efalo. Hiirri.iKi) my Tiiie i mii:i i'iiicmh nkwh hkhvick ICVKNINO NKWSPAFawW I'HINT THE NEW". NOT HMTOB Hlttli Vr-ar N. 1,HI0. KLAMATH FAI.LH. OHKUON. i'KIOAV, JANUAHV 10, 1018 PHc. Mtn Casta Ik fUetiiiQ fl sal Warn. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR WOULD ORGANIZE l IITION IS SIGNED n iniMi tonhiiit or mumhhhm io taki: FUiuiii:ii nti.tm iovin rntnxTiNo local- niMMANDHV Ul.nl glvca every Indlentlon of bo- . lt ,, ,,, fvtn 1( no n aurceaafilt effort to organist! nllipy uhillrnttt uiiiinndry of Kiilslit Tmplnr In' Another (unfMi inn fur tomorrow 1 4 city lit now 011. planned. meeting " till ''I'1 "" '"' l,l, evening nt Itir Mnsnnlc lodge, ok, nt lilrlt tltnn It U lupectod In rrl plana for the, organisation run ICitlghl wlio nru centered hrrw Hit oilier lililtK (if tlln United HlnteS wi'll na I'legnii, Mini who ntn nut. u m.liltite n r.iminnmlr)' must i know 11 their petition to tho . Haling inuimnndry which I vi , is 1 otiiiitntiilry No I nl Aahluml o it n fnlr showing mi tint pell. - irh a usually nn)thlug nboie Kii'kIiK Templar, n algtiern t fur n Indue, till) neighboring andrv tiauntl) nrta favninhl.i on million An theie nro ntrindy It-net lo tin. pellllnti, niiit ie a-speitf-d. there seelll to tin ' .ii of tlin nrlliin of tin' Aililnint . - I Ti. (Mall JM'iffrliil, tlio ixitltloil ll 1- mil to tin nrnlnt romiimtwli-r of rr In tint Kitilo. which In tlila - HUtit eminent Ktr llnnrr H ' ' ii If Im It fnxntatil)' illtpoaitl ' cnnt tlir irtlilon'r n illirnan- itu work, on wlilili It may prur. lie ntll tin Riatul IoiIko Kintila It i Irr II" xranil ImlKi' rnnnot nppiovo rli.vlrta riplliiK wtilln It la In . t ti nnil tlila will Im H'ttvliltrr if, nt I --tip If tho other atop prolltn' U3' tn Ilio rlmrtrr urn aurri'aafiil, i ftmrliT will I in Rrnntnt nt ttio ' ' ii.tlrftloil, nmt In the inrnntlinn, " ' timtiilry atlmnta rnn io prnc- rk 1 fiisnrra of tin. petition nrir Alex. a ' Martin Jr.. I. Jn)r Kimpp lleo. I v iii i:. I.. Ctllott. Tliiitunat W. "r ' I. I. Trimx, llvnn II. It- MlllMirii Knnpp, Clmrlra II II" Wllllta, (leeri: T Until. " v timin H Wiinlfiii, Dr. W. A. - " ' JiiltiM A Mnililnx. Clinrlra Vi;,, Wiirilrii T. J. Allen. C, II. ttiii-i, w. r ti mih,, j. 11, 0. T)lur nnil w 11 perry. llt ir.i:f h.vow mix on HIMMIT Of MOI'.NTAINH Sl.- lt.it.lti llixii.-aleuiler. l(.-Mirl a I tuilliiuiif llepulnll, llenullfiil IMe. M'-nt 11. 'Dili k n. I'lie l'it-1 011 Ti f Nitinie' Ctemtloii. ,lcnl," I M.I.H CIITV, Ore.. Jnn, IP Ac- A current laaiut of Harper' Week rt0uiK to report of Slluts llnalu I) snld! linn, atinder. snow lie (o 11 depth of "Tbo iinino of (loiernor Woodrow fioi.i il.rro lo m.t feet nn Ilio summit, Wilson na our rntidldnlu for tho ire III uil'-.-a nhoiu Hill city, litem-)' Is tnki 11 from tho head of tbrso I' is iiiipiiMlhln to K.'t through ex- rolumiii lu tespoustt lo n stiitemeul lift on horauluirk. Snow Im heun'from him lo tho effect Hint our sup- known lo remain on tho summit mi ll! April nnd Mny. ' en s to pny n good price nnd get " rood nrllrlo. This I o lu city af fairs na well nn lu prlvato enterprises. Carnegie Library Looks Likely and Federal Building May Come With It The proapcctH nro vory bright' for "''Mug n Curneglu library for Klnni "Hi ntll., on thu UH.uriiiueK of tho "i'r-'seiiiiiiivo of Mr. Cnrneglo nnd l' lieiliioii secured hy I lit) Woiuen'i ..llniirj Club, tlio county court inndo n pV) ihl year for tho Htiiiport of 11 Hlirury. which will rulto oven 11 liiwor iiiiioiiiit limn ileuuitidod by Mr, Cur lie file, Thit mnttur of uciirlnu tlio urocllon "' a building In to bo tukon up nt 'in-', mid thoro U vory llttlo doubt ."it (hut (ho effortH will bo tuccens '"I. It Ih iiiUKUHted Hint tlio county '"nrt might bo por.tindud to donnto i sllu for tho bulldliig nn tlio piouunt it'iiil hoiiHo block, olther 011 tlio cor-iiui- of Third nnd Klamath or Third wa.vih hovaiiv -to gun- Oil IIK'l.l, "Vf.Mf Till: YOU" liiiifilnl Pn-iiilei- Viiiiii Hlil Knl rimU , lllii Jell .Vol H of MilM-tlml Nell '""""" "'"' """ "'"' ; Ulillffl I'lt-aa Hervlrn I'KKIN, J mi t:i Tli.. iiniilliiK r Ilin Imperial (Inn endnl In n disagree, menl mi thy iii'tloii of nliillcnlloii. I .ltiini.rliit I'rufiilitp Vinm ,i,.tlrt..l n... iitc.Mii Hii:.Mi:it hi:i.i:h Ml CONTKAIItMl IS I'llI'VII I'x'llnu llluli lii lliiiirlHHi ,MiIiiimiI Out' Arllim or 'I'oikiii limit. In liiiiilniiltii: I'.i'hk i, for limi i:i IkiiiK" . ln) i Atmnuiil. I'lllleil I'im. K.rvlrr I'AIIIH, Jnn IV llnllnn torpi-ilo ImihI Iiiii aelinl tin. rrvmli alenmer Mniiolmii. Willi nliicl).ilm hm..ii. ll'ra. Iiii'IihIIiik tw)'iily.eli;lil 'lnikli.li liurata, Ixiiiml for TunU. In AIkIi'K. The tmnt wit tnkrti In ('AKllnrl. No roiilriilKiml wna fouiul. 1'rellnK la IiIkIi hi'le. I'rolinhl)- illp. Iiitiinlk cirlintiRii of cnplliea will bo nrniiiReil for nt I'nrla or Koine. When llmt rhnilcr la retlaeil lliere oiirIiI Io he prothli'il n inenna. for keeplnR hotter Inh on the rlt) hllla WILSON TELLS HARPER'S TO nillT RfllMINR rllU ,Nn Jir.jV Iiil-nmlorll Aaplraut fur fn-.lil.-ii., n.n.l.lrn. It. Ku - Mirl to (iltit Ap-uruiiii of fliilo- initlr liiilntMiiHiit .. NKW YOltK. Jau. If r'car of bo - lus branded an Wnll street's rnmll ilnlo for thu IK-mocrnllc pt.-aldeutliil noiulunlliili rnilS'tl llolernor Wood. low Wilson of New Jerae) In deinnnd ol lleorRo llnriey, ptihllaher of llnr Iter' Weekly. Hint thnl publlratlon inp booiuliiR hla eamlldnry In ex- ...I..I..,. ll'll-....' .....l.lt... r.,.ir.wi.n. ... I, IX. ill 1 iipi... n ". .., .1 ,. , .-. ..' 1 inill.t III llir .lew Jl'ltl'J rTUHMi' snbli "(litiriinr Wilson Im a , .., minor 01 being mlareproatuted. Hu wn told Hint Western newapiiperii weru repre svullng tilm a the rundldnte of Wnll alreel biTiiuso hit n bring 'boomed' for tho'bomliintlan by Harper' Week I). ThI prompled tho gmernor In nut; Unit Colonel llnrre, tldii In k bis uindlilni-y In r'nmi men hi period- port I liijiirloualy iiffectlng hi can didacy." Tim Inxpnytr fool nil Hut city Mil. Would ynu like to have tho tnxei ro- ,dmed, Mr. Tnxpnc"r? mid Main. ThI would give the llbrn ry 11 eiy tonlrnl locnllon nud ndd to tho poi nuiiiey of tho present retnll HCCtlOII. Now Hint 11 bill Iiuh been Introduced lu congroHii nud Imektil hy tho Ore gon ilelegntlon, nuking for 11 100,000 npprnprlntlon for u fedorul bulldliiK In Kliimntti Full, It looks ns If Ilio of fmlH of hoiiio progresslvo cltUou of Kliiniiitli Kll might- bo miccessful. ThI could bo built oil tho Hnmo block nH Hut llbniry, any on thu lorncr of fourth nnd Mnlu. Ho who jmy husluon prlnclplon do not npply tir munlclpiil iIoIiikh l ot iiHiinliy man who ha lot of prop erty to pny taxes on. i immiiti:i: rilOHII.V I Oil , m:.t iii:iii:icaii iiANofin- I riimi.'rli) Itnlii'kali I .oil ro No, !)