l - ' l't . .iX v "lA Nj in nim & JM HIIPPMKI) IIY TIIK DMTI'.I I'llKMH NKWH NKIIVIUM KVKNINO ItmffrAMMI PRINT THK XKWS, NOT HMTONT J,. l -i.? HUili v.-Hi- ,n... i.onn KM MATH FALLS, ORaMON, FltlDAV, J A. MM It V Hi, 1018 wht Metalix IANLEY CALLS IS PAPER BAG FOLKS ILI 1AM OF HARNEY ivh not iixowhi people ho ti.vio mi:t raining hi nim:hh AMI THAT TOO MA.NV DROP Fori' or ir i William IImiIo of lliinui) county, li'limi Who litinlilpuiili'il tint ili'lc'Ka- En uf Wi'ntMii Ori'ttnn caul ua fur ii w York, illil nut urt iiwiiv friim ru with iliem, xi) n dm Now York remark on "How I would llko to bo Iti'iiliil ir I wero u now member." AmiiiiK tlio iiiiihIiiiI number wero vomt ulcitliiu by Mr. (irexory nnd ,MI Vmi ltliiir, whllu Iltlln Dully Itoilhmivill, i yi'iim nlil, captured llio henrt of tlin Kuests with n song, Ml llnll rendered n number of do- llttlitfiil Ni'h'itl'iim on Hut iiViiiio On tlin rniiiniry, Mr, llnnlny mm uiviriil linvliiu hrenkfuat In tint in riKiin nt tlin Wuhliirf-Aattirln. r hour nftor hrenkfnat tlimt nt I run, On null with n ilillhurntlou II lii'tiikciiiil tin comcm imt tint It (lint tint Kimriiiii Hum now Klin: front Iiihii tn iiimii mill Ih'Iiik ri'hril li) iiiniiiilltK'a nml nlliiHdl 1 1 II lint ii itrnit ami xlorluua m of ilu miiiiir) iu ilii'lm Mr Itility hhii iIIhii',1 to mi mm, rum- lint iilmiil hi oh it departure, unit Iknncil hit would rstch up with Ihn ti'runr ninMhi'rn mi tint romt. Yiiii aro, It ten only tnu liar nr.i It Mr llnulit) tllmrrnt New Irk, iiii'l thl I hi coiiil vUll ln llki It JuJ n well on thl rnaluit ii mi tint lnl, unit I morn bpiicnl in think klmll) nl our weak Hull nml our Into hour Ihnn hit when lio n ulrliiK hi Imprr- In ni llio ( ml or Hint vlalt. Mr. mh') It inn) tut rt'ini'iuhrritl, I Ihn It rlllixn of Knulcrii Oregon, nml lhlrl)-twi )i'ntn tin lived In n Irn where you hnvn to trawl lf.0 Riii In nn itlnrtlon to rnrh tho Hint rnllri.ml station, Hit hn to lv hi ratlin that fir In lilp Ilium, riiiklni; nt nil Anierlrn, m I nm kK on till irlt, from tint atnint- I'll of oiut farm, which linn hero- irn hniii nwny mil In tint wilder- remarked Mr. Ilnnley, "Ihn li'iinl i lilt appear to nut n hem!. irti'M of aunio Kind or ethr: hut the same Hunt I (!! nil tin hh: II lintltiiK to Now York, Wo in nut thl rlly tho (million of tho trim n rnurli Ht III tliern nru auum illy roo tiTondi ruining up. In West n follow hIio ImitU uiunoy (likely to thiol ho hnan t trot .1 Ik unlera hn IVII'liKC to kit It tlioal III loaorvn I nml In Now York, nnd :'iurnu tlutt u it a effect n mnk- ihU ttif itrrni i tutor of f'.tmuco tho rountry. J'W'o nro Jut rrnrhliiR up tn thu of ttrrnt i Iiihii;" In Knatcrn Oro. (outluiioil Mr. Ilnuloy "nml iv hn Imi'ii hnpitonltiK out thoro rt in)' other llt to Now York, rnllrond hno Jimt hullt to point It hnvi I'tttiililUln-tl ronl rontldenrii t thoy nro rumliiK throiiRli Ihn Inlry. Thu Orison Trunk him rheil Itcinl, In Cent ml OrcKou, hut km I y hound Ihn lUrnoy rountry Ihn went f fur. nnd I )rt ISO Ion from llurim. Tlin llnrrltunn Iplo linvo lol n rontrnrl to roll kul their II in fiimi Vnln fur' ino leu to Ihn llnni'V Inko, nnd thoy now puttliiK KrnilliiK rump 014 lino. It mI luku ut leant n yonr thl ronil to ronrli tint llnrnev llley, Hut nlrendy, whlln Innd lit ll rlienp nml thorn Ih htlll k Krcnt II of i:i eminent liiml to hn hud for IhltiK, there I whnt 1 nhoiild rnll km ntiiinphoru In vnlupn. "Wo roRiilnr old fnnhlnnod rntmu bplu who wont out n proinotor of linnllnlile, I JAPS WANT HAWAII' SNEAK IN TROOPS Hon of ihn iiiiiutr) ilomiind It Wu nro allll drlvltiK tnllln ISO