,& r Ik tirnino efali. -t KUPPLHUi HV THB UN1TH1 PHMSM NMWS RKltVIOS KVKNIKO NaTWSFA . s Sftfl PHINT THK NKWS, NOV HMTOIIT ft I Hit Hi Vir !. I, AM KLAMATH HALLS, OHMOJV, THURSDAY, JANUARY II, Mil , " Jj WILL MAYOR SPRINT FOR FOURTH TERM? csB"" a s si .s ii vn r v5rL'l3 Ul TTLll1Llf when matter ih iihoachkd hi: ami Hihhiiii.i: opponents WAITING TO SEE WHAT THK other miiii: will iNt Kiivornl poopln In Ktnmatli Palls mill milmrliK would llkii In know wlioro Mil) r Fred T Hiiuilnraou iUiiiIi on lli propotlllou or rumiliiK again for iiflKu, Tim tun) or whiin naked outer ilny fin to III liitoiillou In tint matter nlil tlint It waa tun mum) u tluio'of tlin jrivr to tiinkii nn nmiuuiicriiimit Tim K"iiiriil Impriaalim la tlint thn major would lin wIIIIiik to tukn tint oltlrn again, ami will Minimum lilm lt In tlint effect Inter Duo renaon h la Imllutril to rvlrnlu from tolrlng lila avutlmenta llila mrl) In tliu gamn la In kIvii IiIiii n limine to Dm! out who nil tla Ililp I'litrlea nre. Ono tin- ami the poMlliln elitrlea nte believed lo tl fraln from ilitclnrlng Iheinaelvc In liernuae they want to find out linl Mn)nr Hniiileraon la going In ilu It l.ppinra to lie n wiilllng riiiiih on both aides Onu rrnaoii they nro walling la Hint If the mn)or ruua, muiio of them will ln) out of tlin rnre Ilia frlentla naaort tlint tlin lun)or lir.a no finr hut what m will lie elnrt il If lie run, niiil tint fnit Hint lie liua been elected thrco tunaecutlwi Icriiia la to n rerlntn eitrnt n rrlterlon of lArriiKtti wliliout mi) furtlier rnnald- ration Hit tiMik the iilDie nearly four )ear nKo. when, na prealitont of I lie lionnl of rounrll, ho wna rlioacn by Hint IhiiI)' to fill tlm unetplreit term of Hip Into John It. Hlllla, who retired owing to III health nnd the dnatre tn leek n milder climate. Nono of Hid rnndldnten nre nniloua tu alurt the flKlit any earlier tliiin they linvn tn In brief, they nro anld to IlKlirn tlint thrro la no nan of making llm arrnp n lunger ouo t linn ahao lillely reitilalta. They liHik upon Hi la na n wnato of Reed energy. Amoiu; the "mentluna" for thn of lire ao fur urn William T. Hlilvo Col miel M 0 Wilkin, rouiirlluiMi from th Flral wnrd, noil (I, W. While. Mr White hna anld tlint ho doea not nirn to rtin,i while It la n iiieatlnn chillier either of thn nthera would ro In Colonel Wllklna la ter well I.iiohii nnd very milnr. Mr, Hlihn hna n largo ncQualiitMicP, nnd lilt veil known nggreaalvo chnrnctcr would ro n Iiiiir ny toward innkliiK n ampiilgn Intcrcatlng, Mr. While la ntio on the rounrll, nud one of the heat Informed men on illy affair In KlnmMli Falla, tnklnR n deep nud lively Intcrrat In nil Hint yiiea oik lie founded the Plrat No tlnnnl Im'nk, la n InrRn property owner, imd la regarded nn rcproaentatlvo of n progroirelvr element. Ho hna often hern alluded to na "the watchdog of I ho treasury" of the rlty, na ho lio llevea Hint thn city rnn njvnnro with out uaolca expendlturea of public money,. t There nro aevornl oilier men who nro ronteinplnlliiK tho proapiMt with mltrd fodlnRi. Home of thoin nre Hen who would atnnd nlmut an much rhnw of heliiR elected nn n ninn with (allow IcRa would If ho worn aUunted In u rcrlnln fnmoua, nlildlnR plncn. They would Juat lovo tn know whether thin nr tlint or the other mnn In roIiir to Jump In, hut thorn la no nun to toll them )(t, Tlicy renllio thnt (hoy can- Miss Morey Marries In Home Wedding i A qulot wi'ddliiR nt 7 o'clock thla mornliiK united MIhh Noll to n. Morey nnd Krnnklln L. Vonnlco. Tho mar rluRo took plaro nt tho homo o( Mrs, H. M. MaTpIo, and waa conductod by llov, fleorRo II, Poose, pastor of Oraco M, R. church, tho only persons pres ent boaidos tho principals and minis lor