The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 06, 1912, Image 3

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    -ZZrtAiV MMlWfMM
. ui Circuit Court of tha Slata of
- imMlrtn Hank and Trurt Cora
g",Vcorpor.tlo,Wttallf, UW. I. ffr.l Wr . 0U
fori. Wit" lltnd, Wo-
msiIm It I"""1'' ''u ,h,,' t" T,r
Jrfan ."""'"' du" "" ou'
'Htaiboto-rnlllW court and mum.
1 1! W hum " " "Ito da of
JJS "lalnllff. JlrMll"! ' '"
STtlrt """'l" ","1 ,,ore,n",,,,r
fcltrlM. I" "I"" ""' """ r",,oc
iinir iti J ,",ow
Motr Iharcfur. by lrtua of imlil
Jnllon. Mil In comttllMieo with
Zt ll I !' ,1"l' lo,rM " "l'h
TM prrmtM. ami will. Tum
J!, tht tStti Ar t rniarx, IVII.
ril o'clura '" "' ,,lt ,,",, ' ,'"
frotl door of Hi" """' tm,rl ,",""',
li Klamath Kalla, Klanmlli Cuunljr,
oUb, kII. t filille nMdlon. " ''" bldJir fr "'. "' '"
ml. Mil imfi "f ,,' l''",ne,,
i4tBilnla. an.l .rli "t tUom. In Utt
l 1Mb of latJ jirrriiUri. Imralnatttir
4rrlb4. ur o mucb tliruf, In aeli
cum of .ult. "" '" nwaaaary m
Hiufr ti" "' '""'"""i ,n '', "f""
lloa, rptltil)-. ami tivrnlaafler
Hot o M'Prr. toKetlier.wltli tlm
Mo.nt. hciotltaiiicnta anil aw'ur
titum Ihricuiitu Lelnuitlni or In
iijal t'lrtliilnK.
Tt aM rmiir ant to b aold.
M iforwaU. I 'l" ru,r- ' """
ii4lhainounH In jamnt of "lilch
tt jramda of tli ! ' ,0 I""
Wll4 In aatlafarltnn of aald Juda
ant, apix-ar rf.iirtlfly ami Imiiio
(UI.I; alter ttm .lrterl.lln of tli
irtala In rarli ratur of milt, ai fol
Ian, to-all' to !' aolil In flrtt
nm of !
Loll thrro (1) ami four (4) In
lock tblrty-trn (37). ami Iota ono
(t).two J). thrr (S), four (4) aad
It), la biota tartity-on (It), of
txtti addition to ttin city of Man
ila Fall. KUmitti county. Oregon ;
prwrtji Irom tucti lo to ta a
(11(4 to (ta ajmrnt of tho irlnclal
uaof H.CtC.U ami Inlornt therron
at ii4 rata of to pr rrnt per annum.
trem Miy T. 1911. tn .urn of 1300.
tttaji' (; tha mm of 410.75,
II froportlomto part of tha coata
and dtatiuraoincnta arlilng tindor llili
nrit tauia of itilt, and Ilia accruing
coila tliartundtr
I I'ratnlMi to ta aolil In mmi
tamo of mitt
tOt fir (f). all III), anvpn (1
andi'lght (N), In block iiltictKun (ID),
of Hecond Addition to tho city of
itiaiimui Kallt, Klamath counlr Oro-
goni and
rrocrtdi of audi aala to tin amillml
In tha payinrnt of tha principal aiim
nt 1 110 and Ititcreit tharaon. at thv
rata of 10 urr ronl vr annum, from
Kiibruary 10, tun: (hit mini of m.
n(tnriii)a' fciaj for thn aiim of to,
the ptoportloimtn part of tin. rol
ami illliiiri'Miiniti nrUltiK umliir Hil
m'omt cauia of lull, and tha accru
ing, roMa tharnumlvr! and
3l'rmiiLoi to ha aolil In third
camn of aultt
l.o(a II and II. In blork 10 of Hae.