iiiIIin In . order to hlp Ihein. hut wn nro look-1 I11K forunrd to tho limn when our old otKnillrnlliiU will not Inivn In tin nnv' liioin drhliiK Tim popiihitluii of' llnriioy rounty I Ini'reiialiiK, nml wllh Ihn liallnliiii of Ihn KOVenmr nml imrliiillutnl (olleK'K wn mo e- ( liihllhliiK iloiiionairiiihiii fiirm nnd iiKrluiliurnl nporlmoiit aiMliin In eer) tno In tint alntn Wn otperl In hrliiK Oregon to tho front n (ho1 hi-at plniinod Hint 1 for Ihn now h 1 11 - dt'iil of tho noil in Kit Inforinntlnii United Prca Hcrvlco H. Wll.li MOV: HI.INHI MKX TO H,.M TO I'HUVKNT 0111. K.MAI I'ltOM Hi:iZIMJ IHI.ANH Willi UK AH.MY HI'Kt.TAI NOTICR lilnl urliloto nni 11 nit, Tint loimly I no nluirt of ronl fanner nml lint lunti'iuoiil toward thu router hn horn o marked for tho hut Konrrn- linn or two (hut Hie need I for edi. tnlloii nnd for ihoul rluht on lint Innd, wllh liutrtiiloi tn no aliont to tilth liiilhldiiiil farmer nnd do the kliidorKnrlrii net wllh him. Tho noil I iihniit Ihn only IhltiK u man own thnt hu iIoorii'i try lo line Tim nvrr 11 !o farinrr ooiiik tonloiit Jual to nrrntth n Iltlln till on hn lop Inalcnd of KollIK down nml KetllllK the full honoflt of whnt thorn I "I inn) till )ou Hint Ihn low 11 of llitrn la IiiiIIiIIiik n now nrliool home nml I plnunlnr: tho erertlon of n IiIk hulol (hi aptltiK Truo, wo nru Ihlrt) in III- north of thu llnruoy lake, nnd Ihoro hn Kol lo Ik' ii north nnd niith rnltnny linn IhroiiKh tl unity lo ronrh 11, hut Hum I In 11 nlrnmllr piialtlou, helni; In Hie wealth) pnrt uf Ihn vaIIc) nnd aurroumlitl hy koihI anil. Win n I went lo Ihn Hume) rountry In '! thorn worn only nhout forty or fill) artttor, n far n wo know. In nu ntcn of lf.0 mile earh way IhroiiKh tho rountry that wn rode fur lork. "Are wo hnpliiK for treat HiIiik from tho romliiK of tint rnllrond? Well, I look forwnrd lo It I holmi mom of n alnto nnd nntlonnl moi- inent than with Miy IhiiiiKht of Indi vidual Kaln, You oo, ihn prrtrnt alne of nil tho Ktent Imontlon nnd work which nru n pnrt of tho pro. Itrrlty tif tho rltlr nnd tho railroad nnd of thu pmipln who aro collector of hotietlt from inch ihlnic nro hc- (('oiitlmiod on i'nxp Z) WAHIIINIITON, II, 0., Jan, 12, Major (li'iiorul Carter, nlalant chief of Hlnff, ut nu oiociitlvn mcvtlnK of thu home military rommlttoo, itatod that ns.unu Jnpiinop, nil trained aol dler, hint heeii miiKKled Into Hawaii nlnm Ihn ltuao-Japnnno war, nnd thnt Amorlra, rralUlnic the dntiKer of Oriental mliliiK thnt lalnnd, wn tnkltiK itop to loud 13,000 triKip to Hawaii. REFORMATORYFOR FORTKLAMATHLAD VOf.Vt! KHMO.NHON HKI.IKVKH TO Hi: l.(-t)ltltllllll.K. IMHItrHKIl or ll' I1!.TV (lll'IIT THIH MOIIMMi NEWMEMBERSARE GUESTS OF HONOR i'i.kahaxt u.vmtT.m.Mrivr roii I'ltrMltYTHItlAN fllllWII AC CIMMIOXH IIV Mil. AMI MIIK. '. T. IIOHI'K A mimt delliihlful nffnlr orcurrvd lnt etoiilni; ut thu renldeuro of Mr, nnd Mr. C, C, Hokuo, when u rorop. Hon wn kIvoii to tho now ineniher of tho Klrwt r'roh)ttrlnn church. Ahout Mi'iilynn inoiuhnrH nnd friend of the church worn proncnt, Mid tho uvrnltiK wn pont with penk hiK nnd u mimical proKriuu, after which refrohlilent wero lervod. ('. C, Hokuu dellxerttl nu nddrcBH of wolcomu to llio now inrmhor. whlih wn responded to hy l'rofeanor (,'ouIoh, In u tnoHt npproprlnto apoech, Hu told whnt the new member wero wIIIIiik to do for tho henellt mid nil Milueinent of Ihn church, Mr. A, M, Wordcn ipoko for tho mlulonury o ineaii tho develop- clety, Mr. Ilnrry Cation for tho ladle' nt of thu noil, expert to clenu tii,nld noclety, mid Mr. WnttetihurK on- holdliiK n Honn na llio condl-,terlnlned