v '. foe rfafo. nvrvum mr nn HMTKU I'HWHt NEWS SKHVIC j EVKNIIW NKWST PRINT THE NEWS. JOTT NMTOKT Hlilli Vmr No. I,al KLAMATH YMAM, OH MOON, NATl ItllAV, JANUARY HO, I til ftjeittwg ESPEE GETS BUSY ON HEELS OF HILL SEEKING SUPREMACY MlltMMI I'MIKO UHKAT NORTH- wis mann weapons, which auk mink other tiiax new iuh.iioahm Thu Houtliern Pacific company has it 111! trcognlied the efforts of James J, Hill to obtain mi entry Into Call foinU. In Oregon tho 1'ailflc Ureal West tri, the ptobabto nam of J. J. Hill's 'allforma iranacouuneniai roan, la Viae pinjerlrd lo connect Eugene llh Coo Hay and thn Coo Hay :er iltory Huneyor of Ihli Pacific Orra't tVeatrrn ar already working In the noilliirn part California, attriupl lit In mi out a rout for Hill llnei entry Into llil clly before 1916. And the Hotith'rn Paclfta iiiiupanr I IkIiI lug Mill llli Hill' own weapon, ami ihn cana ate new railroad. Fit nr line working out of or lnard Kugmoara being projnricd ty lb Southern Pacific or llarrliimn Hit. The' ate The Oregon Kaatcrn, hlch It building lh Houthrrn 'a rlSe'i rut-off between Ktlgrtin anil Kltnulh Falls, Tim Oregon Klectrlr. which li balMInc touth from Hat mn, anil which sill connrrl Kugenn with I'ortUnil, ltd which' li alil to he. a llarrlman tattfprlae, brcatiiw of Ihn fart that tniSjr of Hi atuckholdera am eien tlally llarrlman men. The Willamette Farlfle, which I Ut Houtliern Pacific's tin between Btttn and Coo Hay, and which la la miMt direct rltal of lh Pacific Ureal Weitrrn. Tho Oregon lUalrrn, which will connect with tho Oregon Hhnrt Line, a alillnrlly llarrlnian rnlerprlao, on Ik raatrrn border of I tin stale, and kalM throunh Malheur canyon and trrou Central Oregon to Eugene. Tt Portland, Kugenn and Kaatcrn. I foru llin iplratlon of IliU twpr. inoiilh, When tlila linn la completed Klnm nth Fnlla will lm on t lir main Htm of I Ini Koulhcrii I'aclrifl between port, land and Han Fraurlani, and nut until tli n Hill purrhnau of tirinlnu1 farll. Illei at Klamath Fnlla did (In, nr. rlman llnea eatabllah tlila main Itni. IMllllt An llliiktmlloti of Ihn Houllmni Pa. clflc.'a work iipon Ha Cooa lav Inv. alon la found In Ihn fact that contract crn rrrentl)- let fur tho bulldlna- nf thn flrat 140 mllcKiif thn OriKon Kaat- rrna croiaatali. linn from Vain in i:ur.ni. Thla will Klm thn llarrlman linn a dlrrct outlet to ths Kaat from I li WIHniiirtlit Vallny, and may ha ui n thn main Him t.itwn.n ',rt. If.liit and thu Kaat Thn road la di'a tlnrd to riinnrrl tln Houttirrii ,arlflr'a llitw It mt at or nrar Crr-acrnt, a- ahort illalanrn aoulh of I.'iir-piiii. And It la not iinllki'tx that a imlnt north of Crrarrnt and nrarrr Kuaenr will hn Ii-cIpiI aa Ihn wratrrn trrinllilia of llila road It la ratruUtnl hjr railroad nftl. Halt that It l lakn four yrnra to Inilld thn lino from Vain, ihn raitnrn Inrmlniia. to Ihn wralrrn dpatlnatlon. Thn HID road Ihn 1'arlnr. (Irrat NVratnrn U iroJrrtd to Inilld from Kunnlip to CiMia Hay nlotiK thn aame Knnnral routn that haa Inrrn ad(iitrd liy Ihn Hnuthnrn Pacific. Thn Portland, Cuxmn and Kaitpru la without douht a morn iirrlrnllnua rhlprprlap than la apparrnl, Thla con. crrn la hulldlni: lu-lwwn Monron and KiiKnt, and la known to lm harknl li llarrlman Intrriata, It la kt,n that Ihn loKstnn road hrtwprn CorvallU and Monrop rocrntty aaad lata lh hand! of the Houthrrn Parlltr Thn linn Imtwwn klonron