He brnino Nttl'PMKH IIY THE EVKNIN'I NEWSPAPERS 1'IIINT THE NEWS', NOT HISTORY (..MllJIt I'HKNH NICWN HaCHVICM Klilh r N. IM KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY IH, IBIS PricrFive Ceaes DIVERSION DAM IS ALMOST COMPLETED NEEDS LASTTOUCHES' Hill. HI Hll.llH iit l lll.Mi , 1(, in hit wimi: wahti: wa., .., , , ,,,,,, nm , II1,ko''1"; ''" '" ;"!. . decided ad. s -"M"y7arsi:3?s IMIl.llMi:r 'l.inkn.,,,,, later" !"T.MTu. .. . final -hi ! on. Ilm work lUmo ' 1,) Cun'' " IIhiikm II. Clark j ' . ... .! . Mi on iiir 1 ..ni inter inversion ntin ,, ,,.!... II... wurk Mug .r. ,...,!. Tl... (uriihIu,. " ' nit I' UttllV ,rlf ni i't (ill KMtnlli smaller Hrliu in " uiiupletod ti)- Do- ttmw 'ii. i'" ' limit E '" I" 'l', I" "" U sins ' main I'"'! "I I'm Jut s ' "' I'"' "''. "' ui.IIii- ....... ,, .111 l.o .KulucSfil from Hit, ruututt ,... mirmipj i?r ii. k,' (IBtnilll kIx'H '' Mrallivr will tnmli U ' oilili-r 1111 ll. rtii uf Iki ...ik aKi. in KUuiMli Tall., ami lb,.il1rri.i..rrl..u.fl..rliiM.cl. a unt 'UkiriK Tl.frc ,..... in l.o flnl.l.r. about ,() ft vt trliumli.K of artli from IU boiti.tn r iiik iiiicriin cnannri ty I'liniran . V II. Matin, wlillo Cnturti I V Jur) !. X"t to rum. p!t riraTdiiiiK aIihik n inatlnr of ItO or 000 r ,1 ji,,t i(pow Dm itam, HIIMfUNTS I1HI llMii:il It Ii llkr' 11 lt. rotiilltlim at tli mitlll.V Kl.'i:i' HIM AI.IVII dim lll In iirl t m utirli tlint " It rcUn.aiii.u nlr ran 1. 1 out nllr.l l'rra Hcrtlfo 110 Kcin.l fri uf MAicr. If ll U itr ATLANTA, Jnn 18 - llankrr IrcJ. fi.r irllrf frnin llm prim M"f"' ' ,"'I"K ""I'' n11"' l ,'"r, Mr- gooJi I'lmrann lloijillnl lit tlmulanta Ilia Th .tan. 1. almr.l to rwlalm ,"i'IIHni l frltlfal Muilmatflj llm nnrltirrly tdlrj of - Tut iJikr or about 10,000 arret. n J,,,.. u( ,.IP Mp N, I,,, Hn,'Hiniiii wnHiN'Q Will 1(1 nlrh ill mark tlm .ouibi-rly bnr.lir U"n tlUMrin 0 HILL IU HH;"i"rr;";;"' BE 0ISRE6ARDE0 Vt UW mtluti ( fnlliiHi.t 10 Hid tliorr. Tlila H tb tliallimrr portion of thr. lako, Tk lowrr or anulbrrlr two-thlrili-II'MrlLr lBirn rnmprl.r, ,P ilrrjior part nf Ikr Ukr ta n ilrjith RrrBt n 55 ftt In omo islarea, nrnl It la not rt. lrlM to rrr aim tbla, na la la wanted ii a imti for riiMhta tlmt nrn rrrtnln 10 rrmr annually It n (,r,r flo,f ltl hr !vr,., rrenled Tub, Lake J m,, . ,rh land In It nrlich tor.M.1 onuuun Tbo Korernment'a frojrn u miendeil in rertalm iiiurti proiftt Ii inirndrd in rr-rlnlm na nurh nf , inko na" Is feaalblo. and M th Miuo lltno lenvn an nrea aa a wmnlr for nitn water. Tre northern pari of the. lako, too. tHIrr land limn that whlrh la In nuthrm pari, whero Iho deeper l'l l The rerlntnatlon of Ihn rrrar . ,0Wt Bpnraoii ll 111 mraia of .llipmltiR of thn wn " Mch ha. nlren.ly nrrumiilnted In tb lke, , a fn.t na the aurfnro of toe lake bed la dried aufflctently to nriane It the Koverninent will throw It own to .Hilrinrnt, It will prob Mji l. 1917 hefnro ovnporntlon ox. H'lht mono nrrea, City Hall Securities Chance of Local Conforming lo bla promlao to tho tountll Mniidiiy niKlii. Mayor Fred T. Sarulomun ri, lu K. II. Itolllua ft Son, thg lMiier bond liouat', aaklnif "' Hliuher they would tnko tbo tond. their