uml mimtlon to tlm city of Klamath
Mil, Klamath run My. Orcaen: and
rrorxoila of audi aale to lm appllvil
In thr paimnit of thn inn
of 1100 ami thereon nt tint
rata of 10 tier runt tier atiiiiitn, from
Kihruary II, 1911; for thn urn of
ISC attornnja1 fm; fur thn mini of
110, thn tiroportlonatn nart of Hip
rotla and dltburarmi'iiti nrUliiK mi
trr thla third raion of mill, and thn
Accruing roita thnrrundnr;
And If there he any ntirnlin. after
tha application of aurti prorreda to
thn inttifartlnn of aald Judgment, ai
afnreaald, In either of aald rauiea of
ult, tha laine lull bn patd Into aald
court to tin further applied aa by
law directed.
luted thla 13th day of January,
1. 13. J. 10 I. HherlrT.
tll'.tlllll,t.'M riS.M, MiMVST
-J i
in ill , M ,
Muni. ml Man uml llrolli.r U'ir.' '). nmr (. nlit Vt llmiurata tic
I'lirriilliig In HiiIihim uml ItefiiM-il to
Jtill When Onlenil to l,y llnmui'il
lll'OKANi:, Wu.h, IVh. .-Htuv
Ilorknvlih U iltait Hlth nil ktilf.i
Hoiimtii In hl iiIhIoiiimi, uml lln tuillnt
uml ulicrlrr urn miirililim for Mlko Kn.
Inn lliioiiKhniit tho aiirroiimlliiK toiiii.
try na n reault of llokovkh kIiikIiik mi
Auatrlnn air ili-apllo Knlnu'a protoat
III n anliion lloikovlih wna kIiikIiii:
with hi brother thorite, when Knlnn
ii I mi n imtroii nt the nullum, ileiuuiiilid
Hint tliey quit
Nliili' (Iraog.i to H'iiil (.'miimltlre to
Hliilx Iiimiii). fiialllulloM to Hefl If
llullir la Cut Out
HAI.KM, Kob. 0. Aaklng that tho
Ori'Koii Htnti. tirniiK" aeml a commit
ti'u to tho atnto Inuno naylum to In
veatlKntii the ono of oleomargarine,
(iini'rnnr Oawnld Went niMrraaed tho
followliiK leltor to C. IJ. Hponco, maa
tor of thn grnnKo!
"Vou hnvo rend prlinin through
thn cnliiiiiiia of tho preai that tho an
perlntemlent of tho liiaiiim aaylum baa
hM'ii olillReil to ri'aort to tho uio of
Holh .....tlm t , icimi rut' " "K ' "' r , V . . .
,..i .ii.i....i ........... ...... ".J "" olitiiargiirln.. na a aubatltuto for but
uml atnlilieil vli In. uly (or hi'VitiiI noi
onila, when he itlanppi'iirid througli n ilmir, IrnUni! Ilokovlcli In n punl
id liluoil. Iln eil ahorlly niter Ii.'Iiik
Ihkeii lo nu emergonry hoapllnl, from
liitn of liloo.l.
Nut If n la hereb) gWaii that Allha
llrarh, guardian of the pcrtim nml
ettatn of John U. llrarh, dereaae.l, haa
flit t In thn rounty roiirl of Klamath
C.iiinly, (Irrgon, her final account aa
aurh guardlal., and that thn court haa
tiled Thtirailay, the Utli day of Kelt
ruary, 1913, nt tho hour of 10 a. in
of aald day, nt thn rourt room of an I J
court, In Klamath Kalla, Urrgon aa
the Hum and plara for hearing ot.Jer
tlona to aald account and aotllement
(liven a Klamath Kalla, Oregon,
thla 1Mb day of January, II3.
