.? JU 1 ? gibe UfUIUlJ tMk HWVUmt HY THE KVKNIN1 MfWWAnnS I'ltlNT TIIK NEW. NOT HMTORT IINITKIt PHNM NKW NRMVIOB Hltih Vrar N. I, KLAMATH FALLH, OREGON, FIIIOAV, JANUAIIY 1M, ISIS fVsJl'tjawl WILKINS AGAINST WASTE BY COUNCIL IS AFTER ECONOMY HHKN IT PIMiM'CHH UOOI,M)V KIIXMKYr, ANM IK WW OP IIMiKIl l COMMIHHION FORM (IK .MiMIMHTIIATION Colonel M 0 Wllklns. member of council from Iho First ' ''' ' morning that tho reason tito council irll a star chamber aeaalou oil tint proio'd new charter we lht Ihn rouncll unable to control Ida Bia"'t. "The Chronicle especially believe (bat nothing 'I'" rouucll il(Mi la lllht," lit declared, "W mil tngelli rr a the hope that whatever work n hii lu ilu In the charter mailer rati tofd llli morn favor wIkii It romea More In regular acaalon than If II all fniiKlit out In Urn ordinary sealooa. "It's a tHI) lianl tsak In get all tht men on Iho council to sgroo. It It harder in gel ten mini lo bo of tlio am mind than It la lo get flo, glara Iho city took In morn wards ami ait hid more councilman, thn dim collf u( Mtlifjllig Ilia hoard la made water. "You tako five good men and lt Ihtm manngu Iho affair of thn city aa lh would their own business, and It III h found imlcr to gel them to mi thine In tho Minn light than II doc twin, that number, We thoniht that a quid little meeting lo talk over tatrtcr ruattora without publicity OHM ho a arnilhla tlitnar. and w bid ll Mr. Whlto aa not wllh ua. Ho vta Invited, but did not rama, al tkoach tho opportunity waa given aim, Ho la oppoard lo moat every thlac Iho council dora, In fart. Ho U trry itronit for Ibn rommlaalon form of government, and dooa nut be IUv In anything pI. "I am nut uoaed to Ibn commla ilon form of government; In' fart, I ouM fator any form of government ihlf'i would save thn taxpayer mon 1 All these niienaetf of Ihn rlty coli to ho Incurred with ram and oBiMcratlon, Them's no qiioatlnn u st Ihoro haa been Attravaaanre f lad ( In tom thing. Them aro i t at many branches which ought lo I lopped off, "lali UilhK of condemning Iho 'oubcII by whnlsalo I. hardly a Juat "i Jiccnt rouraw, There aro turn on cauncll who aro aa vitally Inter ned In tho welfare of tho city aa in. and whu wiah to act In ao rtlt nc. with that Interval. Tho nrcnlclo complain, that thcro aro "nr ury weak spots la thn rouu. II. end rail attention to iho mom. r from tho Kir.l ward (Wllklna Alford) aa being particularly ! In ability to com. with tholr '"Ilea. Ilowrtrr, they are property ''i"T. and with m much a anybody " o tho city ko nhrad on an w "oailfal ba.it. Tl0 mvn fro, ,m) Hpfl. ojd ward (Crlalrr nnd K0dor( aw 'o larxo rnH-rly holder, and a all fiponara roim. out of tho pockets '' " tip).r, roly thoao imui "ot n,l1"' o anylhlnn which 'MM ercn Mtnttly cauao them l Mtra Mpenao. . 'Tl!? m,,, ,nfn hro aro on Iho ik.. ... " " '""" ,,M,ro ro m l 'workrd.' know that !?? of ',",,, ' bN.n 'worked' for alVk?' . nt "'"" hero MM then, will ,0 contena wUhi nun. V "''" r,)' WB,or l'l" lrP '""ijlrcgnrd that aa a Reed deal ' wuff, aill ,, nol hnk t w W n tho rlty Kottlnaj a water aup. i.0'1 tan.luiU ha had Iho of. " T,' rompany haa no fran- Governor Glasscock' Sees Teddy, h Lunch, Also fotTn l'fllflpatod In an Import I nfert,nf0 wUh aomoor aM-. ,n""' logical candidate. oltL.Tl'C.,, wlth nWYH. latar aZ " wlt" h,m ,wru'. "vernor aiamcook refuted to talk. chlan, nlthouxli It la trim that thn rlty holda llu.OOO of tlm comimny'a liotida 'llitno nru nil tho bonila that llmrit urn, Tho illy Kitvn tho lompnny llu.oou In moiiK) to ln it Kt on It frot, Hint took Iho lunula In llmi of Ihn loiin. Tho roat of tlm romiiany'a rniltnlltalloii la In