hid for which waa uccopL b; tho ilt. o received yoator 'r anuKrnin from tbo homo aaylng 'il It would nut tnko tbo bonda, Tho jifuiiinU for rojeiilon, tho major nld l nmrnliiB, would bo furnished Iho 11 r I") Iho bond liouao In a letter, "Ifli will In. rurolvrd lalor, and ho 'M Hint tho loiter would bo lvon 10 tlio preaa, Thn huliof in ,Bn). qUtrtri a (hat ' w homu hiiMi hocn rojoctod on aomc "KMl dufect In coimoctlon with tho y charter, which haa proved a ood "l of u "Jonnh1' to tho city In Its ' limn oiio )cnr of lire, n U un "tood tlmt im ordlnanoo doclnrhiK "0 re.uit of ,10 clty hB, bom, eM. ""'i ihoiibi vt baan ptMod by tht wooititovv wii.ho hah m:w iiki.iwu.voiiwmi.n'iiiimkIT.",1 "".''' V,.r1 "f Mr, ,'lllUn 'Ashley Tiiniliiill In behalf of her United Press Hervira IIICTIIOIT, Jim IN Wl.O.llOW, . . .. lion.pnrllaiin lianiiii(. nlnl Inter nt n ilomorrntlr tally lln lnlil the reporter. "Pro lumn 1.. -1. ...... ....1 ....... . . '.." ii inm i-kbiuiiik mo ini- L" ' ,I!!rr;V '."'V .,"7nf,,l',1K t,..ll nml her daughter l, directing (I. '" ""? ""'"" ', ' '"'" f"v'T ", '.'"' to bring In a verdict .gnln. nllarka Hi" )llpl(im llutrnd ofiii,-.., Km illarain ' ! iimviK ,r sou,in:i rmri.i: IH HI'OltTH ANTHiPATION "" llrimn i:rl in KiHKk, ,:,",, "lrr "" ' 'K Till, l.'if.) 1 i.li.K. Willi OtliU rmnrliu I'tirmrr ,., h(lll,rr 'Unllml I'ri-M Hrrvlto NJW ynilK. Jan. l.-Cr...U n1, ,.,K.,tl , Bpni, , Art. KiiiKkoiif llrimn flKlU imiUlil. Ar iU ,(, w( r f(iwn ,, ,u,,(,tl. llr.ioii hn to Ininl a kiiorko.it Alt.'ll la Ibu falorltn br clRl.t to Dtr i'f HiMa Maklnx Will Xrwr, anil ll.r) llnio .Vol ll-vn KrlnMir In l(i'lililliii Itiiirrniiii'iit H I'm Aii'iinil IaiiiI 0ni'rlil - fl!-ll.P.T(IN'. Jan IS. Tontal. an 'lldlan minimi. !io dlrd l..t IVIday nt 0 ' "" -n. ""I l l.lrh .bo inwlhf.1 In Tl.oma. Ka Tn Taiiir, I'lirixnta Motnlnlc mid AiiKiut Aloiituder, nil ri'dii.rii, nn olKbt)nrro tri.ct of inlunblo In nil Inn. I However Kn-Tn Tnma will bo tbo only una to avcum bla IrKnoy, bo. ran--' of n K.iiernmi'Ut rulhiK mnkliiK ll In.piM.lblo for nu In.llnn tn trnuafer Iho title of helr.blp lnnila Tbo pttred lilt to Motaluln mid Aleanndrr nro both Inlmhlp land), whllo Hint bo. -iii'Atln-il In Kn-Tn Tnina n tbo dend woninu'a nllntment. Tin prarllco of mnkliiK will la a nu nun 1111101.K tbo Indiana, nnd they hno not yd bn 01.10 arhoolvd In thn roMtrlrtlona with wblrb thn Roiern. intuit l.na aurrounded tbo owiterablp .if tho land. Rejected, But Capital Accepting rlty council and niado a part of the e!iy recordK, hut Hint nil waa nover dono, Frank Camp, fluent for the liolllna linn, Mho vlalted hero recently lo look Into (bo nltimtlon nnd furnlab facta for the lcmil nihlr of tho firm, ni not iimpowered tn tnko nc Hon on Iho altunllon, ao could Klvo no innurniiceH for nr nunlnst the l.ondH nt (but time, At n meetlim of tho council Mon-.im- niubi. noiiiicllmnn C. II. Crlaler ntntcd that local pnrtlea atood ronxly to tnko tho bonda without wording na to tho charter, provided tho city fulled to afll thorn to a noun iwu.u. Ho wild thin iiiornlnii Hint ho was not nt liberty In mnko known tho nninea nt tho 111011 (oncorned. "Thoro