Sbe efaHV nvvvumt nr th UMTKIp I'ltMM NMWI MMIVfOH KVKftllfl WsWiTAI I'M.NT THE XKWfl. NOT HiaTOftY Hltlli Year No. I.M7 KLAMATH FALLH. OHKflO.N, HATI'IIDAY, JANUARY 117. IfMSi ftttjiiig gffl. STUDENTS SETTLE TARIFF QUESTION i j lobbery masked iiinlitr tho nuiiie nf aI lUiTM 16 tlyUl."Dl"",,',ll"" ",Hl ,,Jrl,,l", ' iImijhi. KLAIrllin IJ5 TTininiLIf l". Hm produuir. tlm ion. inner unit . '" wagn earner Prior In I In. t,. Intltui then wax mi inrlrf, hut from iiomi; oiutohh'AL TAi.t:vr ,H"1 '" ls3:! ' " stuuty in. ir, iii mo lariiT tendency , while QUESTIONS FOR YOUNG TEACHERS Ll B I IM -!.. ! . "' ' .""' Clay mvaaiini n 32 Inaugural I ISIMMIN .WIK llirTIIN TU'l'l n Ii.M'I.Iiik trend until I tic I Ml Ill.thOV WITH (war During I In. war Hm tnpltnllati .il ruiilml nml puahcd fur proteo. .Hull Ttndo l mi Initio ,,f il... ,.,i. dl It waa mil tho nrtrml )cll nf tatiromwit f ,, tmtn , i,,,!,,,.,), make mi exception, Tor mi IuIlt IIium )ialonluy ufk'rniiiiii Iiii liiul in grant llll ItlCpllotl, I II Him In lint iiiih null of I In, rim' I I mm uml Havings hank Joeph Kiimip, Hid mini dealer, for ubnut JIIBo on soinu noicii. in onlur to so. turn tlm iliilm In mini It prove good' llio proma wim Imui'il on sovcntion ! "" of Kniion'a hotlnca on tlm Allumuni MH'IUTM OF I.Vgi'HIV in ii. nnerin William n. lliiriit-a In very tmiil of llvi slink, both row uml Ilium', nml when he went oik to Hid Hindi In oiimiiiii.ii,i of till culllmi unit nw I lie Hutrntft'ii tow belonging in uoruip, hid strungcM kind of mi nltiicliiiirni developed, Tlm iw hIII In under I lie kiiiiiImiihIiIi of tlm ahcr- in oiiiro uml llio itiiinl)- (onrt iinlll Mllllll llllMMltlo In mnilo ,f . suit or Iho attachment. which WIM. IIH ,t.Mi:i AT CANDI DATCH I'Olt HTATK I'AI'KltH AT Xi:.T i:AMIN.tTIO.K t II County ttuporlntciidcnt of "School lhP Klamath tilttli school Hint won fur II I lie ilrlatn with Hot Jackson county Itsnt (mill Ashland tail hIkM hi IIiiuiUui opera houso, Hint )nll ihmiU tin ilnwii In history a marking n rl'ixll III llm scloum of t-ililint lonnl riultnlliin A good deal ' Hi1 local nulling d'io before t It laurels rrc I'Urul on tlio tilnwa of tlm )unnK IiihikIc giants, lint ncrerlhe. liil It Kits eiillllllg 1'nsslhly II wit riultlnt only on general prlnrlplfa Lut II wna ctultlug Jmt tin same, Tlm iilm rtn itiiiii, iliarii ami In uuUoii, ih4 hml rmiimli Inmrr to iltlm rlti'U, Jwrfti HVcllliin wan )rlliiiR('r, nml It iiiiln llu nit, Tlirrn wna not a Juncture xljctn It mhhIIiIh for blin to riiiitiii''r t RiHiit tlirnatalrnlii r that ln illil not ft In I he floor mul tilrirl n mat) lorlaliintlon from tlm M(h arhixil l(i)a Hint waa rlthi-r In hunnr of th lllnr, llu- Klninalti rtuntr Mull rliiMil, riorriirn Hliml or th cIiimiI tram, or on of tlm other Ittlft pi-ita on Hm Inrat alitr, Ttirfp tat a Ma rruwil to ciijor t lit? rnlliu iliini ami tlm ilrtiatr. The rtriiina'a iroKram waa Intro-i)ti-l Iii lln IiIkIi mIiimiI oriliiittra, unilrr (ho Iraitcralilti of I'rnf, llrorRx , Willi, whllf llni-, J, H. Mtiltililo. n-M, 'ilnr of Hip UnkTllln l'rratix Milan rliurrli, prmlifl on Hie plat frm Tli )iiiIrp (or Hip ilpoat Tr Juitfp llitny U llenann f Hip clrrult court ci.JihIkh (Irorxp Nolaml tint Ctiarlca Hlnno. Tlila trio nf nr Mtir, IwlnK tirofcMlnnnl rtrlmtpr of lenr itamlliie ami liavlnit llafir lur )raia to all kllifla of iloliatrra, f wl, liail ami InillfTorcnt, wrrr wp f liil fur iliclr niilKniiii-nl. TIip