Bht fUrniim Befalo. HUITIJKO H THR KVBNINO NBWITi VMTKIi mvm NKWS IKRVIC PRINT TIIR CWS. HOT rTR ORY Hlilli Vcnr N. lit' KLAMATH PALLH, OIIKGON, Tl'KMHAY, FEBRUARY III, 10IS FIGHTER JOHNSON SMUGGLER, CHARGE NECKLAGE IS SEIZED HVi lAMOXIIH WORTH a,imni i in ni ix noMi:oKeoi-tVlir l(f ii,,, (:iinli.r t (i,i.r,l., lllli:i M IIAITHIl IIV t.T8TOMt,n llt of the school of tint county, lr llm purpoan of IntiTi'ntliiK llm nlii. IIITUMI- lents In iicrlriiHiitnl wurk iin.l llm istnto. movement for inhibits nl Hut I'nlK't I'km HcmIcu county nn, alnle fair rrntii tlm school I'llU'AHO. ,vl'' 13. Hwrrl ar- children, ?hhii inll"l Jack Johnson's home' Tim preacnl ultlrrri iif Km. IxmuIit ttnl rli'd a li.OUO dlnmoud iiecktnc lult nro (I A Krniino, pri-nldcol ahlcli It I" llmrti'il Wo negro puRlim uuuMled limn 1'iirupu Into IliU country Tin irpurliil Information U Hint K Jiilmxiii mlfrim It Im mum py IIJ.oou in iliuy mM pennlHe. NIUMI IIIHII'OX IIW1HIII , TtM.-Niiivi:.TXKiiiiTiiii: Man llep"iU I'"' of Healer During Ci.lil sn.i', Taker Hating 1'anl I'rr. lautl'ui of Iti'tiioilnu l-'lro TtiTi'v fP'in IWfurr 'ilT)lnit II Amm)T CAN1os O. IVIi Iti ilnr ' tlm In n ii U tluo iililmn MimiiK 13. who -TliU U lniTVl' irt "llm liionml arn llirri Jnluuun rvpoflnl t" tlm l"'! Urn wIhik Im m nt work omn on rnli-rril lilt liiiuim nml itnlo til intf Ii1Im Itm llmritiiuiiiftur wbi rfK, Iitirlni: liut irru nl lo llio imnih-.. Tim ropon .UMr from lonriiliiic Hint llm nm ' '"'" '' ' ". '"" " ! Iij llrl U.n rriuiitnl from llm or.l,'" "n- '"' fpWii-. Hint Im nml k-foro llm llirft tlm pollro wrrn nn- l,,",,, "',' "'1 ,,f '' ,-1' " " .H.I,".. --I-.' . ... ikl, tn uMniti nny rlimi. llflJN! BLOWS BRAINS OUT IN COUNTRY STORE MM llrfil IUtii t'olwUnit'il Ktimi llnio slnio Itr-lnic l'll'l (or Cur rjInK CoiiK'ul.-,! Wrt)xna llnil 'r-J ilil (inn SiruiiK Arouml III Xrrk Mil. I Oro., Kelt. 13, With III lfnln Mn ii out tiBil n ravolvvr t tti tiili llnrr Tilpli'tl wiw fun ml Ii bl ttutn in Wliiur, liloti tnlli-M ttorn hero m Ktnn Clo'k, Inmli It; Ii In'llrncit to linvo tx-rli tlm rnilo. It hm In on know ii for uiiun limn ltt Tllcll mliiit m tiiilinlnnnil, oil Im liml liroii rnplilly urowlng ori ,i n rniilt of n noUtitior hocil tint Ut uprliii; Im wn nrrotoil nl flncii for riirrliiK roncrnlwl wvn oni. Bliico Hull Im linn worn III r volifr by n l.olt nrouml lilt nrck. Il k 15 ioim old. nml liml ipont iiot nf hit I If., in jAckion county, llo Iiu n lirnllmr In Jonephlmi munty, AIiIiciiikIi tlm rlrcumalnnron point tMitlinlu.y lu.wilrlilp, Ooronor Kl Io lll (irolmlih romtiirl mi In 'i'il, ki liml nolnlitiorlinoil bltlor ii'M limy tint rlpon Into un nrcmnttnn ''I inutit'r Hiiro riiiurni to Tnlin (ImIH'U W, I), poll,, tt, , rollllCCtlM with Im Clilro Ciintiriicllan rompnny of C'fo. It In dm rity HtrnlRlitPiitnK P " ffar" f llm rompnny propnrn ,0,)r ,n ''" r ivnl of tholr outfit nml mthlnfry tmtd In llio liulMlnR of 'be ierr ylnm. BOOSTERS CLUB'S SCHEME TO HELP "ttIMHM..To I'laS'NKI), AND KTKMio.v IK to CO.OlKHATK WITH I III! (IIA.MIIKU W COM. MKIM'K -j"18 flulK ""'n1. uonlor club will ,.,' nu,0""K nt H o'clock thU evon. tlm llulitwln Hotel. Tho boon- ZJ!l ,,lch 'el" nniong