jEljg pothu) ffaI5. aurrtJB" KVKNIN1 NEWHPAPBM , PRINT THK NEW. NOT mSTORY rmwKwaitvioM rTi"- kii. in,7l KLAMATH I'ALIJI, OREGON, lltlllAY, ITIIHIAHY 2, lllIU 1912 FARM SEASON HAS GOOD OUTLOOK JIRIES ARE MANY k i while brlnm Hm rvimri L..i.,l llAl them U "l" ku.!npM III'" a'11' ',"Jr ,nt" rju! tiir "r n l,r,,l" '"ln"M ,.. d.TfliU'llU'llt aenaull III 1 VIS. iit---- , ...... ,., iiUsJIna ii'i ' B '" " , ml prccM ' " disappoint' hum In l" " 'r " K",,"", xUrlll Mil li' " , il lb, itllil goes, III" iihuiii nt$ni br !" raiiroaii agrii. nsuorrrlil rierini " n CiUmI MI'si" ,,",, l,,"l"r ,r," ,tnolbT arellnna aro tiiinmng MtcMBSlBK OCIHtl. fotltlrt Sle I'" ll' K'Mt Mllll'l.ll'lll,t'H BtllllR III i .i . .i r.. Him ilir. HUttlJ piinnrj " " tt kxil offlf llure. Mil Hi" aiam IIUU '' ' '""'"a" w'I"" "" UiKMIJ'r WMl" 'UiVon4iT I on l'fnit at the III oll Tall campaign riiiiinl(. U tl(h In" riiaiuiiiiiiieni.iii J(uitfrt approved niil plain I for n actlie campaign for i ritomlsillon of I'rnldent Tun, r rcrtUad ronimlllw arrogatra to U to tvthorltr ir powers, eicrpt 1 ft U deilrc.1 ! irvo I'" '"'"I In ol tk republican parly tiy thutloa ol I ho man whom Hip stof of th commute liellom In iUtofl(alrioIMap tor Dip party I III!. Tkaco-opf ration nnd nili. i U faired nf rirty republican itIWtra tbr iiwk thing, anil lit til lU deilrrd iraull at Hip April Ltrtr literature tll Im dltrlb- I Krttlf I ho facta a to the ni ol tat iilmlnlttralliin, speak- I in W f tifigtd In ipeak through' I II ilitr, sad Hip Portland rum. till vork In liarnmn)' with r ertanliptl effort! i( republicans i Knot locallllei to booit the met of Mr Tart 'rhUtraott Importance to Klaln. kraut; li Hit opportunity proirnl' I h lk itlt run filed by Hi H i (or Ik. n t.f Irll that F U Mod to bring dralrahlo - ttttlrn from the Mluourl lllver I aUtet further rait r'nr thn Itoao mlla June, the Klki' convention bJi!;u4 Ik Kolthli Templar italti. IIIUi Ancrln, ratra liatu Iipph frtof 55 round trip from the irlRlrrrrommnn iHilnta which I til iMItlonal pnriiiont of 111 IM to apply uit Hip Hhal Tki for a tumid trln fnr of llktkomcvrrkrr atlrndlnc olllicr iBaMcoartntloni may Imy tlckrla lHOMvay Ihroutl. t'allfnrnla, en- 1 1 trip to ti madp Into llio ( ralU district, It la n allua. Bhlch p Klamnth folk a llll our frlondi lio may bo tlalllf IrltMiut tll wavilur. IIMinr, and have ilicm nuliraco iwitti liturd rn nrutmt of tlicio i occart'iRi, xi,,, iirLclI i -0 tiara llmlii or ,iv. 1 Jrltllfff) nf itlihiitKr ntnul...r.. IttatOUt. it n k,hmI rntn fi.r "conntr.eiid I Ik. doit for nt POrlJ ffor.l ll.n .Inliw !. . jlailor.iihui ran m ripoclKil ! a direct lino to the Kail "daH tin rllllCI llm U'lllnm. IWlltraircntfi vnii.x "Wha!0 n nltli-.l rnn-....)ni ''Ttka ralliniui, in it,.. ,...inni.. "ftkkiTwr li.. . ,.., , ' V ntfr hpidiiM to Wiwd " California. I.oi n.n .,.... '-atiatio. i .'