lie tinting ffttlft. gUN'MKR HT TM VKITKIi !''" NKW" TViai EVBMNO NBWSrAPflM PRINT THE NEWS, NOT RMTOHT Ulitli N. " KLAMATH KALLH. OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IS, Iti 1 IP THIRTY-SEVEN DIE AS BRIDGE BREAKS TROOP TRAIN DROPS ii.11.koam ut:iH verdict lint laia.Miiov itruirt nKIK'A-N I l.liEII.W. HOI.DIKHM, ,ii:i,t main when hail. ltd (II ( HUH Mil! HITS Wlll-CK HUH. in "1 HKIi POWDER t'rllf.1 l' ' rtloi MKXK'O i 'I V, IVIt. 15. IIIj-I jjmoilii'il irllK ii'r Oner-tew. tiHip irnln crashed r Din htldgts on tlm killing llilrt)Mwti, Mini mill Willi Who ('mini Wil mi l.ot lUlu 'Hiked KiiAl by lull. rimil, Mhhli rinl tg.nt ,n Xo .lutliorli) io Mil rriiiiN,iflli,.u i'miiki.r' iiml '(lolil Mi-liil' hip gim.t, 'mill llii'ni urn many oIIkt vatli tlc-M ol 'wlilin iioliiliim Hint nt" populur I Mill lllllll Oil llltnloKIIO lllllliy (lull will kIvh )iiii iiiikIi poind, Informii. Him. "Tim vntlely llinl yon spenk of 'lliMiKlmkliiN,' nro m lint nr raised In Colorado, ninl nrn culled 'Pearl,' nml ilt wi'll In sumo km Hon, poorly In I'lliitrn. It lit nut n ioiiilnr vnrlly. 'Tint 'Amrrlrnii Wonder' Inn prnv ril llni'lf ntin of our very host potn Iiiiii, ninl In n very deslriililo pnlnto In I'liuil "Wit limn had ft- rntlliln of rnr ARNOLD GOING HAI.HM, IMi, 16. Huvil for u )ear""'rn from Klmnnlli Hint Iwvo bent inn imiiiiiiu aliened lit bit dim on n'ry itntnifndory. I (rimt Hi In Infnr- TO ROLL AROUND RINK I.N MCDFOHD Ad.UMiT AN OTHER GLIDER, IN AN AT TEMIT TO GET lOHSIMHION OK A HI'NIlltr.O DOLLARS Clnlr Arnold, tlio roller skater, muml t r It Hckul fiom No- liluli frxlRli! A irilrml tbVD(ll ! AtUiCUM l llpl. Tbi" lr triJcu in ' Iff ttlV H-ur nlttO. iliatr!ir liirounil I ' Auttlcau lu'a U:i i Ituui TV duuXfJ ui' - imillt -H dJ run Vjo V..v EUEta Jlifa hrnsku to Him I'minlmo. heniumi llii' inllrouil .iiuiiiiilH Intuited alleged llin HK'tut Iiml no authority to li.uo It. flu. l. Ml. ... .1 " "'. in vonniiu uppenr-i u iiviiiru I no rullroml lotniiiUilon Io uncertain If It oiilil nrfir nny relief. WcmkU nml Hlfn tnnk mttmiiHRe of ii roluiiUt ruin fiom (lolti'iiliiirx, Nli. pdIiik f I tI6 for tliHr tlrkt-ta. Hut iiiiili. I.vIiik vlu Portland to Hun I'rniiclaro A inr Inter lint milium) riiuipit iili'M ndvlsml lilm Hint llin agent Iiml tin miiliorll) to m. ticket, nml nsk- i'il Hint In. liny tin. Imlmir.. ,,r in in If 'fillet Press Hirvlr ...! -I .1. VMM !. I UIHIKU -. ..u .,..,. ,, ,, ,,,, trUlMl ((lw i( Nnw voKi Kol) JiKllm i .nut nml olilnlinM it JmK u.llintu Ilial vainulloK ""'III I 'our IiiiiiiIiiiI Hi'ut llirinuli I ho litlit i-rirn tlntn nlmrlly nf. miii iiimnllnl. mntlnh will nu,t jolt. Tlr.rnllHKti,,,!n k'nV" '" " ,flW U,T Mod'"r', I nonil U from n .,.,..! i I ''' " w'" wlilrl In Hiu mnio of ' "" III L .... , in Mnlnr, lint wo nnver nn Hint fur . ,,h'"""v " " iiwn Unit for point...... on of Hi J"''"' ,".r' "n"'C '" ',0 mi"un"J 'or' mtf. ViiiirK truly. "W A. CtmTIB,' iitATi: papa ntniH Ol KOV TO KUil'i: AllltOAII Mm nf Ttirntrlrnl Magnate Tort llmittml I'nun lllillnit Mart on Atlantic Mnrr Tliat l(n Unit Si'lrrtiit for WriMlltK Trl. Arnolil tilntcx Hint tlio luuo l to bo for llin nmii'xntlon of f too to bn In liiitnl imlil to tlio wlnnor of tho ro. 