Itn !wrthlp n Inmu number' of high y"01 J"ci.tB,wn oriRiiUod Utt ifi.. ?i n" '"'Jo'irninont wu Ukon "f the cl(n r HCh00)i du, t0 Uie of numbar of th. .mbM 'from tint city, Imno Ihmim'h nut In 'i.ll.i. i ..r il... ........, lHM I I'Him 'l III' flllllll Tim nnetlnt: InnlKlit will Imi ii rntri or riniKNiiltiilliiii, unit In iiililltlnii to it number of lniMirlnii( mutter to be iiiikIiIiti'iI, iv lommlltoo lii in Im iii. Iinllili'it III nrriiliilmiiv Horreliirv fill. """'" .npnniiey, socmary PULLS TRIGGER WITH FOOT BULLET WOUNDS FLESH ,., , ,. ltlvm Mf ,Nnl,.. tlon fur Keiniitl llnm Wllliln Cim. pl of MimiIIk, nml 'M' la ltrxii nl In Nln'rlfT of t'oiinl) OIICOON I'lTV, Kcili. 13. -rirltii! Kim will) liU foot, William INjiimi), fnrmvr of Cotuoril lint tilmcf hi Hm lioml Tlio liilllol Klniictil, lie nirtliiu only n ftmli woiinit Con my linn Imon ilrHiii(iciit for rntcrnl mmitlii, nml otMitit to riotitlu hkii trli'il to kill lilniiclf llo irnriirrl n ::-rilllicr rlfln .nut !"""' Rn" rr, ' '" '' "'i I Mit. CouttnMo Wllllntn Hull n- Mflii tlm ntt'mitrl 'ulrliln to Hlmr. !l.1 MnM. BATES LECTURES ON GOOD ROADS IM i:iiit I.MIKST. rio.v, Olt.K, AMI VISl'AU Or' ItCXKI'ITS TO AM'iti'i: iiv iiirrrintiMi mi: IIKIIIW.WS I'lillln H. llAlca. pu'uUtlmr of llio I'.irlflc Xorlliwi'tt, nml apoclnl Ouuoiil loprraoutntltu o tlm coo I romlt till en (.1 tlm Uultott SUIva lU'pjrtmin: of nurlctilluri'. niiprnreil 'it lluiiaton'') oporit liouao Inal iiIkIiI In n lortunl on isoinl roiula. Tlm uvi'iu tin I lnoii ur- i an toil liy Juilitn William H. Wonlcn, i ml tlm lounty rmirl, nml m Intrrtat- vil iiuitlrnru Kntlioriil to llaU'ii lo wtiiit Mr. Huti-a liml to any ami to too llm Waiinl mnnlfoalnllon of lienor ment of romU nml artnory tlinl roulil In rrnrhnl by romln In vlimn on Inn torn lliti' which Mr Hntr iroontoil. .Mr. llnil' tine not pruliml, In hi loctiito. to tvlt poopln whnt to uao to iimko koo'I romU of, or wlmlhcr n- phnll, Mcholion pnviMiii'nt, rrcoiolinl block, miicnilnm, lillulllblr or Krnno- lltlilp ihoulil bo tho ort of rnnd liulll. llo iirRiion for thn Initnllntlnn of kooiI romln on I ho Krnuml of inn Icrlnl profit ttml In to bo rrnpoil from lliolr calnbltahmcnt. California hn rntillnllicil hor won- iHrful rlluinto until l.o AnKdr I by fnr tho grcatcd lonrlat point, nil thltiR comlilorcil, In tho Unltcil Hlntof. 8ho linn not llio womlnrful cntc beauties of OrcRnn, but hn worked to the utmost whnt bio iIom poes In tho wny of nnturnl nd vmilnnea. Mr. llnlc t'HtlmMe Hint with l.o AiiRelc ImvlnR 10,000 tour lulu n dny spcmllnR B per dny ench, tlin nninunt of money left In I.o An Rolrn Is ffl.000.000 per month from niirh Irnvelor. if Orpunii hml Iho necensnry romln to make trnrel ensy lo her wento mm- nu nim wniiM uof n slinro Of till trnfflc, nml n Inrgo shnre, nt thnt, uriiti tho conslnnt freo flow of money thnt II brings, Recording to Mr. nnlcn. Ho rhowed on Iho scrcon pictures or rniuin in OrPBon. beforo snil nflor tholr Improvement, pictures of Crater l.nko, views about Bend nd In Vol- lowstono Nntlonnl ram, wncro in, 000,000 has boon apont for good Hi in order to attract trftvolers rind onnblo Ihem to readily vlow the grim denr