1 .. - , XV. ' ' ' l-V" iw 3 4 in" . -f L iH!9MMi - ii -n . .. -"rz-tr"""- jTjjjjBMBBWi ANNUAL CLEANUP SALE . "I la?1 FAKE SPAMSH PRISONER !ASKS MERCHANT FOR CASH lUcr Received bjr Troat Lake Store. Keeper, Prom Alleged R-nlaa HMker la To-, Who Often Redfl. eat Cbaace to Fart Wit- Cola TROUT LAKE. Ore., Jan. 18. UI rich Zuberbahler, a- merchant ot this place, If the lateat to receive one of the swindling Spanish letter dslfO ed to aeparate htm from bis money, and again It la the RuMlan banker, 'Buffering In a Spanlth prison, who of (era a large reward to the recipient ot the letter provided the latter will care (or the take prlaoner'a daughter and keep her In college. " The letter la mailed at some point In Spain, bears the Spanlth pottage stamps. It written la stilted English, and atka than an answer be given. The letter follews: Prawn of Madrid. Nov. 2, 111. Mr. Ulrica Zuberbahler Dear Sir and Relative: Although I know you only from good references ot my dead mother, Mrs. Mary Zuberbnhler, your relative gave m I address myself to you for the Brit time, and perhaps the last, In considering my grave state health, requesting your protection to my only daughter, motherless girl ot 15 years old, whom Is now In college. Before being Imprisoned here I was established as a Banker In Russia. I beseech you to help me to obtain the sum ot 2(0,000 dollars I have In America, and to take the caro ot my dr.ughter by a rtward of tha third part ot said sum and the Interest ot the whole stock during her minority be ing, you duly to edvance the necetiary (unds to acquire my baggage seised. As I am In prison It Is prohibited me to reecive public correspondence, but you will send a cablegram, signed with your full name (not letter) to tbo servant nave of my protector, who will deliver it to me just received to know It you receive this letter and Instruct you In all my secret. I charge you absolute reserve about this letter. Awaiting your cable I am, Sir, Tours Truly, Alexander Volkoff. Address N. Jesus, Ayala 44, Madrid, Spain." SMALL GIRL FLAGSITHAIH 1 :1HER16 DISASTER HTt-a-Year-Old Iteogbier of flection Foreman on Southern 1'aciflc Dis cover Broken Hail and Signal the Kastbound Overland Uinltrd BACHAMBNTO, Jan. 18. For her presence ot mind lu signaling the east bound Overland Limited last Satur day and preventing a disaster, 7-year- old Ileen Martin, daughter ot a sec tion foreman at Alta, Placer county, probably will receive a handsome re ward from the Southern Pacific com pany. Her heroism, which saved the train from a broken rail that would have hurled It down an embankment, was brought to the notice of Division Superintendent II. W. Sheridan, who sent the facts to the company officials and also a letter of thanks to the llttlu girl and her 14-year-old sitter, Alma. Ileen was alone when she discov ered the broken rail, but she knew No. 2 was due, and running to the block station, telephoned the agent at Towle, only to learn thai the train bad passed Dutah Flat. She then called for her alder sitter, and the pair ran down the track. As the train came In sight the children waved their arms rtlcally, and'the train stopped. ' Bad credit of the city results from ue isuure to pay bills promptly. A, V."' K K K STORE KPWORTH LEAGUE SERVICE The Epworth League ot the Grace Methodist chnrch will have charge of the regular cturch service nt Sun day evening M 7 3 0 o'clock. The to!