."M j, ' ' I '!", gtye f toning MtMk J '4 NUPPLIKII IIY THK KVKNINO NKWflPAPfHM FIIINT Tilt: M'.Wd, NOT IIIRTOKY EtlNITKll I'HKJMt NKWH HKHVIUI Mth Year N. I.tino KLAMATH FALM, OIIKOON, HATUIlHAY JAXUAIIY a), 1911 Price, WUm Osa EBEKAHS ODD AN ACTIVE SEASON itam. oitiuihh mil tiii: i:x. ll'INO TIIItMM IIOTII 4lltli:ilN IAKI.VO I'llCi'AltATIONH Foil IN AtTIVIIHKAHON In Thursday iiIkIiI l'rnnirlty Ho- kali Lodge. No, 101, O, (), I1., In. licit their otniuii fur tli outline In, mill Imt nliilit Klnmnlli I.imIkii 1.17, I (I I), F, performed ilia ii leremoiiy, while Kwniimi IIii- niniHliI No, in, . (I, (I, IV. wlll nil II,. Ir ortlier lit their i iulnr iin ...-.I Thur-ur i.iKi.t. flu' three nltllliiti'il order nt mill: urn Mil ptepiirAtloti fur mi nrGva on, mill win ii three mull energi'llr llm wotk toKctlii'r tlirrn lit miri'ly M i(im'iTl fm n lively tlinii About llm flint mint Unit In rulnti'il to llr llii' sluggish IiIooiI wnrm tin? ruckle of tli" liiiinnti Irt will lir Hid ttlehrutlon of the. Vernry of tlm dedication of tlm homo, wlilrli will tnkn place In probability mi Hatordny evening, krunry ITlh The nntilvernry will mi HiiihIb), February I Nth, lint III duo reverence (n tin- ilny of rrl nnlveranry will irolinlil) lia II ill n itny In mlvnnrr, riili irri'iniiiiy U In llvbeknhi, T ler two order, twledge ul iltaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVeVHaner election Is calculated Irrrmli'tfil In favor Pr In Dili Instance, with nn in go n fur a ttii'y like. to rail on lln brother fur wlint lutmirn they need. Inntlirr feature Hint I being talked ;:y!:!r m :"!,::rc.::::,r llio formation of n wlilit club In biirilern. nml to tunc mm lilRlit rnrh k ilenlKlinteil to inert nt lllf IoiIrc hi nml rnjoy Dm plrninrrn of the tntilci nml norlnl rimrernc. Tbla Voinrnt lint Juat been bronrlint to I orilcru, but bna lin favornbly lve, Hint the "mirlnl evfnliiK" l-i out rcrtnln to mion lieriiinc n nidi lltiitlon. mill It Ion to llienc cutcrtnlnliii; ttlnin. Hierc U Hie Urbeknli bnn. la, wlilrli tnkn plnro on tlm flrt ItliiK hlKbl of rnrh niontli, nml nrn ) well nttcmlnl nml IniKti'ly B)ri by llm iaTllrlinnta. fnkeu nltoKctbcr tlm M Kcllnna rlnteil orilcra roimtltutn nbiiut tho )ilrt IoiIko fntnlly lo bo found 1 wliere, nml tin) Koil fcclliiK exlal. ntiionK tlm member mitke tho ttliiK n icnurn Hint nil enjoy, rim ornrera luatnllrit by llcbckati lKn with na follow; I'nut flrniid, Nellie Wnttcnbum; bio flrniid, Ncllln Vnn Itlpcr; Vlro Hid, Clltnbetb Form!, IternrdlnK trctnry, Allru .. (loellnri Klnnni'lnl relnry, Mnry It. IIokuc; Treamirer. fKcry Otterbeln; Wiinlin, Clmrm inniui; Conductor, Loulao Hum. rey; It. H. N, tl Jcniilii llurn; I,. IN. (I., I'loy DiiRKctl! It, H. V. ... II lie WnttenburKi I.. H. V. 11. , Htclliv uta; I. (I I,) dlu llouaton; O. .. lose Postoffice Earlier Evenings On Advice Of- Department Inspector PoKtmuutor llraniltaburg aBBOune Int bcKlnnlnK on Moaday, Jaauary (tli, tho Konornl dllory window 1 tho locnl offlco will cloao nt 7:30 In In evening Inatond of remaining opon ntll 8, im ban Iioii tho custom, Mr randunhurg ctntei that tho nftor Don innll I dMrlliutcil and ready ft delivery at nbout 0 o'clock, and nt there la vory little doing after : 30, Aa tho clork.t huve boen work- Ik oven longer hum than tho do- irtmont require, on tho advice of Id iioatal Inspector, H. H. Mooao of loauburK, ho linn decldtd to cloio tho nee earlier. During the ruin ioa- In during the holldnyi the offlco wait ipt open later to accommodato the IWarjr of all .all, but there Ii no AND FELLOWS tlreln llrailln)'! (.'IiiiiiiIii, lit