... .. .."":: rlvi. " "iir mo rmvi 'lUMrrnii.,.i...i .1 ., VVrtlHtoWrcdt-lthcrhvwiiyiif "MOfClllfornt. r..,. -.i.i. SJa!!' -V !flOMlcdln.ctlnnof mo "TWhlrali i. ..... I j. '"" iiHivuniniii ttlt, llld tO linv ..l. In "tarllliiini!irii. .. "hU,h i t April l&. nt i farp of I.U tr from Mlmmurl lllvcr tmliiia, or or f3C t& from Hi l.unla or Chi' nut) TliK U n vnlnitlili riinrt'inliiii to Klnmnth an far na I ho limn la nltrtti'it who la romliiK Ihla aprlliK nilil rnn tnkn nilvnnliiKii of thn rati'. It la not thn rntn Hint brine thn liliiit of our hoilli'aiwknr, hii'nua Hin fiiriiiirhoinpwki'r rnnnot travid ilurliiK Hin iiintitha It l In rffi.t In thn aprlliK a'nuin- that U If hn la n rim mi Indian Miininn, ho la inllnl 11 "Hiimw ,Mun," Tim aiciiii of thn Hut nil In Inld l.i' Mmtliiiiil, mill thn othcra nil tnkn plucoj In Ihu "I'rir WVal" of thla loiuitry. I I Hi oritn 1)111, In thn iiuinorona rutin In whlrh ho Ima nppinrrd, hna ahoivii hlmaidf tiri-mnllHiitly nttid for rolrt of thn mnlily anrl. na Hint of thn' rniuhinnn horn In thla piny In nmt it I wna In Ik. 'UIi-iI Hint hi would i im ii hlit uu'rn. ! MiumKir John V. Iloiutou ana thla la thn flril Hint, auih n Ihtko road allow hna hiii aururod to innkn thu awlichhiuk up to thla city from thni mnlii lliiu of mil of thn imt Konthcrn ! I'm Iflr. Thn ahow hna Juat complctod n wimk nt tho llnkvr thnnti-r at I'ort- NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY NEAR MA.VAUnt I,. It. ItOIIKItTHO.V HAVH Hi: l.'.YI'WIH to HAVH IT OUT AMOMJ IIOl,l.(J I'OI'flt.'K WIIIII.N ri:uiAVH worklim farmrr. and that I. lh kind' ?' '; J ", h"" ?" h" K'",t,Mh . w np.i, inn it i. -,ii, wi f,,r '"''. ""::, ,,lK": ,,,rJ:..w " ? , ' our pooplp to try n Irtti-r nml rani intiipnlitii In notify Iiik frlpnda who mny ho rrndy to rotiu. to rriimlu that Hip rntn rUih Hipiii r.' rhniicn to kp lu'n. In Htm. for iprlnx rnipplllK. I hould llk. to oo Hit' rain trlnl out nml n mri'ful ihprk kppt to ili'lprmllip Hip nrtunl tnlun nf Ihla into to our arrtlon I think Hip tallroail tmrflr offlrlnla wiiuld In. In InrpatPit III Hip triull, too. "llllllilllIK III thn hlllllPa dlatrlrt cf Cortland li ntllrp and thn work mi atpcl frainp atrurturra la krpptnK a arrat nninbrr of I'orlland workliiK liipn huay In a araion that ottii-rw lap mUlit lp rathrr dull "Anollirr Iblnc that U ratulnit a Inrci. mtioiuit of ImlldliiK rlht now la thn low prlro of luiuhnr and alriirliirnt Iron and atprl In that inarkrt. I.tim. hir la Hip rhratpt In I'nrtliihil that It ha lirun for )i-ara It l a kimkI omen for thn hoinn hulldrr na wp na Tlmrailny Tim prlroa vt tit li COc and II. It la romliiK C'lrruiiiatnuri'N prorocnlhn of u pro. fmii. lonili'iiiy will nt onco dlmlulih. Thla hna rofornico to lhi now tolo- ioiii. illn rtiirj'a noar ndwnt. I'nr hoiiiu liiiililha Ilia tvlcphouu auh irlhora of Klnmnlli Knlli nnd lcln jlly Im m hcMi rimiliiK. tili'iiilliiK and i llilcf.t'iiliik', na wpII a rnylni; hnrih . -...."'""" ' " '""''liuoliiita. hoplm; hy oin(, tnctlca or hmn.h of Iho p.t..rii Hnlou T.d... ,,., , ,,,,. 