-1 lowing program has been arranged i for that service Song service ConcreRntlon. Prayer Mr. Foster. Violin solo It. Madten. Scripture Reading Miss Foster, Song Choir, Announcements and collection n t .. , .... r. -.. in.-ThM.i auuK "'li rein huuiim '- a Yadcn, Mr. Turner, Discuulon of topic by I.e&icue am. iCUUVl , . Talk on Departmental Work-E. M. Song Congregation. Benediction Pastor, OLD MUSIC TEACHER GETS III TROUBLE OVER 6IRLS Alleged to Have Induced Ilia Son to.mno department ttnre Marry l-w to Save KM her Prom'turance asent, and anoth IHtgrace, and Is Arcuted of Other . . . ... .- Incident. lndM-ni miTiivn ..- ,e. - , I . j . .u . . i than that I wat her mnnsger. hcn was Ittued for the arrett of Darwin.. .. . . . ... ,, nnn ... . t , . j i.i. I wo were mnrrlcd the had 160,000. Wood, who Is charged with mlsrepre- .. . . .. , , , .... . ., . , , . Now the hag 1500.000. Ileforu I was tenting the age of Mabel Scekatz.' r , , , ..... --.. ii .. !, k . m. ..,, I r manager she made from $400 to aged 14 years, when bo and his broth-' ... .., . .i.. .i..,. ..,,." ,,..... , I, 1 1600 a concert. Now sue receives er William applied at the marriage II-1 nnft ... ,, ... ... . .... cense counter for a license for Wlt - " "" " "'' said to have made the statement that the girl was 18 years old. As the result of this complaint Itt has been learned that Professor De, ..J.--.,n .J - Knott ttreet. In order to ctcapo trou ble, had Induced his son to marry the girl. A warrant charging him with a serious crime was this morn ing secured for his arrett. He was later taken Into custody In Seattle. The two sons and tho father are under arrett. In the possession ot tbo police are letters written to the fam ily of two other girls, threatening that If the family exposes him It will lose all the children belonging to It. These glrlt are 10 and IS years ot age. Their names are withheld from the public by tho police. Mcmbera of tho family. In discussing the arrest of the old man, declared that they did not wish to prosecute, because a con viction would be hard tb get and the family would get nothing but un pleasant publicity. William Wood was arrested by Sergeant Wanless and Patrolman Ooltz shortly after they had been married In the parsonage of the First Methodist church. The son declares that the father urger him to go through the ceremony, at the girl was madly In love with him, In spite of the fact that the two met but a fow days ago. All the girls Involved In the case were students of Professor Wood. In tho of th i.n .,..'on horseback and followed tho loaded whose names are not mentioned It IsT8"0'1, Whcn rro!lnK e river at n said that Wood wag preparing to take I, ',l h"r' l,""hloil In the awo. thorn to Europe under tho guise of slrtf"" an'' fe" nurIIB tho rider completing their mutlcal education ! ,,' watPr"- T,o man In falling , 1 struck a floating' log, und It appears Sorghum, The real old-fatbloncd t0 havo Ht"nne(, '"m, for he tank and i.i.j -t. . .. . . . " I'll nnl unn In ,li. .! una, miippeaireci from tbo mills In nantas, on sale at the i8-3t sijNgET anoqeiiY. GIflLCOTE&RICE REAL ESTATE 'INSURANCE WE MAKE A SPECIAITY of close In property and good farm land. No trouble to ahow property. Prompt at tention vtgea all Inquiries. A few good houses for rent. If you want to bar or sen it will par joa to sec as. Nest to Aattricaa Hotel. Phone Ml Mens' Heaw Coats, Underwear, Suits, Overcoats, Etc. Look For The Red Tags Every one n niQC yOC D-PD Hill P1V0 lillll DCUIIII liilAV OftIO hill nimnin nnni unhand or Kmratint Sthunuitin- llelnk, Operatic Warbler, Claim She HumllUtttl Him In Public, nml That Her Offniirlmi Insulted Him NEW YORK. Jan. IS.