Ik muik HUITIJKI) HY THE EVENING NaTWa tM1KI VMOm NKWH IKHVIUN PRINT TIIK NEWS. SOT HISTORY Mlilli Vtir Nifc l,Mtl KLAMATH FALLH, OltKUON, WKII.Nr.HDAY, PKHHUAHY 14. 1012 ftu'nntij MANY UNIONISTS ARE UNDER ARREST IN NUMEROUS CITIES ltttti: I HVAN INIHCATKN TIIDV UlMi " "' AH M:;" TiMi;,rt iiii:iii:i:i'tiii'ht.nm IIIIICIW Culled rir. hVrvlct, IM.NAl'Ol.lrl, liul, I'eb. I'irtlililU I'rnnk lt)". Acting tarr licit'! llorkln uml uthe Kr, ..I the inn. w nrsrr. were rr-- )nrn JtJtr ,,peni... ,.,,., ,r , nl Ur. mi gland Jury il)iiniiilllnK III- ,,,, ,lf , ,, ,,, dletm-nla Arrests of other hv' ,., rmrK,, ,,,, tnrr)Mr. ben iua.1. In Dululli. Detroit, l-leW tMtln ,, ,.,. Jtl(!(,1Mli , ,rn. Ub.I, Mllwalik.e. Hcrnnton, KaiiM .,(,,, ,)f (u .mn). ,1(.fr , Cllf. Plilimlrliililn, HiirltiKtlfM. Ilia., , KtaUli Jllr). ,tIi,K Darmw nuitalii. fhlf. Ni-K York. HI. I.011U mh! ,.,, t ,..t I ntf tt- of Imt al.icn wIiiii-mi-i, Hjf"" IkIii'H tlilrl) wfrn riaiiilnnl, nml Hint Nmii. mi IIiol. nrrl-.l mo om-u,,, tVmiil.. Iln!.' Ir.tlm'oii)- n tn it liiitnii'iia nxi'lila o( lornla ' i iiiimI. thotlllr ! i-r,.,!,!!,,,. j,,. Huitoii orilcriMl All ,iirr. not Kiillix, nml will l,,,n, n,,K,.ril t, riiriilatii.! will. tin. ltuln.r.1 'i. H'o f'.li-rnl niurl licrntM, ,..t Imoiir. nml mljouriir.l Dip Ml' lJ rnf In IVIifimry S3il. JUilC lliiripi'll HrH 1 hit imilim ill llfin '! Ilrkm at 110,000 cncli. At n-" lii wlru wi'n rromlm! lllh iiu:: -i;i ol Atrfl In xirloii Juilnlf''"in Wlirn urri-alril lr -IJcdI lt-an ill tlio linn worker unlit If firrlr, It nitilliig: "(II rimtao won't lm Kltrii n much iiiik in i in it ollirri. It lm UVm lint Kntcrtniii'tit i-rrn )inia to tl Ihr !.:( Irutt Into rntirt, tint Jllit watch how i)iilrk llicr wilt rallroait! 01." (;.nii-r lUonrrwInl 1,'nltM I'mt Mcrlrr WASIIIMITON. I, V r-b. 14. Th department of Juitlro nya thn laJUnapnlla Intritlcnllun cuiupletoly iioorratr 1'rrildent (lompera and other Ulnir IVdrrntlon official of roDilrlt) or any kmiwlnlitn of tho djrmtnlllnK loinplrnry Hirriil..riil' liilralltfatlun lnrlui!ril I'mifd I'rr.i Krrelr . WASIIINIITIIN I). C. Ko'j. II. Il It learned lli.it lli Indlrlmei.la In loJe' llin eutcrniiii'tit'a d)iinm0lni laell)!lln lrin Attorney Mil lr of ln.llAiir.pol a laa clinrKO nf lln? r'M.cutloin l Inn i few will he Hied In ln.npniolU nud Iho othvra In 11 Anxrlea llnuiper la elated. "I kne Hint thn further lint nf. filra nf Hm (r.tirnlliin woro Inrentl tflfil thn niiirn rompleln would bo lla Tlodlratlon " lUiiilllinllniii Kilrnalvit fulled l'ies Bemrp ISDIANAI'Ol.m Ind., Kob. H. Tblity.tit rrrnu woro rrtxirlr.1 at nxio. Iilntrlrt Atlorm-y Miller aald: 'Toll la only nt.oiit half Iho immb'r llfthl, Ouiildrr don't licRln to M.leriUn.1 ll,0 rnmlflratlona of thta K'Bi.lraejr " Ho ilirlnrc.l it Improhnhlo that nil lon In.llrled would lm nrrcaled More tniimrrow iiIkIiI, Tho Hat of Ibow In.llri.d hero Inrludca: John l Jamea MiNamara, Tvlotmao, Clnry, McMniilcal and Munaoy. .Vo 'mi ArreaU t'nlle.1 1're fiervlro 8AS' I'llANCIHCO, Kob, H. No Ironwnrhrrn arreala nrn reported on I'ernnil, "NVilltTNIOItlilltKM, IH I'MAItOi: MAIIK IN tXHtKA. "ei'll Hint J,ilu, Tiikii Urwl Mf- In KlTiiri in Hlamp Out tlirl. JUiiliy Tii.-r,, u 1(, ,t nvetrI i't tlmrrli NRW Yoiik, ivi,. 