"J - a S, ,i. C M Bend . - - j V ' u rXV1 tifiliM rfttlii. i if- SUPPLIED HY TIIK UNITED PIIKNH NF.WM SERVICE EVKNINO NBWSPA PRINT TIIK NEWS. NOT Hlilli Year N. l.flftfl KM MATH PALLS, OIIKOON, MONDAY, JANUARY It, 1BIB mm ROBBERS KILL FOR SAKE OF PLUNDER BULLETS IN VICTIM ONE SALOON KEEPER KILLED ottTiiioirr iiy imcapi.no thug whim: ..jii:u dii:h i-hom wound inflicted niliil I'll Hervlrs STOCKTON, Jan. C WIIHniii Newman, it milium keeper known ns IHniiioml Hill," mm allot tleiul In hli llofmau rnf nt I iiYlnrk IliU morn ing by n inuiki'il linldiiii mini, lm iiiD'il mIiIiuiiI hii) plunder, Newman miik cIimIiik Hid imliiiiti iiiul ni moil mvi ii plnylng ranis In llio rear u( tin, room. Win n Urn rob ber iim iliu nun Im opened nru, ninl Niiwimin fell, Html iliroilcli Urn heart fulled Preaa Hortlrn Another In Hum I'mutUro HAN I'ltANUIHCO, Jmi. lb In a lirilDr bnltln Mltli Ihrro robbers who Irli'd to plunder hli milium, Aiii'iu liljmnn Jolin i:, Mullnlly wm ilmt futnlly IhU inornliiK. HUtnn iboti Mi-rn iitrlmiiKcd, Tlio yrnnn inrnid John Crnli!, nil onlooker, uni iliol In tint DiIkIi. Mullnlly dlnl In the UmiTKnicy I itiptUl, "holy srimmDvicE 61VEN TO CHUMP CLARK MiiIiIi-ii I'niplirl Ia Out Formula for I.IUIr of l.lfi-, I try Nmiwr fur FihmI, CIiu-m I'min Hlraw anil iMiulnmii l'"U hy Wiilrlrlly t.'nlti'd I'ri'M Hrrvlru WAHIIINdTON, II. C. Jan. 0. I'liur hmidri'd and fifty panel of ad tlio from the "Holy Hplrlt" In micro moplu timidwrltliiK Iikmi been placed lit lint illipoml of tint leRlilatltro lirnnch of thu Ktiteriimeiit, throuith Hpenker f'hnmp I'lnrk of the hinnio, "lieiiii. tint Mnlileii I'rnphet," who imi iho l CS yenri old, drclnrri It took her n mild yenr to wrlto tlio book, which li mi Account of her "triune tlilnna, In eiimiililliluii with tint Holy Hplrlt " AmouK othrr lutcriKtliiR Itifnriiin lion, Irenit coiiiniiiiilrnted to the iipenlirr the formula for the Ionic ui:ht i:illr of Life, It follew: "Two oiitire niKnr of lend; threo ouiii'i'i of oil of rmiiplior, unit ounce of 'Mlledlelcid' ilher; onn ounce of rciittlr brouildn of lainieln; thirty Krnltn of chloride of koM; nno ijunrt of biirnildu of potmh and threo gat lonn of water," Ininit Is certain Hint Iho uao of thli dlilr In the hath will proicrro life from 100 to 200 years. Irene recommend "dried mow" for food, and iItci a formula for drying Iho product without melting It. Cheent fiom niraw, alinea from the akin of Ioki mid mlmon, itnno from in nil, fug inmlo lumlnnui by electric rur rvnl, mid it nroro of other wonder nrn deirrlhed In thu tnnniiirrlpt. A per onnl lettor lo Iho iponker from Irene, whoao cnrthly nnme I Ireno Iivn Van Hnnt. or Mra. Judge V. T. Hold of 8c nltle, Wiiah,, accompanied tlio man uscript. It rend ns follews: "Hear Chnlrmnn I will send you even or eight morn of tlio roconli I'ciitnliilng a-copy of the word Intrunt- Courthouse Site Problem Not Dead, But Allowed To Slumber In Peace Up to this tlino Iho county court liitM not slgnlflcd what action, If any, It Ihih taken, or will takn on tho sub- left of tho tender by tho Klamath Kills Commercial Club of the slto for it now court houso at Hirst and Main iitrootH, Tho club has recolvod no communi cation from tho county board, nud It looks' as though both sides wore play ing iv waiting game, each standing pat to let tho other inako n inovo, No plans for tho proposed now court houso building ou the Hot Hprlngs ! i il In my mm, J tut as fsst as I rati get It riiilinl, I want you (o allow W, J, Hi Ynn, Mr, Taft, Toddy lloosevelt, rVfrctnry Cortolyou, tlio Chief Justice, llit aerml service mi J all stutvsmon to Know nml havo copl. of