flbe ftoettitta lefalo.; uvrvuwo n nm EVKNIN1 NKWRPAPI jITW l'BNi MWO PRINT THE NEWS, NOT HISTORY afaiti Year N. KM MATH FAUX, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY SMs, 10111 Price, PlvwCsata ROYALTY ARRIVES AND AVOIDS CROWD BY SCHEDULE SHIFT THHKti TITLED MNWiSH INDf. VllH'AIJ MM IN NKW YORK AM AIU HltNIIJH OPT TO KAT mi n:i" ClllfJ l'"" rrvir NEW YOHK, Jan. II. The Cm- ttM.il"""'. ' ,h" Ih,ka Md I)ucb M ef Coiwaught mid Princes Patrl cU stilted quarter r an hour ahead ( time, and avoided the mob al the dram) Central station. Whllrtaw Held welcomed tho royal f aarty HI' private aulos, llio oiir ami ri set vice men guarding. The art rushed (o the Hold buu-Nhi for breakfast. The duke aerretly go lo Wash Ititun Thunlaay night '" m"' lral dtot TH Ambassador llrycu rmi ptd arrangement (or llm vlall. l It repotted that llio duka will dls Mt llti Tsft Urn advisability of Ihn kui and quern of England Including M American Itinerary If they vlall Cim4 In II3. The ntr who thlnka rlty affair ir Ik aflalra of ornrtxidy rlan fmiti oaty hlmirlf Ha aya Ihn frclaht. hrtbtr hr thlukt mi or not. IHMPSOlliis SFAJ IN SEMTE UKKVIKU MWVKK. WHO HAN IMdtX IX I4IWKH MOIIHC, IHC CM II IN IIIMNKI AN AHtiRANT Mill I'l'rm IIHANCM VAI'AMOV W, Ulr Thoniiaon haa mado (he Maun(tinint, rlic44 (or aoM IIbp, that ho will bn a ropnbllraa fadlJlr fur n-nalor from Iho local dlttrlct, which I'tiibracm CriKik. Iko B4 Klamath roust Ira. li drrlara llvn at lata Intention In Ihla direction l brllctrit o hat briu niacin after he hid fnmiM-. ihn alluatlon can fally and (rraiiit thoroughly nintlnc d that ho Mould bo pretty turn of tlKtlon. Some llino ngo bo waa preeaad for an amarr to iho query aa lo whether at would run fur Iho place, and aald that ho would not ho a candidate bo tauw Ida law practice had to bo at trnded to. Wltb Iho atatement from Dr. Ooo. II. Mcrryman that ho would not bo a candldatn for acnator, thla mado It ixcruary for tho party lo put up a ana. and one of Iho two lower houaa tubera. Tlinnipaon or II. P. Bel Up of I'rliiovlllo waa olpoctod to go trttr llio plum. It aeoma that Ibo elo ta favored Thompaon, and ho la aot titw-rted to havo any oerloua opio. lon. Many bollnvo hla candidacy la tantamount to an 011x1100. E-Mn).)r II, gt, Ooo. HUhop, demo !, Hated aomo tlmo ago that ho Mid bo out for the aenatorahlp If "publican wero to run. Now that Ih're la a republican an avowod aapl rwt Inr tho i, poaalbty Illahop will wm nut rnr ahorlff. Mnro HUhop contemplated tho aen Urahlp, however, domocrat, Choa Jar Avery, decldod to mako It Internet ( for nil bnnda by ihylng hla caator Jack Waited A Long Time Before He Had A Sight It's 11 good thing that Jack Ma loney got to Klamath Kalla before the unahlun that was turno on today a run very long, or also be night ''"Vo koiio longer without aeelng any imw. a It Is ho never aaw any until e landed here from Sacramento U visit hla uncle, Harry P. Oalarneaul, "h whom he la to nUy arlng the su umr. on ol th Irak thlnga ha did when turnaa looaa near a alea imtch of the aotorioualy beautiful eta wt waa to Mt haw U aatX.whan Into Ihn rltiK na n laiiillduln fur llm iiomlnalloii for sheriff. Chlnf or Pollen Hamuul I, Wiilkcr lin lin inpecled tu ln n di'iiiiM'rnllfi rniidldal fur llio Rhrlnvalty, Iml up (o daln ha not ilonnltcl)' atiniiuiiroil himself. Ilo Wat n deputy hcrlrT until Decmuhrr Jfllh In addition to ImliiK liml ill I In' rll)' (nrrn ul uniformed inilrtnrii, Iml mi l tin .tn tifinr t.'hrlatmna dorMod to