of that preserve. He.uottd the enormous oenen tnai jliiiirUt lniv.'l In Oregon would Im lol llm farmer, iik Iiu would net about 00 'per ii'iit of llm money hm-ii t for hl lui'iil, pioduco egg mill oilier pro. vlalunn llinl nto necessary In tlm trnv- ellng unit slntltinnry public alike. wootmow wii.ho.vh iowa nimiiiiM will akhi'miim: In IH Mnliim Mnrtli I for l'iirHo of Hon. ling I'ii'-IiIiiiIIjiI rH' In "f ('titi-niur f .Vi'tt Jeraey mill r. I'rlmrloii I'rofea.or IIIIH MOINI'H, town, Feb IS To offfcl llm work of tlm Clnrk boomer Itm ii linrlccru of Womlrow Wilson it III Imlit ii "lain iiiiimm convention hero Miireh I. to In r plnfm to rapture tin nl ii to delegation to tin llnlllmorn (invention for llm Now Joraey goc ernor. Tin- mil for :- (oi itntlnn will bo Issued toilny, mid will Im signed ly Jerry II. Hulllvnn of l Mnlno, Judge Vnn 'nr.'tirn of Sioux (,'lty, W II lloliti nml ''hosier nml Hart llronoiiM of H-nrT. Vnli'iitlim f-n Von will inwt tlomnrit priilo nml lmvi n kooiI tlm', If you ko to llio Vnli'iillnn Trn In Im Rlrrn dy t Ito Wo-mi-n'ii (lullit of Ilia Kplroinl rlmrcli In tlm IOOP Trmplp, Krlilny nf. irrnoon, from : so mi I no i:.t STORTHORN COWS FOR WEED RANCH TWO t'AIIMIAUH Or' QI?AI lU'l'KHH I.MI1UITKII TO HILMOX hTIUli: liAIIIV (JIAI.IT1I OF MUtM rtonntor Abnrr Wit-d. who owna i Uurt of SS.OOO ncrot on Iho upror lake, lies ordered two carload of liorthoiu inllcb cow, which nnt now on Iht'lr wny to hi Klamath county rnnch. Tlieao cows wero (urnlshvd by W M. Cnrrulher of 8n Krnn claco. ami were shipped from Hum holilt ninntv bv nirnmer lo Bnn Fran- 'rlaco rmiii the Hay City they were sblpp-l by rail to Mr Wctil's ranch nt Wvd, where nller IioIiik rUpii n teal, tliey were nRaln loadrd onto the car nml shipped lo Chlloquln. Till la Hm flrat move to convert the northern pnrt of the lounty Into a rich dairy aertlon, It hn Ioiir been reeoRnlieil that Iho Wood nml Wit tlamton river vnllcj wero Idenl for .inlrv iiiirnoar. nml Ihrro can tie no iiieatlon ns to the iicceitfnl outcome of Mr Weed' experiment. 1 no Rrcat er portion of Mr. We'd' land on the upper lake U what I known ns mnrn Innd. nml ho tin already expended Inr:e sum of money In dkliiR nnd reclMmliiR It. Already nbout 10.000 nrro bavo been reclulliud. nnd fur- nlali n InrRo nmount of Rras for feed. Ii l tinted Hint there will be ev- crnt more carlond of dairy and breed- Iiir stock brotiRhl Into K I am n III roun- iv ih la Rtirlne. ns n number of smnil fnrincrs nml dnlry men In oihr parts of Hie county nro roIiir In toRether and coinlilu llielr orders, so as to snvc on tho frelRht clinrRes. BANQUET GIVEN IN NEW HOSTLERY UMIIKM' MAIi.mXr Cl.l'll IIIVKH KXTKHTAIXMKXT IXHl IIKXHT OK TIIKIII III'HIIAMIH AMI OTII Kit MKX IIONAXXA, Feb. 13. A hlR celo brutlon wns held hero last evening when tho Idle' MiiRnilno Club on tertnlned their liiisbnnds nnd Rontlo men frlonds. A bnmiuet wns Riven nt il. niu HiirliiE Hotel, nnd It was n sort of formal opening of tho now hotel, which Is to ho publicly dedicat ed next Raturday night. n'u-Piitv.foiir collides onloyed tho pleasures of tho evening, which con sisted, among other tnings, or a son nr Bonnrnnhlcal and