thu Kueit with many witty tarter For Sheriff, Lee Another Term, Latter Keeping Mom Rivals Today I iiiililUhed tint miiioimi'0 I'nt of O,l,,0nrtur for tho ropnhllcnii iinlniillun for nherlff, Mr, Cnrter one of tho Hiihatnntlnl eltlxttn of inniath Kull. nnd hn boon .' real- nt of thl plnro for hoiiio t Into. Ho m nt 0110 llnio chief of nollen of tho '. nnd hu huun connected with tho lumiith Kull ForwuidliiK company pro It orKiinlmtlon, In tho innnnito- rut of Ita lea nlant Captain J, P.Loo baa alto made lit rtnnouncoinont for tho dcmocratlo nomlnntloii for uHeor, Captain l.oo I coimliloicd ono of llio bet voto Kotter In tho eounty, nnd It I not ova one who I niixlou to oppoio him, Tho Cnptnln Intlinnteii Hint ho know who hi republican opponent U liable to bo, but rotuaoi to toll. Toaple tbMter, Matinee dally, 1:80 p. m. Kyenluf, flrtt performanc, 7! IB, ooBttnaoM. Chnrlt'it Kdmonaon, axod C jtarti, wn thl inornlnK ordered com mllttd to tl,u atnte rcformntnry for ho nt I'orllaiid, after the county court had ronaldcrnl the raio. HhertfT William II. Ilarnc will take Ihn lnd to tlio lliMttullun, IMmouJ ton' mother' whoronboul aro un known, alio hntlUK arparated from tho father nnd two children, ono of whom I a tclrl about 18. omo year ko. Tho lnd I In tho habit of commit- tint; larceny of minor article, and I nlo nrcuaed of cuttlnK a telephone, wlru nrron the WimuI Itlver, about n 111II0 nbovo Fort Klamath. JudRO William 8. Wnrden naked If ho had been concerned In tho deal met Ion of omo decoration on tho aehool at Kort Klnmnth, hut no evidence wns offered Hint he had. Tlin Kdmondaoti formerly lived In I'nrltnnd, hut ramo to Kort Klnmnth about n enr and n hnlf nco, tho fath ei holm; n farmer. John I loan Ir inndo the Information acalnat the lnd, the aenlor Kdmond on tellliiK the court ho wlthed omo dlapoaltlon made of tho bo)' cnae. Klnmnth Kail fdun No. 1,247, 11. V. O. K. and all via- HlnK brother. On- Monday nlicht, January K, 1012. com- luencInK nt 8 o'clock aharp, till- toffl "Multiitn In I'nrvo" nrchc- trn of Now York will render n inimical program of excellence In tho lllk' club rixmi. DnnrlnR will follow tho concert. Your- aolf and ladle aro Invited nnd urKd not to rrtlm n rare treat. No collection. Kntertnlnment Commlttre. 12-21 a) CLAMORING TITLE TO BE QUIETED IK At.TlOX TO AI.MV ITH l)IH Tlltltl.Mi TKMUCNCT. KNTKHKI) IX CIIICl'IT OOl'IlT, ACttJM I'MHIIKH OIUKVT Hkltlo Hay Hinlth. throuxh Attor uey W. C. Hale of (Irant I'aaa, ha brought an equity ault analnat the Algoma Lumber company. She eek to quiet title to a tract of land In thu flat thli dde of Naylox. did not Kcem to he Juatlflcd, nnd u propoaltlou wn then made to tho hUh mcIiooI board, which wn today grant-rd, CU'HKH TI'IIMOMi IX COUllT IIV HCTIKAMH (Inltcd I'rcM Service HANTA liAltllAltA, Calif.,, Jan. 12. John Itech, on trial for tho murder of hi babe owing to tho "high coat of living," ac reamed and turmollcd tint court room whllo hi counaol wn mldreaalng tho Jury, Women were pnnlck nlrlckcn. Three depittlr-j finally overpowered him nftcr a hard M niggle. Judge Crew ordered n re rea. It I unlikely that the Jury wilt get the cne before night. COURTNEY'S MONEY SOUGHT BY LAWYER Itl'HNKM, CltAZY, CAIItXH L'AUf.VM CAI'ITAK I'fXIHIIMKXT MRTKII MI-rrKH OUT AT HAX QtKXTIX TO MAltK A. WII.KI.Xg FOK VKIt XIK CAItMKX'H DKATII 1011 HKNT I -room modern house, with range, cloao In. Enquire at Klnmnth ntable. ll-6t IIAXUKH, AKNKHTH IIIH IX.X(N;KXCK Hulled t'rrii ttnrvlcn HAN QUENTIN. Jan. 12. Mark A. Wilkin wa hanged nt 10:30 thl morning. The body wn cut down after 13 H minute. Hu