M. Fink. Kliuimlli I.imIkii lint night llmtullml llm followlug- Pimt (Iriiuil, M. It. l..i; i.ViiMn llniiid, It, J. Sheet; Vim (Iriuiil T, IA, llriihhj Heiretiiry, George lliim. pnrey; rri'imuriT, r. i. rouiiiiiiu; Wiinli'ii, Nntn Otli'rlirlii; (.'iiiiitiirlnr, I). II llrttutiemiiii; II. H, N. (I., Arllii Worrell; I., H, N. II. F II llrehier; II. H V. II., IVil llyriiltimtti I,, H. V. (I.. (J V Cofer; II H, H.. V. C. Ilnm- her; I, H. H., K, II. Willi.; I (l ItoM. Trliiililn; O. (I., Jnnper llennett; Chnp. lain, M. It. Duly. Tim nfTlri'M to lio Installed ut the ii'KMlnr meMlng of i: w nil tin Knrnmp mint licit Tli iirmlity night follew: Chief Pntrlarili, Perelvnl Hliotl; lH,,,,,,,r Wnr.lt-ii. C. i:, Mi-lilriiinj lllitli 1i:r,1,,,v ' ,", !,u)';1J,,ul"r,wr,!:;,,' Nnlo Otterhelit! Scribe, W. O, Hmllli; Trcnmirer, A K, Klder. LYMAN TO MEET MAIL CASE district mode SAYS When MiiIIinI Manipulator Cnidelr IMglilii'M Month' Na'ttlriiri' (or K-i-MpIng Prom Custody Other L'aan l lo III- Til km l'l J'reti ftorvlco (ANOKI.KH, Jan. C Dr. J. man, orvliiK an elgtitpeii rntrnro at McNelll'i lulanil plrlliK to erapo fed era I all kerlty, will lie bruuKlit to l.o An- Relet to fan' n rlmrRi) of frauiliilcnt ii(i of tlio tnalli, upon Ills relrain from tlm flrnt nentenre, Unlleit Hlatra Dl.trlct Attorney lie. C'ortnli'k limile a utatement to Dili ef. frrt toitay. enlng of AIoIm Ctiaplfir Tlioro will lio a regular mating of Al-I, l'l,i,l..p V.. !1 (1 V a tin T,m.y ..,, .;, i. .. 7!3o tinrp, All iiieinliem arc rvqucitrd to attrml, ni llioru will bo Initiation. 31 WANT SUPPLIES SETTLED FOR (:iiiM:ii ,i.i.i:(iii that timmh HAD l!.Mli:itHIAMl(l WITH HIM TOTAKi: V IN KI.VIHIIKD I'lttlDftT In circuit rourt till morning a Jury n picked In I lie. t'.-un of Ward A Obencbalii, Hie loci! grocery corpora tion, ngalmit Wllllnm Tliunia, color oil muii. The plaintiff company allvgca tbnt tberi) la duo It Irom Tlm in l&ii.co bulr.no- on n bill for nrn terlnl fiirnltlied III bnkory, nml aika ii wrdli't for Hint amount and coat. The plaintiff' rnunacl la Htono A liar retl, while 0. M. O'Neill rcpreient tho dofendant, Mr. O'Neill (old tho Jury that part of tho ilrfenan would bo an agreement between tho parties for tho grocery concern to lako flnlahed product of tided of three long lioiii at the pres ent time. lll'IINH' AAltrXT (IIIDKIIKD WIIKN IM)M IH MUtFKITKD United Preei Bervlee INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 6. Judgo Markoy ordered Detective Burn ar realod, following tho Fedoral Surety com pony 'a withdrawing a' bond of 110,000 for tho appearance of llurna on tho char go of kidnapping John Mc Namara. nam Immediately went to tho federal court to get a habeas corpus. Two rooms In tho federal building, havo been prepared for the McUaa- Igal trial) expected Monday, (ho lmkery lo llm full iiliiomit of mo torlnl furnished, Wlicii Attorney Charles' F. Htono mllfil Mr. Ward lo tlm stand Mr. O'Neill objected lit llm i nut proceed I UK on tlio Kroiiml Hint tlm nttlon wna not for inotioy lunl nml ri'culrml, unit Hint tlm i(iiiiiliilnt itlil nut rtrltu tint tlii'rn Iinil Imiii miy iiromlmi on tlm purl of IiIh illcnt to mv tor tlir kooiIi. Mr, Hlmin miiil liu luul not ilrnwn tlm ininiiliilnt, lint Hint Im liollovi'il It koiiiI, unyltiK Hint nn tlm ilifiiiilniit Iinil ncviT ili'iilril ri'ri'lvliiK Hid kooiIm Hint tlii'rn wim no Ikniik on tlm point It tlii'ii Iii'Iiik II 30 n, m JihIko Hen ry I,. Ili'iimin niljoiiriii'il court for two lionm to kIvii tlm noonilny ri-ccKi for mrnU nml to ilcrlilo on llm iiolnla liiUcil hy iiinii( for tlio itifrniliint. Tlm