bolng Mr. Mnrplo, her daughters, Mrs. Josslo Waguor nnd Miss Ague and Will Mnston. Mrs. Vannlco Is well known In this ilty, whero alio (onuorly attended theJthoy will live at tho house owned by high school, lator being employed la th Golden Rule aore for somo time lint put lip n tury allium fight iimilimt Jaoiiiit HtnitiK one wlm mtiilit K" after .'" ,,m-". ' hope Hint dm niilliKik I will provu (may, IIOVN l. III.DK AMIIIHIIKIt HV VV.UAtW MK.V AT JOM) 'Itilrty MoriHi Klllitl, loeer, While A merit nn Lieutenant ! IUHy Hurt nml Tlinti TrMiM'ra nro Nllulilly Woiimletl United I'rraa Harriet) MANILLA, Jail, II. A auneaaftil effort In nmhuah Amerlrnn troop waa mndn nt Join Thirty Moroa worn killed, Lieutenant Xlctleo of tlm Hoc- nnd rnvnlry waa hadly wounded and thrro trooper allRhtly wounded, BABES EAT PTOMAINES, AND SIXJTHERS, ALSO TNoV'rOlil Infanl ami Nit Ailulla or I'll mi lie. llelletiil to n foil. kiiiih'iI I'oUoiiou AlklloliU In rminifl lllarklH-rrlea. I .OH AN(IKI.I:H. Jnu, 1 1 Tho jear- old linjifi of (leorRn Wnlkur nnd Hen ry tttilkir, lunapetoua fruit c.roer of Lnukeraliiiui, nro dyliiR, nnd all other member of tho fnmllle nro aerlouil) III of ptomaine polmmlnK, which la nilpoaed lo hnvo had lla orlRln In canned blackberrlea, Hl.llirHIJlSHT III.IMW MADMAN WHO IH IH'KMI'KII Mnkliitf I'niMurr IUr-MrliiMiiirr t'w lulu Wlin Ha llrvolvrr iNrl Willi -(! llelnR. ram High Illumina tion uml Hoi Water lo Onell film HAN KIIANCIHCO. Jnn. II. Pnl InR to dlanrm Antone Kunlk, n mnnl nr, In a revoher duel, Cnplnln C, (He low, on tho achootior City of Toppka, blinded tho mndmnn with n powerful aearchllRlit and routed him from n tatoroom with n- atrram of water from n bnae. Kunlk boarded tho veaael at Kit rvkn. Ho wont Inannn ono dny out, nud ran niuurk, flrlnit bla rovolvur rlRht nnd loft. An "8. O. H." wlrelcaa call wna aent for aid, but when II nr riled tho half blinded maniac waa In Iron. TEAL SHOW PUTS AT . z ro.MilllT I.AIMJK t'HOIll'H OK lilHIJt WHO lAMCK AND AltK VIVACIOt'N, WIIII.K COMKIV AMI KOMI AUK I'HO.MIHKH MnnnKer John V, llouaton la n proud nnd happy mnn today, (or tills 1 tho day preccdlnc tho evening when bcRlna lio opera' Iiouro oiiRaRetueiit of tho llamond Teal Mualcal Coined) company. In other word, tho troupe opens tomorrow night, Rottlnn down to plnlirKiiKllah. The company will ap pear ttireo nlRbla, being on It way from n run at Denver In stock work Frank Vannice At Marple House prior to her marriage to Mr. Vannlco. who la a partner thore. Aftor tho wedding thoy loft on tho morning train, bound (or California. At Wood tboy wore to moot Prank. T. Maihburn of drants Pass, who Is pon neetsd with th Vannlei Bros, store thoro, the party to proceed south to gotbor. . Possibly Mr, and Mrs Van nlco will make an eitendod trip aaat aftor soolng CalKornla, but this has not been determined. On their return Mrs. noio Boule on High street, be tween Fourth and Plrth streets. HOUSTON'S tu lOa Anitele, wlicro It expecta to play u nuiuher of weeka, Ihu totn pany I (till of proplo killed In their rvapuctlvu llnva of ontortalnmcnt, nnd MunnRur lluualon apuak of Ilium In tho hlgheat terma. Tho bill will ho thntiRfd nightly tu offer noveltlea nnd n vnrltty of nntiirlnlnment, Thero la ii IiIr chorua of Rlrla, which will run trlhiitn no autall ahnrn of tho enter tainment. Annum meinhora of tlm rompa'iiy nro Hrnrlo Wolf, hornldvd an thn world' rhamplon buck and win; dancer, whllit Itaymond Tnl, L'anh KnlKlit nud Krlt Klvlda nro principal comcdlnna, Drew Avery playa char- niler lenda with (leorRo C'lieahru lend Ihr aliiRliiR Juvenile, Corlnno Car keel la tho I'adltiR character woman, with (,'lnlro Davla a tho Ingenue. There will liu plenty of of iirIiibx