Ik lefitld. HUPPLINU MT TMB UNITED PIIHWI NKWN NKHVICM EVKNINO NEWSPAP1 PMNT THE .TRW. NOT HISTORY hlilli Year No. iiMl KLAMATH I'ALLH. OIIEOON, llllllHDAY, JANUAIIY !M, ItHli ftutiiitg g SPRING PLOWING IS BEGUN NEAR OLENE FARMS START EARLY I work wllli oiiu iimitlii.r makes It mi. I'iir Id ninny na unlikely llml Mr Cliiiilulii Mill iDiuii oiil fr Out (iiiiin Hit wns formerly louuly ilork Attorney V II Hhaw hit (.mm out wllli a iliilurnlluii ol his Intention to ix'i'k llm ulllti. of Justice or tho pem... jmi tho republican llckil Mr Hlmw' In ROAD BONO- ISSUE levy for road work should rclluvo tho tlliintlon cml put I IO founty'N credit on mi cnvlablo basis. DOWNEDBYCUUR T ON WKK OF PHKPAIUNU (JltlM Ml FOR HOWINM OK SEED, lltoil- Itl.lMi PMAt.Tlt'ALLY ALL MONK one nr thu boarding houses under tho " '"'" ,"""! """"y. '""I supervision of IJ. H. Htockwoll, on., ol " 1'11" '" ""'"""'t r'ly ntlor llic, research aaalalants In th., dairy l""' "'"'" " 1 Klimmtli Knlla. department. Mr, Hlockwoll Is carry ' ',,,"," "' "'" ''"" Chnrloa ItiK on usporlmcnls In th.. feeding of ,lr"'"'' ''"'""'ml. who Is serving Ms '""i I'm in, ii n mil maun iniiiii.lv immmmM llBlrV raltltl fill" III. Iirfi.luj.llj... ..f r., ' -.; """1"1 "iul...n.ir. i... i -.... ........ milk mm liullvr fat, Mid aimiiiR those .. .'" """""" " "' '" ". ,m hU "pill...,, ..iiia.l" nru l.louiri.niit i"1"'""" ,lv ''" " H,r,'"K '""owing W 0 Miller, professors ..Pterin and ,""" ''' n l'"'"'l"r """' i iii.i Hecrotary Jensen and sni nth tit uuii'Clixl wllh tin, fnciiH), ht'Plll.MI. COIJItT HOLDS THAT tOIIYTY COURT CANNOT Olt Dint hpecial election to VOTI. MUCH HIX'UltlTIKH IHHIIAND'H LOVE CHEAP, HUT WIFE DEMANDS PAY luxt llio Kniiin as If It WTc Worth Uliol,. Pile of Flllliy Lurm Mm. Hom-iiuii Hum llrp Patticr-ln-Law for Allcnitllnic Hubby's Affections Partners In fmin Olene and tlio farming dlalrlct nut that way rKport Itiat thu spring plow In haa begun, which l much earlier than usual, Tim milk ot lurnlliK I ho soil linn been tlalti.l mi thu llrlsshy, llsrrls uml ol her ranch. In tlm vlrliilly, ami thu pluonien hnio fouml tlio ground In KimhI plmpn (or thn work, Tim final U K'IU'. ami tlln rondl Il.ilia aerm to h Drat rntn for llm It it -i)fttlMir Usually Ibo aprlnic plow ln )(" not begin until In Kchrunry Tho inntatiiri whlrli haa fnllrii In llir rlii Inmt tilxht ami to.lny la ti. In- (laill) wrlronicil hy BKrlrtillur. Itli, ho hrllntn that prarllrally tty ilrop of It will h of Krcat hrme III to tlio Kroiinit. Moat of tlio froat It gunn from llm rarth ticnr tho rlty, at limt nioiiKh In Ut moat ot tho alrr aoak ilulit In, U'Mlii aoiiin of thi Kill nprrta he- llatx that It Miiuhl hni Iktii na well fur the Kiiiiitnl to havii rcinatned l.arit fur a wlillo longnr, If thcro la I'lmly of priflpllAtlnn, thny ronai)rr lt.it thr rropa will hao kih proa rt. I.NKIfiTIU.U, l.rMIINI,.TIO.- i.v t:i,itiiKi i. iaw i-oiutHK l.liiilliil t'Uaa of HliiihtiU H I'nl. tlly of Waalilnuton Will .Vrtt H-iMlrr Take l't Mlliily lholliiK Willi Airl.iit Htaliallra HKATTI.K, 4n. 36 A tourao In In.tualrlal IcKlalallon, iloallnK with llm aortal ati.t ronoiule ncclunta mi. iter tho pri'ant rouipxriaatlnn law, will ho luatltiitnl null tiifatrr for a llinllril rlnaa of alintrnla at thn Ulil-I rlly nf WaahlnKtoii, Thla li tho rriult of thn nVmatiil ' of l.iuiilrlpal rounrlln ami atatn orTI-1 (lain for Hraona qiinlinril to ar0 an. I lahulnlo atntlatlr Rlranr.l from i Iti.o.tlKMlniia of Imliiatrlal arrlilmita .IIOVAITV MVI3i NKW VOIIK, I AXII I'IIOIjUXUM THK VIHIT I'oiiiiniiKhl 1'iirty Hitiim IH llttlilcl Willi .MririiNilU, uml Will I'roh. nhly lt lluki' (In lo WiiahliiKion lijr Ilia Ijoni-Miiiin SKW YOltK, Jan. 26. Fifty dol- Inra U tho roluo of Mn. Anna II. nonunion places upon her huiband'i lovo In nil alienation suit filed hero HAI.CM, Jiw. 25. In a decision 'in.nlnit her fatlicr-ln-lnw. Abraham written hy Juitlco Ilurnott. tho .u.l""c'n. pniiio court hi rovonod tho dfclalon I . r,,u l,lnlnllff chaTKct her huabaml ..