. Clrrull CmTl f H"0 "Into ( .I....HI. for llu. Comity of Klam. ()frt. '"r atti . Aiiirrlinn UK ' Trimt Com. J!5. CiriMirmion. I'lal.itlff, ml "' " ..... u...i..i,.i n. lord, wm ' "" frnilllll- Notice ! I.'f,,y ,vt'" ,,ml' liy 'r L uf an i.tiiiini, ... I" V .111. I ....lit I !( KMIIIII hUl)tl0'lllll" '"' ' t .!, 13th tny r Jnliunry. 1912, up. . .!,. nmiln niul fiilcrtnl of rn 1 1. 1.1.1 fniiMion llio 10th ilny uf J " ' ... . ... II... -I...W... lMJ ptnlnllB. llriilltiK ll.u ai.lonf """ ' .. I I li.irMlinM..r , nrciiiitri w"" w ' !-.. ll... ulna t-Mrifuif. ,kiUA, I" ",, "" ' "''" l, illtl I'd"' Vow, ihrtcfur.'. by virtue of audi ,,'cttlluii, ""l I" ril'lltico with ,M mil I l"uo '""' ,un ' "" , ' iMJ iiriill". ""in win. ii "i"' .. ike I Jtli uy f I'oliniiiry, I HI 3. '" . . . .1.... .Iu ..I .1... flttJiwruf thofoiiiity roilfl titiitan. , Kimiilli I'a '. Klmimlli County, L,oi). ..It at I'uulli- nurllun, to tlm unit lUntjiiMomculH arUlriK innlor ttil'InrnUIUuTn nnin iiuiir" ;i:,n,r0::,:; ' - u iGFRMAMY S COLD WAVE II I'roilllani m lio milil In auiminl i niuan of (lilt: l.uta ftvu (6), nli (fi), My..,, (7) puiil light (8), In Mock iilnclmm (IU), or nitiiiiii Aililltliiu to Out city of Miilintth I'nlli, ICIuiiiMIi romily (r Kotil nml I'mri-eils of inch aula to liu apiMtrcl lo Ihu imymont of lint principal mm of 1130 nm! Inliimt Ihurcnn, nl Hie mtii uf 10 ht unit per nun ii tn, rriim Kuliriuiry 10, mil; , llln f 36( Mlunm)!1 fii'i fur tlio mm' nf 110, Hip piopnrtliiiintn purl of Um mil a nml tllaliilNii'luiilitii nrlalm; iiiiiIit Ihti IS SEVERE IN NORTHWEST Mill in) (Jllili. iNmn In lllciliir Hlilc "f Cipher Mmk nml ILiltle Hii I I'niin mi no lo liilirfin- Willi Trurtlc lUIIII.IN, l-'i'l). . Tim Kreiit rulil WMVll t OIllttMII'H llllll In lllt aitVITll In Um um lliwtnt. Ilulnli-ln report it li'iiilifiiiliitixit -i ili'itncK below mm, In llvrllu nml vl( hilly tlm tinirriiry uruii.l rniia.i of nil, mut the ccru. '"' f" "" U,w "" ,s- Tl"' ,,"Ill,' ItiK (oU llintiiunilur; nml t.rii .Mm kli-ntM-rK mul It-iiiiiiirk 3 -Criimlio In ho aol.l M third U"w ov"r' '""' ,,,MI"'r ,rm'' ,"" imim of lull; iiwi-i'ii nnni'imiiiiiiHiiiii iijuHit, IIiim- l.otn II nml 1 In l.l..,b in .. u IM" '" '"" HIIHJn'liilnl. 'I Im rlr unci lulillllon lo Din rlly of Klntnntli I'iiII), Klnmntli iiiunly. Ori'Kiiii! mul 'Kllin In nllcit Midi heavy Id), mul Ihu ilnrmt iiiiii n hIiiiimi'ih urn luivliu: tltin- EFFIGY OF CHURCHILL CARRIED BY OPPONENTS IIU AiiIu, I'umIiik TfiruiiKli I'nliinUt Hiillmi, I l'r'iti'iitly Nliiic Uy .IniliiK Crouil (IrniiKu AulittUirn llm-riil I'roni 1'ni-k l'nir..n.l. uf mid. .nln In Im m'.i.l 'n,l,y '" "''' MiiinhurK in the imymi'iit uf Ihu prlnrliml mini ',l" "'""" "' riiliIi.o nru ituiipliiK uf 1100 mut Inlnriil tlinri'on nt tlm . wt ( ,u,,n "'" WHIi'iiwImW'ti U M ritlft uf 10 I'cr rent iit niniiiiii, f turn' """' li'Morkni nml Klflfunl In ii. IVtuunry II. Itilli fur thn mini uf """" I m IkiI t.I t. or cntniiKu In ihu 5 ntliiriinyi fcr.l fur Ihu mini nl , lrKi'l Vimi.'U I ttilliiil l'o4 Hcrvlc IICI.KAHT, IVIi, U, TI.Ih mornltiR In iruwil oiiuIuk Iikiiio rulo parnded, inroliiK an illlny uf Wlimlun Church' III no a iulu. ICn ruutu to tlio park ('IninlilH'ii unto pinned tint unlonliit M'rtluu uf Ihu illy. CrowiU fre'iui'tiU ly Htuppul thu enr, JierliiK nml hoot In k. Thu pulliu were cumpcllvd to rluirKu repeiittilly to cxtrlrnlu thu car. Tliirn una mi vlulcncu, Thu pullco rc fuaeil n peruill to Ormiiiu nxltator to mitiT Oltlc pnrk, wliero Churchill nml Ki'diiiuuil apoku. i ,k0l biiWfr furcMli, nil thotliiht, $0i ih pmpnrtlnnntn part nf tlm! il.Mil IllMMl Ol 'iiiwimmr.i f,u ,, (Itntturno lit. art. I.,.