,, r-'. ,-Ju: SJ i1 -'489KS yHU HUWAIj CAM It. aVfRUAZ, 4 D. WUM 01 tVKT, U. D. OMMMwaBMs. nm: Oflaafl" RaaMaaaa III - m.o.1 tuaao, All U OuniMM. "0M Fallows' Building . I1I.N. T PnOBS III 3.U i AwUmmi aatriattadeat Wt w Mm, I will do Uaraat. OBoVAaaaticaa Baak aad Trust building. Phoatmi. a v. KirnDHONUL, Ammkf it tap oaoaarWaKa-lfaddo BMs 431. Klamath Fall. Or L , M.9AX,mturr nummd'runni m km - BBlldtBgt a'Baadaltr Room 101-104, Odd FMrtfld. AKTaTR K. WII40 D. 1 OMI BIT v w. KBtLOOO, I ewtt whera others tail. Cor asr nrtfrtad Walaut. MADAM AND PROF. TIMM8 - Maascara aad CUropodtota Cur corns, bnnlots and In vtrowlBf toaaalls. Mae. Tlmms stops hair from falling out In Are treatments, and a perma nent euro (or dandruff, aire as a call. No. B17 Kbuaatb Aw. J. H. Oamtt J. U GARRSTT CONSTRUCTION CO Boalaesaalocks and other coastructlon. OSee, American Bask aad Trust, Co. building. Phoae 1381. X KHCXXLANBOirB ir BxrnwBa - U rou want your stuff mored aad mored quick, get Ramsby's Bxprees to do It. Ooraer Bereath aad Mala strata Pkoae BIS Call at COMBTOCK, 118, U jaa jraat aay klad of HELP. Haajatiraj tk OOMBTOCK If IM vast amatajiaat Feel lasguld. weak, run-down? HcadaCheT Stomach "off"? Juit a plain case ot laiy liver. Burdock Blood Bitters tones liver and stomach, promotes digestion, purifies the blood. GROCERIES 1 Ourlag hi year 1111 wa supplied groceries for ai largo number of cua tawarsj Wa gave them lh atat goods and the bast service at the lowest possible prices. Let us treat you this way during lilt. i A s Van; Riper Bros. Phone 851 Groceries THArS ALL Good Goods Courteous Treatment Prompt Service Rignt Prices TheMonarch A. d LEWIS men v Home Builders Are Recognized In every community &a mon of Integrity and stability. It's proof that they believe In them selves and the future ot their town. And every homo that Is erected In a community makes It Just that much better place In which to 11 vo and Invest your money. To moit homebulldcrs It moans something to llvo for a real object In life an ac quisition that once attained Is n Joy forever. That NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO IHJILD goes without question money Is plentiful for legltlmato Invest ment labor is within reach and our stock of lumber was never more complete. ncmembcr, "He who hesi tates," etc. better start today come In and talk It over with us maybe our experience In the building line will make It easy for you. Saviije Bfos.Ltiiber Co Phone 1341 6th St. at S. P. track WOOD Good Slab Wood . .- BB.7S lS-lnch Wood ...,-. BT.ee . . Delivered . . Leave Orders at .City Bakery Phone Ml W.E. Seaborn E. E.Thompson General freight and Transfer Leave orders at Kob erto fi Whltmore, Phoae 1381 WOOD FOR SALE . WHTTLOCK UwdwUldfl"EbaJiwiBfl XOLVSIVBXT . Oregoa JBatbaJaati HawBB Day aM NfsJkA 4BaaslH OBlce aad Obaaal Oh aa4 Piste Bta. THE EVENING HERALD W. O. SMITH, Kdltor and Proprietor J. M. BTOWKLL, City Kdltor Published dally except Sunday at 116 Fourth Street Entered at the postofllce at Klamath Falls, Oregon, tor transmission through the malls as second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any ad dress In the United 8tatea: One year 15.00 One month 60 KLAMATH FAI.LR. OUKGON KllllUV, KKII. U, lUlU riTY ATTOKN'KY'S OPINION' AY unprejudiced person ntter a rnroftil perusal and study ot tlio opinion of the city chatter In regnnl to the proposed amendment to the city charter providing for 11 commission form ot Rorernment for Klamath Polls cannot help but be Impresses with tlio eildctico ot bins on tho part of the attorney against the charter amendment. Tho city attorney was Instructed to report on the legality of the submis sion of tho petition, and while he ad mits that tho law In this regard was followed, a great portion ot his report li confined to n discussion ot tho mer its of tho proposed amendment. He Intimates that tho only objection to tho present charter Is that It does not provide for u sulllclcnt bond Issue, This may be the opinion of the ma)or and city attorney, but wo bellevo that there are several thousand voters In Klamath Falls who are opposed to any ncw- charter that will ennbte tho ad ministration to further