i3 tMb. iimino MVri'MM) nv THM UNITED I'llKM NKWi NEHVIOV evening mwiPAnM PRINT THE NEWS. NOT NMnORV SMIi Vi-il' '" M1 KLAMATH FA MM, OREGON, TUK8DAY, JANUARY 8.1, 10IB rrtea, FrvoOsao) Ik FUNDS FOR WAR ARE FOUND BY ROYALTY TRI ASURE IS SOLD I ii( such iil1l(. mi n stnff linn moat serious nrfirt upon (tin Interests iif i,VMriHIIVJAHTV IIIWII IN "'" ""y nt n w r'!r '"'Itlili.nl " slnn iiltlnr mil only rnnatltutn n AIIIIANOKMKNTN FOR IIKI'I'lt. writ In thu i.mrlciicy of tho cntlro Ml t tJOVEHNMKNT AND YUAN nrmy, Iml nro n rniitliniut mmrcu of i 'liitnrrnatiitit nnd dimnilly to tlio IS IN HIDIMi .. lnfT department concerned, hiwldce (lowering lliu standard of ufflcluncy United I'reaa Hervlco tln-leltl," I'l.KI. Jm 31 "-Preparations to' AfH-r further dlaciiaalug Km nda .,, war tire follonlng llui ro)ljll merits uf tlm ditallid ami perm (mil) s iiii"iir.nliil that huiiicl'"it (. General llll cencludes: InMukilvn palso will bowild luulwi "II U my decided opinion that, mue l llimiiro tho campaign "tumid Urn law l.o modified iui aa (a Kiiurlc n mltllou m am nvnltablii niilliorlut tlm ronllniinua retention of (nun llic Ml Prlncti Chung imllllcd jH "'-Id nltlcr r In n staff corps, a pro. llir rtunlllr ttmt bu COlllit rll l,000lll should l.o Included requiring -,. Imiiiediitti-ly. Iluiidlrds ol ' "eld officer lo servo not less JUnrlun nro volunteering. Hpeclnl ;"" H" Miniillm of ,.ach year aetu Indiieemciil mo i ffnred n-crull "Hy '''"X troops at some mil Mi ripnlllloa u plniin.il MKrtli.at lry m (ir tlm nimtuniKl wllfi wlilcti NanWIiiK Tin wai department, U I '"y "r" Tvliig " .oik i flan f'M lh eanip-ilgn. Midi " " ' H" nr department li.mt nrlltn "",, "'"-' "H " IlilinliiT of iiinnrii Vnau Hlit Krtl lm bwlt nu.'lH,!1'" '" ""I l" l"' H'lr rum. n.l li i l."lil lliat hi llfo I oii.l"'"l fr out fin. )rnr -tlii-rrfnru lUngrml YouiiRrr prlnroi an ar ruwsl ( iilnllliiK to kill Yuan, iimii llj Sa Unix LONDON. Jin. :J. An ii.'hiiug Irlrcrnptt itl'4'cn from Tliliii iI'm llcli n) Yuan I'nr nlmniliiniil lit)p u( a tioiii'ttii'iit ami Iratud'riril Dm (utKimii'ht lo III" lliinnn, nml ilo dan Uial llvni'ial Yin Trlial, n tlKRC iiualUt, will it ret iil Yuan, H'u My Wllhdraw HIIAMIIIAI. Jail. 33. Hun Yat Hn ml Wu linn I "a ii it illlfvr rcaardlln nrtuilalliiiia. Wu may rlin, ii stored Hun rraldilnc hvn tlio tni tir atidlralra, Yuan auumliiK tlio prrtldi'ticjr of all until a national con irtiiimi rcta a rulrr. Yuan aurrvd, but Hun rcfiui-d, and nrottallona lth Yunn llirn Ifrmlnatnd, ARMY STAFF SYSTEM IS UP 10 M DEPARTMENT drnrnil Ikll Opinwa llrtarw lo "Vr nuiiiriii" Hjtlrm IttN-anact It la Too Diltli ull in Ut Itlil uf larflrlrtit onitir. I'll I l'rt. Hi-rilra WAHIIINUTON, D. 0 Jan. JS. Aiu-iiir: thu tirotiti'iiia which nro roi Inc llic nr dnpartmont and occup) Ins a Inrsu proiortlnn of the niton Hon of tlio ncloU of th army la tho orcMilintlmi of Dm ,aS ayatom. "Vlilln Hi,, pirtcnt "datnllrd" ataff Dm in .n mliirli ufflccra of tho army ar.