Ik ttenitia Jfefato. ITI'UH' IIV TUB KVRNINO NBWMPA! niwHNKWiMimviCT PRINT THE NEWS. HOT HISTORY ihuiihhay, ii:iuiuahy n, hub Mot, Frtw Oad iUinVnir "'' M" KMMA'IH VM.tM, OREGON, CRATER LAKE ROAD URGED BY MORROW kuiTSMM HIGHWAY Imll In iiiui(lly lln kiit otnr) hotly iliiiniii'il mIHi Ida Iniiiiiir fur mi lioiiri nun ii iinir 'm.mi iu.ni:iiK io hchvi: i nkxtemth ion ihai m1 IVlin ruiiii ,f .tpiKHi. Aillnin. tlmj tmvr 4'iiiirlN I'IhiIIiir, A'anilim 'I Inn lii-M'ti Uind. An Xm fur lliiimiih-. i,r hni nlnliit DILL TO APPEAR III PLAY TONIGHT Liioii ' i:J'''"" """" iliilir u l'ltn)Hi;n imiih iiii(iw.mi:.m-m""-m' '" nino 8ltl !' 'l",l '" ' ..j.nkitof) Mh' irMiilH .Mnjur i.. 1 UorlOW if III" "l' ,tulilil,Crlrr ImiIiu IMfU Af- iIIIMl ""' '"" nl '""""' tor mill inuiiiuiKii (nr llmli uini altta Tlioao trnlla Im ii not hi'in auni)i,l IU II MAN lll'l'llllll llllri'iH,r. . mlii Ihi'iii nn mm,, ,l,.)ulti.y thmi .,.,. ,. T il.i.v ..... I... i,... i.. i ... I'liHH Press Service . ... , . .. .. .... ,--.,..( i.M iiifi iriu i in pared I.) liD k!i:IiiiI mirti.y imh )ftra ngu "Tim Mitiil lina hnt-ii iti'alK Ii'I In penult nf iiiitiiiiinl.il,. Iruw I, ( l .. Ilnuil Hint tt n Kiiliitli.ii luluilliig mi tiimiililliM (mm Critter Uki. I'mk would In. n Ktntii mlalnko. na ntrii iiiiw. wlili imiir toadi. i,iurl nil . Ilmi renrh tin. Mm i.r id,. Ink.. M ,K HAN I'ltANCIHCO. I'th S -"It wna i lenity inn On. lutiiitlmi nl run. greaa In nfler KtitiTiiiiH-nt ti.sirl Imida fr imln l persona Mhn worn In lie til en- way lln. pnrk la within fnltly may nrcraa liy motor nf lln. iniiiii.rnila KIiimIiir i.a liotwiMi, nrltu(til mill Kali I'minlim. mill il. ,..,,,., ,,i.... ,,.,., 0f (dp .aik ihif iimliir 4a will gradually Impnm. na M,ir, "' ' lnitliltM liliii I Li-i. I.. . i . U rtjwim ..... . trtlll ailtmltliti"l '" l'nriiiiiin " "I'l'ii KrU( Hi lf"!, " """l '"cl" tfslllitraur m tifr '" ''' " fcTirli ouuM i"nn. ii niili'f Mil lit nilM l ii'l fimii i!l Mill. II I"!'1. " "" ppmif wnimlfiin iiMila friim llic ,i- kjJ o th loo rllillllK n- inuH, tllltlnc II" (""lit 'OHIiik ruiiii much a iili'i mi.l In tun iU i!k for a ra I" I'1" i-"'l"ili Mitrf, ii Oil" l rll Ih Ii i-jtlfl mtinrro u ilu hirk. II in ilai dtiir.l aiIlili In mil- rnrt i fwl Imtlinic in ill" I'Iiiiim- d ilkh rca.t rnul.t Inlrr ! ' mH lil h'UMh running. If il(- r ibiul 100 tnllra if linlla arc I wnurr ID nmnwt llh -Ullnc I "'" ""'" r.nt ! allllint,. nm! bmt lull) an, .rtl.l.. a.lilllliiiial ,,lB" r,",, "f 'al",r n,i Ml'l'llt w olll lrt Titt nl.l ! i-fill I" Hi" " ""'' '" Inrrraao tin. mm n( run fcni; Mfiln In cilliK llli flrra. , ""rll'M II la l-lpvr. Hint lln. . MlufirlllUlInc lli I'lnlniMliui ,il " rn '"" nmiiir tlimi l r iii'k by rmipliiK parllca Tinlla i uiri at ihrtp (Kjliita nl lil. Villtc from tto ilm mail In llm aur vor.Mj Ai-im who ih to Titian HOAIIIIH or IIOI'KTO.VH IX OXI.Y I'liitrmtMANci: or "MyuAW MAX" llinrKi' Dill, wlui Mill uiiiK-m nt lliu Oiimmlia fur nlhira. nr tn lliiim. nlm I H"i"m niiin Iiihimi IoiiIkIiI In lh liml mi I lit t-nl f tn ti, miiip) i Inml Kimw Mnii," ln Iiik lliu IrmdiiK (nr llm iniriinmi nf wl.lili It v,an nf-!'1""' I,fliu; In lliu livw acliiMil of fi'M-il, lull nii'tfl) fur