"ZZ.WK OP HIIKIIIWH fMI.K .. ikt Circuit Court of tho ol n pay, a OorimrMlon, Nalntlf?, n.rl L.'oiffor.J r,n. Walter H. "If. lord. Wll and ". tinaant. Nolle Is terliy Hi"" " y ,,r . ," , ,,Kcutlon, duly Ueued out .1 ikt abue 1,,M, r,mrt ""' c,",, !,ihtJJHi'lrty"f January.. IHi.iip. ,, decree, inailo mill entered of rec !Ij It MM rauiooii Hi" mil' IX jumtj. IS. In fr of Ihti alMivv lined fUlnllff. .llr-tlMC llw Mir. of ikVewmUM th.rtln nnd herlnftr illellkfJ. to ''y '' """' rr"M,c tiwir ,,f,, ,"',u' Now, UK-rotor, tiy lrtno of aald ...i..H -nl In roiniillatico with li writ I haw ,,,,,lf ,",,,l, ,)n c"d' .iuj pfimii', " L (he 13th day "' February, II3, -ViOoVI' a in of that day, at tho heat door l t1'" r,miy rmtt ",",' , Klamath Palls. Klamath County, Oroon. '" ' l'Mlc "uclU"' ,0 ,'" llihwt Wdd" ,or rA,',l' "" ,,' 'W' lilt. d Intrrrit of Hi" ibii-named itfrtdv. "d rrh of u'em, ln l", to each of 1,1 premises, hereinafter 4trlM, or much thereof, In each mm ot mil. "' b" necessary to .i.,. tk. urns named III lil eleeu. ,l. iMPMiUrlr. nil hereinafter ..4. In stiM-ar. iniether with tti menial, licir.lllaniente anil eiuiur. inures ttirrnitilo iteionaina ur in iifwlle appertaining. Tit said prriltlara am III l tolit, u aforesaid, In III" rauae of mil. Milk amounts In a?tnenl of litch III prowls f ! sal are to t)t IfpllfJ In satisfaction of Mid Judg nut. lP-r rrirctlly and Ilium litilr alter lh description of the naUr In carh cause of mil, at fo. lov. l-ltf ll'ftralioi lo be told In (Irtt iimol Mlti Lrti Ibiro (31 and four (4) In klotk tklrt;-'"-n (37), and tola one (l)lo3),lbree (3), four () and l), la block tcnty.one (II), of rcsid adJIlton to the city of Klam tk fall, Klamalh county, Oregon; u frwtr.li (lorn aiirli ln In lit a ttkd lo lh Wix-til of lt irloclal imct l, ' and Inltrrat Ihtrron ittkraltol 10 prr rrnt per annum, from Mar 7, Utl. th" turn of I00, itlofifji' f. ttip mm nl 130.71, III (roportlonato l'rl of Iho cotla ami dlabiiraitiiionl nrlaliiR ini.lur IliU Itrit taint or tull, ami (tiu nccruliiK coata tliorautidtr, 3 I'rtinlaea lo bo tuld In rmul cnuauof aulti Lola nn (6), all (8), arn (7) and eight (8), In block nlnetncn (iti), of Bccmnl Addition to tlio city of Mamnth I'nlla, Klamath county Oro gen: and Proecnti of audi aalo lo Im aipllnl lo Iho payment of Urn principal mini of 913)0 and Inlnrcat thorcou, nt tlm rnlo of 10 per cont pr niiiiuin, from Koliruary 10, llill; iho aiitn of 3S, nllorncya' fim for Iho ainn or $10, the ploporlluiialo pnrt ol Iho umta and ilUhiirKKinniilii nrlaltiK ninlcr Ihla unind mil vi or anil, rind Itni arcrti liiK coila lliKroiiiiduri nml 3 I'mmUca lo lit aold In ratlin or aullt WHITE SLAVF TRAFFICKER IS ARRESTED IN WINNEPEG INDIANS LIKELY 10 STARVE IF NOT RELIEVED SOON Hit- of Hi.' Mom NiiliirliiitK Oili-fa ,tit,U,U TrllMt llnnr. Il.i( ii III, .vmriniiH I'uiiiii, Koimlii fur ly I'l.lliv, Will, 'IIhhikIh III,,, i;. ni', la CiiiikIh Iii ('miilibi. WINNII'IMI, H-iib. r,. "Arroat iliul mini," hiiIiI t.'hlcl Mnrallly Oiiliur IM ill" In HnrK'-nnt ol l)iiti-(tlv Hmllli In I lie imlliii iniirl, li'nnliiK ovit nml tup I'lni: iimi ur tin, hiiiIIuii n im Ui kIioiiI. Hir Wlllmiil Hnlll, dill I'mxl, nml Mluiin Moll, n Allrnibinif, for Out m Mmilli Tlii'jr Kiiom No I'lirinlnit HI'OKANH, Kch, r, -Thot nearly tlm wliolu L'nllnioll Imllnn trlbo la altk. ili'ulltiilo nml imi tlm vnrK'i of ntiirntli,ii, Ih (he Infurmutlon broiiKht hi r,i liy Ili'V. rntlinr Turliimii. pretU donl of (luiiiiiRii rollfjtp, ho hriN Jut Tho inplum inovul In liniiiioof tlm rcluriivd, Ihlrdi'""1 ""'"rloiia wliltt, aliiv, trnnirkiTK Tlm Imllniia rponl lo conta, rcprc on tlm iiiiitlnriit, riiiikIiI lur by io1l (, ' hi-uIIiik tin, enllro nmnliilnK fitmls or Irfilallnnd 13, In block 10 nf Hoc I"; "''r t"' ,r",n 's''w v"rk ill). Iho Irllm, lo lro I'ntlKr Taclmnii, mid ndillllnn lo tlm city nl Klamalh i V,,m""vcr n'"1 Ha" I'lnnclwii, Imt kiiiiiiiiiiiiIiik him lo kIvo Iho Itint rltca Knlla, Klamalh county, Orrgon; mid I "l'l""",il lo lmv nklppnl lor CuroiKS ,lo MnrluHuaiinni,nii Imllnn girl, ngul I'rorcoda of audi anlo to bn nppllt'd! olllna la hla priai-nl nllna, mid IM. II, win, wnx llriK. 