1 1 - )r. Arthinr . iirnv ii ic,,.,t f t, rroabytcr in hoar,! of forelttn mUaloiiH, ban p no In Wiisliliiittoii in r'HMit to rtildeni Tuft ihATKfa recently ro wired rig,,, miKKiiinnrleH In Corfu out im1'1"1 ' "lulllK efforlH to Hlamp CbrUtinuiiy then, by InrtiirltiR ""lerla, (bIIK lnjHlon aclioola and '"erl.1(. ttu,, tho work of AH,r. illniinrl.., of mhoiu tlior nro "''!" aoomnMoo in Corf., ah Recount of ,(I Hituntlon fiir- i. ",' ''' n 'llonnry juat returned .! " L0r'a eharnrlltrl,.a nnnHltlnn. there "III" Hlmrt of bnrlmroua. 1I.LI. "Illio lrn i. .. .., ...... .. Cordcl '" " ul "l0, rt lack. ?Rt"1 "f ,llr4,cl I'hyalcnl nt- mt.. ? ,A,norlcnn. ovory poaalblo wa1 ' being employed, to nullify their eflnrla nnd to Induce them in kU up In di-spnlr mid return to tho United Hinti-a, liAIIIIMW'M IIKJIIIK Jt'Olll.lIK, IIIH I OII.SHIII, rilAIUHX I'l.tlliia 'Hint I'm I of 'It-alimony u,, Willi li Attorney Vn liiill.titl Wim Omitted I'i-iiiii Tn rlil, nnil the Own Onlim Muro prodm rd. i I'lli'il I icta Hirvi,. i.oh an(ii:i.i:h, Feb, u. Kri ' 1 lingers, Harrow' attorney, scored tho' . ... . '.ts'Lra: srs'iRATE woman depositors jKIMMEL MYSTERY GETS DEEPER AS TRIAL GOES ON; Wllne.. I l.ilin. lie K .MiinKniti Man, Wh Iiixitanii- I lleln;-' hn.il for, lllil l'tniimiiy 1'lulnu V. Ii-kmI Vlilllil I. Alllr HT. I.UUIH. IVI.. 14. Julm Hwlu l.c), n ftir.uer Uregoii convict, tvtt I lied In Ihtt 1'ilid liiiiirmiy trial of I'w rnao of (lenign A. Klniinel, bank rnh. ler, wlto l.ha boeu mhuluu for tlilr Ueu )rnn, Thu milt waa filed by thu irrvhcr (or n Mliv, Mich., bank PKitlmt nti Imiitunrit company In New 'Vnrk for flfl'ouo. Hwliiney aworu that ho mvr J A Johumiii murder the M-nl (Iitirun ICImmell whtln tint Utter I una aeeklliR hurled irenailn In Ore. ' Kon In lXW After Klmmer wna Inlli Hwlnnity tialined Hint he killed I Joliliaiin lo ante hla own life I Tim Inaiirnuro compnny la flKhtlni; . pn)menl of the policy on I lie Kriiiiinl Hint A J. White', rlnlm Hint lm la tho renl Klmmelt la I rue Whllit wn rt'lenard from prloiiri.cnmntlon vr Ire tin not decided to j nml went to Nile, release tho nren, which la Inrgely; Inat Keplemtier Where he wna nrreplcd na Klmmell by Miliiit renldeiita and repudlnted by oil. era , OltAVIM-ONCKHN' OK KIN'O AT HKItlOIH HITI'ATIOX I'nglWi .MoiiMnli Slne Tluit He lloN r:er)ll'tf Will lh AiUualrill Mini Jllin-m' Hlrlkr I're.ent.tl and Irtlnir I'srlWcil United I'roa Herrlco LONDON, I'eb. H. In tho open ing of parliament the king said that while the altuutlon wn serious, .caus ing him grave concern, lm hoped con dlllon would hwndjusted, tbo miner' strike prmcnlcd and general labor pnrlllcd. Ho sold Knglnnd wna rigid ly ndherlng to n policy of non-Inter ferenni In Cblneto affair, and ho hoped tho new republic would proro ntnble. Ho said Knglnnd wna prepar ed to aolic tho first opportunity to Join with ottier.powcr and mrdlnto In tho Turkn-ltallnn war, WOMAN ACCEPTS DY MAIL, BUT LETTER 6ETS LOST Took MUaUe KU Years lo Ihiuh Hie .Mini Who Hiul I'iiimimiI Hi Her, by Willi li Time. Ho Inul Almuly Mar ried, H llnd Kite MOUQANTOWN. W. Vn rob! 1 1. iiecauao of tbo auull-llko miuiuer In which Undo Ham lometlmcH do liver mall. Mm. James Wormier la