo In ml WtifJ oBrbili, il: tlato cnglitpor's 11 OVER SALT LAKE M Wm FIXER hM lll in im'p ',i.. nKi-r Train KhM -.'rt .Mil, Hmir Until. WHtrldlit I Kiln. .Ma) ! a I3MIWIUU olliiK, lliv tiroiiiotiTN of tlm tunny (.'iir i) ml inoJi-rU of tiui itnli, tln bo! (lilt on III n Inmt mul llni iixm of wit lir will loiiin uti for ii liinrliiK, mul mivi.ml lorulltlca will l.n lii-nril ftiini tlio rtiilm tliity Iiiimi Kituvn wlilcli oliiiillil do kIvcii ulntu nln iiulillill) ami tniiiiilliM orfrrvil ill niiu. Tlm (IIiik Hint tlm purl of tin ulalit mil of iliii ,'( mlti moiiiiliiliii) It not kIviiii It'Rlilnlliili Hint IimtIii IU iiixmW will lr litoiiKlit tt fur tlm Ixncni of Hie tunny mi'iiilr of tlm tiKlilntnru hIiii lll lio plfirill nt tlm roiiKM'M (InviTimr WVtt will oin tlm roti. r.rcta, ami with Mm ! Wllllnm llanlny ami tlm offlrlnU of tlm Ornxmi lntliiimrlit lnKUi'. Tlm rnllro.iilt limlliK liimln nn nprn ralo of onn ami nnistlilnl fntnt for Itin rouml trip. tlrki'U on unit. IVIirunry IK lo IV. ti llirn limit tYlirunry S3, tlm ntU'int anrn nf ri-ptrn'iitnlUi from all r Until of tlm tnln Hill Im larK" "Tlm fllinl oiilrooiK of tlm nnnri, llim" nrrnritliiR to A. O. Ilunti'r of Ilill.l. "liltlil Im to pnnliiro ilrtllillo rtTiiiiiiiuiiilallnin fur IfKlilntlon that u'll prolrrt tlm xlllir on tlm laii'l. I tint prnvldi" niiim nllrrnnllr.f for larrylnit out tlm plant of lln nrlr. (ii.il projrrtnrt, alionlil tltpy (all flnnti- tally, ami lo ift fur tlm trttlrr (ln whIpt without which tlm Inmt would lot lillr. Tlm lutiitor In Urn Inml mtl( lin finally prntrrli'il Thla nisil U lnli wlitn, ami niilr ntinlly to tint Irrigation pro)i'tt In tlm Wltlaiu (Id Valley an In tlm ri'iuotn illiltlrU of (Vnlral OrfKou " INDIAN FILMS UNJUST, SAYS CARLISLE OFFICER Kiirtliil'iMt''tit of IihIUii Hliii In IVnn)laiiU llrnmU I'rrniM Willi U'rl irramaa a rakixl noil Inlro", Srt)ln Ifiry tfci InJtiMlif Cttllni rra llrtr WAHIIINHTON. I. C Krli, 17 -HrnnillnK iihuIiik plrtiir- of Indian llfp ami rutnaiiri a "faVi'il" ami nn trim, M. I'rlnlliinn, iM'rliilrinli'iit of tlm 'arlll Imllnn irhiHil. urci-t cot rrnmi'iit coiimrihlp of nirli niiim. lln il.rl.in-. llio plitiir.i nu lulu tiro lo tlm lli'tlmnu, atnl aro ilnlim much harm. IH-Ilnrallnnt of rrni'll) liy llm "ll"- liiro" llrilaklna nro cirinuy in ploriM hy Huiiorlnlrmlrtit Prlrilmnn Ho a) fuw rial Imllana nro iik-'I In mini for llu plmlo ilaya, nmt that prnrllrnlly nil nrn vinKKfrnlril. "Ilm plrttird am' illiKualliiK. ami Knicrally IntiiltlliK lo llm ronl Imllan of loilny. ho la raphlly laklns liU plaro In Ami-rlra-aa n k'I rlllion, ' an) Rupt'rlnU'iiiIriil Krlitlinnri. U ii friiiii'iit iinaiifiiKvr In llm prlvali inr of formi r Hpi-iilur (,'iiiiiiimi, " iiiiIoiiioIiIPi iruiilt'H" Ih llm iiiium Klvi'ii to Clink mul t'uminu, Ii". i-miiii of thilr fiiiinitit Kiiaollmi Jumna Ciiiiiioh hiduiln no inlill.tiil lo tlm hut wiiKou whllit i-nJiiyltiK onu nl tlm Mp.uiH'i of Um In Hum in micak.! rr llinljtd luvi-atn) nllir Im lout tliu, apinki-rahlp. Hit liua n IiIkIi pmwit ll().XIATIO.N Of .MIlMIIKItH Hl ODD FLLOWS TO HAVE SOCIAL CLUB l-piiii'.iT llmoiialni'. AulmiKilill,. anli-aiiicii urn wiiIiIiIiik llpi'Uki-r Clnrk'a pollllrnl hoom, hut hou-a for II niiln to llm Mlaaotirhili will ho In.t If m Kn,. t t, Wltlt,, llmmit