'Iho prloat h'lr t( Hip pawmmt of Iho principal mini '"" r'Kiil,i him Iriim n Colli o (lii.,rlidly hit, hut tho ulrl wna ilcnd hcn ol 1100 nml Inlcrral thereon nl llm,"'"" I'hologrnph h nrrhnl Tho llillnna. nrcordlnB to rati, ol 10 per cent per milium, from . u, arffaat hn-l to borrow tPRetnhWta, Kchruary II, 1911: lor llm aum ol HUDalCDO UCD OLUCCTUCAOT ""'nl "'"' ,,ronl ,r""' w,llt" "c,,ltri at atlorneya' fea: Mr the mini or.MURLItnU IlLn UllLL I IILrlK I f,,r ,hn "nk"" "v"r "' d-nd body. 110. Hip proporllnnalo part of the. u j Ho a liny I.iiyp h,n alck, without coila and dlahurxMiieiila nrlnlng iin-l FlflNr'QlTr'Q RDflTIIFD' "nlrl,,"t '"'", nml wlUl '" ol,'rAl ler Ihla third rauan of milt, and tho I LAUnLnrllLO DnUITlLlI attetidanr,. allien lioforo tho first of accruing cotla ihereunder: Ithojcnr TAKK NOriCK, IIMIKKtllH All momhiTH of nil coimnlUooi In any way connected with tho c'l-'hrn. Hon ol tho nnnlvrranry of tho lillcr Hon of O.ld Kullowa Tomplo u.o re- ,inU'(l to meet nt Iho hnll at I 'ill Hi In oviiiinK. Thin meeting will ho olio ol groat Importnnro to tho loil; nttemlnnt upon tho celehrntlon, nnd It In niTeminry to hnvo n lull nltendnnca or tlio vnrloua commlttuca. Tomplo theater, Matinee dally, 3:30 p. m. Kronlng, first perforinancit, i IS, cunttnuona. And II Ihero be nny orerptin, niter w,.,,. t',Hlriw. .. ivu ..i uii.... ip niniraiiiii in turn proceeoa in the mtUfactlon of aald judgment, nil alureaald, In either of aald rauita of aull, llm aanio ahall bn paid Into iald court lo bn further applied aa hy law dlrrcled. Date,) Hill 13th day or January, 1913. W. II. IIAHNKH, 1.13-3.10 h HherlfT. Ht'Altlll.WN KIN' A I, AmiD.Vr Her lUnii Willi lln-nilkiilri', l-'ollon. Ing Vuam-I llniiln'r Alh'gnl In Hne t'iinfiii-l, Tj,n No aclinola I are eer bcn huPt nnioiy the Cnlliella, and they linvn iioit been innght fnrinliiK. ' conio. iiiently Ihey hnvo been practically iliitllutn lor yam. Ni:V VOItK, IVIi 0 Mra Therein ' Htopa enraeho In two rolnuteaj tooth Mnrlln ::, hn hrniKl't tlm trial oflnrho or pnln of burn or acntd In fire her h"iiher, Jnimii I Mi Dermott, u.. .mlniilea: honraeneai, ono hour; mill cnaed of Iho iiiiirdir of Chnrlea Mil, rlp ache, two heurs: soro thront, 12 dooii If n dramatic culmination hy hours Dr. Thomas' Clectlc Oil, mon. riinikliiK that Im drovo a kal.'o arch over pain. IhroUKh Muldoiin'a henrl. , Mra Martin nl,l m ,iuirre,'d wli'i MiiIiIdoii, her former ieli-nrl, .mil Notlruji herehy given that Alllm ' tlint she went to lur home for I mi llrarh, guaiillmi of I he person and hrrndkrlfo, llh whl h alio killed him estate of John (' llrarh, deceased, hai Her brother, rnptuied In Don re, Is filed In Hip county court of Klamalh said lo hnr, confesied. V.0111117, wrrgun, ner nun l nrniuiii as such guardlai., and that the court has died Thursday, tho IMh day of rYh ruary, 1913, at Hip hour of 10 n in of said da), nt Hip court loom ot sal J court. In Klimath KalU, Orrgon as Hie time and place lor hearing ohjer. (Ions lo aald account and settlement thereof. (liven a' Klamath Falls, Oregon, this IMh day of January, 1913, AI.TIIA IIKACII, (ioardlan nl the Kilaln of John O Uracil, Drcranrd. M3C h