q . rfl tirdb. Ht'll'UKO H TIIH KVKVIlfO RVWIPAI ii 11.11 1'lttCMH NKWH 1KHVICH I'RINT THE !Wi. HOT HISTORY 1 li mi N'. I.'l'', KLAMATH PALI, OHKGON, PIHHAV, ITHIU'AHY Ml. Illlil Ik fUcnino I ii i nnn rn i gii i " ILL UUU I LLLVTTd TO HAVE GOOD TIME MIHAM'S KI'll' ACJAI.NM ' MAVOIt OAV.SOIt IOMIMJ II' I'lilld ('tiiiiliiUoluiiff of i-u Vmli a I'll) Alligt 'Him 1'itMiii dull of .M'liiiHiU Hnlil 'I Itlriuo About Mini 1'iiltliiil mill I'niriiii liiiuiiii., mill ilium whoim iit'iniilui Uiilli'il 1'rcsn Hvrvlro HONOK DfOICATION1"1 wl"' ,l"1' ,kl" '" """ """" "" Ni:w V(mK IV1' t,; ''"'"'f"1 II"1'" shown liy Hut liinuthl) liitiiiilii'ln ulvcn iTInii.liin- A lllnuliiini'.. 1 inn mm ,.u (iiininn i mi: vmvi;iihaiiv hi in M i i m:m m.mi'i.h n II n.m n -M I'HOIIHAM on '.in itnn Muni down l.y Hut ininitlil) Imii'iui'ln given by llmi lodge iii'iil mi giiuinuldt fin lliu mild-mi u Hun hurl ut llm even- ngiilnst .ii)nr (lii)inir fnr nllfged III... I liitiiinllldl In it l.iiir tu Mn) in line iil'iiiiliiini.iit 'llidr regular "t'lelhw Is s-t for hearing tmla) In liiiiiiiiclii huvi riiclvid mi ut in it tin. supremo mint (lenerftl lllug IHI.li... In I tin umi Unit U nliiiimt ,u ' haw. nl III'- Hum (if till. Ii-lter epliiodi, IiiihimIIiII) (nr tliU poor mtlliu In im polite loimiilritliMHT (if New York put-plies) what tin. iiiiiiIiii: f.-c-.l Mill I Mir (lii)imr, then n Jiinllii", U nnlil WATER REFORMS CONGRESS ASKS IIIIIKiATIO.V COMIATIO.V IN IMVI.H Til IIIXOItT FAVOHA III.V ON MIOPOHIIIOXH WATF.lt I'SIIIIS WANT Itininbli, unless ( hu a small hoy's illi'iim nl tt Thanksgiving dinner have t-rlllilii'il iiiIIiiii In llm Mill severely fur ..I. Iirnli-.l Duffy ii. tu " ID IU'' lib Uls fB'l!" itkti'" JcllrAt .'lfj J" Bi.ll .1 la Mm 11i Biriii luiirr lie U4 ' tblnx ' I'lp-i n 'i .a ISOf't.K 111 loirr ' III cr t - cf V.r k IV 'i tM m I- Uca I Tfc.. 5. Ill i i:sj- i i . How Templn tumor z in iiii'inliers of Prosper. l 'i.lK" No- I 'Hi Klniii n 13 mill liwuiiiiu tin- HI I. O (I. I', Mill Or i auulversitr) of Hi" in ir luliiit', Mliliti look .... . li. lull, iiiiiIit lliv rcteiiioulr oer lii'l.l ii i.ii ii sluillai im union u. im temple U a iiiniiii' titi-rprlm nilit In if llu. iiteuihcrshlp of Ma uii.l Indicates some . i.irii of frnli'inll) ' raiiki fur I lln l-llolirilllntl In- time In on koIiiii on for ....I vlilln llu- K.l.-t IU( i,'.... i in Din iiumiiImtkIiI:! .Ii: villi llm liiul.nii.U . nil.) tint i'l of 0.1. - iK nri' llm tiiliinU of '!.' arrniiitt'tiiKiitit Imin . . nliTlnlii 300 nllnnl. l Hut ll.l.tknli ilinri-r. t'n iluiriio of all nr- OIMIK-Ill.ll Mltll (t Win ii Ahtl Ally, lirinlili-nt of llio KIhiiihiIi Wntvr U' m Amtoilatlon, ILiil.l Ii. Cl.tini.ii ll. tli t jii.tlm r.M ll.fi 'I lilt 1112 llliir I. IIIIIIIII I l.ii.l.t Iiii I iltnttl' I ' " . . ... . ... .... i . in . ilrin,., loo H.,,,ll nMOlniuoilali.' U'HT) n llronkl)., I.ny. m m i" """ "' "'" ""' w llm illlicm of lomiiiriiH uti'iiliii:. mial nl'l I" lin l..