and Kuarnp will glen tho llarrlman ayatnm a through rWrtrlc road to Portland, Inaamuch a irrcnt plana rontpniplalo thn rlec. trincatlnn of all tho aorallpd NVmt Bldn llnra Mwrrn Portland and Cor vallla. Thla will enable thn Houthrrn Pa cific In mnpt thn Oregon Klrctrlc, Ita Hill rival road, on rijual Icrina for Ihn told Ihn, governor ha hnd li'oti work Ink In loyglng ranupa In Oregon and Wnahlngtoii. Hla inothur In In dijclln lug hi-flltti, hu aald, After talking thn Inmllpr oviir with her hn docldod It would lie thn aufpat plan nnd thn plan mol roiiduclvo to pnnroful living for Him to romn hack and mrvn out hli limn. tJndtir thu rulra ho will havu liU full year and n tinlf lo anrvn. Itnlalngrr nrrlvml at Hid pnnlton llnry an hour nflnr ho Inft thn itnv. rniir'a ortlrn, and told Hupnrlntcnd mit Jnmn ho wna tlrml of hiding, and Hint hn wanlrd In iliiir hlmanlf rii he oiild look thn world In thn farn Jniui-a aald hla win nil luminal caon, and Hint n, would ataud a uood rlmiirn of IivInk riTomcnilfd for pn ruln nfli-r he hud iprrtl n rmninahlo limit Hn nddi-d that hn lvlivd n man of Hint kind ought to lm Klvnn n rhntirn JURY TAMPERING CHARGE IS MADE rniiAviTH oitii:ni:i nv jvikik in:xHo.v ah to APPiuiAtni ok I'MIVII llltAMIKMIt'IUi IJV KltA.NK J. HCIIMirZ pi:i.NTi:itH wii.i, n.MMii OIIOAM.ATIOV OI-' MM'AI, All pi-riotia who aro actlvnlr enrnr- l In tho printing trado will mept Bun dy tvi'iilng nl 7 30, at thn V. O. Hiullh Jul) prlntliiK iilnlillihiiii'nt. All preliminary mpa Imtn ln tnkvn, and It la hop d Hint llil. mirlliiK nr- kxmi.uikmi win in iiiiiiiieici, unicera nr In Ihi I'lrrtnl. rotialltutlon nnd hy lai adoplid, and Ihn rliarler appll cation aaklng fur a rlmrter will ho forwarded to headiiunrtrra at Indian apolli. Tim Whltn Pellran Orrhritra of all idifra will furnlah tho imulc at llouatoii'i tonight. PETERSON AFTER SUPERINTENDENT fwixapAi, of nnwAxzA Haiooiii IIM'IIIM TO HKKK KU'1'HIJL'AN NtlMIXAnoNKOIt OHJ.VTY Kit rr.vrioxAi. iikau wklfh li building an nlrctrlc road I heavy tratne centering In and about from Wunto-. and which will prnvldn Kngenn. And It la all conceded to another line to Portland via Corval.tahow that tho Houthrrn Pacific I pre- III and the Houthrrn Pacific' ao-. ... r ; .. ralW writ .id. Ilia. iConllnued en Page Q Hurri pri'irnlod In Win, flprouln,' rrnldrMofthpHolilhern Parincroin.innlPlin LllPITlUC UlIDV Mr. inow that the Oregon Klrctrlc UUUDII10 lUQIIIlL. flLflRI .in ........ ....... i ' :H;: OF ELUDING HIS PURSUERS "- '- "'""J ..Ml. Hll 1-flllt III iprottl, tin been dona between Halimj b4 Albany, and a portion nf tho work !- u under way between Albany and1 Euirto, t I. H,0 opinion nf Hproutoi ata either llarrlman offlcJala that car III be running brtwren Portland and Kuiene by nnt fall. Work on thn Klamath Kalla cut-off' HAI.KM, Jan. JO Dlacouru'd with nu beta under way for morn than 'a life of dodging and hiding, and an lint to Halrni anil llrtmHa to (lov mior Anilnua In tlewr Ilia Her. onl mi Hn fan IteJ'dn HU MiKhrr, Ulmla In rVIIIng Heallh to lean, and will nrobablr l fin liked beforn thn riplratlon of lIJ. Tti JM.T of 1 i i iaw approilmatidy 'ottr-llve mllr of road completed, M the priaent iar, according to Vintfarn Pacific oftlclali. will ana tho NBalalng fifty uillei of road complet M. There li Httlo doubt hut that Ku. te li to bo the headquarter for the onthitn Paclfln