The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 07, 1912, Image 3

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    .Mill UtIV
.-.' flltf hllKIIH'r n niw
2-n. for 0.0 Cuntr ol Kln.
tmrtkan lltik and Trurt Com-
JS ;,ir',,,rMI,,n' mMW'
,. , iifoi.1 mirt waller H. llf
"' loll V" n,u, u,tand' n"'
Jim ii i""' lv"" "',' b' vlr;'.l tourl nml wuw.
". .! m j " t"" ,0,,, ,,Br '
! Jim. i '"r "' "'" nUv""
JKfM. w '"'' "'0 "i,n" rr",l'c'
Hiilr llfl1 ,K''uW
i ttrf. " v,r1v uf ':!;'
.ilun ami "' ""'ll" wmi
i Jm rf"'i'" ","1 ' " T,,c'"
o 10 o'etok m t Hi .Mr. t II.
hLit door of Hi- rouiily ni.irt lioii.e-,
..,, sell, at l'"l'"r roirtlon. '" ""'
iif slants, ami ratli of them. In '!
MCI Of IJ premises. linrollinlltT
LfM.f ,","l, ,,,",0, '" ,,AC,,
nrtdiill.MW Niiwiiwrr l
utUlj tt "" "l,,,",,l '" "nM 0,"r"
w rtimtluir. ml lierrtiinttrr
.l. UHMllIT ll!l l'0
tiitmrBti, herclllMiitmta ami ai'imr
teuKM bMi'l I'vlouittnK or In
ii)tU artrlainin
TU aM iffiixai aro H l"1 0 1 it .
u ifortMl-l. I" "'", ",r "' ","'
ui Its amounts In ii inonl "f wl'le'i
111 jrowds f '''' ' B,,, '" "
MUf4 la lalUfattlun of aald Juil.
Bl.ippr fr.iH-fiitrly ami liiimo.
luitl; after Hi listfl'tloii 'f ''
pte!s la ftS 'a"'0 "' "',' fu1,
lrrrelr 10 be lil In first
niM ef "
Wi tnrre U "1 'our 4) ,n
tierk lklfl)ctrn 'J?). ami ! "i"
O.lMll.lbfrr (S).four ) and
), la Mm tml) one (SI), of
frejj sMllon in Hi" rllr of Klam
Hi Mis, KUmtlli rotinljr OrKtif:
ffMtfJl ttom rh $kti 10 Ii !
WIk rt:irnt f Ihn irlncll
r.ofl I,(IC (C nJ Intorrtl llirrron
ittWnttof 10 '-r rrnt or ntiniliii,
JhaUirt, lll llm iuiii of IJOO,
i!!rt)' (; Ilia mm of 130.75,
IU rpUlontr (uirt of tho toil
unit tll.burtotiionti nrliltm miliar Dili
flrnl tnuig of milt, itid Dim nrcrnliiu
cii.l Uicrtiiiiitar
2 I'mmltvi to lia nolil In ticniiil
I'lllMII of lllltl
l.oln flro ((,), i (0), huvkii (7)
nfiil riRin (K), In Mock liliiclmm (IV),
of Kcconit Atlillllon to (tin vlty of
Mmnntli I'ulli KUitikth rountr Dro
it mi am
I'rofi-oiU of mcli l (o liu pfill
to tin pnyinmit of llm principal mini
of ISO Ntiil Itiliiro.t llioruon, at llm
rnto of 10 mr rent per minimi, from
Ktiliruury 10, 1KII; thu aiitn of 12b,
ntltirnr).' fion; for tliu mni of 0,
the piopiirtlnimln pnrl of llm i-oit
nihI illiiliiirniinioniH nrlilnK iiihIit Hit.
croml ranmi of anil, mid tlm acrru
liw: foali tliviuiinilur; ami
3 -I'fonilic. lo Ii fold In third
rniun of mitt
l.iiln II ami II, In lilork ID of Hoc
nml mlillllmi to tint city of Klmimtli
I'nIU. Klntnalli niiiiily, Orrniiiii unit
Wii-liliiKtmi lliiiiilHr Tnki'N Hlml nl
Hlmi mi Ifiilliilnu lo t'.,. 'i HI.