geological con test. A question box was used and prlxrs nwnrdod, tho nrst prise going to Karl HamnVer, nnd I. O. Hor.n re ceiving tho booby prise. Vnlontlne decorations wero used, and mo wans of tho big recoptlon hall wero covored with hearts aud other appropriate decorations, OLD PARTIES IN BAD WITH CARR I'HOIIIIIITIO.V I'ltOHI'I.VTK MAKKH VKJOIIOIH AIIIHIIMM AfiAIXHT i.NTi:Mi,i;itANi;i', aiao iomt H'Ali IIAMIH At tlm toiiiily court liouao Isst ulRlit tho old parties Rot a flaying, nml no doiilit that's tlm reason poli tics nro to quiet today. Old parties iiium naturally feci nslmined of thorn- suite when sumo one comes nlong nml In kiii a deep and heavy fall out of 'cm. Tho occasion was the prohibition mcetltiK held at which tho principal spraki-r of tho cvcnliiK was OeorRo I.. Cnrr, secretary of tho "OreRon Out- lo.WIn" prohibition movement. For nu hour ntnl a half Mr, Csrr waded Into hi subject, mauling rum for all It wns worth nnd using n few surplus whncks for thu humiliation of repub lican and democrats. Ho Indicate II at nil thu ol I parlies were after wm I Iiu offices nml tho gain therefrom In n flnnticln! sense, and that tho demo cratic party's principal aim at this time was to Rrt back Into tbo office. In short, he contended thnt tho re publican parly was out of principles and Hm democratic party was out. Prior to thn speech of Mr, Csrr Cap- lain O. A. Slearns Hindu a talk. This afternoon at 2;30 o'clock a county convention will bo held at Library hall, under the direction of Field Secretary Cnrr for tho purpose of cffcctlnR a- county orcanliatlon for tlm trouncing of traffic In tamarack, It I proposed lo take up tho question of delegates to tho stato convention, nnd election of officers. 'Captain Stearns will talk on "The' Necessi ties of Our Party." vhlle tho chief speech will be mad by Mr. Carr. To- nlsht at tho court houta thera will Imi another temperance meeting. GOWAN COMES OUT FOR JUSTICE IIKI'UII.HW.V KX-HIIKItll-T ArTEIt OITK'K IIIXIl 11' GltAVKS fOI.ITHH gtlKT KKW MKX TIOXS KOII MAYOH K. W. tiowen, ex-sherlff of Klam ath county, nnd a well known resi dent, bus come out for tbo republican iiomlnntlou for Juitlco of tho peace npnliut W. 11. Slinw, the attorney. Ills Announcement appears In the ad- ertlalng columns of the Herald to day. So far there tins been no dem ocratic nsplruiit to come, to the front nnd declare himself as willing to Until' for tho Job. Charles Grave, demo cratic Incumbent, has not decided on his course, nnd until ho does It Is hardly likely Hint any follower of the root tor party will comb out. The suspicion exlats Hint many persons who nro anxious to Ret office are de terred by wIshlttR lo ascertain (to their own satisfaction, at least) whether they can b elected. It's terribly quiet In polities', and hardly n leaf Is stirring openly, that I. Tho usual amount of gum shoe work Is roIiir on. No open, avowed covetera of tho official shoes of Mayor Fred T. Sanderson have aa yet be come known. It Is dollars to dough nuts, or slmoleons to sinkers, aa the tuvlsed version has It, that Mayor Fred T, Sanderson will make the rnce ns a democrat, according to the prediction freely