w . r .. - r c W4ojiL fr'-;,- ; ,. i j ' ill Htri'iJKii inr tiik KVKNIX'I NKWAPAPKfM IIIINT TIIK NHHH, NOT HI8TOHY INITKII I'KKNH NICWH MsCltVltW "V.I (.; Ixlli Year No. I,0(JH KLAMATH 1'AM.H, OltKOON, WJIHXKHDAV, JANUAHY 10, lUI'J Price, Five CVaia "omN'owf,, ti ) mtm., mt tARNES NOT TO RUN ly, which Mr. llommtlc Ih expected In j (It Idler, Ha ink for a ilnmrlptloii (if land, mid I h'jn wnut light om whither It fy A. I tJ.4"VsT - h-- "I level, hilly, prairie, timber or brush, A f4 11 B-lll lll-l-ll ! Im"' "'" "'iiiiri nil to iiiitimi or Hiii ' well HIIOlll HllUllier II l HI Dll), WIISIO ". ,- , .. . , Inml or linn nlkull. An lo w liter, lie 17. . . ' : "or K"r' "' 'i"''"'' "'" """ ' it which I,.. Im. lo pay nspenses r,l(:i,l,,. ami If IM mcllind of wntcr- Tlmro Is no iluulil tlmt whoever K , necessary. Ho ftlso inks for rum for ilinrltf would Ilka lo liuvo tho ,nln ,,.r ,,,u lvmU. harking of HIierlfT lliirmiH fur llm place, 1 1 1 fiiinlllnrlly with Inml, koimI stimuli, rlmrrlii'ii Hour. Ihlluntiril which roiilil Im llirowii' .!, ,.,, , wages, living coit, tiiwiirn wnotivcr might im in rnoitu ri., ,! t.r0,f Wt, onlB. barley, for his suit cuor. ,or potatoe. mill, tirrrli-ii, dairy, Itutll", horses iiml prices, hogs unil TI.'ACH CHILDItCX I'AHM U'DIIK (poultry OIIJIXT or Xi:V .MoVI'AIHXTJ Secretary Caleb T. Oliver miHwvri'd ntl tln (iii'ntloiiii, CITY PARK BOARD - CALLED TO MEET HVATt INTERESTS IAXD ATTKXTIO.V, ; MAVH, KM lll.'I.IKVIX TWO TCItMH knl'iiii would Hiil'ltmr 4T MAN PIIOPOHMI i How intuli tuoliitiin1. front, snow. I lifi Inn. . .it.i !... it i.. Mi, ....... ..i,.. .. ,. i i.i ... ,i.,, iiiiiiHii-i pl.mii,,., iiiiu ,,, pin or mo cimiiiy Kite nun no miuiii .MA VOIt IhHiriX Hl'MMOXH Hilt iiodv t-o oirr TO(iiriin:it ami TALK OVI.lt I'ltOHI'lUTH I'Olt lllll'.A'IIII.VO HI'OT. Icrinrf Wlllliim II. Ilnnn-n will not IllKilltl for llli' oDIrc, mill no Mil' bii'il lilnikKlf to Hut llimtit HiU IK. wlili oii woiilil Im klml ciioiikIi IikiimIo fur mo tlmt I tin not n lilnlu for n'lpctloii, nnil will not Imtcr nuy i-lrninmliimiii," Im !- )tl. "It It trim Hint I limn Ih-ui Ul)' ioiiMlii;rliiK luuklliK llm r.tin- for tlio plnnt for iiiihIImt lurin, I tutu loiiu n lot nf tlilukliiK. Slill KllM'Hlltl1llle'llt nf SiIiihiI S'inl. Ini( Out letli'm lo llniil'i- nnil I'mhIimi In Onlrr lo Knfi I'rlto for llrliililrnt liiIU Hpcrlnl to Tim llcrnlil I'OIITI.ANI) J ft ii. n.--l,roi;rciiii I Ih'Iiik uiailn 1n tlm imntnilRii lo Inter l ilillilri'ti In UKrlciiltiiriil wlnrntlon In OrrKou Htntp Hiiprrlnloiiilinl Al- kly, I Mlrwi I roiilil h1 tliilininin U ipihIIiik out li-ltum I" nntlon nnil t'littlnn If I with lo riuko llm flKlit, for ninny tiroplo I ortorcil nMiiranro of tlielr iut In mlrli mi tit tiil I linvu bovn nrlii'il Ii) m'oii troiu itmy onii I out ot low ii iri'i Inrl uml mkiil I, ulil ilii'liilrn lii'lliK ROuil I'liouull lilr llii'lr niiort, lutlcml of o inn na In llm nnt. Kil Unite nru iiIImt liinttnm wlilrh rlut (iiimlilftril, I licllnru Hint I Itltli'il in n lllllit moru for lii)m'lf II linvu Iiml In rurlnln illri-cllon ilniici', mnro tlmn wllli my fain- til iniifo tlnm to kIh to iirlvnl ! Id ono till UK Hint It Hcvimi to Intonnliln for mo lo wnnt mnt