unim tUik NUPPLIKD MV THB unitiao 1'iimm Niewa nbhviub KYKNINt NKWSPAPMM PRINT TIIK NEWS, NOT HMTOfiy Hltlh Year -No. I.04U KLAMATH PALI. OHMOUN, FRIDAY, JANUARY A, 1013 Price, lira Onla pbe gfriM HAMBER HAS WARM CONTEST IRST VOTE IS A TIE IN Hr.'COMI IIAI.MrT HKAMKS OI'I'I'ATH WHITE IIIMINilMH TALKS, HANOIIEr AMI PRO ORAM OK SPEW .'IIKM lly ii very mirtiiw nmrglti (li elcc- t Ion of tlm KlnniiiHi Chnmhcr oT dun- hiii'ti'ii n( Hi 11 Wlillit I'eltinu hnlcl lust j night M'lnlni'it tin) prcaelit 'iftlrlnl fnuilly prmllrnlly In control on llu M'ciniil liitllnl, alter n Unit ImIIoI, wMrh llnl President I.'. II. Heiiino Mint Frank Im Wliltn fur I It M Irk r bend of (lii iirgniiliiitliiu. Tim hnlliitlun wn not dune mi tlm entire lUt nt I linkers niul illriM liirn nt once, tint at- 1 1 ir tint irt'lil'iillnl conical was dis posed nf tlm hnlnlicii nt tlm tlckrt wn wound up In short order, with- fiuil mi)' ureal (rlrtlnn nppnreiit. On tint first linllnt thrro with twcn. 1 1) lx vote (or enrh man, nml nun whllo slip on which the holder failed tn wrlto liU choice. Mr. Kennies mil! gocted Hint thin meant n vnln fur Mr While, being n whllo slip. Tlm sec- ntiil linllnt gnvn itcnmc thirty ngnlnat p iveniy-eveii for Wliltn, Wr. WhU, nil r III" loaull ill tlm second ballet, t.t nml pleasantly suggested Hint E li) It rlilllK MMit the selection Im niiulr unanimous Major William T Slille, I., Jnrnli nml sumo oilier who nrn InlereMcd deeply In tli linw Klnmntli Knit if Commercial C'luli, re mained seated, Mr dentins anld Hint If ha hail known tint reault would hnv.i been hi tcleiitliui an president ho would hnvo ri'fuxM in run, nml rxpresvd lilnmi'lf a very sorry Hint Mr. White liml been turned ilown, W T. Hhlvn seemed to be spokes iiimi for ihiiMi nnxluus to change the management (if tlm rluti, nml wished In eo Km proceedings keep going as lung a poaslbln snylng Hn)' hail nil night to It I In Una started llm Inter ml hy asking In rrKnnl to who n nllglhlo to vote, ami whether they roiihl ruin ly proxy. Bltlvo wa tin dldntu fur vice president on the ticket wild Whllo (or president. President Itrnmcs snld Im illil not hcllovo thcrn wn nny provision (or iroi)' voting, "I'vii lookrit hut Hut by-laws pret ty rnrrfully, nml I fnllixl to And nny thliiK to irovlilo ilrtnll (or election of omrerK nt thin meetlnc," inlil Bhlvf. "I don't think yim hnvo nn) ruin to ko hy." "An prenlilent under llm clrcnm Rtince, whero theio irptna lo hn nnth I UK In tlm hy-lawii lo rover I ho quo Hon, I Ih'IIuvii my word U law," nahl Mr. lteiiine. "If memhorii are mil minieleiilly Intermtrd In tlm affnlm of tlm cluli to ronm here Mini vote, they mIiiiiiIiI not tin entitled to n vote. I Iherefnro rnlu Hint no proilei bt voted." V, I'niil Johnaon nominated Itenmca for preildent, Wllllnm (lilt HecondliiR. K. II. Unit nominated Krimk Ira Whllo, nml tho nniiiliin tliiii rhmed. Hhlvn wnnted every body noinlnuted nt once, but liU pro IiiikiiI (tilled, und tho prcaldontlul liuiiiliiiillotin ctoiod. Tho voIIiir wn dono by Secretary Cnleh T. Oliver enllliiK Hio roll, tml in a limn or (Inn wiim railed Hie hold er of the linllnt stepped In tho front with It and handed It to tho tcllora, Jniuen II. Drliroll and Oarar flhlvo. W. T. Bhlvo and Jimllco of tho Peaca By OrKuiiltntlon hn boon effected by tho Klamath Falls Comniorclal Club, und tho offlceri and committees fol fel