burden the people with additional debts. The opinion of the majority ot voters In this respect Is tho only opinion neces sary, and will havo more force than tho opinion of the city attorney. The city attorney also Intimated that tho presont charter Is Illegal This Is n matter that cannot bo set tled by any opinion, but In 0110 for tho supremo court to decide, but we would like to Inquire, why Is tho mayor trjlng to amend an Illegal charter, by drafting ono of his own? Some men have n mania for spending money other people's money nnd It would seem that this Is tho trouble ot the present administration. They havo run out of money, and now want the people of this city to give them more to spend, but It Is possible cton In a city as rich an Klamath Falls, to pass tho limit, and wo believe that that tlmo has now arrived and that the taxpayers of this city will not consent to continue being tho "goat." Mr. Sanderson cannot weaken the support ot tho proposed commission form of government, and If ho thinks that tho opinion, attempting to ills credit tho proposed amendment, by his city attorney, will gain any sup port for his own pet charter, ho will And himself greatly mistaken. On tho contrary, It will he tho means of awakening the people to tho necessity ot a s stem of government that will recognlzo tho rights of tho voters to a say In all matters of public Interest. Mr. Sanderson has had prepared and Is having printed a new cliarter, at a cost of several hundreds of dol lars, and as n matter of curiosity It might well bo asked, who Is going to pay this expense? Tho city council. tho representatives of tho pcoplo, havo not authorlzd this expense. Is Mr. Sandrson so sure of the futuro actions of his council that ho feels safe that they will pay the bill, or does ho In tend to foot tho bill himself? A man drawing a salary of l,000 a year can not afford to dig up $100 or $500 out of his own pocket for an oxpenso of this kind unelss ho has somo means ot getting It back. Thoro qro many Interesting things about tlio conduct of tho affairs or tho city that may somo tlmo ho revealed to tho pcoplo, hut on tho matter of tlio proposed amendment for commission government, this petition, Irrcspcctlvo of the actions of tho council, will bo presented to tho peoplo to ho voted upon at the next city election. Friday night for luck. Thnt is. you'll bo lucky If you attend tho dance given by tbo whlto Pelican orchestra Are you Interested In KLAMATH COUNTY? It co?aae tbq Stephens Hunter Realty Co. They have soma, food bargains. Temple theater, Matinee dally, 2:30 p. m. Evening, first potfonnano, 7:15, continuous. Cheapest accldont Insurance Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Stops tho pain and heals the wound. All druggists sell It. NOTICE Employes ot bos factory at Ship- plngton, plearo take netice: Factory will start up on or about March 1st. Machine men please send In written application tb , CAL. FnUIT CANNEftS" ASS'N, -t Klamath Falls. Ore. CHINESE EDITOR NOT TONG HIS EMPHATIC CLAIM LVIcmImI IttxlMi'lwr In (iohh'ii (Info Hnmlct ltccee Telephone Men- mtsjw That Ho Is Hootiud, Willi h , IanmN IIIiii to lllv-lulm All Toug" SAN KHANC18CO, Feb !'. - Wong Hock Yue, editor ot I ho proiticnUe Chlueso dally paper, Young China. tins covered Chinatown with handbills containing n halftone portrait of him self and tho hlerogljphlcs iiecenno to make known that ho Is neither a nop sing nor 11 sen roicj (. "'"h M man. Wong, though editorially untie mil Itant prUately Is i man of peace. He became visibly excited when ho an swered a telephono call to hear his doom pronounced by n nostrrloui Hop Sing, whose nlro declared Wong belonged to I ho hated rlal. Sen Sue I Ng tong, and therefore must die, for tho Hop Slug did not Intend for nil enemy to escnpo In tho present war The editor Immediately called up the headquarters of the Hop Slugs, and elerod mi earnest disclaimer. To make doubly sure, he alto apprised tho Sen Suey Xg tong of the fnct that ho belonged to no tong at all. Still tho fear persisted Hint he might be n marked mnn among tlio warring gun. men. Hence tho handbills ABOLISH FEDERAL SENAT IS ASSEMBLYMAN'S IDEA Ho File Keiliinitbm uf liiti'ullon to Hun for Kt-jt In t'nngr. Wliite lp"'r llrnmli He Sa) l' l.lke the Fnglb.li IIoiim nf 1-onN, I m'Ici United Press Servtco HAUK.M, Feb. 