V !,.(. touting tfaUs.' ,'? SUPPLIED nr TIIK UNITED PRESS NKWH SKHV1CM KVKNINO NBWSTA1 PRINT THK NEWS, NOT NUlIt Yiitr Nn. I, (inn KLAMATH FA Mil, OREGON, MA'l UHRAY, JANUARY 111, 10111 ibe ji, SOCIALIST GAINS GREAT IN GERMANY MAY HEAT CATHOLICS good Hull lending north from Ground Het: lo (.'nlilit Nino, well on itin a(). graph iiiiiIo in Diiwmiii, ' Till iiiuinn Unit mnitlier great slop i) iiliuut to lie tiikcn In Hid itcwiliip HAVE lti:i('IINr.fl I "H'til nr tliu Pacific highway, wlilih mow nr liiMTiinriu ""w u'1" " "' '""''"I l'l' for tin. llrst I HUM 117 IIISTHItIS, lirUni ,..,- .,,, ...,, , .... ....... -. i ..,----. nun i ii.vm i; ui' MAX) already Mi:tnii:its later MORL I ! Hauiou frniii Vancouver, II. 0 Tlio Infill at s of tliu fiiMoi In! Ion feel f really li.t,cuurr.ged with miih vigorous nctlv. ;ll)' ft hoth nortliirn nnd southern iiilr if tin i project. tolil Din loiirl, In effect, Hint ho would uvolil iiiIiik tliu nullify to hi wlfi. If ho ioiiIiI, Will lo hu inserted Hint hi IIvIiik expense.) with $4 a ilny. hu unlit In. wnii getting ii room nt 2fi rent n night nml menl Hint often cost only If) nml 20 renin, I'm in tliu Golden dale, U'niili., lot which he sold theru In $200 iliii, which, ai Indicated ye terdny In these, roliiiiuii, tlio roiirt or lend hu should apply on tliu ffioo duo IiIm wife. Originally tliu toiirt awarded tlio wlfn fir. mt month for Hid support nml I'diiiiiilun of Ihvlr.lwii minor rhll Iri'ii, niKlody of which young one ; was awarded to her, nml Intur thin or der wan modified tu thu lump mini of icon. If. ill... I I. v.... it .....I.... V""" ruin of th.. project, wm-ri: iiiiiiim IIKIII.IN Jim. 13 - Tim rtturtm lui .. . . , rilAMIIEIt HITII uiciiio mat tin. Micliillat Imvo elected1 (. . , It'll llkllll! Illlllllllliru riiil.i .lilv.a.iv.,1. I ' "II- .".HI,.., ,, uv,, ,, ,,. .hnncuof, " ''"" J...B J "" ' " ' "'"' ! l ";"k" - ''' '" .1.. tli.i. ...i t,.i i ?'lll.i .Mn Waller of lloiiuniii, oh-1 going to uru Hint Juliimon box fac .... , .- .. ... . tallied ii marring. lln-iia tudav friiin lull Hu till. Ii. IHn ..ll SI... I . wh,.n, ...,.. r ...,...;;.': j '"""y ,,rk vhnt i. ,. ' ' " rwrnt til thu MelhodUt . i utifi t.'ons.'rvnll.i iiilmlt Hint thu soi lu. Ui hiMunt li'itut ton member Thn In it Inn.'. Imniii Hint thuy limy win llmt i!nii hut thu Cnttiullr Centrist, who hnvi. 1 0 i scats, Hunt forget Hu. dam.. IimiIkIiI nt llilllnliill'i. iiitii liolino, llltlT I In. slum Whlto Pelican on licntrn i when. Hmr George Ihi'iii In iiinrrlnKu. II parsonage, IVmn iinlli'il GOLD EOR TRAIL BLAZERS IN HIGHWAY MOVEMENTS lory, for which thu ChumhiT of Cum Itiereu pledge.! n nil i', (I, V. While lnr offered tliu Chamber a flvo-acru Irnrt on thu rnllronil l.itwecii thu trnck nml thu lake, for Hon nn acru, or n totnl of $2,000, It I unld Hint thr nltu la n ury ilolrahlu om, nml 'Hint thu land In hcIIIiik nt fCoO nn mrr .Mr. whllu ulnlin Hint hu inndc In. rt'iliiitlnii mh hln I'ontrlhiillon to lit' i anno No artliin linn hoon tnkrn li) Hi.' Chnmlicr 't, nn nil liirntloliji MUtt IHKMH'.XTIM IT O.V HI ITUI. ."rrrn,,l I roiulilnrnl nt onu Hiiip, MJ ir.MIIM: I'ltOM II.IV MOW . "i""'"' " "" ". '"""' Immiiui. mint nun in. ni'cnroi, HI'KCIAI xortcv. Klntnntli Knlln Udica No. 1,347, II. I. O. K nnd nil vln. ItlnK hratftrrn. On Monday nlxlit, January 1C, 1912. com mcncInK at 8 o'clock ahnrii, Ilia toffln "Multiini In I'nrTo" orchua trn of Now York will render n inimlinl irriKrain of exrcllenco In thu l.lka' rluli room. Dancing will follow tliu rotirurt. Yonr H"lf nml laitlen nru Invited ami Murriirnt Dhik, who In tho only real rlnlnuint""to fcmlnlno Kood looka In thu (omimny, whone wjnicn numlxir