not tbo wlfo of Cecil 0. Morris, both having married slnco that day, alx yeara ro, whu tbo present Mr. Wormser wrolo n letter from hor borne, which wns nt Hint tlmo nt Webctor spring, nnd accepted Iho Iiroposnl of Morrl. who rosldod at Rlvorvlllo. Tha Utter ' y trMallng SOU hiIIim, nml uln.ii a iiimiiy reached Morris It wn ton hit". Tim letter wim mulled In moo, a reached 1(1 v ervllln, Morris" former homo, twu da) tiller It wnii mailed, an tho tiat- 'miitk iiIiiiwii When. Hut litter haa been nil (lii'Kr )eiir nimiot ho ascer tained. I I In a previous iHtnr Morris had proponed in , woman, nml lint ml- lug letter inliliilni'il her arrcptnufn. ' HniimiiiK tli failure of Die woman! In nnawer win a rejeitlnn nf tiU ini. imnl, Morris martini another. The hiiiiiiiii lii'iiciim: ttmt lm limi (iimiKi'il j hla liilinl after receiving Iht wcep-i Intiio, nlnu mnrrhil ! Tint n-Kiilar iiiii'IIhk of Hut W. C. T II will lm IhOiI In tint Library Cluli room nt J i, in Tliurailny, I'l'tininry ilSHi DEMAND MONEY OF BANKER ........ . ""' ' '"innimiinreil l.la Intention not to aeek ni in nun loiiniiir of iLitik, iimlrtiothir term, lie la a republican, I'lnnll) Marili in Allmu'i lloiii(,t". In .lk.. 'Ili.-lr llnliii. I'llll (l(). IVIi l Cnreicvil wo Ilicii ilepoaltora of thu Wllmiii Avenint hunk, WIImiii ntimiit nud Knit lln M'tiiwood park, after waltliiK In tain fur lint ni.enrmiin of William A. Mt rt.n. .rel.lei.t and foiimter of tint I nk. who malrloualy illanpiumul on Tliurailny Inul, to appear II ere and .mi lla doora. marched tn tic Inn I ' nintit II Crlnk naalHtm' ti Mil mm nml i I'lauded tin money FILING ON LAND OPEN TO ENTRY It! Hll UK IIILMrMTKAII CI.AIMANTH TO TAKi: l.f KM OX TIIK wiXT siiik or ti'iTit Kiai. ATM l.KK Home laud thrown open for aettle meut by the government rnuacd a null of oilier to I lie iittlco of Coun t) Clerk Chnrlea It. Do I.up today In an effort to tnku up tbo ncrca. The tr.ml lie along tho weal aide of Upper Klnmnlh Like, aturtllig at Crater Lake National 1'nrk and run I i.Iiik aoulh. It I underatiMid that tbo. aw amp Ian. I, from its rignis lor recia matlou, but whnt effect this mny hnvo on tho people who are trlng to tnko the Innd could not bo lenrned today. Tho Innd run from towuablp 3C to townahlp 33. About (en fllluga were made today among them tlio rouowing lor mu acre each, In section IS, townahlp 34, range 0, ensl of thu Willamette me ridian: Forrester W. Looaley, Mnrahntt I., rerguaou, William H. I'llnud, William lleiuon Snrgent and Fred Hubert Nell. John .hidden Jr. HUM on 1C0 acre hi 133 !.. while Murk WIUou nud three other llle.l on ICO acres each near Odeoa. OLD MAN'S INDIAN SLAYER CON.ICTEDJF MURDER While Victim II ill on loused Until on Indian lleMnnllon, nnd I'ald Agent IiimciiiI of Itediimn, Itefusal In Whom Irfil to III AllMrk NOIITIS YAKIMA. Waali., Fob. 14. - Jim Johnson, an Indian, nccusod of Killing William l.usby, an old man living with bis wlfo on lenaed Innd on the.S'nklmiv reservation, boiuo months iigd, wna (onvlcted of murder lu the riToud degieo by Jury. Hot li l.uaby nnd bis wlfo wero ter ribly beaten by their assailant, tbo old man dylim nlinoat nt once, nnd .Mrs. l.uaby' life bolng despaired of for some tlmo. Tho