atork. If tho wn. Ir lomiiany wrro to no to amaab ibi. illy would loon thn 110,000. "Hut Iho bluff toward n rllf wnlxr aiiiiply haa It la truv, nut thn rlty probably ND0 to 11,000, mid cit Inlnl) haa burn worth aomcthlng to tho illy, aa It haa put aomn i-norgy lulu Ihn rompauy toward dolnir khih thing to bttcr Ihn aupply that tho pwiplrt aro living funilahnd, "Tho now charter will contain a good ninny thlnga that thn old ono haa. I, for imp. bolloro that thn old rhartor la aa aolld ua a rock, How nrfr, wo aro going abin.l to e,t a nm o. brllovo that It will fit thn cllj'i boml limit nt about ir.00,000." Tho prraont i hat tor fiira tho bond limit at ll&n.flOO, uulll thn Hiiula lion rracboa 7,000, when tho bond limit may liu Inrrraaixl to 1100 000 pianos to vmjm us no imoiscEur vision IIuii.Ii of llliM'aalilonrtl H.iurv n.- Hill llr Itlnl Klfly Km Hlgli ami Ttrli Aillrd (or rUllflralloai of Itralrra I'.HItrnlloM ATLANTIC CITY, Jan. Jfl. More than 300 old uaru grand planoa will go up In amokn hero during tlio ron vrntlon of tho National I'lano IKal. rra Aaaorlatlon In May. Tho Inatrumrnt will to ahlpped from all parta of the country, placed In a heap fitly 'fool high on Ihn edge of the mradowa, and Iho torch will bo applied. ri.t'HM MAX Til IIKATII AXI YVAI.KN Mll.rJ Til NI'IIIIKMIKII 'lulled I'reaa fUrflca r'HKrtNO. Jan. :&. Joarph K. Ma. rla (,'orplo. Jallrd aa tho murderer of Marcel Marino, whom ho aA) ho killed with n club two dna ago at Wood Camp near Mcdota, claim that Marino attempted to kill bint with a ahotgtin. Ho walked In to aurrender. DIXON OF OLENE FOR ASSESSOR WKI.I. KNOWN' VUVSU MAN AV- TKII I.KKH l'ia; AMI IIIHIIOI MAV HTItlVK Tt HIXT'KKU KHKItlrK IIAItNM sawwaaaiiB Hamuel Dlion. tho well known young Olvno ranchor, ba decided that bo will run for aaaoaaor of Klamath county on tho llopubllcan ticket. Ho will upHo Captain J. I. lo, the nri-Mtii aaaeaaor. who I a democrat, nnd ha determined to aeok another term. Mr. Dlion la an nld'realdont of thla county, and a member of a family which haa been Identified with local hlatory. Ho expect to make an nggreaalvo canvaa, and atlr up a good pllo of vote, No other candldato but tho two named hnvo na yet been ro corded authentically. n. Rt. floorao lllahoti la atlll In tho city from hla homeatoad on Upper Klamath Lake, and aya ho may run for aherlrT If bo find tho iltuatlon at. Quiet Conference it I ronortod that ho Baked tho Col onol to tell him and Ave other iov ernora whethor ho would accopt the nomination If It woro tondored him. Tho boat and latest mualo at tho White Pelican Orcheatra'a dance Bat. urday. trnitlvn. It la uclluvi-d among ninny of Iho political algn wntrhorM Hint ho ilum an lonalilor It, mid will bonmong Ihn mat iiihI foremoat In tlm arrnp, which la proinlavd to ho ono of Iho moat Joyful nnd alluring ovor aton In KmmMli co ii nly. ANttTIIKH HAND CONOKIIT Tlm progrnm fur tho band concert not Hunday nt'2:30 p, m, at tho puvlllon, followa; March, "l.oynl Amorlcana. King. Hvloctlon "Woodland." I.udcra. Kntr Aclo. "Iliiwltchlng Hinuty." I.nuri'iiilciiu, "flypalnna" Wnltim. Bangtcr. Hiimorrako, (Jvorak, Modloy of Hoiithorn Plantation Hough, "War Bpnnglcd Hannor." FIGHT HOME RULE OBJECT OF MANITOBA 0RAN6EMEH roller! S.VMMI at Uraml lln Meet. lug Whlili la lo llr I'mtl fur Hall and Mivakrr In Work lo He IHuh In r.'ngUnd WINNII'KO, Mnnlloba, Jan. :. Uraiigemen In Manitoba Imro a fund of .'