not ovtr n dozen, had tho appenranco (omiiii-timiratu with tho rolo of tho prlnci'in. .Tho munlntl nnmhorx nc riiniianlil hy Harry Ilpyiracdt nt tho ilnno. wi-ro nurneroin and varied, nml Jwi.rc iirlnrlpallx offcrr.) hy fnnra nnd 'Irnro Wolf, (If-orKO Chmhro, Mar. ,Knret Dnvln Tonight tho Teal company will pro nent n now hill, "That Collcce Hoy," Drew Avury In tho namo part, and tho BLOODY CRACKSMEN PIRSUED BY POSSEE u rued not tu Inlm n ram treat. No collection. Kntcrlalnmcnt Co mm 1 1 ye. 12-21 DEMURRER HELD NOT VALID ONE n check mint ho caihed within a rcaa ormhlo time or tho drawer ho charged with tho Ioh hy delay, nnncrtlnK that hoth defendant were liable, for family expunxea. Mo talil tho drawor had not heen anbject to any Iom In tho mat tor, Tho I'xpcnio, according to hla mimhora, of which thero will h0 Uio!"ulnl,t,.1 ,w".'. . '"J?"' nC Wh."' nii.iriiuy iy. ii, a, lli'liner raei mil two acta will Incltldo tho heat effort of tho compnny, with special munlrnl RANCHER FALLS TO BARN FLOOR, BREAKS HIS ARM;1 to cm ii wiiii, i: i'i SOt'K II A V MOW i:ni; his Hun Nenti.TI, a iiomliiriil rnmlier ,. , , , u lllilliu went of tho city, nvnr Atitelnpo " ''" H',"m" "' ,"u"'"'1 :'". Vllry mirfiTCln hrokei, arm and .Un lit I'liMiirr J.uini.). Our HuU(i.rnti'd tlhow on Wtdni-niln). Ilu wnn Wlil.li lluti. Il'i'it Cuiinlikrtil I'd. fM'dhiK hln ntock when hu fell from m. Hli) nt t'.iii.l.tenillon liy Tin in ' "", ,in' lllou 'o Hu. Hour of thu hnrn, ilir.nkliiK hln left arm l(ow thu nhoiil. iter nml .llilemllni: It nt thu eltiow MAN HANGS, PERIL THREATENS HIM rillCUT COl'IlT IIOIJIH, l KK KI-XT, THAT WHOOli WAHIIA YT openlnK rliurutf, "fliimmertlmc," hy tJrnro Wolf nnd chorui; "For I Hreum of You," Mnrgnret Dnvln nnd thorun; nolo (Jeorgo Chenhro; "Hand Man." Knymoml Teal nnd chornn; "CoIIcko (.hnpn," Urow Avery mid chorila; "(llrl I'm Carzy Ahout," the glrU; "All on Aicount of n Olrl," George Chcthro nnd cherui: "Kin Mo," Grace Wolf nnd rhortin; ','lletay Hollvcr," Itnymond Teal nnd chorui; "llonnlc Ijtimle," Hilly Do long nnd choru'. Tho admlnnlon price hnvo been ru dnctd to SIjc, SOr nnd 7Sc in 1MI'I.AI.NT HAH KACTM fAIKK Or ACTION KOIt IK YOU It WATCH IK 1X THK HUM Wo nnd our fifteen jenrt" actual oxperlenro . . ... .j. ... . . JudRo Henry h. Ilun.on In circuit " ""J" . "' ,n" "'Knm n or ... . ' workmajinhln. jComo lo us nnd let in fix It up. Kltu ll our liemonSl nttentlon, with tho claim that tho place wai con ducted na a hoarding home. Mr. Kent nuld thl niado no dlfforcnco, at both Ii unhand and wlfo mado It their homo and family abode. Involving a family expenic. Juntlco Urnven gave judgment ngalnnt tho Pulleya for tho amount of tho runt nnd coata. Mm. Pulley' de- poilt nt tho Pint Truit and Having hank wan nttached by tho plaintiff. It could not bo learned today wheth er tho Inuo would bo carried to a higher court. Though thu t'jun of I'nrlflr t.'onnt V.X-M prnda iTithunlnntv an- fmii.eil Jiinl mm nn thu pruning or Chenler I nwriTiro nml Telmuliori. Ilrnudel, Hi. .litrlug imitnrlnln who nr drying tu hlitiii n wny from Hnu IIIcko to M. x!rn C) In an .Tfort to win the gi.M mrilnl offered by thu I'nrlllc llliihwny Annnrlntloii fur thu flrnt rnr mnkliiK Hint run, iiiltu nn Important thing nr belim ilutiu for thu high wny rnunn In I In. northern extremity of thu mail. Away up In llmelton, II, (' . thu Utile rliy only forty mllon frnin tho In which I Dr Chtllnii wnn mimmom-d nnd at tended thu Injured man. KI'AIX MMKM l0,UI.TIO.V ItOI'.VII TO SOUTH AMKIIICA Uhllnt I'frn Hervlro MADItlH. Jan. t3.