Hewing ffnlb. nvrvumt nv the EVENINO NBWBPArMM PRINT THE NEWS. NOT HMTORV UNITED fllMN NKWB ".KllVlUM Hltili Vfi-Ni. I.WI4 KLAMATH KAI.LH, OREGON) WIID.NKHDAV, JANUMtV ill, IBIit Fries, Firs OmMb Ik jtii ITALY BACKS DOWN, TEARING FRANCE Jlhal lliti spi'vcli hi) propose (i) t a inrniTrn"m M "", '"""" rul" tltne MIIUSFS LlBtKAItll '"""" rlMi breach or " " " ( ....v.! fiiT fltK.t'll MIMM. ....mhmi hut khknui minis- TK.H Ulllll.lt UK IlKU.IIiliKIt VV PREPARER Mill ,. U'K.N,WN IH MAUN ; , Unit' i ire p-riv7 Komi:, Italy, Jnti. 34. Italy ha derided l rrl'aan the, wintynllio Tuikl.li nursr fearing a nam wiw I'rsnre I'aiU dlPtrhr mIi tlm Krencli tllitmtiliir would lv rofallwl and Ibo I'iruili natal nmitiiandorii had Ihtii onlcrrd to iirpparn In Invad" tho llelH' rranran, lh I hell nilirludeit ahn had better bjtk ilnli bloodv mm IH ANTICIPATEOIN HMD Cn'Mil lUlhrrliiK nl H'irM( Nrkl .iili Hubjnlrd In Ttitral In Itrrrik li I'm H Tluil Klrw Kim of IS. Hi.- U .YeI MINDON Jan, SlAdmltllnic for ll.c Ort tune, Ihal Din lininn ruin inrol. lux rhediilid for IMfail, Irvland, on l'tlriiarv Mh, will, In all nibabltlt)-. b Ilm ilKlial for one of Ihn bliMMllrnt nutbriak In ihn hlatory of tho III til til iniiiitr) th Kovnrnment la plan nine rlnUitnto prerautlnn (or pro. terllna tho mwakera. Tim IrUh ciinilntmUry at llvtfatt bn U u ircrrtly ralnlnrccil for dayt Itmn niviiibrra of (ho avrvlro In oilier ncttliorn tnxni who arc noted for their ln)lty to the Kovnrnment, but thief K-rnur) for Ireland, lllrrrll, h rvrrltitl Inforiuallon from Hip II. Ifmt auttinrltlra that all of the po. Ilirmrn uf 1,'rlu foul.l hardly hiKt to rope with the tllitt-rltaa. If limy InaUl In thflr drtirmliiatlon to bri-ak up tho mnttln lti-r;ir.lli'i of tlm Krnvlty of Ihn lt utllnn Kovernment offlclntii nnnntinrn ttt tin.. nuetliiK will bo held. It wax Ir.iim.t lunlatil that tlm Kovernuunt It (unalitrrlnK tlm advlmbWty lit thrnwlriK to many troop Into llolfnit tint Hie) m over-aw tho tnitirll. ItrpnrU (nun northern Ireland In dlralo Hint tho Mitl-hotiie rulo fcnllnR li xroKlnc mid It U likely that 300, 010 imlnnltt will ko to Ilelfaat on Kihruary sth from mljolnlna town. rrnmliietit untonlat Iradera dtclaro tho riiiintiTMli'innnttratlon thar aro I'lannliiR will bn only a aamplo of lit Hi,, llhrrala may aipnct If tha home rulo bill li paaaad. Kor week the Ulflnrliea, tho leadara claim, have I'itd iiiiiKRlInK anna loto tholr lodgo loinit nml wholu rompanlf of men hto hivn iiiKaglng In target prac tice. The llhcrnl proaa at Ulitor la a unit In ileiiiiinilltiK that tho iinlonUt lend era U arreated for treaaon, declaring (tint iinlcM aoinn ilraatlo action I tak en liiiiiiDillntuly civil war will bo Inov. Ilablo. Cnlmiiit papcra In London are Juat I'linr In ronilomnlng tho liberals, and Hir ipnwalon reiterate Ita at mpt or n few day ago that Wlniton Cliurclilli, rtrat lord ot tha admiralty, hoii,i bo nrrcated on the ground Oelzell Returns And Will Become Auditor For ID." Varied Interests W C, DnUuii, until roeeutly assist "t ciuliiei of tho Klrst National bank. ' n tm ued to thii clly from n vUlt o Ran rrauclsco. Ho was tinablo to lv tho Herald any detailed Infornm- on nl-out tho new bank which haa "ten expected to be started by tho Klamath Development company, It la now uinlorstood that Mr. DeUell will i"t he connected with auch an Initi ation, hut will bo made auditor (or Hi" Klumnth Development eompany'a various Intorosta here, which are num cmim Mia Important. ' Whlio in Baa Francisco Mr. DeUell nn luto quite a colony of KlMMth do wlll Ilia 1 iel , MMKHICANN HUV (.JURA LAND ' koii much iii.:ati.ii prick '""" ' W A-i-ImiI nt Whm II tl.. .u.l.t. l. .1. . ..