mny bo aomo chnnKo In tho Hlttintlon rennrdltiK tbclr nttltudo," wild ho. "I know they did ulnml ready a abort time ago to take up tho aecurltlea." !.. I.ITKY" IIAMlWLVH WILL IH MIAIS IIKFOIIE TIIIIIUNAL Mm. Lllllnii A.hloy Turnbiill lUwunwa Fight lii Hunk Instrument Under I'leii 'IIihi Hi r Daughter Lillian It (lillil of l(i,i, High Hollrr HAN PIIANCIHCO, Jan l Argil- daughter, lloatrlce Anita Turnbull, 'whtiao milt lo lirrnk tli will of the Ilnimlri' turfman whom alio claims Is ioii'iiii tin, arKiuiiMit for tba at. pel Inn), ilmrntlriK blmaolf to a rrvluw of Hid titliii(ii.)', whlcli JintKo Itlvca of Im Atn;pi li.'ld to bo Inaiifflclnnt, nml vlitn ally noii.aultiit Mm. Turn n Kiilliat tlicm, TO SHIP STOCK TO CALIFORNIA ciiimv roMMiKsio.i:it oiiY .Mi:illlll.L IIIIIMiS HI TWO ('AIL NIAIK ill' IKillKI. WHICH III-: Wll.l, SCSI! III .MI.'IICKH 1 . !..) .Merrill Inat rrctiliiK 'broiiRlit up (Mo rnrloaila, Gl ti.'a.l, of lioraca ami mtilcH, ilcr Im will lil. to Mir ri'., Calif . on Katurila)' nioriiliiK. Tbo abliti!int waa mpoctixl to lime bcrn i.ia.tii tl.U mnlnajt nt Dr. Mitch, ell, tl.o lornl atoTKliia.ctor. la In I'orl Klamnth, tlicy bail to await hU rttiirn Mr Merrill tnti comlnc to town purrtiaaoil twriity-two head of young l.iulni wblrb wyrnaiacd tbo pat aum- iiu-r by W. IL.kJttbu on hla cornrD meat rotitrart work. I. la (Irrbrr will hl flro rarloada of bo'f rattle to California on Salur lay All of tl. ciw ihlpmrnta will I robnbly In niado from Klamath ll-nlla. irN HAMAKKHM HltiM'KRY 1 I'ormrrly tbrro oro nlno pooplo Ion our linnn lino, mid our number hn ('" lnkf- C. Aftrr lx miinllia .Iri-nuoua effort haro a..o rtt' ,H ttlnK an Indhldual lino. ' ' ""' ' ,C9 "1"" Hint number, nnd no one will butt In IIAMAKCIt'ti CAHII (lltOCKUV. I'houe No 1C91. MAIN STREET LOT AT $300 PER FOOT (IIISI.KIt HTILTH TIUNHFKIl VAI.IAUI.K I'IKCi: OF HKAI. KH TATK Tl) V, K. IULKY, ANI TIIIO WILL IIVIIJ Crlaler Btllta hno old half of tho nrnnt lot on tho south aide of Mnlu atrrel. between Allen Sloan's abstract officii nod tho Van lllpor ro. crry, to C. H. Hlley. Tho lot Is box 100 feet, nnd the prlro paid wna 1300 per front foot. Tho owners of the entire tract con. lemplnto puttliiK n brick store build- Inn of two stories on tbo slto In the spring. Mr. Illloy will probably move hit saloon from tho present Sixth street atnud Into thn now hulldliiK. If tbla Is dono the bur will bo tho most con tinny located In the city, sau Hint of 'A. O. Powell. It Is reported lodny that Howard F. Shepherd bns sold for 110,000 tho properly across tho street from tho Crlsler & Stlllt-ailey tract. On thU block Is n one-story business block Jn which nro located the offlrea of Ar thur a. Wilson nnd Harry D. Mills, nnd tho tailor shop of Alt ft nodae. Kvery person owning a foot of prop orty Is vitally Intcroated In tho clty'f credit, nnd In getting Klamath Falls on 11 credltnblo financial plane. (1st the city on' a cash baila tad save jourtelf high In bill. t CRISLERTHiNKS MAY RETIRE FROM l.