(luardlan of tha Katato of John C
llearh, Oecfaaed. I-K-3-6 h
Klrmiu I'rt'Juitlte .(iiiouk Workrra
.Igalnal .Ulna Iking fkri.-l, lowiU
Omi.-r i. mu. t'ltliiMiiim iimI
Nwe-w Awny Htrur
Kill. 1.0(1(1, Mali... r.l.. C A
atrong prejinllrn Mtnlimt ritrrlnntlon
fnrnil the mniinRement of tlm Hunker
Hill ami Kultlvuu to taku menaiirea
which proteil imnirlfiiM an fnr na tin.
men emplii)i-il In the inlnm werv con
rrrnod. A "No-Varrlnntloii-No-Work" order
wna lii.H.I. Qiiarnutln.i failed to
rlierk llio eililemlr, and many of tho
men n t.iM-d to aubmlt to vacclnntlon.
The order, however, awept away all
While lime been about ntleen
iani, not oim hna ln.n found outaldo
of the rnnka of thn mlnera, A dnnrn
hall haa hen converted Into a peat
hou ae
jter, nml (hut llila action wna neceaaary
in orui'r io rut nown i no maintenance
I'Mu'iiHi'ii of that Inatlttitlon and to
(-.I' within tho appropriation tn&du
by tho liKlalnttiro thereby avoiding
n itvricluncy.
MAa llit Id n hmllnp .Iim. rr,w..M nn
Jot Ih.i grcntJndiiKlrli'ii of thla atato
nml one In which tho incmbcra of tho
KMngo nn ileeply Inttrcatcd f fol
Hint )iin hnr n right to know why thla
nrtlon on tho pnrt of tho aupcrlntond
enl wna madu nccraanry, and would
therefor.) aak that you namo a com
mlltro of three, to vlalt tho Inaane aay
I in nnd Inrritlgato cnndltlona thor
oughly and report Ha flndlnga at the
coming acaalon of tho atato grange.
"I would nlao aak that thla commit
tee bo requeated to rlalt all tho other
atnte Inatlliitlnna and Inquire carefully
Into their needa and their manage
ment, In order that tho atnto grango
Hint the peoplo of thla atato may bo
fully ndvlaed na to how tho Inmntca of
t !.' Inatltutlona are being treated
nnd how tho taxpayera' money la Do
ing ipent."
Itching pile provuaa profanity, but
ifi.fanity won't rum Ibein. Iioanl
Ointment curea Itching, bleeding or
protruding pile after ycara of Buffer
ing, At any drug (tor.
I aw now delivering flrat claaa
IC-lnch dry alab wood to any placo In
tho city for l a load. Now la the
tlms to get your wood, cheap, before
wet weather begisa
I.eavo ordera at O. K. Tranafer
rany or Oregon llarncia company,
We havn aome very dcatrable (tb
atreet property for al 8lephena
llunter Itaitfty Co.
Craft Which Operated on Columbia
Kver Mnco DeirlnnlnK of Agrtcvl
Inral DrvrlotMnent Tfiern No More
lo lld Up and Down
KKNNKWICK, Waah., Feb. Th
Columbia Htcamboat company'a pio
neer atearner, Mountain Dion, which
haa boon operated botweon hero and
I'rleat Ilaplda alnco tho beginning of
agricultural development along tho
Columbia Itlver, hat mado her laat
A crow of men nro taking tho ma
chinery out of tho boat for ahlpment
to Portland. Tho Olonn'a hull will bo
Silverware of Quality
Wo guarantee to evory purcbaaca of
Community Hllver that It la tho beat
that can bo mado by aklllcd workmcp
with tho latcat machinery aid the beat
material, and thla guarantee, la baa'd
upon a reputation for excellence and
Integrity In manufacture now catab
llihed for over half a century.
Hprelal Oannatee
WK.g uaranteo ill good a (eicept
knlvca) bekflng tb'o a tamp, Commun
ity Bllvor, Trlao lua, for fifty year
In ordinary famUi uae. For aale by
Watchmaker. JeweWr and Eagrmnr.
Wllllta BulldlBf.