(,' I I ). (). I', Imlil IIh regular meeting i In ttt iilnlil. iiihI tint' follow lug wore iliimi'ii iih ii iiiiiiinllliii lor furnishing jtlm F.dtriinry tut ii'ii'l . wlilili will be kU'iii on iliu ut ilio or I'ehruary. I'luni CniiiilK, (Miiirm .Inlmaoii, j.Mnr, lliiRiie. Acne North Oarnr' .Virili. W. II North, I'. I.. Armstrong.! II A Cuimltt, Mih Joo Hmllli, Annul I.WIlll. I,) dill IlllllnlOll, l.llllllll Ktlllll, l.lw. W. Aiiiiii OTnrroll, fr.-il I'. Jnhuaou, .Mm. S. T. ;Huiiiriir Mr K. T. Hun n. oiin ri;i,i,(is, novr reiuiin: Klaninlli I.oiIko No. 137. I. t). O. I'., will I10I1I Ha nitulur nieetliiK tonlKlit. Tluro will Im work In tint I'lral 1I1 Kreo iitnl all 11111111I1 ra alioulil Imi pria mil to are Hid mm ili'Kn-n lentil put on llila work Vlaltlim lirntliera nro cor llnll liitlleil to api-ml tint ot lllll UK i AVERY DECLARES FOR SHIEVALTY , i:i.l. KNOW N SIO( KM.W IK TIIH j I'lltlir li:.MO( ItAT IO AN j Mil M I! HIMSI.'l.r AS Ahl'lltA.NT TO SITl i:i:il IMIt.Mi In limlittit'a laiuo of the llernht np penra the niilioiiiKoliient of Chtatvr Aer) of hla Intention 10 ho 11 rmll ilnle for tint tioiiiliiiitlou of alierllT. He la the flmt ileinorrnt to (inm. to (ho (mill with n ileflnrntlon of hla atnnil- InK In the inntler, nmt prouilac to tern! ronsldernhle Intcriat 10 tho lampalgu I fur tint nfll!,.. ulilrli Id n i.v li.n.,irf. ....-. Mr Aery ha llel In Klaumth i-ouiity for about liyj-n, and ha ! become i known to the voter. He- Miiis In the alork tiualiiiN. In lina limi .a ,,xr,,,,olm, rlmnn , ,,WJIllt, ,.. ,,,,iilnlnl with tho fnrnieu.-nnd his ifrli'iid hnre every naiutnmu Hint hla jriiuipnlKii will ho Rorous 11 ml earn- ;1'"1 - .. ... . winri i.nnininii'p w iiij iiaii- lu- rlansl Hieuuelirii ns di-Hlrnus of (111 leg tho olllrlnl shoes of Sheriff Wll-i bound of propriety nt lenst to lit the llnm II. Harne nru Oscar L. Carter, l-1'"'lnl Mntlon In life. Tho one-time ux-rhlef of police of this city, nnd common frugal prnrtlco of tho house Chnrle C. Low. of the city police "If" In the homo canning of fruit force. Ilolh nro Itepubllran. cnd vegdnbles U In grme danger of If II. St. tleorgu lllahop llnda that becnuilug n lost nrt. These articles will bo strong entries lu tho isennlorlnl Held, ll Is iiulto nosalbla !""t ' IU lrl bis Interest In thn: . .. .. , , ..... iiiiei nun nun uu nn nvpirnui ior me IkkIHoii of alierllT. Like Mr. A.ery, he Is n domocrnt. M'CliniM! t'Alt COI.I.IIHX WITH IIIO CONVKVAXCK CONTAINING convii'is, Ki:vi:it.vi, or tiulm iii:i.o iititT (lulted 1'ress Horvlco OAKKI.AND, Jan. ID. A speeding street car crushed lulu 11 barred pris on vim routnliilug thtrty-ouo convict being taken to nick uurry. four policemen, Mlclmel t'ower, W. Hodg kins, J. Leouhnrdt nud John (Ingen, were hurt. I'ollceinnu fower mny die. I'ho prisoner wero hurt. Hun died wltne.std thu crash, CHlllCII WO.MIIN'H .MAIIKI.T The Indies of Ilio ChrUtlnu church will conduct 11 mnrkct ut Hoxey'n Cnndy kitchen tomorrow, llesldci cooked roods, they will have on salo "Itub-Not," ft' washing compound. Lady filemla nru kindly reiiuested to nbslsl. Olio of tho most Important elomcutii In tho blgb cost of living U taxation. It ,ou own no property you may thluk )ou nro exempt, but Huit'a n uilstakoii Idea. Tlio man who owim tho propor- ty you live In liu tn pny