nml Kiita n miinher of iivurtiinrtil an. lomohllfa nt hit illapoanl, CALM COURT JUS POLICE T NOW 'ITV IIKIOItllKIt TIIOH. I'. MCII. oiaH ii.tM imi.nk i.irri.i: ji.imj. i mi hik v:i:k, riWIMI TO tiii: l..ri( lK CAHKH ll'a lull III pnllcn rlrclm Ihcan iln)a, nml Thoinna K Nlrliolna, part llnm illy tiTonlvr ami purl tlnio pollco JiiiIk', hu Imil more tlmu lo hit fit) Hiiinli'r Ihnn uaiinl, I'or u wii'k tlm turnout rnliii tin prutnllcil on llm hnr- liou of irliuo nml mlailctiii'aiior, nml iry fuw wliu wlili to fratttire tin M'nni nml illmill)' of Ihu illy havu lii-rii I'icrilaliiK Ihi'inii'tvca III Hint ill riTtliin Thoiit wlut Invn to acijulru aufflcli'iil IniKjiiIro ami otltvr rurdlnlt In their Interior to rauao iiniuiinl hllnrlt) hutu iIUmt linn khIiik i)r in aluw. Ilicm haa not Ixt'ii a raao up li'fnru tin' police JihIkv for a wick. nml tlm nut Im hail nt that Hum waa n pIMu ilrtink. without mi'ii any trim mliiiia to makit It morn than uaually Inti'trntlnK. II may hu alcnlrlraiit thai In the 4-rlih of ijulrt tlm rotlval limllltiKt am In full hlaat ami llm prohibition lta havu lirrn Riltlnr; Inori' linlua trloua than muni In Ihrlr endcaror li rill down lh circulation of tho ll'iulila thai rhcrr, llki'wlm lead lo Iti'lirlrty and cloiidi-d hralna LURID POSTER FOR SEX MEETING m run iniw.v mm: viii:iii: in:n (Till: IMMlMrt AMI IXlUI'MKN'T or iiowmxo .t.i.i:vN wim M'i:ilATi: AH (.'Mil ItOOMH Tho howlliiR allc)n In tliu baaoinunt of (ho Odd IVIIowa' hulldlnK which worn formerly comliirti'd under tho liiiniu of Hid Club HowllriK Alley, wai purihnai'd tit tho tulu thla nfturnoon hy Hi-orKu I,. Iluinphruy, onn of Ihu director of llio Odd KcllowV Hall Araorlnllon. All of llio IIkIiIh, cloc trlral nitur'i ami a numhr of rhalra woru purchased al u former aalo by llm imiioclatlou, Thla eftilpmvnt I to bu Iramtferred (o an orKiiulintlon'of iiivmbcrH of tho Odd fellow r' lodi;e, wliotu purionj It to open up and conduct a iluli room for tnemheri of I ho order. Tho two Inrx" roonia In tho tuacment aro to bo eulppcd with billiard and pool tablet III addition lo the allejH. A meetlui; It to )(0 held nt llio Odd IVIIowa' hnll on Monday cvnilnn for the piirpme of romplellnK Hir or Knulintlon of tho club, and nt! Odd I'ellowii, both mvmbert of Hip Jornt lodKe nml Wilting .irotheri, arc In tiled to he preicnl and Join tho new club, inlted Preii Berrtce NBW YOIIK, Feb. 17. Theodoro Itootovolt Jr. laid thla morning he wai undecided whether to become a member of tho Stock Exchange firm of llerlon, Orlacom ft Jcnkf. Anyway, ha return to Ban Francis co and tho carpet business for a while. Tl.o Colonel chopped wood at Bam- mc.ro Hill today. AOY CASE SPLIT OCCUPIES COURT CMIMH llltoruilT INTO COUNT IIV AHHKJNKt-: JOHKIMI 8. KKNT AUK ISMCK KKKI'INU TIUIIVXAIi IUHV Xe Coniilrr Farm Vnii A brand new wnRiui hat been bniiRliI by llm rounly lommlailoner for; the piMir farm, and nlirnrled con. aldernbln nllentlon on Main alreel lo. 