" t'lhuanuwi: ,$ rfald. dllfl'MKII lir THM EVENING NatWSP. LftlTKIl WHW NKWW 1IWV1UK PRINT THE NEWS, NOT HISTORY aWa."-N" ''"TH KLAMATH KALI, OREGON, HATI'ltDAV, ''EIIHirAHY IM, IMS! pen inn mt 1AINTIFF WINS IN BANK VS. SWINDLER EAK MIL AMOUNT (MAIM" ",," AI.moni i ' Hill IIS l I" .""." ! HI' HIIA in ii tuii riiniii.K.MM 10 q Ito ti" skof K" InJlff mnl i' lin I'lral National Wanh., ts, Joahua f ho Jury nt 1)20 l, moi nl "e moit lite '" lllff 1"- illllrrvsl .(llia" TbJur 111. ilixMcil k tu a" ' llrrrd itf a IcmIk aiiJ J Tkc Uu:j 1th Ihp lis-'i ml In Kri jlnittliiK li solo ( I irr.1 tj a ''- ifK, Mill : dated a t - lank n'lnl I tkf hnrs lfJtuliK" (ciielrr (" , 11 (6fjr ilui' ' lf Ktlt 1(1 ! IDil V 1-fOflU On kttb lU biiiv I Plfll, wlll.ll I' ly for 100 a trued 11 veidlit for .kiiimiiiI naked by Hi' IllXtlltlinl Mirlll, If III")' N lulled II alngoof IniiiKM llUillitiim unit Hint tin liii nut culled during llm iiIkIiI ri'it for 11 nnlit It being 11 cltll ensn, lliiMi.fiintllin of lli Jiid wan mifilrlont to lirliiK 11 vonllit, lint iiliuiii llo hour 11I iirguumiit, pro mnl run, In Dm (tinnni'inoul or llm llllln corner riMiin nit tin, court rlinm. her brought nil llm Iwelm to mm wu of thinking. Mmnii Jiiluimiu nml Henderson tolil Attorney I J,-1. I.'lllotl, mIiii n nmnirliiln comiaol In tlio cmo Hint tin should tiotlf) tlnin nt lliu Wlillti I'ellmu I lot -t In nimi of n ver illrl, In order Hint thry iiiIkIiI l-n In tlm inornliiK for homo TliU wna mk sskid 1704.04 1 "' . i;;3 fit, mnl coats,' Cniiiisel for Swindler crii Nntniid fee n( $310, Cm no mnl Atloriiej Mrrr)liin (ori'iiinn wim H. r., " ,. in. timik m in- uiuiiniin'o tiiTii 111 Tin . .1 ...... .i.i 11 ,.,nini n .1 mi in in inn .1 of Minnie)' fx ...... ,,.,, .,., il rutin 1300. Ytm Kh RMlKKRh'""" "'" '""" '"' "irncllliK .i.ui Hin.ii.ir i.n.i" ulimo ,u UL U mnomBi,,,,,, .minmnllc. T,, r,u m , ,,, M at llm tltilii lut' k mnl a In llifK.i). I ii rn.lil.-til Will lb tlm iinioiint of hloik )ihi wUli (o nli. 'hiiIIiii to win t llm rormliiK of n roin jinny for tlm nilolliitloii of thin IiIi-ii "Tlm oIiJki or Kiln loniimny In In loiiiTftlii n Iiiihh ml riiinli nt'iir I'li'-t 'liiinl, wlii'tn In tnl tnn lm iMircliincil ilmiily To hi 11 ft wllli. hu will llllllll IlllOllt IOiiooii 1 din Cull mt will nvcnmi) liulvi. kltti tm n )imr. Tin- nklim will tell from in i-i-iiU for tlm mIMIm oiimt In It, ii'iilK I'liih for llm iure lilmk. S will IniM. hImiiiI 12,000,00(1 nkllitl jo mill, nt mi nvi'MKu of .10 cmU firli, tunkliiK our tuvi'iuni nliont 0,000 n ilny i;mh "A iiiiiii inn kln fifty iiiU n iln I In will tlmritn 2 ii itny for lit hlinr. It will liikx nliont 100 men to oirnto Itin murli; tlii'ri'fur''. tin rullt will lm iilmiit !i,K00 k ilny. "Wit will friil tlm mix on rnlit, nml will alnrt n rut mm h niljnlnlm; tin- int riiinli Tlm rnlit will tiiiillliily four llmiii nit fnnt lm tint riitn, nml, If wn itnrt wild 100,000 rnlii, w will Imvii four iiiIii n ilny for tnili ml whlrli, lliluk. will tm ii'iity "Wit will fcfil tin. rnt on rntii. nml I III turn will fr.il On. rnlH on llm nttlp iii mtraamti of tlm nil, tliun KltllR 1'iirli mt ono-fourtli of n nit "II W tin rM'tl llj Hii'Mt tlnnri'it COINCIDENCE ROMANCE OF Pi JOHN II. NAI'IKII, A Kl.tMATH