Vt' f h"i.H. 'WVI ifi XT MUl'i'MKII BY TIIK EVENINO NEWftPA! HMrKIH'IIWW NICWII IVRVIOM PRINT'THK MICE'S. HOT SlMh Vtiir .' I,T KLA.MA'IH FAI.I.H, (IIIKUON, TL'IMHAY, JAXt'AltV HO, 10l!i wbt leMtV Pttltttg WANT CITY LIMITS SURELY DEFINED ,ilinit nml tlniin fur In Paris," an) onu .,,, m nniiuT MrtIiiK fun "Thu iiegioe ar t St II UK IJ3 IN UUUIfl fr ii l'. "irlm: i...tl,ln al.out (their rcplltntlnii Onu licifrn will nl. - ni.MII.rHON IIV fOI'.NTII. IIIIIMJS "''' "" """"'. 'l Ibn l'rl. "" . Ihr imlilla Mill iihiii kiiii.1 iimiiuy Iii it Mini hami; iHHtfi: as in i.vi,, ,,, ,., ,, .nvur nKlllll VOI.VIIII IV l-N" IKI! Ll'M-,'1"- ' "lacks,' " ' , U I bellmed In I'nrlt miiiiliiK clr- '"" Nl ,T elcs Ilmt IIiikIi Milntoih would huvn (lmt 160.0(H) liml liu uttcmptcd to At uiuiirll meeting Inat IllKliI "Ingti llm limit hern lint Mclnloah Ctiunrlluinit (I W Wlilln lua'tviilrdiKol Mini in iiritvullliiic ncniliiifiit, nml (do (iiIIiimIiik i'oliitloii, which wa'tiilcty nnnouiirt'.l Hint hit would alngt. iJoiH.IimI II"' ti'iut In Hulney lintiml n Paris. "Wlmniu, IIih boundaries ito-' Hum McW) nnd Jm Jfnmieltt. fiord b) tl" ll"iiit fl.mliir nrn III-' fnutil lurn thrttt time, neither cine (Itltnttc nnI miff ilnln Insofar nt lonut t-t giving llm audli-int. aatlifiirtlini , ll concern'! llm now territory Hint iTIio. cllmiu wa lenrhtd In llm liut t annnitd nl ii apctlnl election on'. MrVi')--l.nnKfnril fight, Mlilrli ended lleCUller 31 I UOU; Ihcrcfiirn, tin It III illtortlcr Mini rmifiuliiii Ittohcd, tint tho rlly nlliirin)' bt t' Tint i-rtntiir clnlintil tlmt tin n,iKttr.l to Mamllitt lliln tlm proceed- liegroe n, ,owii 11,1,1, ,.,.,, (,0 In and iilitnlt n written iiinluti a la uliftlur mIiI new territory In legal- I; 'rl nt tin rlly of Klamnth I'tllt" 1 Thli tjiittitliin I nlrrntly beforn llm tlrrull rtiutt In tlm Utim of tlm Unii? UVc l.tmilirr riiniimiy . tlm City el KUmntli l'nll, wblrli In to tlecliln wbeih'r tt.o rlly llinll m fnlnrRrtt Inemlirnrn HtililliKtoil nrn mil J Titi rrtotutlun nboro iiioin Imoltf in. onl; Klil'ilnKlon, but llm I lot HprlnK 6j MIIU kititlllona In till' titlK Ultt l.nml tr rniti tint plaintiff run Ifoil that tliem la n rai In tlm en. Iirnrit Niiiiiilnry linn blrb niakca ll lllfial. Cotinrllman White anbt toitay tbat U vra urrlr. to loam Hint tlm icillt-r Mat Inroltinl In llm Uiiir Ijikn Lumber rompany'a ault. "I tin not r.'iiirintier tlm mntlcr rrcr hllng Imtii briMitlit tHtforn Ibn niun-til,- mM Iio. "WlmtmvtT Ibn rlty It itrit It It tlm limine of Ibn lni)or t'i Itlni ttm mntlcr bofori tlm conn, til, In nrtlt-r to net lit will In tlm w.altrr Tlm rounrlltncn aliiniM have n npporlnnlly lo utr n to wbctlmr lit city ihtiuM ileft'iitl llm rat, U It K by iW.vilt, trill,. It, or bamlln It In ifjy other imimIMii innnncr. If Hint t4 born itnnv In tlm Mnttrn rait aa It ibnul.l have been, tin rlty mlitlil t8 bn tYi-tl aoino inoiH'y." Tilt rain of llm ltni; l.nkn l.iim. Urctinipany lm not been act bccniiat l)or Prott T tbuulcratm bnt kcpl Cllf Allnrnfy Hornet M. MatinlnK tntjr MiirkliiK on n now rhnrtrr, but It It I011IM0 Hint tlm run. will lm tel llhln A roililo of week. It