The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 16, 1912, Image 1

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1'ltlXT Till: XKH8, MOT HMTOIir
- -1
Willi Yt'nr No, J .11117
mn(i m:.t hi.mmuhio i'oi.nt
hitv .mii.iw aiievi: rnv
11 it i:.vii:.shio.s
In dm Klamath rt'Kloii II111 remliii:
wiiiiiiifir will Ihi AMiiiiililfil Hi.. Inrftral,,, ,r0l,Pll .,,,,.,, wl ,,e ,,,, ,,
iirni) it rniiri'iilrnlril by dm Wnlt'il ,(IiiiimiimiI
Mates Ktituruiui'iit In limn of I'l'iic-.
111 oid'tig lo 11 inilrli from Han
I'rin 1 10 Arrurdlng In tin. repor'
Kit n mil In mm)' ilrcto there mill
r: nflrttitil lo iIUhIiIiih from WhsIi
IliK li l planned li die war depart,
iiiral lo iinl r morn limn J7,onf) sol.
ilicm inio dm iifM iii full riKiitiiiR
iiilnmrlii Till will Include nil I lin
tegular mill mllltla r-itlnmnU nf tlm
Mx I'r.nilr tint- OrnKun. Washing,
it 11 Calif, ml. Ailiomi, Xww Mm loo
mill I mi Cnwtlry. Infantry, anil
It r- niKiinl "irim nml htopllnl mrpi
wli be ilr illrTerotit broncho of the
mmlr. which 111 pnrtlrlpntw.
It in staled thai (linn huge mutitm
v' will li held llm Inner pmt of
Juni r dm first mrt of July, Tli
1:11 mlriini fur dm mimic battle
ll tin In nml around Klamath Full
Wliul imriHuiHt llm nH eminent had
for 1 ln iiiotilllinllou of mull 11 I a rue
hod of ltuii Hi.. Hun I'rniiilmo
un t iilllrrm .lilt.' tin1) 1I0 nut know,
1 111 it hits hi-cii known for ihiiiio dim
Dili' I lie wnr department Imn bon dt
tin un of mnkliig n show of form op
llm I'Avlrie toast similar lo Hint whlr-h
ua made dm Imi iiiiiiikt nlnng tlm
.Mr Irmi bonlfr
Tie mllltla which will lm indited
Into 1 lio n f lit will coiuprltu ull uf dm
tnU troop of California., ofe'son.
Washington, tnir,"Coioriln iimlfAflf,l'le" rmy ln. '
TtirMi will number 1 1 y . 0 0 0
lie 111 11 v.
"Tho nmnouvors
will ronslst
No Word From Bend House Whether
It Will Take Securities It Bid For
fto vwnd iiiui yet citiuo froiii i:. II.
Uolllnn &. Hon ."m Denwr bond
. nf ttj liiiikuU.iiilliin
II ll l TVallll '' "' l 'ifJHMwi
horn by Frunk Cnuii.'. d'rtr rt'pnweu
fnllvn. iih to dm KltmWInn ri'Rirdlnn
the lt'c.nllty of dii illy I'luirtcr, nnd
Injiu Freil T, SiitnloiMin, wnon iihkoii
it Iiihi nluhi's iimni'll umotliiK rcituuN
UK llm Mlluntlou, hm I1 Im hnd not mnko n mni'ltot (or tho hotula, wIhIiIiiu
lieiud 11 word fiom llm Hun, but , to Rtit tlmo to noeiiro bujors, nml lit-
viiiiltl liilio tho uinttor up rlitlit nwiiyilnst oxenmi offoied for tlio delay wia
villi tlm Imyi'ra, nud try lo nlvt tlio Hint tho lmnd fiilkn wnntrd In hoo If
iniird Hiiino dollnltti Information vt jlho rnoo now boforo dm United State,
ho next 1 1 me tlm;. mipioino rtiuit luvnhliiK tho locality
It will Hiion Ihi 11 i'ir bIiich tho of tlm OreROit leferondum wouldtum
wnd people, hid for tho rlty hull, llrci, out favorably. Tho elty elmrter la
tiititllon nnd RiirlmRo plant bonds, mild to rest to noino extent on tlio
ml over mIiivo tlmt tlmo tlioro linH.U'nllty of Dili iroeeduro. Up In n
icon imrloyhiK by tlio ilrm In nn on couplo of weak oko tho mtiyor conll-
Icnvnr to Rot from tho city n Hntlsfncw dontly iifiortod Hint Iho bond house
ory lilslory of tho city rlmrtqr, and would tako tlio honda. Ho doos nut
.ivldenco which will couvluco tho'xireua lilmuolf im confldontly now,
many dllllcult iiriililniiiH Unit Ur.yu
boon uorryliii; llm r.nimrul ntntf corps
for Mimo lime, nil of which will lend
lownrd llu lerine nr tlm pnclllr f'u.1,1
lute in limit of win Mm iiy piiiblt'iu
ulildl Wrlo not iniirdimdilly Hinl(ti
lilt III lllll lllllllllllIN nt Hun A til tut to
lnt miniiiiiT will ii:uln Imi tiled. A
better opportunity will Imi given the
leiiuumidliu: genoriil in hmidlo liiri;.