a.itinliiu " 'mlnra Tin- ni'w acliool la really tliu 'I tila la I In. kIi nf ii ilMlnltm liainl- "t wt acliiml nf nil, hut It la lliu fnali il iIiihii tmlny liy tin. 7nlii'. Hliifa '" '" """ ,,IU' Hv nitnr ninkca a ilc lllilrlil Cnitrt nf Ain-nla fnr lit PrtUrf Ikii nivllimU nro niitiiral, Nlntli Dlalrlit In ntllritiliiK Hie JiiiIk-i wl'""" '" nr" "l)a turniil on tlu mi'iil n( llm Invti-r inuit iiKnlnat I'rntik "'Ii. '"'l whoaii unntcit trliniiitia N miif llntlil II Clini.lln win. ...... "'" Hm iikliirliiic liiununlly na It U WII.HOX INVADE HUXXY rAMKOit.MA TIIIH MONTH United I'rnt Bcrvlrn HAN FHAXCIHCO, Kcl), 8. Wood row Wllaon'a Northern California raiiiimlKii opona at Hacrnmrnlo Fchru ary 24th, when canitldattH for ilclc Kiitta to the national convention will hn elected, Houtlittrn democrat will take ilmllnr action at lna AnReloa on Haturilay. IJCTM ViSM, I'AYMKXT The final payment of tha contract ilirlcu of llio l.t Hlver dheraloti wai iimiln -atcrday to I lie Clarke Con tractliiK romiikTiy. -I wild wnler nnh xllh i.tlioiin. ilmi fillly "llir. ilMllm of nlir mi Hit. iinnrli.'a la (Otnintntluly almpiii ll la iilliiitili'.t Hint n a)ali'iii of pro. llillllK tnnka ami ai.ily ..n (nr w& Itr. an lliat llm idaiI rati l kp. b liir.l Ii) rnrla iliirliiK Hi ,i..ii. w III mat ir.&.nnn "II la iklliiiali.l that nflrr rini.t. Hon nf Hut Murk mi airnrlnllon nf I3H.UU0 niiliunll) h ... rninltt'd fm rrpalia mid limliitriinin. liirlu.lliiK irlnklliiic Ttit-K. latlmatna inn) n. Ir Muli. hut i-i.prpurr In ro. ork In Vt'llnHtliini. ntnl llnnl.r Nn- lloiml irk. whrrn miidltlniia mt- mil dla-lmllitr. hi. iirnvrii Hint rtinnli- ipiiIi in nl tn nrv fnr miiailrlliK In r ti in. nl n( Inri;.. Ori'tfnii A Tientsin cnlilo aa troopa at flu cliow miillnled mid lootttl tho native qtinrtoa. KorclK'icrn wero no! niiM U-aletl GOOD ROADS n It-rm n( ) n I a n"" " ilin-aiinc or Hie icrvntunt tli'frmid llm kiiv. i motlnn wlthmit the pfo to vofnl or irnrta n( li.n.l In t.',,Hcnlnr cxiiKKcriitlnn. klvcn hy tho Wlilto Pelican orchcatra Kuril an nrlor la niacrltil to ho tomorrow rilxht. llftTKi' Dill nf tin? "H(iia-w Man" torn. mli) niitiK n h hn la, ho lata Iciiriiftl tin ItVlinlniif of hla art In tho lint nnnlcin) tin. nrtnr emi cqmmand. tln tlniifr .Mr 1)111 la a Catindlan, hav. Init hitn horn In Toronto, and iia'n )imiiK Klnr la well known M IN FREE LECTURE Al.TAIt lli:CAI,li TIIAfiKDV WIICX IIAI.NH KII.I.KII A.VXIH run. ii 1 1 us or i-oki-i.a.m wii.i. i.ivi: vu;s or hoaii hin. Slltl I'llll.V IN AHIIItlXs XI.'M'I MOMlAi MUIIT I'hll lUlta ol I'mllund, iiotrd lit- Wlff WIhhh. AIIKtl Conduit Willi Anolln-r lnl llii.luinil In Hlitrnt Illni, r'rr TIiih', mid Dlrniro Hit, .Vow With. Il..l..ii nlntrr IIOHTON. I-Vli S Tho wom&n over uhom W'lllluin i: Ann I a n murder. l-'rldiiy nlKlit for luck. That la, you'll ho lucky If you attend tho danco COMMANOERY IS SOON POSSIBLE FORMAL TRANSFER OF POWER COMPANY bank to ecll for him. It l-tho conten tion of tho bank that In order to tell It n suit to tjulct title wai ncccaaary. and that to eatabllah a placid and tran quil ownership of tho property coat quite a little money. Thli Item Ii In; In offered for tho purpose of