., 000 with which to fight homo rule. Tho onion tit waa collected laat Match nt their grnnd lodge, nnd will be iia.il lo defray tho roat of k hall nnd aenkera In Kiigland, DEBATE TONIGHT JACKMON AMI KI.AMATII tL'XT- TK.IMH Wll.l. OIMI'I.TK Hilt IIIIMHtN IN IIIHHIXT1M1 TAItlKF IHMirK Tbl I the night for the friend of tho high achoola pupil and all other who arn Intereated In public apeaklng lo attend tho opera bnyao nnd llaten to reatotia, pro and con, relative to whether thla government abould lean toward freo trade or atay by a pro. tecllre tariff. Tho vliltor will arguo for a ten dency to nen porta, while tho local apeakera will apeak for protection. The vlaltlng team canio In yeater- dar from Aahlaud, and ronaltt of J. V. Mowatt, Vernon llluo and Walker Thorn. Tho team la accompanied by It coach, I'rofeaaar I.. K. Moore, nnd repreaenta Jnckmin county tonight In an effort to overthrow iho brat effort of the Klamath County high achool team. Tho local debater will bo Klorenro Short, Korreat I'ell and Kd win Cox. There la great local Inter rat In Iho debate, and II I naaured that Iho opera houao will bo crowded. IIAIU.KV WANTS NIK8IIIKNCY CliAIM HII.IXIWKIW UP TAFT ilelted Prcao Service HT. lAKIS. Jon. !5. Taftltoa do. clnro that (.ovrninr Hadley I trlng to creato it alluatlon leading lo Ills own prcildenllal nomination, They chnrgu him with breach of faith. They My Iho lladloylto think Itooaovell, reallalng that ho cannot get the nomination, will mipport Had ley. HUSBAND'S "WICKEOEYES" CAUSE WOMITS HYSTERIA NMikMii "Hplnater llrlde" Aaklnjt Loa Augjale Judge for (luardlaa, Ap Mala to He Kepi at lllalanee fnwi Hrldegrooat I,OB ANQKI.KS. Jan. 2fl. -Mr. Mamarel Armstrong Howell, tho Bpol kwto "aplnator brldo," la rerovorlng from hyatorlu which aoitiMi tier wnen brought face to fuco with her buil band In Judgo Hlvea' court, whero aho I petitioning for a guardian. "Ob. aland botweeu mo and that awful man!" aha cried to her attor ney when Ilowoll appeared. Bho then (ratified that aho had not menanlaod that Howell had "wicked oyea" while ho waa Importuning her to marry him. "Hut I do now, ane cried.. "Oh, Ldo now I" Womon frlondt took chTgo of Mri. Howell at tho concluilon of tho ae Ion, and took hor to their home. HIGH SHEARS DEMURRER GOD COURT SUSTAINS CIM.TIT JUIKfK IIKNHON IIKTKR. .MIM-M THAT I.KAHK OK AIIV WITH I.IHKKV IMII NOT HUP I'OIIT CliAIM Judgo Henry I. ,Ilenon thla after noon, In the caso, of Abel Ady v. Aligutl l.lnkey. sualolneil tho demur. icr rntered by Attorney J. C. Itutcnlc nnd J. 8. Kent, to'tho leaao Involved In tho caav. Adylaued by Attorney John Irwin for f 9,kco, claiming thnt ho wn to hnvo the econd alfalfa rrop for seed, but tho dfondant'a at torne)tf demurred' that thcro waa nothing In tho leaao to uport the claim mnde. That tcctlon of the leaae rend a follewa: "Thn lesaeo na a rental and In ron elilerntlon of tho foregoing, promlaea nnd ngrre to turn over, at tho proper time, enrb harvest, to Mild Iranor, ono fourth of all crop ralaed on anld land with the exception of audi part of tho aeroud rrop of alfalfa n may he ae Ircted for eed, which ortlon the liMor I to cut and harvcat at hla own expenae, tho balance of rich rrop na nro rnlaed(on aald land dur ing mid term to bo tho property of the leaaee; Iho leaaeo lo rlenr not to exceed fifteen acre now In br'uah on aald land, and to plow, ned and har cat nil tlllahto land In a good nnd hiiabandllko manner, and to commit no atrip or waato of aald premlata." Judgo llcnaon wroto thla opinion "Tho contenllaa.of plaintiff I that language of the lease, that when ao selected, cut nnd harvested tho pro duct la to bo the property of tho less or. This the court cannot do without rending Into the lento languago that Is not there. It follows that tho do- miirrer must be sutatned." ELKS WILL MASK AND MAKE MERRY ritOIJC TONIGHT AT PAVIIJON I'ltOMIHKM TO