rentrallied fight nwrt Hill, aa thn Houtliern Paclfl! ffcemiy Improved facllltlca for MMHag trnlm at thnl point, and haa tty plant for now Improvement bo- Ion to havu lila record cleared so he will lv ahlo In go homo to hi mother and llvo In peartt, Krid Helilnger, a convict who eacaped from tho inltun. llnry Auguit 30, 1909, hni conio hack to Halrm and reported lo (lovernor Weal, After telling thn governor hla atory ho waa advlied to tako thn car and report to Huptrlntundcnt Jauie. Ilolilnger waa sent up from Waah Ington county March 24, 1909, on a charge of larceny from a atoro. Five mouth a later ho bado tho guard adieu and loft for part unknown. He Roosevelt To Run "If Drafted" Said To Be Ex-President's Attitude Now Ui-ltM Pre, 8f,M WW VOHK, J,n. ao.-Colonl noowvilt wa, ft, ,,1. omco for 10 flril ra today lnnny monthl) Th)i u 'incant, following declaration by "uowiior Kort nnd KvorUt Colby ', , ' J,,ey. utter a vlilt to tho '4mlt that ho win run "If drafted." conw. ri'"0M r u, oo.0Telt talk, wIM r'un WIV' f ,0M,p "ul Uryn llooaevcip for U, prorideB. ilaSi . ,,u'n,l0 on and on con. made known hla mind definitely "rerd to tho pro.ect of a noml- UW ,or n"Hl, whtthw k wu fur It, either Actively or receptively. In tho pat lie ha dated Hint ho wai not candldute, hut with rovlvul of hi imino recently there ha been n Hither well defined feeling Hint ho would run If urged. Many hellovo that ho It tho mint vlgoroua and vlrllo flguro In tho republican party today. It. A. M. lUMUIKK MKKTINO Klauiatli Chaptor No. 35, It. A. M., will confer the Mark and Paat Matter decreet at Hi nicotine tblt ovonlng. Vltltlng companion are cordially In vited to attend. dood floor and the bett mutlo In town at lloutton'a tonight. Announcement la niado of the can- oldacy of Kreil Peteraon for the re 1'itbltrnn nnmlnallnn for auperlntand rnt of thn county ichoota, Kver alnco tbero waa a- poulblllly of Superln Irndent Hwan not being a candidate for re-etcctlon, tho friend of Mr. Pc Irraon have been urging him to make Hi" rare, and hla announcement come a tint remit of tho flnnl deterinlna. I'on of Mr. Hwnn to nay out, which hua juit been made public Mr Peteraon, who li the principal of thn Honanta tcliooli, li a- young cmn full of energy, and conildercd otio of tho beit nnd moit progrenlvo lenrhera In thn county. Hla achool rrrord la abiolute ly clear, and ho ha made good In every poiltlon he haa I Id, Ho ramo lo Klamath county about eight )car ago front Illlnoli. After filling poaltlom In tho rural tcliooli of tho county, ho spent two t-ar In the .Vornial irhnol, to com. pit to hi education In thli line, re turning two )ean ago In accept the ptlnclpntahlp nf thn Honanta ichoot Tlcli ho hn nlletl with inch aatlifac- llon (hat the people of tho upper country cannot any too much In hli favor. Kver) one with whom ho comes in r'.titnrt la linpreiaed with hi evident nhtllty nnd entliuilaani In hit cho;n lirofiiilon. Judgo Henry V. Ilcnion of tho clr- cull court ha ordered Dlitrlct Attor ney l)e v, Kuykendall to prepare tirr.davlta- relating to tho action of I'm nk J. Bchmlti, who I alleged to hare approached Juror Kloyd Uran- detihurg In tho caao of tho Farmer' Implement ft Bupply company v. the Houtliern Pacific Hallroad company, which reiultrd In tho Jury hanging f to C Bchmlti, a former employe of thn Houtliern Pacific' freight depart' incut In Ihl