Ki $be fttt'tuno ef&Uk. nvrvuuit nr thb UNITICD I'HHM NKWI HMIVIUM , KYKNIN'l NKWHPAPRMI PRINT TIIK NKWM, NOT HMTOftYl Hlrlli Vmn-No. 1,001 KLAMATH KAMA, OHMOON, MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 101 Price, Five WORKING ON LIGHT PROBLEM FOR CITY MAY MEET THIS WEEK home counmlmkn want iiatk on what in i'hkh .now, while company would it on in. iiikahkii quantity No 111111111111 of tlio city lighting nII nation linn an )et been arrived at by tint riiuiicll, but Councilman (I, W. Wlilli', wliu ban been ro-iiporatlng with Maiir Fred T. Sanderson on tlm propiinllliin, mi lit today that iilflrlnts of Ibn Klamnlli Fall Light ami Water rum puiiy, wliu bavn their headquar ters idimwhcro would tirohahlv lip here within a few days, ami at thalMI'u Panama canal, It rimtomplntod 1 1 mo tlio mutter would attain bo talked over. Tint roitipnuy offered Hid city a ratn of .1 rent If II wiiuld nKiiti to mo not loss tli it li 1200 worth of Unlit per mouth. Tli illy figure now that It In pnliiK out nhoiit 6 tents for tliu Httlit used, ami that by pn)liig a inonlhly bill averaging nboiit :oo It l using apptoilinatoly 1,0011 randlit powir t -r liiniitli, In ordur to get tliu 3 runt rate It would hnvu to lint much moru Julio than It roiinuim'a now, or nboiit li.f.fifi riimlln power. Home of Ihn oiitirll feel Hint n 3 '4 rent for what U I tut average lonaumpllnii now U ampin rhnrgo, and IhU would, at 4, (ino rnmllo power per month, rot tlio rlty only II to per month. A proportion to bavit tint city fur tilth ll own Incnndctcent bulbs may bo takrn up Inter. It U contrndrd thai tint now wnstra current, a whan tli n light bo it In lo burn ri'd tho lamp nro wearing- oul, and uao much morn iowir than when In tho full bloom of youth. Another tlilnit la that old style 10 candle power lights In the street nro Insufficient In light lng ratiarlly, and If tho rlty used TuiiKali'tia which five about twlrn aa iniirh IIkIiI for nr equal n in mint of energy, It would poaalbly save In Ihla direction. At tho laal meeting of thn council tlio December bill for Unlit wna or dTid cut to 3SI mnla per randlit power. No further dovctopmonta on thn rut lmi been kamed, and wlutli. er thn rnmpnuy will nrrept pnyumnt nt that ratn remain In b aeen. CITY PRINTING BEFORE COUNCIL WHITK WANTM lllllH. MHMMIWAN KAVOHIM1 I'APKH IIIMT (ilU.'ir. KTKI, UNHKIIWOOII WOVIJI HPMT IT For niiiiio limn Councilman O. W. While haa been of Hut opinion that n iliiiiiKu In tliu tuuthod of lotting tlio elly'a printing would bo ndrlaablo. Ho told tho council Friday nlttht Hint II might bo well In get bldi for all tho rlty printing and nwnrd tho work to tliu official rlty paper for ono year, Ho mild that II wam not nlwaya poaalblo lu itolormlno If bllla na rondored woro correct or whothrr ratca woro unt form. Councilman Chnrlea McOowan aald that ho would opoin Ictllng It to tho lowcat bidder on that bnala alone, na tho largrat circulation wai doalrablo. Large Class Of Communicants Taken Into Thoro wooma to bo no foundation to tho hollof that religion work la at a laudatlll In Klamath Knll. To tbo contrary thoro appear to bo a much greater activity being manlfoatod In church work with tho new year. Thoro woro twonty-iuven uccoailona lo tho Klrat Presbyterian church ye terdny, which la qulto a record, In vlow of, tho fact that nono of the churchos aro conducting any apeclal revival aervlcea