protcated hi Innocence of the murdcr'of Ver nlo Carmen In Alameda until the laat. IIHM'AKMK. mir.t' Illl'l-OMAT. MAY UK t'ltAXCK'H rilKHIIIKXT United I'rr 8rlc I'AUIH. Jnn. 12. I'rcaldent Kal- Here ha offered IKlrawo tho pre miership, nrcordlng tn a Pari dli pntrh, Oelcntmo U ronalderiliR the offer. )elrun will retnln tho foreign nf fnlr portfolio hliuaolf I he turreed In formltiK n cabinet. XOTK'K TO II. A. M. Klumntli Chnpter No. 3R, It. A. M., will confer the ltonl Arch degreo to morrow ovenlng. YUltlng compan ion welcomo. AMBASSADOR BACON QUITS FOR C0LLEGEJEL10WSHIP "nlted Preaa BarvlM 1'AHIB. Jnu. 12. -Ambatwdor lla- coti admitted ho had mailed hi resig nation to I'roildcnt Tntt. lio will ac- coVt the offer of a fellowship at Har vard, aucceodlng tho IMo Judgo Lowell, (ItKMATK TIIK YOUXd, HUY THK OltUKIl ONKH ST. PETEnBDOia, Jan. 12. Im perialist mutineer at Kuldjr, CblneM Turkeatan, oro looting and killing, ac cording to llcutor new agency, Four hundred Manchua were mas sacred, schools wero red, and 67 children cremated, Coisackg aro guarding tbo Russian consulate. GRAIN GAMBLERS JUMPED BY ARKANSAS SENATOR Ha He Would IJkr lo He? (iamlOrrH llrlrn rnim Xrw York Murk Kx rlwngp nm Chriat lhwt the Money nuMagrn rroan Ttawultt United Pre 8enrle WABIIINOTaV. D. C. Jan. 12 Senator Datla of Arkanaai, (peaking In the aenate, denounced the cotton, wheat and corn gambler, and said In part: "I want to see the gamblers of New York drlrcn out of tho stock exchango aa Chriat drove tho money changer out of tbo teapk. "Gaunt hunger and poverty italk In tho very ihadow of tbo capital, and tho bread lino almost reaches tho door of tho senate chamber, but what caro thu tariff baron." Ho said 1,000 millionaires own S7 per cent of the wealth of tbo nation, with John Rockefeller and hi six hundred millions at their head. He added: "Can It be contended that Itockc fellor made bl 1600,000,000 honest ly, or thst any of tho other made theirs honestly t I say NO!" DUNBAR PUT ON PROBATION WORK TIIK CITY HLl'KltlNTKXDKXT OF KC'IIOOIJi AI'I-OIXTKH IIY COfltT AH OKKICKIt, O.N MAXXIXtTfi KKCOMMKMIATIOX Unlted 1'rcB Service WASHINGTON, I), C Jnn, 12. Frederick Cairns, nt Teheran, cabled Congressman Sulzer that Husacll, tho American minister In Persia-, "I demented and Injuring causo" of fourteen Americans at Teheran with Shuster, Ho asserted that Russell Is fight ing Americans' claims against the Persian government for salaries and traveling expense. Ho asks congress to aid them. TAIUFF NOT All! TO STKKIi MAKERS HTItlKKItM t'l,AKII WITH POUCK AMI MANY OF TIIKM IXJt'ltKII I.AWIIKNCK, Mass., Jan. 13. Scores ero Injured and many arrested when soxeral thousand mill atrlker clashed with the police reserve hero today. CITY SCHOLARS IN MANUAL WORK IIOl'H IN AFTKIIXOON WITH HIQH HCIIOOI, KOVIPMRNT IS AR ItAXOKMKNT FOH XKXT 8BMES. TKIt Arrangement were made thla af ternoon by the city school board with tho county high school board, where by the pupils of the Seventh and tho Klghth grades of the city school are to bo given domestic science and man ual training In tho high school. The city pupils are to havo one hour In tho afternoons after tho closo of the high school, nnd tho extra expense for tho Instructor and material Is to bo born by the city school board. Tbo Seventh nnd Eighth grade pu pils are to begin their Instructions a week from Monday, the beginning of tho now semestor. City School Su perintendent R, H, Dunbar haa been anxious for some time to add manual training to tho Instructions for the oldor pupils of his schools, but a sep arate equipment and machinery for the pupils of Just these two grades City Superintendent of School Roselt H. Dunbar ha been appointed probation officer of Klamath county by the county court on tho recom mendation of County Attorney Horace M. Manning. The law provide for ! mu M,JIUtMml, tf & 4 to lie on salary, but to recclro fees In certain case. When ho wa approached on the matter Mr. Dunbar cheerfully ex pressed himself as willing to do any thing ho could to better conditions anion;; the josmg people, and help tho county In this direction. The neces sary paver will bo drawn up by the county attorney, and tho proper sig natures attached to them to appoint Mr. Dunbar to act. Ills iosltlon, as Mr. Msnnlng says. puts him directly In touch with n largo number of )oung people, there foro fitting him for tho position. liAlltl) OF HKIIVO HAVH IIIHHOLl'. TION OF Ttll'HT WOULD XOT LK8HKX PIUCK. OXIA COVFJIX MKXT IIKGI'LATIOX United Press Service WASHINGTON, D, C, Jan. 12. Carnegie today reiterated that the tariff couldn't affect tho price of steel. Ho said: "America makes more steel than tho rest of the world. Tou legislators needn't bother about protecting steel." He admitted that law must prevent excessive prices. He declared he didn't favor strengthening the Sher man law to hasten tbo dissolution of corporations. Asked It dissolution of tbo steel rtust would reduce the price of steel, he said It would not only government regulations would rfn that. FOR DIVORCED WIFE COURT I.XIHCAT1M THAT WHKRKWITHAI. MUST WtTHIX TEX DATS, OK FOR COURTXKT JAIL HIGH WIND A1IM FlltK IN HALIFAX ZKHO WEATHE 'batted Press Berrte HAI.IPAV, N. 8.. Jan. 12. A half million dollars loss as caused by Ore In tho business section of this city to day. Soldiers from tho garrison aid ed tho firemen. A high wind blew, and Ore brands wero blown through the city. The fire started at 3 o'clock thl morning, In xero weather. TIIK KI.KCTIOX IH Ql'IKT, HIT VOTK VKKY HEAVY United Prc Servlro IlKltMN, Jnn. 12 Dnllotlng In the relchstag election I quiet, the govern ment holding several Infantry and cavalry and police reservca to prevent trouble. Tho palace guard Is dou bled. The voting Is tho heaviest In years especially among socialists. HARMON'S OFENIG GON IS FIRED AT CHICAGO United Press Bertie CHICAGO. Jan. 12. Judge liar- mou spoke at the Iroquois Club lunch con nnd openod tho Western cam paign, Harmon outlined Ohio re forms and urged they be made na tional, 1 NKIXXKII AI4YK, AUK THK QUKVKIiKSS ONES United Press Servlrn TIENTSIN. Jan. 12. Lanohow roporta that tho Imperialists aro guil ty of hideous brutalities there Queuoless Chinese wero massacred. Rebel officers accused of Inspiring tho revolt of the Imperial soldiers, were skinned allvo. Their friends Their friends were compelled to wit ness tho terrible glfM. DOCTOR IS GUILTY OF KILLIXG YOUNG GIRL United Press Service SACRAMENTO. Jan. 12. Dr. J. 8. Herndon pleaded guilty of causing the death of 16-year-old Anna Retdl by a criminal operation. Four years in Folsom was his sentence. HESSIG IS MADE PEACE JUSTICE REMOVAL FROM KLAMATH COUX TY OF C. C. JACKSON MAKES NEW MAN NEEDED IV WOOD HIVER PKECIXCT On petition of a largo number of the residents of Fort Klamath, the county court today appointed John Hesstg as Justice of the peace for Wood River precinct, to All the va cancy caused by the removal of C. C. Jackson from the county. Mr, lies slg will serve until after the elec tion. Mr. Ilcsiig was in tbo city to day, and was seen gathering a tow la-w point from County Attorney Manning for use In his new office. ODD FELLOWS TONIGHT Attorney