Jury tlioami Dili inornltiK U fnllowa; .lolin Korln'H, (I, II. Cnrli-ton, II. H, I nrrlnli, II. It, Duiilnp, Tlioiiina K, Ulnnli-y, V. V, Van Miter. I), II. Nidi- iiln, Ali'iniicter MrDonnlil, II. J. Hliceti, II. V. Towrr. W. V. Hmltli. H. 8. Hill, 1 1m ilefcinn) exriiteit Jnroli Itriirk, rin)il II. HrntiilenliiirK miiI C'lnrrnre II llmlerwooil. m I'nllelte rlimeil hU llllnol rnm- pnlKli nt llmivlllc, He la wrak, but on tlm mend. JOHN F. SULLIVAN DIES IN NEVADA WAN I'AltT.NKIt IX TtKidKllV WITH f O. W. ItOIIKimtOY, WHO, WITH . KIM I.N ItOlI.MiKVKM, WIM, i( Tt FH.NKItAI, A memaKo wa received In thla city ilil morning announcing tho death of John V. Sullivan, who I well and favorably known here. Mr. Sullivan wa n partner with O. W. Itobertson In The Toggery, and ha vlilted thla illy aevrral times. Mr. Itobertson and Nelson Itounve veil, who haa been a lifelong friend of the ilrcraaed, left nn thla afternoon train for Nevada, lo attend the funeral. HI'.VriN'O THAIS HOItllKIt MKKMH I.IKK VAIN' gt'lMT United I'rets Service IIKDIIINd, Calif.. Jan. C The train robber I the Krent unknown. Tlio nuHiorltlm are nt tea. They arc certain that only one bnmllt la con cerned, Hevernl United Btnte poatnl iletcctlvc nrrlved till morning, 616 PETITION FOR PEACE GOES 10JUGJE MEETING Over fl,NKI,IHN Signer HHunl hi lloaton HliNiitiM'ani Agalnat War, and Hlic Ktterl lo (iel KMl.tKMl.tMHI In Two Year United Pre Sorvlco LONDON, Jnn. 6. With 0,000,000 algnnture to n world' H'oce ietl- Hon to be presented nt tho next Hague conference, In 19M or ISlfi, Ml Anna II. Kckttcln, principal of a Hchnol of language In lloitnn, ha ar rived In London a-ftor a tour of Amer ica, aormnny, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, 8wedon, France, llelghini and Holland. Moro than 1,000,000 trade union ists of Qreat Britain have signed the petition. Mis Kcksteln says she will have 100,000,000 signatures by Ills, IKEI MN APPUCMHS FOR RAIUEEPEM JOB Of Tltrw, Nearly 1,4)00 Haw lrre limarliablo Credentials, and I'laee Worth M.71 Per Week does to (Imdiuto of Oxford United Press Service LONDON, Jan. 6. Owners of Cat- ton Hall, Westminster, who adver tised for a hallkeoper who could show good testimonials for faithfulness, honesty, tact and Intelligence, re ceived 1,100 applications for the Job, which was worth but 8.TS a week. Of these, 900 applicants had Irre proachable credentials, Aa Oiford graduate got the position. SUMMERS DENIES HAS PNEUMONIA MlU.VrV fOMMIHHIONKIt IH OX III TV AH HIM OPKICK, I.SHTKAD Or' IN IIKII, AH HI'MOIt HAD IT AIIOt.'T THK HTIIKhTM (.''unity Comuiliniloner Hnniuol T. Siiliimera, when Interviewed by the llirrld thl morning on tlio subject of Hie pneumonia, which wna reported to have him In lis grip, declined to npcnk nt nny length on tlio aubjrrt. Iniiti nd of being nt homo In bed, wlilrli I tho proper ami flltlnK place for n peraon who la trylnK to net tlio better of Hie nffllcllon Indicated, thcJ county rornnilmiloncr wna pursuing tho luunl conmo of being at III offlcu attending lo buslnos. "I'm aufferliig from no money," de clared he. Hut ho would not admit even being sick, much leia 'fcis up to Urn pneumonia. It I evident that Mr, Summers was not at homo when the pneumonia called. The rumor was circulated last night at Die council chamber that the, c. member of tho city's administra tive board was very III. BABE'S FATHER-MURDERER IS OH TRIAlF0R GRIME John Iterh, Who Je an Kchmhi for Infaulciile High (ol of living, MTU (liargr, and Wife Fei- Compllrlly tttarge United Press Ssrvlee SANTA IIAItllAltA, Calif., Jan. C. Charged with the murder of his day-old baby, whom he declared to havo admitted killing it'lieciuiie of tho high coat of living," John Keen la on trial here In the superior court. Ill wlto will be tried for complicity. BILLS APPROVED BY CITY PATERS NOT A VKIIV LAIKJK fJlllHT OF CITY KXPKMHTl'HKH ACTKD ON IIY MKKTINO OF COUNCIL MKX KtHT MGHT Hill approved by tho council last night follew: Pioneer Press f 65.50 W. O. Smith Printing Co. ... 