I under too.1 that Altorimy J. . Ilutonlr, tfprrwntlni? tlm I.0111; l.nkn l.utntKr wmtuny, It niuloiia to net llm Itiim trlt.1 out nl llm jirtacnt term of rtmrt nn.Nti: nns warn ifH, sivimi tiii:v am. lav IMIWN lt MiVej.J'itiiinli,. Ht.ut, Wlirn Nfiiaiiim Writ. llfl.Milnli nl Tmiim-ii of I'rtittstlliiK., Cliitlitil l.'nmln l)lfutor ToMitrtl NrN I'Altlrt, Jan. 30. Di-clnrntloii by I'irlilan ttxitliinen Hint ni'Krii IlKbt rri nut maiiIimI In I'nrU I tnlil lo bo tiiponilbln for tlm tinliteii hwIIiIi of ll Julminn-MrVry flRbtln Auatralln. "Klcliia between black men urn Council Violates Own Resolution Against Fire Limits Transgression It a colnclilonlnl Hint llio council ' nlKbt niiprmci of n IiiiIIiIIiik per Rlt which .ltd not comply with Ibo oKllimtuc. nml tlmt Inlor rvadliiR of "'I mlimua Inciiitici rccllnl of a ruo '"Hon In wlilih n,o council unvo po J'M niitlco 10 llio illy rcalilunU Hint In "Wo nil piiniilla uuiibl poaltlvcly '"vo lo bo within Hid term of tho ordinance 0. Ii. Kdtoy inked for pormUalon " imt mi oxu-iiiliiii 40 fort wldo, 30 mi lcci. mm 28 f0t lilKh on parta " lot. 1 mid 2, i.iock 15, Mnln atroot, Wotito tho Ainorlcan liouao, to bo of 'UIucr nml brick voncor. Tho ordl jwco llt1K h 1(jca(loi n (1o flro '""" '0'Hilrca inntcrlul to bo of brick ofwncrclo. wiivn It enmo to voIIiik "I, l"',)l"'lllon Ibo council woa not vdi ".?'" I"0 ,,mvor '"oclarod tho Lit L ' nnruipurontly alllod him- " "n tho itdo favoring violation ) Mb down In tint nllitir. Wlilln iritert.tMli-riarltiK that nelllicr iiihii 1II1I hi lifl lli waa tcrey arutiprit J by llm pre for niil ilUiimllfliiK tl n 1" limn ntni Mrlnlimli. Mho pro tnolctl Hit. trrnp. Kot Ilia "Imp. of llm knock, KLATAWA CLUB'S SECOND DANCE n 111: 111:1.11 ToMMitimu- mhiit AT WIIITi: l'i:i.l'A IIIITKI., A.Mt Tlllllll O.Vi: nU34 WAHII. IMiTi,'H lllltTIIDAV Another 01m of llm Klalnxn Cltib'a plcatant tuirlnl fiinrllont will he islren toiuorrtiw nlKbt nt llm While IVIIcmi botcl The orrAtlou will bv tlm tec 0111I of tbv trio of itanrn wblrb llm rliib bna nrrntirtil. nml xlilrh hint" nriuit linirli Intcrtat In aorlnt clr rlca, Tin. plnn of tin nrRiinlditlim pttivlitc fur n llmltc.l number of Imi tation, rnrb ono of which I to tlm thrc.r ilnnrca, tlm confliiliiR llm lorlnl tin In for thu tcrl'a to lint annut con Kcnlal rrowil Tlm Iblrtt tUnru will ho nhen IVhrunry :: WnabliiRton'a blrlbilay Tlm club ronilai of fourteen mf ID bora, who nrn J. I' llit.tt. !.nwmin' Mrbaffey, Harry llcnton, A. Oeblor, I'rmik HnrRi'til, Clamlt CVtcboom, llnrry (loellcr, Albert Uiewn, HtlKO Uiewt, J. (', (.'leghorn, Junior DnR Rett, tlnrrelt Van lllper, IM (Inn an, I'hllllp Hltuint nml Terry lb. I.np. I'MATII.K WATKIt IHKItS' (illAlit'.lTKII I'l.AX IIKMKII I.A (IIIANDi:, Oru Jim. 30. Tlio pni)cr for Krniliintcil pnymenta of n tt.r rlubt chnriiea iitmn (he lltnntllln project a'ema to hau ntnllctl nolblnR, liinamiirli na tlm roninilatloucr of tlm r.eni'rnl Inml oltlco bna illrefleil Hie lornl Inml nlllro to notify i.uir) wntcr inter wlibln tlm project known to bo nwliiK nny part of Hit wntcr rlxht cl'itrRC to Decombitr I, 1010, Hint liniment mutt bo ninilo