var ki.' j . ?v j ttfeftf .TO i ' 1 r fi0S!Bi?ivSl , ' "M..-1 ! tUlh, svfpmbW ma UNrTKl) fHMM NRWN 'I BR VI OR I fiwttikg Obe KVavrma NBnirAnM pkint tub kmwb, m mtimm Mitti Year Nu. I,STB KLAMATH FALLH. OREGON, 'llllJtHDAV, PEIIItUAHY I, 1012 CONCRETE PAVING LAID AT LOW COST ASTORIA INCIDENT HTUHV OP EniXOMllMli STREET fhip.ui: i HiiniiMi inteiu IMTIIIi: I.OtJAIi TAXPAYER IX VIEW 01' WORK TO MS HOXE oniMoilntt tho liUll prim which ten (mill fur strcol paving In Abe following limn from Urn llAtii, tending to shot may lis had at mi ltd Inlofnst Urn . W- F hereto street wild four llli perfect gln n 'took deep. enduring, nint qunrn )rd, I t litbfi ijnmrtrr huMmc lliH tloullr smooth mUoc lut II ID b rrvwd f straightforward A torU contractor. h It nut n main krrof sny pAtlng combine. 0 llntln recently tin rompMcd on Coatnortlsl ulirvt, Astoria , IhrMi Metsiofltil mkt,aud Portland men M kite tinned lliu pavement tie tUr It (f superior to Portland's ,l n. l 10 a I'limrn yard pro. ort. All (tin lAtnl iimiI w shipped (ran Portland In Astoria. C'rtuliM rock i paid for at tho rate of I J. 50 cubic jitril liutcml of t lie II. amsc 1'ilro omIjii In Port. Uil Cement ildt not 101! Irs In Ailorls than Portland. For thn rt (.forcing work, H.rtOO linear fift (if otmiuitrr lath sti- Lara wer used, easttec ISil. whlrh are wholly W sMtsury In average pavement work. u4 err placed In thU contract ! f awes of tb soft character of Hit) for saHesbeBrath. TlM flsurri .how wo havo been UM up here for n long tlmn In n fcrrellni manner." said thn Portland au (ho ralhcrr.1 Hm fart ahoiit the Attorl work "When any company M tho imUrlir in rharKo 11,10, or U. or tttn II SO njiuro ynnl for ettatat roncrrtr pnrimrnt lnr, thn Wtinienl rrtialnly hail taken our Bftiar for thn original raiy. TJic lmc from thU AalorU- work nron lUl tht tjp nf ronrritn amrnt wo bttn uitiiK hrro roulil ha lalil nt freflt for II a imr ynnl. Think w fortunes lakrn from our roo.I fljr ouit tx-rnunti no rltr rn- r or othrr oitlclal wmilit romo Hand ibow up tho rolihory. Hero " iminrallona for tho Aitnrla rk, which I Inveilgali'il: Cra4lBifui to proper autmrado; ion lub-xrailo lay a roncroto nac ) mclim In t hlcknou! tr. In plalon of thn city vnMlncor. Il la M e-inry. lay on uh.rm.t., i.n. 'Vltdncmnrrvln Ihcrrnn. Invpr ocu ttxk four lnrh In thick morouciily rollr.l! nn tlili M rock Ittlilnl .t,.fl l,nr in.w ""ofanlinhihlik. paralH with "hl nnnloi to tho rotirao of ftt, OHO flKlt Bhlirl! lllmn lhi tni thi,, prflpnr... ahnll ho lalil wacrtto. Tip lllrlnrllnn. n h were LJ-i, atnnilanl, tampo.1 lampcrt, until wntfr flinlifd Oil on thin wa anromt i rhlpa, upon which waa I to 2, yn not inaito hy "isjU pourlnit co- nt thn wholo tnarliluo rmloa U tho lyatotu puraiicit hy n certain I'iiiimii company hvio, "Tho wholv Initio of conta for thin work U nn follow, tho dunr'n havlnc bon furnUhoil inu from tho mrnrila or 1110 city of Aaterla: 'I'rfparril roailhil for rruahoil rock, 3.30S tiatn wnnln, nt .11 renin, II.OKH; rriuhi-il rock Iil auli.Krnilr, S00 cuhlc ar.U, ISOOj .1? ri'lnforco. mnnt, IH.flOO llnral fw,t. fr.