ililtliiK ifndir from Hip i mntjr aent n Jnrkatill county WrP J I' Moarnll Wrnoii lllitu anil Walk. rf Thorn accinniniiilcl by tlirlr roach, I. of i: . MiHiro of tht'lr arliiMil, llio lintlmi la irmllliK mllllona lo iiuini it rnniiinii (mini to fndlllMlo trailn licn i n atioko of Hip pen mum morn mlnlit Im nnompllaluil, IfmliT It Hm naturnl i-alili ilri-rciara nml It in la na nn nrtlnrlnl ntliMilua, "Infniit lri1iiaitrlfi.' whlrli wrr tsn Kara no kIcii proti-rtlon. In. an Id, nn now Hip Inmlixl to rlnnior for Hip almltpr nil litntach nvrr i ii-ntury nil Hilly )rnr nko our ickUIciimI IniiiiaKP for u.ra wna Hip aam na jliipat llrltuln, hut rrrrntlr Hm ur.-nl. ir tunnnco t.y far lina Iimmi Hint of fori-lsn louutrlpa, ami thla umlcr pro.! lotion, which cuii tml foalur ahlp- pine. Hlnio thu rldl wnr Ihrro hnv Iippii all pniilia lurr. nml I'rntirn nml KtiKlnml, with frw trmlp, h.ivc hn.l hut Hi Mi inrh Tnna, hcn n pnrt ol Ml Jim. IiiiiI lo linn piolirtlon fniiii lh Cillcil Hlnlca, nml now that rim la olio of t:.o I'nltiil Klnli-a ilm haa to hrvr,. prolcrllori from Mcilro llinry IIbiciiu-xt wita Hm mother nf all Inula I Hm ptotrrtlip tariff, "ami i lip. of nil ipopp niiRht to know." iMinorraaary latatlon la unjcl m. nthm, now a nlwn)a, Im mncliiilcil ttrat for Hip ni-KMlvr alilo wna lr I'pII, hi itrrlari'il It ahauril to ray Hint fri Irailp rnti- rorruptlin In Hilltlr, na It w until only aKxravatP II. Kimtatirl with frm. trailn lina munoMli, while Kranro with pro. trrtton haa minr. The ratlioaila nru tnat Inula, ami havp tin pratcrtliin, for ! roulil not protect them If p wautiil to, Krery tlnn wp hnvo hml fri Irailp wp havp hail pnnlra, With frn John (I, Hwnu la In nii-lpt from Hlnlo ttupirliitciiilcnt I.. It. Alderman of a rlnular kIvIiik tho aounvn of kxuiii. liintion iiiiallnna for the aumtner nml Idled from n Hat prepared hy thu ml piilntkmknt of puhllc Inatructlon. Ito iiownlilo when thu applicant lina tfilKht autti-aafully not ea thrill thnu thirty-two convcutlvo wi-vk within alx yenra from ilnto of Inauo of tho tvrllllrntp. Kourct-K of ijiicllona In Methmla, White' Art of Tcachlm?! Hourc c of other auhjectw anine na kIv en nliovp, (Irndunlea of atnmlnrd normal urhool atntiilard (ollcmii nml iml vcrallloii nml tencheru' acrrtilltud triilnlnc loumoa In IiIrIi iihoola (In OrCKon only) mny aecuro curtlfltntca without nxamlnntlon hy npplilnic to Hm upcrlntundent of puhllc Inatruc Hon. Tenchrra who dealro to ham their r.rnik-a from oilier alnlcn accepted In OreKon nhoiild write to thu auperln AMBROGETTI TRIES CASE SECOND TIME rnnKumonta to havo tho tree treated, and tho mfn arc at work acraplnuL,. .... nrrraimai off tho bark and remoYlnit tho acale. LI AKKt DEFENDANT Sir. Itockcfoller hlmiclf taken (rrcatl Intcrcat In tho work, t pending a lone I Whether thu nttmlimcfit lurlinlea' winter teat of thinui who wnni ini ..f .,.ii,nn i. ... i ... ... (lhi. milk ioiiI.I not he leiiriied lo.lny 'paper. . f tlm lo iItt,0'ii10 ,Ilanr n,!!,,,,,.,, .. ...... i - Altorney Klllott anya Im will Inalat Hml Hm aherlff aoll the atork liiateml of a heavy hill for keep heliiK run up, iumiiih miiri: hi;mhu:uk HIOM IHMKIi-l o.V TIIAMKM United I'rcM Hnrvlco LONIION', Jnn. tl -.The Tliniiica la iik'Uk. nml n tin uuud hum a In Hip ii.'I'it nlle) limn heen Inundated with heavy loaa, llowhnnl rcariieil many. Ilumlreda went fornil lo atiend Hip iiIrIiI on lioiiaMopa hill an fur na known