( .i.- .!..., .... . i i melded to tho Influcnco of lila parent of tho circuit court of Jacka.n. ,un. ;,,,. M,jatl,,onP(, ncr ty nna neiu mat tho bond Inuo of ROYAL CITY FEARS CHINESE MASSACRE Jury was to hU nerroui ayitcm, nnd lextlflcd that tho norvouinemi affected hl Income. United I'reaa Hervlre M:V VOIIK, Jan. S5 Thu Con nniiKliI pftrty la In lovo with New York, nnd la plntiulUK lo remain un III I'rlilny iiIkIiI I'rohnhly tho oth era will not airoiupiiny thu dukn to WnahltiKton If poaalblu tho duko In. .len.la to attend tho opera Krlday nliihl, atnitlm: for Cniind.i nlterward. WIFE SUICIDES III PHONE WHILE MHO LISTERS To N'iiimI of ltrlrr Man Hhimta llrr4 If TliroMcli llart Ikraawr of Ilia rallurr lo fimar lloum When Mie llraiktl for lllm to .-lit ' SIAiH IX HTATIX l.i..kl.N; IIKIttllT OK Tllll' ItiiliHir Mail It Tlial lie lnlrtnr, ,, tin AIrMl for tlw llmeflt of llm llraltli of Mr. ItiHHM-tenl, Who Haa I Urn Hulfi'rtng I'nuii lllnew NKW YOltK, Jnn :5. "Who la trying to elllu llm now?" naked Theo ilorn KiHaeell, when naked about a n port that he was Kolna abroad. "I never thoualil- and never heard of thla mornlnK." deport had It th vhn haa been III, would b b by a aea vn)aKe, and that Colonel lleoanvelt would arrompany her to Kurope. AOY-LISKEY SUIT IS BEFORE COURT naixTirr ciaiMN mo.m:v roit AI.I.MIKO t-'All.t'HK OK UK KKXHAXT T AIIIKK HY TI.IIMH OX I.KAHKO iaxi NKW YOltK. Jan. 3&.lllyae (Irani llniirh, an lnactnr In tho do partinrnt of nurlnillure, rcfuaed to Mrede lo hl wife's plea by ttlephonn list fir come, rlxht home, I 'Jmt hold tho receher U second and I think I'll ronvlnro )ou that )ou hi.) I Her nimn home," Mrs, llsiirh eld Hint left tho telephone, and hn ili returned she asked, "Now dearest, ran )ou hear por frtllr!" "Yes I tan hear, What Is It:" A retolter shot wes tho answer, llaiich hurrlrd homo and found his II dead Hho had shot heraolf ttroiiKh the heart. Ho said Mrs. llsiirh liml heen In poor health n rently ililKOV HiJUAII" WILIi KAT n.witv riuxitcnt ah tkht 'nl'ue In., of VotuatMjra at O. A. '. I'likdl io UrmaMslnito Vutitf ef Njiinple. of Milk Md llattrr rV'in lluOainilrjr DrfaHmrat COKVAI.1.IH. Jan. JB.A "iolson quad" of ten members of tho faculty t th Oiettim Agricultural colleo is been selected to test the samples f bmier and milk furnished by tho 1lry department at O. A. O. Ibeae wimplea are lo be tarred at OF LAP WILL SEEK ANOTHER TERM OI'XTV ri.r.UK COMIM TO THK l-'ltONT WITH A..OU.'UKMKVr, WIIII.K HHAW WODI4 UK Jl'H. TICK OK THK 1'K.ICK County Clerk Charles It. Do Lap has aliniiiinred himself as a candidate for another term on the republican ticket, .Mr. IM Ij has been n care ful, pnluatnklnit nnd elllrlent offlclal, nnd haa alwns aliown himself ncrom lliudatliiK lo Ihv public. It Is believed ho will iimko It hUhly Interestlnn for nii)ono who mlRht seo fit to opposo him for the placo, as ho Is the possess or of n hoat of friends, both social nnd political, Home mention has been made of Deputy County Clerk (leorRO Chas lain, democrat, In connection with the office, hut as et tho deputy hns not Hindu any announcement on his own behalf. Tho fart that tho two men am very friendly nnd used to team Added Fire Protection For Hill Residents Furnished By