-Haln annually lone 200,000 of her population through I'liilKriitlon to Chill llrntll and ArK.'tilliK', nnd the number In run- ntmitly liirrt'itiliig. Hi i great In thu null now Hint nhlp plug ruiilpanliH arc ohllged to refuxi. I. , ii.igura, Over S.000 pornunn left COUUTNEY DOES NOT WISH TO PAY Alnnknu boundary. Hiwidn, tin. Hcnttlu drher, nrrlw.1 In om. week, nml In ouu Innlatuit nn nonie monllin ngu to win Junt aurli n'tntlru lllngi.. from ma) or to itreet golil luediil nn thu Southerner nru nwueper, left In n hody, nfiur for making n l.SOO inllo run - - from t'Hnttlu oter inounlnlii ami vwnnipn, uuny up In Hnixlton, every man, woman nml child hnu tempo rarily hernmi) n road fanatic. Hood rimiln fur lln-lr own vnlunhlu aik.t I nut tho object of tin. worthy lliwellonlann. Onu roiild hnrdly ex pet I Hint from no joung k city. Coal, mil" nml mite of It, only n few I. nguen over thu northern moiinlnln, In thu prltu Hint U npurrlng them or. to hlghttny roiiitrurtlon. A fev monllin ngu Immeuiu hisl of nml nrru lornted nt (Hound Hug, 2 40 mlU'M mirth of Hnteltun, lnrgu ling llnh nml Aincrliiin iiiiupiiule linmu illaluly ntnrted thelr"iluvelopiuenl; nml It liurnmp evident Hint it wagon road wn uecunnnry to transport Hiipplle to thu linldliig. Thu companion hinted Hint If nurti it road worn not forth coming Ihelr'lrndo might hu diverted to nuother town, Thl npurred tho llntelton folk to ruiuwed nctlvlty, lielegnllon nru now buy with hoth pnivlnrlul nml dnmlnloii govurumenti, ItATHKIt NOT COMPLY WITH OK HKIt, TKI.IX COUIIT -ilAM IIKK.N NKI.I.INH HIM PltOPU.HTY AMI HPKNIHNH THK MON'KY In tho aupplcinentnry procoedlngi iindiTlnktu with it view to get Samuel I.. Courtney to pay the 1500 award Hindu hi wife, Pearl M. Courtney, when vliu got her divorce, Courtney admitted having dlpovd of hi 80 nrro much near Merrill mid other per nonal property, hut maintained Hint hu had mmo of It on hand. - Ankul to reroiiut for what lui had nnd It hCem probable. Hint In it few Hpeiit, hu gave Hum which run nhovo montliN work will hu commenced, not $1,000, hut for thu $1,100 ri'innlnlnj! only on thu wagon rnnd, hut on n .difference ho could nut nccount. Hu One More Heat In Midwinter Race Of Horse Case To Be Run Soon Thu fninoiiH hoino rmo will liavo nuotliur Inning In thu circuit court on liiiiumy :il, fo'r Attoruuja Hurhurt 8. Crmiu uml K. I.. ICIIIolt appeared bo foro Judgu Henry li.DeiiHon thl morning to hnvo him act tho ault of thu Flint Nntlonnl bank of Komio wick vh. Jniliuu Hwlndlor ot nl, tho "iil"'ln thl cniio huliiK Mr. 8wlndlor. Keiiuowlck, where tho hunk I, U In Wubhlngtoii ntntu, whom Swindler guvn a chnttlo morlgngo on hoiiio ot hln farm animal, otc, to tho hunk. When ho romoved thorn to Merrill, Oio., tho bank attached them, Soino of them were burned In tho Merrill liver barn nftur thu attachment, and tho othor lived In tho bam for month nt Homebody' uxpouHo until tho iiltiuhment wn dltiolvud. That nomohody will bo dotcrmlued before tho raie I aver, and will face a luxur Iouk llvory bill when It come tlmo to "como through" with tho filthy lucre. Kach Bldo lg perfectly willing for the other lo puy for tho horto feed nmt atntid tho Iota of tlio Incinerated. oQUlneu. A yot, however, nolthor sldo ha offorod to tako advantago of tho lluornllty of tho othor ildo In thl dl rectlon, . Ilirrs HAI.U WAY UP HOPK IN A wki.u ami hah to wait uoh homkem: hthonh knoioh to PUI.I. HIM OUT Iji.I Thurmlay W. II. Hadley camo near upending thu night In an ex t'tfdlngly uncomfortable KIHon part way between earth and hell, a thu Merrill Democrat, and although n good Chrlntlaii man, ho won't want to repent thu experience. Mr. Hadley put In tho afternoon drawing tho wa ter out of n well on tho old llnyne place, northweat from tho II. II. Hot rnnrh, thu well