-OtJM'll,, AH IH NOT HATIHHKD WITH KXVKSHKH OP CTTY AH AliMIMHTIIATION HAH INCtttt. ItKH TUMI Cnuiiillninn C. II. Crlslur, iletiio 1 rnllr member from Iho Second ward, loiitemplutcs rcslgulne from tbo city iouikII bvtween now and election lltiti W'liM.. Hi.. ffiiittrllnif.ii la nf tl... same political faith ns Mayor Pre.1 T Kaudoraon, ho Is not at T Saudoraon, ho Is not at nil pleased with tbo exM-nses of the lit)' goieriiment nnd the wholrsnln Im prowments rontemplnled wllhoull,l,"',,M",'rd ln ,,ho ,t'op MUl properly nrranglng a settlement tho bark debts of tint city. It was Councilman Crlaler of ho brought up at lal Monday night's meeting of tho council tho ijueatlon of bonding the clt) to take up tboi old rlt) warrni.ts, some of which hnva remalnrd unpaid for about three years, Tbu rounrll wimo time ago at thn luatnnro of tho flnanro rommltteo, ndopted a resolution to Issue bondt tn take up Iho city warranla, of which about $5 0.0 on against tho general fund nrc outstnndlng and unpaid. The flnanro committee ronal.ta of Count llman a, W. White chnlrman, M (I. Wllklns and C. II. Crlsler. It waa auppoaod at the time that the rlty attorney would go to work on tbu neceaaary ordinances to bavv tbo proposed bond Issue voted on, but nover a whisper was heard In Iho rounrll on the subject for about two months. Thu popular Impression Is that tho major, who never haa bcn!,on of FndlMon. tho government partial In taking caio or the old war rants cxrept In the usual course of affairs, put n spoke In the wheel or tl.o council's action, and kept the nailer from gelling any farther than the resolution. "I don't like tho Idea of Improving so much or the residence district M,n:tr n,, haT0 ,0 b' ',lrlM M " ...... I.!.., Ih .1,. fnBHI tj,li.M at 11110 time," aald Councilman Crlsler today. "It's all right lo Impoverlth a part or the people for a Utile time to Ret somo Important move for the betterment accomplished, but It It hardly wlto to Impoverish all tho pro. plo nt one time. The matter of city Improvements can bo worked to hard Hint tho eipense will hit us nil at ot.ro, nnd we will all bo low In pocket at one time. Il can get tn such a Pams that there will be more money going out of the town than Is coming Into It. The great trouble. Is that many l.ui.plo figure that the relief or the sltuMlon Is up to somobody else. I don't reel that way. It's duo to all or us to art to get tho needed change. I'le been In fauir nil the (Into or tak ing rare or those rlty warrants, lor H they are three cnra old at C per cent with that accumulated Interest tn pay that Is not all. Tho premium charged on tho city for material told ll now Is audi that In 11 very few )onrs, if the bills remain unpaid, It will run to n dollar for every dollar In value received, besides the 6 per cent Interest. All this conies out or tho tnxpa)crs' pockets. "You ran run n business and toon break It If jou are not careful. If )ou nro conducting a corporation )ou ran soon spend enough money watte fully In lis operation to niako your securities unmarketable. There Is no doubb that thero It a good deal of waito In Iho city a butlnets affairs, nnd It Is time to check It. NO riiKMKKCY FOR PASTOR KXPKtTKO FROM GOVKRKOIl MasMclmsetiN Kieeutlvo Haa Brett 1'i-ghig Against Merry for Ono MuroVrvr, nml