'llll lift lliiiii liy ioclaI i i.ntu not lii-vn livjr.l 1) li Ix'lli'tiit lu In ii ni'inl Tiudim, vii.. '..liluU, nrrltr,Miuil c 'rtll.lf fnllflt 10 'Ilk. .. uU ipallitai at which rtnlrator will t tftsit-tj IJ-!a M Iti. Kit klllr.) . .tint til II l io n, liiixs I'M. I ) I Ji'ilttit fj . fl II lurnTlifl niiy-mvin nu niununiii'iil Tliu mil ninl IimiIihI Hi am a linmlll unit fornui I hi'mllnK (tin I'nt. iniiillialiiU f.OU liinll. T. II. HIi'.iimih, clmlriimn of tin ImniiV JiiM I.) .MUlnkr. .,,.,! roiiinilltr of llio Klnmntli I'nlln B. PASO .r ',b I5.-A .'I'lK'I.Coiiim.rrlal Club, wrulo In .... of .!,, ol tloflwn Viiirrli'nn rnrnlr)' tmlnyl. lmJtdM..rtctiliorrlirtiililnko.l,"',i"' ' "7" ' -miio,,,. for lilt mlvlre at to iiotnin KrowliiK lu Hut Klnmntli llnnlu. Tim follow Ini; It llm miiwi-r: "I mn wty Klail tit nrkniiMli'ilRii )our Irtlrr nf llm C.tli lint , nml Rlmt IiiiIimiI tu r;li )im mi)' Itifiiriuntloti Hint I lmn nt my romuimiil, "I'lrai In ri'ftronni to tmrli'y. Jl I nift otii) U Hint (iti will iro.luri inn kooiI nn nrtlrlr n mo bit Krowit 'nii)wlivri'. To Kt't tint timt r.ull libit mvil jitii irrtire from tlri'Kou w oiilil, I tlilnk, Im the imt ilmlrnMc "Now. In rt'snril In ixitnloiti Tim I'nlli-.l Hlnti'i RiiU'rnmrnt will mi li mit on unnipliM of iiimi)' illfliTonl rnrlrtli' Hint enn bo littlnl out, nml )on rnn iloti'rinlno wlilrli will bo tlio llx-mt for oiir purllcnlnr noil. Wrlto .In Hut ilppnrltui'iit of nKrlrulturi'. If N'ANKI.Vo itIi U, Hun Vat Bvn ,w" or "f,' tllfforrtit pnrllci will tililnt tin imbllriiii prlili'ticy 1 -rll fur nmnplm, mrh coulit lout ootll ii i Kill liinuKurntcil "mt l'l t ti- nnhi', nml In thin .4 rabliic i m iuiiik.I, !n)' Kln tin' in u fnlr trlnl. II)' nil Thf cil,ci,,,, f mil, Intern U Kt-lxil. iHi'iiiia i;rt mimpli'ii of tln Rovi'riimi'iit Uroainx Ju..r.j m mi uproar. Tier in ! Hum, part Roliitt ottr U 'ii' 'tintlonnl tulilcit ami (lit liter Mn.niii ti'ttltory Tlic Monai, outiiiiu Riinnl arit'H. rj Ibflii TI.u wrni IntiT irlfmil. l'oriii:n 1 1, itiniHini mi tlirvtt' 10 SHIKE FOR ML 1 BIF PERION ONLY IbllilnR ( .SuhimI ,ti,r l.'roio liirnl ami I itiiiii..!,, )i, Sn) Vunii Mil Kal U ,ih nf t'ooalrurlhf AMIll) IB. Particu lar of I tin frilitrnlt'd rlnpnmcnt of llnrry Cort on of John Cort, tlio Hirnlrlrnl tiinRnnlo of tlio Pacific fon(. who wnH to bnvo wnl pretty Mnbi'l Towrrtt, ilntiKblcr of n mill. Iminlro Intiilotrni'r. wcrn Irnrnril lioru llil nfirriioon. Mini Towrm ini't )nunK Cort In a AiiKi'lrn nml Hfatlltt tlir.o ytnm nto nml tint )iiunR rouplo wcrn cloiin frlvmli ititl tlin nblrr Cort r-xhlb-Hh (bo mnrblo lirait nml nt hit mu nnd In'lr rant. ' jit irrk thn Rlrl nml Iter fatho.' Mirrili: ritotl l.iaiil.Vt; CAM. nrrltnl lmr ill roiitn to Ocrmnny. I'OIIMA HltnUClt " Tui'vlny, wlun tlio Towrri wrro jnliroatl tbc Kmnprlni Prnlcrlrli WIN i.i'iin ami an on din ilorK wcro vrnv ItiR RooiMiyi'ti, Joliii Cort, poriplrlnK nml ntiilmii, ilanlir.l up In nn ntito mnlillc, bolil up tho boat, found joiinr .Mr. Cort bldilrn aboard and JraRRiil hint, prntutlnc. niboro. Tim Irnlit pnpa iboiilpd to Towpn. tin' fntbor of thn girl, n tlm rtrnturr alli'il "Tim) 'II wnlt a fow ycar bo forn tliry wrd," POTATO LETTER GIVING ADVICE ui.i:ivi:ii iivt'iiAiitM.woi'-nii: i-oMMCitriAi. ( i.i ii hi:i:i him BAR WOMEH FROM FOUNDRY IRK IS IDEA CONSIDERED '111- MniMUiiliUM'llii Imlklallim 1' nillliv Ttirjr Often llar to Work Willi Iktrrtl IWtllnt Ib-fortt Kyr of Main ltMrT lit for not loundltiK hl ilgnal, Thlt, I bollovo, Ii a mlitako. Tho warning nlKiinl on nn automobllo U tnoro Im portant limn tho gonoral public