'day. It's Kri-en, look like nu itmuu I a me, ami It iipprni'imi'iJ lettered inn. nrtj avnnt. MX nUKClnTO. Feb 17,-ln d. tobi la IU U,in,ar ,,., Ht;tt(.i lrtBottr Ihu lll.i-a nf Hip Boillliurtl II8 thera hat i,p,. Inatnlled for M finoer priiliiiiiiii nf pnaaeuKura u ixJTJ" ":' ' """"",.."t "'".' Klat'nn.l, Conuly Inllrmary." - -i uami ui in nut irt.tiiiit iiva'T , ' Bill Uke, 'ih,, ,,., I, ,m.' ..... ;;.".:;,:::":,". ::BW NIKS mmmu TU in-nio , lHfh MHvt ,nBf 1!mim 4,r,ln l'""'r "r 1,,,vf "' , "iliroBgln . pintlim nl Mldluko. y ' ,J w,lr l'r hour It tlm tped 'or freltht tmMf u,, ,wcy ' lr hour fr pna,t-nKer Iriilnt. ' t',l t MIdlnk.. fornnlH re 11 Ol th Ir.l... ...... .' 1!M.MM,,'rJr,l lo tlm aupurllf U.4.t .. .. ui mo , mill, in ,! ,,.,,. " r"M It kept in tl.u manner. tk.i.i r ,"k,,,K ir,i," """" h..V.H ' ,"''"IIU, I'ronclent III "' loo .(t, ,,f their loninio. ""H lb ,, , BE10N6IN6 TO CANNON Hlirakt-r ami Fmliwawir In r'lntf-rlmi arlluuwi.iurr Hlitlue Aro Known In WmIiImIoii no Aiiloinobllo Cn'ii' lea, Hut Clark Itefimea lo lnl In Hie circuit court today tho case of Jotcph B. Kent aisalntt Abel Ady ronllnued to occupy tliu tlmo of Judgo nmt jury. Kent It aitlRneo of August l.likcy. It. i: Canlrall and J. 8. Tay lor, who hod ilalms which I hey assert Ady failed to settle, Tho amount In oled at ntked by llio nttlgneo It be tween $1,000 urn! 10.000. Tho plain tiff retted laat ewnlnc and tho pro reedliiKt today were principally taken up with tlitcnlnR to evidence offered thy the defendant to refute tho allvca- l.li.HIH MIINF. Foil Mi:.N ii.M.I ilntit mmlu nKiilntt him by tho plain- liirr. Jnnut C. Uutvnlc and Charles F. Blono nro countel for tho plaintiff and AT OI'F.IIA IIOI'HI .MF..NT OFFFIIF.O IS IMII'C Ui'ltcd I'rrtf 8orlco WAIIINHTON, It. C. Feb. 17. AllhoiiKh Bpeaker tMiamp Olnrk ro fusen m Im Riven nn nulomobllo by llm Koveriimimt for hit olllclnl iiso, ho doea not rcfimo lo ride In one. H Trust's System Assailed by Probers Who Believe Combines Unnecessary h Rervln, hlWi... nABIIIVnfAn fcifi!srCrc tutC.'""0""1 WnHTJi1"1 ",0 ,r""1 H)'"lin. but w ftcoinuivml IcgUlatlon ,to , Fob. 17. InvvttlKatlnK Its llndlnga In curb similar nhusca horoafler, declar ing Unit rccoiumondatloiia- nro solely within tho Jurisdiction of standing committor. , , Tho comqilttvo sold It ws unablu to nccopt nrgumonts, declaring that big builnt. needed comblnea. imithvr sensational potter was sprung for llio Van Matter rotlval to. lay for tomorrow's ineelliiK nt llio opera homo. It limit: "Hot cake rlKlil off Hie Rrlddle. Vim lias lilt mat off nnd Is prepared lo ttark Vm up fnr Klnmntli sports nt the opera homo. This Is for men only, and In- elude n trip down llio lino where tho red IlKhlt shine, lU'incmbcr, Hum rtundny, a p. m.i plnrf, opera house; Klrl, eao her l home." llo under 12 )eiirs of iiro will not ho admitted. Mr. Van Mnrler has rIvoii Ihls mldri'M in crowd of men eltewhero. Al Lebanon recently ho snoko upon llio subject In 500 men, nml also hnd InrRo audience at Ku- gene, Albuuy, I'orlland and other placet. If pottlblo It -Is spoken of as a stronger nddrots than Iho ono dellv- eied Inst Biinday afternoon.'' Mm. Van Mnrlor, who It possessed of ii very pleating personality, will address young ladle and girls on a Henri lo Henri Talk lo Olrls" nt tho tamo hour. Olrls under 12 years of will bo excluded. Tno nuuress will bo given nt Ornco Methodist Bpls copal church, llANit I'IMMIIIAM TOMOHHOW ti.o rniiowliiK urogrnni will bo ren. ilered nt the band concert to bo given nt n... niivlllnn tomorrow nnornoon March "Chicago Mnrliio imnu wi Overture -"Foot nnd Fonsnnt" Buppo Quartet from "Hlgoletto" Verdi "Flirtation." Wnlts Movement. .Btcck Helerllon "Marltann" Wallnco (by request) (lemri of fltophon Foster" ..... arranged by roster National Anthem John Irwin for the defendant. This afternoon Judge Henry L, Demon ndjoiimed court until Mon- iluy, owing to tho fact that tho cato would Interfere with tho meeting of the Klamath Water users' Assocla Hon, of which Mr. Ady Is president and Mr. Irwin vice president. lily unanimously telegraphed to Yuan Bill Kul lo spocd south, calling htm a second Washington. lOCNO HOOHFA'F.fr MAY OK MAY XOT IIIUIKK HTOCKH BOOSTERS GONE AFTER HOT LIME F.l'(lF..r: lll'HINKHH MKX WHO IX- CMIIWI KI.AMATII FALLS IM TOl'H HI'K.MI OOOO DAY, lB HI'ITK IUIX lloosters who camo from Bugeno had a bully time yesterday, If a fa vorite oppression of the only living tk-presldent of tho United Btatcs may be used. Dcsplto the rainy style of day which wai current, they circu lated and had excursions to ace what llio surrounding country Is llko. Many of them spent a part of tho day call ing on business men. During the afternoon they enjoyed a steamer ride on tho Upper Lake, tho means of transportation to that body of water being two big 'buses, each of which wan drawn by four horses. A few of Iho visitors who are nlmroda choto to spend somo of the day angling on Link Hirer. Most of those who bad rover visited this section before wero astonished at the site and charm of Upper Klamath Lake. The visitors left this morning for Grsnls Pats, whoro a reception la to be ttndcr4 Hieta thla .tvnt -- -To. morrow they will go to their home, having wound up their "get-ncqualnt- ed" Junket. EXPENSIVE WASH FOR NEW PAVING BONANZA CLUB GIVES BANQUET M: HKTAHV OMVKH ASI IX?A( lUHINKKS MF. H TO NKHJII ItOltlXO TOWN TO KXJOY KK.BT OF OKMCACIKS ATTORNEY GENERAL FLAYS INITIATIVE Al'HTHIAX HIMMAIICK IM CIXMB TO DEATH'S DOOIt United Frew Berrlca VIBNNA, Feb. 17. Count Alois Von Acbrenlbal, tho "Austrian nis- marck," l sinking. The last sacra ments havo been administered. Count Von llerchtold was tonight named as foreign minister. GOMPKJW WAXTH JVDGR to nn ciiohkx irr unoit United Press rvlc INDIANAPOLIB, Feb. 17. Presi dent Samuel Qompert writes to labor lies to try for another Judge to try tho dynamiters. The opposition to Judge Anderson It based on his action In freeing Detectlvo Burnt on the charge of kidnapping. All Indicted men have been arrested but McCray, Irwin and Patrick Ryan. I-OIJTICH IM ARMY WILL IIAVK MKAIICIIUGHT OV IT United Pre Servte WASHINGTON, O. C, Feb. 17. Tho house committee on war depart ment expenditures contemplates a probe of the Aalnsworth case, Includ ing the alleged political activities of the war department. O. T. McKcndree arrived In the city Friday nlgbt from San Francisco. He will go to Midland Sunday to pre pare for a shipment of 1,600 lambs from the Merrill feed yards on the following day. FARKIS ARE 6UESIS OF 1NE CIWEKUl CLW M8CT8810X OP BETTER, JTMtrillLJI rr""" " "T "! l51 . aanetn . . m.mm Itwtkta'K A a1 I fsAHh km tftltv ls KR GRAIM AMD MORS RSMTJM- KRATTl'K 8P11M M OCCASIOM OF QATHERIXti Despite the fact that It bat been ex ceptlonally disagreeable for farmer ttcallr ILB0 on Ue dollar. POSTAL LAWMAKING XBW TERM HE AFPURB TO THR MKTHOIM