' ( " llcfitlo. pe K.VKMN1 NKWHPAPMW i'hijit tiik xi:vh, not iiirmmr HUPPMKD HY THB t kTKII I'HKNM NKWN HKIlVUW KMMATII PALM, OHMON, TMVMMI'AY, JANCAHY 4, IBIS Price, W? OmM J-m' I, Y'r No. l.nlN ftjfnma ATER USERS HAVE OTS OE PROBLEMS .lQt I .. . .!..... IDSHIPS TOLD OE liii:i aiv, piikhihkv.' o IMATII V,Ti:il I'MIMH' AH. I'lATION, IN COMI'ltlJII-NP- hTATKMKNT ihcy lot furnlshwrl rojiinPv ilio pre- lluilniiry mllniii(iiil(i rople of plnurf, perinrittliihV(4d official rec ouitiieiidiitlunH for fiiturit uxpwidl- lure of lhe secured fundi, mi that thomt wlin in ii at repay thu money might hnwi opportunity In roiulder tint milmlitlK'o mill effect (if llm iro poned tia ti-rxt It tirt'X nml Imvn polblo opportunity In niu protest before mil expenditure urn madii Hurli re iiiet have lii'i'ti ili'iili-il. "Tim actllers mi iirliiu project linvn repeatedly r-imt,I I tint limy ln furnished tegular quarterly Itt-iii-lnd statement of expenditure hureniirratlri methods. i''rK,,, wtmi ronirnri-mori-,.. "IiIk .ili-k" . I'lii'.i'" mi Hi" settler' homes, Ttieio blaring that nrtlliiri on govern- Irrigation projects urn mihjerled ntmri-nnM-y hardship, n rn not Inl wltli ilntii In wlilrli Ihey r ril nml Hint Him reclamation tor l'llllllK WV tlltil It only In llm hih-riM of preferred ."''iue.1 '"' """ Jtitor, Abel Ally, president of Tint seltler on vnrloim project i . . . .,.-. .1... .....I,..., I... liiinntli Wnler !?... Airl.i '"" rviliiesieii " ' ."j".. " miliiiillli'it n statement In tln Itllllll IK folllitt litt OderMed WhIit llmrn1 Aun Hi, iiitupoaeil of nil iluly organ inter Users' nsiixintlmis wllliln rlnu Irrigation project rrented llm provisions of llm riTlnmif srl, n orKniilti'il fur llm pur- )f safeguarding Hi" l"'"t IntfrrntM Itler on sin) ircJiTli, r )rnii llm settler lintn walled llii for n change In ndiiilnlitrn- of llm ri-rlnmnllon law tlint rifOKtilin thiir legal nml iimrnl In iilmlnnrn llm reclamation Irinldm n limn of moimy for llm completed mi outlined nl llm Hum tho security win approved. Thl reiin-t linn been denied. TIik lettler' asm- clilllotlS Have renueieii uini ill" wnii'r rights, power sites, ri'MTvoIr ultnn nml iiIIiit propnrlli'ii nriiilri'i1 for ino.ln roniTllim with nn Irrlnntlim projrrt d rri'tnltii'it for nm III vnrli proji'rl, iililin itUpoil'it of with tin' rotno'lil of lln Rrltlir wlio fiirnlilmit llm ni-rur-II) for Hi" iimimy i-xpi'inliM ii"in mirli prnprrllfi. Hurli ri'iiii't linn Ix-i-n ilf lili'il, "IIiIiik wlllioni Inforiiintlon r-lntt In llm fiilnrc plnn nml ixillcy of Ilio futim work, tlm h'IIIit linvc limn left to KUim wlint illlrh Hyulnn would Iiik niiproird vrriirlty for tlm re bi'iit of tlm Inn ii livforu llit work kdi'rtnkrn liintloii of nrlnln nrld InmU, ri'-jlM, ronntriirtMl llm follow Iiik )ar. Onn nrllliT i!iH'c Hint Im will lot on tlm mifn uliti. nml ilflnyn irprntlon of lili Inml iinlll tlm illlrh U ronnlnirlnl. rorim of nKmiln lim lirrn orKntf.,,,,. , n, t, ,trli rniliid In torn. pli-tlnii within n uliort mrlml or Hum In llm early aprlnK, nml tliw ronlrnr (ContlnuiM on pnxn 3) u iroMTiiln llm work of prix-tir- itlnla ridntlto In llm nitiimry of Irlty mid frniiltilllty or tlu rrrln- Ion or llm InmU InvoUnl In n pn ii lonn