-iii rri.i-iitiilly iiiri-nlnl . l,'ir loinnillon from that foody, tutilii Mill l.o mi In tin. wi-.t Imil.il') ll" I'ollnt of Hint Ii iikIi mi,. I't ll X"iii. Iio lai-d n Mi-ok ovir Mliiru llm 300 kuikIii Mill I... luiniu- ""' Miirrotil or mi mil dm run ANMVHIIHAHY OK MAINK IIIHAHTKIt OII8KHVKI) Hlitrt of FuiM-nil C'ortcKn llrinitlnK IUhIIi-w of Vlrtlitm Front CuImii ('illii lit lln llurlnl In ArllnRlon '.Vmlnnal l.'rrmirjr. IiiimIiiI.,1 nt MM lutili-a .HKiiliml llllll. Yoiiiut Imllcii Mill orti. lliu lulilu itml V O Hmllli m imililt. nt luant- li.a.l.r lit oih. m lilln (' (' llntiun Mill Im lliu litmlilliiK K lltita lit tliv other llmut ii-ntHimllliK In lun.lii nl M HmllliN milliltnlliin Mill ! M I'lir.-nt. t'lllla It I'hiImIi M II ll..l .1 I - " 1. '""lilli.l 'nln (llllll.. In ulill.. l. II. --.......I... n.i. .ii ,, . IK. ' Mill mil iihiii ,.v II II IVmit ( llloMt-r. I," M Clillroli. nml I'nil llli'lnir j ll'fort' rtJn)liiK tin. i-i.lnirniii r KnlMii..it lh olf).-rii Mill K.t .nti-r-i "',S,,n "'T SHOW Inliu-.l liy n I Itnl nml llli-rnr) pro Ktnm. Mhlih will Im m ftilluw. Clinrail.-r (Ininn lilo Mr llliilinn I'mki-r llntnlili. Tnlk - Wli) I I.Ik., llm K.-ln kiilm.- A Klniliiicr Mm t'nrl Cofi-r Ml.. IMim Willi. Xolit . Ili-aillni; . Kulii llrrllnlloii H'.l.i IU.I.i llnii- nt IiIk omii i'ii.'tno In ordi-r to iln mm., nilmloimr)' work for reform- nl iiu-tlioiU In lirlKiillini tiiutu-rii nt llm Nlnclii-iitli Nnllonnl IrrlKalloti inncrrtii. Mr Ail) ni a ini-inlM-r of I In: mli lointiilttri. on Irrigation of lliu con viiillon to ulilrli lio Mini a ili'liKnta, nml Rot Imu otlii-r nu-mli.TH of tlin loiniiiltli-o lo n-limlii to (In. IrrlRatlon lonr.ri'M iiiiiM-titloii. Tlic) nucdi-.lod In Ki-tlliiK llu' rt-voliitliiim coiiiinlttcu of tin. (oiiRrmif to report tin. follow. In-.- "Wu recommend an nmon.linctit to mrtlon I of (In. reclamation net, ap- lliroiiMi jiiiii' 1 1 i;iu., Kuril nmonil- MAN' l.lll'll incut to provliln for repaying llio cotit of nny projrrt liy llm land owner tin ;.t. r It In ItiMnlltmnU rori-rliiR a perl- " " (id of not leu than twenty yiftm; Cniiieron' entertainer did not fin- tlieno InMnlltuentii to lie In equal or a. tl... utrk nt tl.ii lliin.tiii. ,.-i Krniiiinipn nnioiinit pamn at iiicn fniir llniiiup 1.1 lifii( I .". '". 7 " I en Mini uinmiii: iiiiikiiuiii or pi-rmi-i riillon. J I VARIETY PEOPLE CHANGE DATES, n.M:ti: no M Mll.ltfAN I'AI.IXriTV AMI COIIIIA TO .MCltltll.U MIm .Kiiei rllephenton "oim I' I. ArimlionK n f-iu 111 J r eliK'tKi'- oiii-rn , inn.- nr iiiin-v im limy oc ueierniinea div llu tifrri Inn- of iIia tntnrlnr Widlieitdny iiIrIiI. llu. ....... i.m ,i,. i,,.ij . . !..' ,T.'1"1'1" ",1" ""l '"l" "' '"T''lui1 ""r" I". n on InniU lo lie Irrigated under oi """' ,, .MBB,,.r j0, v llotnlon The 'nny reclamation lull (onrluili-il llieru . I l'ra 'i vi WABIIINOTON, I). C, Feb. 16. Yedcrday was tlio fourteenth nnnl verinry of tlio dentructlon of the lint llcililp Mnlno In.lfiwnna liarhor. Tlio nnnltrornnry wan tnnrked by tho ntnrtlnK of n funeral corteno from llio Cuban capital, bringing tho bodlei lecovcred from the wreck to Wash ington for burial In -Arlington Na tional cemetery. Thn Very Iter. Father John J. Chldwlck, who wa chaplain or tho Ill-fated Maine nt the time of the ex- ploilon, will accompany thn rcmalni hero from Havana. Father Chldwlck officiated at tho funerali of tho vie tltim or tho ezil6ilon recovered In 1B8. BOOSTERS ARRIVE AND POSSES BURG BEETS POTATOES