ahow. iiik that tho bank did not o-ve 8wli dlcr ay much as he asserts. Attorney 8. '.. Henderson, for tho hank, has occasionally Indicated that Swindler has not answered his ques tions as readily as those of Swindler's lawyer, Herbert 8. Crane. This morn- Ins; ho asked Swindler to explain to tho Jury why It was that when he asked a question Swindler had a hard tlmo to hear It, whereas ho heard readily anything that was asked of him by Crane. Tho latter lawyer ob jected to this, and Judxe Henry U. fltr.aon. I rfafdlnir. anld he wii nf ll.n opinion that It had nothing to do with tho rase. Ho sustained the objection. OFFICERS' MEETING OAMHmXIA-ORI-XH) CORPORA. TIOX TAKKH OVER HOIjDIXOS OP KKtMATH COMPACT- IK VKRY HIIORT ORDER AMKHIC'AXH KMAXKRKI IF TIIKY HTAV IN MKXICX) IF AHIIiaXO TK.MIM.t-: TOOK AC TIOX AH KXI'I-XTTKO ANI nilANII COMMAXIIF.K TIIIKIiiOX IH FA VOI t A III J.; TO IT Last night tho Knights Templar, Ashland Temple, was expected to turtr nil unnd roiida, Mill Itrtuiv at',, I ,y h,.r liusbaml. Claudia Cl Klblirv iimiainiia iipi-itt i.uiia xl .Mnnun) llalna, in uinrrltd hero at tho home lnl(0 nc,,on on ,no .""""on ,nB Or if It lltr At.inc tliri.i 1 1 lira UtfJltl llir b'rll iriair.l 1V roil iroou.l thr lakf la plan. W to trmi lfcr fatv nf Wntiliiiun, twUlliil r xlarltr prnk irtiirn tilttilo fihly rt.p until ('Inml b!ltti(tis ll tlirn iaana atir- fuiitlj tfhln.l Ihr innuiitnliiniia tupieltba lni. aliMH-a n( .Mount M U4 Dntlrn Clin hut nluriia In bi tta uiloit Hun t rrpk Nolch, tm lka lnl It rrfnl a pnaaliiR I 4 '."M.e ati'l tlt.m.1,1 iHStka it I wiiii to ih rim at thp alto n( ih,.; (nW(t)f Hip Oral r l.akn colli Wf folkialo Hip rim ilniir,. in llm ii'ilwa. Tho lolni i.iikiI, h,,. J mi It llnrtn Ilmi) n mnt kitnllti A trail a IIHIp im.t ! ,;llrtth ll Miiilil.,1 fnr llnrti tiC lo Imp lln. inml In nl.tulii ' iilllr.l for Hi.' rlmrnrlrr nf wnrk ili. 1 uth Clininl.rr nl ('iininicrtf. iIiiiIiik "ll ll Im.i... that itiliil,tlnii nf liy attt'tillrtiti ilt'a rnnd ttilialrur Iht. rnada In tho park, na li.r.ln nut- Hon In till pliMta, nlan Mt-nlr tlt-vs Hind, inn bp brat mid moat Pentium. tlitiiiiKlinut llm I'lillitl Htntra i:ery Irall) rnvrliHl by a plan about aa fti-jb,l) la aaktil tn mme mid help llm l''a'. I rmiac nf Rnnd rtinda, "Thf npiirnnrh (mm I'ort KUinath No admlialou u 111 Im t hnrKfd Tht In llm rim nf Hip Inkn nt llm pr'at-m 'I'litrtlalliliii lit Mill bp Ire.', na the tiiuiiliig. nt li iirlork. iin.lfr lliu mi-1,.( htr parfiita. to a lloalon artist, aplipa of thu rniimy tniirt mid Klum-, (,.Knni,t Fairfax Holies. Captain I'.Kr C. Ilalrm divorced his m( tMti yinra ni;. Hi' named Annls luilgp nf the Crnter iJiko rnmiimi) should lip IHpI riiliatdpri'd Ii) Kla.tliiK alinuld Im Drat rtillitriirtrit I.) Rin.lllii: ns rnriaioiidfnt llollra Is a Harvard man, Haiti was recently i.jrdoned by Clovernor Dlx. (Conllniit.l on I'acp 4) READ CHARACTER oliiiliinnla of tin' t'niint) rniirl IIC.NsllS Ml HO.I-. AMI thi: I'A.sci. is i:ctHi:ii JutllCf nf I'll, nil Court .Vol I'll. Mini Ih, !.. In hikr ll li-.llf Afl.T lilt'! Coin liiInn nf lln1 I'rrx'iit Ciim-, mull Hi.. Jury Tiikp ii Will! on ' EUGENE TRADERS COMING ON TRIP DO MANNER