nor ha any apeclal ofort beon mado other than tho reg Councilman Wlillo said It wimlil bo limn In discuss (h (i circulation utter bids were rocolvcd. Councilman Clarence II, Underwood mi I il In, favored iIIvIiIIhk tin printing up nil nrouticl, No action wat Ukun, WOULD HUIIHIHI.K KIIIP8 . UNHKH CERTAIN HCIIKMK HriMlor llrlsliwv Would llavn Lines Plylitg IIHHrrn Eastern and Wtwl-i-ni tSmttm, ami Ttimugli Panama Canal, Included WAHIIINI1TON. I. C Jan. 8 (lovoriimont ownership of steamship line plying both Ihn Pacini: ami At- In lit In roast of Ihn United Stale Con- Iral and Hoilth America, and IhroiiKb In a bill Introduced by Hetintor Hrl low of Knnana, It la propMi that fifteen veaarla bu prinldid. If tboy ratiuol bo built or bought In Ihn Unlt-i ed Htntea at a coal not eirceillng 30 j per rent greater than Ihat of other t rounlrl", Ihn bill nulhorlie Ihn er rilnry of war to buy them abroad. Hrnntor llrlatnw bellnrea tint rail londa control every uhlphulldlng plant In thn United Htntea, nml he tlilnka Ihn tilia cannot bn boilKbt III tbla i on nt r' nt renaonablit flKurea, Thn hill provldea that thn Panama llnllrnnd romiintiy operate thn ahlpir, nr Ihat limy be Iraacd lo n prlvntn rnmpnny, which la not owned and iiii.trnlled by an) railroad or railroad lorkholdera. The. aenator an) thn plan would practically renloro tho American mer-rhu-nt marine. AUTOMATIC CALL NEW COMMODITY t'HAIIM-M I. PAIIIHII, OMKTIMK IIWIIiKNT. COMKM IN WITH III'M.VKiri AHMN'IATI'M TO TI-XT MAHKrH' Charle 1.. Parrlah, J. J, Itced, Prank W. and J. M. linger are lu the rlty In Ihn Interval of the Auto matic Call company of Portland, and ato (topping at tho Ilaldwln Hotel. Mr. Parrlah, who I an old time re Ident of thl rlty, ha been with thl company alnro It orgaultatlon, and would bn glad to ace hi old friend and ahow them an Invention Ihat ha great merit. It la one of tho mnat merllorlou electrical Invention of tho ago. The lyatcm la now Initalled In tho Ilaldwln Hotel and tho White Pelican will bo equipped with It by tho Ut of April. UKHMAN AHTIHT IN I'KHII. MAVRIf 111' TOMMY ATKINH Young Hkrtrlirr IrVom KbImt' Ho. iimIh Caught Hkelrhlnc I'NwtlDra). lion on Irleld Near Hankow and Narrowly KaraH Humnwrjr Ih-alli VICTOIIA, Jan. 8. W. tlornhardt, a young uvrmau, nurrowiy eacapvd aummary execution by a party of Im perial troopi, who caught him on the field near Hankow, ketchlng fortifi cation, and arreated him an a py, ac cording to advice brought by tho learner Orterlc. llernhardt wan be ing dragged pnit aouio IlrltUlt ten- Presbyterian Organization ular aervlcea held by tho local paitora. Itov. Stubblcflold, paator of tho Prcabyterlan church, has boon horo only a Itttlo over two month, and tho church previous to hla coming wa without a pastor for somo tlmo. On January 23, Jainoa A, Maddox of this city will sail from Ban Fran cisco on tho stoamor Mongolian tor Honolulu, planning to romaln away from tho city until about March 1st. tries At t ho frlriKii of tlio concession wliu ii ho sheuted: "lluli tuol Tlioy nro going (ii lako my head offl" Ilia bluejacket ran forward, ami tlio officer In (liarKo told them the niiin wan In lo decapitated an ft spy. Tliu willor Interfered, ami look rlinrKu of IIki man, who dm turned over to tliu (Jormnii consul, IIIIITIHII INFANTRY HICK DUTY AND HURT OFFICERS Regiment if Mounted Mm In King Orurgn'a Foiwa llayotirt Hrvrral Horamiila