10 now. ,Ul ()f ,,. Krapli imupaiiy, rompiillid to '.,rli...r. i.. i... ..i i i b... liy thn I'arlflc Ti'lvphon) nnd Tolo Krnph lotiipiiliy. '"" and 7& irii'ir tmin(i'' AikIIii III nl IIouip wnr nn nctlon to foreclose tho mort C.nifo nnd niado n pla for trlnl without Jury. Attorney Uiorgo Nolnnd for tho de. fviidanta rontendtd that tho lory of nil nttncluiient hy tho creditor waived nny rlnlm for n Hen hy wny of tho nmrtKfiK'i. nnd Hint, onco waircd, tho tl.ilm cmld not Im reiterated. Ho ItoiikIiI to mind vlilona of nttorncya In dark iliinKeona, with ahncklcii on t lif'lr ahnnka, hy allualona to poailblo lontnmpt of court by tho nttorncya for the plaintiff for ho nnfd If they know Iho cnao wna ono In equity and made an attachment, thoy had IndulRed In nil ultimo of proccaa. Hut when the court flnlahed lunrlnc tho argument nobody went to Jail. JildKo Ilenaon will giro hla decision on thu nutation tomorrow morning. FATE OF SAILORS HANGS IN BALANCE tho Salmon, KnalRn W. D. Child maklnK only .20 hlta per run. The MoccaHln'a work la considered re markably fine. ritillT l'lt(l()TKIt CVIU.KY YIU. HKK ItAIMtXiAl MK.N MAHHACfft'NKTTH MUM IJf OI'KIIATION, mUlWRH RV toniio work unlay mid rnniilii ut houii. iiudur thu ran. of hla ph)alclnn. Ir l V I'lihir. Tin- ailment la mm- ihi,-, iii Im arutn ImllKoatlnn. Ilnint jlliiK of thu wlroa wna li.-triK dono today ,hy Mr. Aiutln'a militant, Waller KKicrlh. ON WITH DANCE, JOY UNHOBBLED MamiKr I.. II, Itoheitaoii of thn tixiil nlllcii ol tho romt.atiy, in)i that It la i xporti'd to put tho nw directory ion thu murkiit imxl Monday, nnd ex' plntna Hip delay hy thu fact Hint It wi n Hikllih Job to Kit thu book (for. ,hlcia you, It'a RotnK to tip n HOOK 1 1 hi time) out rorn-ctly, nnd that at tin. tlino It wna put In tho prlntcr'a hernia Juat heforn tho liOlldna thn dlarlilea of (luttenherK weru too buay 'to Ret It out at once. Then there wcro iouip other unforseen hlndrancci which put thu work behind. All this time, of courip, those wlthliiK for n Hip builder of commercial bulldlnita ,"I,V,: "AK "'H--''i: TO IIOI'.iuw lelephonp directory wiro Ketllni; or lllti: MIHUI. WHO WII.I,",0,p n'"1 moro Irrltnblo. I a n nrniinK nairn ror Ml tlili Irri tation the nuw 'phono directory la ex. IM'ctiil to work wonders. that material la aeeklnK a better l"V'l for thn ronaumer." OMII KK'I.MtWH TOMHIIT Klamath UhIkp No 137, I. O. O. P., Ill hold Ita rrautar Hireling lonlKht. There will tin work In tho Initiatory di-Kiep, and brothera are uraeil to romp nut, VUltlnn brothera will tip cordially welcomed. PfHSON BRIDE MO 6R00M llfl mWM CAKE Jlllnl Hullur fur Vuuiijt Wontnii II- rrl TitrlMp Matlrp on Nupp ami TtM-lr llrUlltra In lUklnK Kwivl rininMllliHi, Tlien Nulrlilra United I'reas Hcrflr VIKNNA, Keb. S. Nca haa Juat been reeeUeil hero of tho polmillnK of a brldo and bridegroom and their families, immberliiK alloKether ten perioni, at a weddlnc fcaat at I'od roIcip, Hlavoiila, by a Jilted atiltor for Hip Klrl'a hand. Mihoar, tho Jilted suitor, was Hip baker who prepared thn weddlnK rako. Ho saturated It with a strong rheinlral poison. Hhiii IiU arrest ho admitted Hip deed. Iln mauoKed In siiiiirrIv Into his cell, upon hla nrreat that night. Ho commltUd suicide. ii.ui: Ti:itt'si(-iiottiu. imii'i hi:.m'i:.maiu-ii in It's the ga) tlino thu Pro luddlea will bv having on the nlghl of Mr.Tch 1Mb. That Is tho dntu set for thu annual hop of thu gallant tlanie itlf lers of Klamath Kails, to bo held at lloiiiton'a operu liniuo, with music by that well known local organlra. lion named after a famous wctcfooted