ntut to mipcrvlin llm n-rln. Ion or tlm InmU nftrr llm Iiimi lini i niirotnt, Dm fiirin or roiilrnrl-inorliinKa ro. l-d frmti Hip urtllcr Irnrc mi iiir. ridnlUn lit tin- mlcctiry of Ilio niu niproiil tirnlrrU linn lirrn nt iiimiii mi tunny Hiik'n nml by n lonn llt of Kiirvrnmrnt rntn- nennt. niiipliiyin nml tiovlrm llm rlilldrrn on IrrlKntlon iro- tnvto Irarniil to Imltntn Ilia ntll nml (KiiKKr of rrrlnmatloii ctn vrti'r liiTi-nlluatloii", unrvc) nml Rinlm liml tiron nuntrli'iillv ti.mli. tiiKi'litn lliformi'il llm m'ltli'r Hint lonn would tic rrrntnnn inlrd In tlm mTiirlllm wir prntlilrtl In n rilto nml npproiil form, nml Hint ACCUSED PAVERS ASK FOR DELAYS IMtCTOKM tilVK AI-YIIIAVIT UK IIAII I1IMIMTION UP MMAMON, WIHrHK KVIIIK.XCK Hl'iilllCM WANTS T1 WAIT Mlt In rlreult roiirt IliU nftrnioon llm riMM'H or H, A. MrMnlion nml Jniuc HiiKlm, rlinrKrd with nttrMitid tirlb fry, wcro lint nilli'd nt 1:30, n i't Vi'nrtKr llm rorlnninll'in or llm pro.'ji'ulvrilny, Imt It ixpiTH-il Hint nl I would Im pimlmd In roniplillon In t' p. m. inolliiiii for Imlcnnltii roiuiif I linrti'nt tiiiMllitn Hum. Jimiini of Imlh rnurn woulil li nukitl fAiiroiM n.Tiirltldi wi'ro ptovlilcd liy Atlorimy 0. M. O'.NVIII. ritirirnt wiro Hi mi n iiriirii of pruji'iln, nml'liiK tlm ili-ri'tulnntu, mltliTii pntliMilly wnlli-d for tin) Mr. (V.Nrlll hii nn nlTlilnvIl from Ini'im-llko pniKriii or tlm work In lr. It, It. Hamilton nml I.imi It. Chll nrilnnro with tlm vorlml nmnnniiroii.ton to llm tffcrt Hint Hu-y lmo tiwn llm ukpiiIn. In MtiMiilnnru on MrMnlion nlnro Do rrim firm ili-rndo nlnro tlm pnmMKoJrumlior l.llli. nml Hint ho U In ilan llm rrrlmnnl nn nrt now nlninnt Kir or n iimnim nmi iiiijHirni ronnpv, ii, nml from llm vnrlon nnminl rnpiclnlly In rno or iimlun monlnl . MirtH or Ilio ri'rlmnntlon norvlro Ilio IIitn atii nlilo In nHrcrtnln Hint mil $RO,nnn,nno linn lircn rhnrKi'il rlli'inoiit. Tln nffldnvlt m-lH forth Hint Ilio romllllon or Ilio patk'lit'i lionrt nml Iiiukm l ilnnKornm, nml llm nKKn-Kiil" iiKnlmt tlm mriirlllit tint It would ho niltlMlila for him In llm vnrloui nrolorlH. nml Hint tho k '' n virmcr nml lower nllltinle In unl nmnmiti rhnrKi'il iiKnlimt llm ri'roi'r liln Innlth, on nrrmint of tho ipli'li-d uiilrn-of Iho vnrloim prn-'wivoro wmthcr nindlllom In Klnin- mil Knlln nl Urn ronent I turn. IIiikIh'h nnk"i nn nffldnvlt for In ilonnllo roiitlnniiiico until nurh llum iih Mrlliilion U phl to ftvprnr In court nml ti'Htlfy for him Ho wrnm Hint MrMnlmn will loMUy Hint HiiKlim did not kIvk nnylliliiK of vnluo or tniiko nuy prntnlMi In c.lvo nnyttilnic of vntun In hU ikiiikitii tc liiflimnco n pnvlnK loulriiii, Hint lio wan not nuthorlnd hy McMnhon In offur or kIvo nnyttilnK of vnlim, unit llinl Ihnni wnn no pnio nil Ion In i oliiii licforo llm cotinrll call Iiik fur nny Midi nlli-Rod offer of a lirllm. milV'H HOIIV IN HI'ITf.'AHK I IIIKKII AT VV.MIY HTA.M Rlicrlnl to Tlm llnrald HAN KHANCIBCO, Jan. 4. Tho id ml I'runlifd hody or n month old Paliy lrl hiin round In n miltratia wlilrli wm rlierki'd M llm rrry ni-w KtimiJ DiTi'inlior rlh liy nn unknown pprmm, Wlmllior n innn or n womnn Ion llm millrmio nl llm Mnnd rotild not lie learned. JURY OBTAINED IN MONEY ISSUE TWHI.VK