Hat Thousands of l-olter CiuiuVmnlng IHrhraon Inlt.'d Press Service llOSTON', Jnn, 18. Bev. aiche- sou'k counsel bns abandoned hope of clement- ns n result of Governor Fosa urging tho executive council to refute clemency to Silas Pholpt. who will bo executed next work for the murdor or Sheriff llniklnt, Attorney admit that the tentlment ngnlnst Hlclieson Ii too strong, Thousands of lettera received urge Governor Foss to execute the mur doror. Neglect to take care of old city war rants results In tuppllea Dotting Klam ath Falls more than they coat Individ ual. You foot the kill, Mr. Taxyay r. IWAPK DEATH IN IN KNOW A I TEH AWFUL EXPERIENCE I'iui (i.iK'miiiriit Knglitd-n Arc Has iili.tf Hurvoy WI11-11 Avntnmlie of Hn.m- llnrli'a Tlir-c, Who Art) HroiiKlil in Hnfely by I'liurlli HAN linitNAIttiJNO, Jnn IS. Percy llnywood, James Alder and (leorito Sumner, Kovornmcnt cngln UTH, have arrived hero abowInK tho ecocls of u tvrrlfylriR Mperlenco In an ainlnncho that burled them deep In a l.iirgo of Mount Kan nornnrdlno. Tbo thri'o men were saved by Harry Cum mltiKS. fourth mumbur of tho survey- tnx pnrty, who tunneled Into tbo gorco nnd rencbed his burled companions lu tlnia to drng them out nllvo. The tiiRlneers were running survey lines about Mount San Ilcrn&T.lIno "". bw'eal1' U' B0W "" bo uinlimrln.' rbaahed iikjii them. Hay J wood was hit first. Alder nnd Hum 1 nor leapi d to the rescue, nnd they nlso I Cuminlngs, who was protected by n Jcrng went to work digging, nnd drag- K'"'' n" "ireo ,0 safety. MUST DIP CATTLEf IN THIS RE6I0N HKVKHAIi CAHK8 OF HCAIUilKS roi'NIi IIY OOVKIIXMKNT IN HPKCTOH, ANI IIATIIING Oil. OKU IH HULT All tho stock and beef cattlo In the Klamath and Merrill valleys will probably bavo to undergo dipping at tho result of tho visit of Dr. Ilamll- atock inspector. Dr. Hamilton it now In tho Fort Klamath country after an Inspection of .tock In '.u Merrill s'C t?t.. Ho will prohnbty make a tho: ( .if 1. Inspection of all cattlo In the entire county, and it may devetoo that stock In other paitt of the coun'r tint In the Merrill avctlon It It ttated that tcvcral case of srabble wero discovered by tho In spector, and whllo the ratfs aro said lo be not very bad. tho order to dip has been glxen. Thero arc In tho neighborhood of 3.&00 bead or cattle In tho southern end or tho county, and probably all or these will hare to bo dipped. Tho beer cattlo nro owned principally by J. C. Mitchell, Louis (erbor nnd n lew others whllo J. F. Adams nnd the Cmt ranch nrc among tho large owners of stock cattle. Corrnls nnd dipping vats nro to be built near Merrill by tho stock men. ENTERS NEW SUIT DUE TO DEMURRER ATTOItNKY tWHXAHAX FILK8 AX ACTION AflAIXHT KOUN8EVELL COHPOHATION ANII V. O. HOI. KIITKON As n result of Judge Henry L. Hen son sustaining n demurrer tn tho caso ol 1. M. Itcldy versus tbo Itouusovoll corporation, Attorney J. 11. Carnabau amended the orlglnnl complaint toda) and filed 11 new action entitled, "P. M. Ileldy versus Itounsovell corporation and W. O. Itobertson." The object In tho now action It to separate tho defendants W. O. Rob ertson and Fred L. Houston, as to whom there