wa equipped with bucket nnd nu overhead pulley, and nftrr tin. Hrenoiuu Job of getting tho water out, Mr Hadley went down In thu well, which I fifty feet deep, to wnnli thu rock wall. Ho depended on Mr. tllenu, who Ihe on thu place to pull him up when hu wa through On thl hu over-entlmated Mr. Glenn' ntreugth, nml after nevernl attempt Hindu by thu neighbor, Mr. Hadley tarted up thu ropo hand over hand. Ho progrcnno.l well enough until he wa hnlf wny up, when ho found he could go no further without Rplttlng on hi hiuuln nnd hu wa too badly winded to spit. So ho wound tho ropo around hi leg and cnt for help. Mr. Glenn irocured the natlitance of I.. M. Itoblion and Hadley wa hauled nut of tho well long after dark. court thl morning overruled tho de murrer to tho complaint In tho case of the Klamath County bank vermin School Dlitrlct No. 2. J. C. Itutonlc wa attorney for tho bank, and Dli trlct Attorney Dell V. Kuykcndall rep resented tho school district. Tho de murrer recltod that there wero not et forth In tho complaint sufficient fact to constitute a rauo of action On behalf of the plaintiff Mr. Itutonlc denied thl absolutely. Tho defend ant urged upon tho court that tho action, which la baed on an unpaid warrant, should act up the original contract In pursuance of which the warrant Is alleged to have been drawn. School District No. : erected a now building for which the warrant. Issued to another party suul assigned to tho Klamath County bank, waa part of tho payment, It la claimed. It pay tnent I expected to bo resitted on tho ground that tho cost of tho school building wa excessive, nnd that the taxpa)cr of tho dlitrlct should not ttivcompellcd to make good an amount In excei of what the building, ac cording to the contention, should have Justly cot. Tho warrant I for I1.CC0 and Interest at C per cent from Jan- nary C, 1 90S. ARANT RETURNS FROM UP VALLEY XUGOTIATKH HAI.K OK, 1IOMK KAIIM WHICH IIIH KATIIKIt (HIT UHOM GOVKIINMKNT NKAKIA' HIXTY YKAItH AGO W. Frank Arant ot this city, upor Intcudont of Crater I-nko National park, ha, with Mrs. Arant, returned from a trip to Ashlund and Itoseburg, whither thoy started a week ago Thursday. At tho tlmo thcro was threo Inches ot Htiow nt Ashlnnd, with cold weather, while at Itoseburg, which I much lower, It win 24 nbuvo, about the coldest of thu winter so far. Tho gra wa growing, and thing lookod frosh and spring like. While away Mr. Arant sold tho old farm homo near Itoseburg, which ho loft about forty year ago, and which wn tnkeu up by hi father n dona ttou land utmost ilxty year ago. There I 728 acre ot farm and rango land on the place. The aalo was mado to John W. Hawklna of Portland, who has largo holding! of almllar land In the tamo vicinity, tor f 15.000. ' TEAL SHOW OPENS ITS IN6A6EMENT THK COMPANY, XUMIIKUIXG MC88 THAN IIAI.U AliYKHTISKD NUM. IIKIt, PLKASKH AUDIENCE WHICH (illKKTH OPENING All ork.gunrnntecd one year. FRANK M. UPP, Watchmaker. Jeweler and Engraver. Wlllltauulldlng. MEN TO BANQUET NEXT THURSDAY MKTIIODIHT CHUIICH COMMITTEE IN CIIAItGK OF AKFAIK AND WOMEN TO HEHVE THK GOOD THINGS TO EAT Tho llaymond Teal Musical Com edy company, which advertises forty people, but ride on eighteen tlckcta on tho railroad, and appear to have about that many In the stage en semble, appeared at the Houston op era house last night for tho flrit of three sightly performance!. D'nnilsilng tho "beauty chorus" a n fallacy, It may bo said that the com puny ha omo good talent and earn est ttorkors, who lecnied lat night to please tho audience highly, mak ing up In Industry what they fall to nrhlevo In number by reason of end ing out Incorrect advance notice. Tho