- . TZTS ZffU " ""fl" "" !"T"! .. . . . u, ., IIh'Mi wn MUueUiIng crooked nliout Oumitaiuiliiii Naval HUtloi I,, .... , , , .... thii irmllnr. and liitcmlfd to Invent - nava.na, jau, si. nisi a tract of I mnl 40,000 arre In uitmil which wn dealrid by tliu navy dvparltnent for I ho I'ltcnaluu of tlm United Htatr unvnl atatlon al (luantanamo, on Mhlrli n Cuban rommlaaloii had placed n Ynluntlou of 1900,000, I now to be. old to an American company for 2, 000,000, la the announcement tnadn In a local paper, Tlm principal talun of tlm laud to tin; navy lie In tlm aourru of tho wa ll r ailppty, which I coualilerrd emfti. t In I to Ihn mnlnteiiaucn of Ihn project nnl I j to AI'NTItAI.IA'M HIIMK I'llOllfl.TH MAV CIIOWII Ol'T JOHN llt'M. United I'rrat Hervlro LONDON, Jan. 2( lleaentmnnt la fell In hualneas circle In KngUnd hv cauao of tlm ri nm In Auatralla In mak'i tlm romnmnwealth "ef.coic Ultied " lany thing hiiiirrtu purchaaed In Kughnd nm belnc manufactured In ViutrnlU now ToJav a conalgnment of machinery for clothing inanufA.c turn I on It way OPE. AIR SCHOOLS PLAN OF BflABDJF EDUCATION Of lUpidly Orowlng Illy of Moullirm ('llfomU TtK-y Will IU IYiivIiIiiI Willi All l'ilblf Ihvld- In tiltr Krili Alnnilrrra UAV lill'(K) Cnllf.. Jan. 24. The Iwiurd of education hn decliUnl on njdlllon. (ollcy of building open air chool for tlm city and act era! will bo built In tlm near future to tnkn rnru of thn rapidly glowing population. Ttiey will hn of onu dory, with all poaalblo ileilce to protldv outdoor air for tu dent )iar. M all 1 1 mm throughout tho MASTEN CASE IS t-OlTl.t. OK WITXICHHr34 HtillHIU XAK.H IIV KOIt.MI.il AHHIHTANT tITV ATTOIIXKV KAII. TO OCT ANV KKKH Kclioet) ot the Ma at en ilnmaKo ult ngnluat tho clly aro heard occnalonnlly at clly hall, although Hie ault wa et tied lunm tlmo ago In conformity with an order of tho circuit court. I'ollco Judgo Nlcholn hn caunl tlnlt now ami then from John Coltv man, who wn n wllneir In tho cnwi Mihpoonaod by tho city. W, II. Bhaw wa nltmit city at- Falln people, Including .. 0. ("Doc") Powell, Hlrhurd llrolentoln and Dr. It. It. Hamilton, city halclan. Thoy ull scorned to bo enjoying life as much aa could bo expected ot mon away from home. Do Powell and nrellenitolu have each purchased new automobile, which thoy will bring back tu Klam ath Fall to outortaln tholr frlondo with. Tho aooner Ute city paya cash tho sooner will llrlng panaea be pared MM, BROUGHTTO MIND turney ill tho Hunt of tli mm', and n mitii signm niiIiiiiiiiiiii under vi lilt li Culxiiiiiii ami ti iiiiiii tiitiiH'il Nmiliiiiiloi appeared lo ti-nllfy In Him rami. They wero iiiiiiIiIii o collict liny fee from Co ii nty Clerk Cliurleii It. Do I .up, who has mi Inula for ( Iiik Ilium, tliu cont Mil In Hid rnaii having bii'ii mado up, approved In lliu M'utilnr manner a ml (mill, mill tho nuhpo-nna not Inning Ihm'm Untied from hla officii, Hoii-ml vI-.Hk wuro iiiinlo to tlm nly liull liy tliu mini, II I understood, until finally Ximhanks d'emcd Hint III pllgrlmngoa were not worth while, no censed taking tint exercise. Cob, mini iitlll lni.,. u get du money, how over, ntnl on IiIk last visit to the t?nte HUM I MOMHCII IIV WOMAN NAVK TIIOHK IN KAMII.V Inillnnn