HaraTa an Offer Van neuld Nat Over
lap Itexall Oyapepata Tablet remedy
atomacb trobblea by aiding" nature to
aupply tbe elemeata the abaenee of
wblcb lo tbe gaatrlc Jolcea ennaea Indl
geatton and dyanepela. They aid tbe
atomacb lo dlgeat food and lo quickly
convert It Into rich red blood and ma
terial neceaury for overcoming nat
ural body waat. .
Carry a package of Itexall Dyapepala
Tableta Id your veat fioeket, or' keep
them In your room. Take one after
each heavy meal and prove our aaaer
lion tbat Indlgratloo will not bother
We know what flexall Dyepeoala
Tableta are and what tbey will do. We
guarantee Ibea to relieve ludlgeatlon
andrdfapepala. If tbey fall we will
refund ''yiiur money. Three altra: 'A
ccnta, 00 canta, and 11.00. Itemem
ber, you caa abuta Reiall Remedlea
only at oar Bloat Tbe ttexall utora
8tar Drug Store, v
Herald Want Ads
KODAK ISM!:!NO in.M elaawaaut
prompt raaulta by Frank Daaeaa,
over Flrtt National bank, or teava or
dera at Little Book etore,'two doora
wett of poatoflce.
WANTED To buy two good work
horaea, about ,o6o or 1,100 for de
livery work. Addroat 173, Herald
offlco, atatlng prlco.
Temple theater, Uatraee dally, 3:10
p. m. Btenlng, Irit performance
7:16, coatlnuoua.
FOR BALK Dry alab wood, It-Inch,
delivered to any part of the dty.
Ackley Broa. Pbone 461. 18-tf
row wnrr
KOH ItKNT Three or tour furalatied
housekeeping rooma la private rata
lly; no eblldrca. Eaqulre at Herald
oflce. Ht
FOR RENT A good t-foom boate,
modern, near lib and Main, at 110
por month. 8eeertriur R. Wllaoa,
517 Main atreot. l-t
FOR RENT Furnlahad
gentlcmea, at tbe Oregoa HoajadL
WE will rest you a peaao, pboaa
grab, typewriter or aewlag aaa
thine, anpply Ue rest paid oa the
purehaae prfeavvTypawritar rlbboaa,
paper andtafboa pea at legal blaaka
and oflea auppllea at cut prtaaa. Tel.
epbona'ttt your order. BverytMauj la
muefe. Mailer Muale Co.
There are f unda on band to redeem
the follow!,-tower warranta: Not.
43, 45, 46, 47; ad. SI, 41, 49, 63.
Intereat will eeaae freao date hereof.
Dated ,ar Klamath Fatla, Ore., Ibla
36th day of January, 1913.
f J. W. SIEMENS, City Treaturer.
Ktb day of January, 113. Sl-tt
In tbe Circuit Coan of Ue State of
Oregon, for the Coaaty of Klaai
atb. U. M. Obeacbala. plalaUS.
tb. ,
Kintomo-Crumaey Company, a Cor
poration, Defendant.
To Ranaome-Crummey Compaay, De-
feadaat Above Named:
In the name of the State of Ore
ton: Tou are hereby repaired to
inawcr tbe complaint Sled agalaat
ou In tbe above entitled action, oa
tr before the 3d day of February,
1913, that being tbe day of tbe laat
publication of tbla tummont, and tbe
laat dcy wltbln wblcb, yon are re
quired to antwer. aa fixed by tbe or
ler of publication of tbla eummona.
If you fall to appear and aatwer.
tbe plaintiff will take Judgmeat
tgalntt you for tbe turn tpedled la
aald complaint.
Bald action la brought to recover
tbe balance of 11,050, due from you
lo plaintiff, for aervlcea rendered aad
labor performed In aald elate of Ore
gon, between the tat day of February
ind tbe 30th day of November, of the
far 1910, aad plalatira coata aad
dltburtemeaU In tocb action.
Tbat the defeadaat waa, at tka
commencement of thla action, aad
now la, the owner of certain peraoaal
property, attached la Klamath eoua-
ly, Oregon, and deacrlbed aa followa,
4 ttandard gauge can,
1 atreet aprlaklee.