4.00 W. O. Smith Pr'ntlng Co. ... .1.75 Klamath Falls Iron Works. . . 18.00 Telegrams to John II. Lowls, Salem 3.76 MRS. WATSON IS CALLED TO REST MtrTHF.lt OF MUM. J. V. KIMllALL AMI 8IHTF.lt OF H. II. AND O. C. CHITWOOD gl'CCUMIW AFTER OPKHATION Mrs. C. U. Wallon CfAehland. sis- ter of II. II. and C. O. ChUffS"? "4 aarther of Mrs. J. F. Kimball ot tkia city, died Wedncsdny In the city hos pital in Ashland, after undergoing u operation. C. C. Chltwood and Mr. KlKbtH left tho following morn ing to attea,tt. funeral. Mrs. Klav ball havlag been -ith her nn during hor hut Illness. Tu xsl Itecord has the follewing: , "The Ashland commualt) shocked Wednesday morning to of tho suddon death of Mrs. Wi wife ot Judgo C. I). Watson, oaeTof the city's most prominent cltliens "Mrs. Watson passed away at Oran lu City hoanltal. where ahe bad been operated upon a few hours previously for tumor. The stricken family; la aa plunged In grief that It Is Impossi ble to got complete partlculara of the sad aSalr at this time. Mrs. Watkrn was aged about 67 years, and fas spent the last twenty-live years, In Ashland. She has been closely con- . oJte- necled with tho literary and Intolleo lunl llfo of Hid city, liy her worth nml many kindly deed aim linn won n bout of friend, who will alncercly mourn her dcmlic. "Ilcslile the sorrowing huaband, two children nro loft to mourn Clinndler Wntaon nnd Mr. Lyle Klin ball. Decenned nliio tin two brother n-nd ii alutcr rialdlng nt Klnmsth Knll." ltAV.MO.Ml THAI. .MIMICAL CO.MKDV COMPANY COMINO Pretty girls, funny corncdlnnn nnd u wealth of pretty scenery Mid con tinue will lend enchantment to the xcotiu at tlm opera lion no threo nights, beginning January 12th, when tho big Itnjmoiid Tenl Mimlcnl Comedy com pany will open their engagement. Tlm Tenl how I booked direct by John C'ort nnd Is rnl.'I to be one of tho HtroiiKCHl munlral orTerliiK playing the ronpt thl enr. They nro direct from n big toc' run In Denver, nnd nro en route to l.oa Angeles for n senion' run. They will chance. th bill each nlnht, nnd play nt populnr prices. Tho big beau ty chum ot vivacious dancing girl aro made a big feature with Hie show. Oracle Wolf, tli? petlto soubretto with Hip show, hold the world' champion. attil p a lady buck nnd wing dancer. Hcul into Monday. NO CODRT HOUSE ANNOUNCEMENT COUNTY JLIMiK MUM ON QUKK- TION OF ACTION ON KLAMATH FAUX COMMKHCIAIj CLL'II OFFKIt Asked today If there was anything done or contemplated In the Immedi ate future In regard to action on tho tender ot a court house slto by the Klamath Falls Commercial Club, Count) Judgo William 8. Worden said there was nothing to bo said nt this time. Tho hcid ot the county court seemed to be In good health and spir it as far as the court house question Is Invllved, but bad no manifesto to Issue. The court has not as yet done an- thing nbout plans for a court homo on the Hot Springs site, on which It some tlmo ago announced Its Inten tion or building. It the court should Invito plans for n $200,000 structure on that ground thcro will no doubt bo n number of designs submitted, as the usual architect's feo ot 5 per cent ot proposed cost