tlala anil all Din other hooka tlml will lio innt to you. It lakes a yuxr of ronitant writ Ink Id miikn a look. Till copy of the Uclntod 'Word of llm Holy Bpirll' voiced lliroiiKli urn !n Iratiro sleep for IImi Innt nliio yiurii, holonga to tliu hernia of tint ifowiriiiei ill. It ! Inlnd nmiililp. If nllow.,-1 It will glorlly our country. If illaolnyed, America li ilnomed lo follow Ko'lnni and flonur rati I inn toiiiiiinuded to dlatrlhtitit IliU word hi did llod'i arrlhc and mT mila, lint npoiilcii, Your IovIiik splr Itunl motlKr In ClirUI, "IHKNH." MINING MEN WILL GATHER AFTER LONG PREPARATION i:tM-H ami I'nutliul Itnnlim of llif Ijirlir Trrimirv Will Talk, ami liili.Hlii .Mm lilin'ry I lo ll (iltto Ui'iiionilralloii. Hlx'dal to Tlio llcitwlil MCltroill), Jnn 16 Mi-dfurd will Hiiliuuin iiiIiiIiik liicn of tliu North went on IVIirnut) 2 mid 4, when lhi Hoiilhorii Oti'Kon MIiiIiir cuiiKnin wilt bu hi'ld. MIiiIiik vipurti will Khit Inlkn mid prnitlrul mlncri will luirtlrlpnlii In tint dUcmulotu, Diiiiioinilrntloui of Kiili.alni: tun rtilm-r) will lio mndu. WIVIM AH liOOII AH fATTI.K ITIITI.Y HAYH CIIIKK WII-KY t'bi'iulial Krt of (ioiemnirnt Hug- W In Men That IWtliruom, Willi Hot and Colli Walrr, In Houar, la a IrniKirlMiit aa Hllo In Ham llnlted I'reaa sfrtrlre limtl.lNCJTON, VI., Jan. 1C ""lour wlea are )utt aa lmKirtanl a your coui, mid ahould hnvn JuU nn gnod cunt" declares!. Harvey V Wiley, chhif of the bureau of chunlitry of the department of agri culture, " tint til it t with hot and cold win ter 'u tlio tiouoe la Just aa Important na n Hllo In the barn," lio concluded, MISS SCHALLOCK NOWMRS DAGGETT wi:i.i KNOWN VOUNO rKOPLK HOMK WKDHINO FOU HOimiKHN iiavi: griirr AMI I.UVK JOVHNKY A wedding of unusual Interest among the young peoplo of this city took plncit Hiindny, when Mlas Orpha Hchnllock, dnugliter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hchnllock, hrenmn tlio brldo of Junior D.iKKolt. Tlio young woninn la well known In Klunmth Kails, and deservedly popular, wlillo tlio groom Is also fortunalo In having numurniis friends. He la connected with tho freight department of tlio Southern nclflc rnllrond In this city. Ho Is a brother of County Treasurer Claude II. Daggett. Tho ceremony yesterday was wit- slto havo ns yet boon Invltod hy tha county coutt, and It la uncortnln, at least In Iliu public mind, when any will be. Tho club members say they havo giVon Iho court eoniothlng to think about, and further than this they will not go, except to uso vorblago which Indicates that thero will bo consider nblo Interesting developments In caso tho court starts ahead with putting tho now building on tho ground It do cldod on In Hi announcement mndo nbout thr weeks ago, ni-iaod Iiy n (otiipnuy of altotit twen ly-flvii relatives nml friend, mid wan performed nt Iliu lionio of tlio hrldu's parents hy Kdv. J, B. Htntililufluld, tlm piwtor of Llnkvlllo Presbyturlsn cliurcli. Following ttio riles tlm young pioplii were the reclpluuts of a Hum- licr of linndiioiii prcaonts. An enjoyable wedding dinner wia siirvi-d to tlm bride and groom and guest, and Mr. and Mr. Dnggctt tvft mi tlio evening train for California nml Arizona, to lit- gowi probably a fortnight. In l.o Angeles mid Yiinni Mr DnKKi'lt hnn relative wherii liln lirldn mid lilnmolf will vlnlt on tin- tour. II li rather a coincidence that the youiiK ruuplo were docply concerned In lint marring!) iiboul nix weeks bko of M K. Tcmplo to Mill Hoia Bhlvo. nt v',,,,, th"' wrru wln,', n," '" nliuli'd In tlm iiula wvddliiR fcait. Tint Ti)iiiili-Hlil- luurrlnRit wo car rli'd out wllliuut iiotlfyltiK thu hrldu'i fnlliir, Wllllnm T Hblvf, until Mr. mid MrK, Tcmplit with started on tlinlr wuy In Niw York city on a wed dliiK Journey. Mr, Temple, tlko Mr. DnKKi'll, U rouinrUd with the Boutli itii I'liririr. rnllrond, IicIiir employed In tint fiiRlnecrlnK deparlmcnt. Jorgeii-on Family Will frtc (.'