, lefitliV y i i .o NlrTMstD HY THB KVIININ'l NKWHPAPKIM I'llINT TIIK NEWS, NOT HlflTOftY UlTKU ltMWI NKWS HBHVIUM Mil Yrar No. I, Ml KMMATII FALLH, OHKUON, TUKWIAY, JANUAHY tf, 1019 mht ftontimj NDERLOIN CASE RAWS BIG CROWD YLR'S INNUENDO l'T pemci: nii:r lkadm to kllM AIHHMF.NT THAT IH r.NEMHKD IIV J.AIMJK t'HOWD NPKt.TATOHM , rlrrtill rniirt IIiIk morning Itm of toatlmuny In Hid man of tint v. Fay Melbourne, n wninnii Pil Willi rmiiliirlliiK II hnuaii of If mi Onk nvciiue, win begun, iir tlio Herald went In irt'M yes. Hlii-rlff William II, lluruca gnl Df eight mull mil of which In . iiur Jurnra in mlil to the eight lmlnilllid by tmlli tildea, Thn Mnlri' miniated nf Henry , I., Jnrnha unil II, H, flrlgahy. mI by llin defendant's cniiiiaul, O'Neills II, Alexander, rxcilacd state, J W lltiwxtiurat, I'. I), Willi it II limi'ii nml I'rnnk , tin Inat four being imiciim Ai aides, TIikm', with II. II, Dun. II, Cutletun, I), II, Nlihola, It it, Ali'tmiilrr McOminld, Thus snley, II J, Sheet miit Floyd li'tiliiiiK, iiuiatltiitn tlii Jury t'li Hid rout I lenuiued tliU morn- m nut Ihiik iinlll tln court ' fu crowded wli nil audience, II) Inlorcalrd Tim only woiniui at Him tlm lU'fi'iiilnnl, wlin nat bT wrnpa on, nnnalnnnlly turn- 'llllllll III atllllK tit hiiiiik ono wild tin wna evidently nminnliili'il. eater wna workliiK full tilt, nml I sal not far from II nrcualonully herself wllli Iiur handkerchief. Iinllctmciit rhargoa t lint Hiu 1 hnimo wna kept July If., Chief Eire Samuel I.. Walkvr was Ihu ml wllni'M thU miirulliK. toll- liU atlriitlnii wn t illicit af rly to llin homo iltirlnit the luillraliMt hy n )ontiR man Wlittc. who wanted tlii pollen lilm got tlO wlilrli liu claimed evil atulcii from lilm nt tho Walker HatHled that Palml- k'llllnui llnll, tlm alrungcr and If went lo Hip hniian, nml nt the To confronted liy onn of the nml Fa) Mcllxmr no. Tint mini alleged Iid had given $K Klrl for tin engagement with blrh alio Im (I failed to keep, nml Inleil thn money bark, llu n- Hint when he hud gnnn ilnwn M her alio was nliaenl, having wny In mi iiiitiimohlle, nml I lint turneil itrunk. If Walker toatlflod Hint both wo. cfiiacil to give the yomiK man Kiney. nml t lint when the Mel. i wotinin wn told alio was likely lino irniinio, niiii sum mat u iv hoed to inch thing every there wna one alio would ho In nil tlio time. I loth women, said thn wlluoait, weru drunk nt tlm, lime, AI Hut time of tlm Lynna mur der ho went to the plate to try In get truce nf n mnn who hud heen with t.yona ahortly heforn Hie muriler, nml I'lin of llio Inmiileicniliiiltleil Hint alio liml apunt n night with Ihu mlaalng mnn. Onn iilitht mi tlio "llrldgn of Hlitha," lie anlil liu hint aoun twulvo or nflien men ko Into nml (mini out of Iho plM'o In iiiurait of half or three quarter nf nn liniir. Himii limn ngn. hu until, the defend mil wrnlo for lilm In rnmii down In her place, n alio wanted to aeo lilm on liualtieas, Hit went, accompanied hy ii patrolman. Hint told lilm h wan KellliiK 1 1 red of the "spurting, hntlie" hualneaa, nml wnuleil to qutl It. Thin wna lifter Hie huiiaea hnd hern eloaeit up hy the police, and alio told wltlioaaea aim wlnhed to Ket Imir il it r.t Clirlnlinai, I'oIiik muloiia lo ilUpoiio of her place on Hint ni count. UI,i .i.l.l kl,M -tint. I .wil mi. I II .ilf,t..ir ,,"' DMII n,,M 1 , , ff.' . t ! f," I li it ft it hlle It wna kept i Inm-d hy H.e nut liorlt !. Walker anld Hint nt 'lie lime alio lold him how Iiiiik he l.nd In en In the liuilni'nj, it inalttr of )ea- Put ho could not rememlier (he rt term The Inaiirnnro )'i lit r llllliai) hnd heeil l.ltll idled, lll.t till I hlm lie lotd of Die eiiilpinenl jf t!io mniialou which Included