'VC-iJtyVl Pe z lefaliV HVVVUW NT TIM . . m li.MTKD I'HKMt NRWR NHtVICB fCVKNINO NEWMM1 PRINT TIIR mcWS. NOT IfNTOIIT " -- ir -"ia f. ftlith YcaiX". Iie17 KLAMATH VMAH, OREGON, MOXDAY, JAXUAHV ill, 1HIU ftunino COMMISSION PLAN PIT IP TO COUNCIL CHAKTtRiSUBMIITED i i iiv vn:tiH who winii to eivi: I'Mil'I.IJ rilAXCU TO VOTK ox IT AT Till: fOMIMi aTV ki,k THW Alter working fur about a year uii a sew city chatter fur coiiunlaalun form of Kiivininii'iil, tlm irin)if lit t bit It nih for ri'uiitnllm tonight a the Meeting ill tln illy council, nl vhlch III"" K may l"11' i"' ntongald lb ott Mch Major Kiwi T, Handor Kg ami city Atlnrimy llorare M Tlm Inatriimiint provide for u Inn). got to Iju prepared liy tlm toiiimli. Ion by November, wtilch la to run. lain tlm niiriiillturiii for ttm follow. Iiik year, nml tliU amount mint nut tin nirondod In III ii tni luvr Tlm apartment liiiimu, nml third nu of flco IhiIIiIIiik. Homu of tin, now blinks urn to Iiv on Main at rout, enst of llio Whllo I'rlk-aii. Tho story goea Hint the Klamath Dovolopmont company hn Induced curtain tiiMi with capital In romo niiil linllij. Sn niitlmnllr 1,11, f tlm actual Intention or extent of poialbh, operation could lio learned today for tlm pinion tliut nil tlm urn er of tlm Klamath Dovolopmont rmiipatir aro out of tlm city. Bocro lary I), O, William ha ben al. ont for wenka, whllo V. Paul John. ami, tr'aauror la In finu I'ranrUco.l amount appropriated In (tin limleiit nml laUoii hv tlm tainitmi tmi.t n..i ho niecrded tlio year for which It p"' wl" l,0Mll,,Jr " ""re tho middle la proposed. Tin. object of thU In tolf ,hU wo'k Cut tlio ry on a mill l.mli, t lint ,l " r"ct "inl "'"" hai be.n a llmru will ho no debt contracted fur- l""1ecrnlil( rrop of rnal citato Hor llmr than thorn In eilitoneo at llio ,c r""lK about transfer In the Utile of tlm ailoplloii nf tlm charter. Tlm nttldoa am aa follow delator) provision, name, Imiuii- tlnrlc, xii,r. rlnlita and llnbllltlie: 111 lions, recall of elective, otllioia, ideellvo orllcei; inntor; ceuncil: ex ecutive and ndmlulatrntho depart. DAM BACKS UP WATER IN RIVER .M:V HTHUCTUIti: AIMED TO III. VKItT CONTEXTS OK LOW STREAM .VOW IX woitKixa ORDER Minnlnc l.a. bwn working on for J .,,, u ,, ,)f rommla.loneraj onii' linn It ll l- iMiotupanlnil by n ptl lion ilen"! I.) n Inrurt iiunilur of lutcra add lipa)r( ti till rlt), tout :oo nil told who art nary of Up prra tit Ifrthod of fljlhlllir: to Kt t Ji-iltal'l' Kly ndmltillttalloii mil r out of (Mil at Ihn iliiio t Into. A"i tin' ju'lllldiiora ar) ri'pr'nt rd aomg nf tlm IrndlnK pr.itrl own. ii. At rll aa bunlnra and iuipIoi- ihril Inirrrttii of tlm city, and tomo rf tbn b.il Ircnt talnlit In Klamath I'alli bn Intprrinl and paaard on tlio t, tl.miti proitilona of tlm ditrumont, whlrh IIU a piifiphlrt of about alitr pKc-. i In racraph aro rmbrarnl tlm k t rrulallnn whlrh nmld bo oh ,,'y.l from rlnrtrrt pf about a dot m ttVr of tho country. Incliidlnx lllkrl r ""'' ' MnltiPa, which ouM l' rv'l'f,l' '" ' ' ill of Kla'WJ1 ' ,n UuMlon ilka tbt tup vnt Tho charjera from Wtb the roti1ltlna haro bfn tk a ire lBitrum,nti which havn bn tried ami not found wantlnr. harlne n ileniiinatrafril aa raaonbli', aotklnc rhattra by practical toati of ttibt nr ten yrart. Cttrnmlnluni'ia arr to I thro In Bomber, idrrtod at IMBO. oach oC to bain a department of hla own, but til to work In conjunction on city bnilnm hleh U not atrlctly dr. ptrttpctilnl Tbe romiiunloiiiT In rliarao of do pirtment So. I will bo ei-offlnlii major. alry 12 000 per annum. Tl commlnluner In rtiarno of do fitlmenl No : will ho oi-offlclil city clerk, nbrr lltdO wr annum. Tito cutnmliilmier of department No. 3 will bo ri-orndo city trcnaurcr, aal ry 11,500 per year. Tbe men oloctisj to thoiro offlcoa ball purntiit no other