The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 13, 1912, Image 3

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Mens Clothes
We are closing out every
man's overcoat and winter
suit in the house at almost
We have a big line of rubbers, German socks, felt
boots and everything warm for winter wear and our
prices are the lowest.
Cold Weather and Sausages
Are Natural Friends
The Hales Sanitary Market is
riMllltrljr Hip hut word In In llr.C ilx HUMgr, All kind
limited by Hip Famous Hale'
All Pork Urcnkfn.a Sausage
AImi lrd IImI U lrtl. Purr n tilt ilrhrn snow and White
km Aitarl's IimHIi,
All nl llic Mm kit of Owallty.
J. J. HALES, Prop.
Phone 1571
Pianos Rented fhZ Per
Phonographs Rented ipl Month
Typewriters Rented $3 Per. Month
Kent paid
applied on
purchase price
We 5ell office supplies, legal
blanks, typewriter ribbons,
paper and carbon paper.
Telephone ua your order and
II will rectlvepromt attention
Everything in Music
Ask Your Doctor
Stops railing Hair An Clcgamt Drcsalnn
Destroy Dandruff Makca Hair Grow
$1.00 ODDS and ENDS $1.00
lnk in mir window tlila vmk. nrtt offering you great Iwr
gutua In irrtnln lines left uwt nllrr Chrlhtnui. Many of llieao nrll.
ilt'N nro wimli Inn ur llinv IIiim'm wlmt mo k for them. Hut all
lltl week at only 91 rarli, i
H. J. Winters
Jeweler v Optician
Delivered Anywhere in The City
(Comiiiiitilrntlons sent to tlio Her
ald fur publication In tills depart'
ini'iit should not exreeil 300 word In
(length nml mint tin accompanied by
inu nnniu utiii miun-ns or mo lender, i
.IMIIor llrrp.lil!
In V.luiiiiln)'ii Imiio of your paper
I .to (in nrtlrlu signed J, C. !.. in
which tlio writer niika me for aomo ex
planations, which, of count1, I am al
Mil)n dad o give?,
First, I want to mako a few re
innrkrt about J. C. I).' statement that
"If tlio workliiK people would only
li't 'boom' alone, and saved their
ilium') they would he all right, and
never need to tie hard up."
True, tempcranco nnd thrift are
mliulrnliln virtue, whether found
mining worklnic people or othera, but
It the)' were practiced ever m rigidly
I do not think they would Improve
tin, condition, of tlio worker to any
mint extent, Of course-, the aober
ami I ii1 ii nt rloun worker will often get
advantage from the emplo)cr. If
there Ii a position of trutt he la mott
likely lo get It, but In that caio It
wn Just n much the ihlfllcssncaa of
other n hi own virtue which Rave
him tho advantage, for hail they all
been steady and under tho one would
not have had any advantage over the
rent. I think J. C. I), will agreo with
inu that tho number of unemployed I
constantly Increasing, nnd tho com
petition for job will In time compel
men In work for the lowest possible
wage upon which they ran live and
keep their tabor power. If It was
posnlhlo for the worker of today lo
save half their wage It would not bo
Lloug beloro their wage would bo de
creased one-half. So It sconi to mo
hardly worth whllo to recommend
temperance and saving a a solution
of tlio economic nnd nodal problem
of today.
J. C. I), ask me why I work for
socialism, knowing It I coming and
would como even If thero wa uo so
cialist to pavo the way for It. Yes,
such Is my opinion, although I have
not said It In hi many word In any
of my aTtlcles lo tho Herald. There
aro two things taken In connection
which prompt mo In the werk:
Klrsl, that I know It will bo a bleat
ing to tko wholo of tho human race;
nnd second, becauso I feel sure we
will got It, and that In a comparative
ly short time. If cither one of theso
convictions wua lacking If, for In
stance, I thought It would be a good
tiling, but that It might take 100
yeura beforo wo would get It then I
khould very likely bo putting In my
spivro tluio shooting. crap or playing
uolo. As It Is, I bollovo that thoso
of us who aro allvo and well today
ntuiid a pretty fair ahow of aeelng the
co-oporatlvo commonwealth ushered
In. nnd no fat a I know, such Is tho
belief of all actlvo socialists. Out
while I know that socialism Is coming,
I nm also, sure that It will como In
much shorter tlmo-lt we work hard
for It, for It la only bv being posted
knowing what wo want and how to
gel It that wo ran hope to solve tho
problems of tho future It you put
n man to do n pleco of work, would
ho not go nt It with tnoro vim and
rourngo If you told him It was easy
limn It you told htm It would be a
vory difficult Job, perhaps Impossible,
Ho surely would, and after ail a per
son will find his greatest happiness
by exercising his activities, and the
only truo rest Is found In working
for a worthy purpose,
I bollovo It waa Den llanford who
aatd that next to the glory ot living In
tho co-oporatlvo commonwealth Is the
Joy of working for It. I hope J. O. D.