and danrliiR for public approval. ItllLTAKHI-H NAMK TO KOHK IN VllKSCH IHIMTICH Marty Tlilnk Hi- Will He Cirmlrr, aad Tliat Neat ('nblnrt WUI Follow Ilia I'ollclea, Wlurli Ant Antl-Orrman In TeiKlency Cnltid Prua Hfrvlco I'AIIIH, Jnn, II Delraaao Is tho mnn of tint hour It la expected tho next premier will follow tlm Dtlcnaaj nntl-Oerninu iiollrlea. Many think Delraaao will ho tho next premier The pre doclaroa a rrlala I near, Tho chamber of depu Ilea hna adjourned until Tuoaday. AT POSTOFFICE IIKCOHI OK MON'KV TIIANHAC. TttH KOIt KOI'll YKAItN I'AHT HHtWN AN' IXCIIKAHI-: OK I I'KH CKKT Plgurra of the Klamath Pall uoat office (or tho paat four year, furnish ed by I'oattuaater CI) do Ilrandonburg, am a fair ln.de of tho clty'a growth, and how the business I now nearly twice that of four years ago. As ngnlnat 1910 tho buslneaa of 1911 showed an Increase of 17 per cent, while ns compared with 10K tho In rreaao was 88 per rent. Tho figures are, given (or tho first, ecoud, third and fourth quarter, re vpectfully of each year: 1911. 13, C53.70. I3.CI3.X3, M, 105.88,14,261.. SC; total IIC.Cd3.67. 1910, $3,:81. CS, 13.093. 32, 13,173.10, 13.738. 45: total, $13.375. 43. 1909, I2.17S.3S, I2.I3G.1IG. 12.161.53. I3.23S.36: total I9.9HG.23. 1908, 12,199.12. $1, 920.29, 11,804.74. 12,385.78; total. IN.309.93, nil('AiO'H .K.IUI WKATHKK KOIt KOItTi VKAItM IIROKKN Klgtith Itajr of TVmirnilttri I'nuVr Cipher Mark, With Wr4 and North. ami AImi Shivering In'KIng Win tcr's Grasp United Cross Service CIIICAUO, Jan. II. Hccorda (or (orly )eara are broken, this being Chi raRo'a eighth successive day with tho mercury below zero. Twelve below Is predicted (or to night. It waa 3 below this morning. and suffering Is Increasing. The West nnd Northwest report the cold record shattored. INDIAN'S LOVE FOR BOOZE LEADS TO HIS LAST REST Steal Pour llottlra of Spirits Knr men! I, Drink Moat of CXmtonta, Kali by tho WayaWo nnd There Kreeae to lenth I.AKKVIKW, Jan. 11. Lingo Pete, a woll known Indian of Alturas, Calif., Is dead from an ovor Indulgence In liquor. He stolo four bottles of whis key, drank most of It and foil by the roadside, (rooslng lo death beforo he was discovered. ' WOtVQAM GO MX AUTO TO HOMIC IN MICHIGAN United Press Bsrvlc LOS ANOBLBS, Jan. 11. Ad Wol gast and wife have decided, to leave by auto April 4th for Cadillac. Mleh, The couple la to go alone, Wolgast to bo camp cook and mechanic. Wolgast, though weak, la practic ally irell. BUSINESS GROWS NEW POSTOFFICE CLERK ALLOWED IfWTMAHTKIt llltAN'KK.MIUIUi IH .MOTIKIKU 111' WAHIIIMJTON OK- KICIAK OK XKW OI'KNISO MAIIK HKIIK I'oatmaalor Clyde Ilrandonburg has received a telegram from Plrst Assist ant I'oattuaater drandflcld at Wash ington, notifying him that tho depart ment has approved bla request for an additional clerk In tho local office, nnd It Is poaalblo that Henry Inwall, who ha been working tho past month aa oxtra clerk, will bo continued to (111 thn new poaltlon, HI month aa extra man Is up today, Inwall was on the ellglblo list at Kugcnc, and aiked to be traniferred, coming here. If Seattle, which Is tho headquarters of tho Klovcnth Civil Service district, has no other candi date from Its list which It wlahc to appoint, Mr. Urandenburg will likely mnko Inwall tho rfgular man. Tho clorkahlp pay $800 per year. M)VK KOH IIAIIY CAl'HKH MAX TO FAtX IX CLUTCH E8 Of Poller Accomplice In Murder of Chkagn Woman Caught When He Can No Loagrr Stand Huspcnw of Child' Abetwca LOS ANOBI.K8, Jan. II. Unbear- ablo longing to hear from his ) ear-old baby caused John Tracey, wanted In Chicago as an accomplice In the mur der of Mrs. Ilattle KautTroan, to write a letter that led to tho capture of him self and