-Reconc.l... .tlon between Madamo Schumann-, 11.1-1. ,,.! .. mi lit fill FlM-hHtHl ,, u iwnn. ......i for William Itapp. who It being tue.l for Idlvorco, I. Impossible. nccor.llnB to n I statement by napp. In which he de- !nled that the diva's children are the' I " " " niiiiaiu ittf't - --- - IIH'U IttUli itu- unas ihii -- - - real cause of their Incompatibility. ..! .... n thnlr nrnmnntlti IV. fond .aid that ho was tho man who 'made the tlnger rich. llelnk't statement that he wanteil the children to be .elf made, a, was he.' and would not permit then. little lux- urlesof life. One of tho tons It working In a Chi- .other It n re- JIrtor. ( "It would have been different If I bMn th(, ,,,,. nlIltandi.. Itapup continued. "Hut I wat more "It I. tho amo old story." ho de-i '" """i ' ",v ""''"" " "' i twwkiH IV"K wiimi.- clared, "An artist cannot be a- Reed onlnlon f ll.o little Mexlcnt. ability WMwlxUViurn-'i'rtMi Lothfr. It It Impossible." Ml- said ho would Ih. open for an ..... ..!-ltf:KL,Sr,,,,M,' lie referred to Madame Schumann-1 SC',",M' " lMm'r ,)n "r A,u . Tjmr.. (CTffi.-tt!:,,4.i , ;; pIacc to ,,,4,,. and tei and!today. and resume, the stand tomor clothed me. .!..... n... i jij.. ..i. (llll 1 tlltJII 1 ilBK IIMJI117 i from her." HcgardlnR lilt previous tepuratlont with her, ho mid: ... , . ,,no - J,'nt reconciliation. Ilut finally life becamo Intolerable. She huinlll-i ,s,u lenxn nnu ainin. . lner tbo complaint filed against atcd me In public tlmo and again, and ! ' In tho nbovo entitled action, on I was always Insulted by her children. Qpiin Urn rr inn I UUpil r before tlm :d day or February, I could not stand It, so we separated. I KiUll OLllltn ILrlKu Llnull l!,: ,,ml l,cl"K t,lu ''" r lho ln,t Tho night I left tho house I met hcr ,. ..- ,in n - I ulritlo of this sumu.oni, and lho at the ferry and kitted her goodbye. 1 1U( UAV DCT U( (It lll'Ii,Ht (l&' wlUl1" w,llcl' " " ro She wept. Ilut It Is too late now tn. RIM I ULI IIULU UI lillll 'quired to answer at fixed by the or talk of another reconciliation." I ler of publication of this summons. RANCHKIl DROWNS AH IIORSK HTUMIILE8 WIIILK FORDING NYstncra River at Crossing In Swollen ' Stream As He Falls, Rider Strikes Floating Ig, Which Is Relieved to Htun Illm ' victim of a lynching If liberated, J. II. SHERIDAN, Ore., Jan. 18. James Hi.cnd, who Saturday night shot and M. Dingwall, formerly employed In.hlllcd A. O. Iloyio Hr., father of A. (J. the carpet department of the Molror Hoyco Jr , who eloped with Mrs. A Frank store In Portland, but lately jHnead, hut declined to accept ball, n rancher on tho upper Nettucca Rlr-, loth Knead and Doyco aro reputed er, was drowned In that river last Frl- 'millionaires. day afternoon, and the body, after a The grand Jury Is expected lo ro long search, wa recovered. Dingwall 'turn an Indictment of murder ngalutt hat taken up a claim on tho upper Soead, who alleged that the elder Nestucca River, twenty miles north- Hoyco aided his son In eloping with west of this plarn, and was In Sherl- Mrs. Snead. dan last Friday to