- imly allnttid to ataff duty for n tmiii4ratlvi,y iliort period, nnd thon rrturijKi in iho W for further prae tlial iiin'rlcnco- l.na ninny oppononta h.l a rvtiirn lo tlio old "pirmanent" Xtcin la Imiiilniint. Major Oonornl J. I'rankilu lli'll, rommandlnR llm I'lilllppliuii illvlalon, In lila annual ro l"rl Jtiat iraiiaiiilttrd to tlio war do paritmni iiiriara htinvolf aa tivlnit very niiirli In favor of tlm detailed )U'in and (iiMiod to any rlianxo. In tlio coumu of hla report (U'livrnl Hl'll Hl)i "A ri'turn to tlio permanent alaff )iiiii Htmlil Imvo Hi In aorlona dofoct, lliat unci. Inomrlunt oltlcora becomo t'criiiniiriit lni.nl,..r of alaff rorna. llit(iiiKh liiiiiu.nri. which nood not ho illcuho,, it iiiTonma vory difficult for "l'l mrpH over in Kot rid of thorn. A JlrlklnK niimpln of thlvitimculty h" '"l l i'ii liad In tho raao of a ataff "lifer win, ,nn ,cn hopeloaaly InaB tlcnt nW hIiito lio waa nppolnlod. '"ro limn Cn )l)ftrg Bg0 Th0re aro oll'im iiliui,,! ,,.0 orjuniiy inffllclont Verdict In Favor Of H' Jury lu tlm case of Elmer O. icanMoy v. tho Klamath Lake Nav iMHim iumpnny yesterday returned o tZ ,ll '" fttVor ot ne Pltlf for .or., tho amount naked. M. 0. Wil. ki, notifying In behalf of the d Iudnnt corporation, a4d that It bad Agains Klamath vM.o.n II would bo .uy ,mi,ll lo Jg.-t rl.l of. Tl,,..., fiuUnn, notorious, I nnd ne-l .... ..rK..M..M.t TI..5 reti-nllon llin lli'll priiililon llli rrKnril lo Hie itrlalliil ulna miiiiIiI work n ilnliliil rliniiRu In ilu nrni) M'riiiml, (tie 'pr' - wnt ililnlliil n)liiii ImtliiK limn In fltut li llian to iai. BOOST TEDDY AS PARTY NOMINEE ti:i,i. known iti-xmvr or .UNO IMLANII AUVKIITIHKD ON I'ltONT OK COt'HT IIOl'HK AH nUMIHi:NTIAI IJANIUDATK Hoiiiii I'lilluialaallc advocati of one Tlniidont Koom.ti'll, a rltlrcn of tli tllllli'd Htntea, rml'llni; at t)aler Hay, Unix laUiid, tik hiI.-. it told nntlro prlnlnl In henry t)pc hy n iinlotv aliop In Hateiu, aajltiK lliat tho who wlah lu r tho Kt'iitU'iiinu uomlnnted for pri-aldent may nnd pelltlnna In the roiirt houao. IIKAVV II.TAI. TAIIIKK CLT niOI-OMKO IIY (X).MIIIUtM United I'rcaa 8erlc WAHIIINOTON, D, C, Jan, 33. Tho lent of tlio Iron and atevl rcvlilmi bill puhllahi'd by Iho wnyi and ineana rommllleo provldoa a reduction from 30 to SO per cent from uilatlnic rati-e. Creed McKendnti of Ijikovlew la n recent Klamath Kail arrival. John Hhook, tho Yonna Valley stock man, U In the city today. S0UBRnE SIN6S TO MAN ANO HE GOES TO BEO III I'm Ulk nt UhI' Mlnalrvla lliilpknl of Attention of Hinge Iknuty WlilHi Over-JUrllea llrm nml Hurt Ilia Circulation KI.LKNBIIUHO, Wnah., Jan. 33. Ilecatiio a pretty girl aang to him n ho aat lu a' box nt a performance of I'm Klka' mlnitrcna Thursday ovonlng J. . Ilockvr, n pioneer roaldcnt of tho city, I III at hla homo. Tho local lodgo of Klka put on n mlnalrel show, which waa crowded with local hits. Aa part of th fun 'Jockor waa Induced to sit In a atago Lox nnd Lola Mason, ono of the prln- Beardsley Given Transportation Co, given to tho plaintiff four ahlpla davits valued at 80 to bo repaired, ana inni tho davits had been lost by