n wine rno-i ! Mid n itinro hull with plniiun, luaalml n iiumher of lied rooma. I Aikrit If ho wna mil atlll n ileptily aliirirt lie anld he wna not, lilt Itm cna'il i he one l)iceiiihtr SGlh. I In nld Iho womnu wna not iirrettod un der n rlly ordlnanco. "la there nuy hoiino of proatltutlnn riinnluii In the illy nnw?" naked Ai- tnrney O'Neill, ri'pr'aenllui: tlio wo m mi. "If there la I ilo not know It," wna Iho reply. "You know Hint aomu nf the elite lOnntlnued rn I'mso i) who aenlemi'il lilm In fiolil I In 0 yenrx liuprlannineiit and pnrollid hlm, Naive will miiku n mnnllily report In Iho iniirt ilurliiK tlm term of hi parole, At drat there weru two i liarnea con. froullliK Ihu yniiiiK mini, forKery and ohlnliiluK money under fnlau pre. leuaea Ihu Krnml jury, of which Marlon lliinka wna fnremnu,. Indict liu: hlm on hoth cliaiKea. Krlemla of thn liccuaeil liroliKlit their Influence In henr with the illalrlrt alornny, Dell V. Kii)keuilnll. The ulllchil uxplnlueil Ihu clrciiiualiiiicea In JihIku Percy It, Kelly, whu wna allllliK here nt Hint time, ullh tlm reitult Hint tlm forKery iliaruu of Naive wna dlamlaaeil In or der In hiivii tlm cliarue remnluliiK of mull n nature Unit tlm court could lime aomu option In helm: merciful In tlm inclined. W. O. V. T.uiluM lltery memhvr of Ihu Woodmrii of Ihu World la enrneatly reiiiealeil to hit prenent nt the meelliiK nf tlm IuiIku llila ivcnliiK, Tlnna nru ticlriK made for ono of Iho hlKKeat joint luatnlln. Iloua licit Tuaediiy oenltiK over held In tlm (Hy hy Woodmen of Iho World mid the Women of Woodcraft. All Iho plana mid arraiiKcmciila niiiat ho inmplcleil hy loiilKht. an It la liecea- anry In have n IiIk tniiriiout. LEVY IS, HIGHER THAN LAST YEAR iiaihi: ok ovi:ii Tiiiti:i: .mim.s, om.v Aitotr iiM.y ok which IH Mill (X)f.NTV I'UIII'OMKH, AS HTATi: IH IIKAVV ATTACHES GOODS IN MONEY ACTION hi it i:.vn:iti:i) aoai.nht (iK.NKtt AI. HTUIti: KKIU'rllt AT TIIK .(Ji:.NCV WITH MM.'Ali IIUOTII. Kits I'AltTV iti:i-i:.n.NT NAIV E PAROLED DY JUOGE BtNSON VOI'.MJ Al.W WHO I'ASSKII ll.l) ciiMK now orr ,iTi:it hi:v. i:it.l, WIll.US SI'K.NT IN TDK cor.vrv jaiii Htielly Nalte, ihnrKdl with paailiiK a ft), 30 check licarlni: Ihu forReil nnnie of llerhert J. Lealer, n ranch, man who formerly emoloied hint, nn J, Kent llnllnrd, Iho anloonlat, wm called up In circuit court iMit uvcnlnx for aenteiire. llu lian lnen In lull everal weeka, and na llin uffenau ap prara to Imve heen hit lira I one, ho wna kIv en Iho henelll nf the conrlV leniency liy JiiiIko Henry I,, llonaon, ren Dead, More Buried In Ruins II Fire In Equitable Skyscraper FW YOHK, Jan. 9. Klro atnrlliiK o'clock Hilu mornliiK destroyed Itiultuulu l.lfo t'.'-alory hulldlnii other Hlrticturea In Hiu lilock li:i liy Ceil ii r, I'liin nml Niiainu In miit llrondwny. loaa Ii vatlmnted at 1 2 0,0 00,. and prolmhly ten Uvea wero loat. Drily lifter tlm II ru atarli'il portora ecu to leap fro nitlia fifth atory lland In tlio tlreM. Thy wr lillntuly covered liy pllea of Iho ItiK ilobrli. Itlnllon Klro Chief Wnlah porlah- tlm third floor. Illlaiu (llhlln, preHldont of Hut untllo Hnfo Dcpoalt coiupmty, wna tit by tlio flnnti'M nml readied, by llromun under alrciiniB of which coatod thorn with Ico. romon Iron Bionod fori tit iloipornti of lower irontuit did In tho fiord 8:30 tho lUblo bulldll Iho whole bl c, ror bnttmi worn ftlmo, nml arrow can. Thoy hud pliliiK lllll' IK fiamoif. Iront of tho i tho atroct, no a roarlnii wai feared tho whole llimnclnl illatrlct would liu coiiaumed. Tlio Hat of dead will ho unnhliilu nhlo for houra. Kilter Savon It Ihu total of known dead, na follew: IliittiUlon Chief Wnlah, Conrad Bel. hcrt, Hpeclnl I'ollcoman O, Conll, John