tho tnxo. and ho must g?t cnouuii out 01 you 10 i tlu for nsanssinonts and leuvo lilinielf u prolll, Ho' right to do it. It'a up to , on to help force taxea dow. PRISON AN NUMBER INJURED LIVE FAST MEANS, THEN FOOT BILL l,IIIXIIi:.T tfV O. A. V., IX Al) IIKIIKH TO! CONVKXTION OK MCIICIIAM-H, Di:ri:.MrH PAIUf. IMI A.M. MIIIIU.K.MAN Hpeclnl to The llernlil. MKDI'OItU, Jnn. 10. Iiat night, In inlitnitaliie tho nnnual ronrcntlon of the On-Run If c-tnll .Merchant' A mo. iliillou In nmstuii here, l)r Jnmea Vlth)ronihe, director of experiment atnllon nt thu OreRon ARrlcultural 10II1 Re, hlnmeil the IiIrIi coat of living 111.1m thu 11nlrcra.1l teiidcncy to live .. 1. " ' lf iml the fnuilly menni, and to Ilia ,,n,"t.. 1 i... i.i-L . 1.1-1. .1..-1 milllfl lllilll IIIKH ILI1IK Wllltll U1.'HIUI11 III producu mint pay, furring them to mid IK or 20 rt'r cent to thn Initial coat of thu (i'onda. Dr. Wllh)comh? spoke In pari a follews: "All innnner of romlltlous nru nv lirlhcd aa Ih-Iiik thu chief factor In ronlrlhiilliiR to the ahnormat cnit of food. II la poUilnr, In xucli illarua ilnna, to depict tho incrchnnt or deni er na thu chief trnnsRreiior. Tho Iroulilulu often due to Inrk of proper (cotiouiy In the home, nn economy Hint la In keeping with tho family In cline. There Ii a strong and almost iinlveranl tendency In tho flood tide of prosperity to live beyond tho family means, rrcijucntly only tho choicest i.nd hlRheat price cuts of mtnt will tuttlrn for tho tabic. Delicacies arc demanded which greatly swell tho food hudRCt. "The telephone nlo must bear its pottlon of tho blame for the high coat of living. This modern and Indls ttetisablo Instrument for facilitating biialnea nnd promoting pleasure nf find n ready means for ordering nr Helen Hint other lac would, pcrhapc, bo left unpiirrhnstd. This Instrument of convenient mmmunlrahlllty Is also reitponslhlo for many emergency or der, with their special delivery, vhlrh ndd Inimeasii'rnbly to the cost or distribution, "It I well Hint the standard of llv tug should be elevated, but conserva tism and economy should b.t the gov ernlng fnrtnrn of thn homo. Living expense should ho kfpt within tho "f i001' "fi' now more conveniently ' ,.vl,n.,l l.i ntl rf.f.llii.1 lnl..,t.,l .. nt tho comer grocery, which nlw add Immensely to the cost of living. "It I not the consumer who I the r.H titcst mifferer under presont eco-, i.ouile condition. It I tlio product r who la tho moat grossly wronged. ThI I the on (i great reason of the unrest rud discontent nmong farmer and rnitse ninny lo lenvo the farm nnd leek bualues-i In other nventie. lie ccntly It was estimated hy good au thority that the nnnual vnlue of dairy product lu Oregon, from the con sumer' Htnndpolut, I fttl,7Sn,000, for which tho producer received only 19,517,000, or n difference of 78 per cent for innniifncttiro nud distribu tion. It I generally roncedrd Hint (ho marginal difference between that .which the consumer pn for dnlry products mid Hint which I received In itio producer I less than that of any other agricultural commodity. This I not the only Kourcu of los to tho dnlrymnn, To use a slung expression It I a ciiKe of where thu dulrymnn U cntigbt both going nnd coming. This coudflloii Is chuinctorlstle lu tho dis tribution of all productH from tho farm. "The remedy la n closer co-operation