In)' iliiwu llio rnrea of Ihu dopiit)ahlp, Hlnm ihou hn haa been unincumbered by'u coin. iiiImIiui to nerve under Sheriff Wll. Ilam II Harne. UNION WOMEN APPEAL FOR AID TO OOWN HOME RUTE I Kt) Thousand of Thewt In Irlah A. orUllon Ulvr Forth Mm ManlfcMii .Uklng Hlirr Wimw-n In ,tulil Ttiem In Tltolr Warfare IIKI.KAKT, IroUiid, Jan. 22. -Klfly1 tliniiiaiid wiiiiirn mrmtiora of tho Ul1 Hit Unliililata' Aaioclatlon havn l. ailed a fiery ItUhlfoato to their alatcn III llrrnt lltllnln lo old tin 111 In do foaling llio hoiun rillo bill. IIUIU.IN', Jan. 22. Moat of thnact ho (Miliilrlana now hating returned from a lulef hiillilay, thn Intoti-at In llio home I llio campaign la hcromlng more actit dally. I Ml ring the laal low weeka the till -InnUla havn made much uan of the re cent papal ilrcrco forblddlliR t'alho Ilea, under pain of eirommunlcatlnu, lo aiimmnn i-cleaUallra hefortt the lay tribunal. Patrick O'Oonnell, Illahop of Kaphoe, haa now fullnaiit Arch blahop Walth of Dublin In etprraalng the opinion that thn papal decree doea not apply to Ireland. John Dillon and John lledmond, Natlonallat leader, gave out atato mc-nta today In regard to ihn land pur. chaan In Ireland John Dillon In n teller rnnrernlng Iho tenant In the county of Claire, who havn not been ntilo In elfoct ptirchnar of Ihelr land uiiitrr tho term of Ihn land purchaae art of 1903, which empowered thn government lo lend money to lenanta In enable them lo purchaao Ihelr hold Inga, aald: "If Ihn Uinta hold up home rule, II will he nofoaaary u luatltuln a cam palgn on tho land itieatlon and bring prraaiirn lo bear on thn landlord of thn county of Claire to mill Ihelr fa tale on reaaonahto lornia." , KIMH, NOTICK THKIIK WIM. UK A MAHQVK IIAI.I. OIVK.V in KIAMATII ) rAl.li UHK1H NO. ISI7, II. P. O. K. AT TIIK PAVIMON IlINK PIUIIAY KVKM.VO, JANIHY. m, taut. X)R INFOIIMATION KI.KN AMI TIIKIK U-.DIKH O.M.V AHK INVITKI). o COMMITTKK.. At Ban Kranclaco Saturday Judge Cahannl vonlvncvd Klono Martlnoi to flfleon year a( Ran Quendn for tho mnrdor of Ynot Surlta and tho SchinlU bribery co waa continued to February 3d. Of Beautiful Snow bundled, All thlnga conaldereci, Jacg had lived a long tlmo without eeolug snow for tho first tlmo. He Is B years old, and that'a Just on awful lona tlrat- for audi a mnll boy to navo to go without seeing Iho material from which snowballs aro made. Ust anyono may forget, bo It known that tho courthouso of tho county of Klamath la located at rourth and Ualu atroot, all rumors to ihn ennirarv notwithstanding. DUO notice will ha given of Ita removal. M i I'ATIO.V IH UtITICAL I.N (JIIP.AT PAOTOItY HTItlKK United Press Brlri LAWIIKNCi:, Mnu,, Jail. 22. I.lghtfvu IImiiiiiiiiiI uulonlals nro striking, iiinl 7,000 iioii.iinlonUt nro rmiiiilulfig nwny, fearing Mlrlkom nodi imldlor limy clash. Tho striker iloinntiil a 15 per runt' Increase In wage a .ovimI (ho! ioniiniiy will not rumpromlao. ThuJ KiiiitliiM la irlllral. If strlkn break' m mi' liiinirliil IroiiMn In feared. ! I'OK HUNT- I. room liniimi In llluhn iiddllliui, 13 icr itiniilli Imiiilro I. W itlKKH, W. () Hmllh I'lK Co. 223I CIIAIM ntOM TIIK m:kan Wo Kut In' by iuprfl nrt nlxht tho Inrgiiit uhlimii'iit of flab, i))tor and rrftb Hint w ivr landi-d nt imo tlinu, Wi from now on will ko ilnlly hllniioiiU, Our fimli imiiii'd ii)tcri tiro Ihn IIimiIIi braml. I.'itru vliit Dry imrki'd. 90 lout n iiinrl nn. NiilhlilR h'-tlcr Yuiitu for filth ami ojitir lnnliio, Iho dry morrhnnt, Willie, nt :j-2( TIIK KHLTON