tho plain tiff. Tho defendant clalmod that the claim of M, 0. Oreeley, plumber, flO, nsilgnod to lloarditey and Included In hl ault, wm paid. rll'rtU of tlio proiliictlon, anna "Oil, Yon lliMiiitlful Dull," lo him. Alt IioiikIi Mr. Ilurkor wnn proimrvd fni tlm onlciil, llm ImiKlitvr of llio mi illuiro Ktclliil him, nml lin left tlio lux linrrlnlly. I,nlur In tlio nvunlliK Mr lliTkrr, who la n atout nmti, v,n fltllfii kiiil liv Itwtlriiol flfi(ilnHiii khiii. 'oil liy hi Dirltciiidiit, nml wna nnr'jn. I '. '' " Mrl,""7' i"1""!' '"r 7"M"1 ! I " : ' nml ,",r,,"f loura. lie ipont Miollifr In lied I'lll Will riTMVlT III ft fllW lllllll. If' inrilliiK to lila pliyalclnna. ink) iiitix m itm: (Jlltl, KllrnliHli, Hip llllln ilniiKlit'r of t'lty Attomoy llnrnin M. MnnnliiK, inn iiltii'ii in i lio rlr.lit IimiiiI jcnti-r-ilii)' liy n iIok, Tin. Injury U nut (on. al'lwil rlniii, luit Or I' M Wlilln liiiliiy iiiliiUtfri'il lo tlm rlillil, ran I or. Ulnit nml itri'MlliK tlio woiiml, FAREWELL, HOBBLE SKIRT, SINCE MODiSTIES BAN YOU Dri-MmakiTa IKslilt lo Hound Ik-alli Kih'II of t Kly anil I'liromfortalili DniH-ry for Hhrllrrintf l-Vmlnlno rorm llhliio NKW YOUK, Jan. 23. Parowi-ll, tlioi; liolililo. The Iji.IIih' Tailor nnd Drcaimak I iiic nM)clallmi of Amerlra lift aound til llui liulitilo'a death knell In Dili ii xn i': 'No liolitili' aklrta; ilrcunea to t murl mutt li two and a half yardi will.', tliri'Motirttia of a yard wider tl'un lio Imbl'le llm tlmy inn at bo ilmrl nt leant thrrv liirln-i from tlio itroiind," ISxIIniihiI fill II Net U'r.k Tlio aorlal wlildi wna lo have been 'liUrli Ii)' Hie Clirlillnn KndcaTor So rti'iy of tlio Clirlailan rhurch Thum day I'Vi'iilm; lina lievu ioationi'd until Tiieaday I'triiilUR, January 30lh, at 30 uVlork. All mrmUora of the wirlely nnd tlielr jiiuiik frlemla arc cordially Intlti'd to ho prcaonl. Mr.VAMAIIA l-'I'NII VKHY M)W, iialami: iikino nirr woo I'nltiil I'rraa Kervlco t.OH A.S(li:i.KH, Jan, 33. Job liar, rltiuu waa liMay hvforo tho fvdernt Krnnd Jury, lleforo cnterlm tlio room ho ald ho had only fSOO of McNft mnrn funda, and wna prepared to no count for vii'ry cent apent. OITItAfii: ON rilANCK t'l IV IHIt'llllON t'AIIIM.T KI-MSION I'lille.l I'reia Sorvlcti I'AltIS, Jan. 23. Tho cabinet was In teaslnn today dlacuaalnK tho Italian acliure of shlpa. It was agreed that tho troublo was not open to arbitra tion unions tho Imprlaonrd Turklah iiurai's wcro relensiHl. NewKpatiers applaud I'olnrnlro's Inml, Die Mntln hlntliiK that nn Ital ian rln.h Is not Improbable. lti:il'IIHTAtJ CALL IHHUKII, HOCIALIHTN HTItONOT United I'reas Hervlco linitLIN, Jon. 33. A call for tho rclclmini! to conveno February 7th has been Untied. InillcAtlunx aro that tho soclnllats ar ethv strnnKeol Initio parly, with nt least 110 member. Consort nthM frnr tho aociaiista, liberals nnd lefllats will control the li'Khdnllou. Tho Koclnllsts party last tho knlser's district by soven vote. Tlilrlv.threu district wilt vote on Thursday. HOPKINS ESTATE HASMUCH TIMBER AI'l'UAISKMKNT MADK IIY OIWKIt OK