- n... I"" . . . . ... . i " LlmJuiit'. i""1 ,l,r" " ,,ll"" '" """ , nth o( iiilil prrinUrN. Iii'liiltmilitr iKtlbfJ.or a" much Ihntpof, In mil ,ow of lull na nmy nwiomy id no, tni'tl"ly. 'nl hrclnnfli)r til to M'lWi t"ii,'"''- ' ," armcDt. benilllnnirntN nml nppur iiorra IhrrrtitiKi bi'lunitlliK or III ijali ariftUlnlliK, Tkf l'l prrlutai' ntu tu bn aohl, i ifoiruM, In Ihrm rnuara u anil, jkeitiiumita In pnyiiifiit of which L poemta uf mrh anla urn tu bo bllfJ lo iMIiUctlnu uf Mid Jucl. (cl. l'I-i-r tiarrtUrly nlnl Iiiiiikw lilflf aflrr I tic ilrarrlptltlli uf thu liolid In each (flilar uf aillt. na fill- il,lolt I'trttlira tu tie auhl In drat kiwcf null ler thla third miian uf mill, mid llio acrrnluK ruati therauuiler; And If thnro Im miy uirnrplua, niter Hip nppllcatluti uf mirh prurei'ita In the inllafactlnn uf anld JildKineiit, na nfureanld, In cither of anld rnuaea of mill, thn aauin ahall Im paid Into anld ruutl lo Im further npptlt'd na by Inw directed, Dated Ihla 13th dny of Jnuunry, ipi:. w. ii, iiaiinkh. l-l3-:.0h Hherlff. (ll!,ltlUAN'H ll,l, ACCOUNT Notice, la hetoby ulren hnt Alllui llrnrh, Kuntdlnu uf the petauu mid jeatntn of Jntili C. Ilenrh. dcrenaed, tin a I flit it In Ihu roiltil r iiiutl nf Klnmnlli teU tlilfP IS1 nd four () In .Ciiuntr. Iliritiiti. her nnnl nrrniinl iia lk Iklttr aeirn 137). nml lula lino ,MCi, Kntdlnl.. Mid Hint thn ruiirl hna Oato:i, Hue 13). four (4) anil llM Thuradn), tl... 15th dny nf ch- 4), IB mora jeni7-ne (aw. ui rury- ,9j, B ,,lB ,lllur ,,. i0 , ... IrecJ aJJIllon tu tlio city of KUm.,f ,,j lllir , ,(, rmir, ., . ,.., h Talli, Klamath cuunly Orrmi; ,rMi Klamnlh I'alli, (JreKon na I Hie llnin nml plnrv fur hinrlnc olijer- frwefJi from audi aale to be up. , Honat In anld nrcount nml aeltletnenl ri to Ike 1-aMiimt nf thn prlnrlpnl Hiereif. kocl ll.tte SC and lnlete t her run (ilren a. Klntunth Knlla, Ori'Kun. itbjuteol 10 ir tent per annum. .Ihla Uih day of Jnnunry, 1912. loin May 7. 1911 the aiim nf $300. , AI.TIIA IIKACII, llottji' frra, the auui uf f 30.7&.illunfdlan nf the Kitnln uf John C. It trcroitlonatn pail uf thp cuatil Ilenrh, Dereniwd. I-K-J-C h SPLENDID COIIL FIND IS LIKELY TO m. STUPEOE Inlin-al nf Ctinloiii. Hllrrul nml IVnr KiprtMitliliai Muney Mny lk-Tak en in llulhl 'i dominion luoleutl uf Alakknu l'ruM'rty COIIDOVA, Alnaka. I'eh. 9. Thu report uf Um ilUiutury uf um! at thu hem! uf While Ither, mi Ihu Cnimdli.li order, hna iiruuM'il murli lulureat here, and (hit fear U expreanvd Hint u Llsuipedu H 111 bu nmdn In that ic Hun In thu aprliiK, nml Ihnt nnirli iiiuuey will .v luvintiil In hulldlliK up Cunndlnii property Inhteiid uf upeiilui: n.lnia uu Ihla aldo uf thn line. The illy rouiirll nduptml teaulutloiia tnllliiK nlleiilinn to Ihu illarovcry. Mid iiikIiik early nrllon liy i-uiiRreaa fur Ihu npenlni: uf Alnaku eunl Inuda nml Hut runalriiitlun of ntllronda In thla territory. Thn ChiimLur of Commerce adopted altullnr r aol utlciiiK, which will b furttnrded lo I'riMldenl Tnft. Oplo llend'a Icrtiirp nt thu opera,' houao on Knturdiiy nlcht moved thu Wliltn I'ellrnu orcheatra dnnru up n iiulrh. It will h K!ren Friday nlKht, Inatcad, RICK YOUTH IRKS UP IN RnlLROUPROFESSION I'm l That lie Out uf Wi-allhy Fain lly ILhh. it Ki-rp Jlhn Frum llrlaiR , I'ruinoliil From Fln'inau lo Aaaiat I nut TralniiuialiT NKW YOIIK. Feb. . Frederick Aluiy Jr., ion of a mllllonalrv woolen Importer, who, until n abort tlmu oko, wna a II r i in nn on thu 1-oiik lalnud mllrond. mid n-cuntly eluvatcd to nlcht naalalniit trnlnmaator, hna pror 'a thu einmplu that allhotiRh the ion of n rich man, hu liai worked lili way up throned hIicht pluck and Kood work. When naked how hu cninu to plrk rnllruiidlnK n a rnrrer hu anld hu had nlnK liked n luruinollvo, and llkei Ihu railroad life. W000MEH PROTESTING ANY RAISE IN PREMIUM RATES