OmImk tn hla llldlaHiiltlnn, JiiiIkp llt'iiry I. Ilfiiann In tlmrlrtult court j linn iliTldcd to Inkn n railtt'. mid mi-j nniiliti'd In tint Jurnra of llm ptrat'iil' lV fieut th, Ktrr Nnlrli lH'.MOItlhr..NOVi:i.lhT I OMI.MI 'III I"""'' '"" ""' W""IJ l''' t,,,,''l "" TfosoU., ... ... Ill next Wtslii a.lny illnrniliK lilt' " stoat this aatiiPHlni, Hip ,o,o HUlltllW XIIIIIT IS ....,,.. -' .., , ...I. ..... ' - v itii'i'i.Ait i:vi:itYwiii:iu: in: mid. ami rri'iiuK mint to k mi '' mUIi thi rnat. nn up, but hua doalrt'tl tn hnld nut rniher tlimi ItiUrriipt mi btt'ii ard i roiij ii iktiiir. in rrnrh iraiM'M, In fnKl. I Un. ntiinil lht m Itl lilt of llaiflrM iu.nl. II... "altO Ik SOUlhllll III..I Ml. In, 'Wl ll ,(nll , , ,,,, .. , "J1 ll Ii lllllo innrn thnii Hint. Jw 'a lngth to the prt-iPiu sutler !""'""' IMtli n. Mlmr. It fnrka "1 in ipTcn mill., mm., in llm fW Xli,in mlrnnrr.vund nlmiit i Mil mile iii ihr Mrdfnrd (iOCN " Inctlnn for Mhlrli a Jury hns OmIiik In llm nimliiK nf Opln Head drawn and tho teallinntiy Ih-kuii iiiiIiUii huinnrlat mid kImt nf nil-1 . ilrinnra. nl Hi npt-rn linuao nt'tl Snl-j i:i.i:r COItl'H IIAMjI'lTT Urdu)' nlglil Ibo diiliro iiauull) Ihero . . on Hnlurdi.) i.lKht lll bo kU.m. tho (J )( wn ,,.,, provlnna nonlng. Until I mi odd1 . ,. . ., . .,.., ..... rtuirmter. l.n b.lloa tl.nl It ''',.,, u,,,.f (.)lrm Baturdny oven. "- nWM,l.111Mw ! T' :::::ilR, IVI.r.mr, lUi. fmm n.untll k. Otk(kln Is. 1 --..- - t l IIV IIRVg, HI l HI H ' " tun rilUlUC romlH Ihl. r...!,.,, .,... ..i. ll..a M.ninr.i II. t U TrAM .. I turn mi im iiiiiii sin ins' i"iiiiim' - " f0 nr ntih.l T ... . . . Ifctriua ' " ..in innti nil iuiornii' in tiiperiiiiiirap, lttiuis.,.7.. ..,'la",u''1 r"""l" lonriilng, gnnd folltiMihlp mid the ltiiifnrt.it , . " '"' ll,llu Hiinilllynf hniiiolloa l ... ' "tn irnKiii "Tta total l.n.n. hHlrtla,. .m-ao rmiiis "About 104 mil ...... W, ,, - "i iiiiiii nro pinn. Itr.. i . '' " u-ntll nil jn. ,,tHli.i.lni.ll,hillni.0l. B H$ Hit la very pop- ..Inr whoroicr Im npponr, ami ovl ili'ino nf tills limy It) found In tho furl ll.nl Im In.s iippoiirod i.t Hut Sonttlo Y. M. C, A, lliroo Ilmoa In four yoitrK. Tim IiihI tlmo Mas Init mouth, nhon ho tlrow nn nudlciiro (tint Ullod H. In tho Moot l.nll of tho Odd Fellows' building. Trie. CO renls Every titidy lullod tn tnlilo mid liolt IliC rnuao m To Be Followed To Better Regardless Of Money, Plan Drlti il .... . MW.' 1""l""",,,"'"l'lKlil &7m "K'y ""'f"'""l " el S.7,M,"B'rli'iir .1. Will- Mllit ..'"" rf"IIWi lo III ",UB'lncsiirliiifi.i. ii... iu.... --.... HJ lilHll UIB aJ " " """M 4I III" nt,,:!:.!!.lUI,'K I'miit Hupi.ly . ii win in ft -..i. I Rum I'fl'i'rty i, W ""''I VlHlt 10 th willonier,, i.r...., "mini i u ... "". .k. N ral ii I ' ''""'IH hiHlruct- I"hS,,,W"I"M",I,W ''''"'''ri.nUl "tthi, "r,""l. Ilolncll. 