between tho dealer nnd producer. Tlio denier should manifest n greater Intercut In tho welfnro of tho producer and thu eucourugo production. Deni er should Inko especial Interest In llndlug uimkets far tho product of tho farm, mul not be content with simply uppl)lug tho local demand, re gardless of what may beconio of any surplus the farmer tuny ha-ppon to have. A I lie farmer prosper tho whole eommunlty prosper. "Thu tho dealer should becomo tho trusted biislnesa man of the farmer, Tho dealer nhould ho tho adviser of tho producer na to market conditions, ready and willing at all time to offer auKuestlou regarding the Improto mont of the quality of his product to better meet tho noeda of the market, point out mistake! If any are made. (Continued on Page i) 'lIKIIANflCII, HIIOOTK HKM-' OVi:il llt'HI.VH WOltlllKtt United I'rcai Bcrtlfo HAN I'KANCIBCO. Jnn. 19. Tem- pornrlly itrr.ni;iil on ncrount of liiml- nvxN worrha, William Ilollniny, nRotl yU, nn uxport accountant for tbo Bar 1 rowa, Wnlilv & (tullirlo Co., aulchlcd ,wltli 11 rovolver in tlio rirm'a office, II11 left n uot'i lilnmliiK drink nmt ao- tlcty for lila strait. Al MI.IAIIV IIIHIIOI OK1H IIIHIIOI'ItU' OK ItlCII.MONO Dulled I'rcss Service KO.Mi;, Jan. 1. Tlit opo ha ap pointed Auxiliary lllshnp O'Connell of Han I'rnncltco to he bishop of Itlch mond, V'. Any man who has made hi own money by tho perspiration of his fore head to phrnso It delicately, appro clnten what It means to n city to have It nlTiiIrs rightly guided. BOYCOTT HEARST, - f LABOR'S SCHEME NATION Willi: HIir.VMNU Y I'L'lt. I.lhlini AHIU'.M, WIIII.K IKDKIt. Ai. .vrroitNKV lawioit is v,. KN HOT I to AST iJnltod fress Service f UKSNO, Jn lief In the Inoccn Absolute be lts Inducted of- flclnls with pie moral and fiumiclnl support tared by tho State Ilulldlng convention to- day when tho of, tho committee on Tvclliiiowjn-eport wo unanimous ly approvey" fedetjflpttoraey !.atlo wac flay ed. hliBed proml'flo. Immunity If thoaHKaVJasMiM'lmpilcato Oomp er being cited as "proof positive of thu dastardly character of the present action." l.awlor was accused of brutality and unfairness toward labor, whllo William liandolph Hearst was de scribed as nn arch enemy of tho toll ers. Delegates to tho next convention of the American Federation of Labor were instructed tn support a nation wide boycott of tho Hearst papers. Tho report urge an Immedlato con ference of executive boards of tho State federation of Lnbor, tho Btato Ilulldlng Trade Council, the Union libor party nnd tho socialists to se cure political solidarity for tho pre-, ent ,cnr In the legislative campaign MEN DELIGHTED WITH BIG FEED (lATIIKHINtl AT MCTIIODIST UN. Ol'KT HANGS ON UNTIL Olt. ItKIIKU 11V JllKJK Of CUICUIT COl'ItT TO DISl'IUtSK So pleaved with tho Methodist men'a buuquet wero tbo men who attended It Inst night that nothing short of an order from tho Judge of the circuit court would make them disperse. The gathering took place In one of the smaller assembly room In Odd Fel low ball, the I. O. O. F. receiving from Chairman George J. Walton of tli banquet comuiltteo It thank for courtesy extended. Judge Henry L. llenson presided as tonstmaster, and while the excellent things to ent which wero prepared and ervt'd by tho good womon of thu church wero being consumed by tho men nt tho. tables Judgo Benson