IIK GHKAT KVKXT Hilt MKMHKHH AND TIIKIIt h:misimtv IVmlgbt tho Klka lodgo of Ibis city will celebrntv by giving n mask ball le tho pavilion, nt which a largo nt- tendunro Is expected. There are promised aomo unliuo .roatumes and n generally salubrious tlmo tor all .In uttendauce, but, hearken, It la only for Klk nnd their wives and awcot hearts, mid not for Iho rank and Die. Tho uffnlr will bo sort of In tho na turo of an added celobratlon of the furl that tho Klka aro now free from debt, nnd run cavort and frltk with out danger of causing frowns from creditors. It will bo aomo accaslon, bo usaured from this foullloton. CONFESSION REPUDIATED BY SARTORIAL FIREBUG He's In Hospital Now, and Declares That He IKk-n Not llemewber Male lug Kuril Aikiiowledtrweat Olvt Naive Itenaon (or BairMo AttMt SAN PHANCI8CO, Jan. 16. Now denying absolutely that he la guilty of araon, David Abrams, the tailor who confessed to firing the Broadway flats, (or which crime Mrs. Nettle Rouda waa at first arretted, haa re nounced that coufesslon. Abnuaa la In the Bmergoncy hospital. "I don't remember making or alga Ing any confession," Abrama declared. "If I did I waa not la my right eeaees. ho Is entlMssUajgajaaaatiro aocond cut ting aiBatilHlfce term of the leoar. It Hftr plaintiff that ho It raappppHkfourth the crop of haliPPPpWat recover tho saiiio by aatillKtrln, unlea It appear In ;Vf that uch haa been afjE'j follotjiillBlKit tho court, lu order taJIIIIRalntlira com plaint, muatHa the written lease that MaHia aatltled ,to Ihn entire saaaNilHlalsBlfa. umn notice hla'aPPPHhktreof. "Tho court tMHaV find from tho I attempted to tako my llfo limply be en ti an I hnvo thought of aulclde for aomo tlrno." Mr. Itouda I conaultlng her at- lorneya with a view to bringing ult for damagca ngalnat the city for false nrrrat and Imprisonment. Do you over hear of a city which had used tho commission form of government which did not find It far superior to tho ordinary, old-fashion td kind of ndmlnlatratlonT It' aim ply the proposition of tho laborer be ing worthy of his hire, and being able to ongaga tho right sort of men to glvo AM. their tlmo to tho city's bust- ricfis. McNMMRJl CHECK BOON WANTED BY GRIND JURY ttorney for Convict, However, lie. lares Thai If Compelled to lr-Mtnrr ll He Will He Vlclntln Profet-lon- al ronfldenrv with Ananlilal United Press Service INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 2C Argu ments In Federal Judgo Anderson's court on ItBfppaporl'a petition to quash tho grand Jury subpoena ordering him to produce John McNamara's check book, Ilappaport declared that If he produced tho book ho violated his professional confidence. Judgo Anderson ordered Kappa port to produco tho checkbook. BARNES RETURNS FROM PORTLAND MIKItlt'K HAVH INVOCATION OF COMMIHHION OF l"OIJCK CHIKF AS IIKPtTV HIIKIHFF WAH FUIKMII.Y Sheriff William D. Barnes has re turned from a trip to Portland, whith er bo went with a couplo of prisoners. Whllo bo was away be looked around tho' Paget Bound country some. In regard to tho revocation of the deputy sheriff's commission held by Chief of Police Samuel L.. Walker, which the chief has" held ever since the sheriff took office, almost four jcara ago, the sheriff (ays the propo sition waa a perfectly friendly one. "When Walker became chief of po lice I thought It was proper to sep arata tho two offices absolutely, and for that reason took the action," said tho sheriff. "It seemed to mo better to have, tho two offices work distinctly. without possibility of entanglement. It might be poaslbto for something to come up which would get tho two mixed, and that's what I desired