Meinln-ra of Ordr In MJaifaoU Mo iruimll Flooding IHalrirt With Clr. mlara lo Flht Irioard Incrraae uf Inaurnmu Coat KODAK IINMKINO ViratfCtaM Mat prompt ratnlU by Fraik Dubmb. ntmr Vtrat Natlnnal hank, ar iMTa or. den at Little Book dott, two doora wett of poftoBe. MINNMAt'OLIH. Feb. 9. Tboua onila of clrculnra havo been lnued by Ihu Modern Woodmen ancmbly hero In flxht Ihu adoption of Increaied In- niirmicu rntea adopted by thu Modern Woodmen of America'. Ix-adora of the ornanltnllon throuKhoiit the country nru naked to aend delegate to a tnaaa meeting hero February 22, when plana will bu made, for fighting llio ao-callcd Mobllo bill, adopted by the. organiza tion nt Ihu recent convention In Chicago. Wo hate inmu very daalratite 6th trcet property for aale Slephesa Hunter Itealty Co.. NOTICK Notice Ii hereby given that there nru fundi In the city treaaury fur the, redumption of general fund warrant up lo nnd Including No. S.81C. Pro leatnl July 22, 1908. tutureit will renau from dato hereof. Dated at Klamath Falli, Orefon, January 30, 1913. J. W. 8IKMKN8. City Troaanrer. Comln A'ttannln' lettnri received by frlcnda of Mm. Levi McDonald, who ho been upend ing the winter In Southern California, contain the Information that the Ii on her way homo. Bho will itop for a short vlilt with relative and frlcndi In Sacramento, and will then como on lo her homo In tlonantor, whero iho will ihuiiio thn management of tho Inner worklngi of tho, new hotel. Herald Want Ads ttmcmujAsnoxm 77 J- WANTED About $1,600 from two to live rear: well Improved farm property aeeurlty. Addreee B. L. Blllott, attorney, Klamath Falli, Or. -ci rOK MlK FOR HALB Dry ilab wood, 16-Inch, delivered to any part of the city. Ackley Bro. Phone 451. lS-tf FOH 1UDNT Thr or four faralaktd housekeeping room la Bnvmt faav lly; no children. Eaqnlra at Herald offlca. Ml FOR RENT A od -roOB hoM, modem, near ih and Mala, at fit por monH Bed Arthur R. Wllaoa, 617 Main itrW. tl-t FOR RENT FuraUhd gentlemen, at th Oregoa Hoaaa. Temple theater, Matroa dally, 1:10 p. m. Evening, Brit performance. 7:16. contlnaon. Ofllrcra of Internationa! union do claro that thero Ii no concerted effort to talio fund to defend the thirty two Indicted laborltei. Coplc of tlio Ifidlctmrnti and the caplanc accom panying them were mailed today. Final cople will be mailed tomor row. When all reach their dcatliitv tlnn nrrcats can bo made. Silverware of Quality i- We guarantee to ertry purchaae of Community Silver that It I the best that can bo mado by (killed workmen with the lateit machinery and the best material, and thla guarantee I based upon a reputation for excellence and Integrity In manufacture now estab llihcd for over half a century. , Special Oawrnatee Wo guarantee all goods (except knlvM) bearing the stamp, Commun Ity Silver. Triple Plua, for fifty year In ordinary family use. For aale by FRANK M.TJPP.V Watchmaker, Jeweler aad Engraver, Wllllta Building. DRY SUB WOOD I am now delivering first clos 16-Inch dry slab wood to any place In tho city for 13 a load. Now I the time to get your wood cheap, before wet weather beglaa. P. C. CARLSON. Leave order at O. K. Transfer com pany or Oregon Hemes company. NOTICK There are fund on hand to redeem the following sewer warrant: No. 43. 45, 46, 47, 60, 61, 41, 41. 63. Interest will cease from date hereof. Dated at Klamath FallsOr., this 2Sth day of January, 1913. J. W. SIEMENS. City Treasurer. 