TAIT IXVIIIN NATIO.NK TO i:.IIIIIIT AT'HHWO I'MNlaiiMllnii Nlgiml l,y I'n'alih'nl Ulili li Kit'iid In Knrrlgii Oiun. trie llipllatll)' of Vniikiilniid at I'mianui'l'm lllr Fair UnltM Crest rVrvlrti WA8IIINHTON. I), . Feb. 3. Cri-lileii Tnft hns slgtii'd n prorlnmn. Hon Inviting all nntlons lo ethlhlt nt the I9U, fair In Han Frnnrlsro, Silverware of Quality Wo guarantee to eery purchases or Community Kllvcr-thnt It Is Iho best that ran ho mndo by skilled workmen with tho latest machinery nnd tho best material, and this gunranteo Is bastd upon n reputation lor excellence nnd Integrity In manufacture now estab lished for oter half a century. NMril Clmirnnlcc Wu gunrnnteo nil goods (except knhes) Injtrlng tho stamp, Commun i It) 8llrr, Triple Clus, for fifty )eara In ordlnnry family use. For aalo hy FRANK M. UPP, Wntchmakrr, Jeweler and Engraver. Wllllta Ilulldlng. THEY INJURE CHILDREN. Calharllci and Pill and Harih Phyaltt May Cauit Diilrtning Cemalalnta. Vnu cuiiuot Iw out (nn-ful In the selection of mrdldue lor' children. Only the ery Kentlenl lorl iiuilh ln shuuld ever he glien. Ordlnnry pllli. uil hurl Ion, nml purg-itiies ure too npl to ilci more harm thtin K'xmI. 'Ihey Mimellliies ciiuki grlplmf. iiiiuwii. uud dllletliiK nrtcr-clTecIs, nnd may nc ttinlly Injure tho heallh, thus e.itnh llahliiK n life hisllug nrjnojnme. Wo perannally recoinmeml mid cunr. imlii! Ilexnll Orderlies ni n wife mid deln-mhihlo rruieily for roiislliiitliiii ami nssoclalH bond dlnordeni. Wp havn such fullli In Iho virtues of Hits remeily Hint we sell It on our iniaron lee'or moury hack In rery Instance where It falls to tiro entire sutlsfne lion, and ve urge nil In nii.il of such medicine lo try It nt our risk. Ilexnll Orderlies are eaten Just like candy, nro imrtlculnrly prompt nnd ngreenblo In nctlon, may Iw taken nt nny time, day or night: do not cntise dlnrrliiia, nausea, griping, excessive looneiiess, or other undesirable effects They bate n ery mild Juit oilllve action UHn Iho organs n-lth whlcb they come In contnet, opparently net Ing as n regulative tonic uion the re Inxiil muscular mat or the lion el, thus overturning roiil.nM. nnd aiding lo riHlom the lion els to mom ilgorocs nnd henllhy activity. Ilexnll Orderlies not only relieve con stlpatlun. hut help lo remove the cnuno of this nllmenl. They also fre queully overcome the necessity of eoti stoutly taking laxatlvei to keep the bun els In normal condition. There Is really. In our opinion, no Imll.ir inetlhlno so gnnl as ttexall Orderlies for the nirpne to which It Is dire ted. p4ieclnlly for children, sped nnd delicate penons. They nre fitiimnit In inhlft form and In Irrn 'Pi of fiil'nti"!. 12 inb'eM. f. Sd i.-'VH .. liml Ki nb'ets. .'A lli'e ei I er ji rr.n ntit-'.T ISei ill Ieii-Me lu H Is eonimiinltj ...lr . .... Hrmlii. Ilexill K(ore Star Drug Store. Herald Want Ads MMCEIiMlfsmro aiaaaiakaSaaaaB KODAK IIMIi:!NO-rii.i data mm prompt rcsnlta by Frank Duncan, oter First National bank, or lent or dera at Little Hook store, two doora west of poetofflce, WANTED To buy two good work horse, about 1,090 or 1,100 for de livery work. Address' 173, Herald ofllco, slating price. Temple theater, Matrnea daily, J: 30 P. in. Kvcnlng, flnt performanco 7: 1&, contlnuoua. vim MI.R FOIt SALE Dry ilab wood, 18-Inch, delivered to anxpart of tho dty. Ackley Oro. Phone 481. 