and Hlioot Osiri Offer H"errljr LONDON, Jan. 8. Deaplto offorla to keep tho accrcl, It ha been learned Hint a regiment of mounted Infantry at l.ongmoor ramp, Harnpahlre, muti nied about k week ago, baynnottlng anvoral aergeant and ahootlng one offlrer anvrroly. Thn 11111(111)- wiim quelled only after ono of tho ringleader bad fought a Drat fight with ono of Hie officer of tlio command. NEW TOWN'S PLAT IS GIVEN ACTION CO!.TY IXMMIHNIONKItH,IIANT DIMIUN OP PltOMOTKIW OK COIIHU.I. KPIIINOH, I'P NKlt CIIWifKNr Raturday morning an application to plat the town of Cortnll Hprlngs, I'lKlitccn mill's southwrit of CriScent, wn favorably arr on by the county roinmlaaloncr. Part of tbo proposed town Ii on sertlou 16, township 27 south, rnngo 8 eaat, Willamette me ridian. Tho area has been aurveyed by J. Wakefield, and tho town Is plat ted by tho Central Oregon Develop ment company, of which T. A. IIIU'U president and I). N. King secretary. FKIIKIIAI, HOAT AM MKN MIHMINO IN IIKI HTOItM Trldo ltNSt lrslryT, Which lkm Hlilpa Have I'lisuroiuifiilly Kougbl, llrllrvrd lo' Have Kiiundi'rrd With MS IVople Aboard I'nlted Press Servlcs NKW YOltK. Jan. messages seeking the 8. Wireless torpedo boat destroyer Terry, disabled and help loss. Hhe Is believed to bo wallowing lu tho sea 375 miles southeast of Sandy Hook, off Cape Hatleras. It la feared tho vessel with 83 offi cers and men has foundered In tho terrible gate. A doicn ships have been sent to the rescue, but report they aro unaulo to lorato her. Later The Torry, which foundered was located, at 13:30 off Capo Hat teras by tho 8lcm, according to a wireless to tho navy yard. Later Tho Terry Is helpless. Her oil and store aro exhausted. Tho Balem la towing hor to Hampton Roads. AUTO ACCIDENT ON MERRILL ROAD AUTO, AFTKIl HUHVKYISO IIOTII 8IDBB OF HIGHWAY, IIKCIIIKH TO, till TO TIIK ItlGHT, ANI DOM BO Somebody had an automobile acci dent about a mllo oast of town on tho Sixth street road Saturday night. O. II. Carleton of Merrill, who Is on tho regular jury panel of the Jan uary term, was driving out Saturday evening shortly after 7 o'clock when he saw the auto In a ditch at tho right of tbo road. Tracks along tho highway showed that the ear had first turned to the left of the road, thin to .the right, when It made a successful Journey Into the ditch, whence the irlver was evidently unable to rescue It. It, P. Oalarneaux and aoa Harry re turned laat evenlac from Sacramento and other California points, where tliey spent tho Holidays. Mrs. Qalar noaug will remain In California for several weeks longer, MIDLAND FARMER PASSES TO REST AltTllim KKLLY 1)1141 ON HIH ItANCII IIK IH HlllVIVKK 11V WIPK. TIIIIKK NONH AMI TWO MAl'OIITKItH Arthur Kelly, it well known farmer nenr Midland, who bad lived In this country a number of years, died yes terday morning early on his ranch, of tuberculosis. Tho funeral was held today, with burial In Hprlng Lake cemetery. The deceased la survived by his wlfo and five children, three sons nml two daughters, Ooorge, James, John, llerlha and Mary. The two daugh ters aro unmarried, nml all tho chil dren live nt home nvo John, who Is In tho Kat. MISS HILLY Db'LONO 1UYMONII THAI, COMING - r- - Mauar.or J. V. Ilouslon of the opera house announces tlio apeclal engage ment for three nights, January 13, 13 and 14, of the big Itnjmond Teal musical comedy company of forty peo ple, mostly