y.W.XM ATTdltMCV, ' IX HAN IIIKOO AIHMT HAMK TIMK i. H. NAI'int TAKM iiiiidi: cm I'liti tmuk took wlmrli wnn ! iiiottiSnKit tin diiimii i nntit llm Lntik f 1701 01. Wlirii r iiotit nml nltnrli. Mt'irlll It wni iti nti iitlm nut wtlli HolnilliT nf atiout I llml lm liml iv runtrnrlii wlilt.t .ink li) lilt riiitnni. nrrn-illliil lit lila in itrnla li.; liml In Nrtnln lot dank llil. tlllil nlil Inl.T for II,- J l"J. Thotnnk riil'nril to Imvii liml ISfloqulri ' Ullr In llii"ipii I'd. lit, toil a'ao rMinn.l nrtrr In Imttt ttrlirJ i'. lalm i-nl from Mr, ItliiJIrr aril wf to llm irtt ny. A!lorn-- h lli'iiilcranii, for tlio Ink, tunirmlnl Mint wlirii tlio tlo lieilttl pin ir tit ciiln of tlio man nml lUlunl tn !;. kIh n n ijull rlnlut fc'M to tl,. i li una tlio rirat limf th I jnk i ml mi) kmiwlt'ileo llint Mladlfr ami -rii nilmlltttl Hint kj hl i,- . ; o in tile iioM'My. It Iwtin that iii. wfii. In mi imiIiVi tlli hail ti . iHM-n tirolmtnl wlnjn FalnJIrr tiBik . t, nml Hint llm fnrt f the ItinV 11..1 tittliii; n iiult ;lnlm M from Hi Mi,,.,, ( ,,,1,1 Dm Dti Irft it In .,. (, iioMllillllr of HlMli r a liMra m inm ln iii, flislit- ll for tin nimi ri'mnltiliiK In tlirm. I'friiiit I Jnliiiioii of tin 'iiV nn.l t .rimy lli'iiilttnuin tromlii in .in .in m.wtiiI tiumlri'il Wumli of luiiik t.ilm-rit, iliHialt allpx leitolhir tara,.h. rnnlln of tintikliiK, blih kiniM iiiim irnnaiirllnni with SMkr Bitiinliiii: in in Ixioka, The trial uaa uim of llm moat knot. J1 ""I !' I ii trltil In tlm lorul ean In maiiv n ilny, nml Hut wlnun fomt-ntloiia mpili in kiivk rlinuro lrtiry.lHlrnl. niturlni; my tint court "a jury Nut nt utter s o'clock lMtslsM.II.1 Winrney llriiiloraun fin l' l'l ten c. otli nint lutrrenllim Willi In Dm .ry I'ollowllIK lllU Jilo llinr) iiemmi, iiolivtrnl IiIh lri;ii In Hi,, !, nri,t,.r of tlm 'w, ntlil tlie, iiilrnl in tin. miiirlllv 'I 'he Jurj riiiiln In rntniintiv with n I'uokrm nml n lm iiiko full of inmrri " -Hina, ral.il.iti In tlm ratio. Unit. "TCIarinc. o M.,rKiin w,m In chnrttd ' "HI Juror., Willi Inalpilrlloix fr.ilil l Miirt iii K,. , , ,)H.k of wimj. ""fa nml amno ,of,,. ,HrnK l0 It.'ti. niilnnl.it nml lli'.:i- le.1 to lilt l.t t.f (lil.f Miiitllrnli of tin' .Villon "llllnil I'rni t1rlr I.OS'O IIC.U'll. I'nllf . IVh 10 John lla)a llmnmoml, tritlni; horn After a htlif trli'liitti tlif Mi'ilrau war mm, ilirlnr.it thai In hi opinion l'rttiliitit Tail will lm roiioinlimteil nml lO'olertiit In I lie pr'aMency "l r.llletttt aeeina In lm nut of II. ntnl ItiMitwIt aetina In linto iteclnril Hint lip will lint ho a camtMnto," ho mill. Mia mnl the rut will nit (lie cnta, nml we will Kit Hm aklna "AwnltliiK )our proini reply, wo h'K iii rt'iiinln, wry truly )oura. "Till: CJATIIAT COMPANY, "I'er II H llntnlr. I'rea " Tom Itlrlinrilmin wna In from lit tioiiii'atonil nn the nnrthalilo of ol'o Vnlle) toiy h.Mr;M.; ih (-haiku: A1AIBT IUIAT KXil.NKKIt rret.tl u Ho HH'M Aliorr nt Witli liiUtiin MolrttIU, III hnllrnwi I Hniiiliiril, nml rntiinl In CihiInIii tnoii nf l 'una nf Opium HKATTI.i:. Kelt 10 I'mtik Mnwni. ihlof ollKllieer of tlio atenllirr lm- ipiiila, pi) Inn hftwoon Henttlo ntnl Vnnrniivor. II (' wna arrmteil aa lm eloppfil nalinre chnrKtit wllh kiiihk ItllllK npluin. In n ailllrnati