bird of pure hue. A committee of the Klamath Kails rinTTlOX HKI.M1 'UiriTKtTi:il IIV WANT CAMPBELL KEPT ON HOARD i Mo. l of TIiimp In Willi li 0iTBllr Hlrtirk Itenuiik. Work Willi 2,000 .Hnnila Not Anillnleil Willi Tliomc That Wntkoil Out. LAWItCNCK, Mass., Feb. 2. Most of tho mills reopened this morning. Two tlmusnnd operatlres not nfDIIated with thu atrlkcra resumed work, sol di era guarding tho plants. It. M. ItllHAItHSOX IN KAVOII OK I'TIIST IIIKTItltT ItAIMIOAII (-O.MMIKSIONKIt Volunteer I'lro Department, constat Ing of Chief Cdwnrd Wnkefleld. T. II, MrKlmmons nnd Heerrtury Caleb T. Oliver of the Chamber of Commerce has arrangements of thn matter In' hnnd. Ifuiinlly tho gliding feitUal! circulation of n petition aiming to lakes placo on Bt. I'ntrlckV day. 10 ri.,onl01 n ,,mco f Thomas K. Mnrrh 17th. hut this )enr Iho sAtnfj',.,,,,,,,,, rt.p,lurnll ,. railroad aimhersary Is Bunday. Henco Hie'rt)m,nU)llo1(r for , yinl )1Utrct( , rhniigo lo Krldajr. ,ll0 mmli of I( M nc,nrdson. who " ' .lasudug thnlnll the necessary chlrog- Ihm't fall to nttend Hint dnnco to rnphy la nppended then to. Mr. Camp- bo given at llicoprrn hntiao tomorrow tot 1 seeks re-election. night by thu White IVIIcnn orrluitrn. HORSE SLIPPER CASE WINDS UP JlltV IN r.VA.NK VH. I.KWIH FINDH IX IMVOIt OK lHKKXIANT AXII IHtl.MiS IX IUM)MKIt.X(l VKIt IUCT In tho caso of 8. Y. Kvani vs. Ar thur C. IaiwIs, tho Jury stacd out un til about ! o'clock last night, and then n turned with a verdict favoring Lew la with tho sum of $400. Tho suit of Kvana was for I9SS, allrird to bo duo on c. nolo given him for part pay ment of selling rights to a nalllcss horseshoe, or horse slipper, ns At torney J, C. Kutcnlc, for Lowls, term ini It. Of tho original payments plan ned ono was for 1400 In cash, nnd this had been carried out, I-ewls transferring tho wherewithal to Ev ans. When Kvana auec I.owls, the latter stt up counterclaims of lack of consideration, asking for his 1400 back. Ho got It. "SQUAW MAN" IS TO BE ON BOARDS AT IIOI'NTOX'rt OI'HHA IIOI'MK (1111 OXK SUIIIT OSI.V, XKXT TIIHIIM. IAV MAIX I.IXK ATTU.MTIOX AT POI'l!l..U I'ltKKH An event of moro than pamlng In torost I the apponriinco ut llmuton's opora house next Thursdny of tho "Hquaw Man." "Tho Bqunw Man" la a comedy dra ma by Kdwln Milton Itoyie, which has boon Iho attraction nt Wallnck'a tho- ninr. Now York, for two seanons. Thu story deal with flfo In th Westum Slates, whero, when a whlto man mar- MOXKY TIU'HT I'ltOIIK XOT KAVOIti:i HY MKX IX CAl'Cl'rt I'lutlriiMii l'inerwiMn AiinoiiiieiM lliat Henry Money Trual l'rnN Hraolu lion Will He Hui4anliil by ono on Various Hubjorta. HORSES IN LAW United Press Service WAHIIINHTON. I). (!., Keb. :. Arnirdlng In Congresimnn Under wood, tho democratlo caucus on Wed neaday adopts as n subitltiito for tho Henry money trust proho measure, n resolution arnlterliig subjecla to bo In vlHtlgnted nmnng nt least seven houso standing rommlttws. Henry opposes this resolution. Murderess Of Seid Bino Messes Crime, Shields Helper IPrMafU..!.. JJUKD, Feb. 2.