nunc wna drowned. Heavy lallia were the enuau. thy the ilnto of thu eiainlnatlon. WATCH IS TAKEN FROM ASHLANDER WAI.Ki:it Tlllllt.V, J.UKMI.V CIH'.V. TV li:itATKI(, I'lTH WATCH l. TAIII.i: AT OI'KltA IIOl'Mi: AMI IT IMMAI'I'iailN TIip liniiie oralora wrtp I'lnrenu1 I mil IVirrral I'ell and IMwIn Cov ll'l Kliilihleneld aouiPwIiNt naton. heil the nmlletirp wfcen, III oM-ulim I'e I'Mnratn he turneil to Hip I urn I i m, which ant on tho rlisht of tlm tii ami aald "Wp hatp ronm li'ri tcnlght hiiplni; Hint )ou will win Hit intiatp Our loally lina M on I l In thla dltertlon. Thu henroral I J lint know whether It wa irowr f lOtlttca) to the atrnimer within tlic catfa In aiiplnud, hut wen kIwii 'r' Iiiiln tluin to aperulalP, for llrv. Rtulililiflehl Minn turned lo tho Ah ln, joutha at the left of tlm atnRo. tii mI.I "v ,ny,, ronm horn tin nUht luipiMR that )nii will win thla 'li-hate, Our Knllnntry haa led our I"n In liil dlrif lion." Hfrn everjliody knrw what In do, "! thf) ImiKlml nml applaudoil, hoth 'lea or ri.uieatnnla JolnliiK In llio mirth. Mr, Mimntt Kavu Hm flrat iirRiitnent "1 the aRlruintUc aide of tho qiioatlon to whether It ho remitted Hint tho M7 of thla rnuntry ho n Kradunl I'roirrajntHy fril, R ,irloclvo lnrffi "o iletlared It n nefntlmm ayatcm of Walker Thorn, one of tho dvkatvra from Aahland, repiravntlmc tho Jack, ami county achuol In tho tariff quca thin nl tho opera houan laat iiIkIiI. leal hla wntih With hi follow atu- dent ho aat at n table, ImvlliK hi trado tlm fori'lRti competlilon watch laid out In front of him to aco would cauao our manufarluror In ,,iat ,,l loki,nt kept within tho drop price until Induatrle would Milton mlnulo limit. After tho do- hnvo In rIip up nml tho fnrluilpil,a(" wt" concluded and tho victory ilrlien out llo did not defend the awarded In Khimnth IHkIi, lot of unnereaaarlly IiIrIi tariff. dechwlnis!fl,lk" '""" "l0 audleiico climbed tu that If SO tier rfnt la eniiuirli lo e.ier the tK t cuilKralUlulo tho winner Hip dlfferenrii In prlco to take care of '"'"I liwra ua well for Reed work Uiniiilnalloiia will h held Jnno lf. 20, 21 nml 22, nml December 1 8, 19 and 20, 1912. Hourrtii of rii'rtloni will bo nn follow. Arithmetic Oiiv-rntirth from tho round! of kludy nml ColttroHi,' threo fourlha from Hnilth. Civil (lovcrniiicnt Htrnni! mid Hrhnfer. (liiiKrnphy-.One-fourlh from tho cmir of at ady ami C'olurovo, thniw fourlh from Itrdwak' ami lltninnn Uraiiiiiiar Ono-fourth from tho lourao of ludy and (iilKrovo, three fourth from llcuhlcr. Illalory Ouo-fourth from thu roiiriM' of aludy uml Colurove. threo- fourth from Dnub. OrthoRrnphy One-fourth from llio, rour3 oi imiy uml colRrnvo. three tourtli from I lent 'a Word U-aaoua. I'hyalcal (ScoRrnphy Tnrr'a new rh)lcnl nORraphy ItendliiR Courav of atudy and Col Krove. School Ui of Oregon. 1U edl tlon. Thiory mid Practice ColRrovo, "Tho Teacher and Ilia School:" WrltlnR Courao of atudy, ColRroio and tho Outlook Wrltlnr, Synteui. AlRehrn Welli, AlRobrn for 8oc-l l,.cniilnir tomorrow iho Melhrwll.. ondary HihooU. Comixialtlon-s-lfrrrlrk and Damon. I.ltcrnturc. Amcrtmn Nowcom- er' American I.lternturo nml Claialr. I'hyaloloRy Krtihn, l')rholoRy lto.d. An Introdtic- tlon In I'ajrhnloK) ItookkeopltiK Offlco Method nnd I' llookkioplne. Ilolnny -IterRen, Klcment of Mot. any. (I'oloRy -l.o Cnnto. (ieometry Wontworth. Will ilruM-n Hn-k Ite-Hcrllon? Aakrd today If ho would run again for hi