aeema to rcallio. Kroquontly tbo lack of a cood ilgnul I a roiponilblo for colli tiloim and accident. No on knows thli hotter than do tho traffic police. "Tho bulb horn Ii certainly not tho rlRht kind of at alft-nal for the city or anywhoro olio, for that matter. What wo need la a aound that la of the character that will mako Itself heard. "I hopo tho New Jcney leRlilaturo will pai a law that will force the mo of inch a ilRnal In tlrnea of dan- Rcr." Durlnp? hli ciperlenco at hit pott Officer Tully hai had an opportunity to itudy traffic problem In all their numoroui phateti. Ill opinion of the bulb horn from tho practical itand- point of a traffic cipert but strength en! that of many mojorlns; authori ties who have long foreseen that the bulb horn will hare no placo on the automobllo of the future. MOST OF INDICTFD LABORITES CAUGHT IIAMJOON IHHCOVKIIV 18 MADE IIV MKI.VIN VAMMAN "Ini for IiiiiikIiI Huti'ii Utti-r sai, "Ynmi I n ur ronsirmiUu nblllly upon nom l,n ,in,lH ,n,, ll(lva 1(,,,N lu"r Tin. Inii.piiH of n riiiiniry iIn lB'U ii.,i, ,r r,1(.y( KMrowull.' "iiiH-.i miik m:v wi'rn AM III I Is o llttixu TOHINd '"'u AnurlKin I'lilnm ,m -. " "' A'l'r lit llimton, ami mnm '.! iiioiicN yni Niv orkiMiSpi-ilnl tu KlibMlluItt llCJt .. .. "n,.,,b l5 Mntlmno l.minn ir.V fiimoiu AhiiTlrim wo . "llll 111.1,, frm ,,0 ollU'dlO I, " "' ''""'"'K M'.. Iti bo unit ' , ,'";l"t lirlnm .Inninm of tlm nnii ni..rn ,....., u ..,, ii, ...,.,. i?llli n, ,, Wll (t)o l?aro ln:. fJlldmo Vnr.1l,.., .Ill ..... llHJw.t ' "iM'viir S. -"""."Hill I i.ll Hkl VIM h. ..'..... I ( nml mlvlnit nthors as In tiding sit nt 'kit- v """" "" riiiuoii iioni I tr... "" " "I"01"! iriln'lo tnkc Mi.i.V .'. " W"H n"rtinvi Hint rrfoir.'0 N,,r,,,rB, i1Hlrti limy 'j J'wliy din fr AssPwior w inn.ll.iain for county ntt- ,,v, I VHIUIIIilll CPlln fltitiniin..i.i i.... ... ... . . . lis fn. .i ' IN """""nil f IlKllt- -.- "' (illicit. Hit will nniinan J. P. I i ... ... riiM.... "" '"'iiiocrnno in- Villov ' ,','' r"w,0' ,H '-miKoll Ii I, t"' Mw,l '"'nr ''"p. " it0Cr,!,,,'r,',,,,,', f,l"lw' " " tlm for" fr,,,,"," wl, ,mvo kn Hi tL nml lieilovo In hta abll. i HlU""r" '" ''lo '"' tMO J''1""" ""')' '"n" Mt'iit ino slxtfeii illffcront tmmplos. Only two or Ibroo of tlii'in woro Reed for our routlltliiiin hern, Wo Iiml Hint ii pnlnln Hint does wi'll In nun nrctlnii l vrry froiiuonlly nearly n fnlluro nt nnntliir pntnt nnd iiinlir dllTori'iit rnndlHonM. I mu widl nr- iiinlnli'it with tbo blun potato tbnt tun sprnk of. It Is known boro nn tlio 'Cniilounlnl.' TIiIk, bownvor, Is not tlio corn's! nnmr. It Is n very healthy, Reed potato In grow, of Reed flavor, mid it line )loilor, but tlm trmln HiroiiKlmut tlio country nro ills. rournRlng, by iioiwiiho, nil colorod viirli'llrtt. Tbo Irinlo iloninmlH n while polnto, nml It don't pay to buy any thing else. It would bo vfry diffi cult for you Io get trim need, such iih you want, this mmishu, nml prlco will bo Quito lilgli. "Wn Iiml Hint wo Ret tho host ro- Hulls from sofd potiitocu by Kclllng tlioiu from Hiu ICitHt, and on my own Imiil I got k fow mm of KiiHtoru po int no onelt Hrnson, I hnv.t brouglil out flvo car of Wisconsin I'rldoH this Homiim. Tlit'Bo potnlnoH Imvo pin- iliirid tho dost roHiiltH of any potntooit tli'il wo linvo ovor grown. Tlm llurlinnk, for a Into potato, In moit Bccllona Is n very populnr nnd perhnim dciorvcdly the best liked po tato Hint