-OI Hon, Iho ""I ltd Dlliv .H .1.1 a ui. m ,lu .,IIIVI ui. iMimtmbtred holy to Senltlo, Bl'o rfuwd to glvo nny motlvv Mr Iho crlrao or to uawe th accomiillce the police aro suro who had, OPPOSE MOSLEM INSURANCE Ml USURIOUS INSTITUTION (Iriuiil Moufll 8a) a Mfe I'olleles Arti Agnluat Koran, nml llioao lloldlug TlM'iii An TlirraliiHil Willi Wrnlli or Allah United I'reas Servlen IIKIKUT, Brla, Kch. 2. It Is a sin against tho Korun for Moslems to tako out life Insuranco policies, according lo a decri-o Just Issuod by tho grnnd moiiftl. It la buhl that Insuranco come un der tho bond of urury. Threat of thn wrnth of Allah la pronounced upon all who hold Insuranco policies and do not cancel them. lll'IMI XKW IIOUHK Lyle O. Mills, tho creamery man, has let n ronlrnrt to J. U. Cunning ham for tho construction of a resi dence on tho corner of Ksplanade and Alameda at a cott of about l,500. OREPTY.WHICH? AsToiini:yh row kkxxkwick iiaxk WHICH ATr.CIIKI tiii: KWIXl.i:it lll'-KTS, TIlVINd TO IIAVi: Jl'HY OMITTKIl l-OST OK i:il'('ATIOX lllfill IX STATK OK CAUKOIIXIA Mnn Tluin Half lM Year's KviK-ndl- lure of r-M.JUMl.iKXl Wiin l"nUI In SnlarieH In Tenrliera Who Uulileil KliiNilIng of Young Ideas Ono of iho hard legnl kuots that Judge Henry I., llenson had to strug ulo with today wns that presented In tho cmlenwir to tako tho caso of tuo Klrst Nntlonal Hunk of Kcnnowlck t. Joshim Swindler nml wlfo from tho Inn- calendar nnd get It Into tho equity dMslon, Thla would do away with n Inn trial nnd put tho Issuo beforo tho Judgu. Originally this fa mo m horso caso, which will go ilnwn In Hio history of tho world as one of the most Interest ing episode of equine nnnala, waa an equity case, because It wna nil over on attachment, which cannot bo resorted to In law cases. Tho complaint nf tho banking houaa uhlih hnd n rhnllel mnrtgago on tho homes owned by 8 duller on which It nlleged thero was a halauco of $701 duo. set up that Swindler hnd aurrep. tltlously removed from Washington to Oregon tho steeda ngnlnrt which the tnortgngo win Issued. Tho complaint naked that tho tnortgngo bo Judicially declared a lien on nil tho personal property Involved, but did not ask for foreclosure of iho mortgage for satis faction of tho debt, nor for solo of the property to pay tho debt, it did aak Judgment for tho doht and attorney's fees. Attorner"B. II. Henderson of Ken- newlck this morning argued for the bank to the effect that the complaint 8ACRAMEXTO, Keb. 2. It cost ISO.&OO.OOO to run tho schools of Cal ifornia In 1911. and $11,300,000 of this sum went to teachers In salaries, according to n little pamphlet Just Bent to press by Superintendent of I'ubllo Instructions Kdwnrd Hyatt. Thero aro 10.000 teachers In tho elementary schools, 2,000 In tho sec ondary schools, and 2G0 In tho kinder gartens. Total enrollment of tho schools Is 335,000 pupil In tho ele mentary schools and 45,000 students In the secondary grades. The lowest salaTy for teachers $400 n year. Thirty-two cities of tho state now linvo schools separnto from tho state. Jolinaon-Flynn Hemp Hllo Xot Yet licked, Hut May Iln Along Use of Wi-nti-rn l"iinr, Wliosn Officials lie la Oolng to Confer Willi. United Press Scrvlco SALT I.AKK, Keb. 2. Jack CurUy has started to Han Kranclaco to