girls. The Teal show Is the largest repertoire musical comedy company playing tbo coast this sea son, nml has u rcertolre of twenty high class mimical cnmodlrs, carrying special scenery and wardrobe for nil lis ahow i. It U en route lo I.os An geles, where the show will go Into a season's stork engagement. The at traction Is booked by John Cort, and Is guaranteed lu every respect. Scats now on sale. IS OISCHW MINISTER III PARIS WITH SPOUSE? HrotUnd Yard IMi-lUe it Utter Haying Central Kigurv In Keren! Hranilal la Hero In French Cupltal With Woman LONDON, Jan. 8 A mjsterlous an oymous letter received by Scotland Yard slates that tho Itov. Frederick Perrlval Karrar, tho formor royal chaplain, who Is now a disgraced cxllo had been seen In Pari last week, ac companied by a woman, believed to bo his wife. Tho Parrar scandal Is being forgot; ten by royal command, uud there Is little likelihood that tho raso will bo revived through Investigation. Scot land Yard Is making no effort to ap prehend tho minister, and It la qulto likely that tho warrant Issued against Karrar upon a basis of gross Immor ality will novcr tie served. The cler gyman has been reported various!) as fleeing to America and tho continent. Tho Itev. Farrar's namo has been dropped from tho list of rerognUed clergy of tho Church of Rngland be en u so of tbo nature of the. charges brought against him. Friends of tho Fnrrnis mo touched by lite loyalty of Mrs. Fnrrur, who be fore hor marriage was Miss Nora Da vis, sister of Klchard Harding Davis. Mrs. Farrar Is believed to bo with hor husband. The return of King George from lu din will to somo extent revive Interest In (ho case, for It was early during the king's absence that revelations which led to the dismissal ot the chaplain were made. King George sent tho dismissal by cablegram, Despite the flight ot Mr. Farrar, which In Itsolf was virtual admission of his guilt, Dowager Queen Alexan dra still believes la bloi, It Is report- r ed, nml refinx-it to credit allocations I against his character. Two New Young Lndle Arrive Dr. (Jeorxu I. Wright reports these births: On Hunday morning, to Mr. and Mrs. I, H, Voorhees, girl. This morning, to Dr. C. Mason nml wife, girl. Mr. and Mrs. O, II. Carleton and boy of Merrill rn mo to the city today. Kx-Councllman 11. H. Orli;sly Is In tlio city from bis ranch. On Friday Councilman Cliarles.Mc- (lownn loft for Hnn I'rnnclsco to bo gone probably a month. Ho confided In friends 'ere his departure that ho expected to enjoy himself. On Wednesday Mr. nml Mm. Kran It. Itrames will Icavu this city en route to Honolulu lo bo gone several weeks. They will sail from San Frnn claio. ZUMWALT HIRED SALARY STATED WILL (ilVK AM. HIH TIMK TO TIIK CITY PNTIL JUNK I AT 12,000 PKIl YKAIt PHOM TIIK UK.V. KltAL FUND On motion of Councilman M. G. Wllklns last Friday night the city council voted to hire Don J. Zumwnlt as rlty engineer until Juno 1st, at tbo rate of 12,000 a year paid out of the general fund. It was tho opin ion of City Attorney Horace Manning Ihat tho city engineer could bo thus paid If ho was hired for general city work, or that If ha were engaged for specific units that his services could bo divided against the units. It was the sense ot tho mooting that be be hired lo give all his time to tho city and be compensated from the general fund. DKADLY HACK ItlOT TAKES PLACK IN POUT I.IMON, C. It. United