number of troop nt tho tomliiK lli'lil
opitrntloti II11111 on dm Mcxlnin lior-
let oil niioiint of ill,,' IntitH tiintiliuf
'Wlii'u nil tlm intromit orniilila
'Inn' nrn III do llnlil tlmy will coiutl
inii' 1. wnr Hlri'iiittli illtUlun. TIimo
"i..ih, iIhiukIi now htNtlmiM nt ilf
fill III llfllllU III till' IMIVCnil BlHlWI lll'K
Ulull ll. ., ,.. ....! .. t..f it .. .
7,1. .;,,"" ' ' ""J , umml
ArlNlil Mltrrflt' mill urn I'linut, m
...,!. .1 .1 tit . 1. . . .
-tniit wi imi ittirii liltmioil, u If
wi'il un ttdlHl.lo nulliorlO dint (Imi-
ml Mnrmy will Ink riiiniiininl of die
Hilitlrr wlu'ii dify nr In llmlit'lil.
"It U ilniiiiMl tjiMltl.lo dm flolil '
illtlfloii Into two nrmlm Oim nrm,
will lio kmmii n I In- "Itnl" nml tlir'
ctltitr dm "IIIiip."
"I.'aeli will Imi miller llm ronituniiil
f 11 tirlKni1lr Ki'imril Mini ili will
Hiliiltt of dirtu itlffpniit lUlillnr
litmirlio of die fn'rvlro,
"One nriny w III lake a tmltlnn n m
llm rofliit anil nlti'inpt to llnlil III way '
Hnmd TliU will lie known no tin''
1 lll furr Tlm etlmr nritiy will lie '
illiatrliiM to rnvrt dm Invmlnti and
Rlvn ImtllK Tli" Ixxllr will ln ill,
lantly irnlMl nml iMttrnt day will
. airi In H-outliii;. advance Kuard
ork. tiuliHHit duty and akIrinUhlHc
'I III will di'li'riulnii tlm matt km)I
Hon of tlm dinVrrnt forr, Tli'ii will
follow llm linltl". whli li will rolinlil
!nt for avirnl dnjn, A torim of 11m
l'lr iitiiler n HtntT oflli.'r di tailed
from dm wnr dijiattiiKtit will ilmiilr
Mnny tunnfurcra hnve,been Jield
fContlniifd rn ri;iv,i
no to
t tho
1 wy tii 'luldl
n Kcimo rut off
iiAiuiiiiivu. uv .
ofjtlon district wiis
Urm'H local udvbora thnt tho bonds
buy-'would bo a nlM clnlin iiRnlnst tho
illt Tlux ntlnfiiiikd (.'nut lit ln frlil.
iiiji .! tiiniimyn "Mtiv t uv 1 "ti-
liieeil Hint tho city charter la 11 bind
Iiik ono, nilopU'd leRiilly, boforo thoy
I'll tho bond Iioiiho to tnko tho hondu.
itu- nuino iinic .Miijor riaiiiiersmi
wild thnt tho Iioiibo wiis trjhiR to
fi inn nml)' iiiiiiinctlou Willi tlio in 11 1 11
inn I of (own, iihImi; to llm link f n
niltiilili! MkIiwii)'.