to uml I uirt lo Kit ttii-iii, I ii i. t Hie klmliKim of Hie h'0Ic of till rount)' nml Ktmiintli Knlli In IK to Imrk niu up In llm flclit, Im not illiruiintltiK llm trtinu tt tlmt Imi lifrn tuiultri'i! mo. Ki't tli I nk I ntu not IntvrfiliMl In (lit, for 1 ntu. Tlili Ii my lioum, I koIiir to routlniitt to l?. I linrc Irty liili'rrU liorr, linvu tliu fain iiiiinm pron'it) nml lmo iii'd property wuii. J mi now Itlrr Hum, ni nlii'rlrT, IipIimik lo lunty nlKlit nml ilny, wlu-rcm. If i out of tli ii o III co my Hum woul'l ro in) unit, to look ulti-r per- ntTnlrti An It lit my lioun', mil I 1'ipi'ci lo tny, I t'lpctt lo Jint in tnnrli Inlcrcit In llm ro- i (iii)lioily (!. Hut I niu koIiii; ikiiiii i iiml mny fil If Im woiilil mpport wluitiiT it'ii lila pnrty, tlm rcpulillriiu or. Illiin, woiilil orfvr, Im iuiIiI liu I not K nil fur na Hint, n Im n At rmllrnl. I nut to ai'u lliu Iiml man gel llm mi, miner tlmn iitTmiiu no Imp lo bcloiiK to n pnrtlculnr purty,". bo alii'rlrf. "Wo wnut K'l tliu-' llm ortlco, mnt rminot nltorit to' lntliliiK I'lm'. Ono roiiaon I lie-1 tomi'liiiily rUu oiiKlit to Imvo It limo I linvu buuu In two tprum of Inn oacIi, uml by llm llnio I luivn Riled my term of ncrvlru I will llieun In nboul four nml n linlf Hoiim mm eUo Ii I'litltlcil to n Innw. to tlio prolltn of IioIiik nliorlfT, mi pi) I urimilil not net un lilcn Hint itch ii fut poilllon to tiolil. With rowtli of tlio county nnil tlio In- i In tlio MVMiuvnt rolli It mrnni rrvMlty ot puttliiK mora clorki i do Hie work In tlio taxing tr-iv- f Tliuro nro inoro ilcputlei to bn ; Hiiiii foriuorly. Tlm tuniii hire occnilnnnlly imcumnry Ii an It Ii neci'tmnry for tlio lncum o liava un autombolto nml ruu llrli In an expoiuo of conildornblo lly llio Hino you'vo put out for all tlioio tlihiBU tlmro la lllltla loft for tho ilicrltt'i pock Wilmy of tho Klamath county liH'iiluii nml priMurrra of tlie atnto, inking for prlii'M to lie nwiinlfl to tcliool puplli who dIiiiII iiinko Hie lii' etlillilli of fntin proitllita at llio full lint fntl. C. I), Nnlru of Amity lini been tin tlinl lo ri'i(iiiil. mid Im will nhe HioroilKlitirnl Hrotrli rulllo m n tlritt prlii) for mi exlillilt of veiti tntile. lorn, i'Ic, nt llm Htntu I'nlr IHH rot'llltVHHOW U'lM, in: .rri:iii:ii at .miihln litc 'IIiIh Mmilli Are Diiti fur IMil liltlnu, to Willi Ii liu- Hurroiinillnit ('miili-y It IImii to ('(uilrlliiile Tinwuil Hpli'nillil hlmulnu Mnyor I'. T. Kiuiilornon, wlm la tliu (linlrmnn of Hie city park rotmiilaxlon, liu rnllcil a ini'ctliiK of tlio boaril for tomonow nfturnoon nt I o'clock. In Urn illy ball. Tlm litoinlicra of tbu (Oliiinlmiluii nre I', T. Kanilvriviii cbnlr! follow : iniin, I'rmik lr Wlillc iccninry, Don Trnnnportnllon tintlrn boanl. I. .iiinwall miKlnccr, OeorKe T. Ilnl.l-j Irrlnallon C. T. Oliver, It. II. Dun win, Dr. 0. V. rialmrnnil Alex Mnrllu l.nr, W. II. Dolbccr. (limciiltk'N nt Hi rncctlhK Ifl't Th unt il it jr nlKbt. "Wo Hilnk thnt inch n mcnni of impport of tlm orKan lint Ion Ii tlio fitlreuL ami itritinret And fnnnt. renion nlilfi wiiy of Kcttlnu monuy to enrrr on oil I work," Mill Mr. Oliver today. "We ulo confronted with a iltuatlon, co far .ii llio law Ii ronccrncd, which pre