Hydrant Mnio Urn protection la being ar rtmed for the Inhabitants ot the hill . tin abovo tho Klamath county " K i school na a result of tho com Plaint that was rolstored at a recont 'Ui(ll moi'tintr by Uwyer Herbert Crnno of Noland Crane. A h dram la now being put In at no corner of Hlxth and Canal atroeta, whl. I. water li being run a distance " "bout 700 foot, from between Mr- nih and KIKhth streets. A Hood many of tho hill district aro rfu that In case or Are they would " ' iiunliio t save their property, oepe ily thoso householder! living along ''inroln. from Fourth to seventh, In wm C'rey Rmby. Tni HoutKou, will iiomton, A. Balater, . L. Ill- loll, Nelson lloiinsovoll, O, W, Itob ertson and I,. I. MonlKomory. Added to structures built by tho forcKoliiK Is ono which was constructed hy K. W. Adams, All tho homes Indicated are now saro that built by llnlntcr. Thu only protection this district would havo ready nt hand In case of Itru would be garden hose, tho near est flro plug being some dlsUnco. fllnco tho Klamath Kails Light and Water company Installed a pump at tho reservoir tboy get a reasonably good pressuro through the mains, which It ono point on which they aro consoling themtelvoe. Jlofore that they could. In aome placea, hold their thumb against a faucet and atop tho flow, ' In circuit court before JudKo Henry J, C. Itutenlc. An unusual number of available mm from tho Jury panel wero excused for bias by tho court. Home of them are anpHacd to havo been biased either for or against ono of the par ties to the suit to such nn extent that thry could not Klvo tho cne a Judg- tient without a leaning tnwnrd one sldu or thu other. Tho men excused In the court wero V. 8. Terwllllger, J W llrjnnt. Joseph Talor and A. D Addison, Tho plaintiff's attorney en used J. C. Kilinll, Charles llerg- ilorf nnd I'lrkett; tho defendant's it tnrney exrualng Frank Obeuchnln and J II. Ilrown. Tho Jurors finally chosen wero S. f lllll, Oeorne Shell, II. K. Dunrmi. rio)d llrandenbiirg, W. O. Smith, C. W. Miller, Jack Kerr, 8. II. (lardner, W. 8. Adams, linns Ntlnndrr, J. K. Ilrook, J. W, McCoy. Ady sets forth that ho leased ecr Inln hind nenr Midland to I.lskey, vlth an agreement (lint Ady was to l.io one-fourth of tho crop cut for hay and part of tho second crop foi Lord, which ho wits to harvest at his own expense, Ady claims that Ms key cut thu whole field, wlilrh MaKoy admits, contending that nonn wns fit for iom'iI, Ady avers that ho should havo f it.000 all told, claiming that he would have, under tho agreement, obtained 60 tons of hay tt f 10 a ton, nnd a large quantity of ced, .which nn about !00 pounds to tho acre. Reed hU boon brlucliK 35 to 50 tonts per pound, according to quallt). 11,(00,000, otd by tho peoplu of Juckaon inunty in beptember, was In Milld, Tho couri luld that tho county had no power to call a special election tor in.' purpoio or voting roan bonds. in mn upiuiun jus. ico nurnoii ncia i that as n negative restraining power i iiKnlnst Incurring Indebtedness tho I urn nil.d sectlou of tho constitution Is elf.ei(.Mitlng: Hint tho powers of tho roiinly court aro tho same as the) wero before tho amendment only tho form of the restriction upon Indebted nras being rhnnged nnd that although tho leglalathc power of tho state had pun Mod tho method of voting on tho elrrtlnn of ofllcers nnd upon direct legUlntlvc mrnsurea. It had neer cs- Inbllalied any plan for voting on coun ty Indebtedness, In tho nbsenco ofj which there was no authority for, hollaing tho election In question, and It would not validate the proposed In- debtrdnets, the amendment being In