Press Servlco NKW OKLKANS. Jan. S. It is re ported that thirty wrro killed and fifty wounded In a race war at Port Llmon, Costa Illcar. Troops wero call ed to stop tho fighting. INSAXK AHYM'M CHIEF'AND HKCItKT.lllY WILL WITIIDHAW Lnlted Press Servlco SACIIAMKNTO. Jan. 8 Dr. Elmer K. Stone, superintendent ot tho Napa Insane usylum, bos announced to the state lunacy commission that he will resign on Wednesday, alto hts secre tary. Dan W. Ryan nml wlfo of Fort Klamath arrived lu the city last night and leftlhls afternoon for California, where they will spend tho wlntor. NAME JUGGLING BY HUMOR MAKER APOSTI.K UP FUN AND KAKItCISK OF HISIIILKH GKTS IIV8Y Dl'lt INO AII8KNCK OF ItKUULAlt KDlTOIt lu tho Lakovlew Herald ot tho last Usuo thcro appears k humorous arti cle, tho author of which has his namo suppressed. Whether It was written by V. L. Sneltlng. W. Rocho Flck or somo promoter of caccblnallon Is a matter ot guesswork. Tho Herald says: Whllo tho editor was away recently Santa Claus visited the editorial sanc tum and toft tho following scintillat ing rays of wit and humor on his desk. This offico has been In a state of chaos slnc this was perpetrated, and wo leave It to our readers to an swer tho perplexing questiens: If Flsk tore his trousers would Ed Patch? When he trios to chew beefsteak docs Tom Cloud? If the electric light plant shut down would Frank Light? It Qeorge Harrows the wheat fields RICHESON'S DEATH PROSECUTOR'S All In tho valley would Harvoy Thresher? Ik-cau no Hob's Swift Is Frod KeenoT When Jonns' King Is Frank Duke? When tho llcnll tolls Is Murray Heard? If Jimmy's Judge would Ned Lynch? Should John Drlnkwater Is Joo Fuller? If tho benns should sour would Frank Payno? Since Klllott tho barber ha gono will Tom Shcrlocks? If a horse was dusty would Kldon Curry? If tho books wcro In bad shane would Peter Post? If llnn.nn.' . In.t In r. -- ........ ...... - storm could It find Uert Harbcr? if Mtkn'a linn ! went, is rnf how much Is John's Duckworth? When nlrk Wllrn. I. lair does Wl!..' P'c" &nd SUbsttlutC a guilty ph Hum Shirk? .. . In addition tho followln was com- pesed: Tills Is a Porno much did Philadelphia Pa.? How What grass did K. C. Mo.? How many eggs did New Orleans La.? How much did Toledo O.? What was It made Chicago III.? 'Twas Washington D. C. Sho would Tacoma Wash. In spite Of Ilaltlmorc M. D. When Hartford and New I In von Conn. What Itcubcn do they soak? Could Noah build a Little Hock Ark. If ho had no Guthrlo Ok.? We call Minneapolis Minn., Why not Annapolis Ann? It you can't tell tho reason why Perhaps Topcka Kan. IS WAIID OI1KNCIIAIN OIVKN VKIU DICT AOAIXHT WII.UAM TIMMS FOIl IIAKKHS' SUPPLIES FUH NISIIKD In tho case of Ward & Obenchatn vs. William Tlmms, a colored man, the Jury brought In a verdict for the plaintiff In the sum of 152.50 tor bal ance duo tho grocery firm for goods supplied to Tim mi whllo ho was run ning a bakery. Tho Arm asked for f 56.60, but thcro was somo difference of opinion about $1.10 In credits, and tho Jury Inclined to the belief that tho defendant had paid the 11.10. A horse, wagon and harness ot the de fendant was attached to secure the claim In case ot plaintiff securing a verdict. Tho grocery Arm had fur nished the bakery with materials, and tho defendant claimed that he bad a contract with tho grocery to take fin ished product In payment. Tim ma endeavored, on the