linn over be-on produced. "Hood California Reed could bo hint of this variety, nnd nt Ion cost than any other vnrloty thai can bo fin- nlshod. Tho Tearless' Is n good potilo, but grows unoven and somcllmrs vory largo In ilie, Tho 'Bnowflnkc,' 'Mon. EUGENE FOLK TO BE GIVEN OINNER limisTKIt lll'.NCII WHICH All- mvi:s i-o.NiHHT wii.i. in: i:n 'ii:iir.iM:n nv tiii: ciiamiikii or COMMKIU'K Unllcd Press 8rrlc IIOHTON..Ki'lt. 15 Tlm Ingtslatlve I'ircuHvo rommltteo Is (onslderlng n bill for prohibiting women from working In foundries and Irnn manu factories' In Massachusetts, At n bearing today International Vies President O'l.eary of tho Mould- ers l.'nlon, tcstlned: "I'vo seen women srnntlly and Im properly rind, limiting wagons past rows of men to tho ovens. Women oflm hatn bared arms to the shoul ders, with throats open, nnd their persons' ciposed." TONUS HKI.N POK PKACK TO MHT THKKK WKBtV) HAN niANCIRCO, Kcb. IS. Ren resi'iit&thes of tbo four warrlnf lonRs -the Hop 81ns:. Hip Sing, Son 3uey Nr and Sucy Sing signed a truce at tho headquarters of tho Chi ii i -no Six Companies In which it was n creed lo suspend hostilities until MO.NKKVH' HIMl'LIi UTK CAIHKI) IIV II1GU I'lUCEH liny I'scd lo et Out Keg Apiece, Hut Now It Would lie like Offer. lug litem Pearls m act Article of Table Diet NKW YOKtC Ktb. IC Tho latest complaint over tho high cost of llr In comes from Central Park menag erie, wbcro It appears that tho mon kcjs, lions and hippos are leading tbo simple life, owing to tho curtail ment of an expensive luxuries from Ihelr bill of faro. Tho monkeys liavo not seen an egg In two months. They used to get one npleco every day, but -It would bo like offering them pearls now to feed them eggs, according to Over seer Kenan. The only luxury they bavo Is milk, and that with plenty of water In It, for the supply Is but flvo quarts a- day, and there aro sixty monkeys to drink It. "Ten years ago," expiate Kenan, "we could board a monkey for 7 rente a day; a hippo or eltphaat for CO rents. Now It cost It cents for the monkeys, f 1 for the hippos, and 12.75 a day for the elepbaata. The big tigers and lions need from 11 to IS pounds of meat a day, and the Thomas A. Edison Hays It Is Applica tion of Obvioaa Principle Htrange. ly Overlooked for Ho ! Mcch an Ism la Simple United Press rWvlee NEW YORK. Feb. IC The Scion. tlflc American announces that Melvln Vanlman has Inventod a dirigible bal loon which automatically ascends and descends, and sustains a perfect equl llbrlum. Insldo the envelope Is collapsible air ballast tank. If tho operator wishes to ascend he allows the air to escape; to descend ho pumps more air ballast" Into the tank. Vanlman thinks tho craft will re main aloft for weeks. Thomas Ed ison said: "Vanlman has applied a prlnclplo so obvious that It does not need any demonstration. It Is a wonder that It had not boon thought of before." MANY ACCUSATIONS OF CONSPIRACY AND 1UMOAL TKANHroilTATION OF EXPLO. RIVES AdAINftT EACH OT THE AltKEHTEO HEX This ueiilug tho KIaiiiuIIi Chum her of Cominvrcu will euturluln tho Hiirciio boosters, who tiro anxious to get iHiiiulnted with their neighbors lu tbo stutu. Tlm business men's pnr t) from tho neighboring city will laud lu Klnmatli Falls at t o'clock thin iiflcriidoii, mid remain hero until But- uriliiy morning. It Is tbo.pluu of tlm Cbnmlier to hnui tbo visitors- met nt Hiu train by n group of