18-tr won man Foil KENT Tfcite at tout tunUbit housekeeping. roommlji private tam Hy; no children. Enquire at Htrall offlct. Mf FOR ItENT A good t'toota hoM, modern, near 6th and Mala, at fit per month. Bee Arthur, K. Wllaoa, 517 Main afreet. ll-t FOR RENT raraUbM gentlemen, at the Oregon Ho. WE will rent yon a purao, eke graph, typewriter or aewlag xa. chine, and apply tfao rent paid oa tka purchase price. Tyaewrlttr rlbboaa, paper and carbon paver; legal Maaka and office inppllea at eat price Tel. ophone ut'your order. Everytklag la music. Mulltr Mutle Co. NOTICE There arc fundi on hand to redeom tho following sower warrant: Not. 43, 4C, 4, 47. CO, 61, 48, 49, S3. Interest will cease from dato hereof. Dated at Klamalh Falls, Ore., this 2Gth day ot January, 1912. J. W. HIEMEN8, City Treasurer. 25th day of January, 113. 3S-3t Hl-MMONB In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for tho County of Klamath. I. M. Obenchaln. plaintiff. t T. Uiniomc-Crummey Company, a Cor poration, Defendant To rtansome-Crommey Company, De fendant Above Named: In the name of the State of Ore gen: You are hereby repaired to inswer the complaint Died against roii in tho above entitled action, on )r before tho 2d day of February, 1912, that being the day ot the last publication of tbla summon, and the last day within which yon are re quired to answer, aa fixed by tho or- ler of publication of thl summons. If )ou fall to appear and answer, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the aum specified la iald complaint. Said action la brought to recover the balanco ot $1,050, due from you to plaintiff, for aervlces rendered and labor performed In Mid state of Ore aon, between the 1st day of February ind the 30th day of November, of the car 1910, and plaintiff' costs and disbursement In'auch action. That tho defendant was, at Use commencement ot thl actios, aad now Is, the owner of eertala persoaal property, attached la Ktamatk eoaa ty, Oregon, and described as follows, to-wlt: 4 standard gauge ears, 1 street sprinkler. 1 2-horse street or road roller. That on the 9th day of Deeeaiber, 1911, and after th Issaaaao at aaav mons to be aerved oa saM dafiad ant, at the Instance of tk fjlatathT,. the sheriff of ssld county daly at tached Mid above described persoaal property and now holds tk sera la his posteMloa, at Klamath Fails, Ore gon, by virtu of said writ of attach ment. This summons is poblbrbed one a week", for its successive weeks, la the Evening Herald, a dally aews psper. of general drenlatlon. prlatcd and published In th dty of KUawtk Fall. Klamath couaty, Oregoa. by order of Honorable Wb. 8. Word, Judge of th county court of Klaeaath county, stat of Oregoa, aad dated December SI. 1911, tk first publica tion of this summons being and oa the 33d day of December, 1911. BTONB fit BARRETT, 1S.I3.2-S h Att'ys for PlalatlC. Proposed Amendment to Charter Providing For Commission Form of Government for Klamath Falls PREAMBLE We. tin- people of Klamalh l;all. Oregon, timlcr tlie auiliorit) of the constitution of tlic State of Ore KOii, iloonlain anil establish this charter for the City of Klamath lalln, Oregon, AKT1CI.E I. Section I. The intent anil purpose of this charter is lo c$tal)lili a free ami imlcpcmlent city, ami to re More to nml vol in the people of the city, mi far as the constitution of the slate will crniit, their natural, in herent, ami innlieuahlc riht of local .self-uoverninent, with nil its power., duties anil responsibilities. Ti that eml, uniler nml hy the provisions of this charier; (a) T.hc municipal government is vestcil, imle pcinleiitl) of legislative interference, with all powers not ileiueil it hy the constitution of the Mate. (!) The people of the city are vested with it) iipreitie legislative powers, with easy preliminary conditions m making and chnnKing its charter and ordinances, and also wild the absolute ami exclusive power of nuihomiiiK, rcf;ulntiiir or terminatinn its public