. W JnrKcnsoii, who hat been a ruldoiit of Klamath Falls since last aprliiK, will leave, about a week honco for O.fkbnd, Cnllf., arcompnnlcd by till futnlly He eipecls to go Into biialneii .it lllchmond, Calif., n sub urb of Oakland. Since hit enmu to 1 1. ! c'ty ho hm been ongaged In keeplni, trim aoino of tint ateai Im- proted by the Klamath Development company. . certTficates" to LOCAL TEACHERS aassaaassaaMi' IIFJtt'liTH OF TIIK KXAMI.VATIONH II FIJI l-AHT MONTH COMK FltO.M HTATK HDI'KIUXTKMK FNT AI.DKIIMAN Iteaults of tho examinations held last month by County Superintend ent John O. Hwan, havo been re cehed at hli office from tho Salem orflro of Htnto Hiiperlntendent 1,. A. Atderinnn, who, with tho county in pcrlntcndcnts of tint atate. comprises Hie hoard which nets on the candi dates. Certltlrntes luno been awnrded na follow Flto year certificates. Mis Adn I'orter now teaching at Olonc; one yenr certificates, Itoicll II. Dun Imr, city superintendent, Klamnth I'nlla; Ml. Mnry K. filownrt. Mlas Lola J. Myerii. Klnmalh Falls; Ml Mnry A. quirk, Dodd Hollow, near Merrill; Mlis Jane II. Holcchcck, Bhnata View, near Matin: Mlas Ger trude Davldaon, Maltn; Mln flrace Polk. Ml. I.nkl, Mrs. Isn- J. Illchnrd son. Illy; Feitus K. Binlth, linund l.nko; Marlon C. MrCaiiley, Odessa; II. I1. Alexnnder. Bhntrtn View; Clyde Vnn Meter, I'oe Valley. Tomorrow evening James A. Mad dux starts for Snn Francisco, at which city ho will Join a quartet of Klamath Fnlls peoplo who will inako a Journey to Honolulu to bo gone several weeks. Tho others aro Mr. and Mrs. Bran R. Heames, Mrs. M. McMillan and thtt hitter's diiughtor, Mlis Mario McMII Inn. Tho party will embark January S3 nn tho steamer Mongolia. EXTEND UMATILLA PROJECT THEME FOR BOARD'S BRAIN Miuli Mooted Question Is lo He Tak- en l'i by Itcrlamatlon Brnrlco lien, rt-aentatlveai, Who Will Bit la Thn1 ClliVa Spoclal to The Herald I'KNDl.KTON, Jan. IS. Hearings before iv board appointed from the reclamation service on tho much- mooted question of tho extension of tho Umatilla project will begin on January 24th. The board will alt In Hormlston, Pendleton and Stanfleld to hear ob jections made by the various sections In regard to sources of water supply for carrying out the proposed work, nml nftor gottlng all possible Infor mation on the subject the board will make recommendation! to Secretary Fisher of tha InUrlor department. TRUE DE LAP HAS NEW LAW OFFICE HON OK COUNTY CLERK OPENS IIEAItOUAKTKHH IN RICHMOND lll'ILDING FOR INDEPENDENT PRACTICE True II. Da I,ap, son of County Clerk Charles It. Do Lap, who has been engaged In tho law In San Fran- rlsco for some time, has oponcd nn office for nlmself In lllchmond, Calif., m-ar Oakland. Ho has engaged head quarters In the building of tho First National Uink of lllchmond. Ho has ninny friends here who will wish him thu but of succeis In. tho undertak ing. FOREST SUPERVISORS ILL MEET TO SWAP THOUGHTS Confi-rrnrr of Timber Oieisttla of (JovcrniiH-nl Called for PortlaM Nest Week to Talk Over Means of Adinlnlstratlos). Special to The Herald POItTI.AND. Jan. IS. Forest su pervisors, tho heads of twenty-six na tional forvits of tho Pad lie North- uett and Alaaka, will meet In Fort- land, January li, for a weck'a con ference on the administration of land tinder their Jurisdiction. Chief For ester (Jravs of Washington, D. C, will glvo addresses. gt'El'FJt LIT FKOM CHINESE TO CFXKI1RATK ftEPl'IIMC tlilM-at' From All Over California llrlii Angle Town Mongolians to Hc-joira Orer Tr China, and Ind- dmtaRjr Hae"NrJed Hafrcats 1'i.lted Press Service I.OS ANOEI-K8, Jan. IS Proceed td by a queuo clipping ceremony par tlclpated In by Chinese from all over the itatc, Iho Ixt Angoles colony of Mongolians nre today continuing tho celebration of tho formation of tho proclaimed republic. Tho festivities started Thursday, with tho arrival of tho San Francisco delegation. MILLION OF PENSIONS CHEN SY ESPEE COMPANY Will IWt Iterurd April Ntl lrgtf Number in IJnr lo Itorvlve Ismetta of Hystrm 8uiiortrd From IUII road's tit-iKTsI Fund United Press Service Tho voluntary pension dlstrlbutlona of tho Southern Pacific company will reach tha million dollar mark before the first day of April, this year. Slnco tho Inauguration of the pen sion department In January, 1903, $91S,E38 has been voluntarily dis bursed among tho retired employes of that corporation. , The total disburse ments for December, 1911. were 117.- 073. Tills was divided among -167 former employe who havo been re tired for age, disqualifying disability and total disability. The total pen sion disbursements for the year 1911 wore $184,701.05. Slnco the organisation of tho pen sion department tho Southern Pacific company has pensioned 69S of Its former employes. Tho number on tho pension roll at tho close.of 1911 was 467. These employes aro from the operating department, train service, motlvo power department, Including onglnemen; maintenance of way de partment, stores department, traffic department, accounting department, general offices, ferry and river steam ers and Atlantic steamahlp line. Tho Southern Pacific pension sys tem does not require any contribu tions from tho employes during tho llmo thoy are In service, nor at any llmo. Length of continuous service U the only requirement. All pay. menta aro made from the general funds of the railroad. Aunlque Idea of the beneficiaries of tho pension bureau tha annual re union hag met with unanimous fa vor. The first affair of this character was held In 1910. Thin year It has honn dselitnd to hold tha raunlon on I May 10th, tha forty-third aaalversary or tho driving of tho last splko con necting the Central and Union Pa cific railroads. At tlu-io affairs these railroads aro rebuilt In reminiscence, and Iho old-timers who havo not nut for yenrs recount their experience of thu time the first railroad to the Wot was 'constructed. IILIIY MINKIUi IN AVALANCTIR of iux.-k, nmvur or iilaht Huniln-tla of Tons Fall on Two Spaa lot Diggers at Fool of Mountain Wliiti Otm-nf Works H-ta Charge of INmder Into Activity ffnltcd Press Sorvlce COIVTON, Calif., Jan. IS. Work men aro today striving to recover tho bodies of Juan Qarcla and Porflrlo Cortex, burled beneath hundred of ton of rock-as a remit of the blast at the California-Portland Cement works near here. Iloth men, miners, were at work at tho foot of tho mountain when a mln- nlure avalanche slid down upon them. KX-TKKAHfltKIl HIIUHTEB OX WAY HACK TO NATIVE HEATH American Who Handled Ottoman Fi nances, llemorrd Through Efforts of lluula and England, Starts WHa Family for United States TKIIKItAN, Persia. Jan. IS. Re moved as treasurer-general of Persia through tho efforts of tho Iluaslan and English governments, V, Morgsn Shuster, accompanied hy his family and Secretary Edward IJcll of the American legation here, nro today on their way home. INDEBTEDNESS IS INCINERATED Itr.NCll OF CEHVt'S ALCE8 DE CIDE TO CELEBRATE PACT