wna n rolijolnder of causes of action tn the original bill of complaint. MINKWOHKKHR' OFKICKHS PICKED FOR NKXT TERM United Press Bcrvlco fNDlANAPOLIS, Jnn. 18. Tho voto on United Mlneworkers' officers wna announced thlt afternoon. White was re-elected president. Ills majority over Tom Lowls wna 46,424. Hayes was re-elected vice presi dent by a majority or 64,824 over Bamuol rntcoo. Perry wot re-olected secretary troaturor without oppoaltlon. XVMUKIt CHANGED When you call Uamaker's Qrocery the number will bl91, u they bow have nn iudWduil 11m. WANT MORE TROOPS AGAIMST STRIKERS Cltl.MI.VALr) HTIIANOLKD AH I'lXITTKItH AOAINHT YUAN lnltt'd Press Bervlco PKK1N, Jan. 18. Tuang Tl Fong nnd threw accomplices In the plot to ntsasilunto Yuan Shi Kal, Imperial premier wore today strangled by the public executioner. INTKHVII.NTIOX NOT NIXIIKI), PIIKSIHIINT TAFT TIIINKH United Prett Service WASHINGTON, I). C. Jan. 18. President Tnft believes Intervention In Cuba Is unnecessary. Ho expects Cuba to noire, her own problems. M:W MKXIMr LKfJIHLATCItK CA 1,1.1.11 IIY OOV. MrDOXALD United Prett Scrvlco SANTA FK, Jan. 18. Governor McDonald tins summoned tho legisla ture for March 11. They must ballot on the scnatorshlp within ten daya after assembling. CPWOItTH LEAGUE TO MEET Tbo regular monthly business meet ing and social of tho Kpworth League of Grace Methodist church will be held at tho chiych on Friday ovenlng, January ID, at S o'clock. All mem bers aro urged to attend. Shrangert will And a cordial welcome. Some ol tho most reputable firmi In Klamath Falls bavo openly stated to council men that they charge the city n premium for goods furnished. There Is n reason, and It Is not a breakfast food one. . FORFEITED OREGON LAHO BOURNE WOULO HAVE SOLD Senator Introdaces) Bill to That East, Alleging Ilrearh of Act Graatiac Land to Espeo to Aid Railroad mad Telegraph Construction WASHINGTON. D.C. Jan. 18. Senator Dourne has Introduced bills providing for tho disposition or landa In Oregon which may bo declared for feited to the United States on account of breach ol act granting landt to the Southern Pacific to aid ln railroad and telegraph construction. Tho bill provides that persons other than the original grantees who have contracted for tho purchase or landt from the railroad company may, with in six months alter the decree of for feiture, purcbaao from the United Statea at $2.50 an acre. Does the taxpayer realise that 6 per cent on a city warrant three years old will mnn 18 per cent on the principal sum when paid? Thlt meant $1,18 contt for what was bought under the city's loose financial tystem. New Local Banking Projected, With Klamath Falls Is to have a fourth bank soon. No authentlo information could bo had today, but It Is reported that tho Klamath Development com pany It behind tbo proposition, and that tho new Institution will be locat ed toward tbo expanding Hot Springs district. W. K. Delzell, formerly cashier of tho old First National bank, and later nsnilstunt cashier of the reorganised First National, who retired from the official roster of that Institution at Its last election, Is expected to be