city. I now doing cler ical work for City Recorder Thomnu V Mi hot. During tho trial ho U alleged to have approached llrand'n- limn nnd told him that "llicro wai nothlnK to tho caw, and there wolild In nothing In It, nnywny" for tho plaintiff In caao a verdict wa ren dered for that party. Ilrnudenbiirg I alleged to have"told H limit that ho waa a' Juror In tho mar, and therefore could not tltacun It Hrhinltt I clalmcit thereupon to Imvo kuld Hint ho knew Ilrnndenburg waa n Juror, and for that very rcaaon wni tntklng to him about tho matter. During tho trial of tho caie Judgo Percy It. Kelly called the Juror and thn nto.-ney In oa tho matter, and llintidriiburg aald hi mind would not ho Influenced toward a verdict by the ocoirrcnce. Tho matter wa pai?d over at the time, Judgo Kelly tnaklns n note of It and leaving It to Judgu Heuton. n Judge Kelly wlihed to lake, tho train tho next morning for hi home. PREACHER BETS FOURTEEN YEARS FOR SHOOTttfG GIRL yet to aerve, and I expect to giro my full tlrno to tho work until my ue ceaor I ready to take hold of the off! co." Tho achooli of Klamath county linro mndo n wonderful advanco dur Ing Mr, Hwan'a iiiporlntendency, and through hi effort ho ha won recog nition for Klamath county among tho educator of the tato. It I very Im portant Hint Klamath county aecuro a competent roan to carry on the good work begun by Mr. Swan. Don't forget the dance at Hourton'f tonight. White Pelican Orchcitra. PARCELS POST NOW UNDER ADVISEMENT laiMIIl MKJf CO.VUKM.N T4VT I.N FKDKIMTIO. roXVKJfTIOJf tMfnrk llrongtit on Wlie-i Delegate Knler Into Dlaraialnn of Rraola. lin OptM-ming- I'mldVnt'a Rale Agalnut Federal Men OrgaaUlag HPOKANK, Jan. 20. Preildent Taft and tho ndmlnlitratlon were loaated hero In two reiolutlon paiwd hy tho Btate federation of !abor. Ono dclcguto, formerly a naVy yard nmclilnlat at ilremcrton, laid: "Uncle 8am la not n white man to work for. Ill gotd-braided bono don't know their crnft, but are man driver. Thero waa not a much (train In Teddy' Job a In mlno at Ilremcr ton. and I could not attend a banquet nfter an honeit day' work. Tho attack wa brought on In a dli cuialon of reiolutlon oppoilng iclcn tlflc management In federal ihopi and tho gag rule of Preildent Taft'a pre venting government employe from organizing for better condition. nat. To show hi dcilro to llco up to the concordat, Pope 1'lua- created the patriarch a cardinal "In pactore," hop. Ing thla evidence of good faith on hi part would Improve condition to iuch an extent In Portugal that It would oon be poulbla to announce hi ele vation, Initcad, however, the decree hanlihlng tho patriarch followed, and It li now doubtful If the popo will ever ho ablo to announco hi elevation to tho aacrcd college. FOREIGNERS AHEAD TIIIIOI'OH IiOWBK RATE THAN OIVKN FOB DOMRHTTC HAI7I IIHiUi FOR REFORM ASK MR. VICK AT te?M THAM COST Special to The Herald WABHLSOTON, D. C, Jaa. 10 Notwlthitandlng the liking of the pee- plo pcnonally for Preildent Taft, Thouiand of dollar were paid to iiirface Main itreet with bltullthlc at- moit a year ilnce. Have you aen the Fanner and merchant alike have ncrcior dime that have covered It re-1 prcmod Irritation In the bearing of cently and been tracked Into every-1 tho tenate poitofflco committee, aow bodv' doorwaraa 11. When, O, when, will the new tele phone directory bo out? It hat been I card