Hnxtl, unldeiitlried porter, John Cam- peon a wntchmnn, unldeiitlriod mnn. It Im believed tho death Hat will total ton. Tlio loan la CHtlmntod lit from $15,000,000 to $30,000,000, Chief Koiilon this afternoon order-' oil roacuom lulu tho Kqultnulo hull.l liiK to nook hod I oh, Tho chief wan In formed that oliihtooii flroinon mid out ployca In tho hulldliK nro inlaaliiK Chief Koiilon foura nil nro dead, Ilo anld tho total deaths inlnht roach 2.". Tho property Iom will not probably bo known for week, until tho ruliu urn Biinlclontly roolod to pormlt oxni Imitlon of tho vault of tho Equltablo l.lfo, Morruntllo, Union nnd Southorn I'uolflo coinpniiloB. Only tho baro wulln stnnd, which are cracking mid falling In many places. Three thouiand flromon on ungod at tho riitua aufforod Intaniely, a auddon drop In temporaturo fioci Inn tli.; water rapidly, Deputy ilhcrlff John tichullock Mon day went to Klnuinlli Aguncy and nt tnchid the general aturu atock of II, O Spink, ngnlnat whom ault wr. niud Mi the circuit court for tho recovery of money by l ho Wood-CurlU com p.uy ct ni, through Atlorno7 I. H. Kent Abuut 12.200 la luvulvod In the lull, In which It. C. Hplnk, tho Jvlaii'Mli Tiilla jeweler, brothor of II. I' Hplnk, la made a party defendant. s.wi: mom:y, thkx ran it, is wi:vi:itn.rHKifs wn At ii icaalun yeaterday afternoon ibc county court figured up tho tax levy fnr tho cnaulng year nt 18,3 mllla nsalnut H.ti7 mllU lait year. Of thlv now levy 7 mllli U'for county rondr, arid tin no rppllcMlon to prop, euy within tho rnr.norato llmlta of Dm rlly of Klumnth Falli. Tho city hna already fixed III nilllngo nt 8 which with 9 for achool purpoiea, add to tlio county' 11.3 mllla (exclusive of rond tan), moini 28.1 mllla for tho city folk In pny, ngnlnat 38.C lait )nr, Thcro la n ahndc of comfort for Hut local people In tills. Tho rond lax of 7 mllla la & mllla more than won asked by tho county lit st year, mid Is explained by County Judge William 8. Worden In tho need for flnlahlug up a great iltal of work that was left unfinished at tho cloio of 1911. If this work lijnol complet ed thla year what baa been done will bo largely a loas, tho Judge says, whllo If It la completed Klamath county will bate gone nhcad further In good roads than any oilier county In tho atato. Tho stnto mlllnvo Is 3.5 mills, an Incrcnso of 1.5 mills over last year, or ib per rout, an unusually heavy iiaaeaament, which leave the county reaponalblu for nn Increase In mlllage of 1,83 mllla, or juat exactly 10 per rent of this year' county assessment. The general fund claim 4 mills, no thnngo; school fund 2.5 mills, dc crensu U mill; high school 1.05 mills, ilccrenno .17 mllla; school library, .02 mills, decrease, ,01 mill; county II Lrnry. 023 mills, against no levy lait year. Is bullnved tlio bullet wero Intended for West. Tlm usiassln escaped. HAiTiMoitK oi-rra HKMOCHAT MF.KT WAHIIINOTON, Jan. 0, Tlio dem oeratlc national committee lias set Juno 25th as tho data for tho national convention at Ilaltlmore. tho Orlolo City being selected on tho second ballot. ,W:illAI MAUj HKHVICK FOIl AVIATION KIKI.lt FINE SUGAR BEETS KLAMATH PRODUCT tongue I havo becomo tho greatest 'honor destroyer' In the Dcrsctcsgadcn district, and everybody should bo warned." v aKI'AHATIO.V OK IHKI.AM XOT KOI'UMIt IN OMAOH I'lnlmantf-r funeral Hltrhrork An- iffivea Kxprriment lo Il Intro. iturnl When Air Flyer Meet Tills Monlli In llurjr. Willi Cllmaln rir,Vuiiiig Men Who Wlh In Ai Weiillli He lleii'iik I mug II I'oiikiniii Atli'iiiluii in Work No I'eiir of laibor I'nltod Press Kcrvlcu I'AK.I)I:NA, Cnllf. Jan.