MAHKKT. PRINTERS JOIN MMMI. KOI.I.OWKIIM OP TIIK K. Tl.i: AIIT OP AKNKMIIIJ.NO TYPK KPPKCT OIU1ANIZATION WITH OPPK'KIW At a meeting of tho prlntcra of thla city held laat owning In tho W. O. Hmllh printing office thn final atopa wero taken toward tho oatabllahmenl of a Klamath Kalla local of tho Inter national Typographical Union. An organliatlon waa effected, and tho re aulta of tho meeting, Including tho adoption of (he conitltutlon and by lawa under which tho uow Inatltutlon propoae (o bo governed, will bo oent tn national headquartcra at Inillnnap- olla. whero President Jamra M. Lynch and Secretary John W. Ilaya will look them over. Upon tho official head favoring thn outllno decided upon by (bn local printer they wilt laauo n charter and anlgn a number to tho Klamath Kalla body. ortlrcra havn been choaen na fol Iowa; I'realdent, Nato Otterboln; vlca prealdonl, John C. Wilcex: secretary and Ireaaurer, William P. Hector; aor geant at arm. Archibald Y. Tlndall. Other enrolled In Iho local are: '.ciio C. Klmbnll, Prank W. ItlKKH, Bam C. Grave, William E. Dowdotn, Hurry Odell, It. Vanco llutchln and Klmer Mill. HARRIHAN LINE NORTH TO VANCOUVERAPOSSIBIUTY Iteim-wntatlve of Tlat Inti-rrM In NnHliwrat Ha)a IHvlalon Ha llwn Mmle to Ho North Prom Seattle, Hill Plnnnce CauM IKty VANCOUVKH. II. C Jan. 22 Dof Inlto announcement of tho Intontlon of tho Hnrrlman n)atem lo build 11 direct line from Scuttle to Vancouver Is mndo by J. I). Parrell, prealdonl of (ho Oregon Washington Hnllrond mid Nnvlgallon company, which owns Mid operate 2,000 mile of Irnck. Mr. Parrell. who represent tho llurrlinan Intoreat In Iho Northwest, suld: "Wn Imva decided lo CXtoild our line lo Vancouver. Just when a ntnrt will ho mado U uncertain nt thin June lure, owing to tho financial situation, which Is nono too good nt present. Our prcHont pnsslvo nttltudo hus no slguincnnco, as wo Iimo already none Into tho oucstlon very fully; in ran, wo already know how wo uro going to effect an entrance. Wo wni uot nan nt tho Prnsor Hlver, but will get Into tho very heart of Vancouver. Tho routo haa bcon very carefully looked over. Tho llarrlmnn ayalom has long had It oyo on this port, and renllsca that there la already aufflclont traffic In sight to Justify tho proposed ogpen dlturo." Put up good candidates and tho rost will ho oaty In this elty government problem, UNIONIZING DEMOSTHENESTO BE PUT IN SHADE OIIA'IOHH 01' JAUKHON AM) KLAMATH COUNTY HIGH HCIKMILH WILL MEET AT TIIK OI'KUA IIOL'Hi: TO OKIIATK llouaton' opera houao haa bcon c I'dcil 11 a tho place In which to hold Hid ilobato botweoa tho Jackaon and Klntnnth county lilg'. rchool ncit Krl ilny ovenlnK. Tho opera Iiouko waa chosen on account of Its central loci tion. Hlnco the phco Is caally acciw r.llilo, and slnco Miputer price nro to ' chnrKcd for nd-nlcslou. It la antld icted thnt a largo audlenco will be preatni lo greet ths debaters and vrlt- ih-m one of tho moat Interesting and helpful kinds of school contests. Tho lornl tenm will bo mado up of Ploiencn Short, Kdwln Cog and For rest Pell. The Ashland debater will la- announced later. SenN wilt bo on sale Wednesday nmrnlni; nt tho llonbonlcr. General mlmlaalon 2S ctnts. Kcscrvcd aeats S5 cents. JURY IS EASILY PICKED IN CASE NOT OXK P TWKI.VK CAI.I.KH TO IMX IH CAt'iSK OP ItKMO.V HTKANl'K IIV ATTOHNKY FOIt KITH Kit HIIIK In circuit court today tho work of caae with the assistance of a Jury was resumed by taking up tho laauo of Klmer O. Oeardsloy against the