WHICH HR AMKRTS DItlVKB FROM FIELD KIMD OV MEM NEEDED United Preet Seme ST. LOUIS, Feb. 17. Progresjalve policies, particularly those for Judi cial reform, were colled "Insenate" in speech Attorney General Wicker sham delivered before the City Clnfc thlt afternoon la the direct latere of Tatt't renomlnatlon. Wkkersbam tarcattlemlly referred to the Initiative and referendum as postal card law making." He declared popular legislation at direct primaries destroyed tic u'gnltjr of office and retailed In "&ti'z from the field that data of men formerly thought tho most desirable those whom the offlee seeks, and not tkattj seeking the oflco." MEXICAN CONSULATE IN BORDER CITY GUARDED United Presa nervtee EL PASO, Teg., Feb, 17. Amer ican troops are guarding the Mexican consulato here as a result of the dem onstration by Mexicans agalnet Mex ican Consul Llorente, because he In sisted upon the release of American soldiers who Inadvertently Invaded Mexico. Jaurex la tranquil, and n federal force It en route to that point. Torreon la surrounded by rebel. With city warrants nearly fonr years old before they are paid, tkey are costing the taxpayer about bait paying In eaah ll.SS, and wltn ear rent bills being padded to cover Us depreciation of about 15 cents on Ue dollar la new warrants, It make Ue property owner foot n bill of pmc- sorrotnrv Cnl'b T. Oliver of the Klamath Chamber of Commerce went today to llonnntn to attend the ban quet of llio lioniuuu Commercial Club .it tlm 111k Springs Hotel. A number of other Klnmath Falls men went to the snmo place with tho saruo object. The nffnlr promises to be one of the most Interesting ever given In Bo ni n m, nnd olahorato arrangement! havo been mnde to entertain all those w ho nttond. THK IIIMH ritKHHlllK OF WATER TllltOl'OII F1HE .HOSK CUTS tlltIT OFF lllTt'UTHIC AND MAKKM 1IKCAY UKKLY At tho council meeting Thursday night Councilman Charles McOowan said. In his capacity of chairman of tho street committee; that he wonld object to further washing of stmts with water turned thereon at a pres sure of 200 pounds to the square Inch. Of lato tho practice haa been to flush the new pavement of bltullthlc on Main street with Ore hose, and the fwuter coming full head. This hot washed tho grit and gravel out of the surface, which tenda to make tho pavement porut and likely to early decay. Herman Force of the Strange-Ma-gulro Paving company told Council man O. W. White that one washing by this method wo equal to. six weeks ordinary waro on the pavement, while ono man claims he understood J. O, Magulre of the paving concern to any six month. Whichever may be the correct time, It Is a proposition which tho property owner do not ear to havo kept going. The pavement cost about S a square yard. There have been two or three wash ings of the pavement by this method, to Ita considerable Injury. to come to town, there was n large attendance at the meeting held under the auspices of the Klamath Commer cial Club thla afternoon. The meet ing was called for the purpose of dis cussing the matter of getting pure grain seed and potato seed for the Klamath Dasln farmers. Approxi mately thirty farmers responded to the call, and were on hand to give their support to Ue movement to In troduce clean grain