fol eow: President, Oharloi Qravet; vlco president, James A. Maddox; secre tary and treasurer, Roy lla'makor. Hoard of control W. T. Bhlvca, OIiutIos P, Stewart', O, A. Stearin, Chnrlei Meyers, Membership committee Ii. Jacobs, Z. 0, Powoll, Charles Pattee, Finance ooMMlttee W. B. Town send, James? A. U&ttot, J, P. Iee. AdTertlataf ' printing commit- Officers And Klamath ELECTION (,'liiirle (Irnvea had I tain of tlm vot er, nml krtt tally on who cant the linllnt, Ornven I prealdont of the linw rommerrlnl cluli nml Hhlvn l on tho himrd of control of tint anma body Thiiinn Hliiphiui wanted to voto for J. I'. Hntterlee, whoo nKenl III Kliiuiiith I'm II Hlepheli I. "Hit down," rnlled Khlve, "I liotlrn Hint I'niil Johnaon rant three ballot," pmleted Htephen, Jftliimnil Wiled for tlm Hot HprlllK rompntiy, the Klnmntli Development liompiiuy nml hlnmelf, Uhnrle Moore ivnlml fur the K In in n III County hnnk, which hint been nhaorhed by the Klrnt Nntlonnl, Hhlvn proletei nllowlliK C. K, Itlley, ii(rtnr to KM II, DtiKnilll, to votn for DuKnult, nml Hecrvtary Oliver eiplnlned Hint Itlley had hoiiKht Hn I'imiII'm biiilne and suc ceeded lo thn liietiiherhlp, It beltiK mi hown on thn Chamber' book). Alter the preddency waa out of the ny W I'niil Johnaon moved that tlm ret of tlm vnrnncle bo tiomlnntrd for nil toKether, to which Hhlvn wn op poted, hut hi iroioiltlou fnllcd to prernll. W. I. Johnaon woi named (or vim preildeiil, nml Hhlvn nomi nated Oliver (or secretary, after which llm retlrliiK vlro president County JiiiIro William H, Wnrden, lauded Oliver ns the rlitht man for tho place, Tor director llm fnllnwlnc wern nom-Innled- Maor Vrnl T. Kanderton by W I'nnl Johnaon, Jnme A. Mnd ilm, who I vice president of thn new mmmcrclnt club, by Mr. Tipton; W. H. Hah hy Wllllnm T. Hhlvn, nml I'lnnk Irn Wliltn by Thotun Htrph em, Thn nominations cloard, nnd thn si-cretnry wns empowered lo mat thn linllnt of the entire orRAtiliatlon (or tlm nominees, which he did, Hecrelnry Oliver reported the finan cial denllniti of tlm concern for the (Continued on paicn 3) FRANKLIN IS ARRAI6NF0 ON GHARCES OF BRIBERY MIH AMJrXKM IICTniVK (XIMKN INTO COl'IIT AMI HIM MWVKIt KTATM UK Wll.l. KII.K MOTIO.N lllt IIIHMIHMAI. OK IXOKTMKXT (rolled I'res Hervlrn I.OH ANtlKt.Kri. Jan. C Drtectlvo I'llnkllii was today nrrnlKned brforo J ml It o Willis on a tlinrno of hrlhliiK permanent Juror llaln and nttemptltiR to hrllie Mirkwood. Ho was first nr rnlRiied on the Haiti charge. lecomptu Davis, Kriliklln's lawyer, slnted lie would file a motion to dis miss tho Information, January 10th wni set by the court to henr tho motion. IMMKillATION TO HTATKH IJ3WKXH, IU1T NOT FAHT 4nllsllcn on llm Alkn Population of Tills Nullon Miovr l-css TImr Mil lion Came In Isist Year, aver IBO, (HM),(HM lea Than In 1BI0 WAfllllNdTON, D. C. Jan. 5. Stntlstlca Ratlicred by tho ImmlRrn tlnn bureau of stntlatlrs of tho do partment of rommerco and Inhor show that tho allon population of tho Unit ed HtnteM I beltiK Increased more lowly than before. During tho fiscal year 1911. 878. 