luitoinoblk'i, nml, It tho wvutlier permits, tho com ers will bo ilrlwii around tho city and ski rounding territory, so tbut they elm sou what tlio neighborhood la like. This will bo duuo prior to Hiu descent of uo's iiiuuHu of (lurk uess, mid at 8 o'clock there U to bo ii banquet nt Hiu Wlillo Pollcun k dollar dinner, lo speak correctly In honor of tho visitors. In (ho party nro J. W. Hound, S. C. Dnltou, 1". K. Dunn, Presldeut M. J. Duryen of IIukiiio's Commercial Club, Hay (luodrlch, (I. W. tlrlllln, Hoy. P. K. Hammond, rector of St. Miiry'H Kplscopnl church; Melvln llunsoii, I), n. lluyrs, II. K. llolleu- beck, J, O. Holt. I.. O. Ilulln, W. I,. Klurnld, I.. I,. Lewis, J. 8. Muglatlry, (1, II. McMorrnn, James Myers. W. V. Osliurn, K. 8. Holfo. J. W. Seavoy, J. A. Straight. O. 8. Williams, W. O. Yoriiti, W. J. Adams, W. P. fllUtrnp, tleorgo Hug, W A. Ktiykendnll, W. V. O.shorn, II. I). Pnlno. Tho men represent nowspapers sclionU, leal estate flrnii, banks, drug stores, ehurehes, mercnntlla houses and other elnmios of endeavor, Mr. Duryrn telegraphed to Secre- tnry Calob T. Ollvor of tho Chnmbor of Commorco messago or goo.t choor and optimism today. March 7. Tho peace agreement wn Pf, rim. ,lnM , , Mtlt. . . . . b..-.. . I. .. ... .. . .ttmt nt t.i.l . niruiiKvi. iiiiuiii,i .i.u .-i.ui.B u, ,,.u Clilneso lleputillc Association, assist ed by Chief of Pollco White, whe threatened to prevent any demon stratlon during tho Clilneso Now Vtnr celebration period, and aim de clared bo would throw a cordon nf pcllro about Chinatown and prevent (.nursslmis from lsltlng tho Quarter, iltislucss has been practically at a standstill In thn Clilneso section for several weeks as tho result of tho numerous shootltiRs which have oc curred, an i,' result of the long war, DDIB HORN INEFFICIENT AS AUTOMOBILE WARNING (iuunllan of Safety at ITosnluestt City Comer tin) People Are Ho I'setl lo Honker lliat They Do Nut Notice lis Nolso Thcim Days Michael J. Tully, for many years tho guardian of safety ut tho second busiest corner lu tbo United States, sn)b motorists must soon auauuon tho bulb-horn us an Inefficient, use less signal dovlco. At the Intersection of Market and lliiuul streets In Newark, nn average of 605 trolley cars, hundreds of au tomobiles and rouutlesa pedestrlaus rrofs tho streets every traffic hour. Tho veteran officer, who, with his four assistants, safely gulden Ibis reut stream of traffic, Is naturally In a position to know whereof he speaks. "Tlio old fashioned bulb horn Ik no longer of any account," said bo. "It no longer answers' tbo necda of modern traffic conditions. Whoa It .van first umiI it did vory well, but now people nTO ho used to Its sound Hint they !"' no nttontlon to it. Often they don't oven hear It. Not that we need n long, deafening blast, but wo do need tho sounding of a signal whoso note will carry a mes K.'igo of real warning. "Wo have great trouble," he con tinued, "to mako somo motorists. Bound tliolr horns. They line up be hind pedestrians or wagons, and can not bo heard nt nil. It they blow Ihelr bulb horn Hip nolio of the traf- llc drowns tho sound. The only thlug that Is really of tcivlco la the electric horn with a hnrrh, abrupt note. 