C. C. Brower, rsiuessnl Ing Mrs. Pearl M. Courtney, recently divorced from Ssmnel M. Coertaey, had the latter In circuit court before Judge Henry L. Benson this morning in an effort to segregate from Ceert ney some money which might be ap plied as aa Installment on the til Judgment for the support of the two minor children. Courtney was put on the stead, aad the line of questioning which was pat by Attorney Brower indicated that Courtney had made assertions to the effect that Mrs. Courtney was folag to rnn away with Charles Rowan, When Mrs. Courtney was pat est the stand she testlled that she hast In tended, when she went to ft ft na nan some time since, to stay there Mi work all winter. "Since the divorce was granted I havo not had conversations with Mr. Courtney at any time save when someone else was la the room." she said. "I would not be alone with Mm under any circumstances. At one time when he spoke to me he said he supposed that now I bad tho dtroree ho guessed I heard from Charley Rowan all the time. He said he sap rosed I 'got a letter from him every day. I told him that It waa not tree, and tbat I had not heard from Mr. Rowan In any manner for ten or twelve days." Mr. Courtney tsetlSei that she had bought far one ef the Mttte ban a pair or shoes; baytag'uem at tie Golden Rnle store for ft, and pay ing for them ont of her own money. Sho said she had a purchase slip t show for them. Attorney Brower meres the start that the defendant be made to pay 1100 nt least on the Judgment wKhu fifteen dsys. Jndge Benson ssade the time less by saying that he woaM order tbat the defendant pay on the Judgment within ten dare the pro ceeds of the sale of some property at Unldendale. Wash., to M. M. Warner, or else commit him to Jail. Earlier In. the week supplementary proceedings with a view to parting Courtney from some of hie assets were had In court, nt which time the man appeared with 113.10. Theeoart ordered 113 to be paid to the offiee of County Clerk Charles R. De Lap, and rermltted Courtney to retain the tenth part of a dollar. .NEWSPAPER MAX OX THK ASYLUM HOARD United Press Service SACRAMENTO, Jan. 12. Gover nor Johnson appointed John 8. Cham bers, a newspaper roan, to the board of directors of the Napa asylum, to succeed Rlchatd Belcher. WILL SLEUTH FRANKLIN ADMIT HK IS GUILTY? United Prese Service LOS ANQELES, Jan. II. "I hare not changed my position, and haro no reason to suppose I shall," said Klamath Lodge No. 137, 1. O. O. F Detective Franklin, hen asked aa to win hold their regular meeting to- the truth of the report that he would night. Five new members will be In- plead guilty to charges of bribing the structed In tho initiatory degree, and McNamara Jurors. Frnaklln declared n good attondence Is desired. he would Sght the case to a Salsh. Negro Charged With Arson Skips As Soon As Bend Money Is Refunded C. D. Fr&tler, a negro, charged with arson In the burning of the tent of a colored woman on Sixth street some months ago, who was allowed to have his liberty on his own recog nisance, has left the city. " At first his bond wss put at f 1,000, which be could not raise. Then It waa fixed at $800, which he furnish ed In cash. Later the money waa refunded to him and bo Immediately took advaat age of the opportunity and ma tracks for other parts. For a time after he waa liberated he acted as porter in a Main street barbershop. Some people who knew hint main tain that he I from British Oalaaa. He wns indicted by the'taat grand Jury, of which Maries) Hanks. prest dent of the board of etty eenneM, was foreman. 1 ' I W1 . 1 V 0 r) '.J W