tnt tbo county from rIvIuk hi morn tbnn 11,000 per j car, nnd we, bellovo Hint tin; xtnttrncnt, unlcn tho lawi vcrn ncnlmt It, would bo for n itrone f r HiipporJ by tho county. "It In tlio Intention of the chnrnber llo put Hie proportion of mipport by tnxntlon up to our doloKntm (o the ctnto IPRlilnturo with n view to clear IriB n-wny llio Impediment that now ex lulu ncnlmt It." Com nil I teen wcro determined on ai IRWIN COMES OUT EOR PROSECUTOR MAVOIfHI'llll.lOMAItKirr HCIIiaiK IIKI.NO KUItTIIKHF.I) Anlorln'ft Alrntle lleliitm OtablUh- liient of It Will It'tluro CM at l.liliiK by ItrlnKlnK I'nxliKtT nml rtiiiiiuiiiT logdhiT Hpcrjnl lo The Herald Alll.TON. Jim 10 Milton will bold n bli; puiiltr) iibow mi Juuuary 20-3 1 Tbt rtiuntry lurrouudlni; will lend In prlte fowls for H.e I'llillillloil. mi. I a iiilt'iidld rbowInK M expected DOCTORS GO OVERLAND TO JOINJTRIPOLI TURKS Italy I'tnliliU 'llu'lii lit (in Ii) Heii, iiiiil' SllimHi.li Iteienl. Tlmt INikIMi ) iihiIiiii o( l4l)pt In AilKr)''1)!'! .Vol lleiipvolfiil. t;BASKETBALL SKATESISSCHEME I lilUd I'rcai Hervlri) CAIItO, Jan. oi iliictoia nml l.ll.M T l'All,IO TOMIHIItOW mi, nr wn.it t'Atsi: gri.vnns or ATiii.irics 'io .mi:i.t ox itoi,i,i:its miiy cite, iiiii i niu Koinit ,., ". ", ebody lo flKlit for tbo!,lk,, ": 1l,rM',n "' ,.ny llm be,l man win " lK,," 'u''""'- 10. l.arj;t) Numberi nnriei nre beliiK lent overliiiiil by tin' lied Oron Society In Kitypt lo Join tbu Turklab forcci In Tripoli, tlm llnllnu i;ineriiiiicnt bnv liiK wlthdrnwii periulialon for them to make tlm Journey by acn. Aa n remit of Dime eipfitttlnni Hrent llrltnln la plncrd In nn imbnrrnaalni: poaltloo Tint llrltltb Koveriimenl, ni ttlillnct from llrlllib publlo opinion, Ii pro- llnly, nml VUcouut Kltcluivr would i lied Crciceul Hut IliU cnnnnl bo ilniie v It limit Hnclnml naknonl- eilKlni: lo Hie world Hint tbu llrltUti' .i.ltttill.i.t ..f !.. .t, Im inrtrfalk. I ... ., m.i't. ., nl'- " ..hit f" l- rut lit r limn liciimnloiit. Tomorrow iiIkIiI at tlio I'avlllnn there U lo bo n bnikttbnll Rnmu on kkulM Wtwin the I'nvlllon ami n ten in compoaotl partly of tho regular IiIrIi icbnol team. The lineup will J probably be: I'nvlllon- (V Croaby, K. Ambroiu gnnrttK, Don Diilo.efntcr. Ord Arnold nml Clair Arnold forward!. Composition Clint Hoodrlcli nml Itnrold KarKont Kiinrda, Mnurlro O'Cnnnell renter, (lien Cnrrelt mid Hardin Carter forwards. AiIihImIoii, tmo illme, tbo tenth part nf n tlollnr. dollnr. Jr. Tlm purpoiic of.tho nieclliiK In to Inkn in Hon on tho motion of n pub lic, park for tlm city. It Ii ifnted that tbero nro thrco or four alien offered for Hie i otiildf ration of tlio cnmruli uliiti. A levy of one-hnl mill of tax- ablf property In tho ctty hai been made for tlio uao of tho'tommlailon. Tlili will provide r- tittle over f 1,400 rovciiun. itirrAii, Mi:it( iiantk iKKr I'OII SIXTH AX MIA I, TIMK rrt'Cniiu of Ctmvrnllon Killed H'lUi DlMiikloii nt Hiibjecld of VIUI In-leri-l In Ttiem, anil ("fniir(riit KM'tikert Will Aieir Dpi tint to Tlm Herald MKDrOltD, Jan. 10. Itctall incr flinnU In thu itato will gather at Mctl ford January 17 and IS for thu ilxth nnuual convention. Tlm prnRrmn hni been mado up and l filled with