purchato a quantity) The woman Is confined In a local of supplies, and hired n teamster to toko them out to his claim. Ho was . , " Tho body was brought to Wlllamlnu and shipped to Portland for burial. For County Treasurer , I hereby announce myself as a candl . date for the nomination tor Treas urer of Klamath County on the Democratic ticket, subject to the will of the people at primary elec tion to be held on April 19, 1913, C. H. DAOOETT. Mrs. Ada Parsons of Donania Is visiting the family of W. W. Hasten. means a great saving Leading Clothiers i ". .,,...., "" "VmUiiJ M'.illi: VIHIITIMI r:x - t to i'nx iJiii) mi ' itr. and IWIei.- II- W..uM IW K.h.11.1. to FkIii m-Cnr.. rwll - M.i, II.H. Illmr, I-I- l) LOS ANGELES. Jun. IS Ail Wol- Kat will not npliecir In tlnK to ili- fend lilt title until ScpHmWr. Tlilt was the champion's oltli " " "'' ".J""-'" """ ,lMm"' """ "'" , ' "There will be abolu.1 nothlim ''' " "V '.'.', w hi. 0' h." SolK t -nl.l. '! " now. I wonl.1 bo fooll.l. to W '""f1,,","!11 ,a"' T ""J n,;r , ...., L, uiHI .Iriif Inn Intit Ihik f-lln " .ii lit t . ... I..... it. . ,!.... ""J "",' " "' " "" ..... aii a n.i iii ur ""','' f'"- Widwist exprec.l hi. wllllnRnrss to meet Joo Ithem In lilt next flKht , 1 l - """"'"" " .r " ,.. , - NMi WIMII W.T.N fcyjJM N MHT mil Jt in h i imiih, " I "Jr I"".- Htm. f. nn.ulon WllhXyrUjffJSSSi IjtlMir (.'"iifitTiirr Held lt ly ! Concerning Hnhjert United 1'reit Servlco INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Jan. IS. New dynamiting wltnetaet havo been tubpocnacd. Their nan.et nru not known, but It Is reported they refer to a labor conference last May. McManlRal was examined briefly TOW. Applet nt 11.60 per bos; that's 3c '7,, itantome-Crummey Compsny. De I per pound. Nothing to KOod or che&v fmdant Abovo Named: at tl.lt time of jcar, HUN8KT tillOCKIlY. i.Mlllli.iiiiliv Who Killi-il lid Ii t'lillu-i-nf 11 ii'i. . u u. , . 1. . Hit Wlfe'H IviIiimt, Hliiin In Jail Its . . ' ' 1 nil nnre u, .no puug uiieny Through Hall. KOItT WORTH, Tex., Jan. 18. Kenring that ho would bn mado tho nanltnrlum, and Hoyco Jr. It oxpected to rench horo Thursday. Mm. Bessie Scovell will speak In tho Methodist church at 10:30 a. m. next Sunday, and In tho Presbyterian church In the evening. Mrs. Scovell Is a woman of wide culture, and has tho advantage of extenslvo travol both f.t homo and ubroad. BI10 Is a spoak er of unusual power, and apart from ono's Interest In the subject matter of her addresses, will both entertain and Instruct her bearers. The mon and women of Klamath Falls who on Joy a strong and uplifting address aro urged to attend, especially tho young 1'coplo. ig. t O. T. McKendreo cumo In from Merrill last night, and left this morn lug for Han Francisco, Ho will stop at CJazollo for a day or so on business connected with his sheop Interests. Sweaters, riil.MMK .tlllllt'ATIOS M.W UK ' - lKTKHJIIX.TIO. , i i t i . , .- " " , J , , ' . "' V' "" - if tin- l'l'erl..l rlan Irl.la) l 1e- " '" -l""- " '''"J'" "f ,h- iliiiporlnl prlnie fHtorliiK It- Tr gallon of Kiiiimh' fmiiout tor kIuiiii, on l at IS-31 81'NSET (IIIIH'CltY - - i NO MORE GAS IN STOMACH AND BOWELS Not Only Relief, but Cures for All Time. II rm .). L) l 1UMI wU-l, OifU l ... .!..... . I 1 1 , Jkatlfll IB - !" Oil J.ikM.l...MM4..iiUiiiHi1J VViSlttPnwii ,,.,1. wJ1,l,1m,j,ASNl,(i)i.T.uanar..M K.22"3 J iSL,1.:? Si,T ... u t'vi oTs-TAhUTi Tk. iir UlUt i ft ..' nwr MJww ti, H.I IriKknv HIMMOXB In tho Circuit Court ot the State of1 Oregon, for the County of Klam-i atb. M. M. Obenchaln, plaintiff, vs. 