- surest way to make money money and use what yon i This la the Migo mlvlcujj would bo rich, offered : Woyerluiuaer, lumber 1 la being actllcd In hi bent for Iho season, i . . .. Among ouif fiom his OWSj'i hlgliwnyii Mr young men IH hours and cons In work with thy unite success, mar nnd atrlvo until yl murk another. SUGGESTS NAMES FOR SWAN INFANT Sri'KltlXTK.XOKXTH XOT t,Y TKI.UHUril COXUIt.VIT. iTIONa TO KATHI.lt. HtT OF lit AHV1HK United I'rcsa P-rlce I.OH ANOKI.KH, Jan. .--Los An. ;iUt will havo an aorlal mall scrvlco il:i nn Hie Intcrnitionttl aviation oieet begin .Ing January 201b, according to an announcement today by Mann-gerJ Dick Kerrls, who has received tho snuctlon of Postmaster Ccnernl Hitch cock for tho plan. Thn postmarking stamp will bo worded like this: "Aeroplane delivery. Aviation Field m Angeles." Moll will be collected and delivered every half hour. BRIDGE OF NOSE GIVES TROUBLE STIHCK HY I'lKCF, OF WOOD MAN WAS CIIOI'l'I.VO, ANI AKFI.IC TION HWilXS TO INVOI.YF-TIIK ItKJiT OF lllti FAC'K li-aiU-T of Orange Kncllon In I 'nr I lu men t I Itrlrmilneil lo Klght Agnliint It.nnil If Tlint' Trenaon, Ho I'lrnils fJullly United Press Bcrvlcn DUIII.IN, Jan. 9. At a gigantic mnss meeting at Ornngh, County Ty rone, resolutions wero adopted pro testing against tho efforts by homo rula to separato Ireland from tlio United Kingdom of Great Ilrltaln and Ireland. eighteen special trnlns brought crowd of Watermen to tho gathering. Addrcmlng the Immense audience. Sir Kdword Oarson, lender of tho Irish conservatives, or Orango faction, In Parliament, said: "If my determination to fight against Ireland's separation from tho United Kingdom Is treason, I plead guilty. Let tho government do Its worst." HE I LEM AN S RESULTS AOItlCUf.TL'HK DKPARTMENT I'KUT HAYH "ALMOST PHBifOM. IVAI," AMI HIGH CREDIT M IIUI-: TO MAMN COLONY .MISTOOK MAN KOU IIIMHT AND PLT UUN8IIOT IN HIM Victim Wounded In Neck us Itetnilt of Krror, mul Has to He Cairinl Ttireo NlglitH and Hay Arron Mountain lor Medical AM C. O. Plumb, whllo working at tho I.ot lllvcr diversion dam about ten days ago was chopping some wood. when a pleco of tho wood flew up and struck hlm across tho bridge of tho nose. Ilo had the Injury attended to, but later on (he trouble began to get worse, the face being badly Inflamed. Ho came to this city and ha placed himself under tho caro of Dr. Leo W. Chilton.' Plumb Is stopping at the Oregon House. ate bored Union IdvUea it long i work, f ulll- kilnl, lion TO 11)11.11 A IIKtJIl HAI.i:.M, Jan. 9. Teacher, credits. mile nnd "flunks" woro ull forgot- en by tho county superintendent as sembled nt Salem when Assistant Su perintendent K. K, Carloion announc ed that tho en ii so of tho absence of County Superintendent J. a. Swan of Klamath county was tho arrival of n noli, bom January 3. Superintendent K. K. llrugg of Un ion county Introduced resolutions of congratulation nnd tho following tel egram wan sent to Prof. Swan: "Tho County School Superintend ents. In convention assembled, extend ilncoro "congratulation," This telegram I to bo followed by n letter In which every superintendent will kiiggest his chotco of a name for ho baby. All Odd Follow who lently nttoud are requested ' nt the hull tonight for tlio pur funning n degreo team. Thai formed tonight will bo hold Intnl this term, and enthusiastic moml will mako It tho best over. i:. M. Chllcoto of tho llrm of Chll- rote & Itlce, returned Inst evening from a fow week' visit In Portland ami other Oregon cities. CONTROL BOARD MUDDLE REMAINSJIHEXPLAIRED Coniiiiisaloiicr XyUml (toy That Pub. Ilahod atalementa That Vwo Mem lHra yult IKvaHso of CrltlelaM la Absolutely Fnlao United Pros Service SACHAMKNTO. Jan. 9, Commls- alonor .Vyland of tho board of control state that the published