WIiuii tlm matter of luivlm; Cliy
l.ui'liifi'r lion J, .iiiuwiill Klvi' nn "-
iliniiio nml inim for 11 Imril mirfno
' I rn.-nirnt 11 1 11 11 1; nixtli utriilt to tlio
iilit HiiiKh ttim put lo 11 toti' It tnr-
I t
vii:mi:v iiiioriicitiioon
I'icUH iih otriciiits
j llouii'Miiiil No, .I.HiK, llrotliorliouil
of Aimrliaii Yctiiiii-ii rujoycil 11 very
liimy miidiiK ut I. (, (). I. wiRt Imll
liml 1'ilility i) will 11 1;. Tlifro wuro hov.
11 ihiiiIIiIhIih Initiated (ntu dm iii)k-
if rim of Yromiiiiry, 11 11 'I dm ocninluu I
of tin' niitiunl Inntnllntlun of iilIlrciH.
I'mt Korciunn W. II. Dulnnuy nrti'il
Hi ItliillliiK riltlcur.
Aftrr tliiiM iilmiMinl ilutli'H wcro
P' 1 f'H mt'il ilnlnty rt'frraliiiiciitK wri
r"rt In lin- Imiuiiii't room.
ildioiiKli ili liour wn Into inuntc
nml ilnntliiK v. 're ciiJo)i'il until die
iniMiMH Miflikil lo illirii", Tlii'oin.
ft- iluly luntnUi'iI wi-ro:
HonorHt.1,. formnnn. M. Pulloyj
. '
ln rr ' "JH'IMIIIllM, Jtlllll J
ruri-' Mindcnt, Mlnnl IJ.Yordyj clmp.
lulu :l(i II Anilrraou; l.ndy llclioccn,
1 : in ml.. Hell oviTicer, Jny Yordy;
t, .it. Ihi tii. (' J Tnllerk: mintlml.
t. . rK' ' Turiiur
SI M.Mi:i!h WOt I.I AN At TO Sltllll
IllTI.II. Willi, i: IIAI.IIWI.V Wll.l.
llulldliiR riiilt wcro iMiied lo
tin rlij council Inat nlclit na follow
Samuel T. Hiiiiimi'in, frnnm nuto.
I'l.'titl lid, UxIO fevi. nn prenilsen
ut Setfiilli nud I'lne lot I, block II.
iriKliial town of l.liiktllle.
s I' Zlm llaldwln. woodtli'il. 12x20
(til on lot 1, block ft. Kn nuna
H.'lKlit nddltlon.
Kivii:w is i.ivn.r
Isixci: hoahs i:.ntiiy
ltornev T. S. l'ftTrll nf Uikcvlew in (lie city lutt cM'tiliiR fur n
fiw iln' llt hero. Mr. KnrreU
Mat.-, that lie juti mine over for n few
dam lo Kit aenualutftil with die p o
pie of Klamath 1'nlt. He report crcat
'iiltliv In lakcxlew ulnce the advent.1
of the railroad, luhnnro In renl estate I
value, with many sale tnkliiR place. j
liml many new iikhIitii biislneta build-1
In b Iih; planned.
.ct m-Ioii I'loin t.'olilen Slule
Dr. J. V. llllbort and wife nro ro
rent nrrhnU In tlm city from Minne
sota, who nro to lieruiii iiermniietit
resldutU of llm city. Dr. tllllitirt hi
lled Klmiinth Full for n short lime
hist October, nud tin Blntejj thnt he
hnd not been here twenty-four hmjrs
lilforn bo wns lomlnre.l that Klnni
ntli Full wns tho ilnco for hint. Ho
oxp 'cis t rcruro ufHc's within n few
dnM nnd will IicrIii tlm print Ice of hi
Twi'tiljVI'Hu Who lime ll'n Station.
nl at WnliliiK(mi .More Than Four
Yon 11. Kuilili'iily t'piooleil mill A.
nIrhciI i:ielieiv for "Heal Wm I."