MKN NM.'I-MMAIIY Tl THV I'AHK OK IIAWXIII'IIHT VH. MKAIMIW IKH l.ltMIIKIt CO.. KIVAM.Y MtXTIIKH In tlm rlreult rotirt IliU mnrnlnic m coiiimcnri'ii trie noicciion oi a jury lo try tlm rmo or llawihiird vi. tlm Mrndow Ijiko l.iiinlior company ror tlm rorovory or mntmy. Tho rric ulnr panel prcicntcd thirteen men to tlm court, two or whom, II. It. I)un lap ami It, J. BIiim-Ij, wcro ixcimed by Hii- roiirt, llm othor IivIiik atl(fac lory to roiimml for both tldo. Ttila Hindu It iufciry to havo thu offlro or Hlicrlff William II. Ilarnca htmtle nrotind nml K't anolhrr man, II. C. Chamlwrlaln IwInK aecurml. Ho and tho foltowInK othrra made up tho Jury: I). II. Nlrhola, K. I. Van Mrtvr, (I, II. Carlctnn, II. 8. I'arUh. John r'nrboa, Kloyd llrandenlmric. Alcian- dvr McDonald, Thotna K. Rlanlcy, Jt. W. Tower. Clarence II. Underwood, Jaroh Itueck. Tba ttlal prodheded Hilt afternoon. IIOMIIIM Mill KVANH AH UK IH TAKKN Tt lAHT KKHT IIHcado f Mlalllinini, AH(Urr, Ma rine, and Miawafw IWrnilai oar. Military ttwnrt M lat llfnrt lo "FlBlillnit ne,.n United l're Horvlco WA8IIINHTON, D. C, Jan. 4. Admiral Kvam will he hurled with mllltnry honor nt Arlington remelery liy n hrlKndu lnrlmllnK.Annnpoll inli! ihlpmen, a hnltery of Unlit nrllllery, four rompnnleii of ninrlnei and two romiinnlr of icnmen. Interment will ho In Arlington Na tional cemetery, with plain but Im plemilvi aorvlcea. I'reildent Taft and government offl- elali will attend. rilll.MPPOPOI.IH I'WH'I.K HAY HHKKKWH MI'llllKIIKI) MEAL TICKET, II) A SENSUHIS IS I'llOPOHKII OVVtVKlW OK CHAM. IIKH OK CXIMMK.IICK WHO WlMi UK VOTKII ON AT THK. MK.KTINfi TIIIH KVKMNO llcforo tho rood la brought beforo tlm diner at llm Klamath Chamber of Commvrco dinner at iho Whlto Tal linn holt thl evening, there will bo n litmlne meeting of tho chnmbcr, Inrluillng an cterllon of ofTitor to ynireced tho preieiit regime, which I nt follew: I'reildcnl, Kvan II. Hen mi ; vlca preildcnt, County Judge Wllllani 9. Worden; aecrelnry, Caleb T. Ollur: director, C. II. Daggett, Wllllnm 8. Kliti, W. I'nul Johmnn, K. N. OI.lt- eoit. Tho proponed ticket for tho coming year la: Frank Ira White, president; W. T. 8hlvc,.vlr preildcnt; W. A. Dcliell, aecretary; Kdwar J, Murray, Jamet A. Maddox, W. Paul Johnaon and R. C. Bplnk, dlroetor. Mr. Doltell, who Is propoicd for necrotary, wa formerly president of Iho organization, which he headed for three term. United Pre Borvlco OY8TKII HAY. Jnn. 4. Colonel Itooiovelt refined to talk polltlr. Ill lecrelnry ald lin wouldn't go to town today, and would not make n itnte- tnent regarding politic until ho I ready. Till may not bo noon, If nt all. PIUrTKHT MAIIK TO ItlWKIW OVKII YUAN NMI KAI'H ACT BixH-lal to Tho Herald BIIASCIIIAI. Jan. 4. Wit Ting Fang tins proteited to tho power agnlmt Yunn flhl Kal'i refuial to atitdo by agreement made with Tang Shao Yl. Negotiation arc near tho breaking point. Itecommcncoment of hoitllltle I expected. uk rnsiiniEK is uiEsi unino United Prcsa Servlco WASIIINOTON, D. C, Jan. 4. Coiomcrco Commluloncr Kranklln K. Ijine conlcrred with President Taft, caMtlnc the goaalp that he I bel.m cjnnldeml ,aa auprcne bench com (iromive candidate IlK'HroN IM WltKt'K DOTH AH TO IM)DY AND llltAIN Ploc (VnHned In iail at Honton for Munter of AtU l.lnnHI Will IVou lily Not He llronglil to Trial at Uic Timr Ket Special to Tho Herald II08TON, Jan. 4. Itov. Hlcheson U declareda phyilcal and menial wreck, and probably will not bo trlde January 15th, tin riitigo from r,0 to Bovcnil linn- nl per rent higher than tlm II- ten given to tlm mitten verbally llm 1 1 mo Iho Horurlty wnH delivered. 