'J. Abolition of the United States senate Is the iniinlii'nt plank contained In the platform ol Italph C. CI) do of Portland and mem her of the stnto house of representa tives, who llled his declaration of In tcntlon of becoming a candidate on tho republican ticket for congress from thu Third Congressional district. Clyde sas tho setmto Is like tho house of lords, and Is useless. Ho dcrlnrcs himself In faur of gov ernment ownership of nil public util ities and government ownership ot Alaska toal mines. I ItCKP YIHITS MOTIIKR iiy pkhmissiox oF.iiix;i: United Press Service SA.V FItAXCISCO. IVh. 9 Abo ttuef, hero from prison to testify In the lichmlti case, was permitted by Judgo Lawlcr to visit his mother. A BALD-HEADED WOMAN. horn of Her Crown ol Utility, Loite In Lovt and Msrrlsgt. Hair li certainly moM iKsi-.i.H.iry tu noman. Who could Ime 11 ml uiiirry 11 bnliMicniled WMimiiit UI1.11 i-tmrnw MUld one urray to offset sue li a distil uremeut? A womtiu'n goal Is usually lore ami marriage. Her crowning glory Is hvr anlr. The lots of Iht hair murs her beauty, h.-ipplnes. nnd sutci-w Yet Ibero nre tboiisntids of women who art neglecting or Injuring tlu-lr linlr 10 such nu evli nt that It N only 11 mutter of tlmo when It will lx utterly ruined Many woinxn destroy the benut) of their hair through thotightltxtnex ur Ignorance of certain fnctt. They .un curling lrms otcr-hented. or to i'IO-m. which ilitilroyit the It lllirnl oil uf the hair. -ntnlii' It to split, bn-.tk. uod mmo out They do nut sIi.iiiihi tlu-lr hnlr often enough, or too nficn 'Iht-y ue xoaps or preparatliiii-i nlildi ru.i tn I rs Ingri'illents jiohMIi i-Jy barmfitl to Siu Hcnlp mid hnlr. ,h 11 result uf such trc.itiurar. d.i,i- druIT It ireiiti-d. thu hnlr Iuu-vih. 1u-.i-h color, fulls out. nnd h:iltimi rum inpuces, unless prupvr 11 nil pruiupt pre- cautions are taken In time. Tlu-n again, microbes nnd n-rtnlii llciseH bring about unhealthy wain nnd hair conditions Almost any woman may rid herself of dandruff and diseased scalp nnd balr If she will but ui the right rem edy, Wo have thnt remedy, and wo will positively gonrunteo that It will either relievo dandruff nnd bnldncus or It will not cost the user unytlilng. That's a pretty broad statement, hut we will back It and prove It with our own money. We will return your money If yuu do nut (I111I Hint Itoinll "03" Jlalr Tonic Is an entirely tuitls factory remedy that will promote hnlr growth ami overcome Hcnlp and linlr troubles; that It will grow linlr even on bald heads, unless all llfn In tin balr roots has been extinguished, the follicles closed, nnd tho sculp Is glazed and shiny. It gets IU numo from thu fact that It grew hnlr In m nut of tno cases, where It received n thoroughly bard, Impartial, and practical test We want you to try llexall "u:i" Pair Tonic nt our risk. You surely cannot loso( anything by doing so. while you have everything to gain. Yon had belter think this over, 11 ml then come In, and see us nhout this of. tor. You wlf bo well repaid for yuur visit to our store. Itomemlwr. von enn get Retail Deqedles In this community anly at our store The it is 11 ninm Star Drug 8torv political ANNoinywvrs , "Jl Fur ProceillliiK Allium) or District Attorney for Klanmlh and l.nko rounll-'r. Oregon, on the Heuubllcnn ticket JOHN IUWIN. subject lo tho primal y nomination to bo held on April 19, 1I3. "hoioby tcspectfulljr nnuounco my self a candidate for tho republican nomination for Prosecuting Attor ney for Klamath nnd l.ako coun ties, subject to thu will of the vol ers nt tho ptlmnry election to he held on the I'.'th ot April, l!M3. I). V. KUYKIJXDAI.I For fi'iiiily TrniMircr hereby nnuounco noslef as n inudi date for tho uomlnallon for Trea urer of Klamath Count) on tho Ke puhllenn ticket, subject to tlio will of tho pcoplo nt prlmnn 1 ledum to bo held on April 19. 