26th day of January. I'll- 36-2t SVMMOXS In the Circuit Cour. of the Stat of Oregon, for the County of Klam ath. U. M. ObenchalB, plalaUf, tn. Ktnsome-Crummy Company, a Cor poration, Defendant To Rantome-Crummey Company, Df- rendant Above Named: In the name of the State of Ore Ore eon: Tou are hereby required to iniwer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled action,, on ar before the 2d day of February, 1913, that being the day of the last publication of thla summon, aad th last day within which you are re quired to answer, na fixed by the or der of publication of this eummona. If you fall to appear aad answer. the plalntlt will take judgment against you for th aum specified tn mid complaint. Said action la brought to nearer the balance of 11,050, due from yen to plaintiff, for service rendered nnd labor performed In ad state of Ore gon, between th 1st day of February and th 30th day of November, of Uf ear 110, aad plaintiff eotia nnd disbursements In sueh action. That the defendant waa, nt the commencement of thla notion, nnd now I. tha owner of certain personal property, attached la Klamntn coun ty, Oregon, and described aa follow to-wlt: 4 stnndard gauge earn, 1 street sprinkler. 1 2-hore street or road roller. That on the tth dny of December, 1911. and niter the issuance of sum mon to be served on said defend ant, nt the Instance of th platatlff, the sheriff of Mid county duty tached said abov described personal property and now holds the nam In hi poe!on. at Klamath Full. Ore gon, by virtu of said writ of attach ment. This summon U pablbmed one n week, for six successive weeks. In the Evening Herald, n dally news paper, of general circulation, priated aad published la the city of Klamath Fall, Klamath county, Oregon, by order of Honorable Was. S. Worsen. judge of the county court or K-aanau county, state of Oregoa, and dated December II. 1911. th first publica tion of this summons being nwds en th 23d day of December, 1111. STONE ft BARRETT, 13-33-3-1 b Atfy for FwlatlsT. Proposed Amendment to Charter Providing For Commission Form of Government for Klamath Falls CONTINUED FROM YKHTI.ItUAY'H IIKRaI.I) Section 51. Utiiraiiiiul Powers The City Council shall have no power to make a contract of any kind or nature whatsoever, or to make any lease of city property, the operation of winch shall exienil lieyond a period of three ear.s. nor shall it have the power to sell nlian 'l'ii, Kraut or otherwise iliNpoic of any title or riht of the city to any real estate, fianchisc, rijjht of way, Mrcct, au'iitic, alley or other public propel ty, all such lowers hem, reserved to the people ami. to be exer Weil only b the ipialilied voters at a General or Spe cial Municipal l.leclion. Section 52. Ordinances and Resolutions (a) In legislative K-tsinns the Council shall act by ordinance, resolution motion. (!)-The "Ayes and Nays" shall be taken upon Ihc passage of all ordinances and resolutions and en 'fcl upon the Journal of ProceeiliiiRS. Upon the re l". "f anv member the "Ayes and Nays" shall Iw Men nml recorded upon any motion. Kvery member jwicn present must vole, anil ever ordinance or reso " passed by the City Council shall require on linal pa$saKL. Hn. aflirmativc vole of a majority of all the ''embers of i,c City Council. (c)No ordinance shall be passed filially on tV lc "' l,s iiitroiluction, except in cases of special '""Kcticy, for i,c preservation of the public peace, H r safety, ami then only by the unanimous vote "'"""ClllliCMoftllcCoilllcil. I V '7.'"10 cn:cK clause of all ordinances passed or i V'5 Colmcil sliall be in these werds: "lie it Orcmln " ",C pco,,c f ,l,c Ci,y of K,an,a,,, ,ra,,s- ., ... , Section 5.1. "iii'icaiion of Ordinances Kvery proposed ordi- "ai'lC !.;i l. .,lliu....i !.. f..ii's.' . .V.!i Dm r t I'MiMiniivii nivc in inn iii ii iiiiuy news- Ke f Ci,y ,U C!'SI ,cn ,la'" ,,cfore itS n,ial )aSS" li'heil ,ir.s,u'1' '."al assaj,'c'it shall be iifjain pub nleie.1 "a' '" ,l c,a,,y Newspaper as amended and com- . I ictcil, cxeeni in ivi..c t .n ... ...1.1.1. rxmeii , 'tliBrwiftcr, inn 1. 