dominion! of mibjrcli of vital Intercat to tbo merchant. Competent ipoftkera have been e- cureil to deliver addrciici of value to Hie retailer. AdverllnlnK nnd Kxhlblli Claudo II. DflRKCtt, Krnnk Ira White, W. 8. Klih I'amphlcti W. S. I'lah, Krank Ira While, Claude II. Daggett, Jnmen A, Maddox. I'ubllc Improvementi K. M. Clill role, Alexander Mnrtln Jr., (leorge T. Ilaldwln. Mcmbtriblp Kntlro board. Agriculture nnd llortlculturo Chimin II. Daggett, Fred llouitnn, J, Prank Admm, Kzell llrothcrii. Manufacture! nnd Sltei Charlei P. Moore, W. A. Delicti. D. II. Campbell, IS TO DIE III ELECTRIC CHAIR He WIlliilniWN IIU I'leii of Not Oullly In I'm or of (Jullt), ami In (Quickly .setili'iiii'tl In I'ti) With HI Ufe for III lltnloui Crime DANK OFFICIALS PICKED FOR YEAR AD.MIMSTIUTIOX HfMDH CHOSEN 11' ItOC.U, IXHTITfTIOXS TO (il'IDK AFFAIIIH Vi)U ANNO 'IMIMIXI 1012 l.M SHOW IIV Cnlictl I'rcai Service nntimv in. ttv it.. ifint.nrfi. - . ,) nlcnlny withdrew lili plen of "not jgulll)" nml plead "gullt." Ilu waa leutonced to bo electrocuted the week of May 19th. HUM'S STATi: SKMll.MI COI.OMSIS BOhSACK WOULD LEARN OF TOPICS NOIITII DAKOTA MAN. IN l.l.TTKIt TO ciiamiii:ii OK cemmkiici: IlKKe In i oiitli Willi I'ji'tein IMilli. llo Ami'iIiiIu HiU lo Itc.lill, nml I'rttllil lleiivy Movt'iiieiil During el (littip lliile IVrlml. HIXIthTAItV, MIKSOVIIIAN WIHTKH MhK A J. I). Ilouanck of Hock Lake, N. I)., linn written n letter of Inquiry about Klamiilli county to Secretary Cnluh T. Oliver of tlm Klmnntli Chamber of Commerce, nnil If It wcro not for tliu fnct thnt thu letter ruvenli thu wrlter'n wheri'iiboulH, tlio iiiaplclon would nrlao that Im U from Mlinourl. For Mr. Iloimack wiintn lo know, tli'atlrou to bo nIiowii, Juat llko tlm poo. plo from thu Nluto who iiIwioh n'iiilro u ileiiliinatrntloii. Mr, llniutivk'a iiieatloii8 cover n rnngo of tnplca which, when nuawcred. glvo u limn u liood Idea of what ho may expert to II nd when ho coinei to Klmnntli conn. Iv.'i'al to Tho llorald roitTI.ANI), Jan. 10.- IjiiiiI iliow nnd exhlbltii of Oregon producti In tl:o Knit during tho winter Imvo bad n wldeiprcnd effect, at cording to tliove In clime touch with tho exhibits, mid lit) A' remit, It U mild tbo movement of roloulata lo Oregon next spring tlur lug thu onu-wny low rnto period, will bo greater tlmn over before. Tlm Orent Northern linn dime n splendid work HiU lenaon, na ft did but, In operating exhibit rnr tlirough tho Mlddlo West, taking n collection of Oregon product to tlm (itniurH an they might nee what In grown hero mid leurii of tlm Htnto'K n-grlciilturnl opportiinllleii nt first hnnd. MAI'I'IXH STATU HUNZTS TO IIMIIIIIT OWXKItSIIII'S Kpeclnl to Tbo Herald I'OHTI.AND. Jan. 10. The forest servlco Is mapping tho forests of tho stnte, nml will show tbo ownership of eiicli. piece of standing timber of nny ncount In Orogou. lly this means It l expected to In crease, the efficiency ot tho present iH)icm or lire protection uurim tno dry ierlods of tbo year when the an nual lost reaches a big sum. ire Shifts At White Pelican Puts lew Men In As Steward And Chet km chango! uro announced by the Pelican hotel through Manager Dietrich. Charles A. lloffmau, krd, hni retired, and