would mean a $10, 000 Job for the succeisful applicant. K(NG GEORGE'S LEVEE AT CAICITJTAJIIG AFFAIR All IM'1 Native Potentates and llril lah Oflk-ialk Attend, nnd Notable Flock AIniuI Itoyal Cues! to Oscu late. Ill Digits United Pre Servico CALCUTTA. Indln. Jan. C King Oeorge held a big levee here today, which wes attended by all local nattvo potentates nnd Itrltlsh officials. The magnificent stairway In front of tho government house was lined by tho gigantic gunnors of the king's bodyguard, and hugo throngs watched the arrival ot tho notables who came to kiss tho royal hand and glvn thanks for tho honors conferred Monday. There will be another big state ban quet tonight. ' mi wmmm i VALE DURING YEAR Over Quarter of Million Dollar Kx psaded In Itetterwents In Progres sive. Oregon Town Where Itallroad Conies In for flood Hliare VALE, Jan. C. Last year was the ltnuner ear for Vale in the way ot improvements. Moro than $250,000 was spont durlirg tho year in tho con struction of water nnd sower systems, now business blocks, residences, street Improvements, etc. The railroad com pnn; comes In with $40,000 ot the amojint, having Just completed a pas. songer depot costing $11,000, a freight depot costing $10,000; main RICHES0N ADMITS POISONING GIRL lino water tank and pump cost $6, 100 grading of railroad yards 115,000. Tlio water and sower systems which cover tho entire nrca within tho city limit, wore put In nt a cost of $110,. "00. Tho water supply I taken from Willow springs, twelvo miles south of town, Tho high school, nlmoit completed, U being erected nt a cost of $27,000; now business houses costing $37,000 havo luen erected; new rcxldcnce coat $10,000; thrco now churches have cost $9,800; Improvements and) building additions to limine blocks nnd rtsldcnre required $!i,370; ce ment walk, street nnd park Improve ment cost $7,000. Dandy nice apple at Sunset Gro cery, $l.f,0 per. box. d-Ct-w-lt SEATTLE BARS SIEDDIH ON ACGOONTOF ACCIDENTS! Chanting Thl Winter Hum Itmultitl in Kurd Serious Happening That Chief of Police Ibtnnlrk linn It, Which May Cnum- ProteM United Press Service SKATTI.K, Jon. C All sled par ties havo been barred In Seattlo, the many serious accidents from coasting this winter ha-vlng resulted In an or der to this effect from Chief ot Police llannlck. It affects tho grown-ups as well as tho youngsters, and a petition protest likely. PLUMHINtt TltlST lll'KTF.H I HY IIF.FF.NDA NTH CON8KNT I United Press Servlco I LOS ANGELKS. Jan. C Federal (Judge Wellborn has Issued en Injunc tion In tho case ot the government , against the plumbing trust by consent lot all tho defendants. The action (officially dissolves tho combine. MAKES COUNCIL UNEASY UtVOII UIVI1 l'1-IIMIT (.Tilt UTA. i lll.K WOl'U) LKT IT UK UUILT ItKJHT NK.XT TO NF.KSHIIOIl'8 DOOKYAIUI In tho matter ot building permits It developed last night that the coun cil had again stepped on Itself, so to speak, by granting a permit for doing wrok without investigation being made ot tho proposed structure. At tho previous meeting a permit had been granted to'Durgu Mason to put n stable on block 44, Nichols ad dition, which location, so Major Fred T. Sanderson reported, would put tho building right nt tho dooryard ot a neighbor. Mayor Sanderson asked that the council Investigate, so on motion ot Col. M. U. Wllklns. second ed by Councilman Den S. Owens, tho council decided to reconsider Its act Ion awarding tho permit. Intense Suffering large Cities United Press Servlr ST. LOUIS. Jan. C. Four deaths resulted from tho cold. It is 4 de grees below ioro, and gottlug