that respect not self-executing. The court further held that the county or- d. rs or warrants are the only form In which county Indebtedness may bo ctldfncod undcr-tho present stato of legislation, nnd thnt the counties have ts ct no power to borrow money or issue buuds. .MIXKIIM AND orilATOIW MEET 1X1 TALK OVEIl COXDITIOXH Halr and Other Matters llefore Con- ' fen-nre at lndiaaaiolla, Which la I Klrat Held for Half lou-ii Vtui. t'otilnirls Die In Alaidi ICE OX fl'I'KIt LAKE llllEAKJt Ico on Upper Klamath Lake Is re ported to be breaking up rapidly. Thcro was for a time a considerable formation ot the slippery substance which Is calculated to upset people who walk not with care, and, of course, navigation was stopped. It Is believed, however, that the verte- brao of winter has reatly been sorl otisly undermined, and that tho disin tegration of the aforesaid congealed substanco has a strong tendency to prove same. CONDITION OF PANIC INDIANAPOLIS, Jah. i5. MInera nnd bltumlnoua operators have met hero and aro discussing tho scale of wages and working conditions. It Is the first conference slnco 1900 Tho contracts expire March 31st. i-. EXPOSURE KILLS HEAVY DRINKER YOKKTOW.V8 COMMANDER YELLOW FEVER VICTIM United Tress Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. IS. A navy dispatch from Guayaquil, Ec uador, states that Commander Ber tolctto of the gunboat nrktown, aad Clarenco Wood, a seaoann, have died of jellow fever. CONVENTION WANTED BT YOUNG MEN'S IN8TTTCTE ItOYAL THOOfM, IIKADY FOB ItLOOD, SLItnot'ND IMPERIAL I'KEMIER fDREIOX RBM- DEXTS WANED United Press Service I'KKIN. Jan. 25. Reactionaries nre In control, and tho city la In a ttate bordering panic It Is rumored that a massacre of Chinese la Imminent. Diplomats peremptorily demand that the emperor disarm the Imperial guard. Klvo thousand loyal troops now surround Premier Yuan'a headquar ters, prepared for battle. Foreign residents have been noti fied not to venture Into tbe native quaiters. Extra- ammunition has been Issued to European soldiers. VOUNU LAWYER fETTUel ".MUCH." AH HE WAN COMMONLY KNOWN, WANDKItH AWAY KltOM COUNTY FARM, DKURI Ol'H FIIOM WHISKEY Henley Mitchell, known as "Mitch." who disappeared from the county la. eU KJatnata FaUa Us) Mm f Mat nlted I'rcss Service VALLEJO, Calif., Jan. 25. The Young Men's Institute here la going after tho grand council next August. Tho grand directors meet In San Kranclsco next Monday night. Ed McDloom, who baa been In Baa I Kranclsco for several weeks, return- Earl B. Elliott, nephew ot Attorney E. L. Elliott, haa come to'thlc dty to become Identlled with his uncle's law olUco. The young man la a law gradm ate ot tbe University ot Nebraska, at Lincoln, and will soon arrange to bo admitted to the bar of thla state. aUsuluTiiaiTiY- I GATE iKMIR Hand Concert nt Pavilion, Sunday afternoon at 2:30, GIRL THROWS AMONIA XT PUP 10 ATTACKED HERS Young Member of Well Known mid Fashionable Knmlly Is Arrested on Complaint of Moeea Levy, Owner of Mutt Which Was Hprinkl.nl November, whtea1 Itntlon of Jackson bonds. county to- SAN KltANOISCO, Jan, St. Miss Mury Gall way, a member of a woll known family and actlvo In fashlou- ivlito llfo, was arrested and released on S0 ball for haying dashed amonla Into tho faco of a bull pup that bad uttackod her own high bred water spanlol, Tlio cnargo was cruelty iu anmiaia, Moses Levy, who sworo to tho war rant, claimed that his pup could not cat a blto for throo days bocause ot the ammonia la his system, Tho nrtlon of the supremo court In turning ilnwu the million nnd n bnlf bonds wited by the peopln of Jackson county