&K. itn.l J.30J tijtinro yard of roncmlu pave lurnl at II.J9, H.130. maklnir n total coat for tho work of 0,37.5H, Minn inn man m piiKnul in tho work tho purlim Ind.rCuli went N'portr, t ,nm pln-, In hi. av v. cry oimirtirllon hiIIi,., nn,! , ,a, in ocrninni tiumvriiua other ilimcul ilea inn patlli romhlnoi 1I11 not fnrn, ovrauM or mrtnln untonnl liiflu. nrr itnvplopltiK nKnlmt 0inn fort m, Yit tho ork wni dona hy 11 man who prrtrmU no iprclal know lrilt nf patlliK, hu ImliiK n re-iuriil "tpcrt. ntul tho flciini ulintim tho lt mat nai rcr Imwii dotio In I'ortlaml whero material U rhraprr "Niiincriiua rfforln havo hmu mado hy tho property owncri of I'urtlaml to kpI hodrock prlifi on pntliii: work. mi in matrrhtli umM Thrro li nn Imoit unlvrraal hrllrf that thn Hty !IA lipfn Ctlllllicll.xl to liar nnrun arlonnhln prlr- In lew of tho natural ndrntilaiii' and condltloni which rhould In iillllml. Kor tho concrrto liarrincnt, whern tho material! ar c omi'itl, wind and cnuhpl rock, all of which may ho procured cheaply, tho conviction of undtio iirlrn U itronic. e). If hut ilx Inchn thlckncai li Khm a pavement, one euhlo ard of rruiheil rock, roitlnc nhnul 11.30. thould mxix lls intinro )nrd of fttrot, maklnR thn rock nut nhout IS cent a nuaro jnrd. Tlu ituantlty nf rrmrnt ami nand required to nil (lis lntrrtlcc cannot tx ureal, and tho cmt of plaHnit It tuu.t aim t low. lcamo moit all the work la hy mn thine." niiiiilmler (omprlxeN hiiiiiII lot thnl urn iuriliii;. in inwim whero thu lompany hna no plant, pun of U ,. In miturnlly froien. Dnrliiic thl until., period In IKII, X0.JSI refrlKiralor (lira worn lied hy tho Patina I'rnll CiproM ni llimcvllle, and 1 1, IRA tnra wero Iced at tho Col- 011 plant, Tho nvernKo numlier'af' tnra lied enili day tlurliiK tho limy aeamiu U 130 nt Itonnvlll.. nn.i f.n can nt Collon, ThU Ice, If plncml to.! Kether In olio moIIiI hlock would hu InrKer I linn Han Prniirhico'a lnrnoitj dkyacrnper Mid n heavy ni thrtin inch atriirturn, I IIUI IMI'IIOVKMK.NT fOMPANV Til WOltK (.V WIWT OIAHT WAS LAW ISSUE BUT NOW EQUITY r ci:i.i:iiitATKi iioiirinncKi) cask hkmimm osh i' tim: vamovh jUi:ilV.tH(TO l.lPAItll CHANO. I.Sd IHH HPOTH ' 1'oIIowIiir tho ciirV of B. Y. Kvana b, Arthur J. ImlaJ now on In cir cuit toiirl, li uipertod to conic tho ciiho of tho Klrt National flank va. New OruanlMilmi '.niwny 'e i,.'Jhua Hwlntllcr aii(J wlfo to recover toriMimllou PMHm WMIi K.r Inry .money on n chattel rrurtKncc A turn of Hlate, nml Will Maintain llmi. In tho latter cao lCr roault In thuro iionriin. m Unilni DcIiik no more Jurj-.trlal until Mon- 'day. . MANIKIN', IMi, I Arllrli-M of lu.j Orlclnnlly the Hvljidler cao waa n coriiorallon lm,. I.e.-n nied with tho law tae, owlnu tolbo nltnchmcnt of -........, ... .mi,. i,,r UK, ttfm i;niiiniK iontit or nun'.in helonRlng to Improrement company, with fmi Hwlntllcr, and iiKUlnW which nnlmnla at llnmlmi. Tho liirorporntorH nie.tho chattel mortirasMwiii cln.n ti. Bttphen (lalller. Clhert l)er nnd C ;lnw. no the llvrnld. Informed, iloei inn wiiupiiny win nnro n ,1101 permit attachment In equity 100 00(1, l,n,.,, ; ' 11... .1. ... 