will lent tho truth of that aaylng by
Joining tho socialist movement. I
will assure him that ho will And plen
ty ot chances to exercise his activi
ties, and plenty of sport, too. I arn
plod J. C. I). I taking Interest In
economic question. Huch Interest
among working people I so rare that
It Is a pleasure when one meets with
It, no mutter what party tho Interest
ed person clings to. It la a suro
thing that If working pooplo will In
vestlgnto nlong political lines thoy
will arrive at the correct conclusion
koiiio d.iy. I hoK I havo now an
swered J. C. D. satisfactorily. If not,
I hope ho will tell us about It through
tho column of the Herald. If I can
ever wrlto anything that will start
someone thinking along the right
lines, I shall feel that I have not lived
In vain. I don't Ilka to llvo In vain. I
like much better to llvo In Klamath
Pall and write socialist articles for
the Evening Herald.
m bme up in sky
irrial Ooafflr Hrtwcc Air Scrap
pers of Italian aad Tarkka Aradea
Hmna Isuaasarat Mare Turkey'
Heavy liny of Machine
United Pre Service
PARIS, Jan. 13. Aerial battles be
tween two great rival aeroplane
iquadrons ot tho Italian and Turkish
armies I Imminent. Turkey has
Just bought between SO and 100
French flying machine, which aro
already on their way to Tripoli for
ur-o against the Italians. It will bo
tho first genuine engagement between
Temple theater, Matinee dally, l:3f
p. m. Evening, first performance
7:16, continuous.
Dandy nlco apples at Sunset Gro
cery, 11.50 per hot. d-ft-w-lt
Aro you interested In KLAMATH
COUNTY? It go, see the Stephens
Hunter Ilealty Co. They have some
tood bargains.
A Word With Women
Valuable Advice tor KUniaUl Valla
1 traders
For I'rowcullng Attorney
For District Attorney for Klamath
and Lnko counties, Oregon, on the
Republican ticket, JOHN IRWIN,
subject lo tha. primary nomination
to bo hold April 18, 1912.
For County Treasurer
I hereby announco myslot as a candi
date, for tho nomination for Treas
urer of Klamath County on tho Itc
publlcnn ticket, subject lo tho will
of the pcoplo atprlinnry election
to ho hold on April 18, 1912. JAY
For Anne or
I hereby unnounco myself a candidate
for tha nomination for Assessor ot
Klamath county on tho Democratic
ticket, subject to ,tho will of the
people at tho primary election to
bo held on April 18, 1912. J. P.
HeraldLWant Ads
KODAK f IMSKINO tmt claae aaa
prompt results byFrank Duncan,
over First National Bank, or leave or
ders at Mttle'baokf store, two doom
west of postofflce.
BTHAYKD One brown maro with
bald face, ono strawberry roan
marc, both shod; both branded O on
left shoulder; both gcnilo work ani
mals; weight about 1,000 pound.
Notify Chas. Graves. Klamath Falls.
FOIl SALE Dry slab wood, 16-Inch,
dollvcrcd to any part of the dty.
Ackloy Ilros. Phoae 4S1. 18-tf
FOIt 1IBNT Three or four farajsaea
housekeeping rooms in private fam
ily; no children. Inquire at Herald
offlca. f-tf
FOIt KENT 4-room modern koasa,
with range, close in. Enquire at
Klamath stable. 11-lt'
FOR RENT Furnished
gentlemen, at tha Oregon Heaea.
WE will rent you a piano.
graph, typewriter or sewlag aa
thlno, and apply the rent paid on Ua
purchase price. Typewriter rlakeaa,
paper and carboa paper; legal blaaka
and olllce supplies at cut price. Tel
ephone us your' order. Everything In
music. Mullet Music Co.