'There Is no law In New Jersey JURY IS PICKED CASE IS GOING NEW CHARTER IS TOBEPRESENTEO COINCIIH INHTRl-MENT GOB INTO COUNCILMEVB HAND4 TONIGHT COMMI88IOX AH. HKUENTti HILL ATTEND IKSl'K IIErXHIK CllttTIT COtrilT AT PRESENT TIME IH THAT IN WHICH JOSEPH Ji. KENT 8EEKH WHEREWITHAL In circuit court yesterday after noon a jury was drawn In the case of Joseph 8. Kent vs. Abel Ady, as fol lows; W. O. Smith, Floyd II. Oran- denburg, Jack Kerr, A. IJ. Urowne, 8. 8. Hall, Stevo Worswlck. C. W. Miller, George Shell, Joseph Taylor, J. E. Uook, II. C. r'alrclo, E. S: Tor- wtlllger. Kent, as asslguee of tho claims of It. A. Cantratl, August Ltskey and J. Scott Taylor, Is asking payment of certain claims ho alleges are proper ly duo from Ady, the total amount Involved being approximately 14,600. lOl'R PEOPLE KILLED IN "I'ENNSV" LIMITED WRECK Twenty-Five IVople Injured, Also When Famous Eastern Flyer la Derailed ami Ten Can Thrown Into Ditch. United Preaa Servtee CLEVELAND, Feb. 15. The Pennsylvania limited, eastbound. was derailed at WaTrlor Ridge, Penn., thirty miles east of Altoona at noon today. Ten cars were ditched. Four peoplo were killed and twenty-flvo Injured. ALTOONA, Feb. 16. Later The death list la from flvo to fifteen. The exact figures are Impossible to get. A hundred and four passengers were on the train. Tbo wreck demolished the wires paralleling the track. Wrecking crewa and doctors have gone to the scene. The Redmen are to meet tonight In the regular lodge room, and expect to have a big feed with trimmings which imposes a ponalty on v motor, of an entertaining tort. Tonight Is the night scheduled for the meeting of tho city council post poned from last Monday evening It Is believed that the new city charter which baa been la the course of con struction by Mayor Fred T. Sander son and City Attorney Horace M. Manning will be presented at to night's meeting, and that all the world will shortly thereafter know what is In It. Just what la In It the makers have been jealously guarding from tho prying eyes of n curloua populace. It Is well known that the change In charter waa made necessary by tbo failure of tho old charter to give cither sufficient bonding latitude to suit tho cxpanslvo policy of the pres ent admlnlitratlon or furnish bond buyers with assurance that the bonds they might buy would prove good ones. The charter will probably raise tho bond limit from $150,000 to $300,000. When E. II. Rollins Sons, bid ders for tho city ball bonds, failed to take those securities they gave as their reason an alleged detect in the charter. It la believed that the new charter may provide for a different represen tation on the council, aa the present charter having raised the member ship from one to two for each ward has not proved a successful move, in tho vlow of many. Some would like to see a- smaller membership ot the clty'a botrd, and In view of this ara haxardlng a guess that the new char ter will auggest one member from each of tho clty'a Ave wards, Instead ot two men, aa under tho existing ar- langement. With Ave men a quorum would not only be easier obtained. but flvo men can agree more quickly on a proposition, is one argument heard. It Is believed by some that five men on" the council would cautj km at economy In ch) hurllns.ot vcr l.lapc over public ii3tlons. It Is reckoned aa possible that there will be something In tho char ter as to methods of arranging for street improvementa and how they shall bo taxed to the Interested par ties, as well an shortening up of the ordinance method by which street Improvements