rnrrl.tl tttr Ml.i.ni were foiiml i.3 flvo'tnol Hint of oi!i:iii, vnlucil nt 11,500. (letirK" K, llMillinrk of the Mllller Milaln cnuipntiy la cnnflm'tl In hla home li)' lllncaa. CATRAT COMPANY. HAS ODD SCHEME wii.i. iiaisi: ri:i4Ni:s am no. ii:th am iiavi: a ntnmcf. IVi:. Ki:i.K.A4TIX. IIM'II'KII t'Ali AltllANdKMKXT A I'ortlmiil llrm with n iinliiie Ww of whnt I nlunhltt In nn uitvortlalu:t circular, lulla of It wnron In tho fol low Iiik' prentulile: "Ofiir Hlr Knnwlnit that m urn ulwnja Inlori'Kti'il In mnl opi'ii for au !noatinont In it kimuI, II vh Inutnoan propoalllon, I Inkn tlm llliorly of pro acntliiK to oii wlint aociu to tuo to .( nn oacnllont Imalnon propoaltlon, urn) In wh'lch, mi tlnulil, )im will I tko a llvuly IntoroHt. rioaao otlvUo mo Gel On Water Wagon With Van At m Meeting Tomorrow Afternoon CARR WILL SPEAK HERE NEXT WEEK MKKTIMiH MOXIl.tV AMI TI'KM lAV, WITH HtOI'ONITinX Til lllll.l) SrNHlOX Til MHLM (XIHX TV I'ltOIIIIIITlOV ItllllV lt (IttirKo I.. Cnrr of rortlaml, floltt aecrclur) for tlm OlfK'Ul "Olll to Win" imneiiient for prolilhttlini, wont to lloiinnrn to apeak t lit re Unlay for tlio inline. Ill) waa ainimpnilletl li) Caplaln O. A Kttiirna nf thla rlty. Tnimirrnw tlio two Kt'litlomen will ho at Merrill Tint nrUliml nnnoiinn- niont ri'orael tlioao itntea hut It wna foil ml Impractical to hnht tho meet- Iiik In that onlcr. Momlay ami Tina, ilny Itev Cnrr la to nppenr hero own- Iiikh In tint ritttrt liouao. On Turatlay there la to ho u liinaa mecllliK, nt which all lutoreateil In tho ran ho of toiiiperiuiro nro Imltoil to atloml, for tho purpoao of htlpliiR form a per miintut county nrniinlriitlnii, Thla will he al l.lhrary hall nt 2:30 p. in. W. H. llliinor at I. . O. I'. Hall In tho'l. O. O. I-', hall this ownliiK tint Woiuen'H Hellof Corpa of IhU city will Klto a itluner from ;.10 to S o'clock. Thorn will ho nn excellent meal Horo.l, ax only tint women know how to preaenl II, ami tlm liull intltnii nro for n liberal iatronnKo. THIS EVENING IS OPIE READ NIGHT WIII.I. UXtlWX AlTIIOIl AMI IH'M 4HIIHT TO AI'I'KAIl IN I.KCTUUK AT HOl'HTOX (ll'KIIA IHU'BK THIS KVKXIXU It la ii roliRlilnnro Hint In Hun Dlt'Ko, Cnllf., on Momlny laat a J. 8. Nn il cr hemnm a hrliliitrnom, ami that John II. Nnpler, thu local allnrnoy an'l law piirliioi of I'reil If. Mllla, waa lit Kan Dli'iio on tlm day follow Iiik. Nnpler am.) hlx wlfo, Mra, M, Nnpler, for tllvorcu kotua tlmo a no, ami the anil la atlll pcndlliR In tlio dri ult court heiv, Nnpler left n few weeks ni;o, nt which tliuo It waa aald ho liml Kline to Uia AnRtloa for till health. Hero's an Item from tht Ban DlfK" Hun of laat Woilmsday nMmt tho Nn- (iter. weilillm; In tho city which noa- llea nliuoat In tho aouthwciit corner of tlm United Htatos; "A pretty hlualilni; little Klrl who Iiiiiik her hen i modestly was tho prin cipal dctoratloii al n quiet weddlnK )eli rday afternoon In tho parlor of llm Now lintel Troy on Rlith atrfct, when aim wna married to J 8, Nnpler hy Juatlru Hoton llryan. Incidentally. It wna wedding No. 241 for tho Jul tlio, who hna nlrendy added the mat rlmnntal venture not hla own, how eter to his- Hat this month, "tlio brhlu'a iiumo waa Kfflo Wlso of Us AiikoIcs, and alio la 1! jears old, Tliu brldt'Kntom