WA8IHN0TOX. I), C, Jrn. 111.
Twenty-two army olllcors aro bewail
lug their fnio lu having to leave "soft
beilh'." lu Washington nnd report for
"real work"'witli commands lu differ
ent pn'its of Jim country,
Tho eoinplr,tntti followul imhllra
tlou nt thti wAr iletinitmciit of a list
by General Wood of nil olllcors who
hiivo been Htiitloued Ifcro mora tlm 11
four i cars.
IIiIruiIU'I' (lonoial Wlllni'upuoii, In
chnrRo of tho nnny war ioUokc; Col.
onel McCain night Ucutcuar.t coin
110U, novcn innjoin mid live captains
tiro affocted.
"I IlilnU t best for tho scivlco thnt
olllcirs luivo a variety of oxpcilonee,"
rftnld General Wood,
Wo have some, very ticslr&blo 6th
street property for sate Stephens
Hunter Ilcnlty Co.
in:itoio wdiiic or mjiihi: o.vm-
(i.wi: t.'i lien:
C. O. I'liim, wlmmi iicclilcut nt It
Ithirr dniu tlirt'o wiekn iiko led to
lilond tioliionliiKi linn liud n narrow tj-
ii in' from dendi, InrK'.'ly due to tlio
lierolc rfTurU or MIm K. I.. Mcdrntli,
hi mime, mid Dr. U'o W. Clillton.
I'liiiii wiu ruttliiK aoiuu wood when
a id' re Hew up mid atruck Mm on din
nrv. 'rlie Injury wiik ilreimod nt tlio
Hum nt l.twi Ither, hut lieciiiiic In
( 'il. ud a hail tnno of hlood iols
'iiiIiik Ml In Involving rium'a fuiu.
lio laniH to tkl city fur uipdlcnl trrnt
1 nut, mid tonk 11 room nt tlio OreKiui
Ioiih It 'a noon aiiurent that
tl e re wa sin denpernto oiid, nml Dr.
I'MHon and Ml not to wink
to do tlnilr l.nt fur th' limn. Mlatt
'(Jralli hnd to lie with I'luui nlclit
.'ml dny. wltbuut ret, mid only Iiy the
ti "M kMliluoun care on her inrt dld
t'l'.im pull throuRh. 1
At one time lio K3to up to die, hull
I i' nuino did not ihnre. hla belief, nnd
work d nil tlio harder to dliprovo hlii
attitude. )
8hu won tlio cn.e.
Mr mid Mrs, M. L. Sloan left thin;
iii'iiIiir for their homu In Ashland
ll.o (ouplo lino been cnJoylnR nn ex-1
milled visit with their children, Mr.
aid Mr Bam Hill, Mr nnd Mr. Hob-
1 n 8I0.111 nnd Al Slonn. '
cor.vcii.'ii:i wmi ix
iii:i: to eiidi:
nsi:t.r itv
FOil HAM. Cheap, ono charter, nl
uiiHt new and but allRhtly used. Ap
ply to board tit roiincllmen, Klamath
Knlls, Ore.
Tho ..bovo BdwilMinent U Inserted
rr.u. r i.v tlm iier.ti.t th itm
hopo of helping tho city to Kct some 'Tl'-'usands of visitor from every
thing for nn Instrument thnt hn been ttl,oro ln ,ho Sonlhwesit were present.
Iceland unworthy of tho needs of tlio)
rltv wlilrb rlioio II. It I n sail thine 1
for one to tlio young, but It looks nsf
thouRh the charter wns nbout ready
for the undertaker to put on his most'
uipnthctle look, hitch up tho nag to)
tho kombro wiiroii, nnd cnll for tho
corpse. I
The council Inst iiIrIiI di'clnred dint
the charter wni 11. fi., which Is to sny,
In dlKnlui'd parlance, Itmutliclcnt. i
Mayor Fred T. Siindcrson llsteued
to 11 siiRKCstlon that tho matter of
dtnftliiR n now charter bo taken up by'
n cnminltfe. and then Informed the
I council Hint ho and City Attorney
lloi.nre M. Manning and 01m member
of tho council, would bo suniclent. Ho
"!r" A trom ";
The aChnrtcr wns broiiRht Into tho
world on Mr.y 9, 1910, nud hn been
so much of a huRhcnr to tho city thnt
Its death lias boon decreed within
lesit than c!nht mouths of life. In
fuel, It inlKht ho said never lo ue
been wenncd.