1 3-borte atreet or road roller.
Tbat oa tbe 9th day of December,
1911, and after tbe lataaaea of aaav
moat to be tewed oa aald defeaaV
ant, at the laataaee of tha ptalaUC,
tbe tberlff of aald couaty duly at
tached aald above deacrlbed peraoaal
property aad now bolda the tame la
hit poeeeealon, at Klamath Fallt, Ore.
gon, by virtue of aald writ of attach
Thla eummona la published once a
week, for alx aucceaalve weeka, la
tbe Evening Herald, a dally aewt
paper. of general circulation, prlated
and publltbed In tbe dty of Klamath
Fallt, Klamath couaty, Oregoa, by
order of Honorable Wen. S. Wordea,
Judge of tbe couaty court of Klamath
county, elate of Oregoa, aad dated
December 31. 1911. the firtt publica
tion of tbla tummont being mado oa
tbe 33d day of December, 1911.
13-33-3-3 h Atfye for Plalattl.
Proposed Amendment to Charter Providing For Commission
Form of Government for Klamath Falls
Section 0.
Nomination nml Election of Officers The
nuxlcof noniinatioii ami election of all elective olViccrs
of the citj to lie votcil for at any municipal election
Mull be as follow:.:
Section 7.
Coiulitinii of Candidacy The name of a candi
date iliall lie printed upon the ballot wlien the peti
tion of nomination shall have been filed in his behalf,
in the manlier and form anil under the conditions
hereinafter set forth.
Section 8.
Form of Nomination Petition The petition of
nomination shall read substantially as follews:
Petition of Nomination
Individual Certificate
Slate of Oregon,
County of Klamath, ss.
I do hereby join in a petiiton for the nomination of
; whose resi
dence it at No
"feel, Klamath Falls, Oregon, for the oflicc of
to be voted
or at the general or special municipal election to be
I1 in the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the
day of 19...;
nI 1 certify that 1 am a qualified elector, and am not
t tliis time ;, siKcr 0f ny 0t,cr petition nominating
ny other candidate for the above named oflicc, or (in
cc there are Kcvcrnl places to be filled in the above
Mined oflicc), that I linvc not signed more petitions
mii there are places to be filled in the above named
oftlcc J "w my residence is at No
'"' Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
' also certify that I believe the above named per
J0" especially tpialilicd to fill the said office, ami is of
'good moral character. I further certify that I join
m this iictilton for n,c nomination of the above named
lrson, believing that he has not become a candidate
lie ""mince or representative of, or because of any
Promised support from nny political party, or any
nmittee or convention representing or acting for
apolitical party.
. (Signed)
s'ae of Oregon,
Co"'ity of Klamath, ss.
I I..Ihm firat .llllv
T "' Eposes and says that he is the person who
Mgucd the foregoing certificate, and that the .state
ments therein are true.
(Signed )
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
A. 1). 19....
My commission expires
Notary Public for Oregon.
This petition of nomination, if found insufficient,
shall be returned to
at No street,
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Section 9.
Forms to be Supplied by the Clerk It shall be
the duty of the City Clerk to furnish upon application,
a reasonable number of forms of such petitions.
Section 10.
Date of Presenting Petition A petition of
nomination consisting of not less than five per.cent of
the total vote cast at the last preceding general elec
tion for mayor may be presented to the City Clerk not
earlier than thirty nor less than twenty days before
the election. The City Clerk shall endorse thereon
the date upon which the petition was presentd to him.
Provided, that should there be no petition filed for one
office twenty days before election the date of present
ing ptitions for same oflicc shall be extended to fifteen
days before said election, and the acceptance of the
candidate shall be filed with the City Clerk on the
same day.
Section 11.
Examination of Petition by Clerk When a
petition of nomination is presented for filing to the
City Clerk, he shall forthwith examine the same, and
ascertain whether it conforms to the provisions of this
article. If found not to conform thereto, he shall then
and there in writing designate on said petition the de
fact of omission or reason why such petition cannot be
filed, and shall forthwith return the petition to the per
son named as the person to whom the same shall be
returned in accordance with this article. The petition
may then be amended and again, but not later than
three days after said petition shall have been returned,
presented to the Clerk as in the first instance. The
City Clerk shall forthwith proceed to examine the
amended petition as hereinafter provided.