expressed In some qunrtors. Mention has boon made of William T. Bhlve, democrat; Councilman M. (1, WllkliiH, democrat; Councilman O. V. White, republican; City Recorder F. T. Nicholas, democrat, and Frank Ira White, republican, for the mayor- ally. Nono of theno gentlemen has on yet decided Hint ho care enough for Iho office to nnnounce nimsett ror it. H would bo poislble to mention aev eral hundred other Klamath Falls Kontlomen for the same oBce, It apace permitted. It, 0. Crowley, a well known re publican, haa como out for the nomi nation for county assessor, and will contest tor the office now held by Cap tain J. P. Leo, who la democrat, seeking another tern. XTKIIY MOIIM ON HTKKip) HOON, HAYH KOOII KXI'KHT llr. Wiley IsecUrr- Time, la lUpldlf Apiroaclilng When Working l'e de, lcrivrl of f.ffe Mran. Will Join In l'irlslng I'nltPd Press Bervlce WAflHINOTON, D. C, Feb. 11- t)r. Harvey Wiley, food expert, speak. Ing last nlghtt said: "Tho llnio Is rapidly approaching when wo will be facing mobs on the ntreots. "When working peoplo to depriv ed of tho means of subsistence, they will bo an uprising. "Kvcry day their position I becom ing worse." UXIO.VB llfHINKJW AGEXT IlllOrft C1.KAII KIIOM 1EW OMAHA, Neb.. Feb. 13. Mystery surrounds the sudden and anas- urunccd dli appearance of Frank K. I'syntcr, burlness agent of the Btruc lural Ironworkers' Union. Payntor, II Is atleged, closed his 'icine, sold Ids furnlturo and then left lor parts unknown. The Incident Jutt mine to Mi;ht, although bis landlord s-'iys Payntir has been gone for a vc-ek. WOMEN'S OINNER HIGHLY ENJOYED UKMK.K COIIKS KUXCTION FREE. I.V ATTKMIEII AMI EXCKLLEXT I'ltOORAM IH OKKHEII FOLLOW IXU FEED The Women's Relief corps, Bprague chapter, gavo a banquet and literary nnd musical program at I. O. O. F. hall Saturday nlgbt, which was well attended and enjoyable from every standpoint. The materials for use In the menu were furnished by the mem bers of the O. A. R., and compiled for consumption by tho women In the way that only they know bow to. The program following the dinner waa a follews: Piano solo, Mrs. Gregory; vocal solo, Dr. Gilbert; cornet solo, James Newnham; solo, Mr. Holne; quartet, Tenting on tho Old Camp Ground," Mcidame Gilbert and Seltx, Messrs. Ilelno and l.ldyard; vocal solo, Mrs. Martin; cornet duet. Messrs, Newn ham and Feeo; address, W. D. Del- cell; selection, Ideal Mandolin Orches tra, composed of Mesdames Sells and Murray, Messrs. Hayden and Murray; address, Andrew Klrschncr; vocal solo, Mr. Wilson; address, Caleb T. Oliver, secretary Klamath Chamber of Commerce. Christian Chnrrh Apron Sale The ladles of tho Christian church will conduct an apron sale In connec tion with their regular cooking sale Saturday, February 17th, consisting of ladles' and children's aprons, also pin aprens. At Kandy Kitchen. WILL ENTERTAIN EU6ENE BOOMERS TWO ltOZEX IN COMMERCIAL CLUB DELEGATION, WHICH IB TO UK HERE THURSDAY EVEN ING DINNER FLAN Thursday afternoon at 1:10 o'clock the two doxen boosters of the Eugene Commercial Club will arrive In Klam ath Falls and the Chamber of Com merco will entertain the vlsltora with a dollar dinner at the White Pelican In