COUNTY COUItT HKVKALH OVKIl IW.000 ACHKH, VAIiUKW AT U.10,OI2A. Apprnlument has boon mndo of the pioporly of tho A. C. Hopkins ostnto In Klamath county. J. P. Loo, R. A. Ihnmltt nnd C. II. Wltbrow wcro the iipprnUora appointed by tho county court, and they find turn tno esiavo is tho owner of 33.IR3.0fl ncros of tlm Lor land In this county, nnd tho val uation I placed at ,060,035. In nddl tlon tho estnto owug consiuornuio um ber land In Jnckwm county. Judge Thomas Drnko I tho administrator of tho estnto In Klamath county. COURTNEY JAILED 80WAN PLAINTIFF .man mvoitt'CD iitoM win: Al li:oi:d to havi: i'lllicd i-ik- 'IOL ON OTHi:il AOAINHT WHOM hi: had maim; chaiujk Hatiiuel Courtney, dltorced liusbnud of 1'inrl Courtiioy, us urri-stod Inat ulilht by rutrolmcn William Hull and Wllllnm MesanT, clinrKCil by Charles Howh' .vlng n rovolter on Hot lie 4(.d lit oliu tlmi to lip el by Mrs. Court l1 Valid on a iiincli nt ( A Courtney, during I . Mowing out of thfdl. n'rie case, Indicated that he thought Itownn hnd hech'too attontlto to Mrs. 'Viurtiiey. Ho Is alleged to havo ibnnteiicil llowau with a pistol bo fore, KLKH, XOTIO: Tlli:ilK WILL UK A MAHgUti HALL OIVK.V IIY KiaMATII FAIJJi IXIIK2K NO. IUI7, II. V. O. i: AT Till: I'AVILION Itl.NK FltlHAY KVKNINO, JANIUHV 'M, IIIIU. i KOIt INKOIIMATION I'LKS AND Tlli:ill L.UHKH ONLY AIIK INVITKII. COIOIITTKK... ONLY I'ltACTICAL MINKIIH MAY AHI'IKK TO OKFICK United Press Hervlco INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 23. Tho miner' (uissed a constitutional nmcmlmcnt providing that candidates for oltlco must have flto year labor In tho mines nnd must ho unionist of threo years' standing. Delrgalo Holt of Kentucky said: "I prnpoao nn amendment making necessary five years mlno labor, to pretent r.ipllnlltts from getting hired Ortle Mc.Mnnlgnls Into high ofllces and Injuring our Inbo rorganltatlons." KANSAS FOR ROOSEVELT AS BEARER OF STANDARD Nnllto Hon of Cornflower Territory Oik's All Way to New York to See Tiildy nml Conslilera lllin Willing to Itun Onllrd Press Service NKW YOUK, Jan. 23. Jnmf Yu rnnn, a Ditto Kaplds '(Kan.) repub lican, vlilted lloosevelt at tho Outlook ofllc-, nnd said Kansas wants tho colonel to run, adding: "I rnmo all tho way from Kansas to congratulate ou, Cohmol. Wo know you can't af ford to seek a nomination." Uoosevolt said: "I nm not n can didate, not seeking tho nomination, nnd will not ask nnyono for It." Yuraim replied: "I told friends In Kaunas nnd tho West that whllo you nro not socking tho nomination, you nro a patriot, and will serTo tho coun try when It needs ou." ltnosevelt said "Most assuredly." Kmerglnd, Yurenn said: "This means ltnosevelt I going to run. He cannot refuio tho demand that la growing up for him." Itoosevelt's secretary, Harper, de nied that tho Inuguago quoted was ox- nrtly Hint tho colonel UBOd, nnd In sisted that a wrong construction was placed on It. Flirt National Delegates t'llltod Press Sen 'co COAL GATK. Okln., Jan. 33. Tho republicans of tho Fourth district con vened to elect tho