THAT DAMOCLFJMAX SWORD OF I. O. V. HANGS NOT On January 26, 1913, Klamath Fnlli Lodge No. 1,247, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, or cer viia alces, will celebrate the event of the cremation of their Indebtedness with nn old-tlriR masquerade ball at the Pavilion rink. Any old make-up wl! do, according to the Invitation, but the Invitees and their "company" aro expected to mask. Speaking In the langunge of tvMidtmcn and dent tens of the forest. no buck will be necessarily presontcd at tho door. Those wanting suits are required to see J. V. llomton teforo January 20. If ho Is any judge, no non-suits will be allowed DANZIG WILL TEACH YOUTH HOW TO AGITATE SPHEROID I'crnM-r Sacramento First Itssrniaa to D'rvct Work of Poeaoaa Ctttlege Squad of Ilall Players During the Coming Season United Press Servlee SACRAMENTO. Jan. 15. Daho Danxlg, former first baseman of tho Sarramonto Coast League club, will direct tho work of the Pomona col lege squad during tho coming sea son. He Is being assisted by Chris Mahoney, also of the Sacramento club. L0GG6ED OFE LANDS TOPIC FOR CONGRESS TO BE SOON Stntistlra Now Hrlag Collected for Census of Such Lands, Showing Thrlr Extent In Each County, to Attract Settlers United Press Service PHTLAND, Jan. IS. One of tho most Important conferences of tbo new year will be a logged-off' con gress, to bo held In Portland within the next two months. This will be the most oxhaustlvo study of the sub ject over held, and will be under the auspices of the Orogon Development League. The Portland headquarters Is making arrangements. Statistics are now being collected that will bo a logged-off land census, showing the extent of such lands la each county. These figures will be used la attracting settlers to these EARTHQUAKE FELT BY CALIFORNIANS Idle acres. Another. Another pur pose of the coming congress Is to teach the best methods of clearing tho land of stumps and making It productive. Tho latest Investigations along this line will be given for the benefit of settlers and the best meth od of removing stumps thoroughly' explained. It Is bellovcd this met Ing will be of state-wide bensftr A uAorocx If you want oranges we hare or anges, no hot air, but naval oranges, tho largest onea 30o" a doxea, the small ones 20c a doxen. The cheap est ever sotdsjn Klamath Falls. Yours for Oraages, THE FULTON MARKET. AUSTRIAN WATER POUTER MIAY SOON BE DEYELOPED Gorrnmmt Has Coasaslsasea at Work to Harvey lUver and Mnssataln Streams and One Large Project Is Already Decided Vpoa VIENNA, Jan. IS. An aablUoua and conservative program has been entered upon by the Austrian govern ment, a commission harlng for some time past been engaged in surveying various rivers and mountain streams with a view to utlllxlng them for power purposes. One of the largest projects decided upon la the darning tbt tho Thaya River, the boundary be tween Austria and Moravia. HITCHCOCK MAKBB PTBB BY CTILrnBB OPINION Announcement That He Fares fios rrnsnrnt OwntishJp of Tflrgraplss Causes Ksntapas at White Hon, and President Is Vexed United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 15. Postmaster General Frank Hitchcock, whose announcement that he favored government ownership of telegraphs caused consternation at tbo Wblto Houso, called there for a conference with President Taft The White House refuses to discuss the matter, making It plain that Mr. Hitchcock was merely expressing an opinion. It Is understood that Pres ident Taft Is vexed. HAND INFECTED AFTER SCRAPED LLOYD DE LAP HAS THE BION SCRAPED OFF, AND INFECTION DEVELOPS THREATENINGLY IN INJURY Lloyd De Lap, son