biittnoaa or uocathin during their lorma of of life. .Ml aru to ho chmon, prinldca tbt Initrumcut, at tlio next oloctlon, tb ni)(ir for thn-A year, tho dty iclerk fur two yinra, and tho city xrvaaurer for ono year. Their auc rtitora aro to ho clecled far thro" yrir ternii tho object belnR to lo Ike people a clmtico to clinngo tho ptrionncl nf tlio board In rotation. The cbarti'r, which tho accompany la petition mki tho city council to itimlt to tlm peopln for tholr ap proval on tlm tmllota at tho comlnn 'lertluii, protldoa for tho nvontunl ownerahlp of public utlllttiw, unit would hnvo t.very prnpoaod ordlnanco ubject to th Initiative, nlvlnc thirty or for voter In which to mako their olijertlnna, ,v0 frnnchlao thall " Itranteil anvo by vnto of tha people M ipoelnl oloctlon, and thoao aoohlltR o fraiichltf nuint dopoalt with tho ly the cot of ttio apodal election. tuunlrlial rourt; officer and om ploo, frnurhlioa and public ulll Itlia; iiiitimltalon and boarda, illrcrl li'Klalatlon h) tho people, Konoral pro. tlalona, Tli r co adiiiliililrallto dopartineiila am prerlilnl: I'ulillc atfalra, lujltli ami chlo benul), rinnnro and up pllii hliihwa) water, IIkIKIiik, aiiwora, parka, ctiiiii'torlr, publlo bulldlniia and itrounda. Tho inaor la to Im JudKo of tlio municipal court. I'u ttard oltlror are abollahod by McNamaras JOHN BULL'S AN6ER IS AROUSED By THE ITALIANS KnuUmlla l'rtil in Hrnd Cruiser Agalnal Tlm Itrd Hra Italian Kto tllU. Wlilcii Had llio .tuiWIty to Krlio liriUah Craft United I'rea Hervtco LONDON', Jan. 39. Tho Italy lied Hea flotilla today acliod a UrltUh launch off lloholda, accordlnx to ad lcca to tho llrlllah conaul. Ilo iirnea tho coternmcnl to aend a crutaer. Tho Itallana aro thrcatenlnK to bombard lloholda. A tvlogram waa lit to lloinn demanding au Immedi ate explanation. rieiKiilinriinnd, and It la n fact tlint tho Klnuinth Dovolopmoiit company haa recently rnlaeil prlcoa on aomo lota after purchaaora had tnndn pay iiionta. Ono report hna It (hat land haa bron aold near tho White Poll, ran on Main afreet at I HO per foot, anil Jut enit of tho H. I', boarding homo, land which waa offered Inat fall at II 15 la now belnit hold at II CO by tho owner. Thla real citato r.oolti eonia to hao aotiie liitlinnlo relation with tho recont offer of fl 0.000 mndo by Major Oiarloa Klmor Wotden for tho Central achonl property, which waa Inter hid up to I7B.000 without a ale. Tho real oatato men In tho city K'nernlly my bualneai la rather oulet. allhoiiKh they expect an actlro moro ment In city land In a abort time. It la aaaorted that If tho city park plan around Klamath av.miio and Third trect la carried out and tho Rocond Urort boiilonrdluK ncrompllihed thero will bo ni much activity In that vicinity aa thero haa boon In olhor lectlnna of tho city. BIG BUILDINGS FOR EAST END OX KHI'liAXAItK HUMOIIKO, ASM MICH TALK OK HKAI.TY AC TIVITV IX HOT HI'llIXOS Al IIITIOM Ono nf tho reaionn for the activity In Hot Bprlngi real citato It tho a- a ii ran co from itood authority that thorn am In contemplation for that dlitrlct cloven bulldlnK to bo con utructod tho comlnit aprlnii. Kxi-avn-tlona for ionic of thorn have already begun, It Ii Mid, on tho Kaptanado, Juit iiorlheaat of the Ullllatn Oltt electrical ofllro, which la at tho cor ner of Pine nnd Kiplanndo, ArcordliiK to tho itory tho cost of tho itructure will run In tho nelKh- borhood of 11,000,000, nnd one of them will bo a theater, another an ' Attorney Quizzed By Grand Jury, Excitement Is Result lulled reo Burvlco 1.08 ANfir.'