Klamath Lake- Navigation company Tho plaintiff claims 90.05 for sup nllcH nnd repairs on tho steamer Klnmuth. about 120 of this amount belni; n claim for supplies assigned to tho plaintiff by tho plumber, E. C. Greeley. K. L. Elliott represents the plaintiff and C. M. Ooolll tho defend nnt. 81 run no to sat, not 0 man of the Jury puuel who waa called to tho box was objected to by either side, wjilcli mndu the Jury drawing u rather tame affair, coniimratlvely speaking. Thus tho ttrkt tuolvo aoatod In tho Jury box became the arbiters of tho case, their tinmen being Prank Obonchnln, Joseph Taylor, (leorso Shell, Charles DurK dorf, S. 11. Gardner, Wesley O. Smith, j v. Ho ant, II. B. Duncan, 8. 8. Hill, A. H. Drown, J. E. Book and J, C. KiUall. irtptlon to Mrs. Seovel Tho W. O. T. U. will hold a recep tion for Mrs. Bessie L. Seovel at tho Library Club rooms this ovonlng. Tho publlo la cordially Invited to attend. .afXtaBBaJL MaV2 -H I K 'awti'jP' I 1 HhLiu9w 1 I .-eaVNMj agfw I KDWIN COX l - .JBBBBBSBbW I roilllKST I'EII. 'rit.MlKH OFKICKIUi HTAY IN JOIW VOIt ANOTIIKH TEIIM Unlteil 1'rcnn Hcrvlrn KltnSNO, Jan. 22 The itato build. In; tr;ul(n ro-clcctcd Incumbent oCI con und cliono Loi Angelca for tho noxt conToiitlon, at which tlmo llarrl mnii'M totond mayoralty campaign will be klbrtcd. TOIINADO KILL8 HIX AM) INJUUKH HCOHK OP OTHKIW I'liltcd Press Service WINONA, Wis., Jan. 22. Six wero killed, 11 scoro Injured and a dozen hoilae destroyed when a tornado nw opt between Newton and Wlnonl Saturday. Wires aro down and do InlU Impossible "" Wli on the new charter U drafted li might bo welt for It to contain pro vlalon for a street commlmiloncr on a rinnonnblo haul. One cannot bo ob inlnfil for ICO a month. In an Interview at Now Haven Sat urday Prcildont Taft rcfuacd to com ment on tho Cummins candidacy. At Indianapolis Saturday no session of tho grand Jury was held. It ad Journed until today. TILLAMOOK PORT WINS LAWSUIT JCIHJi: IIK.VItV L. IIKNKOV CIYKH DKCIKKIV l WHICH NKW COIt POIIATIO.V DKPRTK TIIOttK OPPOHINO IT Tho state of Oregon on relation of 8. V. Anderson and his wlfo Lilian, sued tho Port of Tillamook, which It nlludes to ns "a pretended quasi-cor poration," and II. T. riot la. A. O. Heals. I). Pltspatrlck, James Walton Jr. nnd M. P. Lvacli, commissioners of tho port, attacking: tho validity of Ihn part as a corporation. In 1S99 a legislative act created the port of Tillamook, to tako In tho lloqunrton slough, the bar at tho mouth of Iho slough, and tho territory for a short dlstanco cither sldo of tho Dlough and tho city of Tillamook. This enabled vessels from tho Pa cific ocenn to reach Tillamook within thn confines of tho territory over which tho corporation had, to an ex tent, Jurisdiction, , lly Kiibornntorl.il proclamation there went Into effect Juno 25, l'JOG tlon forbidding tho creation o' corpor mi nmendment to the state constitu tions by net of slate legislature. This hnd been proposed by Initiative petition. . In 1909 tho legislature passed a general enabling net for tho Incorpor ation of port. Under this act the port of Tillamook Is alleged to havo enlarged tho territory for tho excr- rlso of Its powers to Includo approx imately n dozen new townships east of tho city of Tillamook, without ever having been dissolved or disorganized under the 190S act Judgo Henry L. Dcnson heard the rnso when he was recently In the third Judicial district, exchanging with Judgo Perck R. Kelly, and at tho same tlmo ho took under advise