1 . .. . . i.i mo niuicnnion waa ninoivrd hy tho circuit courh'and tho poiltlon li now tnken with nstnrd to tfio Svrliir idler lixiu that It lnow nn equity cao for tho court without tho nmlt. nun. in meiTo Koniinuu iru votera of the county of Klamath and Statu of OrcRtin, , '. T o Hw Indler rnaw li tho ono Involv Inc a ir.00 Imno krep hill which It fell to tho Imnk propli to defray whon tho ntlnchment wn '-dlitotved. For further tinrtfriilnr lit. tl.u Ih.m... r.., ... ,,., "1.11111111.11 hmo,,,, d homo annali. MCIIOI.AH, i:PATIIIATi: lcn of tho Herald. Krnnd jury InveitlKatlon, n district at torney', offlco nttacha iald. Knrl ItuKori, Darrow'. nttorncy, an notincc thnt n demurrer I. to ho filed Hnturdny. If Oil la overruled, Dar row', plea will bo not Kullty. Tho Jiidito ruled that a copy of tho trnmcrlpl of grand Jnry evidence wai not nvnllnhlo to tho dofonio. Marrow greeted friend, today and waa calm. - . . -ammmmmmimmmmmnmmmmm Wttt0f arlf, OTMi 1 ." T-SSSm V MORE FISH WANTED FOR LOCAL WATERS Olf MAOXATKH HO.VH WIKK IH DIVOItCKI) HIOJ1 HIM iouiik 1'iercp lCgally Heiwrated at tiMtnnco of .cit Krietid' Hull -Pr. turtle ;t 2(M,MK a Hcfllrstctit In Iu of All Claim NBW YORK, Feb. 1. Tho mar rlapo of fleaalo Chapman Faulkner nnd Itoy K. pierce, ion of tho oil mag- natd, I. annulled nnd tho young wo man Ima received 1200,000 In llou of nil claims ihc rnlghl havo against him. parttnonl. The department ha. re ceived moro than 10,000 request, for relic, and a board ha. been'appolnted to pass on them. Tbo families of the .;ad stamen will bo given precedenco. KAIHRIl t ItOKO TO HAVE WAR, AIlOl'SB XATtOXB POWERS Organ of llelllgiiriit Party Call on Monarch of Tratona to t'alcaah Canine of CoaAlct, Haying People IK) jvot Tlirivo on Peace 1IKRI.I.S, Feb, 1 .Urging tbo kal. er lo unleash bla dog. of war and lead Germany to new deed, ami now acaa sltlon.. Die Post, organ of tbo war V. Lake rapllat of KICK NOT MUTTS IS STATE SLOGAN Thn cnnplo were married In .Vovtm- r.1'' ,MyV ., h'r. 1910. A. If. p. Heegnr. a friend of 0n, ' diversion of GOOD SUPPLY ASKED COMMERCIAL CUM.tAMm CI PROBLEM OV plenty op mnnr AT MOMS joiinic Pierre, nied tho suit on ground of tho jounc liushand. Irrcsponslbll ity. xi:w wixii aimuti:ii nv missoi'- ItlAXH, A ttll'Y K Wlllt.-ll CORPORATION'S COLD WORK AFFORDS FI6K CHANCE I'rtrlrtc I'ruli i:trr (Nuiijuiiiy IWtl i:nMigh Irr In Kmum in Mkt ItrrK lllg :iioukIi In KiKKk t'nrneni (Id Oulihli (lalo Mil MtUi ( ZJ,0ro.,h h ,"" iock iitmn "":'. ami the 1 irom a porlnhlo" lgagaBlaWnK 'VaaaaaaaaaaVt .FW Hbeclal to Tho Herald HAN KIIAXCISCO, IVh. 1. Sum- dent leu to mako an Iceberg that would knock tho corners off tho Onld- en flat If II weru hrouitht Into Kan Frnuclato liny, was uard In California hy thv Parlnc Fruit Kvpresa company, lho rofrlcorntor car svrvlro nf tho llHrrlmnii lines, during tho trull ship ping season ending October 31, 1911, This aamo supply nf Ice, wero each rnkn plnced end to eiid, would rover n stretch 90S miles long and 22 Inches vlilo. Ttio 1'Aclflc Fruit Ktpross im.vl In this .Into taat )car, 1,407,133 rakes of Ice, inch 39 Indies long, 22 Inches wldo and It Inches In thickness. Tho weight of nil this Iro total 220,1 IS tons, each cakn weighing 30i) pounds. If It wero molted II would equal 75 11118,374 gnllonH of water, sufflcli'iit lo supply n small town for nn tntlro )car. If this Iro wero limit ed Into freight cars of averngo rapac ity and iiinda Into one train. It would require 11,000 cars, which would rov er n illatnnro of nhiiiit 03 miles, or about thu snmo dlstnuro n. Hint be tween Ban Frnnclaco ami Rncrnmento nn tho Houthorii Pnrinr. Of lho 220,. 