I 20 )ear old. mid, aceordliiK to hi itatement to J. T llntler. county clerk, who laaucd tho llrfniie, Is n revldent of Ban Diego and cmplo)cd by tho street car com pany. "Mrs, Napier arrived ou tho noon train, Napier obtained tho license, and thoy repaired to tho Holel Troy. Boon nftcr tho Justice raniv with hla lllblo. It. I.. I'almcr, tho hotel pro prietor, wnaaaked to wltnesa tho cere mony. " 'It looks llko an elopement,' whis pered tho Justice to tho wltneaa. '"It surely does' whispered tho witness to the Justice. Mr. and Mrs. Napier refused to see nny lsltora or to make any explana tion, keeping thcmaeloa to their room. Ills address In the city could not ho learned." FREE DELIVERY MAY BE POT OFF CM.KKS I'lTI.KXH til.T lll'HV AXII HKNKKIT TIIKMSKI.VI-M AXII NHUVIO: WOHKKI18 IIV MKCT IXO HrllllKMKXTH mod Is rnado known to thorn, will give mi Impetus to It fulfillment. Not only will peoplo bo nblo to get their mull sooner by u frco delivery hut It will relieve, tho local poatofflce of work Hint It Is not auppoaed to do when It la eligible to free delivery. Thu argument I that a poatofflce en titled to frco dollvery ahould have It. A great proportion of tho mall now handled In the office, would bo carried b) poatinoii, and tlioao who havo to call nt tho general delivery would not have to wait so long for their mall, Those who havo box mat I would not have to wait so long for theirs, either, Tho reason for this I that the mall tartjjrs would handle all tho mall for their stations, thus relieving thu box nnd general delivery clerk of being delayed In tlm assorting of the mass of letter nnd paper that would go through tho hand of the !tmn. Another point la that thcro would bo more available boxes, for a great many people who now have boxes would get their mall by carrlor. Aa It Is now, many peoplo with boxes let their friends and relative use them, which make ovcrat name for ono box In many Instances, and la con futing to the poatofflce clerks. RUSSELL, LEGATEE, IS BEING SOUGHT XMH'HVTKH CXIXJUItKII IX TAKIXO FltATEItXITV 8KATTM3. Fob. 10. Greek letter fraternities of Washington havo Just completed 'another Initiation without Injury to tho noophytes. Approxi mately ISO now fraternity men and sorority women nro now wearing plni of their order. NEUBANKS IS OF UNSOUND MND CtlUXTV COUIIT OIUIEIU COMMIT. TKII MAX WHO HAD KXAGOKR. ATKII IIIKAH OP WKAtVni AXII t;.MKUTAKIXG8 Tomorrow m moon Brfat iiiiish ln0tUnK IH l.o held ut llouaton' on r houne. ' i, iimllenriiawlll bo com- Llwed o ti, tiuitcal foiirrgtttloin of "' my nml dm nmny'cltlxoiia who I 'll o Intei, te, in lutonliig to Itev. ,- . miii Miiiier upon hi auhject, Va ' "r " "", Wl,u'r w"KOn WUh Thin la nut y u populor, but n S '"". Mr. Vnn mtiw, "" In tho iiiy, ,llB niroaTdy dotu """Kited (lint 11U ,8 poiftu p,t. form orator ranking latatt among the beit. A apodal Invitation la extended to hnoiL lighter, XII HOCIAMHT MIIMIIIKNT IIIH HKICIIHTAO Jl'ST VICT United rrcia1 Bervteo niillU.IN. Fob. 10. Ilorr flpalm, a Cnthollo contrnllst, defeated Atigitat Uohol, n auclftllat. for tho presidency of tho rolehstag, by ten majority, Dr. 1 W. GuimauliitJ. n famou Chl- crki) dhlno und educator, head of tho Armour Institute of Technology, su) of