Mnrcli 1,1912, or npprnprlnlo action tookliiR In the of tho ordlnniicc, for bo voted lo grant tho permit, rnatliiR tho declalvo "u)o." OHmr bulldliiK pormllH Rrnntcd woro; J. J. Dnvl, ono-Blory chicken liouao, 8x10 foot, with fireproof floor, lot ft, block 20, Pnlrvlow ndillllon, O, II. Hector, woodaliod, 10x20 feci, on lot 6, block R4, Second Hot Sprlimn nddltlon, Mra. KlUa Hawkins, two-story frnmo homo, 3Rx38 foci, to coat about 12,800, on lot 310, block 100, MIIU nddltlon. lion 8. Owens, addition to homo, lo roat $21D, on lot S, block 216, MIIU addition, Mrs. A. West fall, ono-story bunga low of'B rooms, prob&bls cost $700, on lot 583, block 108, Mills First ad dition. Kramo' dwelling, 20x30 foot, with brick fluos, on lots 7 and 8, block 64, Nichols nddltlon, Cost 1600, lolltultiii of llm charge under thu wiitor right cwiirncl will lo taken, llfgUtcr llmmwull nml Iticchur Khcrhard hnvii aont notlica by regis tered iimll In nil mhIi iiomuioi. Theru worn .160 roglaterod lciii.ru. mill tho 1 n tiittunt ahown n tl tit tmitU liJI,- 1761 33 I In former nm tho million lmvn Ilifi'ii tiimllilotifil no tlmt wiiicr right rlnlmants wen. not itollinjiifiil until .Mnnli 3l,iiinl puyiiiciit nimln nt llur tiiUliin on or befort' Hint tlntn lmvn brim ntnmiliiil, nvcii If rcrcltctl nl tin. Unit oltlco uflur llm itnlo While It l not miiioiintcil tlmt n tllffercnt ruin will bo folbiweil till cnr it tlm ofllcInU of tlm Inml oltlto .Ifulro to nt. Irnrt tlm nltnntliin of nil untcr nnerit I.iitIiik tinymrnU to nmko Hint tlm 1 1 11 1 en uicil In totini'itlon wllb my nieniK refer to tl,,, Hum tlm in)rncnta nboiibl bo iiimIii nl llm locnl tit nil tittle- ninl not in llm ilnte innllrtl or olbcr M lilt', E BY MRS. RATLIFF IMIUMOXAI, DItI'MtX.VMMS III iii'niiami am.i:ui:o iiv win: as (iiior.vii i.v tiii; complaint iii.r.n Mrs. Ann Itntlllf, tbtoiiKb Attorno) llnrnie M. MauultiK, bna Inatltiitcit n ault fordltonn fiolii Jobu llutllff Ibo romplnlnt bntliiR been lllnl In the ortlrn of (niiily Clerk Chnrl'H It. Do Lap Mr llntllrr, who comlurta tho Itlteraldt' hotel nt Men III. allcKca tic rnalount ilrunkcnimaa o a uroiiml for tepnrntlou, Tho rouplo hne four children. I hreo ol whom nr ndultt. Tlm llnllIRs ban Hied In and about Ibl pnrt of tlm roiiutr) for n tcoro of cr, THIRD BI6 JEWEL ROBBERY WITHIN LESS THAN MONTH At Sfnllle. Mn n Kntt-rlni: Hcconil hlory b) Ijttliler nml TitkloK llj iiioinU nml Oilier ietn V.tluril nt llnr Tli'Minml IHillant I HCATTI.i:, Jnu 30 Dlnmnud and other Jewelry worth moro that 11,000 worn stolen fromt be horn. of Mrs. Charles Whittlesey by a burRlnr who loft hla ladder stnndliiR .tcclnit the I .iiiii) n iildenco of how- !n iind en- t rod tin accoml story wludnw. This la tho third IiIk Jewel robbciy rt'iMirted within thu liiat thrco weeks In Seattle. MOIKI.W'S AHT TltKAttUIIKti wn.it hi: ci:.'Tit.i.i.Ki l.iiiiib.ii .Miim'iiiii Hint (or CtimilnK l'l-rMil " sTitrpt to itt Wenllby ('oiinoUxi'ur lo lttvi.iiltb'r Iteinu, lug IIU Noliible l'iHHmlona N"liW YOIIK. Jnn. 30. J. 1'. Mor gan's collection of nrt treasure will bo brought to .Vow York from Victoria nml Albert museum In