rrtlrllng KaI-iiuw Wlm Net 'I Hun Anilli'ng AImiuI Krtnlnlnltjr In Co "llnltj Al.oal," lrnvni Kla'. Valunlnl lMI,MMI HOirril IIIINI), lud , Jan. 24. Without hntliiK iiver In en kUand by mi woman other limn hi mother and lli m, John Kamau, a- IruvellnK anli-amnn, I dend her1 lie left an ntnle talurd at 1100 000. Caman nlwn)n declared lie wna not n woiiinu hater, hut malntAlned lhat lie i mild never ten nn) thing nboul Ihn ll'.nillcT net to "go daffy nbnut," . NEW BUILDINGS ALLOWEDBYDAOS ItMit'Utll (lltlHT OK I'KHMITH TO niNHTItltT KIIIKICI34 OK VAIH. OIK HIK4 AND HOUTH OIUNTv Kl AT MKCTIXO tlulldlng permlto wero granted by the council Monday night a follew: John H. Klllntt, brick teni-cr homo Btono foundation, on lot &, block 47, Hot Kprlng addition. Horatio Oreni, une-alor) fraino building, 30xk0, brick or cement chlmiic), on lot C. block 2, Cntinl ad O, W. Hirbertson, one1or brick building, 18x30 feet, probable coat $500. on rvnr of lot 2, block 17, orlg lunl town. C. C. Cofer, ontvroom addition, III l(S feel, to homo on block 51, Mrt addition to Klamath Kail. fll'S KKAIIKl'l. OK THOt'lll.K IK I'OXSISTOItV IH KAHTKH lliiult of lUiiMiiiient of lalrlarili of LUtMin Make It Knwlac tu An iHHincr HurrrwMir or to Hold Coo klatory IHItenvlao United I'rca Bcrvlc UOMK, Jan. 34. I'ope I'lu I to day conlderlng tho nccemlty of aban doning tho conalvtory planned for Cialur. a n remill of tho banishment of tho Patriarch of I.Ubon from hi dloceo. Tho popn fool thnt It would bo lm poaalhle for him to nnnounco the olo- tiitlnn lo the ncred coiiego or win patriarch at llio Raster cotiBlalory. It would bo equally unwlao to sum- uum Iho rontlslory and not make tho nnnotiuconiont. BILLS ALLOWEDBY THE CITY COUNCIL IIKI.TH CI.AIMKD AUAINT MUNI CIPAMTV KAH8KJI 4N KAVtMt- AIH.Y IIV I'ATKIW OK TIIH COM. MUNITV Hills woro allowed by tho council Monday ulght aa IoIIewb: I). C. Moyer, sower Inspector) 13 Vi Uaya f 6 w. u. Wilson, policeman, 6 dnya Chnpman Construction com pany, fxlng drain 5th at .. lime Clurko .company Chnpnmn Construction com pany, fourth aewor unit . . F. J. BchmlU, clerical work. 16.65 10.17 7.98 333,16 30.00 Total .ltll.IT JUMP SIDEWISE TO AVOID HOLE 'I IIIK IX I'lUM KnS CITV IH lll'HV AT XOW, niDNViLMAX U. II. IHHI.i:it TELLS ADMINIHTItA 'HON IIOAIII) 'It' kicplliK li JumplllK ildewny now to keep one foot out of thoHi() cholciiit,- holu," aald Counilliiuiii C. II. CrUlcr, nt (oiimll met HiiK' Monday nluht .(JOVK'ltXOIt'K IIKIfWITION when tlm iUctlou of n Id for Iho Chamber of Commerce, to bo contrib uted by tho illy wn broached. Hoc rtlary Caleb T, Oliver of thn Cham bnr, was on bund, uud madu a plea for support. Councilman 0 W. White i-d making the pnmp'Ktlve now char tur broad enough for tliu npproptla lion lo he Included. "If )ou mnku It too broad the peo ple will not totu for. It," dcOnrcd (.'ouucllmau M. U. Wilkin. "1 don't think the) will, colonel " added Mr. White. "I belluto It la tho will of tho pec plo to havo these thing.." (aid Col- onel Wllklns "1'to lukeu nmny 'cussing' otur tli( so little proposition," declared Councilman C. II, Crlaler. "I've nev er beard any kick on what gltcu I liu library, but uu other. Wo could put an ndterllalng part In tl.o char ier, which would take enro ot this." IWrctary Oliver aald that under no ilrcumstnuct would ho llko to see tho library slighted, and spoko very highly of It. No action wa taken, nor wa any taken on the question of