1 "vi" '" "scs oi emcrireiicy ordinances, which '"ty he n.ns...i .... i ... n ... . . .. . . ti-.; . v' nercioiore provitied, ami sunn i.tkc ,' ' llpOtl lia.SSaL'e .'Hill Im mi nnlilwliol ivilliiii two ...i .... " "' An, i " Section 54. hereof 'iii0"1 r RcPcn No ordinnncc or section naiie,. . . """mien or repealed except uy orui "'Bularly adopted. Section 55. ' Ordinances GrantitiK I'ranohiscs No proposed ordinance (,'rautiu any franchise to any public service corporation or company of said city shall be Kraiitcd except upon the vote of the qualified electors of the city, ami the iiicstiou of its bieittf granted shall be sub mitted to such vote upon the deposit with the Treas urer the expense, in gold coin, wliiclr said expense shall be determined by said Treasurer, of such submis sion by the applicant of such franchise, and no such franchise ajiall be granted unless a majority of such electors voting thereon shall vote in favor thereof. Said franchise shall be advertised foe at least ten days before being submitted for their vote. Section 56. v lvcccrd of Ordinances A true copy of every ordi nance when adopted shall be numbered and recorded in a lmok (marked Ordinance Hook), and said Ordi nance Record shall contain a certificate of the time of adoption authenticated by the Mayor and City Clerk, together with the certificate of the publisher in respect to times ami dates of publication. The ordinances adopted by the vofe of the qualified voters of the city ..iliall be separately numbered and recorded, commenc ing with (People's Ordinance )No. 1, etc., and shall be authenticated and certified to as other; ordinances. Section 57. Proof of Charter and Ordinances This charter or ;iny ordinance may be proved by a copy thereof cer tified to by the City Clerk under the seal of the city, or when printed in book or pamphlet form a ml pur ported to be printed by the authority of the city, the snnie shall be received in evidence by all courts with out further proof. " Section 58. Council Shall Provide System The Council shall,, by ordinance, provide a system for the collection, cus tody and disbursement of public moneys, and a system of accounting for the city, establishing as nearly as may be a uniform system of municipal accounting, such systum to be in accord with the provisions of this charter. Section 59. Newspaper and Publication Fees All election notices, lists of candidates inr office, department re ports, ordinances, charter or charter amendments, ad vertising, publicity affairs, or other publications re quired or authorized by thii. charter, by general law or by ordinance of the city to be made in any news paper, and all such publications for which the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, may be liable, shall be paid lor by the city at such rates as shall not in any event exceed the ordinary and regular advertising rates charged other advertisers, and all printing of books, pamphlets, bills, letterheads or other documents or printed matter required by the city, shal be paid for at a price not exceeding the usual business xatea there for. No bill rendered to the city for such advertising or printing in excess of the usual business xates shall lc paid for by the city, even though higher rates may be fixed by general or special law for other cfcies or towns of the state. Section 60. Demand Against the City No demand for money against the city shall be approved, allowed, audited or paid unless it shall be in writing, dated xnd sufficiently itemized to identify the expenditures and sliall first be audited by the Commissioner at the head of the de partment creating the same. Upon the approval by the City Council