colder. Ton below tonight Is predicted. It is IS below at St. Joseph and 20 below on tho Kansas prairies. New York This Is the coldest day of tho winter. Povorty and suffering are alarming. This morning It was 8 above, with a billiard. Tho municipal lodging house Is Jammed, and hundreds ato sheltered elsewhere temporarily. Chicago This Is the sixth cold day. lutenso suffering la on and business Is sorlously hampered. Travel Is delayed, such chaotic con BUILDING WANTED RICH BRIDE CONPKHHION OF MIMSTKIt-MUIt-HKItF.lt TK'l.lii IIKHHIK TO RK IHII OF VICTIM HO AH TO MAIL IIY KIIMAXIIS HKIIIKHM United Press Service llOSTON, Jnn. 6. nor, IKcheson In a letter to his attorneys, admitted that-he poisoned Avis Llnnell to get rid of her, so that ho would be free to marry tho heiress, Violet Kdmands. Tho confession said In part: "I am deeply penitent for my sin, and earnestly desiring to mako atone ment, hereby confess that 1 am guilty of tho olfenso for which I stand In dicted. I am moved to this course by no Inducement of benefit ot leniency. licnlous as Is my crime, God has not fully abandoned me, and conscience and manhood, however depraved and blighted, nro not so much so that they won't admit of stilt further anguish." ESQUIMAUX ARO REINDEER IN ALASKA DOING NELL Head of Government's School System for Nntlve Tell of tioud QmaUUea of People and Methods of I Anhral .'Ited Press service WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. . A few days ago a short, stalky man with a q ii let manner, a skin browned by much outdoor life, and the steady eye of one used to looking across) great distances, came, to Washington with such small fuis that It was more than a week before tho reporters were awa-ro ot bis presence at all. He la W. T. I-opp, head ot the government' school system for Esquimaux, and a man who has spent most of bis lite since 1S90 In Alaska, seldom "coming out," as ho calls a trip down to the States. Lopp was a Iloosler school master In Indiana, a boy Just out ot college, when the government sent him and another young man up to Cape Prince of Wales on Hcrlng strait, to start an Kaqulmaux school. Ho expected to remain but two year. When he went up he and his part ner wero the only whtto men living In all ot Northern Alaska. They went atono Into a district where tho natives were so dreaded that whalers wontd not put Into port tor haven In a storm. Since that time Lopp has seen the gold rushes go past him (he, himself, got the gold fever only once), he has traveled up and down and crisscross Maska on foot, mushing with dogs, or driving reindeer, from Point Bar row, northernmost pinnacle of the continent, down to the Alaskan penln rula In the warm Japan stream, and eastward to the Canadian boundary. Heforo white men came he has known what it Is to bo driving ex hausted djs ln,tbe bitter cold of In terior Alaska with the food dwind ling; he hits been in an Esquimaux 1 Co ac luucd on Page 4) Among Poor In As Winter Shrieks ditions have not been known In years. Tho condition of the poor Is pitiful. Charity societies are fundless, and aro forced to turn tho poor away. It was 10 below at 5 a m. and 6 below at 9 a. aa. The weather bureau has notified shipper In tho Northwest to expect 20 to 35 below In the next forty-eight hours. 20 to 30 below. In the West, 20 below in tho Southwest, 10 to 15 below In the Southeast. Low temperatures teday: LaCroes 83; Milwaukee 16, Minneapolis IS, Battleford, Canada, 34, Bisaarek !, Calgary 24, Duluth 32, a rand Ferks 30, Havre, Mont., 10, Omaha and Medicine Hat 14, Toronto 12. -.41 I 'I . i i