ment tho caso of W. II. Leach and his wife, Eva M. Leach, to enjoin tho col lection of the tax of $00,000, out of which nroso tho Anderson case. The Port of Tillamook, as defendant, en tered n demurror to tho Injunction case. noth cases nro tho outgrowth of the proposition of tho Port of Tillamook tn Impose tho amount of tax above In dicated to defray halt the expense of removing thoblg bar at tho mouth of tho bay. Tho government estimated that It would cost $1,000,000 to re move the bnr, and was willing to pay hall It the Port of Tillamook would pay tho other half, Judgo nenson has dismissed tho Andorson rase and glvon Judgment In favor of tho Port of Tillamook for costs nnd dlsbtirsomonts In tho action, 3rd haa sustained tho demurrer to tho Injunction In the Leach caae. The court doea not give an opinion, but holds, In effect, that when the propo sition of tho largor Port of Tillamook vaa submitted to (the rotors and favored by a majority of the votert, It automatically dissolved the old port. Ho says In hit conclusions of law that tho old port has not attempted to ex ercise any powers conferred by the legislature, but haa acquiesced In the formation of tho Port of Tillamook aa reincorporated. OFFICIALS KILLED IN RAILROAD WRECK PAKADIHP. HODAH AND HM'KKTH Wo ino a compfoto stock of sodas and awect goods' Wo sell for cash. Wn makn nafn dcllvorr In the fore- noon and onoln tho afternoon to any part of tho ally free. Wo con lave yo'u money. Not whnt they call "hot air," hut wo can h6w you. Yours an before, for business, 5J-21 I THE FULTON MAHKET. "NA Phono 123. GRANT NOT FOR CANTEEN OUT DOES NOT OPPOSE IT Coiiininniler of Kitotoni Dejiarinient of L'nltetl HUH- Army Imu' Hlate meiit Outlining Hi Position on tviliiiK Joy Water lo Military NEW YOHK, Jan. 22. In order o mako his position clear aa to tho army canteen, General Frederick D. Grant, commanding the department of tho East, has.lisucd the following state ment: "I would not oppose the restoration of tho canteen In the army; I would uot advocate It. I am neither for nor against Its restoration. My position I neutral. "After the canteen was abolished I thought there were bad results, andi In several official reports I advocated Its restoration, my Idea being that the canteen was tho lesser of two evils. Now the canteen has been abol ished eleven year. The enlisted per sonnel of the army baa changed, and tho enlisted men nro adjusted to the condition of not having the canteen. Ittcauso of that I am neutral." Don't feel that you can afford to Ignoro the wo! faro of tho city by sit ting smug and letting your neighbor do all tho agitating. AltNOI.I. SKKKH HIS OWN SCALP On next Wednesday ovcnlng at the pavilion Clair Arnold, champion roll .r fkatcr of Southern Oregon, who won tho last compilitlvo race at that resort In 3.0, pi ig a mtle, will ry to clip tomcthltic fiom that record. MOUSE CIIKEItKD BY NEWS OP HIS PARDON ATLANTA, Ga.. Jan. 20. Banker Meno's pulse Is far below normal, but but tho patient was cheered by tho pardon nowa. Ho Insists he will re cover. PHYSICIANS LEAVE TOWN BECAUSE jFEW CASES Hrttlentcat la Slate of Washington la Ho Healthy That Medical Men Shako It for More Prottable Pas ture Xo Hick Polka There WALLA WALDA, Wash., Jan. 22. Prescltt, Wash., twenty mile from here, finds Itself so healthy and cases of sickness so few and far between tha Dr. Probst Is leaving for Elphrata and Dr. C. L. Stubbs for Farmlngton, both having given up tho struggle. Thla leaves the town