of County Clerk Charles R. Ds Lap, Is suffering pain In his right hand aa tho result of 'an Injury sustained In basketball playing at tho Pavilion a few nights ago. The young man had the back of his right hand severely skinned, and Infection developed In somo manner, so that blood poisoning was threatened. Dr. Leo W. Chilton Is attending to the Injury, and the danger of a serious I caso la believed to have been averted. I Kuykendall Out For Re-election As District Attorney In Notice Formal announcement Is made In today's issue of tho candidacy ot Dell V. Kuykendall for the nomination for prosecuting attorney tor the district comprising Klamath and Lake coun ties, on the republican ticket, Mr. Kuykendall will seek the nomination on hla record for the past four years In that office, he being the Incum bent. During hla four years conduct of the office be has naturally been brought Into close contact with a large number ot the rseldents and voters ot both counties, who have CHICO GETS TREMOR SLIGHT SHOCK DMTVRM PLE OF TOWN DURIlfO INO, WHILE MORE VfOUMCW IK NOTED NORTH United Press Btrrlee CHICO, Jaa. 16. A slight earth quake waa felt here at 10:11 a. Reports aay It waa heavy aorth of Magalla and Stirling. WORKHM?)MAYl TO ACT MORE UKI MCTMNS United Press Berries ABERDEEN, Wash.. Jaa. II. CHIxcas of Aberdeealoday see a pos sible end to their troubles with the Industrial Workers of ths World, who have bees carrying oa a "free seeseh" eampatga here. Conference of the workers and a committee of dtlieas will be held to day, and an agreement la expected to be reached. Nineteen workers ar retted Wednesday atht bars been re 'leased on the understanding that they would not again hold street meetings. ELKS NIL SWA TNI MOtUTUiS SEEN Tl SAY Special to The Herald PORTLAND, Jaa. ll.--PorUaad hotels are belag swasaaed with rsssr- vatlons for Elks' wash asat July, when the Grand Lodge males wMl be held. Every sectlea of th i try Is represented, and ths Coast lodges will send very large del egations. San Francisco expects to hare 1.000 delegates, while the Wllhua- ette Valley lodges will tarn oat MM Elks. Puget Sound cities have i for 600 rooms at local hotels. POPULAR CONCERT AT THE OPERA MOUSE Tho Blstolfl's Italian Orchestra, whoso plsytng hss afforded saach pleasure to those who heard them at the White Pelican Hotel, will giro a concert tomorrow sight at tho Hous ton opera house, so aa to enable tha general public to enjoy the srttstle efforts of this high class musical or ganisation. This concert, given at ths request of music lovers of our city, 111 be preceded by two reels of se lected moving pictures, aad the pries ot admission has bosa auds wlthla reach ot everybody, vis.: 15 cents for adults and 16 cents for children. Professor Blstolfl will give the -history and meaning of each number rendered, so aa to enable the audi ence to better appreciate tha ato formance. It Is seldom that music lovers anywhere are given a tjsHlar opportunity at such mlBlmuaaeest. "f LARGE HUBBARD JIQUAM One cent a pound. ' How do yonOike It See ihe FultonHar'ket. ll-lt thus bad an opportunity ot of his qualifications. Mr. KuisMsV dall will be opposed for tha reaah llcan nomination by John Irwta, aad to data no democratic oiisaaat has been suggested, so that it la probable that the race for thla i will be settled at the arlsaafjr tlon. However, there Is attatr at time yet for soma democrat, ta the contest. '' Judge L. P. wissMslaavaa evening for faa Tragisaia. Portland HistHrlra An Oissisai Which Is Plaaaad far That CM Darlac Xext Ms .1 14 "K I I .- ---! 1 1 t 'Jt'--'rJ , ' .-? T.'tff' 4 ' i