rodlftlng the city ordinance. which havo been uncodified for a number of year. LEAGUE OF UNEMPLOYED TO ASK RELIEF' OF JOBLESS SoiUIUIn A-.ummi of Tlioukanil Mi'iiihrni at Slart, ami lroHNH) lo Irmugumln Mott'iiM'nl by a Quiet Strti't ParaiV United Press Service I'OltTI.ANI) Jan. 24. Socialist here nro nrganlilng a "I.enguo of the Uuemplo)od," to inako an appeal to the city autliorltlt burn for relief for Iho Idle. Ono thousand men havo signified their Intuition of Joining. Next Sun day a quiet demonstration In the form of u Htrect parade of tho unemployed will be held. BODY OF DEAD MAN IS FOUND ItRPOHT COMK8 TO BIIKIUKK'S OKKICK THAT IIODY 11KUKVKO TO IIK THAT OP 'UnTCir' IB KOU.MI NKAH KAIROHOUXD8 A report wa brought to the aher lit' ottko thl afternoon that the body of a dead man had been found down Iho valley between tho railroad bridge and tho fairground!, and from tho description given It is be lieved that tho body Is that ot "Mitch" who disappeared from the county la- tlrmnry tho night of January 16th. Deputy Sheriff Jlhn Bchallock left lo Investigate the report, ana naa not returned when tho Herald went to pre, nm! any further (acta or par ticular wero not obtainable. MINKItH WANT MOKK MONEY AH WIXIi AB SHORT HOVH8 Wage Scale ('otnmlttee of United Mine Workers lteioria Ita Finding to (Vimntlmi, Which la to Take Action ThU Afternoon United Press Service) INDIANAl'OMS, Jan. 34. The re port of tho wngo scale commlttoo has been submitted to the miner's con vention. It recommends a demand for an Increuao o( 10 centa per ton for mining, 20 per cent (or day labor ore, and seven hour day except Bat urdaya, whon tiro hours la fixed. The convention will act on the re port this afternoon, 'lllll HATPINS KILL JAILH j WITH INDIGNANT WOMEN United Pro Service - IlKltNi;, Jan 24. Zurich Jails aro illllliiK.iip with wemen who hnvo boon IwtnrliiK hatpin with projecting points, moro Ihnn 200 women anil Klrl linvlriK already been arrested, jam) 110 of whom havo been given short prison term without the option (of a fine. Women hero aro up In arma against tho now ordlnanco. Inatciul of tho city IioIiir nn undo- . ulrnMc cuatomer It otieht to be XKKDKI) IN HANK CAME t nlli-d Pre Service KAN KKANCI8CO, Jan. 24. Gov ernor lllrnm V. Johnson' deposition In the defunct California Rafo Deposit suggest-jcompany'a case will bo taken January Htli. Governor Johnson at one time wn coumel for J Dalirll Drown, con victed otllclal of tho wrockod Inatlttl Hon. Kt'K.XTft AT I'AVIMOX TOXIOIIT Tonight at tho Pavilion there will bo two ono mllo races on skates, as well a a basketball match tilarcd ur ,.,. lt.n ou ti10 Mmo vehicle. The event will bo between 8 and 9 o'clock, and tho skating will be from ! until 11:30 p. m. CATTLE DO WELL, SAYS STOCKMAN STOCK.MAX KKOM KOl'TII I'AItT OK THK UOUXTV HAVH AM MAI AHR IX (HMHI HIIAPK ANII KIIKR KKOtl KCAIIIK W. C. Dalton. tho Southern Klam ath itockman, I In the city today. Mr. Dalton states thatall of the cat tle In tho southern end of the county arc doing fine, and lhat bo doe not bellovo that there I any scabblc among them. He was absent at the tlmo tho examination was mado by Dr. Hamilton, tho government In spector, and does not know Just what his findings were. Dr. Hamilton I now ou tho rescr tiitlou. Ho and Dr. Mitchell will make another Inspection of th-j cat tle In tho Merrill section, and it Is hoped by tho stockmen that there will bo no occasion for quarantln or