tho evening, everybody being In vited to attend the same. It Is de sired that aa many owners of autos aa can spare them make known the fact. In order that the delegates may bavo a chance to ride nbout the town a lit tle between train time and dark, It being planned to have the auto meet the men at the atatlon. Thty win leave the next morning, to that It will give them but alight chance for sight seeing. All those who can Mip give the comers an auto ride are alk ed to communicate with Secretary Caleb T. Oliver of the Cnamkor of Conmeree, TAFT WILL ATTACK ENEMY WITH VIGOR YOCXUKHT I'ltOFEIWOR IN CXIVKIWITY IH A WOMAN rllie'n fji-rman, From Hwltserland, and Haa Post of Natural Itillosoptir at Leipzig InaiitBtion ItepaUtlon for Cleverness ts Hera OENBAVA, Feb. 13 Frauleln Oer. trudo Wocker aged 33, of Berne, who Is stated to be tbo cleverest woman In Switzerland, has Just taken up Aer post as professor of natural philos ophy at the University of Lelpstg, Germany, having been specially called to the post by the German govern ment. Bho la the youngest accredited pro fessor at a university In all Germany, end tho only woman to hold auch a post. FIVE WORKERS ARE KILLED IN DAM PROJECT BLOW-UP Dynamite Explosion on FsAhs-Mer Project Near Caajar, Wyo., Glven aa Canse of Fatalities, Bat There's Another Version Ofered DENVER, Feb. 13. Five work men were killed In a dynamite explo sion at tho Pathfinder dam project, near Caspar, Wyo., according to word received here by the reclamation ser vice. Dispatches differ, saying the men were being carried by an aerial tram to the top of the dam, when the cable broke, precipitating the workmen In to the river, where all were drowned. Owing to tbo Inaccessibility to the scene of the accident, It la dlHtcult to get correct detail. FARMERS TO MEET WITHLOCALCLUB COMMERCIAL BODY WANTS THEM TO TALK THINGS OYER LET. TEH FROM UEET SUGAR MANC FACTCRER On Saturday at 3 o'clock, at the old banking room of the First Nation al bank, the Klamath Falls Commer cial Club will hold a meeting to which nro Invited all farmers Interested In need, augar beet or other problems of Interest to agriculture In this section. The club wants the grangers to be on hand to give suggestions and experi ences. The following letter received from President C. S. Morey of the Ores Western Sugar Company, Denver. Is of much local Interest: "Beg to acknowledge receipt of yours of the 88th, enclosing test of beets In your locality. It these beets wore not kept too long before they were analysed, the augar content cer tainly ranges very high; but Oregon Is a long waya from us, and It occurs to mo that augar companies nearer you would be more likely to be Inter ested In your locality than we are. Just at present we am making no plana for building any more factories. This matter of tariff reduction con front ua. and until that la aettled we do not feel like making any further Investments. If there Is anything your community could do In the way ot helping defeat the determined effort that Is being made by the cane augar manufacturers to have the tariff on sugar removed, that will benefit your locality and every other locality where augar beets can be raised more than anything else. "I ahould be glad to hear from you as to how crop are raised In your vicinity. Whether by Irrigation or natural rainfall. 