of for week, but not een. MONEY ASKED IN SUIT BE6UN United Preit Service VI8AI.IA, Cal.. Jame Henry Hood, a former preacher, wai tentenced thla morning to fourteen year at I'oliom, for ihootlng hi iliter-ln-law, Mum Klltnhcih Flagler, at Tulare. Hood pleaded guilty to a man It to murder. Judge Wallaro declared Ihcrd waa no oitenuatlnn In tho clrcumitance. and gave the limit icnttnco. RIDOIFI FOR PHILIPPINES POPES' POSSIBLE CHOICE AlMwIollr Delegate lo Citjr of Meilco May Mucvtel lte Momlguor Agiua, .Who DM1 lleforo He Oild Tko IVIronlo' Waablngtoti gutlon United Pre Borvle ItOMK, Jan. 20, Admliilon wai mndo In Vatican dlplotnatlo clrclea Hint Monslgnor Hldolfl, apoitollo dele- gMo to Mexico City, I being conald- crd by Pope Plu a lucceaaor of tho Into Monilgimr Aglu. apoitollc dele gnto to tho Philippine. Monslgnor Aglua had been decided upon at Rucccuor to Cardinal Pal- cnnlo at Waihlngton whon the former died. Momlguor HldolfVe promotion would probably reault In Monslgnor llogglanl being sent to Mexico city. Dr. and Mr. George II. Merrymaa reinrnod lait oveulog from Portland. where they hava been for toe wok, SWAN QUITS RACE FOR HIS OFFICE COt'XTY hCHOOli Hll'KHIXTKXI i:T MAKK8 AN'.OU.VCKME.VT IN JlSTlfK TO lOeJ81UUC CAN- DIDATKfl OXK FARMER HKINUti ACTION i AGAIXHT AXOTHKR, WHO 18 Al htXitM TO OWK FlltHT FtJR IIIMJi SKTTUiD The Chronicle announce that It carcth not a "tinker's damn." Con alderlng the .cheanaeaa of tlaamlth'a 'Waaiewiar''we rise to retaark that Oil attitude Is closely ailed to on of abiolute carelessneae. Suit hat been entered by Attorney K. U Klllott for E. U Hopkln a gal mt J. W. DcPuy In the office of County CI rk Chnrlr It. Do l-ap. Tho pur k)m of the action Is the recovery of money. It I alleged that DuPuy for merly worked the Hopkln farm, and that Hopkln paid bill for Du Puy, which led to the latter' becoming In debted to tho owner of the farm. Tho amount aiked I about $1,400 and In tercit. Iloth men aro farmer lltlng near Midland. AKItOPUiXK IX CONGO LAND IB LATEST INNOVATION llabrrt LatluuM, Faaaoaja Frcacli Avi ator, Is oa Way to Africa Territory With Several Macfelac, awd Expects to fio llaallng for Blc DAIlltOW GUM HIIOE MEN t'.MIER GRAND JVHT PROBE t.'nltcd Pren Service INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 20. The grand Jury li probing the activity of Darrow't Ilcutenantt. Several Inves tigator of the McNtmara defense la tho I-ot Angelc trial, Including C. P. Cooncy of Chicago testified. The In- vcdlgatlon It reported to be based on Harrow' auertlon that when the McNamarat confttted that In view of derclopmentt no other course was open to them. The government de tlret to learn If Darrow't agentt know anything connecting "higher-ups" In labor circlet. ItKII MEV8 LE.PTE.R RAUL On February 22d a leap year ball will he given at Houston's opera house by Modoc Tribe No. SO, Improved Or dcr of Ucd Men. A woman floor man- ngcr I to be In charge, and among the .'enturfi an Indian war dance It piomlted. County Superintendent of Schoolt J. Q. 