Many a woman ondure with noblo
luitlenco tho dally misery of backache,
pains about tho hips, bluo, nervous
spoils, hopolcss of relief becauso she
doesn't know what I the matter.
It I not truo that every pain In
the back or hips Is trouble "peculiar
to the sox." When the kidneys got
congested and Inflamed, there aro
many such aches and pains, and tho
wholo body suffers.
You can toll It Is kidney troublo it
tho secretion aro dark colored, con
tain sediment; the passages aro too
frequent or scanty. Then help tho
weakened kidneys. Thoy can't got
woll alone.
Doan'a Kidney Pills havo brought
sound backs and new life and strength
to thousand of suffering women,
Thoy aro endorsed right in' thla local
ity.. Rend thl woman' convincing
Mr. F, W. l.ongwlll, SIS West J
stroot, Qrants Pas, Ore., says:
"Doan's Kidney Pills havo been used
In my family with excolleat results. I
know what thla remedy will do in
cases ot kldnoy trouble, and can
therefore glvo It my hearty endorse
ment." For sale by all dealers. Price 60
cent. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other,
For HticHsT
I hereby announco myself a candldato
for tho Republican nomination for
Hherlff of Klamath county, subject
to tho will of the voters at the prl
mary election to bo held April 18,
I hereby iiiinouncc mysolf a candl
dale for the nomination for sheriff
on tho Republican ticket, subject
to the will of the voters at the prl
rnnry ekrtlon to be held on April
18,1912. C. C. LOW.
Oct a box ot those nlco apple at
the Sunset Grocery, ll.CO per box.
We havo some yery desirable Cth
street property for sale Btcpbens
lluntcr Realty. Co.
Cured, Cured to Stay Cured With
Baalmann's Gas Tablets.
IV- IUIUUXVS fU&TUlUT3 ir mtJ iiu UlUtforuch
ftVj tajatU ft !)! d)(lU( mjlfln il'gtaY.
Matalaraa Cat rattf (pan ft farnvusV imulk KVaala,
!l ILM NN O VS-TAltUTri.. tU wJr nwljr b
Amenta tttJ rajajrisUf tJ daatafjrfjr U rJw twTTW.1,
'rnialit ts4orMt tcWU. f 1 Mb rlr nuM turn
kiuf tn 0V if Hi OU VN.N'ri G UTAHLLTi
trBa9 Jvu1 aUamarb tU tt quirt calai aJ la borau
rvmJcr nULULVVg O.UvTAnUTa -wt w
tliffftr4 (mm )i&jrf la rxirr, rocruit an !!.
i !, bicLammt m jwrtatrtBiat, titcti4m
M;iry art mt (of iaatab fu otl j vd4 cw yl
ra tYtTTtthal Ha til tukU
TWam rvrulur Miirt H for Aftt y TtTT JnuU,
rf r4 dtrvrt ia lUirarniA La latraiary, 336 ittrr H
Sa IfaAewro.
Her Are Facts We Want You t Preve
at Our Risk.
Marvelous us It may seem. Itexall
"M" Italr Tonic has crovru hair on
hiMdi that were once b.ild. Of vtiume.
In liono of Ihemi care "ere Itu lulr
root dead, nor had the Fiitlp in ken
on a glazed, shiny npHaranre.
Itexall -W Hair Tonic net sclen
tldeally, destroying I be gcrux wblcb
are usually resoniUile for luldnes.
It penetrates lo the riKits of the batr,
stimulating and nourishing tbrpi. It
la n most pleasant LI lot requisite. I
delicately perfumed, and will not gum
or permanently stain the hair.
Wo want you to get n tiottlo of Itex
all "03" Hair Tonlo nml n?o It its di
rected. If It does not relieve scalp
Irritation, remove dandruff, prevent
tho hair from fulling out nnd promote
n Increased growth of hair, nud In
every way giro entire satisfaction, sim
ply como luck nnd tell us, and without
question or formality wo will baud
back to you every peuuy you paid us
for It. Two sixes, GOc. and fl.00. Sold
only at our store The Rexall Store.
Star Drug Btore.
in the Circuit Court of the 8tate ot
Oregon, for tha County ot Klam
M. M. Obeachaln,. plaintiff,
Kinsome-Crumniey Company, a Cor
poration, Defendant.