to avoid. All Is friendly between us, nnd thcro Is no friction whatever." Chief Walker, when asked about tho matter, was unablo to glvo any reason why hla tenure of office should liavu been terminated by tho sheriff. Professor Parker of Columbia and uuotber parly havo sailed from Seat tle for Alaska to organize an expedi tion to try to acnlo Ml. McKlnley. At Now York the state athletic rommlaalon this afternoon suspended Abe Attel (or sis month (or (aklng a fight with "Knockout" Drown. REBELS Gill WHEN CELESTIALS CLASH Many Hellevo Sun Vat Sen Waa Bab. aJdltetl, and lay Failure of Peace Negotiations to Ills WUIIagara lo Herd Those After Concessions United Presa Service SHAN'OKAI, Jan. 56. Today tho ropubllrnna moved against tho Pokln column en route northward from Shantung. They encourtered tho Im perialists midway between Nanking and Tientsin. In n desperato claah the Imperial 1st .machine guns raked the rebel, who routed tho Imperialists, never theless. Fuchang tolegrapba that the mala section of tho rebel army had started, with Qenerad Ll Yuan Hung com mamilug. It la plentifully euuplled with ammunition and artillery. Hur Standard Oil BubsldsaQl The Shanghai Qatette charge the ELKS, TREE OF DEBT, HOLD CELEBRATION Standard Oil and othor concession seekers with being rcaponalblo for the failure of pcaco negotiations. As a result It Is feared thnt Iho for elgn sentiment 1 Intensified. Many think Or. Sun heeded the men wanting concession. It la understood that International financiers. Including Standard Oil, contributed to Sun's expenses, and that ho stood pat as a result of their Influence M'ltMKH HTII.fi IN BONDAGE, IIKHPITK ITAI.VH PIIOMIHE8 United Pre Service HOME, Jan. 2S. The twenty-ntno nurses for tho Turks were not re leased, despite the Italian promise. Tho French ambassador, Harrtrere conferred this afternoon with Pre mier Glolettl and tho foreign minis ter at Sangulllnno. An amicable set tlement Is expected. Remember tho dance at Houaton "a opera house Saturday night. Music by Whlto Pelican archestra. Band Concert at Pavilion, Sunday afternoon at 2:30. HOLD OP WAS JOKE THOSE GUILTY, ItM FOUND SAY Young Men Who Itobbed Cafe Aro Just Oat of Their Trena, Have Fua In a lnlo,ae Manner, and Aro Freed a Maklag llrstllaUon HUNTINGTON. Ore.. Jan. S6.The men found guilty of holding op the Oregon cafe In thla city have been lo cated by the oasclabL They were (onnd to be two local young men Jutt out of their teens. One of them had Juat established a small business. Paat oft He was found In their. They claim It consideration ot the' there It to be no pi Blllv Dclaner. famous Drlteacbt nromoter. who brouaht out Jeffries. died Wednesday night at Oakland of liver trouble He slept away after being 111 for weeks. PLUMB TO LEAVE MAN WHO WAS SKVEREMT ILL WITH HLOOD POISONING, HE. COVKH8 SUFFICIENTLY TO MAKE TRIP C. O. Plumb, who has been recuper- ntlng from blood polaoulng resulting from being struck by a piece ot wood when he was working at the Lost River dam, expects to leave tonight with his brother tor Macdocl, Calif., near which place hla brother Uvea. Mr. Plumb waa at one time In a dangerous condition, and bis recovery was largely due to the effort of Dr. I.eo W. CMlton and Miss K. L. Mo Grath, his nurse. Federal Judge Hough at New York dismissed the writ ot habeas corpua that attorney Oeorge Gordon Battle secured to hare John McNamara, the New Westminster bank robber, ad milled to ball, pending final dltpoal Hon ot hla case. Gaby Deslys Weds After Casting United Pre Bervtoa NEW YORK, Jan. 10. Oe'by Dss lys cabled to theatrical Meads (rem Londen: "Married Harry Pllcer tbla