murder was a particularly brutal, ono, tho l.uaby paying their rent to tho Indian attont, ns rciiulred, nud' refining, according o Mrs. Lusby's story, to rIto tho money to Johnson htmstdf. Tholr refusal wna tho bails for his attack. Mr. Jack Horton left this morn ing for Bonania. SLOUGH IS AFTER COUNTY OFFICE ! oi KCHOOL hLI'MUNTH.NDK.Vr Atl.WNHT I'KTKHHON, ROTH UK IMJ ItLI'iIIILICANH TIIEV AUK ONI.V ONKH OU1 YET W. H, HIoiirIi, ox-couuty aupcrlo lomluiil of iiclioola, lia announced lilliuulf n raiiJIdnto (or tlio republican nomination for that oRIco. Ho Is at pri'Hini In thu real oalatu bualncat. Mr. HIoukIi unco held tlio ofllco for willed lio it a cnndldato, and til terraa ia ti-iiclivr total a acoro or tnoro of ara. Tlio only other cnndldato for the poaltlou lo ilnto la Krvd I'eteraon, tbo iMiperlntvndcnt of Ilonnnta achoola, who l nlao a republlran. Bupcrln- iti'iidi'nt John (I. Hwan aomo llmo ilnce lOMiH MINT MAKK I'KACK on riiixmr. in-: hkmmkh Hii ii I'ninilxii I'ollcr Tlnil of Warring, Oolt.n.ika Aiming fVlcullal I'opu hill ami (ilie llltluuitiini to I lie SIiiiiI'IIjiiI Oriental HAN rilANCISCO. Feb, H. nWr ring C'hlneaii tonR hero havo been Kttcn an ultimatum by Chief of I'ollco While to alRii pen co artlclea or China town will ho blockaded. (ififtrtnrn lifturrmi Plil,e Wliltn Chine? Consul (Jcnernl 1.1 Yang Yow nud Secretary Wong Bam of tho Six ICnmpnulei, rcaulted In tho decision. Lender o tho Hop Ring, Suoy Sing mid lllp Blng tonga havo been notified Hint they must be prepared to present Iho pence articles to tbo Chlneso mcr. rlinnt orgnnUfttton. The artlclea muat bo In the posavs alon of thn chief of police by noon to dny. If they nro not, Chinatown will he entirely surrounded by pollco to keep foreign vlaltors and tourlats out. DAUGHTERS GATHER FOR THEIR ANNDAl MEETING l.etnlullonnrjr IH-M-emlanla Iourlng " flierulilc Hamlet, and Thtrc Are Tho CnnilliUle Out for the chief Olllco . Culled I'res Service LOS ANGKLKS. Feb. 13. Daugh ter of tho American Revolution are gathering for tbo opening of tho an mini meet hero tomorrow. Two randldnle aro out for tho re gency, Mr. I. N. Chapman of Ala meda, nnd Mrs. C. K. Urawn of Los Angoles. CROSS BILL OUT OF COURT FILES MOTION TO HTItlKK KLEMKNT IN. TltODl'CKI) UY UEKKNBK IN KH.VT VH. AIY Hl'gTAlNKD BV COUIIT When circuit court resumed Ita session .today after a few days recess II was to listen to tbo ,lauo of Kent va. Ady. Home tlmo ago Joseph 8. Kent, asslgnco of three claims against Ahoy Ady, eulored suit. The caio was i.ct, and on tho day for trial a de lny wna granted on defendant pa) lug lertnln costs Incurred. Next the do fondant tiled a cross bill In equity, which the plaintiff movod to 'atrlko from tbo court files, Iho utter party not wishing the case, totjo Into the equity division. This morning Judge llonry V, Ben sou listened to thu argument on the motion to strike, mid sustained It. From Mils tho defendant gave notice of appeal. Tho court orderod the law action to proceed, to which the de fendant entered formal objections. It wna contended, In substance, that the court ought to await the outcome of Iho appeal hoforo the law action be taken up, but tho court did not ace It that way. Thla la the