Oplo Head that ho "will take a nluen In American llternturu sldo by aide with Charles Dickons In ICiigllsu literature," Certain It I that smco ino an iioiinccmeiit that tho famou and rU- Iblti Htlrijng Oplo ha been, announced aa to nppenr nt Houston oporn iiuusu tonight, he Inquiry for Oplo Head' book In Klamath Fall ha becomo lively. Kverybody that read naa wanted to got hold of something of thu author' to oo how hi wrltln' will cotnparo wllh hi readln' tm evo- :iliiK' Uliaiieea aro that tonight tlo opora liiniBO will ho packed to tho "guu-iti'U." rnslmnttter CI) do llrandenhurs and his corps of nHMtstants In tho Klamath I'alls poitorflco nro still hopeful of gct- HiiK free doth cry, although tho seem ing Indifference of tho public toward tlm possibility of benefitting Itself In till direction would not Improsa the oidluiiry observer ns likely to havo much weight In bringing about the Improvement. When ho mado hU last visit horc I'ostofflco Inspector S, E. Meno of Itnaeburg, who Include thla station among those wlioso.work la under hi oDlrlnl eye, said Hint If tho matter was not decided by July It might have to go over another joar, until tho fol lowing July. In order to get an ap propriation nt Washington for the es tablishment of tho froo delivery sys tem It must ho done within a certain tlmo or It will not be taken up until the, next period for considering.. uch Items. t While It la true that tho city haa or dered street signs which have for snmo tlmo been In coune of eatab lUhment hy tho Mlloa Sign company In accordance with I ho contract en tered Into by It with tho city council, sign nro not al that la needed for tho delivery district, Poatmaatar llrnndonburK would llko to aee the houaoholder conform to the regul Hon aa to numbering their home and providing receptacle for tho placing of mall hy tho carrlor. It I neces sary that these thing be looked after In order for the city to be eligible for tho improvement. ' It may be that tho Coraaaerclal Club and Chamber of Cotaamee, If the Kdwln T. Ncubauka, declared In sane by tho county court, was taken jesterday morning to tho atato In sane asylum by A. Cameron and one other attendant for tho Institution. Deputy Sheriff John Q. Schallock made tho Information on which the stato of the man's mind waa Inquired Into. Hy occupation Ncubanka Is a carpenter, 35 year of age, and lived southwest of Wordcn. He had exag gerated Ideas of his wealth, and con tinually talked of a largo pumping plant, great buildings and such lm prowmirnla which he thought he waa able to and Intended to put on the farm. Neubankc la said to have soruo time ago had a lovo affair which re sulted unfortunately for him, which caused hi depression. Thli, together with his lonely modo of living, aro be lieved to have undermined bla brain. Dr. J. R. Taylor and George II. Mer- ryman made the examination of Neu- bans, tho result of which waa a declar ation of hi Insanity and an order by tho county court committing him. Neubanks ha two brother In thla vicinity. to Klamath county, acquiring a ranch near llonanta, later making her home with her brother on the Shook ranch Her laat day wcro spont at the homo of her daughter, Mr. Chaitaln, who, as well as the son, Itos Button, ur