confer with officers of the Western Pacific njllroad. Tho Johnaon-Klynn fight slto has not ct been selected. It will probably bo along the Western Pacific. f.'oodwln Kill In and Out Hoy Goodwin, traveling correspond ent for tho Sacramento Dee, who does missionary work among the paper's outside correspondents, with an aim toward keeping them In tha straight and narrow, and who has been a local visitor the past three days, left this morning for tho burg bearing tho sacerdotal name. Stir Hrliolam' Farm Intern Secretary Caleb T. Oliver of the Chamber of Commerce, County Super intendent J. O. Swan, City Superin tendent Iloscll II. Dunbar, Principal W. K. Kanght of tho Klamath County High School, and other educator will hold a confab at lunch tomorrow over the question of Inducement for spe cial efforts at Letter farm education. It Is desired to get tho pupils Inter ested In tilling the soil. Van Illpcr llros. bare a shipment of tho finest Southern , naval orange. Guaranteed to bbgwect. 1- fEAREO PREMATURE BURlJU LEFT UNP DIRECTIONS Will Pruridpd That Hla Corpse Hhosdd lie Kept on Kartli. anil Warm, 8er en Hays, Willi Hell Attached to WrWt for me as Alarm Cnlted Press Service LONDON, Keb. 2. Kear of prema- turo burial was responsible for the curious Instructions left In bis wilt be Thomas Douglas Murray, a wealthy land owner of Buckinghamshire, who died recently at the age of 70. Tho testator directed that on his "apparent death" his body should bo kept In a well warmed bed for thirty six hours, then placed In a coffin In a warm room and watched for four days and nights. A bell was to bo fattened to bis wrist so that ho could attract attention If ho recovered. A MARINE COLLISION KI.KVKX OF CltKW MIMING A ilKHVlt OF LTtAHII OF SUB-MA-ItlXK IXTO TOIIPKIMJ BOAT OFF HIIOAIi fjnlted Preai Service LONDON, Feb. 2. Sub-marine A-J collided with the torpedo boat Hatard off Princess 8boI, Isle of Wlgbt. Tho fate of eleven member" of the crew Is unknown, and It la feared they perished. Tho channel fleet of warships Is rushing to tho scene with diver. Sub-marine A-l tank at the tame place, drowning thirteen. Tho commandant at the Ports mouth naval station declare that as doubtedly the crew of tho sub-marlB drowned when she sank. Gas and bubbles following the crash Indicated that a hole waa stove In the sub-marine. Lieutenant Craves, com. mandlng tho sub-marine, waa ashore at the tlmo of tho accident. Lieuten ant Orland and Fallor, hi assistants, perished. MAY TRAIN MILITIA MEN BY FOl'R MOXTH8' OOURSF. Xew Order Which May Be Aarevtl I Opposed br West Potatera, Wfco MaJaUte Private Might Kaenr MbreAboeit Batara Tha OaVrr United Pre Service WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 1. Speculation 1 rife at the war depart nnt a to whether an order, reeeally presented to Major General. Leonard Wood, Instroetleg rcllltla seen to go to a Fort Leavenworth, Kan., for four Months' course of Instruction In what ever branch of thi service they are ngaged, will meet with the approval of tho chief of staff. Much opposition I being made Against the order by West Pointer, who maintain that the outcome of inch a course