aecond time within a few weoka that till procoduro baa barn followed In n cnno In the circuit court here. In tho cnao of Cantrall v. Carroll tho defendant filed a Croat hill and motion to atrlko It wan au Inlned, The defendant Rnvo notlco of niiponl to J ud (to Percy It. Kelly, which hn nlnce hcon taken, naklng that the aw action await tho appeal, but JudKo Kflly waa not ao Inclined. When ho ordered that tho trial proceed tho do fen no wanted tnoro tlmo, which tbo court wna willing to grant If (200 waa paid by Carroll for tho plaintiff's ox pernca In Retting ready for trial. Car roll' attorney, C. M. Onelll, aald Car roll wna financially ablo to pay but ft 00, but tho court would not mod ify It order, and Inaiated that tho trial ro on. Tlio defcnio wag unpre- paTcd to ro ahead, and Judgment waa riven to Cantrall. ANOTHER DYNAMITE CASE. 60ES ON AT ANGEL CITY Man Cliargrd With Complicity la At. lomiit lo AtMniao Hall of Krcords In lliat Ciljr Commence. Trial Be fore Judge Cabannis. United I'rear Service LOS ANOKLE8, Fob. 14. -Tho trial of A. U. Maple, charged with complicity In tho attempt to dyna mite tho Hall of Ilccords, started hero today, Judgo Cabannis presid ing. Tho second trial of Bert II. Connors, similarly enarged, waa set for April 18th. The first Connera Jury disagreed. OPERA HOUSE IS MYSTERY SCENE (it'KlUN l-nUELKM AI'IUKXCK IIY HOl'K, IIANDCl'FP AND MILK. CAN TIUCKM, AND WOMAN OAXCKH AND 8HOWH ItATH A fair audlcnco assembled last night at tbo Houston opera bouse to seu iiio moving pictures, rauuneuK dances and trained rats. Of the ro dents, advertised ns 48, a number were evidently not working last night, a only about a dozen were on the stage. Tbo woman also bos two trained gout. Some mjstlfjlng tricks In unloosing handcuffs and knots wero. done by Cluerlu, who also escapes from a large, locked inllkcan In a very puzzling manner. There will be n change or bill tonignt. AITI.K FIIKIGIIT ADVANCE 1'IT OFF UV AUTHORITIES The Interstate Coaunerte Coaasaiseioa Holds l'p I-roi-oscd Lift la Rate fur tarrying Frnlt From Oregon and Other Western State Prodacia It n. WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 14. Tho Interstate commerce commission has held up the general advance oa railroad rate for transporting apple from Oregon, Washington and other Western fruit districts, and ordered an investigation. The advance would ti.ivo become effective February It. EMPRESS WEEPS AS SHE DIDS PREMIER FAREWELL Chlneso lloyal Franale Haaaaa Taaaku MlnUtcr for Loyalty, and Roast I'rlnces of Trader Yeara for Oppos ing Abdication bulled Preas Bervtce PEKIN, Feb. 14 -The dowager em today granted Yuan Bhl Kal his last audlence: Weeping, she thanked Yuan for hla loyalty, declaring that bis statesmanship prevented the rebels from executing herself and the em peror. 