.KH, Jan. J Kollnw. M etamliintloii ti.t Attorney Locompto vli by ii,o ,n Atmolo county imt'd Jury, it nnuouncod that It omd report Into tbla aflorjioon. There waa aupprouod exclUment. wmatlonnl dovolopmtnta ar ot peeled. "McN'nmnru knew what he waa do- h(n ho pleaded guilty. He took " medlvlno and la eatliBed," eatd Ucompto Davit, regarding tbe IIU wo itrtoraont. Oavla waa one of the dynamltera' here. Hilton Htlra Old Htory llnilod I'reia Service DKNVKIt, Jan. 39. Judgo Hilton nddrenod tho Donvor Tradva and Labor aiombly horo Sunday. Ho ro quoitod an axocutlvo aeuton, faying he didn't want hla knowledge of facta to como to the attention of tho Loi Angolca grand Jury, He declared John McNamara Innocent of tho Tlmce dynamiting, and that be would be proved Innocont toon. He Mid John peadodi guilty through foar that ho might be convicted and hangod. Hilton declarea ho Inter viewed Mclfanlgal, who declared hU alleg ooalo ( ATTORNEY SLAPS ANOTHER'S FACE CAI.IKOItXI. I'LKADKU MAKEH ntlK Itl.VO OK COfllT ItOOM, AND JCIHiK IMPOHI34 KI.VK OK U.1, WHICH IS I'AIU TUItl.OCK, Calif., Jan. 29. Tho BRKrenlvo bolllKercncy of Dlitrlct Attorney Maddux durlnK tho Jacob Min dhorco procis-dlnu In tho auper- lor court at Modeitn, when ho ilapped Attorney V. II. Hattou'a faco, proved to ho eipemlvo. JuiIko Hector ot thu itald community of Mcrcvd, holda that un oxhlbltloti of phy ileal prow oa In tho court Ii not lu couionauco with tho cternnl Mtneii ot thlnRH, and accordlnRly fined Maddux In tho mill of 3S, with tho alturnatlvo of ipendltig 1JV4 day In tho county baitllo. Attorney llatton mnnnanl innuily Importuned tho court to re frain from fining Maddux, but JuiIko Hector waa Inflexible, nnd tho UrIiI Iiik proiccutor was compelled to re turn 125 of hli i.ilary to tho county. With tho Lol lllvcr dam prac tically completed by tho contractor, fieorRo C. Clark & Co., tho purpoio for which II wn comtructcd haa bo- ii n to bo rcallicd In a mcaiure. ThU purpoio U to hack up tho water of l.ot Hirer, which U below tho level of Klnmatli rhcr, io that It may bo driven throuch a canal Into tho Klam ath lllvcr, nnd tnnblo tho Kovornmont to drain nml reclaim Tulo Lake. ' Tho water hna barked up aa far aa Olene, which It almoit tiro tulle from tho dam. IVuJect KnRlneor W. W. Patch wont today to tho dam to Inijicct tho work and tho proRrrii beltiR mado In ime of tho minor detail which nro belnit attended to. Tho eitlmato for tho contractor will run up to about $100,000, wlillo the coit of matcrlali furnUhed by thu Rovernmont will put thu total to approximately 1150,000. Work for tho eomlnc icnaon to be done by tho reclamation aervlco cm- brace aomo expenditure on tho ec- otul unit lateral!, which aro aimed to reclaim about 7.000 acre and tlili work depend aoiuowhat on tho o- curlnR rlRhti of way, which It may lako ioiiio little tlmo to arrange. Tho rourw lucludei Poo Valley down nlonR tho woit ildo of Stukcl moun tain to Merrill. Thero will bo a flumo croiilnR at Olene, to get to tho hlRh land In that vicinity. It la not known Juit how much money will bo expended during tbe coming union. Thu amount totally available for tho Klamath project I alumt 4TH.o00, not 'nil of which ntnr bo UK'il thla year. Of thla amount about IC00.O00 la the procccdi from tho ialo of bond, which la- to bo uicd nt the rate of 1150,000 per jenr. Tho $150,000 for tlili jfnr nnd tho ltSO.000, niakei u total of $330,000 v.lilch hna boon mndo agnlnal tier Mte. Webber ha alwaya bornu a eood no me, nnd hor many friend de- I lore tho fuel tliul bho ha boon com pelled to mirTcr thu unplcaiant notor iety brouRht nbout by what thoy term k tnnllcloua and untrue accuiatlon. "Mr. nnd Mr, Webber haro promi nent friend In Klamath Knlli, arnom; them tho mayor of that city and !' fjinlly. Whllo In Klamath Fall th iVtbbcre woro tho gueet of the mayor, and whllo thero a copy ot a Turlock paper, containing nn Item relative to tho filing of Mn.SchwerdU feRor'a compliant wa forwarded to tho mo)or and alio to ono ot tho newip.ipcrs publlihcd thero. Evi