'Swan made the announcement today that ho would not bo a candl dato for re-election to that offlco. "In Juitlco to pnatible candidates I feel that I should mako this an nouncement," tald Mr. Swan. "Whllo I shall always continue my Interett Ui eiluratlonal matter and tho develop ment of tho schools of the county, tho necessity for dovotlng my time to my family and personal Interest caused mo to nrrlvo at thl determination. I fool very grateful to the peoplo of tho entire county for the tupport given mo during my term of office In my work for tho Improvement ot tho hchool system of the county, Al though I can too where greator lm rrovtiments can be made In tho .irhools, jet i feel conilderablo prldo In thb ndvauro we have already tnado, nnd trust to seo this Improvement and growth rontlnuo In the years; to come, until Klamath county takes It place at the head of the counties ot thu itnte. A great deal of work Is yet necessary In the ruraPschools ot tho county, and I hope to see my successor able to dovoto a great deal of hla Unto to our country schools, I bailors that all these districts should have nlno months of school, tho same aa tho city tchoolt do. "The tact that I will not seek an other term does not mean that from now oa my Interest will cease la the school work. I have nearly a yaar I'nlted Press Service PARIS, Jan. 20. Hubert Latham, tho famous French aviator, hat been charged with the minion to itudy the uo ot the aeroplano In the Middle Congo country, and with this In view It now on hi way to Africa with Sev ern! machine. He will scout for big gamo In the machines. Ho wai the first man In the world to go hunting In n flying machine. POPE PIUS EMBARASSEO BY PAlRMRCmXPULSIOII Slncv lUiilatuueat of Chnrch IXgaitary of Llahoa by Portugal Authority Church'a Uwler Is I'aable to Make Known Name of Successor llOMD, Jan. 20. That Pops Plus feel greatly embarrassed by the situ ation In which he hat been placed by tho expuliibn from hit diocese for two years of tho patriarch of Lltbon by Portugueto authorities was learned on high Vatican authority. Thtt Is due to tho fact that at the recent consistory the popo created the patriarch of Lis bon a cardinal "In pactore," which signifies that the name ot the new cardinal It being withheld until aa op portune moment arrives for announc ing It. The elevation ot the sacred collegt of tho patriarch ot Lisbon was made because In the concordat between Por tugal and the Holy Bee, which Portu gal hat failed to keep, the Archbishop ot Lisbon was alwaya to be a eardl- ITUUM PARLIAMENT MAY MEHjRIS MONTH liiti-iuletl November Meeting Was lnlionrtl llerauat' Kmbarraamrt Wan Frnrrtl From Soclallat Optical. Hon m War With Turkey I'nlted PrCM Service ROME, Jan. 20. Premier Olollttl hai inado It known that he Is taking steps looking toward the convocation ot parliament tho latter part of Jan uary. should he And conditions favor able to that end. Parliament was to haro convened the last week la No vember, but the premier feared that socialist opposition In tho chamber to tho war In Tripoli might prove an em barrassment to the government. It it believed that tho government now haa tho situation at Tripoli to well In hand that opposition would not em bnrrass tho government In carrying on tho war. being conducted by the chairman of that committee, Hon. Jonathan Bourne, that Postmaster Osasrat Hitchcock, with approval of ths Sfsat dent, continues to sdd countries nsder agreement to transport mcrchaadJss by mall for lets than postage charged for domestic parcels; making ths rate for such countries 12 cents per poaad or fractional part thereof, whereas the rate within the United States Is 1C cents per pound. Congress has