8ho condemned the younger princes for opposing the abdication. Yuan arsured her that the Imperial elan would bo shown every courtesy. MORGAN'S ART OUTLAY IB now over loe.eee.eoo Nr?W YORK, Feb. 14. The reeent announcement that J. Plerpont Mor gan would .bring a portion of hla art colleottqn from London to New York, baa led to 'the discovery that the financier haa Invested a suaa sstlsut- ROOSEVELT'S IDEAS IN KEYNOTE SOON cd at moro than 1100,000,000 In art trcaaures. These aro said to consist not only of paintings, statuary and Jowcls, but of collections of wide ran go and enormous value, of ceres mica, porcelain, bronzes, reliquaries and antiquities of almost every form and conception, of every ago of bar barism and civilization. Morgan's London collections aro es timated at more than 120,000.000 value; his New York art trcaaures ljilly twice as high. Paintings and art objects lent to museums swell tbo es timated fund by $10,000,000, while an equal sum, It Is believed, la not an excessive cstlmato of tho value of art objects he has given away. Many hundreds of minor objects, each costing from hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars, are aald to com pos the bulkf the collection value. COAL HTItlKK PROBABLE OVER WAGE DISAGREEMENT LONDON. Feb. 14. The Miners' Federation met hero and considered tbo operators' refusal to grant the minimum wage scale. It Is believed a general strike March 1st Is Inevit able ) ARIZONA NOW STATE BY PRESIDENT'S UTTERANCES Moving rictarrs Takea of Ccrrraoay of TaK IndiUag Naaw oa Docasseat ad He Makes the Pea Used a Prsa. mt to Hitchcock Called Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 14.- President Taft signed the Arlsoaa statehood proclamation this morning. and moving pictures were takes of the ceremony. President Taft gave Sec retary Hitchcock the gold pen with which ho signed the document. New Governor Take Oflk - I'nltrd Press Service " PHOENIX. Arli.. Feb. 14. Gover nor Hunt waa 'simply Inaugurated as governor of the forty-eighth state at noon, fifty years from the day Jeffer son Davis mado his proclamation ad mitting Arizona to tho Confederacy. Hunt, who began bis career thirty years ago as waiter In a restaurant here, walked to the Capitol.' A great celebration tonight Is planned. Sloan Goes to Federal Reach mini rrrsa rtorntw WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 14. Tho White House haa announced that retiring Governor Sloan will be named I as federal Judgo In Arizona. Taft wired Slean: v " " "I congratulate the people of tho newest commonwealth upon the real ization of their long cherished ambi tion. My best wishes to retiring and Incoming offlclals." AHMOl'R FIRM LOST MONEY, IS ACCOUNTANTS STORY CHICAGO, Feb. 14 Contending that the Armour Company lost money on the sale of dressed meats because Its soiling agents were unable to keep the prices up to ".request eosts," Ber nard Rammer, Armour'a expert ac countant, Identified hundreds of "cost sheets" In the packers' trial. These showed the selling prlco Invariably be low the cost price. The government Is seeking to show that the cost prices nro Inflated. FAST TRAIN JUMPS TRACK, GOES OVEJUMBANKKEIIT lilts Broken Rail With Resale That Fireman la Injured and Doaea Pas sengers Unused Up, Bat Noae Seri ously, to Report United Press Service DEVILS LAKE, N. D., Feb. 14. The Oriental limited, the (treat North. ern'a eraek coast train, hit a broken rail east of Doyou last night, jumped the track and went over an embank nient, The fireman waa Injured, and a doien passengers were reported hurt, none of them seriously. Bert Doaa Is In town