mora? Ing. Am very happy." . Plleer 1? aa ex-memher ot the Wea- BBMalOB. tr" ) Joke, and In PMatiLltosjkttt WITH BROTHER LODGE ROOM PACKED WITH MEMBERS WHO OA1 to wrrxHss cnuBtoNT of llt'RNINO XOTBB WHICH SYMV ItOLIZED OBLIGATION Last night was a great event bs the history of the Elka Lodge of Klaaaatk Falls, It being the time set for the celebration of the paying off of the Indebtedness of the lodge, due to In stallation expense, and the burning of the note. The entire lodge room wss literally packed with members of the order and visiting brothers, all Imbued with a feeling of pride and gladness to be able to annoanee to tho world that the Elka of Klamath Fella had made good and bad been able In tho short space of sla months to wine out overy cent of Indebtedness caused by the Instituting and organisation of the lodge. The members are also proud of the fact that they hare am exceptionally comfortable home that 1 open every day and evening of the week for tho enjoyment and social In tercourse of all Elka. Klamath Lodge No. 1247 waa Insti tuted on June 26, 111. with 74 char ter members. Today the lodge has IB ft lire, hustling, enthusiastic meat- bers, with new classes being taken In every weekly meeting. Exalted Ruler E. B. Hall, after the regular buslnees ot the lodge, ex plained to the members In a short ad dress how the money had been raised for Instituting Klamath Lodge No. 1247, and told of some ot the early difficulties which were overcome by the charter members. He fare a plain, personal talk to the IndlrMsml member, of the local lodge, and et llned a policy which he advised them to follow In the future. Now that the necessary Indebtedness of organising the lodge had Besrn'mlBWoWhYW lleved they ihoald par for everything a they went along, aad keen oat of debt. -- - After the finish of his talk the i r.iony of burning the redeemed notes was carried out, and was oHctated In by the tour principal oflcera of the lodge. Exalted Ruler Hall, Esteemed Leading Knight W. H. Dolbeer, Es teemed Loyal Knight Hunter BaTtdge and Esteemed Letcurlng Knight Chat. Roberts, each bearing a f 500 Bote, marched from their several stations to the center ot the room, meeting at tho altar, where they placed the paper on n metal tray. When the match waa applied by the exalted ruler every Elk In the room was on hla feet, and amid cheers aad rejoicing, watched until the laat flicker ot the tames pro claimed that the mortal remains o' the debt of Klamath Lodge No. 1147 waa no more. Later la the erealag the ashes were taken la charge by Coroner Whttlock, aad will be prop erly sealed In a glass Jar aad kept as a reminder to the members ot the ctrly history of the lodge. In the absence of Judge Henry L. Ponton, who waa to hare addressed tho meeting. Chas. J. Fergnson was called upon and gave a short history of the lodge, la which he told of the struggles and hardships oversea by the small band of Elka who first eon celved the Idea ot rounding up the stray "Bill" la aa orgaalaatloa, which, when Klamath rails weald reach the proper also, would be the nucleua ot an Elks Lodge. The Aat lera Club waa the result, and meattoa waa made of the mlsaaderstaadlag among outsiders ot the real purpose nnd principles ot Elkdom. Even after Klamath Fall reached auflleleat pop ulation to secure a charter. It was ast t Continued on Page 4) American Dancer Aside King Manuel der-Garder company hers, aad Is as athletic daaoer. Friends thlak Us pair were bmo ried in London. They are aew est route to Paris. Gaby Is, a Freaek stat er aad dancer who led King Maaaet of Portugal a merry naee, aad og the Ureas. s r i V , -''I h .- J! V in-