btcn criticised by people who errone ously believed such arrangements wero made by congress. Farm Journals supported by the ad vertising of retail mall order houses have printed riot-breeding statements that foreigners who come to America and have occasion to sand or receive parcels from across tho tea aro gives privileges not eUoyed by onr hosts people In a domestic way. Reprista tatlves of the Orange and similar or ganization have declared In the sen ate hearings upon parcels post that. congress should either provide ths tame rato for domestic tervlco or pr vent. If possible, the postmaster gen eral from adding remote and ualat portant foreign places in such agrstv menu. Some of the representatives; of mercantile organisations. beHsvtag that the postmaster general haa bssa doing these things to add to tho clam or for parcels post, bars bssa thiak Ing things abOBt Us postotnes de partment, which, If thought la prist, would probably bar thssa trass" tlta malls. Such a scarcity ot isfnti Hon exists la Us mlsds of ths aesfts genarally aa to Just how thssa thistjs bars been brought about, rsgsrdlsss ot hauls In America belsg so mash longer thss those of European cons- tries generally, that the Introduction ot a resolution ot Inquiry la coagrsss calling for full InformaUoa for ths benefit of the public would not ha ssjr- prisiag. Merchants ars tbrnlaeaatly sastv tlonlnr that ths National IsdstarVaa or Retail Merchants, tint stsalssti I about half a million retail msrsaaata,- is apt to become aa actlvs factor la the coming campaign; regarding ths subject of paresis post as mors Im portant than say party question. The) ) very casabls secretary of this organ- " Irstlon Is J. R. Moorshsad of Lsilng- ' ton, Mo. Tho wholesalers of ths conn- ' try are also affectively organised ha tf opposition to parcels post, nadsr ska r fj nams ot tho American Lssgsa sf As sociations, ths work of ths organise Hon In Washington being la shars T ct E. B. Moos. i Hearings of the senate postages ,l sommlttee ars yet betas held. Tbnf-J develop some Intsrsstlng view astata. ;J Ons of ths natlsaal tarai lConclnutdon""Page 4) Cummins Candidate For President And Would Appreciate Nomination 4 United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 20. (lovernor Cummins hat announced hit presidential candidacy. Hit state ment In tho main part says: "it now seems probable that over two candidates will be seriously con sidered In the national convention. Under these conditions, It the repub licans ot Iowa believe I am Sited to be presented to ths convention aa a candidate for the presidential nomina tion, and desire to present me, I will appreciate It nnd accept their confi dence as gratifying evidence of their faith In my promise to ssrvs ths beat I can for the general welfare of ths people." Capital Htaadpsttrr Elated United Press Berries WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. IS. Standpatters srs elated at ths M ! annniiiiAikntnail lliMiauai V aa lBsfc lotte's manager, ssys: ."in ins announcement uu purpose to become a favorite toasts dldate. This will make ao d In the La Follette campaign. La lette Is In ths race to stay." -La- Folletteltes thlak ths Cu, announcement makes an ant Iowa delegation certain. Thsy dc there Is entire cordiality bstwat L Follette aad Ousjatas a i. "(t:: i - N"! i r a1 Mt '-hf: t-t i X v . ii.'; . " w V