ANDOWEATS" THAT FAKMH flllOW WIIX UK DIH. I't'HHKII IIV MKI-m.NO OF FAHM. KIIN AMI XIMKItCIAI. Clit'll MKMIIKItH Tomorrow at 2 o'clock In the old Flnit National banking room, at Fourth and Main itreeli, I hero will be held a meeting under the autplcct of tho Klamath Falls Commercial Club, for which a call has been Issued MARCHO REMAINS NEWMAN F01TZC0. FOR TREATMENT! PLAYS HERE WEEK a trnlui'it ntilmnl txhlblt of 1S inlie ninl'reho patents on making final proof ruts, tiiiutly Invisible, ami Miss Al- j on pajmenl of such portion of the bcrtliir Cleop.ilru coliro tlaucir, who charge apportioned ngalnst such lUIIIrd wllli lli stiakis durltig her tracts ns may then bu due, under reg. terpilihorean illtcrslon, wint to Mer-Utatlons safeguarding tho collection .till lo pin) a short engagement, while of ' remaining cbtrges apportioned '(luiirln, tin man Mho slips from inlngalns such entries, milk rati without reienllng llu means. I "HoMIng that n full understanding I project should re-J by Secretary C. P. Stowart. -, , 'slipped front Klamath Falls for other 'parts m who ii mi Mi.miv inn: wi:i.i. k.nowv ui:mi:ii ihia.i .VIslor.NTrillMIA I.IMIl M.uir onia.M.Aiiov itn af. oV rlllNVo MAitir i u.n TCAII IS KI.AM ITII I'Al.l.s Foil i:ij (;i:mi:nt Willi MHUIti; lUINs IHIITOII ll. lull I.MIi: UOI'.MN AMI llliMIII I-IIIMIMX) I Ul tar M i-c In, mIio huil nil ell- tfl-jiiirr nti tin, iMin Mount hrolli hi on lb . ...ii iouilit of Mt-i'ks to tia iiinliln to i turn In hi unrb u I, I Hulled Press Service HAN I'ltANCISCO, Feb. Ifi - Vis- riniiit Chimin, llio new Japanem am- bastailnr. has nrrlti-d Inro on the A coining nltmilloii nl tin. Ilniutoii ('lilno Marti He remains hero n opein liouii tin. week ilium ciirlug loiiple of dfO Hit will bo prlatily IMiruar) 21 Is the Newniim-Folts citlirtnliu-d dimpiiiiy. which Is olio of the best " klmwli iiliil moil itiitiuliir ilriitimtlr 11 '' ' "HOll'K .lt..l,t.1. I II... W...I. Tl.l- I. title Mild .. ductors rato for Ii.m!I. nfth niuin for llm big fmorlles. I - " This Is to be a meeting for farm ers, lo meet with with the member ship of the club and exchange vlewi as lo the best mean or promoting a better growth or potatoes, beets, grains and other agncutiumt ,.... ducts In Klamath county. C!nj .. i.a Ht ni in Inflicted !i .1 ihllc I.I..I i. inn. of his nssnllntits In a.l.litiuii in thut he got lilou.1 l-oliniillii; . .,i.. (,t din liiimls whern Uuriicu .i. nf the men. The 5low UiiiU.i im ii. man's mouth, nml cim ll Willi in ImIIi cut Hut list. .III.) they Imw built up n illeiitelo of pla) -goers on llm roast who look for Mnnl In the mining of the Newman I'olU lotnpau) with llu most ideas nrnblit ntilUlputlon 'I his sensnii the) liuvn n bigger mid hitter diiupauy limn over, ntul Ihelri plios an nil hlgb class, with In-null- Ikspllit iiv blood polionliig, liir.!'"1 "m" s.-llliigs mid limulsomn cos- to at ... in.... I,.. ....., lumsoi.nliaiidtllieirniin.riiveiiess. k. , . . . . ' ' CleM-r eleitrlcnl eltcils lire nlso tiseili,,. simti Ii r.L-md.-d mi sunlUiint of .. ... ..."" U. ... . Ill'll iniweril mil HI I'ti-IJ ill.lliiniitu l.rjll nun III Ion lln I. nt thn .. . . .. . ..'.'