To Ransome-Crummey Company, De
fendant Above Named:
In the name of the State of Ore
gen: You are hereby required to
snswer the complaint tiled agalnat
you In the above entitled action, on
r before the 2d day of February,
1012, that being the day of tho last
publication of this summons, and the
last day within which you aro re
quired to answer, as Cxed by the or
ler ot publication ot this summon.
It you fall to appear and answer,
the plaintiff will take Judgment
against you for the sum specified in
Mid complaint.
Bald action la brought to recover
the balance of 11,050, due from you
to plaintiff, for services rendered and
Utor performed In said state ot Ore
gon, between the 1st day ot February
ind the 30th day of November, ot the
year 1910, and plaintiff 'a costs and
disbursements In such action.
That the defendant was. it the
commencement of this action, and
now I if, tho owner of certain personal
property, attached In Klamath coun
ty, Oregon, and described as'-JJollows,
4 standard gauge cars,
1 street sprinkler.
1 2-horso street or road roller.
That on tho 9th day of December,
1911, and after the Issuance of sum
mon to bo served on said defend
ant, at tho Instance ot the plaintiff,
the sheriff of said county duly at
tached tald aboro described personal
property and now bold tho same In
his possession, at Klamath Falls. Ore
gon, by virtue of said writ of attach
ment. This summons Is published once a
week, for six successive weeks. In
the Evening Herald, a dally news
paper, of general circulation, printed
and published In the city nf Klamath
Falls, Klamath county, Oregon, by
order of Honorable Wm. 8. Worden,
Judgo of the county court of Kit-math
county, state of Oregon, and dated
December 21, 1911, the first publica
tion of thl summons being made on
tho 22d day of December, 1911.
12-22-2-2 h Att'ys for Plaintiff.
to satisfy plaintiff's Judgment, with
Interest thereon and costs to tha
highest bidder for cash.
Sheriff of Klamath County
12-14-1-11 r Atty for Plaintiff
(Not Coal Lands)
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office at Lakevlew,
Oregon, November 11, 1911.
Notlco Is ncrecy given that Charles
E Worden, whose postofflce address
Is Klamath Falls. Oregon, did, on the
Hth day of October. 111. file la
thl office awotn statement and appli
cation, No. 01 OSS, to purchase the
8V4 SWU, Bev. 10, NU NWK. lee.
IS, twp. 37 8., rang 10 E.. Willam
ette meridian, and the timber there
oc, under the provisions ot the act
known as tho a-t of June 3, 1878, and
acts amendatory, known a the "Tim
ber and Stone Law," at such value
might be fixed by appraisement, and
that pursuant to such application,
the land and timber thereon hare
been appraised at a total of 8420, the
timber estimated at 340,000 board
feet at 81 per M and the land at $80;
that said applicant will offer final
proof In" support ot hi application
and sworn statement on the 19th day
of January, 1912, before C. R. De
Lap, county clerk ot Klamath county.
at Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Any person I at liberty to protest
this purchaso before entry, or Initiate
a contest at any time before patent
Issues, by filing a corroborated affi
davit In this office, aileglag fact
which would defeat the entry.
ll-l-l-18h Register.
(Not Coal Land)
Department of tb Interior, Uartad
States Land Mica at Lakerktw,
Oregon, December 18. 111.
Notice U hereby give that DavM
L. Rlgbtmler of Oleae, Oregon, wh,
on December 4, 108, mad home
stead entry No. 3888. aerial Na.
01380. for SWU IWU. aaetkia II;
.'Btt ofSEK.BBK SWK. aeetloa 14,
township 39 8, range 10 B, Willam
ette meridian, haa filed notlea of In
lentlon to make final five year proof,
to establish claim to the land above
l:-scrlbed, before CRD Lap, eoan-
ty clerk of Klamath couaty, at Klam
ath Falls, Oregon, on tha 37th day of
January, 1918.
Claimant name as wlUeasea:
8am Dlzon, Esau Kick, Kali Bar
ling, John Blade, all of Oleae, Oraaaa.
Notice of Sheriff Bale of Real
O. S. Purdy, Plaintiff.
, W. Mastcn, Sarah I. Masten, W. .1.