scene ot tho show, which I In one act, advertised a "Tho Market Square," In "Variety le," the latter being tho title of tho ihow, proved Inst night to bo a parlor setting, as tho company carries no scenery and usei tho house prop. Tho plot hinge on an advcnturousJ Gorman who Is drafted to the king ship of thu Ulo, and would marry tho handsome princess, Sho was hand some, too. Ultimately hi wlfo nml four children, all raited In Klamath Falls, and therefore calculated to agitato tho risible ot beholder, como to tho lilo and ipoll hi! bigamous contemplation. llaymond Teal waa tho psuodo king, while Cash Knight, as hla secretary, was' well fitted for tho part, both mon showing plenty of humorous Inclination. The part of Mrs. dabble, an In cessant talker, was offered by Corlnne Carkeek, who as a gabbler hu Ishen's Hedda backed off the boards lidle of Grace MetliodUt KplM-n pal church will serve a men' banquet at Odd Fellow' Temple banquet hall next Thursday evening. A commit tuo of men of the church Is arranging for tho affair, and Include George J. Walton, Dr. C. V. Fisher, Judge Hen ry I.. Ilen.on, A. II. Cleveland and Dr. W. A. Leonard. Thcro will bo a pro gram of speeches, with Judgo Ilenson as toastmaster. Ilcv George II. Fese. pastor of tho church, will deliver tho lutocatlon und speak on "Church and Morals n Community Interest." Judgu George Noland will respond to "A Man Among Men." Attorney John Irwin to "Our Young Men',, County Judgo Will 8. Wordcn to "The Citizen," nnd George J. Walton, man- nger of the Klamath Fall Light and Water company, to "Tho Church De serving Hotter Support." ROCK (MAM) POTASH BOYS THOUGHT OPIUi HoihI. Hnlffffed anil Ate the for month, and Analysis Remits In Youth Arretted llriag Taraed Iammo Again United Pros Berviea SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 13. "Opt um, cocaine and morphine" cold to dope fiend by messenger boy, Eddie Tracey and Joe Caitro, arrested here for peddling opiates, under state pharmacy analysis today proved to be nothing more than pulverised rock randy and potash. "Hop fioadi" muffed. Injected and nto the powder for months. "Guy an' dames wot think de're hophoids only 'tnaglne It," declares young Tracey. "Ed an' I fooled 'em all. Looka da good wo dono 'cm." The authorities thought the same. Tho boy were rcleaed. tir- GOLD LITTERS WAY - A tHr.KS C1TI.KXH WITH HHOT GUNK C1IAHE FLEEING HOB. IIEItH, WHO KKflCUK THKW WOUNDED ACCOMPLICE Cnltcd Press Bervlee NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., Jan. IS Three cracksmen blew ope tha safe of tho State Dank of Newport, and escaped with small plunder after a running battle. Dradiey Kemble, a Sshersaaa, waa shot twice, fatally. Several thousand dollars la bills and gold were dropped In tho street by the fleeing robbers. . A dotea cltlxons with shotgaaa en gaged tho robbers In a Sght, Wllllaas Hail dropping one yegg, whom the others lifted and placed In a waiting buggy. Posse are on tho trail, which la marked with spots of blood. Tho best danco music ever known In town at tho Whlto Pelican orches tra dance at tho opera bouse tonight. Temple theater. Matinee dally. 