'We ahall bo glad to bear your location tn mind, and when thla tariff matter la aettled. If It Is not nettled. If It la not aettled ad Tersely to beet sugar Interests, wo may be willing to send some one up to Investigate your location." Faro to Klamath Falls from Chi cago, March 1 to April 15. ISMS, and from other points In proportion. Put your Restern friends "on" to this. TIT FOR TAT POLICY PRESIDENT DECLARES TD TO CLEAR OZONE AND NEXT FOUR MONTHS WILL OR RID 09 LIES 'Tolled Press ServU WAflHINOTON, D. C, Feb. II. The time baa come to clear th polit ical atmosphere. In the nest fonr months we will get rid of tho Ilea, misrepresentation and bypocrhry," said President Taft today, retarat&g from New Tork. "Misrepresentation will be met dar ing the coming campaign. Dtmoetmto' confidence Is misplaced. It'a duo to w misunderstanding." He told friends he la not arologte- Ing for his administration, bat U meeting attack with attack. Thl to the future Taft policy. WIFE'S END GRIEVES MAN, WHO SHOOTS BELT FATALLY Seattle Hashnna. Deeply Over Death of Sponae, DecMeo U Close His Own Existence, So I Rnllet Throng. Tempi SKATTLB, Feb. 11 QrlevlBf over the death of his wife, and In irtor bcMtb, Edward Lelghtoa-akot kin self through the right temple, dyla utmost InstanUy. ERCHir OF COST OF UVM WILL IH FOR MfEHaf Rattle ApUnat Hi-. FHcnj WIU Have Cheap Potato Which to Ran for Stolo INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. IS ThO potato promises to play an Important part In Indiana polltlca during tko coming campaign. Samuel Lewis Shank, mayor of Indianapolis, and something more than n receptive can didate tor the republican nomination for governor, haa announced that ho would make bis campaign on a plat form In which the cheap potato plank would bo a big, broad section of his support. Likewise the turkey plank, the Chrlstmaa tree plank and other planks deatlng with tho' high coat of living, are to be called to the mayor's aid In his vote getting tours. STOP NIAGARA DEATHS IS AM OP CONG Representative Smith Proposes to Na tional Uvrnrnklng Body That L4t Saving Button Bo EatahUs-oi at Fauiona Eastern Resort WfiHINQTON, Feb. II. A plan to Niagara of her heavy death K'U was presented to congress by itpreentatlve Smith, demon at, ot New Tork, tn tho form ot a resolu tion providing tor the estabUakSaont of a lire saving station there. Smith pointed out that had a lire saving station been In operation when the Ice floe recently broke. Us persons who lost their lives wosld undoubtedly have been saved. MUCH INTEREST IN VAN MARTER REVIVAL MEETINGS AT ORACR CHURCH THEME FOR TO NIGHTS SERMON IS "DID OOD MAKE HELLT" Interest In the revival maoUass at tbs Grace Methodist Episcopal shank being conducted by Rsr. O. M. TnB Marter. Paclnc coast evangelist si tat Methodist conference of OMgoa, son ttnuea unabated, and tas drawing power ot tho aeries has keeoaa wsU established. The subjeet ot Us la Istsr Uls evening will bo "Wd Sod Mako Kant" J& j. v.V I ',iwj