.... u. .. . tiiero is iiiiurii mm eiiieriniiiuiK nn- W'M..KI,.,, house (l1l,i ,,,llU,(, ,,y wme (f (.nf()r. nln's will know ii specialty nrllsts, I'opiilnr prlies pteuill during the FIRED ON OLD GLORY IS CHARGED AGAINST GUISE 11 ROAD III CALIFORNIA SEEMS LIKELY FROM IS Jii.' I'mm l.. Aiigi leu In Hmi 1'iau lii) I'lli, Iiiii.miiiioii A tilt li-i. 'spllnl ll. luu ',.-, t Tweul) Million llnllilih l.0 AMi,.;h, i-Vb. lll.Arllcles tluiurniiulii.ii of llm Fiillfornlii Air Mno rullwii, (,iitnUei nt $211,000, Wi rv on lliu hr nt. Tho i.xiresHd Jl of tin imputation u t liu con """llmi nf a ralliniul helMi'iin l,o AWls ami nan Finiu'lwo. 'lliu lit tfri.ornu.rii , y i:itc CiiiIk, (lien "w.r ami , (tvirili iiiiiriuiy; I'll 8, Twombloy, ii I'liHiulttm clip "l. anil Mrs 1.10110111 m. Thomp 'Jn; A Imu tuliiim, iloitniH of tin' rl'll stork Iuih hieii paid In forlm ti'tilliilu ixpeiisi.,1. Afor.ll,.,. In wen dellned ruinorn J. " "" l""' "i"rgo .1. Ui.uld mo roit- r,,. . " "" '"". During a ro- . us i in ,og AugideH, Vlco I'resl -- a. in Woituin MUilounry ItHiiriuil Front IVIeollnl l-wilri' IH-cbin's Tlwl HrlgnliiN In lulerlnr of (liltH-w Fniplrt' Mint nt Alnerlinii ling HAN lliniNAUDINO. Cnllf.. Feb. Mrs, Hoy It, Hon lie. who Is In San lli-rtiardllio nfler two )ear ns u inlsslouiiry In China with her bus Land, who was famous im ii Callfor iiln uitlersll nlbleti'. dei lures Hint New iiimt-r-olls engagement, and their tlm CIiIiii'sp hrlgmuls In the Interior rornlng lo KhiniiHi Falls In eagerly uw ailed Ii) Hie theater going public. Will BE CONSTRUCTED THHI.i: FHOFOHI.H IIV AITI.I CAVIH TO COIIM'lli I 'OH Fl.H MIIS, Wlllfll AUK IIHANTKH AS iii:oih:hti.i lliuilli nf ll,.. itluu....Hi ii....ln lalitl Ihqt j, (,,, nU.08tll woro' t0 cost 340. i. "n """r H","", Cnllfor- rio liirnrpnriitniH lofuso lo ill- 'X0 llm ,,, f 0 , h d i lid iiiai,. HullilliiK purtulls wero nllowed by tlm coiiurlUlftHt night ns follews: H. B. Owens, Iwo green bouses, 16 Mil! foets both 10 tosl lihoill $000, on lou II nml IS.blmk fiS, lint SpiIiikv addition. Fred Hui'slng, lwo-slory fmnio biillillnit. 0x00 feel, with brick Hues, sloreioom below mid rooms ubuu', on U. foft of east sldu of lot U ami 16 fool or west sldu of lot 10, block l). Nlrliolt nddlllen: cost 4,000. J. V. McCoy, Imrii, 30x30 feel, on liilH 3 nml 4. block 20, original town; FOH HKNT Thref-rooin house, 7IH and Klamath aonuo. 112.50. Ai- . ....... ..... . . lily nt botUtaB Works or ftimn " on m-MTiil oirasiouii inie.i " Aiiierlrmi Hag when her pari) was fleeing to tho iiiast. "Wo went al Chlntoo, far III tlio Interior." said Mrs. Scnlce, "when tho trouble broko out. Wo escaped down tlio river In houseboats. On dozens of occasions I licftTil bullets sing past my bend. Many of Ihem murk the house. An American on the boat Hint folowed ours wns shot In llio Jnw." Mrs. Rcrvlro said thn stories or tlio atrocities of tho Chinese printed in this country me tamo compared to Ihelr ncttlitl deeds. Oilil l-N'llows Tonlgbt Klntimth Lodge No. 137. I. O. O. P., will hold lis icguliir ineotliig tonight. Ciindlilnles nro lo ho litlliiiien lino Hie lii)steili' of lite soiond tlegreo, nml some nlro wmk Is promised by the team h) Cnplaln Bholl. riiristlnti Woiiu'iiV Apron Hale Tho Indies of llio Christ Inn church will conduct nn anion sitlo with their rcgulai looking sale tomorrow at the Kmitly Kitchen. nno.i music, good people, and good time nt tho Wltlto Pelican danco at tho opornliouso tomorrow main. I Con (I mud on I'ngv 4) CITY SAFE FROM SUIT OVER CANAL UIVIN (iOVFUNMF.NT ASSL'HAXCK THAT IT WILL ,MrT AOAIX Tlllll.i: WITH VMM COL'IWK OF AMvHNY STIIKAM No suit ngalnut lliu city will result from the obstruction placed In tho Ankeiiy cmiiil when tho city council hinltli cuiitmltu-v w.is nuking Its crusade for a cleaner city to keep down Uphold teer. Tho municipal ity has promised to bo good, nud not offend In the same way again, so that tho government law)trs will not go ahiiid with proceedings. Otllclal no tice of the ii'iiiov.ul of tho constiuc Hon, w lilili wns ilono by stealth a month or more since, was sent by Clt) Attornc) Horace M. Manning to lliu I'orllntul legal representatives of the go, eminent. When Other V. Morton Jr., who represents tho government In somo kw matters, was hero late In the fall, ho bail In hand tho gathering of ilntu for mi liijuuitlou suit against tho-clt) for trilling with tho govern ment's property. At that time ho consulted with Clt) Attorney Man ning, who deprecated the action of the city olllrlnla In doing what they had no right to. mid who wished to arrange the troiitue nuucauiy. ins arrangements suet ceded, but just who tore out the Impediment was never nindo publc. That It was done by tho city au thorities nml at tho expense of tho taxpayers Is generally Inferred, al (hough iho hill, If ono went through Hut council, was never plainly Indl rated ns being for that purpose. Tho government wanted the city council to tuke official cognisance of Iho offense, and "back water" on It, but Manning said Hint It was not the council's ilolnu having been without authority of that body. ' u took three men two day to put In tho dirt which Interrupted the peaceful flow of tho canal, and the panto number of mon had to work about a day and a half to remove tho earth, Fine Work by Hchrfch'N Prosperity Kebckah Lodge No. 104, I. O. O. P., held their regular meeting In Odd Fellows' hall last night, and Initiated nlno candidates Into that degree of Odd Fellowship. It was tho first lime the new dfgrec work had been used and under tho directions of Captain Sauber tho work was ad mirably performed, visitors compli menting the captain and team very highly for their efficiency. M. a. Wllklns. "I am In favor of let ting orvry man, woman and cnlld vote for the commission form of govern inenl, If Ihey want to, for tho great est good to tho greatest number. The will of the people must and shall pre vail." Councilman O. W. Whlto tnada a motion that tho city attorney be In structed to draft the ordinance cor recting the title defect and present It to tho council, which motion prevailed without a dissenting vote. Feature- Film at Hparka Tonight You will miss a treat If )ou fall to sec tho big two-reel production or "Auld Lang Syno." Bobby Hums' fa mous poem, excellently portrayed In motion photography. The scenes and acting are tho very best. Pathe's Weekly Is another very Interesting subject, showing all of the late cur rent oventi, Including