Iji.i 'iirlrlilK', nml llnll.l . Imi
.Ni'iir Him 1 1 cm it
COI.I'AX., IVIi, 7. Coroner
llrunliiK wiu (iiIId.i in MI Arthur
ld k. nun Ii mmtli of I'lillimui lo In
vkMIkiiIii Ihn iH'iilh of I'rcildlo Ciirpon.
Ii'r, iiitdl II, who mil kfllnt liy Ar
thur l,ii( k, ii iiuirhcr, who hml Iickii
out .hontliiK with n 22-uilll.r.. rlltit
l.tuk. on ri'liirnliiK houiii fiiuiul ho
liiul imu fiirirhlRo lull, nml look n hIidI
nt it .Ik ii on n woml.hi'il Yoiiiik ur
poiitnr wiu plnliiK In thu Mini, nml
I'mlii'i', HiiukIiIit nml Hon Klllrtl liy
llnirllitiiki'M Itoy U'lio llnil Hug
Ui.liil Tlmt All Take I'nUoii anil
:uim Hlonr lcn(li liy TiiIwituIiwU.
wii. kllliil hy Hip hlmi Thu hiillct
I' of mirh unto to tin nppttbil i"l,,",'l ''" ''l)r "-r llm lirnrl Hoinn
In Ihr payment of Ihn prlnrlpnl .inn , ' ' ""l",l '"i"r.i Ihn limly wnn
of 1100 nml Inlnri'il tlivrnoii nt tlui,,M""1
mtn of 10 per rrnt per milium, from
I'lliriinry II, 101 1: lor tlm niim
35 ntlnrni').' In-.; for tlm .uui
110, Ihn priiiill"imln part of llm
roil mid illliuf"iiiiiiU nrl.InK un
diT Hill third ratlin of milt, mid the
arrrultiK rii.U Ihrrouinlrr; , .
And If tliffr. Im any ovirplm, nflnr .Mnif,,,,! (ir Who HlMip.r,.ml fr-t
inn nppiiraiion oi aurn prorrmu in
tlm tfttlafacllofi of .aid JudRtnriit, ai
nforiald, In cither of .aid rauin of
mil, Ihn mtiti ili.ll ho paid Into ld
roil ft lo tin fiirthrr appllrd a hy
law dlrcrtrd,
nil Motilli. ,u. Turn. I'int
tllh', Tiiiii,, Whirr Mmi Nlw llnl
Willi AIniiiiIiiiimI Mir
till. Iltli day of Jaminry,
V. II,
AI'I'I.CTON, Wlc, IVh. 7. Thrt-u
of thi mirvlvliiK lUDiuhi'm of tho MMh.
Inml fiiiully iK-rlaru Hint loul Malli
Intnl. hn mm John, nK''d S yenrrf, nml
liln ilniiKhlcr, Horn, ni;cil K yonri,
foiiml ilcml on their fur in near 1)1 nt;-
jlinuilon, went inurilcri'd hy William
Miilhhiml, uuolhiir non, who thon com.
inltli'd milcldi',
tluini'.tlc troiihlci. which hrouvht
on tvuiporAry Inannlty, nro ald to
hnvit Ikmi rciponalhln for tho Irauedy,
Tint ImiIIi-s of tho vlctlnia wtro found
hy thu Ihrot aurvlvliiK koiih of Mnlh
Innd whffi they returned homo from
Tho inllio Mnlhland fnmlly, It wsa
learned, wcro In tho Inat atntcca of
tuhcrculoiiji. Klvo otlmr membcra of
thu fnuilly, Including Mra, Mnlhland,
tho inothnr, died from tho dlacaao dur
Iuk th Inst four ycara.
WIIIIhui Malhlnnd, o vurvlTlnic
ini-nihra of tho family my, auKRcatod
Hint thu fnmlly Inko polaon to cacni
n alow ilrath. When hi. plan was not
upprori'd, It I chnrKcd, ho killed tho
other and committed aulclde In an
Inaanu effort to carry out hla acheme.