stand, to establish tho contention, but Judge Henry L. Benson ruled out evldenee under this head, bunco tho verdict. Two City PokitioiiH Vucuiit L. L. lllscock has applied for tho city electrical Inspectorship, vice F. D. Ureraer, resigned. Charles Woodard, street superin tendent, has resigned summarily. Councilman Hauks tried to have him dropped at ono council meetlug, which failed. Dut there seems to havo been handwriting on the wall. COLORED MAN JUDGED DEBTOR War Against Democratic Machine Starts In National Committi WASHINGTON, D. 0 Jan. 8. With Dryan leading, war has been de clared by the democratic national committee against the machine When' the first namo on the list ot committeemen was called, Dryan moved that James Wothorly of Ala bama bo seated. ' Chairman Norman Mack ot Buffalo ruled that tho motion was unneces sary. He declared that Wetherly was reg ularly elected by the Alabama state DENIES EXTENUATK MKTItlCT ATTOItNKY INfl PltKACIIKIt . MURDKKKR COl KKH.SK! MKHKLY TO I'HKf KLKCTItOCLTION inlti't! Press Service IIOSTON, Jan. 8. Itov. niche will be arraigned befnro Judge Baa ,Ieron ,nt odajr. i District Attorney Pclletler will Id ISl l"ni 110 COniCSSOU Simply 10 , ,.. .. . .. .. . TCIU ciirocu4.on, nna mat mis ne not atono for tbo murder. I Jticncson wimuraws nis not gar, i.. A .,,, ... . ...j I c '""'' "'" prooaDiy scnience in l" ""V- I District Attorney Pel le tier lo on tho death sentence; that there no extenuation. no said: "when a- man engai l.lmselt to an Innocent girl and Is duces her to tako a step which mah enhood lakes with reluctance uae qucrablc save by love, and cxpoctatla 'of marrlago; when a man carries hi duplicity to tho point of hi betroth! to another and deliberately con pound w poison and asks the bttrayd girl to take It for lovo of him, extsJ uatlon Is absent." lttt'IIKSON'8 SKNTKNCK IS PIT OFF UNTIL TUBSDAl United Press Service DOSTON, Jan. 8. Itev. Rlche who has confessed betraying Avis Ltl ncss and Inducing her to take pole In tho belief that II would obviate 1 embarrassing condition, will not sentenced until tomorrow. lllcheson gave the girl cyanide potassium. Ho wished his and hi disgrace to bo unknown to Violet 1 niands, a local heiress, ho was ena cd to marry. Tho court room was crowded bote tho people learned the sentencing hi been postponed. Tho crowd's temper was unmlstal abel, all favoring electrocution. GIRL SUCCUMB WHILE ATTENDING THE IN SCHOOL AT PHOENIX, 11 Kit DEATH RESULTS CONSUMPTION ..Lula Essex, an Indian girl aged : years, who had gono to Pho Arli., to attend tho Indian Seas thcro, died In that city December : and tho remains wcro shipped to tl city, arriving Saturday, nn the way I the girl's former homo at Yalnax. Undcrtnkor Karl Whltlock to took cliaTgo ot tbo body here, and fl warded It Sunday morning to Yals Tho death resulted from consult tloa, with which many of the ehlldij ot tho same ago on tho reservatl aro afflicted. Don't forget tho temperance In tho basement ot the Public Ltbr nt 7:30 this evening. committee Ills point ot order against III) an motion was sustained. Dryan appealed from the chair's I clslon, aud a squabble ensued. A motion to go Into executive slon carried, and the doom. closed. nryau was again dofeated wheal committee, over his bitter seated Jaiuen J. Outer a commlttoeman from Peansylva a vnlii nf 9ft lo 8. .,1., NX INDIAN jvtri-a.. fl!j ' " ' x J j