115 tons of Ico used In California last enr by tho pneino i'ruli r.xpross, 131, 94S Inn. wero miimifncturcd nl thn Colton and ltnsolllo plants. Tho lien lal And American Race War For Death Of School Boy Blamed PrHaBorvlc C,yofAHCI,HCO' - Tto W 1. ' ,MJ'1' of JnI" K""". NiS'i ' "rlontnl .cl.ool. t- tuT: ' jIih nml ohiniiM,. 1... --. ' race war totween white pupil, ot th Washington school nnd Orlontal pupil.. Tho poIIqo rccontly orrosted Chl tieso pupil, nud took from thorn bonv.v revolver, throwing bullet, similar to tho onu killing Kano. A gonornl .earch and third degroo work It on among tho Jap nd Chi new'boy. of tali vicinity. NAILLESS SHOE CASE NOT ENDED V . ITIXTIMOXV COXTJXUKM TO UK oitkiii:i ix ishik m: Tvi:i:x h. v. i:'AX8 axh ah- Til fit V. 1.KWIS City Heronler Thomas I. Nlchola Is from Mlaiourl, and therrforo high' ly appreciate a ropy of tho lately uituptvd official song of tho state,' They goota t)iitt klckln' my dnwgj nroutr." W, T. Klllott. postmaster of. Houston, Mo., thu rtvnler. old! I home, has Juat'sent a copy to thn city official. !t 'was nrruiigtl liyK. O. ItiiATk, whom .Nicholas uatM to know, and Is written In "I tnpo nil doKtroto rliin." Dogs nrn so highly prlied In Mlimoiirl thnt 0110 of tho stato favor III' etclamatlous Is iinino.l fur them. lly liawglcf," Ono crso of tho song llatrns thus: "Ktcry tlmn I count to town, 11. l.n. L..... H L.l.1.1... " ""' """"' b elrrult court Ihlt morning, wltuessr. HIUIIIl , Makes no dlrferenro If ho Is n houn'. They gottn ijult klckln' my dawg nroun." FIREMAN QUITS . JAIL QUARTERS Hl'ltllAXn OF WEED WOMAX WITH WHOM HE KLOPKO NKKSIH TO HE DISIXCMXEI) TO EXTEIt I'ltOSECCTlOX a great war ran nrouso tho best power, of tho na tion nnd subjugate tho Inferior qual ities, which And expression In tho so cialist election victories. Germans have never thrived while enjoying eventless peace." Frank Harrington, locomotlvo fire man who waa arrested here after hav ing eloped with Mr. Henry Ilcck from Weed, whero both live, waa released from Jail last night, a. tho husband ot the woman, who- had chased the pair, to thl. city, did not mcib to care to prosecute. I In the nnllleas horaeshoo raso of S. . Kv ns agalnit Arthur C. Lewis In Tho city recorder sas these nro his sentiment. JJOIIN I'AI'h JONirH' (illAMI XIKCK HUM IX POVEUTY HtartHlloii lrlit Life I'min Ihnly ot Agttl ItelalUn tif Kniooiis Hero IHih. In (lii'np INlging IIoiim, Ail mlrnl' relic lldng Altai lied PAIIIH, IVh. 1. l-n.l from stnrn- Hon, thn body nf Vnrlnn Slimrt (lorn linull, grand 11 loco of Admlrnl John Paul Join a, tho fnmou American Hen flghtcr. was found In her room lit n Okitmluei! wero Oniric Adams nnd Deputy County Clerk Rvorgo Chas. tnlu. for the drfenao. nnd B. Y., plaliitlrf, who appeared In rebuttal. Adams Is town