'Tlm HctHor on Iho vnrloim pro- ctn hnvo iornltinlly requetrd that United Pres 8crvlco IX)NI)ON, Jan. 4. -A Phllllppopoll dlnpntch report that Bhelket Paiha. former wnr milliliter nnd leader of tho Young Turk army which dethron ed Abdul llnuild, ha been aailnat ed. It alio report nn uprlilng In Cotmtnntlnnplo. lill Appeal Martin Vs Yaden Case Where Plaintiffs Were Successlul In tho ciiho of J. A. nnd J. U. Mar- (In vh. J, I.. Yndeu, milt on n contract o carry mull botweeu Fort. Klamath mid Khimulh PiiIIh, thu plaintiff goi voidlct minio tlnio. Attorney K. U. Klliotl asked for u tuy of execution. Tlm nitration nrUe In my mind sh lii what power n court has to ntny ui oxecutlon," reinarkcit Judgo Hon- ry I,. HoiiHon, sitting on tno circuit heiirh, "llhlnk It I very doubtful whothor I hnvo tho power to do what you ink, ovon If It scorned tho just thing to do under all circumstances." "I'm willing to wnlt If you glvo no- Itlco of nn appeal, without requiring you to give a bond," was tho offdr nuido to Klllolt by Attorney Fred II Mills, representing tho plaintiff. At lorney lOlllott then guvo notlco or mi nppeal In open court, so that tho pro reeding In tho caio will wait on hi furllior nctlon In that direction. SUIT AGAINST CLARK SETTLED PEACE JUDGE BADLY SHOT BY LOSER OF LAWSUIT Special to Tho Herald RIVKHBIDK. Calif., Jan. 4. Jus- Hco of the Pcnco llolton Webb was fatally shot on entering hi offlco by John Chlnnlcl, nn Italian. Wedd decided a $90 suit against Chlnnlcl, who fired four shots, one entering hi right lung. Chlnnlcl was raptured after becoming exhausted by his attempt to crapo on a bicycle. Tho Jail Is triply guarded to .pre vent lynching. York. Wllion' criticism of Taft be foro tho Notional Democratic Club, UMertliig that tho prtifldont had xot tho tariff board to an Impossible task, hn revivified hi boom. Ilryan hn arrived at Tnmpn, nnd expect to an nounce, hi campaign pollry at the Jnckaon Day dinner next week. It I believed certain Hint Tart can get Now York delegate lr Im "talk biul nen." Ilartie an I Oovcrnor Von, hi cinlniiarle, nro nrllvo In tlm liml. IKM)HKVt:ir'H POMTIGTI, IIAltD TO Hl-X-t'lti: IRRIGATION SUIT NOT HFARD YET (MJVKIl.NJIKNT ACTION AOAINHT HANCIIKH IHNTIMi AND MltS Itl'NTINO MAY itlMB I'P I.ATK.U IN TIIK TKIUM Attorney C. C. Ilrowcr ha returned from Portland, whero he made hi appearance a attorney ror tno de fendant In the rose of. the United State government v. C. A. Hunting and wife, who are homesteader not far from Midland, Tho government I ruing them for alleged Interference with Ita Irriga tion enterprises, while tho defendant assert that tho government baa not any right to the lateral concerned, and deny nay Interference as set forth by tho plaintiff. For the prcssnt tho testimony la tho case will not bo taken, but when tho court