office, JuJatlco of tho I'caco ChnrloM Orarex, dtiiiucrat, declared Hint a It wa nlno month until el ac tion, ho inw no reason lo harry. . ' - ODD KKMIWH DKOItKK WOUK Tunlght Klamath IhIro No. 137, I. 0. O. F will hold an especially In tcreatliiR inoellnR at It hall, when Hip second nnd third degrees will he put on, nnd half a dozen candidates Initiated. REVIVAL BEGINS AT uith itt:ii'iaic HKitvicrs to. MOD ItOW AXD TWO KI'IXIAI. .Mi:irrix;s m'liixfr wki:kdayh I Inn) each dny watching tho progress made. Tho surplus supply from the llorkefcllcr orchard la sent annually to Now York hoipltala. Itockofcller Is a great lover of trees, and never permits one to bo cut down, llo transplants moru trees than any man In the country. MIXKItH FA VOII tlKCAVL FOU U.MOX'S OFFICERS "nltcd Press Br1e INDIANAfOUS, Jan. 38. The miners' convention has adopted a con ttltutlonal amendment providing for election nnd tho recall or Interna tlnnal otucor to bo held on petition of 30 per cent of the unionists. ITAMAX HTOXKMAHOX DKLAYH Tltl A I, AXIl IH TllltRtTHVM) WITH KIXK FOR CXIVTRMPT OF COfRT IA GRACECHURCH Fei.i.irrTr: hi'kkchfm WIM. HK VKUV XlTMintOfH I'nllPil I'ris Kervlc- WA8IIINOTON. D. C. Jan. 27. l-a I'ollctto announces that next Frl Hay. February 2d, ho will speak at Philadelphia at tho publishers' ban quet, February Sth dines at Jersey City with republicans, nnd In Febru ary and March stump two weeks In Illinois, Iowa-, Dakota, Nebraska, Kanaaa and Oklahoma. folk of Klamnth Fall will Inaugurato a series of revivals In Grnco M. Br Church, of which I lev. Geo, II. Feeso Is pastor. For stimulating tho In- 'terost of tho peoplo In the effort for n religion, awakening tho church has (secured tho sen Ires of Rov. C. M. Vail . . ....... i id. ...i... ....i i nip iintim proiiuri, lip illil not npprotej "" " ", ' ki uiiiiukiij of 35 per rent Tlm opposition would. w" "', lou'' Thorn looked for hlsj S . .a . . . 'i. t l.i.,l I...AH ....l.l,...l tl....... imvii in prnin Hint ir'o trnup l ncce. History, Ceneral lllitory. Illatory of (-Mutation Me era Ccnernl r.iry prarllrnl and Just for (Continued on I'aRp 2) If It Dnvldnon, wntrh. It had been snatched. Thorn) Literature, CnRllsh Newcximor'J hope Hint itiimo sluiltnt look It for nKuRllsh I.lternturo ami Classic. jjnko. mid will return It to him. ATTACH BOIES TO SECURE CLAIM noMi-sTie orADiit'n:DH rxitKit COIIIT CAIIK I'K.NDI.VO CASK OK IIAXK Vi:ilHt'H JOMKUl KOXOI !t o.vv.woiir diki: oiao or I TltKATMHNT OVCU HKItK Med I ief Sir'iV Ni:W YOltK, Jan, 27. Tho Duku of CouiiailRht ha returned, enthusi astic nt Washington' hospitality. Xohndy met him nt tho station. Hun dred a humped nnd Jostled him, not recognising him, Tho rinltlc start home tonight. sTCitns it(MiHi::i.rH max, AXD IH KTItOXd Ftlll HIM finle. M Whllo Attorney C. I.. Klllotl had uiailo u linn resolve nowr to attach any miiro livestock In ronneillun with lawsuits In Klamath county, owing to tho high prlco of hoard for quadru ped. Il acorns fortunate, that ho mudo n meiilnl roMurvntlon that when It he caiuu ahsolutoly necessary lie would Peace Justice Deep In Gloom Over Member Oi Domestic List Missing Jtl(o of thu iva-o Chnrloa Uravos, ""Mly doiioiiHir mid hiippy, U dooply fwi'liiwu. lu rnrt da U Nhruudoa In 'iii, despoiHimcy, blues, uiolan- in.i n""1 ","I,1,'MH t montltm a I tiieao aro ilnnly Inlaid In a 'lulirloiu setting, ) m.!I,U "Ul" , ,h0 once of two ,,, '"'""King to hi