for the construction of good roftds whllo unfortunnto for Jackson comit as well as all the counties In the state since now the mntter will hitwi to wait for an enabling net by the next leglalaturu before n statulo rim bo enacted which will provide for tho mnnner of tho holding elections proves that tho county court of Klnm nth county nct.il wisely In going Into the general fund last jear for road work. It nover hns been, up to tho present tliuo. possible to bond for rend construction. Tho only way be ing to mnku a levy for such purposes or drawing on the general fund for such sums as might bo needed for nmd ronatrurtlon. Tho decision of tlio supremo court of Into, emanating fi.im nn appeal In l-ino county, prov ed I hut tho court was right In going lntnrtho general fund, nnd now that bond Utiles en mint bo made for nt leant another ear, acrnituntes the nrtlon of tho court In tho course It took last year. At Its first term It had to meet tho situation by either milking n largo and burdensome levy for road construction or to secure tho name from some sourco which could bo pnld hereafter by tho cltliena of Klnmulh county other than the ones who would tune to bear the burden now under n levy, and tho only way pi.tn.lhlo under tho law to do this wns hy tho Uxuanro ot warrants on tho general fund, nnd whllo It Is unfor tunnto thnt warrants wero forced to n discount, still It Is belloved thnt tho hhowlng of Klamath county with a flo,nao,000 tax roll, and something over $200 000 Indebtedness, Is suffi cient to warrant tho sale ot county warrants nt par, tho Indebtedness be ing u mere bagatelle. Tho lutlon ot tho court In making a bsvoii mill lovy for road construc tion during 1!12 was wise, for tho reason that It glvos It available cash to do considerable work, which, add ed to what was accomplished last year will mean a great doal to Klam ath county. ' Thus It U easy to seo that tho court has accomplished In a way for last year what might havo been ac complished by a bond, by the Issuanco of warrants which draw six per cent, and can bo paid at a later date. The action of tho court In refraining from cufd only Itif Ms'shlrV and "oas'sboc. the drawers being oft save where th ankle bnnds;stlll covered his feet. He had evidently, In r delirious stato from heavy drinking, shed his clothes after ho left tho poor farm, whither ho hod been sent to recover from a spree. Coroner Earl Whit lock Investigated, and decided that nn inquest wn not needed. It being plain that tho man had died shortly after wandering a-way from tho coun ty farm. Dr. Gcorgo II. Mcrrjman held nn Intuest, and rendered a return ou tho death as being duo to prematura senility, contributed to by exposure, exhaustion and delirium tremens. Mitchell was about 42 years or ago, single, and hns for years been a hewry drinker. Ills lust job was as laborer In the Mammoth livery stables. (Mni)IXAL'S RECEPTION AT CATHKDHAL IS POMPOUS New Wearer ot Scarlet nerrrlta Es corted lo Sirred Edifice by Seven Hundred Cl-igpnen Pontine! Mass CvK'brntrd Decorations Red United Press Service NEW YOltK Jsu. 25. Cardinal Parry was formally received at St. Patrick's cathedinl todsy with much pomp. Seven hundred clergy march ed from tho cathedral college to the .iit.tedrul, escorting Cardinals Qlb- Imrif nnd Farley A crowd of 10,000 uooplo stood outsldo the cathedral. Xrchbishop Preudergost ot Phila delphia celebrat.d the pontifical mass. Tho Interior wss decorated In Scarlet CUE PUSHER'S TOUCH DEAR SAYS MJIlllARDIST I'wfesslonal ot Mound City Thrown r row Auto When Street Oar Strikes It, Sum for $&t,OOU for Nervous System's