'i'u"y would prob. nhty nMintimlly buy llm propeily on wl.lcl. thu HpilURM uro, nn It now Iiiim nn opt Ion nn tho Kitiund. Tim wider U bollovod Hi bo liol nt IIk hoiinti, its tho Miiikmou linxo K".h' Bii-far HiMiinl IIh Miurrn Hint llio wil ier ronion out iiillit warm, U'ltliiK n loiiHldornlilo Htt'iiiu, DovodopinouU hnvo shown (hut llio Hiipply does not riiino from HlrnlRht down below llio pond, but from n koiiiii HirniiRli Hut thu earth In u norlliwoatcrly dlrocllon, mill this direction U holiig followed. Tho volmiio of wulor lina Ineronsod coiiHldorubly slnco tho mon uoian to oxcR'vato, , Tim Whllo I'fllcnn orrhostrn gives lis wtokly ilniii'ii on Friday ovoiiIur this wook. Inalond of Saturday, on ar rniiiil of tho Oplo Head locturo. LIVERMOAE HAS APPENDICITIS exi: of iiotiiii owxi:iw taki:n HCIlim HI.V IM. WITH MAMMY, HIT IH IIFFOIITFM MiriTFIt TOMAV Aithur II. l.lvcrmoro, on of Mm. A. II. I.hcrmoro, nnd ono of tho pro prlolois or llio Mvormoro hotel nnd mill i mini. Ih HiifforliiR from uppon iIIiIHh, nml Is cniillned lo his homo on rllxlh alioet. Ho wu Inken III Tiiot- diy nlRlil. ! '" of ,,, ,,mo uUko tl.nl Iuib nuffoiod oxtremoly, allhoiigh ho Is bolter today. II may bo poiwliiio Unit un nporcllim will bo hr.d lator. Dr. Jnmw Tnylor l In attendance Mi:it HA.MH OF XFKillllOltlXCi oin:c;o.v city iiavk hfcfiikm iii:mi'ci:ii iiati: fou jr.Morr 111 VISIT lll'.UK An pvriirilon to Klumath Falls dur ing the week beginning February 12 la pliiunrd by tho merchants nt Ku Kino, n minced round trip rnto having boon aocurod from tho Southern Pa ri tic. This trip Is In anticipation of the Kugenc-Klnmnth Fulls cutoff. That territory will be trlbutn to Bugono when tho lino Is completed, and tho Ciigono morrhnnts mnke tho trip to got nniuulnled with tho Klamnth mer rhmits wllh donor business relations In view. Itonebiirg, (irnntai'uai. Ash land, Central I'nlnt nnd Jacksonville wl n In) bo lalted en route. I T RATE NOT UP TO OFFICIALS IIF.AHS OF I.H1IIT AXM WATKR (Oltl-OIIATION MUOF IX AND Ol'T OF CITY WITHOUT ACTION OX I.IMI.NAHY Olllrlul of tho Khininth Falls l.lRht and Water company, who mado n riyliiK trip hero last night mot neith er Mu or Frod T. Biindoroon nor any of llio couiiclliiieii. m that nothing wan dono In regurd to tho rato for city lighting, which Is charged at 5 centa Instead of 3H. which tho coun cil had voted to pay. Tho Deceuibor warrant was un claimed uy tho company after tho council had pntcd It down, and the January warrant was iw glvon a shavo by tho council. The calm de meanor of tho corporation uuder the circumstances gives rlso to a suspi cion In somo quartern that It U rett ing on Hi ours, nnd may be expected to "spring sonipln' " soon. local Templars' asking that the propo sltlon for a commandry to be estab lished In Klamath Falls bo given the Indorsement of the Ashland body. I'osslbly the local templars will know tonight whether their proposi tion Is favored, and If it Is, the ex pectation Is that Grand Commander Henry D. Thcllion of Portland will take tho matter up officially very soon. There Is practically no doubt that tho local lodgo will get what it If after, a tho petition had over n score of sign ers when nine Is the requlslto number. TF.HHY WITH IMUKiltKHHIVKH IX NO UXCF.HTAI.V TKItMH Cilte MowutRo Through Knothurg Ed itor, Haying Ho Will Ho In Fighting l.lno lllglil Through lo iIk. Finish nf llio Fray t'nltPil I'rors Sprvtro NEW YOUK, Feb CS. Colonel Uoosovett, through Alexander Moore, editor of the I'lttsburg leader, sent Hits mossago to tho pregrcMlves: "I don't