itateraenta that Henry Meacham and 8, II, Btevo rrslguod from tho asylum board bo- causo of criticisms Is absolutoly false, Ilo rofuiod to dlscuta the rumored graft Investigation. IS MO METIS IN MY ARE MUMEROOS of Former Made Ail- ailrc In 1011, Which I at That Same num. LlDtlaa 11010, V. United iHsWBorvlce 1IKKLIN, Jan. 9, Thore wero 25, S9il birth of twins In derinany In 1911, uccordlng to govornment ta tlsttcs, a decreaao of 4 VII, at compared wltn 1910. During 1911 there woro I'M birth of triplets, exactly the same number a In 1910, And here wero three birth of quadruplet, ASSASSIN'S SHOT FOILED BY BAO United Pre Service SALEM, Jan, 9, An attempt to as sassinate Special Prosecutor A. B. Clark of tho Louis J. Wilde case, was foiled by a portfolio oa hi left aldo (topping the bullet, which ww fired, In tlio state house groundi. Two ahota were fired, the tint hit ting Clark In the loft arm. Clark roaemblei Governor Weat. It I.IIIF.HTV IIF.I.L WILL COMK tt'fflT ON l-ITIIJT l-KNNIKS ':illfiniLi Itnnrtla nf Kduralion Adopt Iteiudutlon n H to Mean of Securing llelle'H lAtnn, mid Ft cry Child In tin Slate Will Help United Tres Servlco SAN KHANCISCO. Jan. 9 Califor nia' school children aro to bring tho famous Liberty Dell from Philadel phia for tho 191S fair with their pen nies, nickels and dimes. A resolution to this effect has been passed by the boards of education, Kvery school, large and small, In Cal ifornia will join In tho work. WOMAN NF.F.IM MAN IHtAPF.ll, SAYS ritF.NCH MAN-MODISTK Incidentally Hay That Dressmaker Who Lovra Ills Art Never Strives to Create Next Year' Styles, Hut At tend lo Artlatlo United Pros Service PARIS, Jan. 9. M. Polrct, a inanJ dressmaker, In a lecture delivered hero on the subject "La Mode" say It takes a man to dress a woman, nnd Hint Hint man mutt bo an artist. "Woman's dress Is as complox at man', and every type of woman de mands her own stylo," ho says. "A woman slaves over detail, and forget tho line, & man dominates detail and observes silhouette. Tho dressmaker who loves his art novcr strive to cre ate next year' styles'. Ho gives hi attention to tho artistic. It takes a man to dress a woman." TERMAGENT CONFSSES PRBLICLYJER INIQUITY Acknowledge In Published Letter That ftlie Heaped Slander on Man, nnd That Through Her Tongue She It (Jreatcst "Honor Destroyer" United Pros Service MUNICH, Jan. 9. A woman In Dorchteagaden, near hero, haa done tho unprecedented, the following an nouncement signed by her appearing In a paper of that tewn: "The ilandor I heaped upon Mr. R I take back. I voluntarily ac knowledge that through my bad KItKSNO, Calif.. Jan. 9. Charles Parker Is In tho hospital here today with a gunshot wound In the neck as tho result of being mistaken for u mountain lion by ono of hi friends, who then for three day and three night- curled him across the Sierras to medical aid. DRAW JORY LIST FOR FUTURE WORK county coi'itT r;cK aoo nami OF YOIF.IN IN KLAMATH, FROH WHICH IlK.GtiLAIt PANEL IS PICKED One of tbc little duties tho county court Is busy with today Is the draw ing of a Jury list. From tho list of oters In Klamath county S00 nam's havo to bo solocted by tlio county court In tho presence of County Clerk Charles It. Do I-ap. From tbl the regular jury panel of tblrty-ouo mimes I picked. In a lotler from Washington, dated January 3, W. II. Hclleman of the reclamation scrvlco give details of tho splendid showing of tho sugar beet raised In Klamath county. The letter follew: Washington, D. C, Jan. 3, ItlS Kdltor Herald: Tho Klamath district has this year demonstrated very clearly that It la In tho sugar beet belt of the country. While wo have always thought we could grow beet