1913. JAY MANNISH. ; hereby nnnounro m)self ns a candi date for the nomination for Treas urer of Klamath County on the Democratic ticket, subject to tho will of the pcoplo at prlmar) elec tion to ho held on April 19, 191S., c 11. DAOoirrr. I Fr Assessor hereby announce ui)self a candidate for tho nomination for Assessor of Klamath county on the Democratic ticket, subject to the will of tho people nt the primary election to bo held on April 19. 1913. J. P. I.i:i:. L' ' 1 ' For WierllT I hereby nnnoSnco m)self a candidate for tho ltepubltcan nomination for Sheriff of Klamath county, subject to tho will of tho voters at tho pri mary el Jllon to bo held April 19, 1912. OSCAR I., CAUTKIt. I heroby iiiiuounce ui)svlf a caudl date for the nomination for sheriff on thu Id publican ticket, subject tn the will of the voters at tho pri mary ettctlon to ho held on April 19. 1913. C. C. LOW. 1 hereby nunounri- uoself a cnndld.iie for tho democratic nomination for Sheriff of Klamath county, subject to the will of thu voters at the pri mary election to bo IipIiI April 19. 1913. cin:sTi:it avi:uy. I hcrcb) announce mtself n cnndldate' for tho nomination fur Sheriff of on the lit-puhllr.in ticket, subject to tho will uf the toters at the prl-, mnry election to be held on April 19, 1913. II. S (lltKIHIIY For Coroner I hereby nnnounro ui)s-lt n candidate for the Democratic nomination for Coroner, subject lo the will of the voters nt tho primary election to be held on April 19, 1912. KAItl, WIIITI.OCK. I hereby Minounco myself a candldato for tho Itcpubllcan nomination for Coroner, subject to tlio will of the vitcrs at tho primary election to to hold on April 19, 1913. U It. WILLIS. For N1I100I riil-rlnti'iidcnt I heroby nnnounco tn)solf n candldato for tho nomination for County Hchnol Superintendent of Klamath county on tho llepuhllcaii ticket. subject to the will of the voters ol tho primary election to bo held April 19, 1912. FIIIJI) I'lITIIlt BON. For County Clerk I hereby nnnounco myself a candidate for tho nomination for County Clerk on tho Hepubllcnn ticket, sub Jcct to tho will of tho voters at tho primary election to bo held April 19, 1912. C. It. IJB LAP. For Jiisllto of the I'ej I heroby announce myself n candldato ior mo licjiuuiKan nomination for Justice of tho I'enco for Llnkvlllo precinct, subject to tho will of tho voters at tho primary election to ho held on April 19, 1912. V. II 8IIAW. For SI11I1, KeiuUor I hereby nnnounco m)nolf ns n enn dldato for tho olllco of State Hen ntor In tho Hntcntccnlli Honatorlnl District, Including Klnmnth, Crook and Lnko counties, 011 tho Hepub llcnn thket, subject to tho will of tho voters nt tho primaries to bo hold on 19th day of April, 1912. . unui J IIUMI'HO.V, For Htato ItepTi m-uHiiITo- Ihoroby iiunoumo mmt I1H u ,,. Into for tho olllco of statu Hopro Htntutlvo In tho Twcnty-Plrst Hop. losonlntlvo District, Including Lnko, Klnmnth, Ciook nnd (limit num. ties, on thu Uopubllcnii ,ket, uh Ject to tho will of t,0 vdiora nt tho primary oleitlou to ho hold on April 19, 1912. WK8LKYO. SMITH " BMBBjBjJsBBBBBBBBBBBBBjaBBBBBBasa 11 )IIX J. I'MWAM'i 1'ir.minl HI ur I Win Klamath County Abstract Co. ABSTKACT1NG Surveyors nnd Irrigation Engineers MX BUSSWI m.iph. plixm. w.iimiiNiH. i.ir. Klnmnth Falli, Oregon LOOKING AT THEl BANK : WPf X First Trust and Savings Bank M l I II -'Vll.s, UIIU WHITMAN'S Sk FUSSY PACKAGE FOR FASTID10U;S FOLKS A box of Selected touches top notch Seventh 6 Main :SEE: aYDE E. PHONE 1221 Before having your Plumbing done First class work at low prices The World Moves So Do We Move Baggage Passengers to and from alOrainsJand boats and give.you QuickService Household-Heavy Freight A Specialty ssasssssssas Blacksmith Shop In Connection Are prepared to turn out all kinds of Flrat Class Work. Shoeing special attention. 0. K. Transfer Co. Dpy Phone 871 NlghTPhone 873 I , M. Iltmil, Vlifl'Mi, nnd Irv, UHm IN'tretury 1,1 npl to make )ou sigh f nil tli. inuim) )oi might hntii cat id Juit think of what a titer, sunt )itii would limo If ion t.uil put what you havo spent nrrd tisaly In thu I'list Trust ntul i Halug bank. Hut stop rrin lug nnd begin sating Htatt no iiiioiilit today nnd tewilir In mukti It grow. It will, with B'tr prising rapidity, If )ou sat as ton ran and should Chocolates that in candy making UNDERWOOD'S Pharmacy WITTER MAIN STREET ' t '5TCi - li