A. Mandol, waiter, la uniting his regular with tho stownrdshlp. Potor kttl, tho chof, haji left, and Vfn- cols I.euti, who became, first cook oil tlio recent withdrawal ot tho mau who hold that position uudor Crnvcttl, Is tho. kltchon principal. Harry IIoS uiti'n, In chnrgo of tho engineering de partment; has also quit. Ho la a brother ot tho former etewTd. LONG BOW IS DRAWN BY lie TiIin lo ItcprvKcnt l( ni Hotbed of Hetlltloiu Kluna, Wlm, However, I'liilei-atiiiiil Ills .Mnlhea, Tliey Sny, uml Keep Their TwrnK'ni United Proas Borneo llKUNdroilD, Jim. 10. Procln mntlon of martial law nml bnuUhiuont ot nil porsoitH Hiispected of nusnullA on Holdlors In Ylboig U thrcntoncd by tho military commander ua u result ot tho attacks ho declares Imvo been mado upon hbi men thoro. Tho commander Is trjlng to roprc vent Vlborg as tv hotbotl ot Boilltlon, ! hoping togonil tho liiliabltnntK In vlo- lonco mid then Imvo nn oxcuso to over throw' tho civil law, Tho Pinna, howovor.junderstandlnK bis motives, thoy declare havo hold their tempera. CHAMBER NAMES NEW COMMITTEES m:w admi.mstiiation op (jamzatiox ph0p08k8 PAVK WAV TO KliPfOUT TAXATION OH. TO IIV ' At n meeting ot tho administering bounl ot tho Chnmbvr ot Commerco held Monday night at city hall, tho committees for tho coming year wero n anicd mid other business transacted. Tho board consists of Prosldent K. U. Jtcnmos, Vlco Prcsldout W. Paul John son, Secretary Caleb T. Oliver and thu four directors, Muor Prod TrSon (loisoii, Prnnk Iin Whlto, James Mad dose and W. 8. Pish. All wero present. Ono ot tho things which tho Cham ber has decided to do aggressively during tho current oar Ii to work with a will to obtain a clear yond to havo tho chamber supported by taxa tion oil tho county. Secretary Oliver mid today that this wn believed to ho tho beat and most equable solution ot the fund railing problem ot wh,lch President B, R. Qeainoa outlined tho At Its meeting caterday tho Amer ican Dank and Trust company elected the following oDlccrs for the coming inr: President, Krcd It. Mclhajo; lire president and cashier, Pred Schal- lock; assistant cashier, Claudo Cbas tain; secretary, Claudo II. Daggett; treasurer, (Jus Methane; directors, Kred II. Melbase, Pred Sclinllock. Claudo Daggett, (ins Melhasc, Pred Stltser. The First Trust and Savings bank elected J, W. Siemens president, to succeed Ceorgo T. Ilaldwln, and the following others; Cashier, J. II. Siemens; directors, J. W. Siemens, Otorgo T. Ilaldwln, P. M. Heldy. Jns. A. Maddox nnd D. M. Griffith. Mr. Iteldy holds over ns vlco president. Tho Plrst National this nftcrnoon elected the follewing: President. Alexander Martin Sr.; vice President Cbnrlrs S. Moore; cashier, Leslie Itogers; directors, Alexander Martin Sr.. C. 8. Mooro, E. It. Iteames, I,. P. Wllllts, Alexander Mnrtln Jr. At tho llmo the Klamath County tank's business was taken over by tho Plrst Nnttonnl, Alexander Martin Jr. was mndj) vlco president andt W. A. Delicll nsslstant cashier. Tho former position has changed hands and tho latter Is unprovided for by today's choice Some time ugo tt wns reported Hint Alexander Martin Jr. would retlro fioui nctlvo service with tho bank nnd go to California, to