M'.IIIII..VH ri.VAl At'fOtl.NT
.Mllliroill), Ore., I'ch, 7. -Nora
IHirllliK, mtn 17, who dliappeiiri'd
fioui her houiu III thla rlly .literal
month. nK, nml for whom thu author
(Ilea hnv kept up n romlalit .i-nrch,
hna heeii lorattil at .Vii.htllle, Teiili.,
iiirordlliK lo athliea rcreUod hy
Ifleiul. In thl. city.
I Jninc. lillliaplo who I. .ihl lo hnve
Nollro la hernhy Klren that Allha nIit her In rlco with Mm, U .nld
Heath, Ktiardlmi of the peraon and t ,Bt nhimdunrd thu KlrV nt Nnnh
ralalo of John C Uracil, drccaied, Im. v H, lww al ,)l0 hnt ll(
nlfd In the count) court of Klnmntli frlni.l. In that rlly.
County. OrrKon, her final account na
audi KUArdlni., and that thn court ha. Wo han iuno fery itf.lrhlo tth
niil Thliradai, thu Kth day of IVh '.(.-,. Iiril,,.riv fir nl fllenhen.-
irunrf. 1913. at tho hour of 10 a. in .ii.i,,tr r,i
l'roiNiefi Sew tmm to Help HetUera of
Arid Lands hj Ilellevlac HeUlera of
Itraldrnco for First Two Yean Af.
lor (1alm Htarts
A rcclaaalOcatlon of tbo forms of en
try of lands In tho public domain, Iawi
lo mutt thv facts In each particular
cluna of entry and rulings by tho land
office to encourage tho bona fldo set
tlement of tho Weat, woro adTocated
by Secretary of tbo Interior Kliher bo
foro tho bouao commltteo on public
Flahcr submitted to tbo committee
a draft of a now law to rcgulato tho
homcstcadlnR of arid landa. It would
relloYo tbo settlor of resldcnco on Irri
gation projects for tho first two yeara
of (heir ten-year term, and subatltute
for that provision tbo cultivation of
one-elghtb of tho land tho first year.
one quarter tho aacond year, and so on
for flvo years.
!if .old day, nt lha court room of aal.1
court, In Klamath Tall), Oregon aa
J Ihr tluin mid place fur htarlnx objec
tion. In aald account and aoltlement
(liven ' Klamalh Knlli, Orciton,
llil. 1Mb day of January, 1913
(luardlan nt Ihn Ktlaln of John C
lleach. Ik-craned, l-U-3'Ch
Tetuplo theater, Mattuee dally, 3'3L
p m Ktentng, first petfotmanre.
7 16. cuntlnuou.
Silverware of Quality
Wo Kiiarantee to every purchases of
Coiiifiiunlly Hllver that It Is tho boat
(lint can hu mado by skilled workmen
with thu Ute.t inachlnery and tbo beat
mnlcrlnt, and thla guarantco Is based
upon a reputation for eicellence and
Integrity In manufacture now estab
lished for out half a century.
HyUI flawrnnlef
We Ktiarantoo all Kuoda (except
knives) hearlnc tho atnmp. Commun
ity Hlhpr, Trlpli Plus, for fifty years
In ordinary family uau. For salo by
Wntchmakor, Jewattr and Eagrarsr.
Wllllts Building.
Muorn ft llehlrlch, milliners, lime
muted from 414 Main atrrrl Into thn
I room formerly occupied by tho sta
tionery depart'iiK-nt of tho Htar OniK
. store. l 1-JO.Ct
A pleasant social occasion In tho
vnr or n Hllver Tea will bo held lo
th.l. O. O. P. Tcmplo on Friday af
ternoon Ijnm 3:30 till 4:30. Tbo
i Woman' (hilld of tbo Episcopal
church extends a, cordial Invitation to
H S-B-ll
Booth eg Itching akin. Heals cuts
or burns without a tear. Cures piles,
eczema, unit rheum, any Itching.
Doan'a Ointment. Your druggist
soils It.