his, companion, Gcorgo Ha bencau. who have confessed to tho police the events leading up to the woman'ja death. Tracey, who Is but 12 years of age, Is passionately fond of the child. He told the police that he was unable longer tn stand the aus penae, and mailed to hla wife the mis. slve that landed him In the tolls. Trscey and Itabeneau will he held hert pending tho arrival of Instruc tions from Chicago. Roth have agreed to return without extradition. BIG REWARD FOR POSTAL ROBDER POHTOKKICK PUTS VV OSK THOC HANI. flAIMlOAO AN'OTHvll, KOH CAPTIHK OK RIKMCD CAR MAN WHO Notice has been sent to Postmaster Clydo Urandenburg by 11. D. Ball, postofflco Inspector of tho district headed by San Francisco, that 11,000 reward la ofered (or the capture of tho mnn who robbed a postal car on Southern Pacific train No. T, Janu ary 6th, between Red DIuS and Red ding. Tho postoSlce department of fers 11,000 and the railroad company an equal amount. Tho dercrlptlon given of the robber puts hliu as about S feet 9 Inchoa tall, with a complexion rathor bloodlo. Ho looked as though he might bo a consumptive, although this might havo boon duo to excitement. He waa very white during his trip In the car. Ills face was rather thin, and clean shaven, and he waa about 36 yean old. He woro a light brown slouch hat, which looked old and which was not (rented, pulled down over his c)c. Ho had on a dark suit, either very blue or very black, and had on n hlnck fnur-ln-hand tloT Ho had tjo mcrrort. Ills shoes were black. He spoko with aoftvolce In low tone, using good language. He carried n medium alied nickel plated rovolver. MUnDKRRO RY PKRVKRT IS PATH OF AOKD COUPLK Forty. Year-Old Daughter of IWd Oc togenarian Place Under Arrest Af ter Woody ajMrtwalst Is Found In Her Rooma NEW YORK, Jan. 11. An unlden ttted and as yet unapprehended "Jack the Ripper" Is- believed by the police to have been tho murderer of -tgtd Isaac Pullerman, 10, and hla wtfo, Rachaol, 70, who ware found dead In their rooms bar. Mutilation on the body showed during th autopay that thn crime Is tho work of a pervert, fxr.ith resulted In both case from a ihtrp Instrument being driven through tho right eyo to tho brain. lllchn Pullcrman, tho 40-year-old daughter of tho old couple, arretted after n blood stained shirtwaist and other bloody garment were fnuiid In her apartment", protcats her Inno- n nto, Hue I at Hellenic honpltnl un der observation by alienists'. Pullcrman vu n retired manufac turer, who, although rich, always re filled to leave hi home. Aaron Put Itrrnan, ono of their three children, dlacovered the bodies. THItOL'MH PULLMAN Tho special Pullman which will ar rive hero this evening with Ban Pran clico parties who arc coming to at tend tho Parmer Hanquct at tho White Pelican, will remain hero until tomorrow evening'' train, and any parties going to San Pranclacn can e cure through accommodations from here by going on tomorrow's train. Dr. White reports tho birth of a 9 '.4 -pound son yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Oatle Cravens. THK KKAHTKIt SCHOOL Professor J, P. Pcaster, recently of Afctorla, Ore., Is In tho city, and will on Monday evening, January 16th, open a school of penmanship and bookkeeping In the Marten building, east of tho Central school. Doth a( tcrnoon and evening classes nre to be taught. CIRCUIT COURT DATES OF TRIAL HP.VKHAL CIVIL AMI CHIMIVAL CASKS ItKQUIIUNO JI'KV AS. HKINKO 11V Jl'IKJK HENRI L. ItKNSON " " Judge Henry U. Benson In circuit court baa revised the dstes of case fixed (or Jury trials. It stands now; January 23, Kent vs. Ady; January 34, Pleck v-. Campbell; January 25, Ady vs. Llskcy; January 26, Ambro- gettl vs. Clarks; January 27, Evans