believe my bitterest enemy will say I ever was a deserter. You ran say to the progressives that I'll not desert the cause. They'll find me fighting sldo by sldo with them to the finish." Oplo fiend's lecture at tho opera house on Saturday night moved tho Whlto I'cllcnn orchestra danco up a notch. It will bo given Friday night. Instead. Kwauna Encampment Tonight Kwnuna Encampment No. 46 holds Its regular meeting tonight. Come nut and see what's doln'. Copenhagen reports that King Frederick Is Improved aud the Inflam mation Is diminishing. TITLE SUIT WAS NEEOED TO QUIET FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF KEN. NEWICK IIRINQB IN FAUTICF LARS AHOUT KKA1 ESTATE IN CASE VKRSl'S 8WINMI.ER In tho case ot tho First National bank of Kennowlck vs. Swindler and wife, tho Jury continue! to listen to tho testimony. The bank Is endeavor ing to ahow that In close relation to tho chattol mortgage on the Swindler horses, on which It seeks to recover T04, interest and attorney'a fee. Ii a deal for some lots In Pasco, Wash., near Kennewick. This realty belong ed to Swindler, who deeded it to the HUlo Mriarlmrnt May Warn Thorn War Ofllro Has Tmojai Ready lo Ruali CiunlMMit Wticollng Arrive al Now Orleans. United Proas Same WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 8. The state department is preparing to warn Americans to leave Mexico, be lieving that they are endangered. Tho war department states that everything Is In readiness to rush troops to the border. Tho gunboat Wheeling has arrived at Now Orleans. ChUmahaui HUlc In Terror EL, PASO, Tex., Feb. 8. llcfugefs leport a reign of terror la Chihuahua. Minister of the Interior Oonxalca es caped from vasqultas today, en route to Chihuahua. Armed vasqultas arc capturing small Chihuahua state towns. A decisive battle between the federals and rebel la Imminent near Chihuahua. At Truckes W. H. 11. Smith, editor of tho Truckce Republican, shot yes terday by P. M. Doyle, died today. KENNEWICK BANK NAMES SIMILAR INSTITUTION ON WHICH I'ORT. MXM TRUST COMPANY HAS EXERCISER OPTION NOT ONE SUING HERE For two days the case of the First National bank of Kennewick, Wash., has been occupying tho excluslvo at tention of the circuit court, and wit nesses have been examined for both sides. The plaintiff bank is not to bo confused In any way with the Dank ot Kennewick, an option on which has been closed by the Portland ' Trust company ot Portland, Ore. Tho First National hank of Kenne wick has been headed by President L. H. Johnson, who continues In that office. He l In Klamath Falls at present In connection with the chat tel mortgage case now on. His coun sel, 8. 7!. Henderson, accompanies him. It took about three minutes last night for the officials and others con nected with the Klamath Power com pany to transfer Its property formal' ly to the California-Oregon Power company. Those who came to this city for tho purpose, which was ef fected In tho brief session held at the White Pelican, came In last evening snd left again this morning. Thoso who camo for tho meeting, which had to be held In Klamrt'h Fali aa headquarters of the cc"?tiany, In order to comply with the by-laws of