2:30 m. Evcnlug, first nerformsnee, 1G. continuous. Get a box otthoSo nice apples at the Sunict Grocery, $1.50 per bog. d-6t-w.lt We have some very aslrr.ble 6th itreet property tor sale Stephens- Hunter Realty SETTLE RENT, IS GRAVES' DICTUM PI.ACK JUKTICi: HOLDS THAT PULLKYH MUST MAKK GOOD FOR CHECK WHICH DRAWEE DEI.AYKD IN PRESENTING Justice ot tho Peace Charles Graves yoiterday heard tho caso of J. V. Bat tel leu against P. A. Pulley and' wife, Ida M. Pulley, on nctlou to recover $25 for4bo August rent, 1911, of tho dwelling house at 522 Klamath ave nue. It appeared according to evi dence Introduced that Pulley had giv en a check to Sntterlo? about August which remained umleposlted until August 0, when there wero no funds In tho bank to meet It. Tho conten tion of the defendant, through hlg at torney, W. II. A. Ronnor, was that the bolder of tho check was uot entitled to a Judgment bocauso he bad been glrcu a chock whoso vuluo be lost through laches. Attorney J. 8. Kent, for the plain tiff, argued that olther tho husband or wife was liable In the case. Tho Ml I Oregon Code, be contended, tare that GRANITE MARKER GIVEN CHAMBER SECRETARY OF COMMERCE PUTS ON DISPKW GIFT FROM RARE ISLAM) MONUMENT MAKERS TO COMMERCIAL HODY CIVIL WAD TO RESIHJ IF HMIEK DECK STRKE Is Only Mfwas of RHM, Accord lo Radical Labor ladMs Woetara Have lO.oos.etm la Tkrtr Treas ury. Ready for Loa FlgM United Press ervtee LONDON, Jan. 13. A of strike 11,000 miners on March 1st Inevitable today, the miners almoat unanimously voting In favor ot ike es tablishment of ar minimum wage seale in British collieries. Radical labor leaders today declare that a civil war will follow a strike In the event the government should at tempt to operate the collieries. Miners have $10,000,000 la the treaserr. and are otherwise prepared for a long lght In case their de- maodaaro not met. Collieries at Car diff have already suspended commer cial and domestic deliveries on nc count of the great demand made on them by the British navy. The supply ot coal now on hand will not last Eag land a month. Secretary Caleb T. Oliver ot the Chamber ot Commerce ha on display at the Chamber quarters a- One speci men of monumental granite bewn by tho ilaro Island Monumental and ION ILL SEEK AS SHERIFF IF COMTY IF PICKED RY PEOPLE A TH1 CHOICE, HAVING ANNOUNCHB HIMSELF AS CANDIDATE VOR THAT OFFICE Tho announcement of C. C. Low Is published today for the republican nomination for sheriff. Mr. Low ie Stono company. It Is about three feetono ot the old, residents of Klamath high and about a toot lu diameter, tho face being smoothed for an Inscrip tion showing that it belongs to tho Klamath Chamber ot commerce, and was donated by tho quarrymen. Tho names of G. D. Grliile, R. R. Brew baker and T. O. Robbcrts appear on the finished surface ... , county, and has an acquaintance over the entire county. For the past three years ho ha been a member of tho local police force, and has a large number or friends who will undoubt edly give htm strong support. Hie only opponent to date on the repub lican ticket i Oscar L. Carter. Donart's Bankruptcy Petition Is Referred To Referee Of Klamath J. C. Hutentc, United States referee In bankruptcy for the Klamath dis trict, has had referred to him tho vol. untary petition In bankruptcy filed by Charles Donart In tho United States district court at Portland. The petition seta up that the peti tioner baa debts aggregating the sum of $6,025.06, against which he has assets totalling but $800. In regard to the asset! Donart claims them to be exempt from the. claims of bis creditor! on the ground that they are embraced In his homestead. Under the law a homestead up to a certain amount Is exempt from application to a settlement with creditors of the owner. Donart formerly ran the Owl pool room, later conducting a similar es tablishment next to the Monarch gro cery, and Is now engaged In the shoe repairing buslneaa In the Ira of Don art a. Boa. The firm bought ont the business formerly conducted by P, A. Pulley. Have n good time toalfht nt danco aiven by the White nrntlftatra at tha lUUM Caaaik alia She iiarfnrmaaM. 5? tVf" -St " f it r w f'v ' UJ.: ry.'