Much kkntso Due t Bewsl Ola
rstars. A doctor first qoestlon wben con
sulted by a patient I. "Are ysar bow
els regularr He knows tkat 08 of
lllne I attended with Inctlve bow
el and torpid liver, and that tbla con
dition muat be removed gently snd
thoroughly before bsaltb can be re
stored. Ilexall Orderlies are a positive, pleas
ant, and Mfe remedy for constipation
nd bowel disorders In general. Wt
arc o certain of tbelr great curative
value that we promise to return tbe
purchaser niodey In every case wnen
tbey fall to produce entire tuitlsfsctlon.
Itexsll Orderlies are eaten like candy.
tbey act quietly, and aid In producing
a sooth ns. atrengtnenins, neaiing in
fluence on I be entire Intestinal tract
Tbey do not purge, gripe- cause nao
sea. flatulence, excessive looseness.
dtarrbu-. or other annoying effect.
Tbey are especially good for coil
dren. weak parsons, or old folks.
Three sixes. lOo. 25c.. and 00c. Bold
only at our atora-Th Rexall Store.
Star Drug Store.
Herald Want Ads
KODAK I1NHK1NO VIim elaas aa
prompt results by Fraak Duaoaa,
over first National bank, or leavs on
den at Little Book store, two doors
west of postofjce.
WANTED About 11,600 frosa two to
flvs years; x well Improved farm
property as security. Address E. l.
Elliott, attorney, Kktmatb Falls, Or.
FOH BACK Dry slab wood, lt-Jncb,
delivered to any part of the aity.
Ackley Bros. Phone 451. lS-tf
VOK HaTjnv
r-OH KENT Three or foar farmlaUod
housekeeping rooms la private fam
ily; no ehlldr. Eaqulra at Herald
oBea. 4t
FOR RENT A good l-roosa koas
modern, near (tb and Mfa, at fit
per month, 8eArthur'R. Wllsoa,
C 17 Main street. "V Slt
FOR RENT Faralsbed
gentlemen, at tha Oregon Hoaaa.
lemple theater, Matraee dally, 1:1
p. m. Evening. Srat perforaaaea.
7:16, eoatlaaoaja.
I am now delivering- first class
M-lnch dry slaa.wood to any place In
tbe city for $3 a toad. Now Is the
time to get-your wood cheap, before
wet woafher beglas
Leave orders at O. K. Transfer com
pany or Oregon Harness company.
There are funds on hand to redeem
tbe following sower warraats: No.
41. 45. 4t, 47,60, 61." 4. 4. 61.
Interest will cease fnn date hereof.
Dated at Klaanktb Fatra, Ore., this
36th day of January, 1912.
J. W. SIEMENS. City Treasurer
36th day of Janaary, 1411. ll-St
In the Circuit Court of the Stat of
Oregon, for tha Cooaty of Klam
ath. M. M. Obenehala, plalaUI,
Knnsome-Crummey Company, a Cor
poration, Defeadant
To Ransoma-Crummey Company, De
fendant Above Named:
In the name of tbe State of Ore Ore
eon: Tou are hereby repaired to
aoawer tho complaint filed agaiaat
you In the above entitled actloa, oa
ir before the 3d day of February,
1911, that being the day of tha last
publication of tbla summons, and tha
last day within which you are re
quired to answer, aa fixed by tha or
ler of publication of this summon.
If you fall to appear aad answer,
the plalntloT will take Judgmaat
gainst you for tha sum specified la
raid complaint
Bald action la brought to recover
the balance of 11,050, due from yea
to plaintiff, for services rendered aad
labor performed In aald state of Ore.
gon, between the let day of Fehraary
ind the 30th day of November, of the
year It 10, and plaintiff's costs aad
disbursements In such actloa.
That the defeadaat was, at the '
commencement of this actloa. aad
now Is, the owner of certala personal
property, attached la Klamath swea
ty, Oregon, and described aa follows,
4 standard gauge ears,
1 street sprlakler.
1 3-borse street or road roller.
That oa the tth day of December,
tll, and after the teeuaaeo ef earn
fflons to be served oa aald defead
ant. at the Instance of the plaintiff,
the sheriff of said county duly at
tached said above described personal
property aad bow holds tho same la
his possession, at Klamath Falls, Ore
gon, by virtue of aald writ of attachment
This summons la published oaee a
week, for six successive weeks, la
the Evening Herald, a dally aewa
paper. of general drculatloa, prlated
and published la the city of Klamath
Falls, Klamath eouaty, Oregon, by
order of Honorable Wm. . Wordea,
Judge of the county court of Klaaaath
county, state of Oregon, aad dated
December 11, ltll, the first pabllea
tlon of thla summons being made oa
the 33d day of December, 1111.