are brought Into bolng. It la understood that the council- men will each be given n proof of tho new document at tonight's meeting. on which he may make any correc tions he llkM or which will at least offer him ground for suggestion. Then, If the entire board agrees on an amendment, It can be iBoorporat- Unlted Press Btryte INDIANAPOLIS, lad., Feb. 16. Fifty-tour men are Indicted, forty ono have been arrested, six are al ready In custody, and two others will probably be arrested today. Each defendant la Indicted on tbirty-two charge of conspiracy and tho Illegal transportation of dyna mite. All hare been arrested but on on Indictments charging llltgal transportation. Typographical Union President Lynch plans a conference of oflcera of the unions with headquarters here to discuss the defense fund, with the probability of getting some oae be sides Federal Judge Anderson to try tho cases. International officers here unite in tho belief that most of the Indicted men are Innocent, and are demand ing Impartial trials. WGfiET rl TURKEY'S CIAN MAKES IIMIY HWT C9LI Intone DtWevery In Throat of Bard Fmsom for QnalHjr of Ms Mrs Canara Niesirs Feak in. flssM Or Van Picked : SWEET HOME. Or.. Feb. 16 The Sadlag of a gold nugget la a tur key's cra-w a few weeks ago by Com missioner Brown of Lebanon has cre ated quite an excitement la this vicin ity, as the turkey was brought from one of the mountain ranches here. Men are coming in here by thn hack load to Investigate and look for the mineral that may be hidden In these hills The Gabriel boys ham succeeded in finding one ore bearing spot, and hare dug a tunnel twenty five feet back In the mountain. The rock they are now working In Is said to be valued at 111 n ton. They think they will strike the main rein of or In a few weeks. M. J. Nye, agent for the Oregon Western Colonisation company, mad another discovery last Friday, sis miles northeast of Sweet Home. IT brought some of the rock la with him. ed in tho forms as they stand, serene, noble nnd dignified, on the printer's stones. Another feature ot tonight's meet ing mill be the presence of advocates of the commission form of govern ment vi ho recently presented to the council the document which they would like to see become the orgsnle law of tho city of Klamath Falls. City Attorney Horace M. Manning. on request of the council. Investigat ed the proposed commission charter, which Is entitled "an amendment" to the precept charter, and delivered au opinion t hlclt declared It Illegal. It Is presumed that the adherents of the commission charter will take tbs op portunity of being heard before the council. Their Instrument has taro more weeks In which to requlscat en pace In the arms ot the council be fore, being cast hoU.rt the voters of the city for the oxeitlso ot their scru tiny, unless, In iht meantime, It ! withdrawn by Its proponents, ur amended by them tu conform to te outlines' which acrc.r.llng to the opin ion ot City Attorney Horace M. Man ning, should be followed. Probably the commission men will oxplaln something to the council about their scheme. It Is certain that the new charter ordered drawn by the council will furnish plasty f food for at least two or three lan guage feasts by the councilman If It la treated with the deliberation, con sideration and courtesy which such an important Instrument should bars ceorded it under sash etms .,;!