two of tho greatest football games of the tea son. With the other subjects Includ ed, It makes ono of tho best bills seen at the .Sparks Theater. Oliver's Merrill Trip Off Secretary Caleb T. Oliver of tho Chamber or Commerce, owing to Iho bad weather and the visit or the Eu geno expansionists, was unable to go to Merrill and address the school chil dren there today, ir weather per mits tomorrow he will go to Bonanza to talk to the young folks there. Don't forget tho White Pelican Or chestra dance at the opera house to morrow night.. EUGENE DELEGATION COMKH, HI MUM IN RAIX FOR PURR JOY OF LIVI.NO, KATH IIAXQUKT AMI HAH A OKSERAIi GOOD TIMK When the Eugene Boosters arrived here about f o'clock p. m. yesterday they stood In the rain at the depot lo sing a boost for Klamath Falls and themselves, a sort of outburst of feli citation over the assurance of the Na-tron-Klamath Falls cutoff. At the station they were met by Sscretary Caleb T, Oliver of the Klamath Cham ber of Commerce and others, and lu tho evening Ihey were tendered .i banquet at tho White Pelican hotel, which was presided over by Judge Henry L. Benson. President M. J. Duryea of the Eugene Commercial Club responded to the toaatmaattr'a welcoming remarks, after which the Eugene quartet sang. E. 8. Rolfe spoke on Eugene as a distributing center, while others who spoke brleiy Included Dell V. Kuykendall, W. A. Deltcll, Samuel Evans, C. 8. Williams, L. L. Lewis and Alexander Martin Jr. After the banquet some of the del egates were entertained at the Elks- Club. All were greatly pleased with the reception, and at the development (Continued on Page 4) ENGINEER AWAY FROM COUNCIL MF.KTINO, AVIIICH FORMH n.BH OF VF.RHAL HKMOX8TKANCK IIV FlllKT WAIU MKMHF.lt, WHO WAXTH HIM ON HAM) CITY ATTORNEY ill IEND TITLE TO (XMMIH8IO FORM OF CHAR- TKH IN ORIIINANCK, AM) THEN PHKHKNT IT TO COUNCIL FOH ACTION Advocates ot tho commission form ot government last night at the coun cil meeting were present In consider rblo force. W. O. Smith, speaking tor them, asked Ma) or Fred T. Sander ion and the members or the city ad ministrative body what action, If any, the council desired to lake, In view ot tho tlilo being faulty. It appears that tho title appears in tho petition, but not In the body of the proposed charter amendment. "There nro a large number of peo ple. In the city Interested In this meas ure, and who would like very much to have the privilege ot voting on It," said Mr. Smith. "We would like to know whether the council desires to tako any action on It, or whether It Is tho desire to have It passed up to the police Judge In Its present defictlvo form and go boforo the peoplo In that shape. Unless It Is to be so passed up tho ordlnauco amending It should bo Introduced very soon In tho coun cil. The council can add tho title ana pass tho charter by ordinance. The addition or tho title where omitted wilt make tho measuro legal If passed by tho people, whereas there la doubt of Its legality If It should be passed by the poople In Its present form." Mayor Sanderson suggested that It could bo arranged to have It amended by City Attorney Horace M. Manning possibly by Monday night. I am willing to let It be