of any of said demands or claims. against the city, a city warrant shall, as soon as practicable thereafter, be issued in the sum of money allowed, said warrant to be drawn upon the City, Treasurer, in favor of the order oh said claimant, signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk'. Section 61. . Annual Budget The council sliall meet annually prior to fixing the tax levy and make a budget of the estimated amounts .required to pay the expenses of conducting the business of the city government for the next 'fiscal year. The, budget shall' be prepared in such detail as to the aggregate sum and the items 'tchreof allowed each department, office or board of commission as the council may deem advisable. Section 62. Annual Appropriations Upon said budget as .-adopted and filed, the council shall pass an ordinance not later than the 31st day of December in each year, which shall be entitled the Anual Appropriation Ordi nance, in which it shall appropriate such sums of money as it may deem necessary to defray all expense hud liabilities of the city for the ensuing fiscal year, and in such ordinance shall specify the object and pur poses for which such appropriations are made, and the amount appropriated for each object and the purpose; therein named. Section 63. , LeVy Such ordinance shall include the proper levy in mills upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all the taxable property within the city. Such levy shall represent the amount of taxes for city purpose? necessary to provide for payment during the ensuing fiscal year of all property authorized demands upon the Treasurer, and the council sliall thereupon cause the total levy to be certified by the City Clerk to the County Assessor, who shall extend the same upon the tax list of the current year in a separate column en titled the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, Taxes, and shall include "said city taxes to the County Tax Col lector for collection as provided by law. If the council fails in any year to make said tax levy as provided, in that event the rate last fixed shall be the rate for the ensuing year. The amount required to make any payment of any interest or principal ol any DonacatnacDieancss snau at ways be included in and met by tax levy except as otherwise provided in tnis cnarter. Section 64. No Liability Without Appropriation Except as herein specifically provided, the city expenditures in anv one 'ear shall not be increased over and above the amount nrvded in the Annual Appropriation Ordi nance of that rr. and no rt excess of the'a "nt Prov,dcd m the Anriual APP-1" pSn 0Hna,uX.a!l be paid by the city out of the said general and sI funds so appropriated and set apart, but the sa.d several funds shall be mam tained. used and devot. fer the particular purposes specified in the Annual X pprpnation Ordinance. It shall be unlawful for ' commissioner or any officer of the city to incur or contract any expense or liability for or on behalf of the City f Klamath Fall Oregon, unless-such appropriation shall have bee made for such expense. Such tfontnwt fihall be ab initio null and void as to the city; provide. ,"', that nothing herein contained shall present the council xfrom providing by ordinance for the payment of any .. .u .L..i., r wbieh is caused by any expense uic iinc9.it; -- ...si. casualty, accident or ttnforseen contingency occurring by act of God after the passage of tHe AJulua,4lAPP,rl0" priation Ordinance; and, provided farther, that the provisions of this section shall no apT f 5v'mi the authority conferred in relation to bonded indebted ness, nor for moneys to be collected try, Pa acceM ment for local improvements. , m ni rvnwrrMnain milASBflir '"