service corporations, ami of recalling its elec tive officers, (c) Partisan ami machine politics and uovcnJ' went are inhibited, nml a municipal democracy substi tuted therefor. (!) No fixed tenure of ollicc or employment is permitted except, subject to recall of elective officers, anl as aiiihoried by a classified civil service, for employes. (') The city ward officers have been arc are "ercliy abolished. (0 Opportunities for graft and favoritism in innumerable directions have been eliminated. (k) Hoards have been established lo care for the Puwjc library, parks, charities, nnd civil service. CO The city hns been divided into three admin Wrativc departments, viz.: 1. Public affairs. Health and civic beauty. 2. Finance ami supplies, --HiRliwayg, water and lighting Sewers, parks, cemeteries, public buildings and grounds, , 0) The commission form o( government has Meu ""proved and adopted, electing each commis sioner directly to his department, and clearly defining his duties. (j) Kach commissioner is required to take the active charge and management of his department, giving his whole time thereto, nnd has before him the opportunity and incentive of becoming a specialist therein, and thus of establishing a most efficient ad ministration. (k) The mayor, as judge of the Municipal Court, also as chief executive and head of the police and fire department, is made the paternal guardian of juvenile and other unfortunate police cases. (I) An efficient financial system and purchasing agency for the city has been provided, and special tax ation limited. (m) A beautiful, sanitary and prosperous city has been provided for. (n)-Tit proposed charier preserves every valu able feature of our state laws, and has introduced only Mich new provisions as, after cateful consideration, were deemed advisable and necessary. (o) The contents are arranged as follews: Article 1 Prefatory Provisions. Article 2 Name, boundaries, Powers, Rights and Liabilities. Article 3 Elections. ;r,jclc 4 Recall of Elective bilkers. Article 5 Elective Officers. Article 6 The Mayor. Article 7 The Council. Articles Executive and Administrative Depart ments and Duties of Commissioners. Article 9 Municipal Courts. Article 10 Officers and Employes. Article 11 Franchises and Public Utilities. Article 12 Commissions and Hoards. Article 13 Direct Legislation by the People. Article 14 General Provisions. ARTICLE II. Name, Boundaries, Powers, Rights and Liabilities Section 2. Name, noundaries The municipal corpora tion now existing and known as the "City of Klamath Falls" shall remain and continue to be a body politic ami corporate under the same name and with the same boundaries, with power and authority to change its boundaries in a manner authorized by law. Section 3. Powers. Rights. Liabilities By the name of the "City of Klamath Falls," the city (a) Shall have perpetual succession, and shall own, possess and hold all property, real and per sonal, heretofore owned, possessed, or held by the said City of Klamath Falls, and shall assume, man age, and dispose of all trusts in any way connected therewith; (b) Shall succeed to all rights and liabilities, and shall acquire all benefits, and shall assume and pay all bonds, obligations and indebtedness of said City of Klamath Falls; by that name may sue and defend, plead and be impleaded, in all courts and places, and in all matters and proceedings; may have and use a common seal ami alter the same, at pleasure; may purchase, receive, hold and enjoy, or sell nnd dispose of, real ami personal property; (c) May receive bequests, gifts and donations of all kinds of property in fee simple, or intrust for