687 InimlKrant aliens entered the Committees Picked Falls Commercial Club tco Arthur Mvormore, K, J. Mur ray, Henry Dolvln. Kntortalnmcnt committee !S. 0. Powell, Paul Breltemteln, Antone Castel. The question of a permanent tecre tary Is ono that hat not been eettled, nor have hoadquartori been picked, hut these detalli aro likely to be set tled upon toon, The Initiation li to be $5, with duos of fl per month. For the'pretent the meeting placo li In the "old brick store" room at Main and Conger avenue, but the body has offer of other place. Uultud Htntes, ns against 1,01,(170 during tho flcnl year 1810 a differ unco of 102,913, In llio addition of tho Iminlgrinit iilleii 1 1 1,7 13 noii'lmmlKrnnla Inud cil, DtirliiR tho yeur there ilepnrted fiom tho country nbout 000,000, nhout 300,000 being of tho Immigrant etnas. During tho previous year nhout 3110,000 aliens, both Immigrant and niili-liiiinlgrnlit., left tho United Hlatea. Tho actual Increase In the alien population of tho United Hlntes dur ing IBM was r. 1 2 , 0 R r. , ns rumpnrcd with RI7.CI0 for lt 1 0 and 013,843 In 1 9 0, WANT mm Of PANAMA MADE PLAIN 10 COUNTRY rniigreiiiin lUlney liilnNluie Him- liitlnn In Take Trsllniony on I'rrn lilent ItiMNM-tell's AruUltln of Colombia Ami Culled Press IWvIco WAHIIINdTON, Jan. C Tho offi cial story of llm acquisition of tho I'anamn cnnal tone by tho United Hlate limy bo told lo tho house of representative If henrlngs to be con ducted before the committee on for eign affairs liad to the adoption ofi resolution Introduced by Itspresentn- live Itnlney of Illinois. Chairman Holier announced that tho committee soon would begin consideration of tho resolution. Tlm Italney resolution calls on tho comii.ltten on foreign nffnlrs to send for nil hooks, papers nnd documents, to summon witnesses and lo take tes timony on thn fact that a former president of tlm United Rlnte has iKrlared that ho "took" Panama from tlm republic of Colombia without con sulting ConRress, It sets for Hi that tlm republic of Colombia has petitioned thn United Htntes to submit tlm legal and equit able question of the acquisition of tho Panama territory lo The Hague tri bunal to soo If tho action of the Unit ed States was In accordance with tho tienly between Colombia and the United Htates, and whether It was a violation of wclt-cstahllshed princi ples of the U of nation. Iloyal Arrli Masons lo Convoke Klamath Chapter No. 35, Iloyal Arch Masons will hold Its regular con vocation tomorrow evening. A de gree will be conferred nnd Important business transacted. All members aro urged to bo present, and visiting com panions aro cordially Invited to at tend. PIERRE L01I ASKS PEACE IN INTERESTING APPEAL t'auwiu Krenrli Military Writer Al leges Tttat Civilised Asaaaalna Privately Await Turkey's Kail That Tfiejr May lrsjr on Plerca PAHIS, Jan. B. Tho Figaro pub lishes a striking appeal 4 tho world In favor of peace, written by Captain hauls Mario Jiilleu Vlnud, best known a Pierre hotl, tho famous tra-vcler, author and friend of Hie Mo hammedan, In which ho flays the ra pacity of Kuropo In regard to tho Mo- hammodan. Italy' Indefensible sclturo of Trip oli and her war on Turkey are, says M. hotl, manifestations of this mock ery of tranqullltyDu-betweenmlkgnt cry of modern civilisation, which look tranquilly at masacre, at war and at the (pilling of Innocent blood. M. I .oil compare certain of tho Eu ropean (towers lo hyena walling lo fill their stomachs with tho remain of maimed and dying Turkey. Ho de clare tho Hmo ha arrived for the Christian world to cease from human butchery, for, ho say, tho Christian are the greatest assassins of all, kill ing with word