live. Whether this la tho fact cou!tl not be learned this attornoon. .Special to The Herald ABTOKIA.. Jan. 10. Mnyor Hen il orson of Astoria Is cncouraglhg a public market fqt-tho city by the sea, emphasizing tho need for such An In stitution In his annual messngo to the council. Ila believes It will reduce the cost of living by bringing tho producer and consumer together. ' KNOW CIWKS !H;KltH IT INfiltAYS IIAIHIOIt ItKlilOX Luniltennrn Cram Work llcnii Peel of Iti-putrilljr Itetiullfiil DercniN on Heme of lilxirs, anil Win Walt for Moderation Inlted Press Service AHKItDI'n.V, Wash., Jan. 10 Log. glng camps In the Grays Harbor dis trict, closed on account of snow, wltl not bo reopened until tho weather moderates, according to lumbermen hero today. Thero Is about nn Inch of mow here, and more Im the moun tain. ! J4Y MANNING SEEKS COIJXTV TItKAHt'ltHHIP IN OPPO SITION TO C. II. DAGOCTT, !Jf. CCMIIKXT, WITH IMCB FOR SIIKIHKP XAItnOWED CALL RUSSIA TO ACCOUHT SAME AS UNITED STATES Great llrllnln lUwctel to Follow the Ainerlrnn lUample aa Passports of Her JcwUli Cltlictw Have Not Al ways" Horn Honored PROTEST- HORSE KILLING III ANNIMLBUllFIBHTS Prviiili lA'nguo for the lrotertloa of Ktpulnoii Wants thiforcenuut of tho Imw Armoring Hull' llitnis, Which Would Save Muny Bteeda I'liltcd Press Servlcii PAltlS, Jan. 10. Vigorous protest ngnlnst tho killing of horses In tho forty or more annual bullfights held iu Piiinco Is being made by the Prcuch League for the Protection of Horses. Tho league U seeking enforcement ot tho Urammont law, which demandj that the horses bo protected agaluit tho bull's horns by nu armor covering. Much ot tho goro of tho tight would bo obliterated If the horses woro this harness, Sweot California Duttoi( and lots of It, 7Go a roll. io-n fultonmahkbt. United Press Service I.ONDO.V, Jan. 10. Great Britain Is expected to follow tho examplo set by tho United States of calling Kussln to account for refusing to recognize thu passports of Jewish citizens visit ing Iturala. and there Is a possibility that the llusslan-Hngllsh treaty of 1SS9, similar to tho Amerlcan-Kuislan treaty of 1S32, will ba abrogated. Tho Anglo-Jewish Association has urged Abrogation. riintcii HKCKITIOX There will be a reception to the new members ot tho Prcsbjrtcrlan church nt the rcsldenco ot Mr. and Mrs. C. C. lloguo tomorrow, Thurs day evening. All members ot tho con gregation and friends of tho church aro cordially Invited to be present. Two nuw candidate have an nounced themselves today for tho pri mary election April 18th. Attorney John Irwin will oppose D. V. Koykea dnll for tho nomination on tho repnb llrcn ticket for prosecuting attorney fir Klamath ind Lnko counties. Mr. Irwin is one of the young law yers of tho do rvho Is making at name for himself nn a hard worker In hi profession. Ho Is tho attorney and V.ro presided: of tho Kliirath Water Umts' Association, nnd has a good following among tho legal and baet nrcs men ot tbo city, aa well as among the farmers of the county. Jay Manning will seek tbo repub lican nomination for county trcaaarsr. Ho Is a young man, and recognized as ono of the best hustlers In tbo repub lican party In this county. He