dipping ot tho cattle. It Is claimed thnt It Is not always posslblo to tell to a certainty whether cattle aro af flicted with scablo until about Febru ary, but as tbero were tome indica tion Ur. Hamilton took precaution ary measures by quarantining some ot the cattlo until a more thorough examination could be made Taxes aro not exorbitant In rate, but If they were mado really high enough to euro for dally expenditures on n cash basis tho dltfercnco would bo Imposing, In both sense ot the word. The council wanted a committee to handle tho new charter question, but the maor said tho city attorney and ho would do It. It remains to bo seen how near tho result will approach the desires ot tho council. RECOVER MONEY IF SUIT IS WON I'OUTIiAXti WHOLESALE LIQUOR fNCKUN HAS ITS CLAIM BE- FOUR CIRCUIT Jt'RV IB PICKED COURT, AND In tho case of Flockensteon & Co, VI. , P. C. Campbell of Bend, a Jury was drawn this morning as follews: E. 8. Tcrwllllger, Jack Korr, A. D. Addison, Hanco Nylander, B. B. Card tier, J. V. Book. A. B. Brown, W. O. Bmlth, II. E. Duncan, Charlea Berg dorf, O. W. Miller, George Bhell. J. O. Edsull and J. W. Bryant were ex cused by tho plaintiff rod Frank Obonchaln by tho defendant. Tho Flecknesteln firm haa head quarters nt Portland, and la repre sented by E. L. Elliott, while O. M. CORPSE IN GHASTLY On'lll hn been retained to defend tho llend man, who I being sued for nboul C00 for liquor that aro said lo havo been furnished him by tho Portland house. William P. Adam, scrrctary and mnnngcr of the company, was sworn thl afternoon a tho first witness for Iho plaintiff. It was endeavored to provo by him that tho company wa duly Incorporated, but the defense wished to have the original docu ment In tho matter produced as proof. Tho defense had denied al) tha allegations In tho. complaint, one oi wnicn was tnai mo r iccaensieiu houso was a corporation under Ore gon laws. Tho plaintiff sldea wished for tlmo In which to produce proof, and the defense mado a motion for tinri-ault. alleging that tho Arm was not duly'lncorporatcd. Judgo nenson sustained the mo tion for a non-suit. XO HUXIIAV KUNKItAI.S IK L'l.KltOVMKV I'HKVAII, United Press Service LONDON, Jan. 24. Clergymen, Angcllcnn and Nonconformists, are on strlko nt Hotherham against Sunday funerals. They havo formed themselves Into a union and delivered to the town council an ultimatum that they will not offlclato at Sunday funerals ex cept In urgent cases, where (or san itary reasons Interment cannot be de layed. And they Insist that then the Bun- day funerals mnst take place before 9:30 o'clock In tho morning. CANDY GIRLS' BETRAYER WANTS HIS BAIL REDUCED ll-cnse of Orfroae of Pteyslrlaa Wke Will Ho Tried In 8m Fraactsro Court Makes Deep larotvd em His I'nanclal IhHwrcca United Prcsa Service SAN FKANCISCO. Jan. 34. Tha date for Dr. Otto C. Joalen'a new trial on tho charge of betraying Ethel Wil liams, the 17-year-old "candy girl." w HI bo set Friday. In Iho meantime his attorney has petitioned the court to reduce the ball from 15,000 to 12,500, aa the ex penses of the defenso havo made deep Inroads Into the doctor' exchequer. COURTNEY HELD FOR 6RAND JURY J 1 'STICK OK PEACE GRAVES COX- SIIIKRB THAT COMPLAINT OF CHARLES ROWAN WARRANTS Kl'RTHRR PROCEEDINGS Samuel Courtney, charged with drawing a deadly weapon on Charlea Itowan, was yesterday held for grand Jury action by Justice of the Peaco Charlea Graves. Ills ball