vlo. Mr. Button had tbo following hi others and slaters: John, David, William, Isaac, Mr. Hattlo l'arker of Ixs Angeles, Mr. Fannie Schumann, Cautcmata, Central America; Mrs. Adlo Iteuck, Dairy. The Interment I to be Ashland, and It Is probable that tho remain will leave tomorrow morning for that city. Twelvo workmen were killed and eight Injured In an explosion today at a Canadian Northern construction ramp near Kort William. SHELL imiML FORT JIT KAIPIIG FOR TEN HOURS Loyalist Commaadrr Ilrpotted to Have Kxerafed Xumbrr of Oflcera Accused of Coaspiring Willi ItebrU, and This Daring geife IN THIS CITY IN 1909 United Pre Service TIENTSIN, Feb. 10. Republican artillery shelled the imperial fortress at Kalplng for ten hour. It 1 re ported the garrison waa forced to surrender. Tho loyalist commander, durlngrthe bombardment executed a number of officer accuaed of conspir ing with rebel. MasKhsw Agree oat Title' Death United Pre Service WASHINGTON.. D. C, Feb. 10. State department dispatches aay the Manchu have agreed that the Imper ial title hall dlo with the emperor. Minister Calhoun report that Ynan baa accepted tho republican' ultima tum of an annuity, which will prob ably be given tho royaltle. Repub lican demand the transfer of the capital from Pekln to Nanking ItOVAITY VISITS FIXMMI HCKXK TO GIVE RELIEF United Pre Service MADRID, Feb. 10. The king and queen havo started to the scene of the flood in Southwestern Spain. Scores have perished, and thousand of acre wcro Inundated. King Alfonso plan personal supervision of the rescue work. HONOR REAMES WITH RECEPTION LOCAL ELKS WILL HOLD FUXC- TIOX TO MAKE THE LOCAL AXTLERED HERD ACQUAINTED WITH MKOKORD RULER .MOTHER AXD nilOTHKR OP MAN HIE IX SAME MOXTH LEAVIXO WILLH MAKIXO HIM SOLE LEUATEE Adclbert Iluasell, If he want 12000 left to him, better come to tbe front. He was, In tho summer of lv0, re siding In Klamath Falls, according to k letter written by Frank Bowman, attorney at Lowvllle, N. Y which la In the possession of Attorney J. 8. Kent, but of lato thoso trying to locato him have been unable to leant bis whereabout. It appear that a brother of tho missing man, Varans II. Russell, of name Corner, Lawlt county. New York, who died rec-ntly at Lowvllle, received a letter front Adelbert written from Klamath Fall In August, 1909, which I the last communication received from him. Tho mother, Mr. Normantha Rus sell, and tbo brother, Veranus, both died about June, 1911, leaving wills in which Adclbert was named sole legateo and devisee. Both estate, la the aggregate, amount to about f 2000 and ho I named as executor In the brother's will, which It Is desired to probate. Attorney Kent is endeavoring to go Into communication wtth.Rnaatll, and when he doe, and establishes hi Identity, he will put him onto the necessary legal move to get la touch with the mean left to him. . Bead Coaeett At the regular Sunday afteraooa concert the Klamath Falls Military band will tomorrow reader the follow ing pregram: March, "Regimental Pride" . . Heed Orerture.