public, charitable, or other purposes; and do all things and acts necessary to carry out the purpose of such gifts, bequests and donations, with power to manage, sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the same in accordance with the terms of the gift, bequest or donation. (d) Shall have the power, within or without its territorial limits, to construct, condemn, purchase, acquire, lease, add to, maintain, conduct and oper ate, waterworks, light plants, telephone systems, power plants, transportation systems, heating plants and any other public utilities or works or ways local in use and extent, in while or in part, and everything required therefor,, for the use of said city and the inhabitants thereof, and any such systems, plants, or works or ways, or any contracts in relation or con nection therewith, that may exist and which said city may desire to purchase, in whole or in part, the same or any part thereof may be purchased by said city, which may enforce such purchase by proceed ings at law as in taking land for public use by right of eminent tjomain, and shall have the power to issue bonds upon the vote of tho tax-paying electors, at any special or general election,- in any amount necessary to carry out any of said powers or pur poses; said tax-paying electors shall consist of cit izens who have purchased property in Klamath Falls, and can show to the registration officer an equity of One Hundred Dollars ($100) or over at the time of registration. (e) The legislative, executive and judicial powers of the city shall extend to all matters of local and municipal government, it being the intent hereof that the specification of particular powers by any other provision of this Charter shall never be construed as impairing the effect of the general grant of powers of local government hereby be stowed ; (f) The Initiative and Referendum powers re served to the people by the Constitution of the State of Oregon arc herehy reserved to the legal voters of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, as to all local, municipal or special legislation of every character in and for the said city. The manner of exercising the Initiative and Referendum powers as to munici pal legislation shall be prescribed either by the peo ple through the initiative or by the City Council. (g) All of the powers of the city shall, except as otherwise provided in this charter, be exercised by the Board of Commissioners, subject to distribu tion and delegation of such powers as provided in this Charter or by ordinance not in conflict here with. ARTICLE III. Elections Section 4. There shall be held a municipal election in the "City of Klamath Falls, Oregon," on the first Monday in May, 1913, and on the first Monday of May of each year thereafter, and shall be known as the General Municipal Election. All other elections that may be held shall be known as Special Municipal Elections, and may be orderetl by the Board of Commissioners or by the electors, by initiative. petition, provided, however, that, on the fifth Monday immediately fol lowing the adoption of this charter as elsewhere pro vided a Special Municipal Election shall be held for the election of three Commissioners as elsewhere pro vided in this charter. Section 5. Registration No person shall, except as in this charter otherwise provided, be permitted to vote at any municipal election without having registered. The registration shall be the same as it now or may hereafter be provided by the general laws of the State oj Oregon, except as the board may otherwise by ordinance provide. TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW --; fr