I ready for It an arrange ment will probably bo made to have It taken lu thl city by a referee. NK.W MKXICX) WIM, UK KTATK SOON AS TAKT PIMMTUMMti LAKEVIEW GLORIES IN RAILS' ARRIVAL Intendent, Dr. V. A. Leonard! assist ant inperlntcndent, F. M. Upp: ccre tary, Ml Ileo Bummer; treasurer, Ml Fern Wood; librarian, Arlla Worrell; chorister, O. J. Walten: or ganist, Miss I.oultc Ilcnson; commit tie, K. M. Chllcotc, Lcn I.ewl, Mrs. F. K. Ilo)d; teacher, tho Misses Mat tie Foslor, Fern Wood, Ida Momeyer, (Iraco Hewitt, Addle Cornwall, Hazel Summer, Kllen Conroy, Mrs, U. It. Fcese, Mr. A. II. Clovolnnd. O. J. Walton, A. II. Cleveland. K. M. Chll- coto i:. J. Kvans. CELEBRATION PLANS f'OMINO OK HTK.AM MNK OIIKAT CONTIUHT TO (-ONDITIONH OK PIONKKIM IN DAYH OK YKAtM . OONK II Y !AKKVIKW. Jnn. 4. Mony vllt or from Klamath Fall nro expected at tho celebration of tho completion I.MITS IHJ.VCOINO WOMAN OI l" 0Tn"I, t-niuornin anil uregon H WKI Ii H HIS IDKMITY rniiruno irum .iiiurui iu urn cuy un ' . " 'Baturday and Sunday. Tho visitors United Press Servlco ""' ",1,""uo -"'" "'"' "" POHTI.ANI), Jan. 4. Admitting ol nospiuniir Known i.i mo .. Im had fraudulently secured $3,500 ""' w' lno principal am, at from Nellie K. Hull, "Dr. J. C. Day." celebration, of which tho nature whoso Identity has been n mystery I""1 lcncnl Wlr on tho weather, here, acknowledge that ho Is Frank!" " Mnf ' no ,aKra"d C. Smith of Los AngcU. Ho I wlll-'roW ,lrlv" wll! bc n""K0 tor tho Ing to return to California for trial, (amusement of tho visitor. Baturday Tho llell woman Is irald to be In,11"!"' ,nc w' 00 f n'0" 'new- conn nonse, ana a ireo oanco ai I Wizard ball. There will be a contln- OIIAND JIIIIY HAS I.AWIIP. ,l,0,, u,nncr a" u" nunaar lor ice AS IMIINCIPAI YITNKSSTI,ll0r wnln w"' " ,n cnargo oi ' ' ' " the women of tho Improvement club. Keilrral .Attorney . IYcnlr.1 Dwii- Tho cltlzcm of Ukovlow have de- TtreiilM llelle.e.1 lo llo Trmnllpl.tmInc1 that ,h? T'l,or" t0 he cel of Kllenro Put IWorr. U An- ebratlon .hall havo every accommoda- ge Ifxlr 'f rnqnlry. ),lon for their comfort, and hare free- iy piaceu meir ruuui Afc tuu uiaifvMi of tho commlttco on entertainment. Frcno. II Surli. and ThU Uy ll Tomorrow. Hlnrr IH-lrapilion of New Mcxlcwim Has Officially Informeil Prklei.t of New Order of Things United Pre Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Jnn. I. New Mexico will be formally pro claimed a itato In tho next few da). A delegation of New Mexican pre sented President Taft with returns of CAR OF HORSES ATTACHED HERE OAKLAND IIOHBK IIUYKR8 MADK DKKKNDANTH IN SLIT HltOlGHT OVKII AI.LEGKJI SAI.K. OK SPAN OK STKKIrS ttnlln trA ItjiFVIrrt w..... - .-- ..-. , ,.. INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. 