first delegate to tho national contention, It Is report ed that Stnto Chairman Perry Is plan nlng to Instruct delegates to vote for Hoosovolt by request of Hitchcock. Progressive want an unlnstructod delegation. ' Hadley Thinks Theodore Fstrorito Unltod Press Bervlesi JRPFKItSOK CITY, Mo., Jan. 33, Governor Hadley said; "From Infor mation recently rocelved from all part of tho country I am convinced that a largo majority of republicans 'fnvor llic nomination of Itooiwritlt, find u Inrico innjorlly of tlm -opi fn Uor his tit lion." lloowtell IIOfMK'ni on Job I tnlti I'reas Hervlco CIMCAdO, Jan. 23 Tho Hoosarolt liinllonnl commllteo has opened htnd 'iwarters In the CoiiKreng hotel, with .ex-Kulcrnl Attorney Hlms In charge. Hid In mk Amh'Hw flu's forTnfl United Press Hervlco WAHIIINOTON, I). C, Jan. 23. CommentlnK on tho Whlto Houso rtateincnt of Taft's confidence In Hitchcock's loyalty, Hitchcock said: I "I mil for Tnft as strong ns I ran , be. I did not rcnllto how fnr rumors of nlleKed differences wcro KolnR." Ho Inilsls hit Is working nnw will continue lo work for Taft. GORE WILSON CHAMPION IN AR6UMEJITWITH HARVEY lltlml Oklahoma Henator Hays Ttiat lloiii-kt .Mao Cannot Accept Oftko Willi l.le on IIU Consdcncr, and That WIImhi Told Irutli WAHIIINOTON, D. C, Jan. 23. Coming to tho d'ifrnie of Governor I WoJdrow Wilson of Now Jersey In lhi controversy grooving out of WIU ton's demand on Co!oncl George liar tiy that tho hitter "top udvoc&tlng In 'Harper's Weekly hi candidacy for th fiomncrntlc nroaldentlnt nomlnntlou. 'Lulled States Scnitor Thomas P. Qort Vf Oklahoma declare) trat tho Wilson ,DnrveyWatterson Incident Is a mer.) liuhLlo, not n billon. Ho said: "II seems that tho head and htert !nf Governor Wilson's offonso Is thai ho told tho truth. An honest man ran not accept ofTlco with lies on his conscience. To decllno tho aid tcn dered hy tho nlllanco was a difficult nnd delicate task. Governor Wilson did so In the faro of dangers, and his 'set was ono of moral and political 'lirrolsm, such n few men are rapa Mo or. J "Governor Wilson's critics should tell frankly whether tlielr candidate ! otild assumn tho obligation which 'tho governor declined, nnd It so, J whether they would discharge or dls rfgard the obligation. . "I would much rat rather see Wilson .defeated with his heart nn open book innii iriumpiiani wun a saeiuiun con ceiled from tho public eye In his po litical closet." JOHNSON KOIt "ItATTLK HOD," Olt IMIKt UK K.WOH TKDDY United Press Service 8ACKAMKNTO, Jan. 23. Kollow Ing tho announcement that Governor Johnson Is going Knst an Friday to see Theodore Itooiovclt a story Is printed that Johnson Is to desert La fttlletto for "Teddy." Johusun said: "There has been no change of plans ot tho progressive of California. Wo Intend to go ahead with tho La Kolletle contest as orig inally planned." HUNDRED THOUSAND "DUCKS" OFFERED FOR RING MEET United Press Service ELKO, Nov., Jan. 33. Jarbldge, n mining camp near tnis city, oners $100,000 for the Johnson-Flynn fight. Yesterday Manager