kept ho talks coming, Itov. Qeorgo II. Fcose, D. D., pastor of tho church, spoko 011 tho church nnd morals ns community Interest, mid tho great desirability of having tho best men "on the street" In the church, ns tho work of tho organisa tion was for tho Intorost of the busi ness world. lion. George Nolaud, on tho topic of A Man Among Men." gave the Prince of fence the placo of the only man In history's characters entitled to be called tho perfect man among man. He dilated on the fact that not even great men, aa a rule, existed without some bad spots, and apoke of thoae 1 Continued on Pag 4) 4. LTsTsK rJPirt STEAMER BLOWS UP; THREE MEN PERISH ITIIIHTV MOHK IMH(-TMK.TH SIAV ttlMK I.V DV.VAMITIXGfl Imllratlon Tliat Odrrml lrobe la MrXninara Matter at IndlarupoH U Srnr K111I, Kvldence lUHng Pnu llrally All In tlf.ltcd Press Service INDIANAI'OhlS, Jan. 18. Thirty prospective Indictment have trees prepared against labor leadors. Indications are that tho probo I near a close, a practically all tho evidence, la In. Local wltnesxe testified tod&T re garding McNnmara' tranaportlng of dynamito on railroads. MOItlSK MAY DIK IN OFOIU5IA. IMMJTOIW f.'IVINU tl HOIM New York Hanker, Imprisoned for Ml.u of Fund HUH in Had Condi. Hon, anil III Wife I Now na If or Way In llulanil'a Side United I'rcss Service ATLANTA. Jan. 17. Hijslclans thlnd Hanker Morse, tho federal pris oner, will never leave Georgia alive. Tho war department has permitted him to remain In fort McPheraon hospital "until his condition makes It safo to movo him to a private sani tarium." Mr. Morse Is on her way to At lanta. Don't lay everything to the city charter. Il' not responsible. McHAIIIBAL CONFESSES TO MORE BEFORE SIAIIO JUIV (2c Into Ileum Aboat lynaritaca In Cltle of Kat and Middle Weil, and (Save Namea of Those lu Whom John McNamara Hrnl Him INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Jan. 18. When Ortle B. McManlgal, self-con-fessed dynamiter, resumed hla testi mony before tho federal grand Jury Investigating alleged dynamite plot, It Is believed that ho enlarged upon hi confession to Detective William J. Hums, In which he Implicated twenty nr tnoro labor leaders In aa many lynamltlng outrage. It could not be learned when he wMI be returned jo Loa Angeles, where ho may have to stand trial for dyiamltlng the Llewellyn Iron worka there. .McManlgal went Into detail re garding dynamiting In the Eaat, tn which he alleges John J. McNamwa and other labor leaders were Impli cated. Ho was closely questioned concerning explosion at Buffalo, Bos ton, Hoboken and Greenville, N. J.; Steubenvlllo and Cleveland, Ohio; Wllkesbarro nnd McKee Rocks, Pa.; Peoria and South Chicago, III.; De troit, Mich., Worcester and Spring Held, Mass., nnd Otnaho, Neb. McManlgal then gave the inquisit or tho name of Individual to whom ho alleges John McNamara acnt htm In connection with the dynamiting. Government official here announced that tbo Investigation would close by tho end of the week, at which time indictment may be returned. Young Orators of Local High School to Debate With Those From Ashland A great deal of Interest and en thusiasm Is developing among the students and alumni and friend of tho high school lu anticipation of the joint debato between the local high school and Ashland high, which will take placo In Klamath Falls on