vs. Lewis; January 29, Stato vs. Pay Melbourne; February 16, State vs. Paulder; Pcbruary 16, Stato vs. Jas. Hughes and Samuel A. McMahon; Fobruary 17, Farmers' Implement and Supply company vs. Southern Pacific company. KTKKL Tltl'ST DOMINATES, CAHNKOIK-S CONCESSION Canny Scot Tries to Get Away From Admlaalon of Price Agreement by Corporation Itoprraentativts, Hut Cannot I'lilted Press Service. WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 1,1. Cornered alter a- battlo of wits, Car negie admitted that tho steel trust dominates the Industry, and that the day of competition has passed. The Scotchman resorted to Jests nnd anecdotes In his effort to avoid arguing. Asked why competition had ceased ho said: "Because corporation representatives were able to sit down and agree to fix and maintain prices. This is obvious." Asked how conditions were remedl- nbje, ho said tho government should fix tho maximum prices. t ALLEGED DUAL SEDUCER SHOT BY GIRL'S FATHER . Southerner Whoo Daughter Were Employed as Domestic by Man With Evil Designs, Takes Pistol and Shoots Htm Dead COQUILLE CITY. Jan. 11. JJ. F. Foot, a highly respected resident of Coqullle City, and a member of tho trial jurx that recently convicted Charles Garrison of murdor In tho first degree, shot and killed a man named Wilcox near tho latter' home a short distance from here. Wilcox eraplojcd a daughter of Foot as a' domestic about two years ago, and a few montns later sne was compelled to undergo a delicate oper ation unknown to her parents. Fol lowing the operation Wilcox Is alleged to have shunned the girl for whose ruin he was rosp6neible, and persuad ed another of Foot'a daughters to re side at his home. A few days ago BOARDOFTRADEFIRE AND BROKERS FLEE Wilcox became awaro that tho latter daughter was In troublo, and Imme diately went in pursuit of Wilcox, teaching his destination shortly ut ter noon, ho accosted Wilcox, and without argument shot him dead. Foot then surrendered to tho off! cers. District Attorney mown at Rose- burg had been advised that Wilcox would be arrested charged with seduc tion, and tho trial would proceed Im mediately. Two hours later ho re ceived n messago to the effect that Wilcox had been murdered. This is tho third murder in Coos county dur ing tho past eighteen months. Foot will probably waive prelim inary examination la order that bis daughters may escape as much notor iety as possible. Foot Is a South erner. PACKIHG HOUSE BEEF HAS TENDENCY TOWARD SKY Prirr of Meal In Hoar City Imitates Fabled Itorlne Whose Activity Led Hrr to Take a Hop Aliove Kamosts Celestial Orb I PORTLAND, Jan. 11. The fabled cow that Jumped over tho moon Is being closely Imitated by thc price of beef in the Portland market. The price of packing houso beet Is today commanding tho highest figure ever known. Even In the .wholesale mar ket steer beef Is selling at 11 cents a pound and 10 cents for cows of the best quality. An additional balf cent has been added to the price of mutton. Tho price of potatoes baa begun to soar for the same reason. Jobbing prices were advanced 10 cents per hundred pounds, with tho prospects of a further rise, as stocks held here aro short. Farmers are taking ad- tantage of the situation, and are hold ing for more money. Miss Vera Glebe of Joplln. Mo., Is Uniting the family of Attorney Her bert S. Crane. who la a former Mts- a.iurlan. Her brother, Vivian Globe, ,. stenographer, has come here) from ,'oplm to locate. POIl KENT 4-room modern house. with range, close In. Enquire at! Klamath stable. U-Ct DUTY IN COUNTY PEIIIOD OK OVER TWO WEEKS WHEN NO MAIUtlAUK LICENSE 18 ISSUED FIIOM OPF1CE OF COUNTY CLKHK It Is mighty dull In tho line of mar riage licenses with