dently thexo paper wero forwarded for the purpoio of Injuring Mra.Web- ber In tho citlmatlon of hor friend there. "People living and about Irwin City ny they hnvo no confidence In tho statement mado reflecting on Mr. Webber' good name, and every effort will now It mndo to how the Improbability and faliity of tho ac cuiatlon trtde aK&lsit hor." COOL AND SMILING AS DEATH IS NEAR TAIT Sl'tltltlll) Tw IIKI'LV TO STACKS OK CltlTICH In lii Olto Cninpleli' Aiimvit to At lnik In Kn--li at T1.iTniiK. dull' MeKlnley ltaniuet In For- rt City Till Ktrnlng. t'nlted PreM Servtco CLKVKLAND, Jan. 29. Prcal dent Tnft arrived thl morning. To nlRhl nt tho Tlppeeanoa Club' Me Klnley banquet ho will completely nmwer attacks on tho Taft pollcle nnd politic. BISHOP DENIES F A RAGE HIMSEL TRUE AS MA6NET1G NEEDLE IS FaMllMUUT UNTRUE ,luKft Hay Coaat end OcihIoiIc Sur vey KxiM-rta, Anacrllng That Only -on rlniall Part of l-rth Uoce It IVilut Accurately I'nltcd Prei Borneo WA8IIINOTON, D. C, Jan. 29. "Trtta n tho moKnetlc necdlo to tho polo," U a familiar but moit untrue ndago, according to tho coait and geo. dotlo urvey bureau. On only a email part of tho earth doo tho compa point direct to tho north pole, tho Rovernmont cxporln declaro. Wobbling ot tho compass I cauicd by tho variant mngnctlc ut- traction, thoy ruort. Lhrlatophor Columbua, on hi c.i. ebrated voyago in 1492, flret dUcov orcd tho Infidelity of tho noodle Hi uilloro were terror itrlclion to find tholr compas pointed K few point woit of tho north itar after reaching tho wcatcrit hcmliphore. To record exact docllnatloni of tbe compai congroaa appropriate mon ey for tho coait and geodetic aurvey for the mngnotlo obiervatonei, or which thero are 300, and pait and preaent and future variation ot the compaae are recorded by what are known aa "iaeienle napa." SISTER'S STORY IS GIVEN DENIAL .MIIS. MAUV Wi:illli:it XAMKD A8 THK CitltrSI'OXDKXT IX MltS. HCHWK.lllTKi:iU2KU:H Rl'IT, TO KKiHT CASK Tho following Item from tho. Tur lock Dally Journal ot January 19 Ii aolf-explanatory: "Mr. Mary Hannah Wcbbor, redd ing near Irwin City, ha, through her attorney, It. It. Kowlcr, filed an a auer In the superior court ot Merced county, denylnR Hpcclflcally all of tho cIiatkc let forth In tho complaint of her slitcr, Mr. Utliel Schwordlfeger, URiilnit tho latter' lmibntid, A. K. Bchwerdtfegvr, for divorce "lu her complaint filed by Mr. Schwcrdttcgcr during lait Novem ber, aha charge her huiband with hnvlui; committed ndultcry with her ilitcr, Mr. Webber, Mr. Webber nt tho tlmo of tho filing of thla com plaint by her (later, wa with her huabnnd. Q. W. Webber, at Klamath FnlU, Oregon. Mr. Webber ha for rar held an Important poiltlon with llio government, and It wax whllo on gaged In tho discharge ot hla duties, which called him to Klamath Fall, that tho complaint above roferrcd to wni filed AKnlrmt his wlfo. Mrs. Webber, who I apparently of a re fined, senaltlvo iinturo, ot middle ago, fools very keenly tho force ot the charge that her sister haa brought agalnit her, nnd sho nnd hor husband declaro that they will leavo no etono unturned to clear hor previously good name from tho accusation which has been mado against her, and sho Inslsta In moit emphatlo terms Is fnlso and without the shadow of k foundation.. Mrs, Webber' attorney, R. R. Fowler, Informs tho Journal that he hna carefully Investigated the catid, nnd wltl havo no ttouble whatever lu proving the falsity ot the charges at the trial "Mrs, Webber and her husband rave come all the way from Oregon to clear Mra. Webber ot tbo charge AXXOl'Xcra THAT UK'S NOT GO. ixo to ciiAftti tfiMiuiViirv It. S. UltlttSIIY PltKTTY Sl'IUS TO KXTEn wax paid on the rlik of war between Great Drltnlo and France and 0r many within tho next ilx months. The Italian action