the Klamath Power Compr.ny, were: J. W. Churchill, president. Alexander J. Rosborough, secretary; J. P. Churchill, treasurer, all of Yreka, Calif.; Philip Do Tristan, director and stockholder, San Francisco; E. Schwab, attorney, San Francisco, and A. C. Hough ot Grants Pass, Oregon counsel for the company. The California-Oregon Power com pany, which has gathered in several smaller corporations, Including tho Klamath Power company, which holds tho Klamath Falls Light and Water company, now has a capital of 116, 000,000, and operates 800 miles of high tension power lines, covering the field from Dunsmulon the south, Klamath Falls on the east and Etna Mills on the west, to Orants Pass on the north. Towns In Oregon which it serves are Grants Pass, Med ford. Ashlaad. Jacksonville, Gold Hill. Phoenix, TM en, Woodvllle, Central Point, Tolo, Klamath Falls, Merrill and Bonaata. In Siskiyou county, Calfornla, it feeds Dorrla. Hornbrook, Montague, Yreka, Fort Jones, Etna, Qrcenvlow, Weed, Slsson, Dunsmulr and Little Shasta. The company has opened oflces at 602 California' street. San Francisco. MRS. nAZZARD IS GIVEN AN INDETERMINATE TERM United Press Service PORT ORCHARD. Feb. 8. Mrs. Haxzard was given an indeterminate sentence of from two to twenty years for starvation treatment of women pa tlents in her alleged hospital. The woman was given hard labor ot Walla Walla. Judge Yakey denied a motion for a now trial. Pablo Has the "Honker Coak" Pablo Doplln, the genial little Fall- Ipplno who has made bis home with the people ot Klamath county, came over from Bonanta with Levi Mc Donald to visit a few days with hla many friends here, and also to get ex pert advlco on tho treatment of an at tack of tho whooping cough. Witness at the Federal Coswt Dr. and Mrs. Johnson ot Bonaasa came In from that city last night and left for Portland this morning. Dr. Johnson Is called before the federal court at Portland to testify In the case of Anderson Faithful, who is ac cused ot beating his wife to death near Yalnax a short time ago. Bonanza Banquet Next Week Will Be First Function In New Hostelry Levi McDonald, tho proprietor ot the new hotel soon to be opened In Bonanza, la In town for a couple ot days on busslnesa affairs connected with the new hostelry. The hotel ac commodations ot that thriving little city have been rather meager ever since the big fire, which wiped out the principal buslnesa section of the town some time ago, Including the two hotels, and the traveling public Is to be congratulated that tha new en terprise is to be under the manage ment ot such an experienced man aa Mr, McDonald. It Is expected to have tha new place open for business by the latter part of next week, and the first function will be tho banquet ten tered to tho Commercial Club ot Bo nanza and the teachers attending trio teachera' Institute at that place on February 17th. For Medical Attention Mrs. Ernest Hamaker, with her mother, Mrs. Brown, arrived la this city yesterday on their way to Port land, where Mrs. Hamaker goes to receive medical attention. She will probably go to the Good Samaritan Hospital, where she wllf undergo an operation for appendicitis. 'Y C VH.