4. Federal wnjor r.. r.. iiinennri, r.. oruiun, Attorney Uiwlcr was the chief wit- prrsldent of tho chamber of commcrco ncss beforo tho grand Jury todoy. "' V. L. Snelllng are working on He presented mysterious documents, general committee, believed to l) a transcript of tho cvl- The coming of tho railroad, brlng denco presented to tho Ia Angeles I Ing Its facilities for transportation federal Jury. He was examined for. and travel Is n great contract to the two hours. experiences or somo of the old pio neers, tviio nnu 10 go 10 innemncca, Nov., a distance of 18C miles, for their mall. For many years they had to haul their freight from ISO to 1S5 mllcR by wagons. Twelve years ago, when tho railroad was completed to Mbdellne, a dlstanco of about 100 mile, the residents of Lage county wcro culte well satisfied with tho con icnlrnce It afforded, as compared with the freighting facilities of for mer year. Thl satisfaction was In creased when tho dlstanco of hauling; freight was reduced to CO miles. It was necessary In all these years for tho merchants to carry Immense stocks of goods through tho winter, as very llttlo freighting could be done between tho month of October nnd tho following May- The charge were nut for an attachment Issued against them, a carload of horsci lioni-lii hv F. A. Peach and P. H. iirntirell. horo buvcra of Oakland, .lilgb. nnd It Is easy to see what the might havo been well on their way to completion of tho railroad to Ijiko- tho city on tho bay by the time tne: view means 10 mo rruuvnis ui - tho recent election, nnd It Is stated at I mIor gcani the,0 ,lnc,. Attorney.C. county. For theso nnd other reason tho While Houso that tho proclnmn-L( 0.SclIIi rc,,rcscntlng J. M. Howoll'tho celebration will bc the most not- Hon may bo mado tomorrow. IIAIK-llltKKD KH.IJt SQUAW, IIIDKJ4 WITH HODY N SKAT United Press Service FHKSNO, Jan. 4. William Scott. n hnlf-breed, conressed to Shcrllf Mc Swain hi murder of his tquuw, "School House Mnry." on Chhlatmm. Ho nald hn was drunk, and shipped his wife, who fell out of the wagon nnd refused lo get In. llo clubbed her to death with a shotgun, and then drove twenty miles with, the body on tho sent to deceive passcrsby. of Merrill, attached tho horses In con uectlon with a suit entered today by Howell lor $321 nnd costs. Howell alleges that tho two men, who are the firm of Peach & Ilrunzcll, somo time ngo bought two horses of him and took them, giving him n check for ?325 on an Oakland bank. He put the check through tho Merrill bank for collection, so It Is claimed, nnd It whh returned unpaid becauso pay ment on It had boen stopped by the defendants. It Is understood that one of the horses bought of Howell died after tho buyers took It nway. nml tha this tuny bo used ns a" part of tho defenso of tho purchasers. NO OHHTACI.K TO HATTI.K HAYH IIIiAiW CHAMP JACK United Press Service CHICAGO, Jan. 4. Jack Johnson snys no obstacle exists now to either proposod fight, llo fights Mynn In Nevada In May, then rushes to Paris to got Into condition for the IfcVey Dattle. MM4T IIIYKIt HAM fONTUAtTOIl, WHO HAD HANK DKPOHIT OAK MSIIKKD. AIH A MUCH WITH INNKH-CMIIKH CO. Tho cao, which was one for tho ro rovery of monoy, was colored Novem ber IBth, tho plaintiff claiming S3,- 704,68 as balanco due on a bill of $7,&26.6S for lumber furnlshod, ny a garnishment proceeding tne plain tiff tied up f 5,800 of the defendant's money on deposit with tho American Dank and Trust company, after which an order was secured from Judge Henry l. Benson, before his depart for Dallas, lifting the garnishment, tho defendant paying 11,500 to the Innos-Clnrke company on account Since then the advene