London. Ho wishes to renlrnllto his collection, and for Hint reason Meno is witiuirnwiuR them from KukImuI. llenorlii from I.OI11I011 nllllo Hint Sir Cecil II. Hinllh, director of tho muse um, bus goiio to Kg)Pt lo attempt to persundo Morgan to reconsider his In tention. BOYS DO DAMAGE HUNTING BIRDS l Si: Sl.lXd AND HOMi: OK TIIK MIHSItKM HO 1AST M.HK ANI DKMOI.IHII W1MHIWH IS TIIK HTKAMKIt KWAVNA Coiiucllninn M. U. Wilkin ha call- a i... MttAtitlr... it Plilnf nf Pollco VII tllW Himwl - ...- , Samuel L. Wnlkor to Hid neod of chld- Iiir some boy who piay nuom i.uik Hlvor. Ycstordny afternoon tho Juyo iiIIcj woro out with slings trying to pot somo blrdu on tho river, and some of their missiles failed to hit tho mark, brenklug, Instead, n pno of glass In tho steamer Kwauna, DIORC SOUGHT BILLS ALLOWED AT COUNCIL MEET vi:nv I'iririr. ,.m kccdiiih lit ti.i: (Jitnt'i' ok imi:iiti:i)Mh IMKH mill I A It I.VKI'l-X'riO.V MHI' MOIIT Hill Men. hllowcil by tho city (II liiat nli:lit na follow a: t on n- 13.76 1.26 Jnrk Mlclinol, alrfot work i. W. Wcnver, atrott work .... Alicuat lleuii. atreet work .... 1.26 Pnnl HoKiirtliia, I hreo tlnya as statliiK aurvuy on wnler rctcr voir nml wntcr supply J. II. Colemnn, witness Mnttvn cnaj ... . , A Now banks, wltimna Mutdii ensi . , t 7.60 2.20 2.20 PROFANITY LEAGUE WILL TRY TOJMIMFY VILLAGE Suburb of CliltiiKH Hit Netv (lull Willi Ttteiily-rhi- .MfiulK-nt, Hnnd- . .til ToKt-ilicr for Siippfi-KtlfiK Vila iin'il (llnd-iit IjiiiuiinKt CHICAGO, Jan. 29. Thu air In Crcnston Is ditto with prnfaulty. ' "Cntt wortls" nrn said to flow- o fre'ly Hint even the sentlbllltlc of a slmi pntnler bnvo been allocked. Veriior Wilkin wn elected prcsU tlcut of tho Anti-Profanity Iakuo of i:entttui t- aoclttv rrcorltly formed for llm aupprc-imlon of "vllo and ob tceiio latiKunKi'," Knch of tho twen-t)-nv, member ba promlieil to ab- rtnln from rurslni; and nslnR coarse InnitunKi', Krcn tho vtord "dnrn" has been Inhoocd. CLARKE WINNER M IT TO HCCOVCIt hakvxci: lLK ox stexi: w.i.it iti'ii.T Kon tiii: roit.Mi:it nv tiii: itai.iax STt)XKSIASON In tho rnao of Tomnso AmbroKCttl vs. W. I, Clarke, In which tho plain tiff ntked $ 47C for bnlauco alleged to ho duo on 1.' stone wnll which ho bad built for the plaintiff, thu Jury today hroiiKhl In a verdict for $166, the balance duo on tho original contract. nml which nmount hnd by Clarke been tendered tAnihrogcttt prior to tho bringing of the suit. MILLMEN BEGIN SUIT FOR MONEY KOU KITI'UUS AI.I.KOKH TO H.WK lli:i:X KOI.U TO DKKKNU ,AXT IH'HIXH TIIK (tH'lt ia8T .MONTHS OP IUII In the olllco of County Clerk Chas. II. Do I.up has been llled by C. M. Ouclll, nttorney for Martin llros., a suit against W. II. Mason, for tl. 437.66. This Is alleged to bo a bal unco duo on n bill of $2,078.86 for grain, feed and mllUtuffs sold to de fendant between September 1 and De cember 30, 1911. Iutorest Is asked fiom tho Inter dato. THOMHO.NK HOOSK XOTK8 lll.OWX IIV HliAU Ml'SltTAN (JimhI -Ven of I'orluno Ix'ft to III Either t'lUitt-M Scl-l'p Blip-Horn riujN'r to 8ix.ll Soprano's Lote fitssagn MADRID, Jan. 30. Fortune ha smiled upon on humblo performer