Section 12.
Filing of Petitions If either the original or
the amended petition be found sufficiently signed, as
hereinafter provided, the City Clerk shall file the same
forthwith. Upon the filing of such nominating pett-
lions in due form as herein provided, the candidates
therein named shall be deemed duly nominated.
Section 13.
Withdrawal or Acceptance Any person
whose name has been presented under this article as a
candidate may, not later than fifteen days before elec
tion, cause his name to be withdrawn from nomination
by filing with the City Clerk a request therefore in
writing under his own signature, duly attested by a
notary public, and no name so withdrawn shall be
printed on the ballot. Any person nominated under
this article shall file his acceptance with the City Clerk
not later than fifteen days before the day of election,
and in the absence of such acceptance, the name of the
candidate shall not appear on the ballots except as
otherwise herein provided.
Section 14.
Preservation of Petitions The Citl Clerk
shall preserve in his office for a period of two years all
petitions of nomination filed under this article.
Section 15.
Election Notices T.he City Clerk shall, on
the tenth day before every city election, certify a lisr.
of the candidates so nominated for office at such elec
tion, whose names are entitled to appear on the ballot,
as being the list of candidates nominated as required
by this charter, together with the offices to be filled at
such election, designating whether such election is for
a full or unexpired term. He shall immediately there
after file in his office said certified list of names and the
offices so to be filled and cause to be published in a
notice calling such election, for five successive
days thereafter, in two daily newspapers, of gen
eral circulation, and published in the City of Klamath
Falls, Oregon, an election notice, which said notice
shall contain a list of said names of candidates, the
offices to be filled, and the time when, and the places
of holding such election.
Section 16.
The City Clerk shall cause the ballots to be
printed as provided by the Codes and Statutes of the
State of Oregon, except as otherwise in this charter
provided. The ballots shall contain the list of names
and the respective offices, as published in the election
notice, and so far as applicable to such election it shall
be substantially of the form provided by the Statutes
and Ordinances in effect at the time of the, adoption
of this charter.
Section 17.
Arrangements of Offices on Ballot The
offices to be filled shall be arranged in separate col
umns in the following erder:
For Commissioner, Department No. 1 (if any)
Vote for One
For Commissioner, Department No. 2 (if any)
.' Vote for One
For Commissioner, Department No. 3 (if any)
Vote for One
Section 18.
Requirements of Ballots All ballots shall be
identical, so that without the numerical number there
on it would be impossible to distinguish one ballot
from another. Space shall be provided on the ballots
for charter amendments or other questions when to be
voted on at the general municipal or special elec
tions, as provided by this charter or the laws of the
State. The names of the candidates for each office
shall be arranged in alphabetical order. Nothing on
the ballot shall be indicative of the source of the can
didacy or of the support of any candidate. No ballot
shall have printed thereon any party of political desig
nation or mark, and there shall not be appended to the
name of any candidate any such party or political
designation or mark, or anything indicating his views
or opinions.
Section 19.
Sample Ballot The City Clerk shall at least
five days before the election cause to be printed a
number, equal to two for each vote cast at the regular
city election next preceding, of sample ballots, upon
paper of different color, but otherwise identical with
the ballot to be used at the election, and shall distrib
ute the same upon application of registered voters at
his office.
Section 20.
Election Officers, Judges, Appointment It
shall be the duty of the Board of Commissioners at its
regular session, and at least twelve days previous to
the day of holding any general or special election, to
appoint from the qualified electors, one inspector and
two judges for each election ward, who shall consti
tute a board of judges of election for such ward. In
case those appointed in accordance with this section
shall not be present at the place designated by the
Board of Commissioners, at the hour to open the polls
the electors present may appoint to fill vacancies;