Curloy rocelved by wlro 300 for expense money to come and look over the ground. He replied ho would bo thero February 4th. KENT-ADY TRIAL TAILS TO START DCI'KNDANT FILES AMENDED AN SWKR AT HOUR WHKN GRAVE YARDS YAWN, FIGURATIVELY, SO CASK IS SET LATER Instead of going ahead with tho caso ot J.ooph 8. Kent vs. Abel Ady, tho circuit court had a lay-over tor us Jurymen today. Last night an amend ed uuswor. incluslro of some new la- sues was filed by Attorney Jobn Irwin, for Ady, and this waa a surprise to tho attorneys for the plaintiff, The condi tions mado tt impractical to go aneaa with tho caso this morning, so Judgvt iicnrv L. Donson gave further tlmo fop Irvine the case on condition that the defendant In tho caso pay the costs "COMMAND" GUESTS TO MEET ROYALTY Incurred by the plaintiff In preparing for trial today, amounting to 128.30. majairD flaVaVirr Tlio rnso was sot for February 1. Kt III UIIMN tK-IMIMLt Tho claims assigned to Kent and I " under which he filed tho action arei l.'iOO asked hy It. K. Cantrall for mon.,1 olt DUKK OK CONNACOIIT AND oy ho I alleged lo navo expended ror surety for Ady; $1,000 by August Lis- hy tor alleged breach of lease; f COO by J. Scott Taylor for advertising In tho Kxprcss, which has slnco changed hands and namo. I.takey Is plaintiff against Ady In rnother matter which Is to be heard Thursday, provided tho caso of Fleck tnilcln vs. Campbell, which Is set for tomorrow, Is out of tho road In time. WANTH ITALIAN APOIXMJY AND I'ltlHONKIW IIKLKtHK failed Press Service I'AltIS, Jan. 23 Newspapers unan imously demand that the government wlpo Italy's Insult, demand an abject apology, tho release of twcnty-nlne Turkish Hid Cross nurses seized aboard tho Mannuba oft Camlllarl. Tho French fleot at Toulon Is held with steam up nnd sailors havo been recalled from shoro leave. Unless a reply to Franco's demand Is received,.. ... n . tonight tho warship, will proceed tot maKon demonstration tno meaner- ranean Sea. NEW COURSE FOR YOONG PEOPLE ULTKNTH AND F.IGIITH GIUDE C.IHIM AND HOYS lXilN TO AH HORII IDIUH ADOLT MANUAL AND DOMESTIC WORK Manual training and domestic sci ence tor scholars In tho soventb and eighth grade ot the grammar schools began yesterday, when the scholar from tho Kast Sldo school went at 3:30 p. m. to tho high school to taka up tho new branch. The West Side school began the sumo course today in the same way. Prof. K. V. Hawley has charge of the manual training work, while Miss Tuttlo teaches tho Idea how to shoot along the domestic sclcnc lines. DKUHKK TF.AM MEETS TONIGHT Tho degrco team of Klamath Falls Lodge No. 137, I. O. O. F., will meet at Odd Fellows' hall tonight at 7:30 for drill. All members aro Invited to attend and give the team the advant age ot their experlenco and assist In tho work. MYSTERIOUS STRANGER, SO CAUEDJS WITNESS sflforv Federal Gnuid Jury at Indian- aKils Which Is Investigating Itainl Mention of Labor' Dynamiting ItoU United Press Service INDIANAPOLIII, Jan. 23. Charles Hebo. of Tullahoma, Tenn., the "mys terious stranger" In