today from Yonna Valley. , TAFPS STATE PLACE CHOSEN FOR UTTERANCE OP MX. PRESIDENT'S SENTDfENTd IN CASE HE BE PARTY NOMDIMi FOR PRESIDENCY United Press Service NEW YORK, Feb. 14. RooseTSlf keynote, a definition of repaklleaa progresslveness and the andean of a platform whereon lie will seek taa presidency if nominated, will Dj sounded at Columbus, Okie, Beat Wednesday. Progressive leaders am nounced this today. Roosevelt's Colnmbus speech will not announce his presidential caad! dacy, but will outline the principles the republican candidate must Is dorse. Governor Johnson, et-wtato Senator Flynn of Pittsburg, Coloaet Nclaon, the Kansas City editor, aai Oscar Straus visited Roosevelt today. Colonel Collier of Baa Diego waa asked what the Roosevelt platform la. Ho replied: "It will be satisfactory to most pro gressives, but will got asset the ap proval of the radicals." Joaasoa Not Pledged to ' NEW YORK. Feb. 14. Cafeael Roosevelt "Teddy" Janlor, Netoea, Johnson and Flynn luacued together it the National Arts Club. Nena weald talk for publication. It, to learned that Johnson Is not yet committed to nopportlag the Colonel. BsaHaJaa that La Follette caaaot toad tkj aaM. ed progressive support, Johaaea de mands that Roosevelt take the posi tive progressive posltlonOUeTwlaje he feels that be caaaot ladorae tho Colonel's candidacy. GIVES BRIDE RHINO TAIL, WHICH INDUCE SCREAM Snaky Object Donated by Roosevelt to Yotaag Woasaa Takes Her by Sarprlse, Bat Wbat to Mat NataralT WASHINGTON, D. C, Fsb. 14. Opening a package containing a wed ding present from Theodore Roose velt to her, Mrs. Walter Howe, leader of the younger society set here. screamed hysterically and dropped R to the floor, It haa been leaned. A black, snaky object rolled oat. It waa a rhinoceros' tall, part of a prize won by "Bwanno Tumbo" la a great Jungle battle oa hla Afrleaa trip, ' After recovering irons ner rngav, aim. Howe said she waa much pleaasd with tbo gift. Just the same, the bride called the butler, who picked It ap gingerly and sequestered it Mrs. Howe was Mary Carlisle. News of the Roosevelt gift was suppressed until Just recently. DOROTHY ARNOLD CLUE PROVES TO BOB FALSE AGAIN Mlasing New York Girl I by Police of Qaaker CHy oa Tap Which Proves to Be Mlilssdtng, and Does Not Reveal Yoaag lady PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 14. After montha pf apparnet Inactivity, the mysterious disappearance of Mkw Dorothy Arnold, the beautiful daugh ter of Francis R. Arnold, millionaire Importer of New York, became a sub ject of police Investigation by the au thorities, who exploded the ateet clue. , Information waa received by Super intendent of Police Taylor that the young woman waa In a house In North Warnock street, but. as la hundreds of other Instances the Information proved Incorrect. Taylor, as soon as he got the "tip," sent two city hall detectives to the place. They found the young woa said to bo Miss Arnold did sot the least resemblance to her.. MONEY TRUST PROBE Ml . ASSURED, OUMMTJIa SATO United Press Berries WASHINGTON. D. C., Feb. 14. Senator Cummins, member of tho sea ate Interstate commerce oommlt.ee. declared that the eomssltteo will preheaslvaly laveetifate uo f-.