was fixed at $500. Up to this afternoon ho had not furnished It, and was In the coun ty Jail. Order Approving Sale Of Chronicle Signed By Judge Of Circuit Court Thn order of sale o( the Klamath Chronicle to Edward J. Murray baa been approved by Judge Henry L. Benson of the circuit court. Under the torma of the sale, which were sub mitted by Murray to W. T. BHlve, as signee, and the board o( directors of the Klamath Publishing company, tha purchaser of the business bought the claim ot F. H. Mills, who had sued the paper, and gave to Alexander Martin, trustee, a chattel mortgage on tho property (or $3,360.30. This waa In satisfaction of a mortgage held by E. U Elliott aa trustee. In each there waa paid I4M.60, which TRUNK MYSTERY BODY DISMEMBERED DIHCOVKItY MADE IN DEPOT AT HKATTLE, WHITHER SKIP MENT HAD HEEN MADE FROM PORTLAND MONTH AGO United Press Service SEATTLE. Jan. 34. Tha body of a middle-aged man waa found muti lated In a trunk In the King street station. The trunk came from Portland De cember 21st. The odor led to the discovery. The body wss cut through the mid- illo and both legs cut off. Fluihlng Main atraet waa move. LOVEY-DOVEY SEATS ARE TRIED AT MUOSE PARK Sample Pair of Hrnrhea DHag Tried by Park CommUnloner toe Use of Which Ardemt Lovers Mast Btkk a Nickel lato Slot SAN JOSE. Calif., Jan. 24. -Pay- as-you-spoon benches, at 5 cents per spoon," are being tried out by the park commissioners here, or rather by. "lovey" and "dovey" under supervi sion of Commissioners. A sample pair, Insulted la city ball park, havo made a great bit with tha lovelorn. A nickel In a alot contriv ance at the end of tha bench releaaoa a lock, tha bench revolves Into posi tion, and urn-am! It locks automatically when empty. The Idea Is to discourage loafers. rather than the encouragement of "spooners." It la aald. RICH GIRL SCRUBS FLOORS AFTER BELLING DRT OOOM Works in Cheap ResUaraait aatj Tries Driartsnvat Store Orbing to FM Oot If Working Hoar Law ta Brtwg Violated CHICAGO, Jan. 34. Although she has an income of $10,000 yearly, Mlu Zctla Emerson, a- beautiful young set tlement worker, 1 scrubbing floors (or ten or eleven hours a day la a cheap restaurant. Her Income kept It from being a tragedy when aha waa discharged from a higher priced res taurant for Inefficiency. Mlis Emerson put In the Christmas holidays as a salesgirl In a depart ment store. She la seeking to ascer tain the real conditions under which women work In Chicago, and to And out If the ten hour law la being vio lated. PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' AID Tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock tho Ladles' Aid Society o( the Pres byterian church will hold a meeting at the home o( Mrs. E. V. Coggswell. at Second and Washington streets. A special program of an attractive na ture has been arranged, and the mem bers and their (rlends are urged to at loud and enjoy It. paid 40 per cent of the original mort gage held by Elliott and the same pro portion on other debts. In taking the property Murray agreed to ascume and aettla indebted ness duo the Merganthaler Llaotype company, Keystone Type Foundry niakc-McFall company. Wbta the board o( directors ot the Klamath Publishing company met on the sale proposition It was moved by Mayor Fred T. Sanderson and seconded by I.. F, Wllllts that the aama be aeasfO ed. George T. Baldwin, Alexander Martin Jr. and Assignee W. T. amtra roucurred, , -.,-