has al ways btn able to pull n big bunch of votes for his party candidates, but this Is tho first time that ho has ever asked the people for anything for himself, and undoubtedly ho will be given strong support. He will bo opposed on the democratic ticket by C. H. Dag gett, the present Incumbent. There have been no additions an nounced for any of the other oSces. Since Sheriff Darnes has declined to bo a candidate for re-election It leaves O. Ii. Carter and C C. Low m tt only candidates for the republican nomination for this oOco from this place. The democratic aspirants for tho several offlces have made no an nouncements as yet, but they usually havo a full ticket In tho field by tho time tbo primary election draws near. It Is generally believed that C. It. Do I-ip will bo tho republican nominee for county clerk to succeed himself, while the democrats are trying to per suade G cor go Chastatn to run. It Is conceded that Mr. Chastatn could get tho democratic nomination If he want ed It, but he has not said the word yet. ritlDAV HANGMAN'S HAY AT CAMFOHXIA PIUSOX Pour Men Sentenced lo Pay Life Pen. ally, Tlireo of Tlicm Wife Murder er, I'nlcni Kxecutlvo Clemency l KxcrcUed CONVICTION WAS MAJORITY WISH HIT J IKY IN PAY MKLUOUHNK CASK COULD NOT AGIIEK, SO JUIKiK IIEXItV L. HEXSON DIS CIIAltGF.D IT After being out from about i o'clock yesterday afternoon until 3 o'clock this afternoon, the jury In'tbe cnio ot Pay Melbourne, Indicted by the grand jury for conducting a baw dy house, tailed to agree, and was dis charged by Judgo Henry L. Hcnson. Tho members stood S to 4 for conviction. Sweet Culltorulu Butter, and lota of It. 76c a roll.-, f iO-!t FULTON' MAUKKT. United Press Service SAN QUKNTIN. Calif., Jon. 10. Pour men, Mark Wllklns, J. Byrne, George Plgueroa and William llurke. thrco of thorn wife murderers, are doomed to bang hero Friday unlesj Governor Johnson Interferes. It not reprieved they will hang In pairs. Flgueroa murdered his wife In Los Angeles, Burke killed bis wife In San Dlega. Wllklus, who has already received six reprieves, slew his wife In the northorn part ot the state. Byrno killed n man In a San Francisco sa ilor METAL KILLS KIGHT VICTIMS Fourteen Others Hadly Hnjarea Wheat a Huge Gun Mold la the Vfceach Nuvnl Arsenal llursta Metal Gas Clinton Explosion United Press Service PAltlS, Jan. 10. Eight were burn ed to death nnd tourtoen were badly Injured when a hugo gun mold bunt at tho naval nrsenal near Angoulome. Molten metal gases caused the ex plosion, and the men wero covered by a seething mass. Farmers To Dine At While Pelican At Invitation Of Chamber Of Commerce Tomorrow evening at tho White Pelican hotel the Chamber of Com merce will hold a dinner for the farm era from tbo county roundabout, The Chamber being a county Institution, Instead ot solely devoted to the city, has a large representation ot farmers In Its membership, tnd Intends to havo more, It present plans are exe cuted, and It Is the desire ot. tfct Chamber to hear from the farmsea their Ideas about the work of dsvelsjf mont In this community. A siambor of the guests will make sinssm. i , -WOl VI ,"j fijt'' -?N ftW ?& lr .f"1 w, n,wyr- . - M -:. 'aiw- . ",.'"