In n theatrical orchestra in Madrid,. Ill nnmo la Juan Antonio Bayouft, and the trombono Is tho Instrument of his choice. This week ho created a tro luundous scandal in tho Teatro Martin by uttoring discordant note while tho soprano was singing a love passage. At the close ot the performance thu AMBR06ETI conductor Irivltttl thu trombonlat to cxplulu hi uxtruorillrmTy conduct. TIm hiiinhlo nrtltt then hand hi mutlcnl director n ciittltiK from mi Illustrated paper, rvntllnK ns follows; "A rich Hpiinlth merchant has Just tiled In California, Icavlni; n Inrgo for tu no, In his will bo appoints his brother, Juan Antonio !la)unn, so'0 executor. Inquiries uinilo by the con sulntu only provo that Juan Antonio Ilnyonn lived In Valencia until 1883, ami married In Madrid In 1884 whero he died In 1901." Tho inodcat orchvstrnl artist Is tho son of thu person mentioned, brarlnR tho snmo nnnio. lln)onn found tin nnwtpnpcr cuttlnR by thu merest acci dent. On cntcrlnR tho theater his cl Kar fell out or tho bolder, fltooplnn to pick It up hi ejeu fell upon the cuttltiK. Ho ans bo will not kIvo up in)lnc tho trombone until bo Is per fectly suru of his enormous IcRacy. ASSESSED TWICE ON SAME GROUND M)T OW.NKII WA.V1S TO KNOW AIIOt'T TA.Y AHAIXST lAtT THAT WAS ASSISi:i) UHT VKtlt. Wlli:.V IIK I'AIH Krcd Noel appeared beforo council Intt night to ask In relation to an attt-simciit this ear on tot C, block 2, Hot Hiirlngu uildltlnn, on which ho ta)a ho was asarsutl Inat )car. Ho Kay a ho pnld laat ear's assessment and has oh! tho lot. . City Knglncor Don J. Zuiuwnlt took tho communl cnllon which had been sent to Noel, and will endeavor to get tho matter straightened out. PERSIANS THREATENED IF THEY HOLDJNTO ARMS i:til IH'nutuiN of Thi-ni and of llic Arim-nlnn Tlmt Tliclr Amis He Hiirreotlcritl Within Ten lht) or Submit 10 Kcctillin TAIlltlZ, Persia, Jan. 30. Notices bnvo been potted hero that tho Per sians and Armenians must surrender their nrms within ten days or bo exe cuted by tho ItutsUns. DYXAMITK IX SflTCASK OIVKH DHKTKCTIVIS WOIIK Snlt ltke CllyV C2umliot .Men Get Iliiky tti IrfM-nto Ouiit'r of Crip Con tabling I'lfttfii IViuntls of Kxplo oho Wlilt Ii Vu Ix-ft in Storeroom SALT I.AKK, Jnu. 30. Detectives hero are Investigating tho finding of a sultcaso containing fifteen pounds of dynamite, a box of caps and ISO feet ot fuse. Tho sultcaso was dis covered In n storage room, where It was left Inst October by 11. a. Dotts. I.OIIIMKH I'HOIIK HKSOIKS Ill'SINKSS AT OLD STAND Ancient nml lloitoralilo Inquiry, One of HMorlc Institutions of Glori ous Itepubllc, ItcMtoml to Activ ity nl the Capital WA8I1INOTON. D. C, Jan. 29. Senator Lorlmer was cross-examined today following u ten days' rectss of the probers of tho Illinois senator's election methods. EVANS vs. LEWIS TRIAL COMES UP KI.KVKX SIKX APl'AHKNTIA SAT I8KACTOHV, Ht'T FOIt TIIK TWKI.V1TI 8lKCIAIt VENIHK HAS TO IIK DltAWN In the circuit court this afternoon tho caso of Evnns v. Lewi wa tU- en up beforo Judgo llepry L. Denton The regular panel wa exhausted be foro H10 Herald went to pre, o tho court ordered Deputy Clerk George Cliwtulu to