marshal at Merrill, nnd tins been n blnrksmlth and horse shoe. Ho said that ho had shod n , liorao with tho iiallles. shoos nnd thnt tho shoes failed to ndhcro to thu horse's hoofs. Ilo said ho was strong ly comlnced before putting tho shoes on thnt they would not slick. Asked by Attorney C. M. Onelll, representing tho plaintiff, If K. II. Ilnmaby, wlm hnd lueii prbsel)tlng for the dot Ire, would not run Into tho street when any horse would ho drlvon nlong, nnd stop tho owner to solicit his pntrounRo of tho horseshoe ho ro- lHnTfO.tWAYiai CaAMUUBlW AXH OKFE1UI IXIl'CEMEXT8 tn KlinM of Fine Casinos to He Hall! If Plan Projected by Proponed Xew Ijiw Itrmmcs EaTrrtlre Heavy T for Xntion XO DEAD MURDERER'S ARM FOR GIUFTIXO OX THIS MAX PAIIIB. Feb. 1. A-one-armed man on whom surgeons planned to graft tho arm of a dead man, refused to ac cept tho limb of a murderer, declar ing he never could tell what the arm might do when It got Into action. JOIXT WAflE COXFERRXCE QUITS WITHOUT AORESIXG Miner and Operator' Pawpoae f BrttHng Wag Fall, to AcraaaBUah E4 far Wklch It Got Togataiet nnited Preaa Seftlea) LVDIA.VAPOLI8, Fab. 1 Tha mbs- era and operator. In a Jotaf wage conferecne, adjooraed wkkoat Vig&k. ,i, i Price of admission to band con certs Sunday afternoon ha. been re duced to 10 and 15 cents. Il-it ,13tT'sy-fw w4Ijbi f Whoae Wlfe'Mki CoL CHIaaaa WMk InsHan. After I .itlAl tliiil lidw wti a Htm at wA n0 atjtl &ft rhenp lodging liouso hero, and many " ' '"' "v """ - - ... ... 1.1.1. .1. . ... 'iiiiuaunl form of onterprlso. Ho bo- ,. ,,... ... ,.v ...I.... .v... n.t.v.. n..v ...... In her possession nro today attached for n) moot of n small hill. Shu was 07 i'Ar old and tuiro wo.ilihy. Among tho relic nro tho sword worn by Jones, it lock of his hair nnd a mlnlaturo portrait of tho ndmlrnl. URGE PACIFuTlANO DEMJHMLLY MADE I'.lp'gmt III History Koto Tlint Wln'it WfyrrlMUirr Was lluyer NIU Aire, 011 Wlihli I'm king I'litnl Miiy k Hullt, llrlng AO.IMN). BOUTII lir.NH. Wnsh., Feb. 1. 3'lin Inrgost la ml iloal In IMclllo Coun ty, with thu exception of tho salo of tho Northern Pacific tlmbor lands to Ilia Weycrhnusw Timber company, mivornl yrnr ago, hn Just boon clitred. Tho property purchasetl, gen oriJly Itunwn n. tbo Henry Nyhnrt plnco, consisting of 810 aero, of bot tom laud, passe. Into tho ownership of Mcmrn.Nlnoiulro & Morgan, mo former ot Montcsano and tho lattor ot Aberdcon, for $60,000, For a nun.-iu-r of year thl. firm was engaged In tho meat pncklng business nt Abor dtcn, nnd It U tlincnornl supposition Hint It will erect li plant on tho recent Pnrcha.o nd r-vngago in tho busl-ntia, lloved If It hnd happened In Merrill h would hnvo henrd of It. Deputy County Clerk flcorgo Chat tnln was enlletl to verify tho record ot a judgment In tho caso ot tho Clmmhers-llrUtno company ot Kit geno vs. Arthur C, Low I. In this cnmi Judgment wns rendered In favor of Lewis on ono nt two note., tho other being the onu now sued on by i:nns. Attorney Onelll objected to tho Judgment being admitted a. ovt denrc, contending that In that caso tho evidence wns different from tho ovldenco In tho Kvnns-I.cwrls Issue, Tho court permitted