Roberts, J. D. Whltmore, C P
Moore, R. 8. Moore, John O.
Beach, 11. M. Ackley, J. 8. Ack
ley, J, Greenburg, Burge Mason,
Under and by virtue ot an order ot
sale and execution In foreclosuro Is
sued out of tho circuit, court of the
county of Klamath. State of Oregon,
mi the 8th day of December, 1911, in
tho above entitled action, wherein the
above named plaintiff obtained Judg
ment and decree of foreclosuro
against W. W. Masten and Sarah J.
Masten, the wife ot said W. W. Mai
Un, defendants, on December 1, 1911
recorded In the Judgment lien book ot
said court at page 60, volume 3. I
om commanded to soil all that certain
pleco and parcel of land situate In the
cqunty ot Klamath, state ot Oregon,
bounded and particularly described
aa follews:
Forty-six (46) feet off the entlro
easterly sldo of lot six (6) ot block
forty-eight (48) in Nichols addition
to the city ot Klamath Falls.
Notlco Is horeby given that on Fri
day, the 13th day of January, 111,
at 3 o'clock p. m., In front ot the
court house In the county ot Klam
ath, I will, In obedience to said order
of sale and execution In foreclosure,
sell the above described property, or
so much thereof a may be necessary
Notice of RestoraUca'of FaMfe
to Settlement aasl Batty
Department of the Interior, tlsaaral
Land Office, Washington, D. C Oeta
ber 27. 111. Notice I hereby gtvta
that the unappropriated public teaaw
wnicn were exeiaaea rreea ta crater
Lare National Forest. Oreana. aad
withdrawn for classification under tha
act of June 35, 110 (3 But. 847).
oy proclamation or tne premaeat. af
fective July l, lil, If aot otnrle
withdrawn or reserved, will by au
thority of the Secretary of the Inter
ior be restored to the nubile dasaala
and become subject to aettlement aa
and after ( o'clock a. m standard
time, January IS, 1813, but not to
entry, filing or selection until on and
After February 14, 112, at the U. 8.
land ofltco at Lakevlew, Oregen: In
T 333., R. 6 E., EU of sec. It and
is, sees. 34, 35, eh ace. 35, see. 16;
In T. 34 8.. R. 6E.. sec. 1. 13. NU
sec 13, sec. 25, EH sec. 26 and 85.
ec. 36; In T. 35 8m R 6 E.. see. I.
EH ot sec 2. sec. 13, 13. 34, fr'l
sec. 25.and 36. EH sec. 35: 1a T.
36 8.. k c E.. rn sec. 1, 3, EH ase.
3. NEK and SH sec. 11. fr'l see. 13
and 13, sec 14; Willamette Meridian.
warning Is hereby expressly given
that no perron will be permitted to
gain or exercise any right whatever
ander any settlement or occupancy be
gun after withdrawal and prior ta
o'clock a. m standard time. January
15, 1913, and all such settlement or
occupation la forbidden, and those
settling In violation hereof are liable
to be ejected. John McPhnul. actlaa
assistant commissioner of the general
tana once. Approved October 37,
1911: Car ml A. Thompson, acting
secretary ot tho Interior.
11-15-1-11 r
In the Justice Court of tha State of
Oregon for Coittty of Klamath.
D A. Kenyon and Fred C. Murphsy,
Partners, Doing Business at O.
K. Transfer Company, Plaintiff,
Hauschildo Music Company, Defend-
To Hauscblldt Musle Company, De
fendant: In the Name of the Stato of Oregen:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer to tho complaint filed
against you In tho above entitled ac
tlou on or before tho 13th day ot Jan
uary, 1912, that being the expiration
ot six week publication ot thla sum
mons prescribed by the order of pub
lication thereof made by thla court,
and It you fall so to anawer the plain
tiffs will take Judgment against you
In the aura ot 54.00 and for their
coats and disbursement In thl
action, nnd that any property at
tached heroin may be sold to satisfy
the said Judgment, partcularly tha
sum or money owing to you by Henry
O rimes.
This publication mad by the or
der of the honorable Charlea Oraras,
Juctlce ot tha above named court, daly
made and entered on November 18,
1911. The date of the first pallia.
tlon of thl summons Is November
30, 111.
11-30-1-11 r Atfy far PlaJaHf.
I. 1
. 6-