Instruct tho shorIK to summon u apodal vontro of three men, In tho hope of getting the twelfth juror, eleven having boon accepted. A. D. Addison and W. 0. Smith were CHARTER NOW IP TO MUNICIPAL DADS cxciiM'il by tlcfvndant, Kloyd llrandcn burg, Chnrles Ilurgdorf and Prank Obenchulii by plulutlfT, anil J. W. Ilr)ant by tho court. Tho cloven man accepted wero K. 8. Tcrwllllgor, 8. H. IIIII, George Hholl, II. K. Duncan,. .linns Kylandcr, C. W. Miller, J. K. Hook, Jack Kerr, Joo Taylor, A. II. Ilrown and J. C. rMllAll. TO TltKK OWXKIW I deslro to call tho attention of all owning or orcup)lng land upon which fruit or sbodo tree arc growing thst It I best to attend to having them thoroughly pruned, that they may bo In readiness for early spraying, as In dications now- nro that such work will need lo bo dnno much earlier than us ual. In this connection, I would rec ommend tho work of a man who has had scientific training along these lines. Examples may bo seen In the orchards of Messrs. Horton, Carlson, Goclter and other of West Klamath Fall. Now, while tho sap Is dormant, U tho time to have our pruning done. O. A. STEARNS. Fruit Inspector for Klamath County. A Los Angelc wire says It Is ex pected Attorney Clarence Darrow will bo Indicted lato this afternoon. GUTHRIDGE DIES UNEXPECTEDLY PATIIKR OF DKI'tTV SHERIFF SCCCfMllS TO SL'DDEX AT TACK AFTKIl HAVING SCFFICR. Kl IX).NG TIME About 8:30 o'clock Inst nlghl Ben jamin Gutbrldge, father of D'puty Sheriff Richard K. Gutbrldge, passed nway suddenly at the home ot the lat ter, from a combination of heart and stomach ailments. He had been suf fering for somo time, although the last attack which proved fatal had come on but about an hour before tho end. Dr. George It. Merryman wa sunui'onetl, but the situation wait such that hi ministrations were unavail ing. Tho deceased was In his 68th ear, and was a native ot Missouri. Ho came from that state to tho Pacific roast In 1SS7, settling In Curry county, where ho lived for a number ot years, con ducting a hotel at Wcddenburn. Later the family resided In Grants Pass, where Mrs. Gutbrldgo 8r. passed away In December, 1910, being bur led In tho I. O. O. F. cemetery there. Slnco that tlmo Mr. Outhrldg ha spent his tlmo partly with friends In Grants Pass and partly with his son In tht city. He came to Klamath Falls last November, slnco which time ho had visited Deputy Sheriff Guth ridge, who will leave tomorrow with tho remains tor Grants Pass, where they will bo Interred in the I. O. O. F. cemetery beside those of .the wifo ot tho deceased. Codification Of More Urged On Mayor Fred T. Sanderson at last night's meeting of tho city council brought up tho question ot the codify ing of the ordinances. Chairman O. W. White of tho finance committee said ho had endeavored to get satis factory figure from printers, but owing to tho need ot the trade know ing about the amount ot printing that would be necessary, It was a dlmeult job. "I tried to get some figure, too, and think I have 'em hers some where," said his honor, as he pro ceeded to finger through a small note bo?fc. Ho wss unable to produce any