parties have arrived at a settlement. CATHOMCH ATTACKED AND nioTrt nnsvur in usiiox Untied Press service I.IBnON, Jan. 4. Today set for the expulsion of Mgr. Belle, patriarch of Llseoa, by an order Issued somo time ago", there waa serious rioting when 10,000 aCtholica gathered nt the patrlarch'a residence. Five thous and republicans attacked them. The Catholics nro bitter, and there is danger of a revolutionary outbreak. INSTALLATION OF CHURCH HEADS OKFIfKHS AND TKACHKIIB OF nit.U'K' MKTIIOD1KT KPISCOPAli TO UK INIirtTTKIlJiKXT SUN DAY KYKNINd Tomple theater. Matinee dally. I'SH p. m. Evening, first ncrfarmancj, 7:15, continuous. ablo In the history of Southeastern Oregon. Although It Is planned to extend the Nevada. California and Oregon railroad to the northern boundary of Oregon, tho officials of the company say that l.akeview win do mo norm- ern terminus for many year. The residents of the county now have rail connection with Sacramen to, San Francisco nnd Reno. In anticipation of the connection with tho railroad, Lakovlew citizens havo expended generous amounts on public and prlvoto enterprises. Bonds nro Issued for n $60,000 high school building which will compare favor ably with any other of It kind In Oregon. A $15.00.0 Odd Fellows' tem ple has been erected, a $10,000 Cath- ( Continued on Page 4) Chamber Of Commerce Big Feed Comes Tonight At White Pelican NKW YOHKKIIS WANT DKMH TO MKKT IX THK4B COXKINKH United Press Service NRW YORK, Jan. . A sensation In democratic ranks results from a report that a- Tammany coterie Is planning to make $100,000 out of the democratic national convention if it can porsuado tho national comtultt?o meeting on Monday to select New Next Sunday evening at draco Methodist Kplsrupnl church there will bo n special servlco 'for the Installa tion of tho officer nnd teachors of tho organization, nt which members of tho church, cougregatlou and Sun day school ato expected, and to which patron of tho school nro most cordially Invited. There will bo a program, including music, which haa beon prepared particularly for tho oc casion, nud tho service will begin at 7:30 ii. in. sharp. Following uro officers and teachers of tho church: Pastor, Uov. deo. H. Feese; super- This ovenlng nt tho Whlto Pelican hotel tho annual meeting or tne Klumath Chamber of Commorco will bo combined In a big dollar dinner to bo served nt tho WhltoJ?ollcnn hotel. ThU, Is tho pregram: Toastmastor, W. A. uelzetl. Invocation, Rev. StubbleHold. Secretary C. T. Oliver starts tho fireworks with "Relation of Land owner to Chamber of Commerce." Jumes Exell, "Dairying and Hog Raising." James Peton,"Futuro Development of Wood River Valley." Fred Peltou. "Development of Upper Project." J. Frank Adams, "What I Know About the Irrigated Sections of Klam-uth." M. L. Domes of Dorrls, "Our Re lation as Sister Towns." Jumes O'Cara, district freight nnd l.tiFsengcr ugont of tho Southern Pa eltlc company, "The Railroad and the Farmer." S. O. Johnson, "The Outlook." A. C. Wrann, "Community Inter ests." W. O. Smith, "The Press." E. J. Murray, "Our Summer Re sorts bnd the'r Possibilities." Other Impromptu speeches will be made. fl M W l . ifi VY.,1 ,..'. ,t. M-i, - " -ye . . -i