'It'iniomc-Crummey Company, a for- poratlon, Defendant. In tho nan.o of tho Stato of Ore- .,. Vo are hereby required to If you fall to nppcur and answer, H." plaint ff w take Judgment 1 , ' ... . . 'tgnlnst you for tho sum specified In w(, colnplalnt. Said action Is brought to recover the balance of 11,050, due from you to plaintiff, for services rendered and hbor performed In said stato of Ore gon, between tho 1st day of February tnd ll.o 30th day nt Novmnhor, of tho 'or 1910, and plaintiff's roils and dltburtcinents In such ncllnn, That the defendant wat, at tho commencement of this action, and now n, tho on nor of certnln personal property, attached In Klumath coun ty, Oregon, and described as follows to-wlt: 4 standard, gauge cars, 1 street sprinkler, 1 2-horto street or road roller. That on tho 9th day of December, 1911, and after tho Issuance of sum mons to bo served on said defend ant, nt tho Instanco of tho plaintiff, thn sheriff of said county duly at tached tali! nbovo described porsonnl property and now holds tho samo In Ms pnttcstlon, at Klamath Kails, Ore. Kon, by virtue of nld writ of attach ment. This summons Is published mini a wenk, for nix sucrcttlve wcoks, In tho Evening Ilornld, n dally news, paper, of genoral circulation, printed nnd published In tho city of Klamnth Fnllt, Klamath county, Oregon, by order of Honorable Wm. B. Worden, Judge of tho county court of Klamnth county, stato of Oregon, and dated December 21, 1911, the first publica tion of tlilt summons being mado on tho 22d day of Docember, 1911, BTONB - BARRETT, 122 2-2-2 h Att'ys for Plaintiff. sk Youi- " How arc vour bowcliV" Till A doctor asks. He know what ft ftluibibh I vcr mean, lie kiuini that headache, blBuut attack, Indigestion. Impure blood, aie often promptly relieved by ft ood liver nil. Ak bnj apnnivc of Ayer'n 1111. Thti follow hi advice. tUt'li. $1.00 ODDS and ENDS $1.00 l.k III our Mlml.m till. ..k. Wr " "rliK ttr.l '" at. In .rrtnlii line. Idl mrr nltir t liiUlnw.. Mirny of lli '! .Ii. in- Hi.rtli !.. nr Hirer llnr' wlwl He afc for llirm. Iliil ill Hit iint Ml only $1 mill. .' 'x J , H. J. Winters Jeweler Optician Homii:iiN i' 'iMi' WATt'ii isi'i:t"ion WOOD WOOD BLOCK WOOD FKOnVMI: UOX I'ACTOKY KOtlt.lOOT IWIIIV AND I.IMII WtMID (IT IIIOM I.IVK TnillKH HI.Ti:KN INt'll IMIDV AM MW WtMID DRV HUMl WtMID Delivered Anywhurc In 'llic City I.KAVK IIIIIIKIIH AT . K.'l RANHFIIlt OI-TH'l-U l'IHM "" OR tlltKtIO.V IIAHMMN CO., II I .MAIN HT.. I'llOM! W l. C. CARLSON I Pianos Rented A Per Phonographs Rented J4 Monlh Typewriters Rented $3 Per Month We .sell office supplies, IckI blanks, typewriter ribbons," paper and carbon paper. Telephone us your ordsrand It w ill receive promt attention riULLER MUSIC COMPANY (Everything in Music PRINTING Our facilities onnblo us to deliver any job of printing promptly, and nlwnys by tho time agreed upon. Wo deliver tho finished work not excuses and it's good work, too. Call on us for every thing in tho prinCing'Kuo, and bo assured of prompt and efllcient service. W. O. SMITH PRINTINGSCO. .. .H-rtALO BUILDING, FOURTH BTRKET X ETprCEN MAIN AND KLAMATH ,M Doctor l Kcucnlly lite firt quctllnn tlio Runt paid applied on purchase price ON TIME t-f """ -