of fraternity on their lisp and destroying with fire and shot tho old world of Africa and Asia, and treating like cattlo tho men of tho brown and yellow race.' M. Lotl con elude: "War of conquest, on whatever protoxt they are undertaken, must be topped or the word 'peace,' 'prog res' and 'arbitration' will remain empty and derisive, and a ahamo to humanity." Pablo Doplln, who ha been visit ing friend la Boaania for aome time, ha returned to hi home at the Ore gon house. MAIL CAR ROBBED AND SACKS RIFLED TWO HOIIIIKHH IIOMI UP MAIh Cf.KIIKH ON MOUTIIKII.V PACIFIC IIOAD IIKrWKF.X HUD 111,1'Kr' AMI ItKDDIKO United Press Hervlca KKDDINO, Calif., Jan. C Tho mall rnr on Southern Pacific train No, 10 wn robbed between lied III tiff nnd (tedding at dnyllght this morn ing. Tim three rnnll clerk were hound, Tho two thieves emnpcil. All thn registered sacks were rifled. Hlx registered mall pouches vtcru rilled. Tlm two robbers hoarded tho train nnd concealed themselves as it was pulling out of Itcd Illuff. Hetween there and Redding they entered tho mall car and covered tho clerks. They forced one lo bind tho other two clerks, open tho sack at the point of a gun, then turned thn facci of the clerks to the wall and (led as the train pulled Into Iteddlng. Detectives from Han Francisco are coming. A posso may be formed to take tho trail Immediately. There I no cstl mnto of tho loot. EXULTANT NAGS ALLOWED TO GO IMI.FI IICVH WIIOMK SHIPMENT TO IIOItMK MAIIKKT WAN DKTKH ItF.p HY ATTACIIMKNT, NO M.UF.It DF.hAYlvD V. A. Peach and P. It. Druntell, Oakland horse purchasers, whose carload of horseswero attached yes terday by John M7Tlowell for a claim of 9335 on two horse sold to the men, settled the case, and the steeds which were Impeded were allowed to go on their way a much a nags naturally would exult under such cir cumstance. Hl'SIUNIi CtlAHFJi KhOPKUM AND HAS CANADA DKPOHT Them lo Stales aa I'ndVslniblc Wit- nun live Paramour, to Whom Sim (Jave Murli Jewelry, Hctlcr Than Her Children WINNIPStl, Jan. 5. Pursuing his wire and Alfred O. Uoyco of Seattle 1.000 mile and spending f 33, 000 on tho chase, J. It. Snead of Texas, a millionaire banker, succeeded In hav ing tho couplo deported from Canada a undesirable person. Iloyce Is Iho son of a Texas cattlo king. Ho say a charge of grand larceny against him I merely trump ed up to aecuro hi extradition. Till chargo I based on tho claim of tho Toxa authorities that Boyco persuaded tho woman to give him 20,000 worth of Jewelry. Tho wo man declare she prefer Doyco to her husband. 8ho say sho.ls willing la even giro up her two children, whom sho will faco In Minneapolis, for love of Boyee, AdF.D MKXICAN flKNKKAL IS ILL IN PRISON CELL IVealtsrat MaoVro and Cabinet Deny Sickness of Keyca, Itanous Itcvolu tlimlst, Hut Other OfltcUbj AOmlt That Ho I IU MrXXICO CITY, Jan. 6. Despite denials of President Madero and hi cabinet that General Bernardo Reyes, tho capitulated rebel leader, Is dying In hi cell, other oBclala of the gov ernment admit that the aged soldier Is lck. They say, however, that ho I In no danger of death. CARNKfllKS HCHOOLMATK v DIK8 TOR LACK 09 OAJtB Jamra fllllesrdc, Aged 80, Mea After Bring Refused Aaaistaace by Meet King, to Whoa He Loaned Money Many Years Ago LOS ANOEliKfl, Jan. 6. Turned down, It li alleged, by hi boyhood companion aad schoolmate, .Andrew Carnegie, whom