donor. It Is w-1 usual that tho Grave, nags no J "' f''r '"" rf'io llmo tUo-may Man I . '",0 "l n,,,t' nd h"V0 Z Ha, 7 k""W"' hn h Wten latchkey, to remain away uu- ll'm ,,uy' ,,u "" " hoy 61V"K,i'"-'"rlouaen(ith. owner thinki they havo not been stolon, but loft the grnilni; Krotiud throiiKh nil upon Rate. They havu In on goiio now Iho ontlro yoar of 19(2, up to duto, uml then muim, Ono Is i brown maro with an upon conuto i:iiiici, whllo Iho other I a straw, l-orry roan, (loth woro shod, and ouch It brandod with a "0" on Iho left shoulder, They are gonllJ work inures, nnd wolgh about 1,000 pounds ouch. A reward has been offered lor llmlr return, Whllo ho doe not say so, It I hinted that tho Judge It particularly nnxlout lo got back Iho oqulnot In order to tito thorn for pacemaker lu cat he decides to again maku tho race (or juttlco of the peace. United Press Service CHICAGO, Jan. 27. Governor Htuhh of Knnsns called on tho na Houut Kooscvell commltteo at head luurter jesterdny, llo said: "llooKoelt ran carry Kansas by 7fi,00n plurality. I am willing to nr. copt a plnro on tho (loosovelt commit, too with lladloy, Oshorn, Fort of Now Jersey nml Governor (llnssrork of West Virginia1. Hememhcr tho danco at Houston's opera houto Saturday night. Music hy White Pelican archostra. !Und Concort at Pavilion, Sunday afternoon at 3:30. IIOTKIi At TO lll'R AIIIIIVKN A black electric nuto hut, which tho Whltu Pelican It In uo In conncc Hon with tho traffic between tho hos telry and tho depot has arrived In tho city, nnd will shortly bo Installed In service, FAVOH IKON AMI HTKKIi CUT IN NKW TAIIIFP NCIIKHVI.K I tilled Press Service WASIIINOTON, D. 0., Jon. 25. Tho homo ways and means committee has reported favorably tho under wood bill rovltlng the Iron and stool tariff schedules. Tho democratic can cut Saturday will adopt tho measure. l'h)lc- Mllllknn nnd First Course lu Ph)lr. Classic for June Csxa)s of Kiln, cd. by II. J, dobbins f pocket classics) Mncmlllon, The Man Without n Conn, try. School ed. I.lttle. Treawuro Is land, ed. by llroadu. Lake. Kugllsli Classic. Soott, Julius Caosnr. (Itlv- crldn lit. or.) Houghton Classic for Drcembor Autocrat of tho llrnkfnst Tabto. (Itlversldo lit ser.) HnuRhtnu. Cranford. (Illus trnted pocket rlasslca), Macmlllan Tho Making nf an American, (Mac- mlllati standard library). (Irosset Tho samo rlasslrii will bo used for tho American nnd Kngllsh lltoraturo. Ono year state certificates; require ments -An oxnmlnatlon upon tho first elcM'ii subjects. General average 75 per rent, minimum CO per cent. Age 18. Itenewnhlo onro, when holder presents evidence of having taught successively six months. Flvo cnr state certificates, require ments An examination upon tho first Mxtcrn subjects. General averago 85 per rent, minimum 70 per cent. Ago IS. (experience, twelve months, lte nownliln by examination, or renew nbld without examination when tho holder has attended nn Institution of higher education for thirty-two con secutive, weeks within six years from tho ilnto of Issue of the certificate. I.lfo ntnti certificate requirements -An oxiimliiMlou upon tho twonly- four subjects General averago 85 per rent, minimum 70 per cent. Ago 18. Kxporlenro 60 months. Primary lli year stoic certificate valid only lu tho first, second nnd third smiles shnll bo granted to nn applicant who hns Iwelve months' ex perience In this stato and shall pasa an examination