tho county clerk's office theso days. Tuesday, when Pellx Kunx and Mary Makrosh, Bohemians from Malln, took out the necessary document to enable them to take the marriage vows, It was tho first that bad been issuedslnce December 23d, ocr two weeks. ( Not often doea a fortnight pass without a license being taken out. CUPID SHIRKS HIS Commercial Club Goes Into Quarters Formerly Occupied Dy First National For the present the Klamat hFalls Commercial Club will have Its head quarters in the former, counting room of the First National bank, President Alexander Martin of that laatitutlan having tendered the member the use of the apartment pending its selection of a permanent home. It waa announced some days ago that Roy Hamaker had been appoint ed temporary secretary and treasurer of tho now1 body, but there Is a report current- that W, B. Deliell, who has been assistant cashier of the First Na GRAIN MARKET SHUT IIV OVERNIGHT INDgMNTTT--FLAMES OKJGIXATK IN SMOK ING ROOM ON TUB TRADMO FLOOR i.'nlted Press Service CH1CAOO, Jan. 11. The Board of Trado is on Ore. Flames started In the smoking room on tho trading floor, and 150 brokers harried to escape. Tho market was closed by grain Indemnity ovor night, and the lasar a nee room Is busy. All brokers and telegraphers were ordered to flee from the balldlag. RISK LIFE FOR TKEAMTM IN EgiTTABLK RtTOiMira Two Hundred and Ftfur Mast Tate Chance to Clear Way ts Taaasas, From Which Hundred MM lar H Taken Cade Heavy United Press Service NEW YORK. Jaa. 11. Waned that their lives were endangered, Sit men accepted the chances, said tercd the Equitable balldlag to shore up the walls and clear a path to the vaults containing 12,000,000,000 la securities. Fire and police authori ties are considering dynamiting the ruins. (The Equitable Ufa's steel fl ing cases containing 90,000 policies) were uninjured. Over f 100,000,000 was from the vaults. Elaborate pr tloas were taken to safeguard Um treasure. A kuadrad pollee aad kaav lly armed detectives surrounded Us wagons. The stoaey was takem to Wall street. The treasea peaetrated to where Caapeom'a body waa buried, and aro endeavoring to remove the corpse. , WHITE SLA VERS TO AFTBR A HKlUsT TMAL Powerful Political a Year, While Weaasa Oct Venn, Wkh Perverted Mothers v en She Tears United Press Service PARIS. Jan. 11. Nineteen persons have been convicted of Implication la tho white slave scandal after a secret tilal lasting n fortnight. Victor Fl&cbon, powerful political ly, was sentenced to a year la prison. His mistress, who led the orgies, aad Mml.ime Oultmlt, a procuress, got two ) ears. Somo mothers who sold their children got six years. WALSH OCT FOR CONGRESS IN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT Pioneer Equal Rlghter aad First AaV ' vorate of Direct Legislation gsg Times Delegate to Labor Fedora lion Conventions United Press Service SAN FRANClSCO.eJan. 11. John O. Walsh announces his candidacy for congress from the fifth district. He Is a pioneer equal rlghter, the flrst to advocate direct legislation, and waa six times a delegate to the conven tions of the American Federation of Labor. tional bank, will become the perma nent secretary of the club. Coatrsaa tlon of this could sot be bad today, Mr, Deliell waa candidate for secre tary of the Chamber of Commerce oa thollcket which waa headed by Frank Ira White for president aad WlWaa T. Bblve for vies president. Mr. Ihrta la head of the board of eoatrel at th Commercial Club. Mr, Dalaell la a well known and capable man, aad baa already bad valuable experieastV ta development matters in his eaaaea tton with th Chamber of Coasmsfsa president for two terms. - . ' ' "l inwT I , I V V tJ M J '.( J' -v