Fri day evening, January 26. This will be the first debate In this district this year, and i under the direction of the Oregon High School Debating League, The organisation of such a league nmong the high school of the atate was a movo In the right direction, as Its purpose Is to stimulate a' greater Intoreat In the Important subject of public speaking. Klamath county high school Is fortunate la betag a VESSEL THEN SINKS CAPTAIN, FIKftT MATK AND MAN HAVE UVtm out nr axpivoMON 8KKMS nNaUOTJCABLB United Press Service KALAMA, Wash., Jan. It. Caa taln Fred Btlmaoa, First Mat) Meav Ical and Fireman Knowles war killed when the river steamer Sarah Dtaon blow up at midnight. Tho vessel sank. No explanation Is offered for tha accident. LAUDIt, ENTER POUTKSt ' COMMAND OF MINK W United Press Service INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. It. The United Mine Workers' eosTsntlesi adopted a resolution, aa n sabeUtate for the one endorsing soctalUm, do nmndlng that labor enter polities. The miner' convention prohlMU action favoring any distinct party. Tho resolution simply advocates In dependent political action. LA GRANDE MAN ANXIOUS TO OBTAIN OONGI SCAT Water Commha loner Csrnraaia Eastern District PftHaa to Os Rnanhsg, and Johnaesi H ton Will PENDLETON. Or.. Jan. It. Roscoe R. Johnson, a yoang attnmay of thla city, who nna been Ummmi by settlers In the Irrigated dkrtrtetsj a candidal- for congress, will not enter the race, bnt Oeorge Cochrane of La Grande, water commissioner for the Eastern Oregon district, will be in tho running. Positive nnnoanee roents were received from both. Johnson saya he ha decided to confine hla energies to his law baai nfs. Cochrane, replying to n mes- sago sent him by a local newspaper, declared he would be a candidate at the primaries. The deficiency In the Improvement unit, which first estimates warn cer tainly costly enough, has led the city many additional thousanda la debt A business administration could hare been paid good salaries oat of much lei than the amount of the deflden- cy, saved the balance to the city treas ury, and cut down many other Mils. Months ago a leading financier of the city and former mayor of Klam ath Falls called on the city council to halt In Its expenditures. Do you think he gratuitously gar the warn ing because he had aa ax to triad? What object can anybody hare tn ask ing for economy that can reasonably be classed as selfish? T Instead of paying IS. 000 a year on the general fund deficiency why not spend It on something that the city will get the good of, efforts of conn oilmen for Instance? It would pay the present board $16 a month per man. member of such a league, and Its students have derived much benefit therefrom. Though the local baa not always been successful in winning thn decision, yet it has won from Mad ford high school. NersrUataaa, th foundation has been laid for fatnr achievement, an example of which la the statement from President Camp bell of the University ot Oregon, that Klamath county high aebool gradu ates who are in attendance at the University are leading along tha lift ot public speaking and debate. Ashland and Klamath Falls will clash upon th subject, "Retotuad, That Our Legislation Should B Shaped Toward th aradaal Aban donment of th FratMtft TswttV . 4 Y- M x .-.' i Srft i -rf-'O''" j-. K V