action In stop ping steamship Irrespective of tbolr nationality and icarchlng thorn tot Turklih official! and contraband, Is hollered to bo an evidence of tbe de termination ot tho Italian govern ment to put an end to Turklih re xtxtnnco In Tripoli ai speedily as pos Mhle. It Is thought that the Italian activ ity may glvo rise to complication with those European powers whose hipping l put to Inconvenience. So far, no action' has been an nounced by the British government In regard to tbe sclzuro by Italian ot a number of Turklih officers. In cluding tho famous Colonel Rlza IJcy, from tho Drltlsh steamship Af rica In tho Itcd Sea. As, however. tho declaration of London, which would permit such a sclzuro, haa not been ratified by drcat Britain, a mov emay be made at any time. Tho stoppago of tho Austrian Lloyd iteamahlp Ilregcm In the Itcd Boa I regarded hero at likely to lead to an exchango of view between Auttrla and Italy. GIRL'S SLAYER PAYS ALIIKKT WOLTER SHOUTS FAMC WKLL TO OTIIKK COXDEMXKD P1UHOXKR8 AS HE GOM TO FATAL CHAIR 6ABY OENIESHAR RV IS HER HUBBY TILL DEATH OJVIDES Former Pacemaker for Vosuag Klsuj of Portugal Asscrta That She Is Not Married to Pllcer. Who, She Says, Is Nice, Bat Mere CfcJM United Pre etfte 8INO 8INO, N. Y Jan. J. Al bert Woltcr was smiling and cool when electrocuted here this morning for the murder of Ruth Wheeler, In New York. "Good bye, boys," he shouted to tho other eighteen condemned mur derers In tbe "death row," as he waa led away to tbo fatal chair. Tbrco hours betoro hie death be wrote a statement declaring that ho was a victim of circumstantial evi dence. II. St. Q forgo Illahop, democrat. hai abandoned all expectation of en tcrlng tho race for ihorlff. He de clined to itato hie rontons, but It Is understood that after sounding the situation he camo to the conclusion that ho did not caro to enter tho scrap. Ono gueis made ii that ho found that there would likely bo such numerous aspirants In tho open for the placo that he did not caro to undertako to "rnsilo" them all. The fact that Chester Avery announced himself m a democratic aspirant be fore Illihop mado up his mind Is giv en as a guess on the cause, while the almoit certain tip that has been go- Iiik the rounds that ll. S. Qrlgsby, who was once before a republican candidate for tho nomination, would go into tlio campaign soon, ia another. Orlgsby gavo Sheriff William R. name a rattling good "run for his money" when tho prosent sheriff first hit tho trail of tho sheriff's office, nnd when stnrtcd can go so much faster thnn tho proverbial snail that there U no chanco for nn nrgumrnt. I.lndtny Slxemore, tho Fort Klam ath democrat who was In the city for two or three days, returned to Fort Klamath this morning by stage. He has been spoken of for tho place, and Is understood to have come to tho same conclusion regarding the advisability ot running as Dlihop, al though ho could not bo seen to get an authentic announcement. WAR INSURANCE ACTIVE AMONG EUROPEAN PEOPLE l.rgo Policies Written by Lloyds on Risk of War Iletwocn France and Italy and Uetweeu Great lirltaln, Kmuce and Germany LONDDON, Jan. 29. Tho activ ity of Italian war vessels In the Med iterranean and Red Sea- is causing Increasing uneasiness In shipping In surance circles. Sovoral large poll cles have been effected during the last tew days at Lloyd's In this con nection. A premium ot 3' per cent was accepted to cover the risk ot an outbreak ot hostilities between France and Italy In tho course ot the noxt four months, and although there Is no apparent reason for such nn oeourrence, a premium ot nor eoat United Press Scrvlr PARIS, Jan. 29. Oaby Deslys has arrived. She denied her reported mnrrlage to Harry Pllcer. American dancer. Sho would not explain how New York friends