ha had aaked for aid, Jntnos Ulllcsple, 80, is dead hero for latk of proper mcdlcnl attention, Frlumls of (Jlllfsplo declare that If hn Inn! been nbte to reach Carneglo's lit-Mt his llfo would havo been pro luriged. It I ileclnri'd that Olllesplo needed tho skill of a New York ifpo clnllst, nnd that when ho nsked tho stcol king for tho passage rnonoy It wss denied, Young (Jlllesple told a friend hero that HlllcHpIo Hr, had loaned 10 pound to Carnegie's hither many year ago, and he could not recall that It hnd over been paid hack. Tho compound Interest on tho loan would havo nmounted to about 12,000. ie6isla1nr1la6 NECESSARY TO PROTECT IT ( hie f of Army Staff Contends National Kimlgii Should .Vtvr lie I'sed as Table Mirth or lraM-rjr, Hut Hung From Line or Against Wall WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 6. Iteccnt charges and denial of abuio and misuse of tho American flag havo duveloped tho fact that thcro Is no national statute making such acta punlahable. Several states are said to havo severe laws on the subject, and tho war department officials are hope ful that agitation will lead legisla tures of other states to adopt similar laws. Major-General Leonard Wood, the chief of staff of tho army, contends that tho national cnslRn should never be used as a table covering or to be tncked up as a 'drapery, but that It should alwnys be suspended from a line or stnff or hung ngnlust tho wnll It Is a common practice on shipboard to spread the ting over the chaplain's table or desk during tho services, and this practice Is condemned In some uqarters as a mlsuso of the flag. An attempt probably will be made to sveuro national legislation on this subject, but It Is said so many private Interests would bo adversely affected that the success of tho attempt Is doubtful. k KohM-rrrK's ptomaink POIKOM.NO FOt'GIIT OFF United Press Servlco 1'KOItlA, Jan. C. Itccupcratlng from a slight attack of ptomaine pois oning, I-a Follclto resumed his tour. He said, "I feci weak, but I am go- lug through with tho schedule." Ho refused to accept medical aid. He tra-vcls HO miles tomorrow. La Follcttv then proceed! to Indiana and then to Washington. RICHESON RAVES III CELL ARO IS BELIEVED MANIAC United Press Servlco HOSTON, Jan. 5. Itov. IMchcson Is raving, and Is believed to be a maniac In his cell. This afternoon an application will bo made to tho lunacy commission to Investigate. It It finds htm Insane ho will bo transferred to an asylum. , Hl'SIIANirS DKATH iaiD TO WIKK AND STAR HOAHIIKH Pidltv Try lu Fasten Crime la Tills Manner mi Theory tliat Dead Man Caught Pair la Coinarumlslng Po sition and Was Then Slain CHICAGO, Jan. 5. Clinging to the theory that Mrs. Kcno Morrow and tho ns jot missing young automobile salesman who was tho "star boarder" at tho Morrow homo were discovered In a compromising position by Charles G. Morrow, tho husband, who was thon murdered, thi police hero at tho reopening of the Inquest, .made every effort directly to connect tho wife with tho crime. Al'STRAIJA 8THUIF.D I'P OYF.lt I4KKI-Y Pl'GHJSM rlenrviiH'ii hi AutJoodfn Aro Making mi Kffort lo Prevent the Proposed Meeting Itetwtvn lllg Amcan ana Sam McYey Coming Bummer SYDNEY. N. S. A' Jan. 5. There will bo no more prlto fighting In Aus tralia It clergymen can prevent It, and ovory effort I being made by the ministers to prevent tho