-Catlf of Bagdad," Boleldlea Selection, "Three Twin" . . .Hoechaa Cornet solo, "O, Dry Those Tears," By Mr. Hewnham Itlmo Waits Schwarts Selection, "Bohemian Qlrl". . . .Balfo National Anthem RICIIARIMOX NOT - OOMMUSIOXKX Unlted State Commissioner R. M. Ktchardion ha resigned from that office, his withdrawal having been handed In about a month ago. He llnds It Interferes with his work as a circuit court stenographer. Charles J. Ferguson of Kuykendall and Fer guson, ha been appointed to auc ceed him. SMITH'S AH8A1LAXT GOES BEFORE TRIAL TRIBUNAL DEATH CALLS TO MRS. SUTTON AGED RESIDENT OK KLAMATH FALlii PASES AWAY AT RE8I- HENCE OF DAUGHTER INTER MENT AT ASHLAND Mrs. Uarv J. Button passed away laat night about 9 o'clock at the home of her daughter and eon-ln-lnw, Mr. and Mrs. George Chastaln. 338 North Third street, after an extended ni ne. Bho had been sinking rapidly of. late, and tho relative and friends were, In a moaeure, prepared tor the outcome. Mrs. Sutton we born In Rlploy, lnd June 9, 1840, moving to Iowa in 1847 and to Oregon In 1864. The ahook faiuiiv.of which he was a mom- her, settled In Jacksonville, where In 1807 aho married James Sutton, first editor of the Jacksonville Post. Some years afterward tho Sutton moved in Ashland, where Mr. Sutton. In 1871 atarted the Tldtuga which (a atlll operated there. He died In 1878, and in tbe winter of 180 hla widow Clarenco Reanies, an attorney of Medford Ore., and nephew of Evan It.. Keames of this city, I In Klamath Fall on legal business. Mr. Reamea la exalted ruled of tho Medford Lodge of Elk, and owing to hi high posi tion in the order Klamath Falls Lodgo No 1947 will hold an Informal recep tion In hi honor tomorrow afternoon at a o'clock, at tho Elk' club room at Fourth street and Klamath avenue. TRUKEE. Feb. 10. The prelim inary hearing of Doyle for shooting Smith, editor of the Republican, was begun today. Eyo witnesses are be ing examined thla afternoon. The prosecution relic on Smith' ante- mortem statement that Doylo atarted the quarrel. LATIX-AMERICAXB NOT INVITED TO EXPOSITION United Preaa Service WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 10. Hy k vote of eight to two the senato committee on expoaltlon killed the Itaker resolution, aaklng President Taft to Invito participation by Latin American nation In tbe San Diego ex poaltlon In 1915. Mail From North Misses Connection At Weed And Fads To Arrive Here Mall was scarce last night because tho connection waa missed at Weed for pouchea coming south. Thus no mall from points north of Weed, In cluding the PaeiSo Northwest and oth er part from "which communication reaches here via that territory, landed hare. It enabled the clerks to get through last evening earlier than us uaa, but gave them lots of chance to explain the trouble. It will mean a heavier malllhan usual thla evening. Passenger from north of the well knows city which la named tor a low shrub always come lu hero at 8: IB p. m., for they travel south on the main line on No. 15, which does not reach Weed until alter the train due here at 4:10 has left there, the latter being the mall train. But mall from above Weed taake connection with, branch mall train, so tbe Impress! prevail locally that the mall from the north la carried on No. 11, which Is the Shasta limited, although that trala carries no' passengers save Pullman folk going all the way from the Rose City to the Golden Gate City. 't.. A. I