tho dynamiting probe, testified hero today. Ho recently appeared at tho federal building nnd offered to give informa tion reported to be valuable. The trial of former Mayor Schmltx of San Francisco for bribery has been postponed until next Tuesday. More Bids On Mail To Odessa Are Being Asked By Postal Department Bids are again wanted by the gov ernment tor carrying tbe malls from Klamath Falls to Odeaaa, 18 miles, and back, from December 1 to March 31, threo tlmea a week, until Jnao June 30, 1914, or tor two oaxryla WIFK EXPICCTKD TO MrTAtV LIHH NKW ARISTOCRACT AND IIHINO OLT IiOTS OF SKlNaaMI United Press Service NEW YORK, Jan. 23. Rdd'a dhv uer and dance for the Connanghta to night Is expected to establish a new aristocracy. Two hundred baTe been "cotBauad id" to attend. Tho rarest collection of gems erer exhibited here Is expected. Commissioner Waldo has ordered a pcllco guard at tho mansion. TWKLVK BRIDES ORDERED OF MARRIAGE LICENSE Men Who WlU Oo to IxKged-OBT Iadsi It) Hay They Are Anxtosu to Oo to llonsekeepiag. 8EATTLBp jM. j,,An ordr ot . brdM 0 remdy , w- like number of Michigan men, rang (lng In years from 25 to SO, la on tie wun Marnago license viera vniii F. Gage. The men aay they want to begin housekeeping on some. of Washing ton's logged-OS lands, and they want wive to go with the property. KENYON FOR CTMMTNS FOR WHITE HOUSE PLACE NEXT WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. Senator Kenyon conferred with President Tart and when he concluded declared hla position on tho Cummins candidacy was that he couldn't be expected to go back on a native son. TNO LORDS IN SPECTACLE AT PASADfMSMRT if ET Twertlmouth and Cower and SOO Ponies to Re Iarladed la Toanuu ment of Polo Player at Crowrm City of California United Press Service PASADENA. Calif., Jan. 23. Two English lords. Tweedmouth and Gow er, and 200 ponies will bo seen In ac tion at Tournamcnto park from Feb ruary 10 to 17, when tho second an nual tournament ot the Pasadena Polo club is held hero. Six team are en tered In the contests to decide the championship of the Pacllc coast. They will be from Burllngame, Santa Barbara-. Coronado, the Canadian, En glish and Pasadena clubs. Lords Tweedmouth and Gower will rldo for tho English team. Three of tho ponies, Blue Knot, Bolero and Alberta, were used In the 1911 International polo tournament by Harry Payne Whitney ot the cham pion Meadowbrook team. AVIATOR ROGERS BARRED FROM MEET AT DOMINGUKZ First Flyer to Croon Usvked Bute us Air MnrMiN- Baa lasfsts WsW Management of Convention ot Fa mous Ether Traveler LOS ANGELES. Jan. S3. Ordered from Domlnguex Held with bin two bi planes, Aviator C. P. Rogers, Brat transcontinental blrdmaa, will not start In tbe aviation meet here. He left because of an argument over terms with Manager Dick Ferris, periods. Bid will bo reoalvasl vU! February SO, each ono to M pantod by 11,100 bond. The government propose to the mall up oa Mondays, Wodaday and Friday, and back oa Tusadsvyt, Thursdays Thursdaya gad snUwdara, r! iy .t v tt f