proposed meting of Javk Johnson and Bam Mc- Voy hero for tho heavyweight cham pionship .of tho world. Aa-ltatlon aaalnit the Johnson Mc Vey bout waa started In Rushchetters FAILURE OF WATER SUPPLY IS VEXING Hay by business men of tho city, who engaged ntlornoy to assist tho min uter In their attempt to crush the sport here. It Is tho first Hmo In tho history of Australia that thcro has been any serious opposition to pugil ism. VICTIM OF SIIOOTI-'ll DIKS AS IIFSUIr OF HIS II CUT IIUUNB, Ore., Jan. C Hobcrt Sel dom y re, who wns shot by Jack Taylor In tho shooting tempo at tho Klmcr Carlton rnnch near Andrew a week ago, when n man nnrned ePrry was killed and Hvttletnyro was wounded, died from tho effects of tho wound re ceived from a 13-cnllbro revolver. Ho lived only n few days fim the time of tho shooting. Taylor Is now In Jail In this city. Hobcrt Scttlcmyro was a well re spected citizen of Harney county, where he had II veil for II f teen years. ROSTOV WOULD KI.KVATK FAST Dt-'CLINING DIU.MA HOSTON, Jan. C. Plays never giv en professionally In Ilotton, and plays novcr before offered on any stage, aro to bo presented hero at tho Toy t he- atcr. Tho Toy theater Is designed for,,ns to " "" prlng, a. tho elevation of tho drama, and I. tolcl '"" t,hc'1r flow " " l,n rnn,l.irlnri ntnn ll, nm tin... n. " Ull " ' "Inking a Well abOUt tho New (heater attempted In Nowi,rB,Jr,fMt'" ,,lam?ter rt ,Bt- V...I, u. .. o l.. ... I. ..! ", f, .u VII citwuuwui IVHIVi Many prominent society people, writ or and musicians of Boston aro In lnAlf..l Ih t k A .. ASanolisit TVi ub. IUH.-11CU IU ItlW CI4IC1 i'llBVs IUU . 1 " I ir... nf .ii ,,.r,. vinff nM in ,,, performances are to bo given ,.,,., The Beaton will run for eight alter - uate weeks, and ovcry fortnight n new play wli bo produced. Two snort play. "In Ills House." by George Mlddleton. and "Press Cuttings." by,l'nPlnB during the day wnil tae George Dcrnard Shaw, have been se lected for tho opening. IDAHO SIRL HORSE THIEF SFRT TO STATE ASYLUM Over-Fondness for Pnlfrcye Ovcr.UI.,lhcrra0BC,eri ""owing In the nelgh .. , borhood of 13 degree below tero, and aiires livr Hvsinnii, mhi iirr Her Second Offense She Is Canght and Committed as Insane IILACKKOOT, Idaho, Jan. 5. A, pathetic era In the life of Marlau Klrkpatrlck ha como with her com- mltment to tho state asylum (or In- sano at Dlackfoot. Miss Klrkpatrlck Is the girl who etole a- horso In Owyhee county, rodo it to Holse. and sold It (or $15. Women of llolso heard about her stout defense, nnd took un her case, nml sho was released on bond and taken Into tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Chtrstlan of tho children's home. It then developed that sho had stolen another horo, and that her fondness for tho animals over-balanced her Judgment. In tho hearing It developed that! she has an uncle and aunt living In Mlrhtnnn, and that a fow year ago sho married a man In that state by Iho namo of Carter, from whom she separnted soon after her nm-rrlngo, which sho declares she was forced to weather and the Intention of the corn enter Into by her undo and aunt. 