tho Introduction of tho Judgment ns ovldenco. DARROW ARRAIGNED AID SADDAYjETFORPlEA Ills Attorney Will Demur, nml If Thl Fulls, AiriiM'tl Will Fiend Not Oull. ly Mart Indlttiucnta Expected lit ,('01110 Boon United Press Sorvlc 1.08 ANEai.r.3, Feb. 1. Harrow was nrrnlgned nt 10 k. m before pre siding Jmlgo Hutton of the aupurlor court. Bnturdn) nt 10 n, m, wai set no the tlm; for ilm to plead. Flvo Individual Indictment, will be returned at tho resumption of the I.ISIIOX. Feb, 1. Portugal Is go ing to mako a strong bid for tbo pat ronngo hitherto enjoyed by Monte Carlo, Ostend, lllnrrltz and other not ed gambling resorts. Tho government has Just published tho details ot tho projected law nuthorlztug Mid regu lating gambling throughout Portugal and the Islands of Axorc and Ma deira. Great rnslnos nro to bo built nt Lisbon, Cascaes Clntra nnd Oclraa and a special effort will bo mado to attract American tourists. Fifteen per cent of tho rake-off of all such establishment, will revert to tho government. Concession, may bo mndo to foreign capitalist., but all cmplojc. must be Portuguese STATE SAXCT10X8 STRIKE OF GOTHAM LAUXURV HANDS .NEW YOUK, Feb. 1. The official "O. K." of tho stato labor department was put on tho strlko of tho laundry workers, which has mado Now York nlmost shirtless here for week. A committee appointed by tho state bonrd reported that tho rebellion ot tho worker, was Justified. LOSS OF LIFE CAUSED BY BAD RAILROAD REPAIRS? Congressman ellrger Want Inquiry ot Chnrge Made hy Striklag .Machin ist of Ilarriniau IJne n to Incm clency of Successor. , t.'iilted Pre.. Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 1. Congressman Dorger Introduced a res olution proposing n congressional in vestigation ot chnrges ot striking Harriman line. machluloU that Inef ficient repairs of locomotives are causing lo. ot life and property and delaying mall. MAINE METAL MEMORIALS NAVY DEPARTMENT PLANS WASHINGTON. D. 0., Feb, 1. The guns, nrinor plates and .bell- re covered from the wreck of tbo Maine v be utilised for memorial, to cording to statement at the maty , 0 SUCCESSOR TO FALCOHO AMOOnCEOJY LEGATION Papal Delegate From Rome to Catted State to Succeed Monslgaor Cttoarm la lVrsosi of Gtovaaai Boas. saaao Uultcd Press 8rvtea WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 1. Tho papal legation has announced Monslgnor Giovanni Bonsxanno of Home has been chosen apostolic del egato to America, succeeding Faleonlo The Commercial Craw has started a move to get the great lakes and rftasa' . ot tbls section stocked wRk fal aa4. - C. P. Stewart, taesterarr mmtkuw, - is busy on Use work. .It la the asal of the club to bring about the etlMsaUesi - of the enormous capacity of the Baata. atb waters for the'sf a Osh supply for feea.sjslMtW the sportsman. The elah la aew. faMy " ganlxed, and la putting" Mi' fall ferae In back of the moTssasat te get aaa. In large quaatltlts treat every avalU able source. The hearty co-oaeratlea af.ererr cltiten of the coaatr la destrsd la thla matter. .The flsh are not te be alassg, , ' In one particular laha orrlvW, .bat are to be distributed la all lakes aad ' rivers of the Klamath