Damage ST. LOUIS, Jan. 25, The status of a professional bllllurdlst's delicate touch was tho point at Issue In a II 5, 000 damage suit against the local Etrcet car company which went on trial, with Charles Peterson, a local professional, as plaintiff. Ho was thrown from an automobile last May when tbe 'machine wss Kolna- into the general fund to any struck by a street car. In his pstl- great extent hereafter, and making ajtlon sPterson alleges tbe greatest ln-paclty ot evaporating not lean than the" American Bank and Trust ball- Ing to tns-Odd Fallows' bulldsmt- HOFER BACKS IT, WHICHGOESSOME PETITION KOU NOMINATION OF ItOOHEVELT WAS FORWARDED TO THIS COUNTY BY THE SA LEM EDITOR Several Hoosevclt men who are by no means ashamed ot tho fact say that they believe the hero ot San Juan would make a better president of tho United States than a whole lot ot men which this paper might call by narao It not afraid of being cen sured havo signed the petition In tho office of County Clerk Charles Do Lap. The petition was sent to this city by Colonel R. llofer, tho genial and nblo editor ot the Capital Journal, 8alem, who Is a dycd-ln-thc-wool republican, and who, when properly approached, caii do a whole lot for those whom ho stands for. It Is qulto evident the Colcnel has been properly approached In this Instance. -tfipf-j. BAS rSANCIMO, Jan. IS. A siiecia! committee of the Baa Fran- clrco Chamber of Commerce has be gun work on a plan for the establish n.nt of a direct steamship lias from Sun Francisco to Alaska. An effort will be made to enlist Um co-operation ot all tho merchants and business men of the city. The commltteo conctsts ot A. L. Scott, W. N. Moore. C. F. Michaels. Jamas Ty son and Francos J. Baker. N.WGHTY BILLY BUTTS OOtL, WHO, PEEVED, BRINGS SUIT Hhe Attaches Property Owad by Ike Goat's Master, Asking Dasnages for llrofc.cn Ann nnd Other Mental nasi Physical Injnries BOSTON, Jsn. 15. When James II. Barry's goat Jumped out ot hla jard In East Boston and playfully butted Miss Cecelia Lowell, it was la Ing up trouble for Its owner. Miss Lowell haa brought suit for damages against Barry, and has at tached his property to cover damages tor a broken arm and other physical and mental Injuries. Barry has not said what defense the goat has to ocer. Band Concert at Pavilion, Sunday afternoon at 2: SO. Lease Lake County Lakes For Sake Of Developing Salt Deposits Ttierin SALEM, Jan. 25. Application for a 40-year lease or Hummer ana Al bert lakes In Lake county tor the de velopment of salt deposits wss made hero by C. M. Bain, representative of New York capitalists. Tho proposi tion ombodles tbe payment of royal ty to tbe state ot 10 per cent, with the provision that the royalty shall not fall below 50 cents per ton for common table salt and It per ton for nil other sslts. Tbe written proposi tion submitted says the capitalists are ready to put up a bond of $50,000. The plan contemplates building a vat on Summor lake covering 2,000 acres, and a vat on Albert lake cov ering 1,000 acres, each to have a ca 100,000 tons ot salt annually. Re fining and calcining plants to cost 1100,000 are also Included In the plan, alt to be completed wltbtn two years after the lease Is granted. It Is desired to begin construction work June 1st. The estimates attached to the prop osition are; Summor lake, 14,000, 000 tons of salt and Albert Inks II. 000,000 tons of salts. On this total ot 40,000,000 tons of salts In the two lakea the royalty under the oSer would yield the stats probably III.-000,000. Richard Pickett aad Walt came over from Malta test slfht a a business trip. 3,V'? ,