'pany to work trie men less hour on Sho had been bound over to the district court (or trial on tho chargo of stealing n horso from a ranch near Uruncau In Owyhee county, and was awaiting trial on that charge. Zero Blast Grasps Frozen Clasp, With Suffering Great United Press Servlco CHICAGO, Jan. 5 From the Ori'it Lakes to tho Rockies Is the severest winter weather In several seasons. In many places tho low temperature rnords for tour or five ;ear wa broken. Intense suffering I reported here. Charity agent are nearly helples. One huudred and fifty thousand aro Joblea. The municipal lodging house Is crowded, and hundreds thronged the VERYG0LD WEATHER AND WORK OP MEN REPAIRING fOtitCK OP SUPPLY RRSPONSI' llf.F, NOT LIKELY TO OCCUR AGAIN Scarcity of water last night caused householders to keep the telophono of the Klamath Falls Light and Wa ter company busy toward the close of business hours. The low water In tbo reservoirs caused tho flow to abate. Ono of tbo reasons for the shallow 'supply In the basins I that the coav pany has been pumping them fall to I give time to mako repairs at the ; springs on the Ilcamcs property. This, coupled with the Inclination of resf I dents to lcavo taps open to keep ths water pipes from freexlng and bant ing their plumbing, led to trouble for a little while. Slnco tho last analysis of Secretary Calvin S. White, of tho state board of huilth, showing somo of the spring I to be pure, tho company ha been try- '"' r"- "" wi uiitw wawr wblch has been tho source of trouble, which is expected to lower the point of acceptance, thus getting below the ... . . a contam'ratlng surface water, a well " to I.o.slbly open the .prlnga tuf?- 'lcn,l3f ,0 eD,w ,he flow slnco tl)o repairs were begun tho i'j " "" iiumi hi s ' fl he reservoir, and then atop men were working at the sprlag. After tho men get through with the day's work It I an hour before the springs settle so that pumping can be gin. Before they begin work an other hour 1 lost in making ready for the labor. Wednesday night waa the coldest lot tho winter to date, with vafloa folk who had either been stung by the cold weather already or expected to bo. prepared against the wintry damage to their plumbing by letting the faucet tay open for the night. The reservoirs yesterday morning showed a good supply after a- oita night's pumping, but nbout 4:30 p.m. .Hie man at the pumphouso telephoned to headquarter that the gauge how- cd tho water mighty low In tho ba lns. Tho men repairing at tho springs wcro ordered off the "yob," and as soon as tho water settled tne pumps were started to draw the water through the 6-Inch Intake. The w tor failed to come. It developed that the men working had carried the wa- tcr so low by deepening the big hole that It did not reach the point of ue- tion. Tno centrifugal pump naa to be primed, and considerable time was lost before the flow wa Induced through the pipe. For about nn hour thero were some distraught housewives, but the trou- bio was not for long. The milder the spring. It necessary, In order to 'giro plenty of pumping time, will, In all probability, do away with further ' likelihood of embarrassment from the same cause. Middle West In police stations last night to keep warm. Indication are for Increasing cold, with blizzard striking Nebraska aad Kansas plain. Railroad aro blockaded. Today's below scro records la as follews: Chicago 8, Superior, Wis., 81, Du buaue. Iowa. 16. LaCross tt. MtaM- apoll 28, Dlsmarck, N. D., 14, Devils Pass, N. D 21, Dulutk and awax City 20, Madison, Wis., aad MedMaa Hat 12, Wiaalpeg 14, Wlllleioa N. D., 18, areea . WU., 1. 4 V -''-.