commercially, we l.nvo rather thought that agricultur ally wo wero .hardly sufficiently estab lished to undertake experimental work In a large way. It Is, of coarse, difficult to undertake now line of crop development when tho most of our farmer aro tied down with the preparation of land and the raising of crops which must bring money re turns. Tlio lack of ttmo and atten tion ran readily mako experimental work In beet culturo inoro or lea of a failure, and n setback In thl Im portant new crop for tbo district might do harm for several years Into the future. Tho present year' work haa shown excellent results. Many plots of beets were sown In tho valley, and nearly all did well In growth and yield. Suf- LOclent representative sample were tent In for testing and to demonstrate tho high quality of tho beet. The showing made Is well worth pub licity. Our noticmUn Colony Faratrra For tho actual figure on the sugar bearing quality of the beets this year wo aro Indebted almost entirely to our Bohemian neighbor near Malta. Their Interest and team work In the field part of tho undertaking, which Includes sending In sample for test. Is worth all the credit we can give. So near as the general thadow for a sugar factory hat come Into view the thing has ttartcd straight for the lower end of tho valley. I submit herewith the result of the sugar tests on beets for the 1911 sea son. Tbeso results wero obtained by tho chemists In tho department of ag- rlculturo at Washington, and aro en tirely reliable. In tho words of Mr. Orton, sugar beet expert for tho de partment, they are also "almost phenomenal." CUTTING DUEL IN DAIIK HY I1MND MAN AND HIS ENEMY Sightless Patriarch Lead Attack With Knife When Other Enter Shack Fight I'ntil Police Breaks Down Door and Separates Tliem United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 9, Duel Ign with razor nnd knlfo In tho dark, Daniel O'Connor, 73, blind, nnd Chat. Spalding, an old enemy, Inflicted wounds upon each other that threaten to be fatal to both. Doth victims are In hospitals. Spalding entered O'Connor's shack nnd wns attacked by tho blind man, who used a knife. Spalding drew a razor, and they fought until poliro broke down the door. S 9 i ;!" ?i Name of drawer. 5. E 3 il . St . a ; : -M : I Ignac Cacka ....18.2 81.5 IH Jas. Kahout ....18.7 89.7 IH V. J, Spolek ....23.45 89.45 lfi John Spolek ....23.45 90.0 1 Rudolph KUma ..18.9 82.7 Jos. Mlcka 18.9 89.7 l.H Joo Smldlo 18.35 87.0 2 Karel Vavrlka ..16.95 85.0 Frank Kromorlk .19.6 87.3 IH W. Westrchll ...22.0 90.6 IH Alois Kallna ....21.4 91.9 IH Anton Krupa ...16.0 81.1 IH Joa. F. Kamarad .16.03 83.7 8 Mike Dobry 1S.2 80.35 Frank Adamek ..13.85 7I.6 2H F. Zunipfe 13.6 6.3 SH Vincent Yellnek.. 14.3 77.3 SH Unripe boett. I Continued on Page 4) Jail Practicality Empty, Save For Confinment Ot Accused Murderer Coudltlona at tho jail have changed a lot In the past few weeks. The pro- cost of getting prisoners disposed ot haa been to rapid that tho only In dicted man remaining In confinement there It Nobel Faulder, against whom the grand Jury found a true bill for murder In the first degreo, Faulder It accuted ot fatally ihoot- tng Louie Qebhert, camp cook for the Erlckton ft Fetterton construction company, at their railroad work loca tion above the city last August. It I only comparatively few week since the Jail waa SIM to over flowing, but the deposition el eaaea lately haa been comparatively speedy, Jamca II, Wheeler, deputy aherll, who hat been night guard at the Jail tlio past three months, haa been dis pensed with by Rkertl William . Barnes. i-Vt 1 M 1 4 !A v. " I ..! .. j .m if ia . i -a tiji A 5 i.Cf a, m a -g iW f- . i '' .v?-- m J'V , ' " '