coaatrr. Communications have" heea aeV dressed to Hon. David Starr Jeraea, president of Stanford UalvmraKr. as to Commlsaloaer C P. flteae, eaHet Ing their aid In the work the dab baa takes upon Itself. It la the alas at ' tba Commercial ash f koee the ' trm tntafiA a BMi.k u Mtjat that every dtlsea of .the eeaatjr 1 at all tlmea have aM th ash k 1 II Is a well kaewa fact that the waters are here.. All that ks aaeaaa Is a keep tbess BteaUfuUy stocked. y'- ouuuarCTanrAirr to iin TOKMURaMBBOr '.- - eff Tasjal XEGHO LYXCHED IIEFORE TROOPS CALLED ARRIVE llutrk Man Who Asaulted White Girl In Georgia Hanged to Tree by In furiated Mob Which Stormed Jail and Dragged Him Oat CORDELLE, Ga., Feb. 1. Albert Hamilton, negro assailant ot a white girl, was lynched to a tree by a nob here before troops called upon by the sheriff could rescue him. The Jail was stormed and Hamilton dragged into tho street, where be was banged. XO PHONE LOVE-MAKING TO BRAVE FIRE FIGHTERS LOS ANGELES. Feb. 1. No more love talk on tho tire house telephones. The brave flro fighters must forget their sweethearts during duty hours. These aro the chief's orders. NOOALES, Arts., Feb. 1. Cotoaet Francisco Chiapas, military prefect of Montesuma under Diss, will be exe cuted for tbe murder of Lose Tata mantes, a rebel, aad his eons, accord ing to Information from Sahuarlpa. Ho was sentenced to death la the court of first Instance there. During tho recent Mexican revela tion Chlapaa captured Tslaanatea two. sons. He ordered tbesn executed. Talamantea offered fxO.000 aad hie own life for hia sons. Chiapas thea executed htm. Since tho executions Chiapas' baa fled from Tauunaatee' wife, whs searched for him with a bead of Taaal Indians. He was caught near the bor der by soldiers, aad taken to Sahu a ripe. RAD POLITICS, Ctll'llWi . OCT ARMY POTS JUST NOW From Point .of View of PartUaas, the Qaeatloa la Raised ae to Expedteacy of Dot Away WMk Stotlnaa, Which Will Iadaca Mscoatcat WASHINGTON, D. a. Feb. 1. From a political point of view, many question whether the admlatetratleaa Is acting wisely la recommeedlag the abolishment of many army aeota Just on tho eve of the caatpaiga. Bvery place where such post la losated la naturally lacensed against the ad ministration at the prospect of hav ing the post abandoned. Tbe saving, it will be observed, will not affect the public purse, as It la in tended to be used In enlarging the army. In all probability, the change, even It carried oat, will not affeet Oregon. Letter Demanding $1QQ,0Q0Sent To Pierpont Morgan. Jr., Useless United Frees ttrvlee NBW YORK, Feb. 1, Pieraoat Morgan Jr, received a request to leave 1100,000 at a designated place ta Central Park, "or sossethtng serious, will happen." The'pollce were notlted. The lettejt eays la pert; "I kaew .': fit V.iSS the maalpulatleas of tte aforaaa WUI street hoaee. Throagh It I Jeet all the money I had, so I eoaeider Raf to me asorgaa nua in asaaw rwssna i-vvrt':. Pollee hid la the wt)iwimm'Mfi deavorlag to trap tha wrMer. waa (MAM "", aot aaaaar, . . ; ftiPy w- . j. t -- I all -m. la ..!. "i J'u. . . I -- "-V,.! "J .- h ', -VifS ' Jt.-' s,. C i.f ., JVtV',- Ja k