known where I stand," declared Councilman When Councilman O. W. Whlto brought up last night before the clly' governors the (question of tho city's need of a cement tester. City Engineer Don J. Zumwalt was not present to give an explanation of what should be had. "I Insist on his attendance on council meetings," said Councilman M. 0. Wllklns. "Ho gets the highest price ot any man employed by the city In town. He gets $2,400 a year, and don't attend our meetings. Prom now on I shall Insist that he be here." The city engineer's salary Is $2,000 per year, the contract to run until June 1st. RIGHTS IF WAY - ARE APPROVEO FOR SKOOXH L'NIT LATERALS, HAVE FIVECHANCES SEEM GOOD FOR EARLY ADVERTIS ING FOR BIDS About thirty ot the thirty-live rights ol way contracts tor the second unit laterals In the reclamation work In Poe Valley, Nuss Lake and Orlfflths lateral region have been approved at Washington and recorded. Project Engineer W. W. Patch ot the local project stated this morning that as soon as tho other Ave are sanctioned by tho Washington officials advertis ing for bids for the work would be printed. This work Is an Important part of that which Is planned to be undertak en by the reclamation service here this summer. ONE MONTH OF WORK IS NEEDED ON CANAL THAT MICH WILL HE XF.CEH8ARV IIEFORR FULL FLOW. FROM LOST TO KLAMATH CAN DE CARED FOR It will be about a month's work under fairly favorable conditions In order-to get Into shape the canal which will carry water from Lost Rlv- er to the Klamath River. The con tractor at work on the east end of the canal Is J. W. Jory, who has but a- comparatively small stretch of dig ging to finish. Near the west end, about a mile and a halt of finishing work remains to be done by Con tractor W. H. Mason. Mason Is not doing much work Just now on ac count ot the weather, and would like talrlv well to see a resDlte from rain and dampness, so he might more read ily aet his work In shape. The brlde-e which Will furnish a crossing for the Midland road over the canal Is completed, but the ail between the road and the bridge Is not yet done. With this done, which will be shortly, the bridge and road will be readv for trafflc. Water has been flowing over tne dam since a month ago yesterday. PAY FOR STREET . IM IS lEIY ION COUNCILMAN McGOWAN ENTERS PLEA AGAINST GIVING POOR PAY TO COMMISSIONER WHO. LOOKS AFTER HIGHWAYS "Let not grudge what we par tho street commissioner?" was the plea ot Councilman Charles McOowan, made to the council last night. "Let's cut the high fellows and add it onto him Instead." "If they cut my pay I'll quit." was the den uttered by Councilman M. O. Wllklns. "I'll give him halt ot mine." offered Councilman Allen Btansble. C. F. Adams haa been performing the duties and putting his O. K. on bills for street work which usually falls to the commissioner, but Mayor Fred T. Sanderson claims he has not been appointed to the Job. The pay U $2.50 per day, which Councilman McOowan and others be lieve Is ridiculously low. But the amount Is fixed by the charter. Pot-' slbly the new charter will raise the ante. The time ot your life at the White Pelican Orchestra dance at the opera, house tomorrow night. v . I N