and more remun erative varieties of potatoes. While the attendance wai not a Urge a had been hoped for, much good wa accomplished. Several men who havo been highly successful In growing potatoes were in attendance, and gave their view as to the varie ties that give the largest yield per acre and bring the best price in Ue California a well a the local mar ket. The meeting showed that the farm ers of this county are ready to im prove their condition, and that the movement begun by the Commercial Club la fully appreciated. The time of your life at Ue White Pelican Orchestra dance at Ue opera house tonight. MLMTfKotO OK HWT TO RUN MWIJOKmCY Native of That Cosustry Now Sale tn America Said to Have Fnn4 of tfltir.irirT. WW Object of Mahcnc Cmantry Into RepnbUc Don't forget tho White Pelican Or chestra dance at tho opera house tonight. Oovrrnor West eomt to bo a pretty good booster for Oregon. It every body will Join In to Rot Ue people out hero this region will not only be some, but much. HOYAL WOMAN 8VICIHBS, IB 11KPOKT- CIRCULATED tlnltod Presa Sr vice PEKING, Feb. 17. It I rumored that tho empress dowager hu wield ed. Tho city I undltturbed. NANK1NO, Feb. 17. The am- MACVKAGH IS OPTOOSTIO SINCE WESTERN TRIP ROOSEVELT AND JOHNSON TICKET IS NOW FORECAST Unltod Pre Service NKW YORK, Feb. 17. Governor Johnson will not return West f.n two week. He Is conferring with puKielve leaden. The bell Is urowlin that afOr tho Columbus speeches next Wv.lnesday ha and Roosuvclt will be openly ranumsies ,'i..' the presidency and vice prtnl. dency. Sometimes a man who want n sa loon license transferred haa It held nn in ceuncil: sometime not. It all depend. TJalted Free aWrrtee WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 17. Secretary MacVeagh ha Just return ed from a political Junket. He said: "I And the opposition to Tart di mlnlshtng. The most Influential re publicans In' tho West are forming Taft clubs, and the movement for hla renomtnntlon.ls spreading fast." United Pre Servlea CETTINJE. Montenegro, Feb. 17. All Montenegro ha Ka eyea on tha United Bute now, Ue MonUgrtn government being busily engaged la running down a conspiracy alleged to be engineered by Montenegrin now In America. A fund of 1200,000 I satd to have been contributed to the movement, Ue object of which I the establishment of a republican form of government. Good music, good people and a good time at the White Pelican daaee at the opera house tonight Boost- for lower taxe. good government and Tempi Utr, MaUne dally. I:S p. a. Evening, trtt pertamune. 7:1. eeattaaea. Temple theater. Matinee dally. 1:1 p. at. Evening, tret performanee. Till, euntlnnen. Financial Mafia Is Name Applied to "Money Trust" by Congressman WASHINGTON. D. O.. Feb. 17. Coagrewmaa Henry discussed the money trust la Ue house. He said : "It la high Urn the house inquire lato the blacbhand ajtUoda of the naacial man. No elective" legMa tton la poatlble to govern Ue ramltea tton of currency, trust and corpora tiona until congress understand Ua method of the Insidious and almost upreme money power. touiai w know something of the depu of vii liany to which Ue financial mala will deseead before we rewrite tht cur eracy laws; before we 'swallow the Aldrtch planT" . I -tu TV' Hi -. .&i, r.i