with a genera! aver ago of not less than 85 per cent and a minimum of 70 per cent on tho fol lowing subjects: Methods, In roadlng, methods In arithmetic, methods lu language, methods In geography, the ory and prartlco of teaching, writing, orthography, physiology, psychology, BSiaaaaaVsSBVjSBBBBBBBBfl , M. VAN IIKV. C, .MAKTK(t Mr.rtcu, l'acldc roast evangelist, who prosel)les under tho direction of the Oregon conference of tho church, llo I n member of tho Oregon confejenco nml has his headquarters at Portland Mr. Von Mnrter comes recommended as n strong and forceful revivalist, nnd a good deal or Interest attaches to tho series of special meetings. which nro to bo every afternoon and oteuing wecKuays uuiil lurtttor no tice. Tou'orrow belug 8undny, Mr. Vrn Marlor will occupy tho pulpit at tho regular morning And evening con- groRuiioiini meetings, to wlilcti, as well ns to the weekday meltings, fof lowers of all creeds uro cordially lu vltod. PRIZE HONEY ANO FIANCE GONE, WOMAN IRRATIONAL Dressmaker Has HaJJactauUioa That KiK-mk-a Are Paraalac Ha aad As. Mttitta Titos. Who Try to Cnmlort to Her INDEPENDENCE. Ore. Jaa. 3C Orlevlng over tho loss of her pros pective spouse, who departed with sum of money obtained on a lottery ticket some time ago, Mrs. Janko, a dressmaktr from Portland became violently Insane at the homo of Tfcos. Fcnncll, where she had been em ployed for a couplo of weeks. Tho unfortunate woman seemed to have tho hallucination that tho was being pursued by enemies. She assaulted Mr. Fennell with nn umbrella, and fought like a demon when an ono undertook to comfort her. She was taken to Portland. XKKD XOT CUT OFF ARM DKCUMIATIOX OF DOCTORS I'niied Prctt Service SACRAMENTO, Jan. 20. Phytl clans declare that it la unnecessary to amputate Iho arm of Zolllo'Clements, and that ho Is In no danger. It James Martin, whom Clemonts shot, recov- cm, tho bandit will be taken to Stock ton to stand trial for tho murder of ItOCKKFKI.LF.R'S APPLE FAIL OF NORMAL CHOP Prominent Kastern Oil Man Has Army of Foresters Rusy Worklag on the Trees, Trying to Save Them From San Jus Scale's Hat age TARRYTOWN, N. Y.. Jan. 36. John D, Rockefeller has a small army of foresters at work on his Pocantlco Hill estate, trying to tave his apple orchard. For threo years tho trees havo (ail ed to produce a normal crop, and treo doctors recently found that the San and In addition thereto shall wrlto n Jose scale was responsible. thesis on an educational subject te-l Immediately Rockefeller mad ar- DIVORCE FILED, WIFE PLAINTIFF MARY Ij. 8MYTII IX llll.l. AU.KliKS DKSKRTIOX HY WII.MAM It. SMYTH OF KKKXK, XKW HAMP. SHIRE Attorney Fred (I. Mills has filed a Mil In divorce In behalf of Mary I.. Siii) Hi against William R. 3wth of Kceno, N. II. Desertion It alleged. Mrs. Smyth has lived In this city about n year and a half, and la a sis ter of Herman Forco of tho Strange Magulro Paving company. Onco moro the case of Tomato Am brogettl v. W. I. Clarke Is before the circuit court for the recovery of tu clont medium of exchange to defray an alleged deficiency In payment to tho Italian atonomason. Some months ago the case waa tried In the clrcalt court, but the Jury found the ques tions Involved so disagreeable that It resulted In themselves- getting Into the same state. They remained dis agreeable for so long a time that the court felt that to keep them on the case would probably lead to