It rnnio to. tho turn of tho roml
wli 11 Councllmnn C. II. Crlslcr last
iilKht wanted to Know what had bo
cnino of the resolution adopted some
mouths nRO by tlio council to Issue
lion Is to tnka up tho 150,000 of out
HtiindliiR city wjwianU which havo led
to a hcav) discount nnd no little loss
to dm city, Tho mnjor indicated
thnt tl 0 bonded Indebtedness of tho
elty was limited by tlio chnrtcr to
$150,000, thnt 190.000 wna already
! taken up, leaving but C0,000. lio
tmld It $50,000 of this wns used for
tho illy wnrrnuts It wouldtlenvo but
1 10,000 for sower purposes, when tho
ontlio i30,000 would bo needed. Tho
mnor nssertciljliat uothliiR less than
that amount for sowers would do any
"Tho city has no money, nud no
wny to get nay,'' said Cojonol M, Q,
WllkliiB. "jts credit Is very bad, in-
difil. It I In jtiirh n atnto thnt they
1 re IjtlkliiK of n 26 per rent dlicotint
un illy warrant. It 1 iiittltln for tho
ity to try to ko nlicml with wnrranta
nt 75 ("nta on llm dollnr 2f per cunl
helow pur. Wo oiiKht to Kt Hie rhnr-
. iinmndcd or do xomnthltiK to Ret
1'iiir tow n on n luminous haalii."
It I n (KJor thnrter," dirlnred
.iinetlman 0. W. Whlto, "Wo lin
i iven It n trial nml fntim tlmt It I
tnniliifc. In Hi mnitcr or bond par.
iiculnrl) wo have.demouttrnteil that
tlir 1 barter I not ample for our re
quirement. We've Rot to have nn
"npnnalori of die charter. 1 wouU
i'Ki?et thnt w put the city attorney
in work with n tommltteo from the
t-oiinrll lo slvo 11a a now charter."
'Tin nalinmctl of It," inld Couucll-
nimi Allen Klnniiblc.
"If 'tho charter la not Reed, lot'i
lirmi-ed lo net one thnt la kooiI," aug
: ld Counrllman Crlnler.
I voteil for It," admitted Colonel
VMIkln. 'Til now vote for n now
'me , n bronilfr-caUKt, ip-to-dato
City Attorney Mnnnlni: said thnt ho
b. Ilevii thnt n Reed committee work-
Inic lo hour a day for four wfeka'
would 1 able to turn out a Reed chnr-1
it. ijie major aaid tio would con,
hl r the ninllcr with the city nttor
iu'i nnd mnko n repoit nt tho next
" 1 'IIiir if council.
oitka iioi'sh i'iti:('i:in:i) uv
'i wo iti:i:i.s or iti
At tho Houston opera homo tonlsht",0 s,ln devastating tho town. A
ithe Illstoin Italian orchestra will Slvolrcslmcnl r ln,onl""- anJ a battalion
n iH.pnlar concert Including numbers'0' Ml'I'em nro flghtlng the fire,
of nrlous kinds, nnd tho leader wllli ' ,
explain to tho nudlcnco ns to tbo orl-l Nhu "K' Jnn- 15. Four nun
Kin nud nature of each selection. 'Lred, wrcck ' working, on tho
1 IItrornihoronroFthePln.he,wiii Multablo building ruins. Demolition
'be a couplo of reels of motion plc
tu'cu thrown on tho screen.