got the cablegram. She said, "Monsieur Pllcer Is nice, but he Is a more child. I shall return to America In September. EVAN6ELIST IN REVIVAL SERIES MKTIIOIH8T CHURCH AWAKEN IXO IIEGIXS WITH LARGE TURN OUT AND MUCH INTEREST IX VISITING SPEAKER Rev. C. M. Van Marter. Pacific eoait evangelist who works under the direction of the Oregon confer ence of tho M. E. Church, who has come here to conduct revival meet ings in the Grace M. E. church, and tho peoplo of the congregation aro greatly pleased with tho success ot tho Inaugural service. Tho revival began yesterday with two meetings, one In the morning nnd ono nt night, and at the tatter service the church auditorium was filled. Tho audience was greatly interested, and apparently deeply Impressed with the occasion. Each weekday afternoon there will be a meeting at 3 o'clock, and evening service will also be held ovcry night. Rev. Feese ex tends a cordial Invitation to every body to attend tonight's meeting. IIAXK EXAMINERS INACTIVE? COMPTROLLER'S AWFUL HINT Chief of "Cola MovetneaC Itemus Goes So Far aa to Indsrate That Home, Hirelings Kana Not Their Stipend Want Dally Reverts United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. It. It Is hinted In tbe treasury depart ment that some of the gentlemen en gaged In the pleasant and genteel work of bank examining at a cons fortable salary haven't been eanv Ing their keep. And that la a dread- v iui luiug (v mmj auwui gwrvini with the hatenr and bearing ot aa average national bank examiner. . But Comptroller of the CarrencyV Lawrence O. Murray, who haa attrac tion ot tha examiners, seat them all a most disconcerting letter last weak. In It be ordered the Innovation of having each examiner, nt tbo close of each week, Oil out a blank account ing for how be spent the tlmo each working day, and telling what he Is probably going to do the next week. 'This letter will also be an aid to the office In determining why the work 'of some bank examiners Is not kept up to date," is the significant concluding sentence of a statement given out by Murray with tho letter. STRIKERS IN ZERO PARADE nREAK TROLLEY CAB GLASS Fifteen Thoasaad MUI Operatives Who Walked Ont March Streets With Work and Children Ahead, Protected by Best Flag oa Earth United Press Service LAWRENCE, Mass.. Janl !. Placing women and children ahead under the protection of American flags, 15,000 strikers paraded In aero weather, singing tho "Marseillaise" as a protest over the mill owners' re fusal to negotiate. The windows ot sixteen trolley enrs were smashed and the occupants ousted. Soven arreste were made. The Central barber shop and tho Oregon Harness company have moved to tho store room In the Jacobs block, Sixth and Main streets, formerly occu pied by the Owl pool room, tho room having been divided .for use sep arately by the enterprises. Alexander Martin, III, Will Orate With View To Joining Debate Team EUGENE. Jan. :. Alexauder M&Ttln III., better known on the cam pus as "Jorry," a Junior In tho Eco nomic department, who Is registered from Klamath Falls, will be one of tho contestants In the oratorical con test to be held nest month. At thla preliminary tryout an orator will bo selected to represent the University ot Oregon In the Inter-collegiate ora torical contest to bo held at Salem next month. LADY wants practical nursing or work by tbo day, Inquire at tho Herald oBee. WANT MONEY TRUST PROBE RESOLUTION TO BE FAVOBBD House Rules Coaaaaattee Declaro Thetnselvea hi Its Behalf, Instead of CCiMrrisman Lindbergh's te stnuaeat. WASHINGTON, D. O., Jaa. !. Tho house rulea committeemen de clare that tho money trust probe res olution aa a substitute tor tho Llad- bergb. resolution bo favorably re ported. A Toronto cablegram eays the Doha oi f us, v J ." ij .- vs -KV .-,