11-33-3-S h Atfys for PhUatlff.
Proposed Amendment to Charter Providing For Commission
Form of Government for Klamath Falls
co.vriNt-sii) rnoM ykhtkiumy'h iii:iiai.d
Section 21. .
Clerks I he inspector anil juices of election
!n!l, liclori ti.c tunc for opening the poll, appoint
Snu suitable pirMins to act as clerks, who shall he
i.ia!ificit Miter, each clerk shall write clown each
office to lie tilled nml the name of each person votcil
for such office, anil shall keep the number of votes l
tallies as ilif are icatl hy the inspector or judge.
Section 22,
Tolls Open All elections hclil tiutlcr the provi
sions of tins charter shall continence at ciiht o'clock
. in., ami continue until seven o'clock p. in. of the
untcilay, without closing the polls.
Section 23.
Canvas ami Election -As soon as the polls
Jfc closcil the election jiules shall iuiinciliatcly open
the ballot hoxci. take therefrom and count the ballots,
nil inter the total number' thereof ou the tally sheet
provided therefor No vote shall be counted for any
candidate more than once on any ballot, all subse
1tnt otes on that ballot for that candidate being
The person leceiving the largest number of votes
ctal such election for any office shall be elected to
Inil office.
The Hoard of Commissioners shall meet as a can
vjJiint. hoard ami politically canvass the election re
turns witin,, iuu (avs anLir ay municipal election,
"! in case of tu. election of officers shall issue certifi
iof eleciion to unch person elected.
A tic lictxu-en two candidates shall be iletennined
")'Iot iimler the direction of the canvassing board.
. Section 24.
. Informalities j i?CC(i()n No informalities
n conducting municipal elections shall invalidate the
',ne; if Hie) have been conducted fairly, and in sub
mia conformity with the rcnuircments of this char
,lrnlllic Malts law.
n Section 25,
i : ,, lols Preservation The envelope contain-
, I he ballots when scaled up shall be indorsed,
0 aIl0,s f Precinct, Klamath Falls,
jJcRn, of election held this day of
Citv pi'1'"1 sll!l11 ,)c delivered by the inspector to the
orl . rk' who 8li'l keep said scaled envelope un
ePcnediiiii:i H... . 5 . . . . .. t ii..
. --"ii me iiuic appointed lor tnc cauv ui ui--
icturiis, and until opened by the Hoard of Commis
sioners. Section 26.
Statement of Kxpcnscs to he Filed Kvery
candidate who is voted for at any election held within
this city idiall within thirty days after such election,
file mi 'itemized statement showing in detail all the
moneys contributed or expended by him directly or
indirectly by himself or through any other person in
aid of his election. Such statements shall give the
names of the various persons who received such
money, and the specific nature of each item and the
purpo'se for which it was expended or contributed
There shall be attached to each statement an affidavit
of such candidate, setting forth in substance that the
statement thus made is in all respects true, and that
the same is a full and detailed statement of all moneys
so contributed or expended by him.
Section 27.
Corrupt Practices Any person who shall at
any municipal election violate any of the state laws in
regard to corrupt practices, or who shall fail to file a
sworn statement of expenses heretofore required,
shall upon conviction thereof, be forthwith disquali
fied from holding municipal office, position or employ
ment for a period of two years, and if such person shall
have been elected or appointed to any municipal office,
position or employment, his conviction of any viola
tion shall ipso fact'o create a vacancy therein. .
Action for the enforcement of this provision may
be brought by the City Attorney, or by any citizen on
behalf of the city.
A violation of any of the provisions of this section
by any candidate shall disqualify him from holding
office for which he is a candidate.
Kvery elective officer of the city shall, at the time
he takes the oath of office, be required to take and sub
scribe an oath that he has not violated any of the pro
visions of this section.
Section 28.