figures. "I don't so that we need to be In u great hurry about codifying the or tHnaneos." waa the comment, ot Mr. White, "they've been lying now for several years without being codified, COMMISSION PLAN lMKH AIIVIHKMKXT BY ADMIX. I8THATTO.V HKFOItK HKINO MB. MITTKD TO VOTE OF PEOPLE OF TIIK CITV When the council met last Bight the iirst business presented for It eoaaM oration was tho proposed charter for commlsalon form of goveramat. which came lu the form of a copies of the charter, each paaled by a petition. Henry Rabbw fcr-vo City Recorder Thorns F. Nleh Tlr.s nlno coplct with petition. Dr. W. A. Leonard two copies and J. H. Coll man ono copy. Major Fred T. Sanderson called oa City Attorney Horace M. Manning aa to what was tho proper procedure la tho case, and the city attorney stated tbat the council bad thirty days la which to maka an ordinance of the neasure and submit it to the people. II 0, thought it advisable to leave the leiltlons and copies on file that the council might ;ook Into them and as If It wished to submit such aa ordi nance to the people. "Then if It's not ordained, sahmtt It anyway," put In Councilman O. W. White, who favors a commission fern nl government. "Yes, submit ll anyway," aJd Moa ning. "If It'a legally presented with the proper number of signers to the pe tition It h to go to the people." de- Cared White. "The council must take aetiea ea It within thirty day from tonight," explained Manning. "I'll eadearer to Le ablo to retwrt on It at tha aat meeting." "I'd like to borrow one of them to sen if there' net something la K we might borrow, for the city attorney nad I are drawing up a charter bow, ourselves." said the mayor. Mr. Rabbe came forward with tome extra copies so that the mem hers ot the council could each have ontt for Inspection. TKACHKK'8 EVE BLACKENED BV PUGNACIOl'S SCHOLAR Who Also Caned lVdWHp(t---TBTi Latter la Arrested for Asale ea Pupil, Bat Is Freed a Harms Bta SuRMratljr PnnlsheJ CENTRALIA, Wash.. Jan. SO. K. W. Rose, teacher ot the Turner Dis trict school, was acquitted la the court of Justice Brook In Toledo oa the charge of assaulting Arthur Pee bles, one ot the scholars. Rose was roundly cursed, whipped and given a black eye by hi refrac tory scholar, and the Jury decided that any punishment given Peebles by the teacher waa deserved. There will be a da cneglvon at the Hotel Baldwin tomorrow evening by Mrs. E. B. Hall to some ot her friends. Once Council By Mayor and the matter has not proved to be serious." No action waa taken. OPENS DOOR, 18 FATALLY SHOT BY WIFE'S EX-Hl'SBANH counts Were Ltvtsut Alone oa When Former Husband Leant sc Their Whereahoata and Handed Them, Beat oa Maod OAUaUURO, IIU., Jaa. 10. An swering a knock at the door at his house, Charles Taylor was skat, twtea la the head by Herman Cheekier. Taylor was Instantly killed. Tartar and his wife, who Is the divorced wtfs ot Chockler. were living atoaa pi tha farm, and Chockley reeeatlr leaned of their whereabouts. " " ,J i' - .t'r, H. D. Ward has returned -afiaV'sV vlslt to Everett. Wasai , Vt, xi ' ' . VVT s ::! Ordinances J " h v 1$ ' i if iJ's V M.,W i T12T