without a physician, tho nearest ono being In Walla Walla. Familiar Figure In Suffers Painful Pat, assistant to the circuit court stouographer, It. M. Klchardson, Is off color Just at present. Ills standard color la a deep brown, and that has not bcon affected, but he Is not up to par In the matter of physical activity. Ills left hind prop got badly cut, and he limps now most pitifully. Pat Is part Chesapeake spnnlol and part field spanlol, but as to which Is which de ponent salth not. Pat Is. the prop- erty of Mr. nichardson. and la a famll " figure about tn court nouswr espe ALL IN PRIVATE CAR HUNG TO KKAB OF TRAIN WHICH HTOP8 ANOTHKIl TRAIN AND CRASHES INTO IT TUB PA. KXaKRB K8CAPB KINMUNDY, Ills., Jan. . Jasaea T. Harahan, ex-presldeat of the Illi nois Central, waa killed In a wreck at 1 o'clock thla morning here. Ha waa In a private car. Others killed were: T. O. afelchor. second vice president of the Rock la land; B. D. Pierce, general solicitor of the Hock Island; E. E. Wright of the Illinois Central legal department, snof Luke Wright. The party waa traveling la a Rock Island private car attached to nilaeus) Central-train No. 25. Tho train stopped at Klaaiaady. when southbound train No. S era shad nto tho rear of tho private ear. All wero Instantly killed. Tho other passengers of the trala escaped Injury. Haraban's body waa thrown through the car roof and waa terribly cut. Pierce's body was lying near by. Wright's and Melshor'a corpse were pinned In the wreckage, paasea eeri removing all tho remains of the victim. An official Illinois Central state- imnt from Chicago declaraa that aa passengers wero Injured at Klamaady. Engineer 8tewart und hla Iretaan were hurt. Misunderstanding of orders waa given as the cause of the accident BRYAN AFTEI HO ENEIY INTMIMNHT COUNB OncTiMe Bosaewhat Peeved Oter I-rrasunlvaal National man to Buy la Baad Wi LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 11. Dea- ptte the failure of hla flght before tha democratic national committee to oast Committeeman Colonel Jamea E. Ouf- fey of Pennsylvania from that body, William J. Bryan roturna to the at tack In hla periodical. The Commoner. Ho says: "When the reader reviews tho hla tory of that contest he la not surprised that tbo party And a difficulty la con ducting a successful campaign uader the leadership of a committee that can Insult the democrats of Pennsylvania by forcing upon them such a man aa Colonel Guffey. Some of aaVey'a vtrength came from commltteeasen representing the aame predatory In fluences which are backing Guffey. These men are a menace to the par ty's success." Guffey Is a prominent oil man of 1'lttsburg, and has always been rated ns a man of great wealth until of late years, when he encountered soma financial difficulties. One of Bryan'a reasons for constantly assailing tha colonel Is believed to be that bo rate the colonel tn the claaa with those who represent predatory wealth. Cryan Is wealthy himself, but coa Rtantly wield the hammer In the ef fort to condemn others who poaaeaa the price. Circuit Court Injury To His Fob cially In the court room during the trial of cases. Despite bis Injury he was on duty today, but not getting around with hla wonted activity. The flushing of part of Mala street Saturday night waa a good move by the city authorities. Let It ba aoa tlnued, nnd have Main street elanm and creditable as a well paved at deservea to be. Aoathv of the ballot caster la what maVea thn ward hattl? WaZ fat. ' i 1