- n Khwiimi Remtlations The provi-
Wl'llk'llll . .v " . I -
sions of anv law of the State of Oregon now or herein,
after in force, except as the Commissioners may other
wise by ordinance provide, relating to the qua. fie a
tions and registration of electors, the manner of vot
ing the duties of election officers, the canvassing of re
1111,1 ii"- ' ii-ra in resncct to the man-
turns, aiui an omei imiv -- ,
agement and holding elections, except aa otherwise
provided in this charter, so far as they may be applica
ble shall govern all municipal elections.
Section 29.
Qualifications of Electors That save and ex
cept as in this charter otherwise set fortli any person
shall be qualified to vote at any election held under
this charter who has been a resident of the City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, for ninety days next preced
ing such election, and who possesses the qualifications
of a legal voter of this state. '
Recall of Elective Officers
Section 30.
Applies to All ' Elective Officers Any holder
of an elective office may be recalled and removed
therefrom by the qualified electors of the City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, as provided in this article.
Section 31.
Petition for Recall Any qualified elector of
the said city may make and file with the City Clerk an
affidavit containing the name of the officer sought to
he removed, and a specific statement of the grounds
df removal. The Clerk shall thereupon deliver to the
elector making such affidavit, a sufficient number of
copies of petitions for such recall and removal, printed
forms of which he shall keep on hand. Such petition
shall be issued by the Clerk with his signature and
official seal thereto attached ; they shall be dated and
addressed to the Commissioners of thcCity of Klam
ath Falls, Oregon, and shall contain the name of the
person to whom issued, the number of forms so issued,
the name of the person sought to be removed, the
office from which such removal is sought, the grounds
of such removal as stated in such affidavit and shall de
mand the election of a successor to such officer, a copy
of which petition shall be entered in a record to be
kept in the office of said Clerk. Any defect in said
form shall not invalidate the same. Said recall peti
tion must be returned and filed with said Clerk within
thirty days of its issuance. Said petition before being
returned and filed shall be signed by qualified electors
equal in number to twenty per centum of the last pre
ceding vote cast for all the candidates for mayor by
the electors of the city, and to such signature shall be
attached his place of residence, giving the street and
number. Such signatures need not be on one sheet of
paper. One of the signers of each said sheet or sheets
shall make an affidavit upon the back thereof that the
statements therein contained are true, and that each
signature, enumerating them, appended to the sheet is
the genuine signature of the person whose name it
purports to be. All such sheets of paper for the recall
of any one officer shall be fastened together and filed
as one instrument, with the indorsement thereon of
the names and addresses of three persons designated
as filing the the same.
Section 32.
Petition May Be Amended or New Petition
Made Within ten days of the filing of such petition,
the Clerk shall ascertain by examination thereof and
of the registration books and election returns whether
the petition is signed by the requisite number of quali
fied electors, and shall attach thereto his certificate
showing the result of such examination. He shall, if
necessary, be allowed extra help by the. Commis
sioners. If his certificate shows the petition to be insuffi
cient, he shall within ten days so notify in writing one
or more persons designated on the petition as filing
the same; and the petition may be amended at any
time within ten days from the filing of the said cer
tificate. The Clerk shall within ien days after such
amendment make like examination of the amended
petition and attach thereto his certificate of results.
If still insufficient, or if no amendment is made, he
shall return the petition to one of the persons desig
nated thereon as filing it, without prejudice, however,
to the filing of a new petition for the same purpose.
Section 33.
Election Under Recall Petition, Unless Offi
cer Resigns If the petition or amended petition shall
be found and certified to be sufficient he shall submit
the same with his certificate to the Commissioners
without delay, and the Commissioners shall, if the
officer sought to be removed does not resign within
live days thereafter, order an election to be held on a
Monday fixed by it not less than thirty and not more
than forty days from the date of the Clerk's certificate
that a sufficient petition is filed; provided, however,
that if any other municipal election is to occur within
eighty days from the date of the Clerk's certificate, the
Commissioners may in their discretion postpone the
holding of the removal election to the date of such
other municipal election. If a vacancy occur in said
office after a removal, election has been ordered the
election shall nevertheless proceed as in this article
provided. .. -