con nected with tho new concern In a re sponsible capacity. He Is now In San Francisco, where he Is understood to be In consultation with men who are going to finance tho proposition. W. Paul Johnson, treasurer of the Klamath Development company, Is nlso In San Francisco. Herbert and Mortimer Fielschaker, of the Anglo Paris, and American bank In the Gold eu C-ato City, who are capitalist of SITUATION SERIOUS TEXTILE CORPORATION OWNKM CHARGE WORKERS PLOT TO DYNAMITE WORKH AND DKXCK OF GOVERNOR United Press Srnee LA WHENCE; Mass., Job 11. Textile corporations demand two ad. dltlonal regiments and a declaration of martial law. The strikers resent this, and the) situation Is serious. Troops yesterday attacked striken parading and carrying Americas flags. The owners charga that the strik ers are plotting to dynamite the mill hero and Governor Foss' residence la lloston. I.NHULT" TO KING GEORGE DRAWING MOVING PICTUM Durbar View Shows ThatGaekwar ef HomtW Was Not Orfr-Bath tasOt About Doing Homage to dte Mtfeh Ruler, Giving Rat Might Bow. LONDON, Jan. 18. Moving picture theaters are being crowded day Bad night by vast throngs who come to see King George "Intuited" by the Oaeik war or Daroda, during the durbar cr emony at Delhi. The durbar pictures show that If the Gaekwar was not positively lasatt Ing, ho certainly was not over-enthusf- le about doing homage to the "Brit. Ish Raj." First the Nizam of Hyderbaw. gov geous In royal robes, is seen bowlag solemnly beforo King George. Thea comes the Gaekwar, the second rank ing prince In India, dressed In a swtt of white duck, such as he might wear on an everyday occasion, and swtBg Ing a slim cane. He bows hat owes, and the Inclination of hit head It scarcely more than a nod. Immediate, ly afterward he turns his Back apern King George and walks anteklv imr It If from a dlttastefnl and BBmfU atlng task. At this- stage of the pie lure exhibition the spectators "boo" until they are hoarse. DOUnLE JAIL GUARDS WHKM DYXUaTKRS ARE CONITNBB Cnlted Press Service LOS ANGELES. Jan. 18. SherlaT William Hammel today wired from Indianapolis ordering the guards don bled about the Lot Angeles county 'jail, where Dender, Connors and Ma iple are confined. They are charged with dynamiting the ball of records. There Is no explanation of the raes- -sage, but It Is believed that the sher iff feared a Jail delivery. Nice fancy apples, $1.80 per bog. SUNSET GROCERY. 18:St Phoae 1114. Institution Is Oelzell Connected large means and directors la the Klamath Development company, are expected to be tn the new bank. Hl'ltXB MAY WHISTLE FOR STATE SHARE OF RaTfTi United Press Servlen SACRAMENTO, Jan. 18. Because . tho contingency fund from which the btato assembly promised 110,000 as a McNamara reward contains only 59, becauto tne sonata defeated the bill and Qoveraor Johnsoa aem signed It, State Controller Nye haa turned down the application by Dis trict Attorney Fredericks of Los Aa geles In behalf of Detective Burns. Nye told Fredericks he had better put the claim before tho legislature, which can get It by special account, and give, the 810,000 It H la still la the meed. . 7-rr ,,