Tho price will bo a quarter for tho
adult, with IS cents for Juveniles.
first sr.vri: oovfkxou or
xi:v Mi:xico sow
United Press. Serlce v
SANTA 1B, X. M., Jnn. 15. W
C. McDonald wns today Inaugurated
an the first olectcd Rovernor of Xcw
Mexico, and tho first governor of tho
lnew lM- ,T1,1 y took place
t noon In tho hnll of representatives.
soi.iiifhs cii.Mtei: mim.mi:x
ntted I'roiis Hurnca
l.AWItKNCK. Mass.. Jan. 15 Two
co 111 (mil lea of mllltla, and a local bat
tery of artillery, with aimed rifles,
wero scut double-quick to tho Pacific
mills today when 3,000 strikers
stormed tho factory. Tho mllltla
chnrRcd with fixed baonets. Fifty
w ro hurt.
I'llhoitiT ill Penitentiary ut Colorado
tliliiw tiTllnve Atlmiltetl Coiniiilt.
Ill n HurRlary lo (7et llenellt uf Con
Ml'iipllou Trt'ntini'ut '
CAXON' CITY, Colo., Jan. 10.
That one of tha com lets serving a
term in the Colorado stnto prison hero
plcntk'd guilty to tho cliarco agalust
him solely to get tho benefit of tho
pusan ireawii1 111 inr ruusuiupiiuu u.
mane hiiuwu nero iimtiy tuiuutiu h
adiiilislon by tho prisoner himself, .
AlUoit Ulunt, ago 23, a victim of
tuboiculosTs, who was utterly desti-'
lute and suspected of burglary at j
tJrunl Junction, declares ho con
fithjl a crime ho did not commit In
ordci to enter tho penitentiary, whovo
ho would haso a chaiiro to effect a
He 6a j s ho wns d)liig of tho dlscas
In do Jail at Oiaud Junction, nnd
decided that his only means of re
gaining his health wns to securo his
conviction of tho crliuo of which ho
was suspected and bo "iit to tho pon
Ilontluy. That ho did well thcio is no deny-
Injf, for alnco ho entered tho penltcn
tlnry lnt May, hna Rftln'd fifteen
"My icntcnco In tho pcnltcnllnry I
from two to thrco yoivni," rnld mount,
"nnd I liopo nt tho end of that time
I will ho nblo to ro out in tho world
and enrn n living."
tait ruvoits wntKs i;xii:h
ro.VTitoii oi- f,ovi:n..MK.T
I'lmi Him Itecn 1,'nder IntnttlRnllon
for Oter Yt'nr, nml rubllratlon of
HerKlnij- iHtrlirofk'ii Vlrttii lnr
of I'lmi to I'll I'tibllr
United I'rca Sorvlrt,
Prenldcnt Tnft fnvor Hitchcock'
plan for government own'rshlp nt
telcRraphi, nnd la confident tho plan
la finalblc. Ho will probably recom
ment It before tho end of Ms term.
It l lenrned further thnt the publl.
rndon of Hitchcock's views Is part of
jtbo plan to feel out the public with
out coinmiiunc Tniu II It Is npprov.
jed Tnft will urRo the project. It ban
(been Investigated for over n yeaT, and
, tho cabinet dlicunied It today.
Tiiorst.vns of homi iiukx
I .1.1 1) J..I'M AUK lltMJKI.hJSS
firtiit I'lre llronka Out Id I'romlnent
1 Oriental City, nml lc-lnicllon of
I Home U Kiionimii, Itesplto' Kf
fori of Solillerx to Qnell
United Press Service
OSAKA, Jan. 1C A great fire I
burning here. Fivo thousand house
I wero burned nt noon, nnd tho flames
of th" walls has been commenced.
I "My son does not hunger for life.
FAIH t.MOFXTOFIXIKIJTi:iXt-S.slM.0,t mudcrcr M would
1 like to Join the deceased, wherever
OF MFXIC11MI.ITV SIKW8 .ll'-sho moy be. but I and others who
Pltor.Ui OF TOWN'S lTlli:itK , know him who tremble to think of an
Hills wort allowed by tho city coun.l
ell liml nleht ns follews:
Henry Dolvln, plumber t 7.10
I!. C. Greeley, plumbing ....
Telephoning by Mayor San-
erdsoii to Shear, Chlco . . .
Inncs-ClarkeM-umbcr and Box
O. Kellogg, street work
Chas. Wooilnrd. street work. .