would be that the pri vate would know more coneeralng their business than do their ofleers. Tho auporters of the bill retert: Then send the officer to the school, tco." General Wood decline to make any statement concerting the order at present, saying thnt he has not had Luftlclent tlmo to consider its pro v'rlons and probable effect upon the army. It is admitted by many, how ever, that Its passage would have the effect of Increasing tho Intellectual standing of the rank and file of the army, giving the met a better Insight Into the detail of their work. FINE TARGET PRACTICE OF GUNeOAT WILMINGTON Her Commander, V. A. Kdgar, Is Awarded Palm for Beat Work IHinti by KJemeutary Practice of Houtliern Atlantic Hquadnm ill toil. United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. O., Feb. 2. To Commnndor W. A. Edgar, in charua of tho gunboat Wilmington, has been awarded tho palm for tho best work dono by tho elomentary practice of tho South Atlantic. Squad ron during 1911. Tho Wilmington, according to official reports of tho secretary of Iho navy Just Issued, re ceived a mark of 38.089 for merit, tho cruiser Albany, Commander O. 8. Williams, being second, with 36.138. Tho Vallalobos. ono of tho oldest ships lu tho lino, was last, with 0.200. The Moccasin, Ensign S. D. Mc Arthur commandlnfg, ted the sub marines, with aa avorage of ,55 hits per run, far outclassing the remain dor of tho fleet, the next one of which BOBCAT SLAYER GETS HEAD MONEY KILLKK OF THHKK 8LAJX AM MAUI VISITS OFFICE OF COVX. TV CLERK HE LAP AND GETS WARRANT FOR S8 Ono of tho visitor to County Clerk Do Lap's olflco this morning was Earl Sharp, who had with him tho neces sary parte of three bobcats to draw bounty for killing them. Sharp Uvea In this city, but slew the wild quad rupeds In tho country toward Upper Klamath Lake. For each pelt he re ceived $2, or, more properly speaking, a county warrant therefor. BOX OF CAMERON DAM "HERO" COMES TO OREGON TO LIVE Clarence Diets, Sob of Flghtaag Wis- consln Homeateeadrr Now 1b PraL tcntiary, Working o RaOroael New YoncaUa f'nlled Press Service ROSEDURO, Feb. !. Determined to begin life anew, Clarence Diets, son of John F. Diets, and one of the de fenders of the Cameron dam In north, ern Wisconsin, has come West. He Is working on a railroad near Yoncal la. "I shall never return to Wiscon sin." be said. "The state has done our family deep Injustice. It was an eight year tight on our part, but the corporation was stronger. Slick law yers and unfair law robbed us. In our last fight we stood off a posse of 150 men for three days. And If the offi cer hadn't shot and killed our sister we never would havo surrendered." Price of admission to band con cert Bunday afternoon ha been re duced to 10 nnd 15 cents. 31-4t Double Pound Rate On Newspapers Is Justice Hughes' Recommendation United Press Serviee WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. -Justlco Hughes submitted to Preai dent Taft his final report on tho pos tal commission on rate Increase for newspapers and The report recomcieada that the second class rat of one oeat Im dou bled. The report wUl to snbaatHed to congress soon. WJ y