serious Impairment of their otherwise good natures, and so it discharged the Jury. Tho Issuo In the case Is whether Ambrogettt received full payment for building a stone wall foundation for a house built by ClATke on a lot the latter has in the Ewauna Heights ad dition, (to claims that he built a wall for which he was entitled to 1776, and that he received bat f 300. There fore he-asks a' balance, with Interest from the time sffa alleged to have be come due. Ambragettl contends that tho contract whssh ho signed 'with Clarke for the work waa in English, and that he does not uniertttad that language. The contract was not wit nessed. Clarke's position Is that the coa traclwas a valid and bladtT essjtrsstt" and that he endeavored to do hla part by tendering as entire balance to Am brogettt about 1175 after having aald. him tho t3a. William If. Shaw Is attorney for the plalntln and Clarke la represent ed by Fred It. Mills, who haa associa ted with him In the case Attorney W. J. Shaver, a newcomer to Klamath Falls legal circles. Of the available Jurors the defend ant excused Hans Nylander and J E. Book, while the plaintiff excused Geo. Shell and Jack Kerr. W. O. Smith was excused by the defense during tho examination or jurors, and sat In the court room to listen to the proceed ings when It became apparent that tho panej would bo exhausted with only eleven men In the box. Attor ney Mills waswtlllng to go ahead with eleven when Attorney 8ha-w said that be had no objection to Smith. "Do you withdraw your objection to him?" asked the court. "Yes," replied the attorney, upon which Smith wat recalled to tho Jury box and made the twelfth man, the others being S. 8. Hill, Charles Burg dorf, E. S. Tcrwllllger, Joseph Taylor, Floyd Brandenburg. C. W. Miller, J. W. Dryant. A. B. Brown, A. D. Addi son, Frank Obenchaln and J. C. Ed Ball. When tho caso waa ready to go ahead after a short Intermission Juror Addison was misting. He toon ap peared, and then It was discovered that tho plaintiff was not at hand. Ho delayed tbo caso about half an hour by his absence, and when he came Into court Judge Henry L. Ben son Informed him that If he delayed (Continued on Paso 6) Elks Masquerade Ball Fine Affair With Some Good Costumes Presented It waj one of tho mott enjoyable dances of tho season which Klamuth Fi.lls l.odgo 1247, D. P. O. H.. gavo Inist night at the pavilion, while as a masquerade affair It was an edition de luxe. Exalted Ruler E. B. Hall of tie local organisation acted as a sort ot informal Boor manager, and every thing went off In the smoothest man ner. The costumes were chosou by those In attendance, who numbered almost 300, with a strong aens4 of humor and fitness, dopondlnK on the character assumed. Two of the moat noted examples ot comical getups were thote ot J. J. Forter as an Irish "Biddy" Mid John Houston aa Captain J. P. Lee, county abettor. The likeness to Captain Leo was so strong that even ono ot the captain's owu daughters went up to tho character after otbors woro dis closing tholr Identity and said, "Papa, why don't you take off your rufcskT All the others have unmasked." The danco went on, wltn excellent ruutlo by the White Pelican orchestra, until midnight, when everybody ad journed to the Elks clubroorat to a Dutch lunch and soma music. Meat mo at tbo White Pelleaa Or chestra's dance Saturday light Band Concert at Faviltoa, Ia4ay afternoon at lilt. V-1 V. tA