J. Crcfion, street work
Chnrles Adams, street work. .
5.80 1
O. K. Transfer Co., threo bills.
total 19.101
Itobcrts & Hanks .- 122.15
Totnl 1213.50
Riley Licensee On Sixth Street.AsHe
Gives Up Plan To Invade Main
1M 11. Du Fault's transfer of his
saloon llcenso 011 Sixth stroct to C. K.
Itllcy and tho lease of tho promises
from Du Fault to Illloy was approved
by tho council last night. Tho llcoiuo
expires tho l3t of June, whllo tho
lease runs tor a year from January 1,
l!M2, at $C0 per month, Somo time
ago Du Fault Applied for tho council
to transfer tho llcenso, nnd at that
tlmo tho council wns Informed that
tho assignee of tho llcenso Intended
to wnvo around tho corner on Main
ntrcot Into tho room formerly occu
pied by tho Snddlo Rock restaurant.
Tho council hold tho matter up, and
in tho meantlmo Klley determined not
to move, so that It left the matter as
k simple transfer of llcenso, rather
than Involving a change of location.
It Is reported that if niley had
succeeded In getting a removal to
United I'rcss Service
I'HKIXO, Jnn. 16. Two bomb
wero thrown at Yuan 8hl Kal as ha
was leaving tho palace.
The premier was unhurt, and cried,
"Orlvo on I" nod escaped,
Ono bomb was not exploded, the
other Just mlnscd tho carriage.
Two men wcro killed and flfteea
nro dying, whllo twonty others were
hurt. Thrco horses were killed.
Voung Man Hrntmcrd to Drsttli far
.Mnnkr of lllo HweHheart AwwhsJ
Commnlatlon Thfoach Hetswrft
nble ArRiiment of fxithsg IMst
I.OXDOX, Jan. 18. Ai a reenlt of
n strongly worded petition addrsnttM
to tho homo secretary by the ma'
mother. Thomas Mason, 21, of Astoa.
nlrmlnRham, sentenced to death for
tho murder of his sweetheart, baa
1 been-reprieved.
In her petition tho mother wrete:
"I am very poor, and have m oft
en means which would eaabU mj mm
to bo defended In the best poaalbla
manner. If I hnd tho commaad of
money I should havo obtained the eft- '
denco of tho highest medical wit
nesses to show that It w
deal moro probable that the 1
Inflicted the Injuries; herself.
"If the decease laflleted the
wound hersolf. nothing Is mora prob
able than that she should hart IMt
faint afterwards, and thaa left tba
, weopon In her body, whereas) bad asy
son slain, In madness or pasetoa, tha
object of hi affections, surely tho
mnllt'A w.til.t. mamba t.l. A jiia
'tho blow would have caused hiss to
retain hold of Ma weapon, and not
.leave It In the victim's breast.
Innocent man suffering the extreme
penalty of the law when he Is In no
wny guilty.
"I am not superstitious, but, to put
it mildly. It was a remarkable clrcum-
'tnnco thnt all tho lights In the court
'should extinguish themselves when
i tho Jury returned with their verdict.
which I say was a wrong one."
The mother received an oBclal In
timation that tho sentence had been
respited with n view to commutation
lo penal servitude for life.
Tho degree team of Klamath Lodge
Xo. 137. I. O. O. F will meet to
night for practice, nnd mombers of
I tho order Interested In this work aro
.requested to be present to assist.
Main street certain other partlea who
wish to enter the saloon bustntM hero 'I
would have endeavored to get a M-J
Congo for tho present illley pnmmm,
uml that It wns partly the noaalMIUy
(of competition In this direction that.'.!
I led to abandonment of tha Bias la. I
move, j
uniteti f rcss uervico
rights" for the women of tat)a;ta
being pushed forward eaergatlaaWy,
nnd the enactment of a wtrajw'wMt
is believed to be aaaurtd M rnnW
of the recent liberal election Ttotarsaa.
The llborala attribata Hek of thttr J
success to tha campaigning dooo Wi
the autragettea, eapeclally la t0 Sf ,,
ricultural dletrlau, , r -.
9W, r- jt"l
.,1 " '